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Project Proposal Form

Project Title: SKOOLIFY

Team Members

Roll Number Name

2818160 Ritish Madan

2818110 Vanshika Gupta

Project Category:

1. Backend-Web Development (NodeJS + ExpressJS)

2. Front-End Web Development (ReactJS)

3. Data Science

4. Machine Learning

5. NLP

Tools, Technology and Language to be used in project :

1. Visual Studio Code

2. Polypane

3. Bootstrap Studio

4. Pycharm

5. FTP servers (Core FTP, CyberDuck)

6. Amazon AWS EC2 (Elastic Cloud Computing)

7. MongoDB Atlas
Project Description

Designing an All-In-One (AIO) portal for students, teachers and parents relations, where student
and fetch their records with a limited access as updated by the teachers and parents can access the
authorised access. Teacher being the admin for a class or a group, can upload the student details on
a unified portal instead of just maintaining the complex physical/ hard copies of the same to access
the records faster and easily.

Students can access their attendance, test scores, overall semester/year performance and analyse
their performance through visual depiction.

Teacher can access to overall class and individual student performance in a single click, based on
the previous records set, Instead of tirelessly fetching the records from different data stored on
different locations or from hard copies, can connect to parents for performance discussions and can
share the feedback.

Parent can access their ward’s data and can connect to respective teachers to get their students
perform better, can access to student related circulars so that they can not miss any update of their
ward in the busy life, and stay connected to student’s performance without physical interaction and
long waiting hours of Parent-Teacher Meets.

For whom the system is developed for?

System is developed for the Educational Institutions, Students, Teachers and Parents, so that
the guided performance analysis can be fetched in the single click and student can know their
weakness and strengths.

Why such system is required?

Save Time: We are being pushed towards better and advanced education, where everyone wants to
utilise their time instead of just wasting the time in the tedious and useless tasks. Like teachers
really spend a lot of time to manage the class or group records and find it difficult to manage all the
records. They try to keep the soft copies, but still personalised records are not really maintained.

So, we have proposed a unified solution to this problem, where teachers can access all the data at
the single place and easy to manage. Teacher can find the personalised data of the
class/group/students and can share the data with the authorities in a single click.

Management: Students face issues to manage the stuff like, answer sheets, question papers,
attendance records, Subject Notes and lots more.

Where students end up wasting time to manage all this. Now student can access through their
portals and can directly access all the required things in a single place and can search of the
lectures, notes and all stuff easily.

While attendance has been a major issue for college students, now students can access the subject
wise and totals daily attendance records.

Performance Analysis: Students sometimes face difficulties to find their weak and strong topics
and subjects, to plan the exams and performance improvements accordingly.

With Skoolify, student can now access the Topic Wise, Subject Wise, Semester Wise, Year Wise
performance based on the test scores, teachers reviews, attendance records, assignment submissions
and scores and other factors. Not only skewed to the single aspect, but all the things will be
dependent on the overall performance analysis without anyone’s interference.

Teacher-Parent-Student Relations: Most parents faces difficulty to join school PTM or to access
their ward’s performance. Now parent’s can easily be updated with all the records easily in a single
place and can all connect with the class / subject teachers for feedbacks.


Core Features:

Functionality Description
User Authentication User will be authenticated to prove the identity and authorisations
User Authorization User will be given the restricted access based on the roles
Homework Updates Teachers can update the class homework for each subject
Attendance Records Teachers would update the attendance on the Skoolify
Test Scores Students can access the Test scores for each subject
Circulars and Updates Students and parents can stay updated with the org. Updates
Assignment Submissions Students can submit the assignment on the portal within the defined deadline
where the respective teacher can access the assignment and push the scores.

Flagging and Appeal Students can flag and report any issue to the authority with hierarchy, and
resolutions will be updated on the support section or can appeal something to
the higher authorities directly with the token permission.
Permissions Students can access the privileged access through the dashboard with the
authority token, where token will have the details of the issuer so that the
security is not compromised.

Enhanced Features

Functionality Description
Performace Analysis Student can access the performance analysis
Virtual PTMs Auto Time management can let the parents to talk to sub. teachers
Enhance Analysis Based on teacher’s reviews, NLP can fetch the sentiments and can provide
more precise analysis for the students
Test Score Prediction Based on previous records student student can predict the test score for
upcoming exam, to stay motivated and work harder to get the better score

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