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Part II Metabolic Biochemistry

Bioactive Lipids and lysophosphatidic acid (LPA). The emerging func-

Lipid-Sensing Receptors tion of GPR35 demonstrates that it may be an
important target involved in pain, heart disease,
inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), cancer, and
Until recently fats were considered mere sources of asthma. Expression of GPR35 is seen at highest
energy and as components of biological membranes. levels in the stomach, small intestine, and colon.
However, research over the past 10 to 15 years has dem- Expression, albeit at lower levels than in the GI, are
onstrated a widely diverse array of biological activities seen in lung, uterus, spinal cord, and several types
associated with fatty acids and fatty acid derivatives as of white cells including basophils, eosinophils, mast
well as other lipid compounds. Bioactive lipids span the cells peripheral monocytes, and macrophages.
gamut of structural entities from simple saturated fatty GPR40: GPR40 is abundantly expressed in pancre-
acids to complex molecules such as those derived from atic β-cells and is also found in the gut in enteroen-
various omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and those docrine cells. The preferred ligands for GPR40 are
derived from sphingosine. All bioactive lipids exert medium- to long-chain saturated fatty acids (C12-
their effects through binding to specific receptors of the C16) as well as unsaturated fatty acids (C18-C22).
G-protein–coupled receptor (GPCR) family. Bioactive GPR40 is coupled to a Gq protein that activates
lipids play important roles in energy homeostasis, cell PLCb upon ligand binding to the receptor. The
proliferation, metabolic homeostasis, and regulation of activation of GPR40 in pancreatic β-cells results in
inflammatory processes. increased cytosolic Ca2+ via IP3-mediated release
from the endoplasmic reticulum. The increased
cytosolic Ca2+ can depolarize the β-cell leading to
an influx of additional Ca2+ leading to increased
Fatty Acids and Fatty secretion of insulin. This is an important mecha-
Acid–Sensing GPCRs nism by which fatty acids enhance glucose-stimu-
lated insulin secretion (GSIS). A synthetic agonist
Several novel GPCRs have been identified in recent for GPR40 is currently being tested as a potentially
years that have been shown to bind and be activated useful orally active antidiabetic drug.
by free fatty acids and/or lipid molecules. Three tan- GPR41 and GPR43: GPR41 and GPR43 are acti-
demly encoded intronless genes on chromosome 19 vated by short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) such as
were originally identified as GPR40 (later also identified propionic acid, butyric acid, and pentanoic acid.
as free fatty acid receptor 1 [FFAR1]), GPR41 (FFAR3), Both of these receptors are expressed at high-
and GPR43 (FFAR2). Subsequent to their isolation and est levels in adipose tissue and immune cells but
characterization GPR40 was shown to bind and be are also found expressed in enteroendocrine cells
activated by medium- and long-chain free fatty acids, of the gut. The activation of GPR41 and GPR43 is
whereas, GPR41 and GPR43 were shown to be activated involved in adipogenesis and the production of
by short-chain free fatty acids. GPR84 was identified as leptin by adipose tissue. In the gut, GPR41 and
an orphan GPCR in a screen of differentially expressed GPR43 are involved in responses to SCFAs derived
genes in granulocytes. GPR119 and GPR120 were iden- from gut microbiota metabolism of complex car-
tified as a result of the human genome sequencing proj- bohydrates. Intestinal GPR41 plays a critical role in
ect and shown to be members of the rhodopsin-like energy homeostasis and as well as control of feed-
family of GPCR (see Chapter 40). ing behaviors through the activated release of gut
hormones such as PYY.
GPR34: GPR34 belongs to the P2Y family of GPCRs GPR55: GPR55 is a member of the rhodopsin-like
to which other emerging newly identified lysophos- family of GPCRs. Expression of GPR55 is highest in
pholipid receptors, such as LPA4/P2Y9/GPR23, brain, GI system, adrenal glands, testis, endothelial
LPA5/GPR92, and LPA6/P2Y5 belong. The natural cells, and numerous cancers. GPR55 was initially
ligand for GPR34 has recently been determined to suggested to be a cannabinoid receptor for can-
be lysophosphatidylserine (lysoPS) which is the nabinoid and endocannabinoid responses that are
product of the action of phosphatidylserine (PS)- not mediated by the classical cannabinoid recep-
specific PLA1 (PS-PLA1) described below. tors: CB1 and CB2. Despite the fact that certain
GPR35: GPR35 was first described to be acti- endocannabinoids, phytocannabinoids, and syn-
vated by kynurenic acid (an intermediate in tryp- thetic cannabinoids can act as GPR55 agonists or
tophan catabolism that has neurotransmitter antagonists, the most potent GPR55 agonist char-
activity as an antiexcitotoxic and anticonvulsant) acterized to date is 2-arachidonoyl lysophosphati-
but is most likely the receptor for 2-arachidonyl dylinositol (LPI).
Lipids: Bioactive Lipids and Lipid-Sensing Receptors Chapter 23 285

GPR84: GPR84 was originally shown to be acti- GPR120: Obesity and Diabetes
vated by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) suggesting that
medium-chain free fatty acids could be regulat-
ing inflammatory responses via interaction with GPR120 is specifically activated by long-chain nonesteri-
GPR84. Subsequently it was demonstrated that fied fatty acids (NEFA), in particular in the intestines by
GPR84 is a receptor for medium-chain free fatty α-linolenic acid (ALA). Activation of GPR120 in the intes-
tines results in increased glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1)
acids such as capric acid (C10:0), undecenoic acid
secretion from enteroendocrine L cells (see Chapter 44).
(C11:0), and lauric acid (C12:0). GPR84 is highly
GPR120 is highly expressed in adipose tissue and pro-
expressed in leukocytes.
inflammatory macrophages. In contrast, negligible expres-
GPR119: GPR119 is expressed at the highest lev- sion of GPR120 is seen in muscle, pancreatic β-cells, and
els in the pancreas and fetal liver with expression hepatocytes. However, GPR120 is highly inducible in liver
also seen in the GI tract, specifically the ileum resident macrophage-like cells known as Kupffer cells.
and colon. GPR119 is a member of the class Short-chain fatty acids are known to be pro-inflam-
A family (rhodopsin-type) of GPCRs. GPR119 matory and unsaturated fatty acids are generally neutral.
binds to long-chain fatty acids including oleoyle- In contrast the omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA),
thanolamide (OEA), lysophosphatidylcholine DHA, and EPA exert potent anti-inflammatory effects
(LPC), various lipid amides, and retinoic acid. through GPR120. The anti-inflammatory effects DHA and
The role of GPR119 in metabolic homeostasis EPA activation of GPR120 are due to inhibition of both
is described in more detail below in the section the Toll-like receptor (TLR) and tumor necrosis factor-α
Oleoylethanolamide. (TNF-α) inflammatory signaling pathways (Figure 23-1).

Figure 23-1: Diagrammatic representation of the signaling events initiated in response to DHA binding to GPR120 on
macrophages and adipocytes. The mechanism of GPR120-mediated anti-inflammation involves inhibition of transforming
growth factor-β–activated kinase 1 (TAK1) through a β-arrestin-2 (barr2)–dependent effect. TAK1-binding protein (TAB1)
is the activating protein for TAK1. Stimulation of GPR120 by DHA has been shown to inhibit both the Toll-like receptor 4
(TLR4) and TNF-α pro-inflammatory cascades via TAK1 inhibition. Activation of the kinases, inhibitor of nuclear factor
kappa-B kinase subunit beta (IKKβ) and c-JUN N-terminal kinase (JNK), is common to TLR and TNF-α signaling. Nuclear
factor kappa B (NFκB), one of the most important transcription factors regulating the expression of pro-inflammatory
genes, is normally activated by IKKb. JNK is normally activated by mitogen activated protein kinase kinase 4 (MKK4). The
effects of GRP120 activation in macrophages are reduced secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines which would nor-
mally interfere with insulin effects on adipose tissue. Within adipose tissue DHA-mediated activation of GRP120 results in
enhanced mobilization of GLUT4 to the plasma membrane, thus, enhancing glucose uptake. Reproduced with permission of
themedicalbiochemistrypage, LLC.
286 Part II Metabolic Biochemistry

High-Yield Concept

Given the functions of omega-3 PUFAs in inflammation, insulin sensitization, and lipid profiles
mediated through activation of GPR120 indicates that this GPCR is a critically important control
point in the integration of anti-inflammatory and insulin-sensitizing responses, which may prove
useful in the future development of new therapeutic approaches for the treatment of diabetes.

The TLRs are a class of noncatalytically active transmem- of the intestinal mucosal cell by 2 concerted reactions.
brane receptors that are involved in mediating responses Metabolism of OEA occurs via hydrolysis to oleic acid
of the innate immune system. and ethanolamine. Two enzymes are known to be
DHA stimulation of GPR120 is also involved in glu- responsible for OEA hydrolysis.
cose homeostasis in adipose tissue due to increased OEA has been shown to activate the fatty acid–
GLUT4 translocation to the cell surface with a subse- sensing GPCR identified as GPR119 and to interact with
quent increase in glucose transport into the cells. The intestinal FAT/CD36 for uptake from the gut. Indeed,
effects of DHA on glucose uptake in adipocytes are OEA is the most potent ligand and likely represents the
additive to those of insulin. Although it is possible to endogenous ligand for GPR119. However, its interac-
propose that the insulin-sensitizing effects of omega-3 tion with FAT/CD36 is required for the satiety response
PUFAs in adipocytes contribute to the overall insulin- elicited by this bioactive lipid.
sensitizing actions of these fatty acids, muscle glucose The production of OEA is associated with a signifi-
uptake accounts for the great majority of insulin-stim- cant reduction in food intake and body weight gain.
ulated glucose disposal but GPR120 is not expressed in Although OEA causes a marked delay in the initiation
muscle. Since chronic, low-grade tissue inflammation of feeding and a decrease in meal frequency, there is
is an important cause of obesity-related insulin resis- no effect of OEA on the size of the meal consumed.
tance, the anti-inflammatory effects of GPR120 stimu- Since OEA is produced in the gut its means of effect-
lation are likely coupled to insulin-sensitizing actions. ing changes in feeding behavior involve engagement
of vagal sensory nerve fibers that converge on the
nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) in the brain stem
(see Chapter 44). With respect to anorexic effects of
Oleoylethanolamide fatty acid ethanolamides, OEA is quite specific since
administration of close structural analogs has no effect
Oleoylethanolamide (OEA, Figure 23-2) is a member on feeding behaviors. Conversely, anandamide, which
of the fatty-acid ethanolamide family that includes is a fatty-acid ethanolamide family member, causes an
palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) and N-arachidonyleth- increase in feeding behavior due to activation of the
anolamide (anandamide). Anandamide is an endog- cannabinoid receptor pathway.
enous ligand (endocannabinoid) for the cannabinoid In addition to the effects of OEA exerted via the
receptors. OEA is produced by mucosal cells in the gut-brain connection, activation of GPR119 in the gut
proximal small intestine from dietary oleic acid. Syn- results in increased secretion of the incretin hormones
thesis of OEA occurs on demand within the membrane GLP-1 and GIP (Chapter 46). GPR119 activation by OEA
in the pancreas is correlated with enhanced glucose-
stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS).

Biological Activities of Omega-3 and

Omega-6 PUFAs
The metabolic and clinical significances of the omega-3
H and omega-6 PUFAs are principally due to the ability
of these lipids to exert effects on numerous biologi-
Figure 23-2: Structure of oleoylethanolamide (OEA). cally important pathways following binding to specific
Lipids: Bioactive Lipids and Lipid-Sensing Receptors Chapter 23 287

High-Yield Concept

These observations indicate that GPR119 activation is associated with a dual mechanism of re-
ducing blood glucose: acting directly through pancreatic β-cells to promote GSIS and in the gut
via the stimulation of the incretins GLP-1 and GIP both of which increase insulin release from
the pancreas in response to food intake. Currently there are several small molecule agonists of
GPR119 in clinical trials being tested for their efficacy in treating the hyperglycemia of Type 2
diabetes as well as for their efficacy in treating obesity.

cell-surface receptors. When omega-3 and omega-6 arachidonic acid from cell membranes. In addition,
fatty acids are consumed, they are incorporated into omega-3 PUFAs compete with the enzymes that con-
cell membranes in all tissues of the body. Because of vert arachidonic acid into the bioactive eicosanoids. The
this fact, dietary changes in the composition of PUFAs net effect of increasing dietary consumption of omega-3
can have profound effects on cellular function because PUFAs, relative to omega-6 PUFAs, is to decrease the
the membrane lipids serve as a source of precursors for potential for monocytes, neutrophils, and eosinophils
the synthesis of important signaling molecules involved (ie, leukocytes) to synthesize potent mediators of inflam-
in cell growth and development as well as modulation mation and to reduce the ability of platelets to release
of inflammation. Another important consequence of TXA2, a potent stimulator of the coagulation process.
dietary alteration in fatty acid composition is the fact Probably the most important role of the omega-3
that omega-3 and omega-6 PUFAs compete for incor- PUFAs, EPA, and DHA, is that they serve as the precur-
poration into cell membranes. sors for potent anti-inflammatory lipids called resolvins
The most important omega-6 PUFA is arachidonic and protectins (Chapter 24). The resolvins exert their
acid (Chapter 22). When cells are stimulated by a vari- anti-inflammatory actions by promoting the resolu-
ety of external stimuli, arachidonic acid is released from tion of inflammatory processes, hence the derivation
cell membranes through the action of phospholipase of their name. The resolvins (Rv) are synthesized either
A2 (PLA2). The released arachidonate then serves as from EPA or DHA. An additional anti-inflammatory
the precursor for the synthesis of the biologically active lipid derived from DHA is protectin D1 (PD1).
eicosanoids, the prostaglandins (PG), thromboxanes The omega-3 fatty acids, DHA and EPA, have also
(TX), leukotrienes (LT), and lipoxins (LX). The arachido- been shown to be important for normal brain develop-
nate-derived eicosanoids function in diverse biological ment and function. DHA is essential for proper devel-
phenomena such as platelet and leukocyte activation, opment of the prenatal and postnatal central nervous
signaling of pain, induction of bronchoconstriction, and system. The benefits of EPA appear to be in its effects
regulation of gastric secretions. These activities are tar- on behavior and mood. In clinical studies with DHA
gets of numerous pharmacological agents such as the and EPA there has been good data demonstrating ben-
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), COX-2 efit in treating attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
inhibitors, and leukotriene antagonists. (ADHD), autism, dyspraxia (motor skills disorder),
Various eicosanoids are synthesized depending upon dyslexia, and aggression. In patients with affective dis-
the source of the precursor PUFA. The dihomo-g-linolenic orders, consumption of DHA and EPA has confirmed
acid (DGLA) that is synthesized from ingested linoleic benefits in major depressive disorder and bipolar disor-
acid or GLA can be diverted into membrane phospholip- der. Of significance to these effects of EPA and DHA on
ids due to the inefficiency of the Δ5-desaturase catalyzing cognition, mood, and behavior is the fact that admin-
the conversion of DGLA to arachidonic acid. When DGLA istration of omega-3 fatty acid–containing phospholip-
is released from membrane phospholipids, it is a substrate ids (such as those present in Krill oils) are significantly
for COX the same as arachidonic acid. However, the prod- better than omega-3–containing triglycerides such as
ucts of COX action on DGLA are series-1 prostaglandins those that predominate in fish oils.
which are anti-inflammatory, induce vasodilation, and Omega-3 PUFAs also regulate hepatic lipid metab-
inhibit platelet aggregation, effects opposite to those of olism via regulation of the expression of key enzymes
series-2 prostaglandins derived from arachidonic acid. involved in lipid synthesis and catabolism. Omega-3
Dietary omega-3 PUFAs compete with the inflam- PUFAs bind to and activate peroxisome proliferator–
matory, pyretic (fever), and pain-promoting proper- activated receptor-α (PPARα). Activation of PPARα
ties imparted by omega-6 PUFAs because they displace results in activation of hepatic fatty acid oxidation.
288 Part II Metabolic Biochemistry

Inhibition of hepatic fatty acid synthesis by omega-3 bound LPA. Currently there are 15 characterized LPL
PUFAs is mediated by suppression of SREBP-1c gene receptors of which 6 are receptors for LPA.
expression, enhanced degradation of SREBP-1c mRNA,
and increased proteosomal degradation of SREBP-1
proteins. The decrease in SREBP-1c expression results in
a reduction in the expression levels of hepatic fatty acid Lysophosphatidic Acid
synthase (FAS) and acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC), 2
critical enzymes of fatty acid synthesis. Because the liver LPA, although being simple in structure, exerts a wide
plays a central role in whole-body lipid metabolism variety of cellular responses in many different cell types.
this regulatory process affects the lipid composition LPA is produced by activated platelets, activated adipo-
throughout the body, and therefore likely contributes to cytes, neuronal cells, as well as several other cell types.
the onset and progression of several chronic diseases, LPA is produced in the serum through the action of
including atherosclerosis, diabetes, and obesity. several different enzymes including monoacylglycerol
kinase, phospholipase A1 (PLA1), secretory phospholi-
pase A2 (sPLA2), and lysophospholipase D (lysoPLD).
LPA is known to enhance platelet aggregation, smooth
Lysophospholipids muscle contraction, cell proliferation and migration,
neurite retraction, and the secretion of chemokines and
Lysophospholipids (LPL) are minor lipid components cytokines. These effects of LPA are the result of binding
compared to the major membrane phospholipids such to specific GPCRs. There are at least 6 characterized LPA
as phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylethanol- receptors. LPA has also been shown to interact intracel-
amine (PE), and sphingomyelin. The LPL are generated lularly with PPARg. (Table 23-1)
via the actions of phospholipase A (PLA) enzymes on
glycerophospholipids or sphingolipids. The LPL exert
biological properties resembling those of extracel-
lular growth factors or signaling molecules. The most
biologically significant LPL are lysophosphatidic acid
(LPA), lysophosphatidylinositol (LPI), lysophosphati- Lysophosphatidylinositol (LPI) is produced by numer-
dylcholine (LPC), sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P; see ous cell types and it exerts a wide range of biological
Chapter 21), and sphingosylphosphorylcholine (SPC). effects. The receptor for LPI is the orphan GPCR iden-
Each of these LPL functions via interaction with specific tified as GPR55. However, additional studies have
GPCRs leading to autocrine or paracrine effects. The shown that LPI can bind and activate GPR119 which
first LPL receptor identified was called LPA1 because it is also a receptor for OEA. Activation of GPR55 by LPI

Table 23-1: Lysophosphatidic Acid (LPA) Receptors

LPA Receptor Alternative Name Gene Symbol G-Proteins Comments
LPA1 EDG2 LPAR1 Gi/o, Gq, Expressed in a wide variety of tissues; highest
G12/13 expression seen in brain, heart, stomach, intes-
tines, kidney
LPA2 EDG4 LPAR2 Gi/o, Gq, Highest levels of expression in the testes
G12/13 and in leukocytes; also in prostate, spleen,
thymus, and pancreas
LPA3 EDG7 LPAR3 Gi/o, Gq Highest expression in the testes, pancreas, pros-
tate, and heart
LPA4 P2Y9, GPR23 LPAR4 Gs, Gi/o, Gq, Low expression in several tissues, high expres-
G12/13 sion only in ovary
LPA5 GPR92 LPAR5 Gq, G12/13;
More restricted pattern of expression that
possibly also
other LPARs, highest level seen in spleen
LPA6 P2Y5 LPAR6 G12/13 Expressed in a wide variety of tissues
Lipids: Bioactive Lipids and Lipid-Sensing Receptors Chapter 23 289

binding results in increased insulin release from the via the action of the ABCC1 transporter (see Chapter 7).
pancreas, arterial contraction, and the proliferation Once released, LPI binds to GPR55 and activates a sig-
and migration of several cell types. In addition, LPI naling cascade resulting in increased proliferation. Of
induces calcium flux in hepatic mitochondria. In can- significance is the fact that when GPR55 is downregu-
cer cells, cytoplasmic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2) syn- lated in ovarian and pancreatic cancer cell lines their
thesizes a pool of LPI that is transported from the cell proliferation is inhibited.

Review Questions
1. The omega-3 class of polyunsaturated fatty acids Your results demonstrate that the compound
(PUFAs) exerts potent effects on neural develop- induces vasodilation by causing relaxation of
ment, cardiovascular function, and inflammation. smooth muscle. It also enhances platelet aggrega-
The most active omega-3 PUFAs are DHA and EPA. tion. These results indicate that your compound is
These PUFA are precursors for which of the follow- most likely mimicking the effects of which of the fol-
ing class of biologically active lipids? lowing lipids?
A. gangliosides A. docosahexaenoic acid, DHA
B. leukotrienes B. eicosapentaenoic acid, EPA
C. prostaglandins C. lysophosphatidic acid, LPA
D. resolvins D. lysophosphatidylinositol, LPI
E. thromboxanes E. oleoylethaolamide, OEA

Answer D: The resolvins (Rv) have anti- Answer C: LPA, although being simple in
inflammatory actions that lead to the resolution of structure, exerts a wide variety of cellular responses
the inflammatory processes, hence the derivation in many different cell types. LPA is known to
of their names as resolvins (resolution phase inter- enhance platelet aggregation, smooth muscle con-
action products). The resolvins are synthesized traction, cell proliferation and migration, neurite
either from eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) or from retraction, and the secretion of chemokines and
docosahexaenoic (DHA). The D-series resolvins are cytokines. The effects of LPA are the result of bind-
derived from DHA and the E-series from EPA. ing to at least 6 specific GPCRs (LPA 1-LPA 6).

4. Lysophosphatidylinositol (LPI) has been shown to

2. You are testing the activity of a fatty acid analog
induce an increase in pancreatic insulin secretion.
for efficacy in the treatment of the hyperglycemia
This effect is due to increasing intracellular cal-
associated with Type 2 diabetes. You find that
cium concentration. This effect of LPI is exerted by
inclusion of the compound in the diet of these test
its binding to and activating which of the following
subjects results in an increased release of the gut
hormone GLP-1. Which of the following fatty acid–
A. GPR35
binding receptors is most likely activated by your
B. GPR40
compound in the gut of the test subjects account-
C. GPR41
ing for the observed response?
D. GPR55
A. GPR35
E. GPR120
B. GPR40
C. GPR41 Answer D: The primary receptor for LPI is
D. GPR55 GPR55 although additional studies have shown that
E. GPR120 LPI can also bind and activate GPR119. LPI activation
of GPR55 results in increased intracellular calcium
Answer E: GPR120 is specifically activated by concentrations. This effect of LPI is associated with
long-chain nonesterified fatty acids (NEFAs), in par- increased insulin release from the pancreas, arterial
ticular in the intestines by α-linolenic acid (ALA), an contraction, and the proliferation and migration of sev-
omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA). Activation eral cell type. In addition, LPI induces calcium flux in
of GPR120 in the intestines results in increased GLP-1 hepatic mitochondria. The effects of LPI on intracellu-
secretion from enteroendocrine L cells. lar calcium mobilization are blocked by GPR55 antago-
nists as well as in cells where GPR55 levels have been
3. You are testing a novel lipid molecule for its activ- downregulated demonstrating the specificity of the role
ity on vascular function in experimental animals. of GPR55 in LPI action.
290 Part II Metabolic Biochemistry

5. You are testing a novel fatty acid–related compound D. GPR119

for it efficacy in the treatment of obesity. When the E. GPR120
compound is added to the chow of laboratory ani-
mals, there is a significant reduction in food intake Answer D: GPR120 is highly expressed in adi-
leading to a reduction on overall body weight. You pose tissue and pro-inflammatory macrophages.
discover that the compound can bind to and acti- DHA stimulation of GPR120 in adipocytes results in
vate the G-protein–coupled receptor, GPR119. Your increased GLUT4 translocation to the cell surface with a
results indicate that your test compound most likely subsequent increase in glucose transport into the cells.
functions similarly to which of the following lipids?
A. docosahexaenoic acid, DHA 7. You are testing a novel compound related to the
B. eicosapentaenoic acid, EPA polyunsaturated fatty acid, DHA, for its effects on
C. lysophosphatidic acid, LPA the activity of macrophages in culture. Addition of
D. lysophosphatidylinositol, LPI this compound to your cultures results in a signifi-
E. oleoylethaolamide, OEA cant reduction in the release to the media of tumor
necrosis factor-a (TNF-a). Given these observa-
Answer E: Oleoylethanolamide (OEA) is pro- tion, your test compound is most likely binding to,
duced by mucosal cells in the proximal small intes- and activating, which of the following receptors?
tine from dietary oleic acid. OEA has been shown A. GPR35
to activate the fatty acid–sensing GPCR identified as B. GPR40
GPR119. When OEA is administered to laboratory C. GPR41
animals, the result is a significant reduction in food D. GPR55
intake and body weight gain. These effects of OEA E. GPR120
are the result of the activation of the nuclear receptor
PPARα resulting in the observed modification of feed- Answer E: The omega-3 PUFAs, DHA and EPA,
ing behavior and motor activity in laboratory animals. exert potent anti-inflammatory effects through GPR120.
It has been found that GPR120 functions as an omega-3
6. Activation of which of the following receptors fatty acid receptor/sensor in pro-inflammatory mac-
would be expected to be associated with increased rophages and mature adipocytes. By signaling through
glucose uptake by adipocytes? GPR120, both DHAand EPA mediate potent anti-inflam-
A. GPR35 matory effects. These effects are exerted by inhibition of
B. GPR40 the Toll-like receptor (TLR) and tumor necrosis factor-a
C. GPR55 (TNF-a) pro-inflammatory signaling pathways.

3 Bioactive lipids constitute a diverse array of fatty acid–derived molecules that exert
their effects through binding to specific G-protein–coupled receptors (GPCRs). The most
potent bioactive lipids are those derived from the essential omega-3 and omega-6
polyunsaturated fatty acids.

3 Oleoylethanolamide (OEA) is a member of the fatty-acid ethanolamide family that

includes palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) and N-arachidonylethanolamide (anandamide).
OEA exerts its biological effects through activation of the GPR119.

3 The phospholipases that remodel membrane phospholipids also generate a special

class of bioactive lipid termed the lysophospholipids (LPLs). The LPL exerts specific
biological responses via interaction with membrane receptors of the GPCR family.
Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) and lysophosphatidylinositol (LPI) are 2 of the most
biologically significant LPLs.
C hap t e r

24 Lipids: Lipid Mediators of


Chapter Outline
Lipoxins Actions of the Resolvins and Protectins
Activities of the Lipoxins
Actions of Aspirin via Lipid Modulators of

High-Yield Terms

Lipoxin: anti-inflammatory and pro-resolution eicosanoids synthesized through

lipoxygenase interactions
Aspirin-triggered lipoxin: epimeric lipoxins synthesized as a result of aspirin-
mediated acetylation of COX-2
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA): an omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid that is a
precursor for the synthesis of anti-inflammatory lipids
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA): an omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid that
can exert numerous activities by binding to a specific G-protein–coupled receptor
(GPCR), also is a precursor for the synthesis of anti-inflammatory lipids
Polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN): commonly refers to neutrophils (can be
any of the granulocyte family of leukocytes), characterized by the varying shapes of
the nucleus which is usually lobed into 3 segments
Nonphlogistic: refers to the process of phagocytosis and clearance by macrophages
within induction of inflammation
Apoptosis: the process of programmed cell death

292 Part II Metabolic Biochemistry

High-Yield Concept

Once initiated, an inflammatory response must be turned off following completion of the re-
quired processes triggered by the initiating challenge. This process is referred to as resolution
of inflammation.

As pointed out in Chapters 22 and 23, biological mol- eicosanoids (Figure 24-1). These unique lipid com-
ecules derived from various polyunsaturated fatty pounds are formed during cell–cell interactions and
acids (PUFAs) participate in the mediation of numer- appear to act at both temporally and spatially distinct
ous physiologically relevant processes including, but sites from those of the pro-inflammatory eicosanoids.
not limited to, immune responses. Lipid mediators, The synthesis of the lipoxins triggers the natural path-
such as the prostaglandins and leukotrienes, have ways leading to termination and resolution of inflam-
been appreciated for many years for their activities matory responses.
that promote and enhance inflammatory responses. Lipoxin A4 (LXA4) and lipoxin B4 (LXB4) were the
Through the activities of cyclooxygenase (COX-1 and first-recognized eicosanoid-related mediators that dis-
COX-2) or lipoxygenase (5-LOX), leukocytes rapidly play both potent anti-inflammatory and pro-resolving
synthesize these lipid mediators from membrane- actions in animal models of disease. The LX act as ago-
derived arachidonic acid within seconds to minutes nist ligands for specific GPCR resulting in the activa-
of an acute challenge. The primary endogenous lipid tion of cellular responses important to inflammation
mediators that are released by cells that infiltrate and inflammatory resolution. The LX and their analogs
the site of immune challenge are prostaglandin E2 exert important activities related to airway inflam-
(PGE2) and leukotriene B4 (LTB4). These molecules mation, asthma, arthritis, cardiovascular disorders,
are important for host defense, but can also inadver- gastrointestinal disease, periodontal disease, kidney
tently lead to tissue damage if inappropriately and/or diseases and graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), and
excessively produced. many other diseases/disorders where uncontrolled
An active, coordinated program of resolution inflammation is a key mediator of disease pathogen-
initiates in the first few hours after an inflammatory esis (Figure 24-1).
response begins. This resolution process is initiated fol- The synthesis of the lipoxins occurs via 3 distinct
lowing infiltration of granulocytes into the tissues. There pathways, one of which is triggered via the actions of
are 3 types of granulocytes more commonly called neu- aspirin. The 2 “classical” pathways for the synthesis of
trophils, eosinophils, and basophils. These leukocytes the lipoxins are the result of the concerted actions of
promote the switch of arachidonic acid–derived pros- 15-LOX acting on arachidonic acid in epithelial cells
taglandin and leukotriene synthesis to that of lipoxin
synthesis. The lipoxins then initiate the resolution and
termination sequence. The recruitment of neutrophils
to the inflammatory site ceases following the initiation
of lipoxin synthesis and programmed death by apopto-
sis is engaged. Neutrophil apoptosis coincides with the
biosynthesis of the resolvins (Rv) and protectins. These
latter molecules are derived from the omega-3 PUFA, LXA4

Lipoxins COOH

The lipoxins (LX), or the lipoxygenase interaction

products, are generated from arachidonic acid via
sequential actions of lipoxygenases (including 5-LOX,
12-LOX, and 15-LOX) and subsequent reactions to
give rise to specific trihydroxytetraene-containing Figure 24-1: Structures of LXA4 and LXB4.
Lipids: Lipid Mediators of Inflammation Chapter 24 293

(eg, airway epithelia) and 5-LOX in leukocytes or derived by the degradation of bacteria or host cells.
through the actions of 5-LOX in leukocytes followed The FPR family of receptors is involved in mediating
by 12-LOX action in platelets (Figure 24-2). This lat- immune responses to infection.
ter activity requires that platelets interact directly Both LXA4 and LXB4 have been shown to promote
with adherent neutrophils as occurs only following the relaxation of the vasculature (both aortic and pul-
platelet activation. Activated leukocytes that adhere monary relaxation). Lipoxins and the epi-lipoxins
to epithelial cells as a consequence inflammation inhibit polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN) chemo-
(such as gastrointestinal, airway, or kidney epithelia) taxis, PMN-mediated increases in vasopermeability,
induce the production of lipoxins. An additional stim- and PMN adhesion and migration through the endo-
ulus that leads to production of lipoxins is epithelial thelium. The lipoxins also stimulate phagocytosis of
cell conversion of LTA4 that is released from airway apoptotic PMN by monocyte-derived macrophages.
epithelia. PMN phagocytosis represents the resolution phase of
inflammatory events.
Additional anti-inflammatory actions of the lipox-
ins include blocking expression of the IL-8, a pro-
Activities of the Lipoxins inflammatory chemokine produced by macrophages
and endothelial cells that stimulates neutrophil migra-
The lipoxins are potent anti-inflammatory eicosanoids tion. Actions of the lipoxins also include inhibition
and counteract the actions of the pro-inflammatory of the release and actions of tumor necrosis factor-α
eicosanoids (primarily LTB4 but also PGE2 and TXA2). (TNF-α), and stimulation of the activity of transform-
The lipoxins LXA4 and 15 epi-LXA4 (an aspirin-triggered ing growth factor-β (TGF-β). By regulating the actions
lipoxin) elicit their effects by binding to a specific GPCR of histamine, the lipoxins also lead to a reduction in
identified as ALXR. ALXR is a multirecognition recep- swelling due to edema. The actions of LXA4 in some tis-
tor involved in immune responses, which was originally sues lead to the production of prostacyclin (PGI2) and
identified as the formyl peptide receptor-like 1 (FPRL1) nitric oxide (NO), both of which are vasodilators and
protein; a member of the formyl peptide receptor (FPR) may play roles in the anti-inflammatory properties of
family of receptors that bind N-formulated peptides the aspirin-triggered lipoxins.

Arachidonic acid



hydrolase hydrolase



Figure 24-2: Pathways for the synthesis of LXA4 and LXB4. Reproduced with permission of themedicalbiochemistrypage, LLC.
294 Part II Metabolic Biochemistry

Actions of Aspirin via Lipid in endothelial and epithelial cells the aspirin-induced
Modulators of Inflammation acetylation of COX-2 alters the enzyme activity such that
it now converts arachidonic acid to 15R hydroxyeicosa-
tetraenoic acid (15R-HETE). Only at low doses (eg, 81
Aspirin is the acetylated form of salicylic acid. Salicy- mg) will aspirin elicit its most important anti-inflamma-
late is a common constituent of numerous medicinal tory benefits. The low-dose anti-inflammatory effects
plants, which have been used for thousands of years of aspirin are due to its ability to trigger the synthesis
to treat pain and rheumatic fever. Salicylate has an of stereoisomers (epimers) of LXA4 and LXB4 identified
extremely bitter taste and causes gastric irritation. as 15 epi-LXA4 and 15 epi-LXB4. These compounds are
This led to the development of acetylated salicylate referred to as aspirin-triggered lipoxins (ATL) and they
giving rise to the advent of aspirin (acetylsalicylic exhibit biological activities similar to the lipoxins syn-
acid). thesized by the “classical” pathways. When produced
In the 1970s it was determined that aspirin and in leukocytes, 15R-HETE is a substrate for 5-LOX, the
other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) product of which is then ultimately converted to the ATL
all exerted their effects through the inhibition of pros- (see Figure 24-3). This aspirin-triggered lipoxin synthe-
taglandin synthesis via the inhibition of cyclooxygen- sis pathway is initiated when activated circulating leu-
ase. However, this did not explain all of the actions that kocytes (primarily neutrophils) adhere to the vascular
were being described for aspirin, in particular the abil- endothelium.
ity of aspirin to limit leukocyte migration into sites of
inflammation, thereby dampening host inflammatory
responses. At high doses, aspirin functions to block the
prostaglandin and thromboxane-synthesizing activ- Actions of the Resolvins and
ity of COX-1, which results in inhibition of the pri- Protectins
mary pro-inflammatory, pyretic, and pain-inducing
action of these eicosanoids. In addition, aspirin is an
important inhibitor of platelet activation by reduc- As indicated earlier, the resolution phase of inflam-
ing the production of thromboxane A2 (TXA2). Aspirin mation occurs following the induction of lipoxin
also reduces endothelial cell production of prostacy- synthesis and the initiation of neutrophil apoptosis.
clin (PGI2), an inhibitor of platelet aggregation and a Neutrophil apoptosis coincides with the biosynthe-
vasodilator. Localized to the site of coagulation is a bal- sis of the resolvins and protectins (Table 24-1), which
ance between the levels of platelet-derived TXA2 and are lipid mediators derived from the omega-3 PUFA,
endothelial cell-derived PGI2. This allows for platelet EPA, and DHA. Aspirin-triggered epimers of these
aggregation and clot formation but prevents excessive compounds have also been identified. The resolvins
accumulation of the clot, thus maintaining some level (Rv) have anti-inflammatory actions that lead to
of blood flow around the site of injury. Endothelial cells the resolution of the inflammatory cycle, hence the
regenerate active COX faster than platelets because derivation of their names as resolvins (resolution
mature platelets cannot synthesize the enzyme, requir- phase interaction products). There are 2 classes of
ing new platelets to enter the circulation (platelet half- resolvins referred to as the D series and the E series
life is approximately 4 days). Therefore, PGI2 synthesis (Figure 24-4). The D series resolvins are derived
is greater than that of TXA2. The net effect of aspirin is from DHA and the E series from EPA. An additional
more in favor of endothelial cell-mediated inhibition of anti-inflammatory lipid derived from DHA is pro-
the coagulation cascade. tectin D1 (PD1, known as neuroprotectin D1 when
Aspirin is also the only NSAID that results in the generated in neural tissues). There are also aspirin-
production of nitric oxide (NO). The induction of NO triggered epimers of the E- and D-series resolvins
by aspirin is correlated with a reduction in leukocyte (AT-Rv) and protectin D1 that are enzymatically
accumulation at sites of inflammation. The induced generated by the pathway triggered when aspirin
production of NO by aspirin plays a significant role in acetylates COX-2.
the protective effects of aspirin on the cardiovascular The E-series resolvins, RvE1 and RvE2, are the
system. major EPA-derived resolvins. The D-series resolvins
Part of the cardiovascular benefit of aspirin is related include RvD1, RvD2, RvD3, and RvD4. The levels of
to its dose-dependent differential effects on inflamma- RvE1 increase spontaneously in individuals taking
tory events. It was known for many years that aspirin aspirin or consuming EPA. RvE1 is produced in a tran-
inhibited the action of COX-1 and COX-2 by causing scellular manner involving endothelial cells and leu-
the acetylation of the enzyme (Figure 24-3). However, kocytes. Within the endothelium, EPA is converted to
Lipids: Lipid Mediators of Inflammation Chapter 24 295


O Polymorphonuclear
O CCH3 leukocyte (PMN)
Vascular endothelial
or mucosal epithelial cell

15R - HETE 5-LOX



Arachidonic acid
15 - epi - LXA4 15 - epi - LXB4

Figure 24-3: Synthesis of the aspirin-triggered lipoxins. Reproduced with permission of themedicalbiochemistrypage, LLC.

Table 24-1: Activities of the Major Lipid Mediators of Inflammation

Mediator Major Activities
LXA4 and LXB4 Prevents vascular permeability, reduces inflammation, blocks histamine and PGE2-
mediated edema, accelerates resolution, protective in ischemia-reperfusion injury,
reduces endothelial cell proliferation and migration, thus preventing atherosclerotic
plaque rupture, attenuates pro-inflammatory gene expression in the gut reducing the
severity of colitis, stimulates bone marrow and enhances growth of myeloid progeni-
tors, reduces leukocyte adherence, decreases neutrophil recruitment, limits neovas-
cularization and promotes host defense in the eye, protects against graft-versus-host
disease (GVHD)
RvD1 Anti-inflammatory, limits PMN infiltration, inhibits cytokine expression in microglial cells,
reduces local inflammation in the GI, and protects from GI tissue damage
RvE1 and RvE2 Reduce inflammation, limit PMN infiltration, protect the GI in colitis, reduce inflammation
leading to bone loss
PD1 Reduces PMN infiltration, limits stroke damage, promotes corneal epithelial cell wound
healing, protects the liver, reduces asthma and protects lung from damage, protects kidney
from leukocyte-mediated tissue damage
NPD1 Downregulates pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines and stimulates anti-inflammatory
cytokines and chemokines, reduces PMN infiltration and T-cell recruitment in peritonitis,
promotes neuronal cell survival, protects from retinal injury, production reduced in Alzheimer
296 Part II Metabolic Biochemistry

OH Both RvE1 and RvE2 reduce inflammation, regu-

late PMN infiltration by blocking transendothelial
migration, reduce dendritic cell function (dendritic
OH cells are potent antigen-presenting cells which prime
T-cell–mediated inflammatory responses), stimulate
the phagocytosis of apoptotic PMN by macrophages,
regulate IL-12 production, and lead to resolution of
the inflammatory responses. RvE1 also inhibits PMN
OH superoxide anion generation in response to TNF-α or
to the bacterial peptide N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-
phenylalanine (f-Met-Leu-Phe). RvE1 is also able to
selectively disrupt thromboxane-mediated platelet
aggregation, an additional important anti-inflamma-
RvE2 tory effect of this lipid. Protectin D1 and the aspirin-
triggered resolvins block T-cell and PMN migration,
promote T-cell apoptosis, decrease TNF-a and INF-g
secretion, reduce airway inflammation, and exert
neuroprotective action during ischemia-reperfusion
A wide array of cell types synthesize PD1, includ-
ing microglial cells, peripheral blood mononuclear
PD1 cells, and T cells. Similar to the resolvins, PD1/NPD1
OH exhibits potent anti-inflammatory actions. PD1 is a
potent regulator of allergic airway inflammation and
responses to immunologic challenge by preventing the
Figure 24-4: Structures of RvE1, RvE2, and PD1. development of airway hyperreactivity and inhibiting
the infiltration eosinophils and T cells into the lung
tissues. Experimental data show that administration
of PD1 accelerates the resolution of airway inflamma-
18R-HEPE (18R-hydroxyeicosapentaenoic acid) by tion in models of allergic asthma. PD1 is also crucial to
COX-2 exposed to aspirin. The 18R-HEPE is released by the protection of renal tissue in response to ischemic
the endothelial cells and taken up by adherent leuko- injury. Of potential clinical significance is the observa-
cytes, where 5-LOX activity results in its eventual con- tion that the activity of NPD1 appears to be dysregu-
version to RvE1. lated in Alzheimer disease.

1. You are studying the effects of a previously Answer B: The lipoxin, LXA4, inhibits polymor-
uncharacterized drug upon oral administration phonuclear leukocyte (PMN) chemotaxis, PMN-medi-
to experimental animals. Your tests involve exam- ated increases in vasopermeability, and PMN adhesion
ination of the effects of this compound within the and migration through the endothelium resulting in an
gut following inducement of colitis-like symp- attenuation of pro-inflammatory responses in the gut.
toms. You find that administration of the drug to LXA4 also stimulates phagocytosis of apoptotic PMN by
these animals leads to a reduction in the severity monocyte-derived macrophages, which represents the
of inflammation in the gut and enhances a return resolution phase of inflammatory events.
to normal GI activity. Your test compound is most
likely inducing the synthesis of which of the fol- 2. A defect in which of the following enzyme activi-
lowing compound? ties would impair the production of the lipoxins
A. LTB4 by the classic pathway (ie, nonaspirin triggered)
B. LXA4 in neutrophils?
C. PCI2 A. COX-1
D. PGE2 B. COX-2
E. TXA2 C. 5-LOX
Lipids: Lipid Mediators of Inflammation Chapter 24 297

D. 12-LOX Answer B: Although PD1 and RvD1 are both

E. 15-LOX anti-inflammatory and pro-resolution lipids, the activ-
ity of PD1 is most significant in renal, airway, and neu-
Answer C: In one of the classical pathways of ral tissues. The other 3 lipids are all pro-inflammatory
lipoxin synthesis, the interactions between epithe- molecules.
lial cells and neutrophils require the activities of both
15-LOX and 5-LOX. Within the epithelial cells, the 5. You are examining the lipid synthesis character-
PLA2-mediated release of arachidonic acid serves as a istics of mixed cell types in culture. You find that
substrate for 15-LOX and generates 15S-H(p)ETE. This the cells normally activate PLA2 and that you can
latter compound will then diffuse out of the epithelial detect the synthesis of the intermediate 15S-H(p)
cells and be taken up by neutrophils where the activ- ETE. However, in this system you cannot detect
ity of 5-LOX will then convert it into 15S-epoxytetraene, the subsequent production of LXA4. Which of the
which is the precursor for LXA4 synthesis. following enzymes is most likely not functional in
this culture system?
3. The lipoxins are characterized as pro-resolving com- A. COX-1
pounds because they promote the resolution of an B. COX-2
inflammatory response. Which of the following activ- C. 5-LOX
ities is associated with this pro-resolution function? D. 12-LOX
A. activation of TNF-a secretion E. 15-LOX
B. inhibition of polymorphonuclear (PMN) cell
apoptosis Answer C:  In one of the classical pathways of
C. inhibition of the action of TGF-b lipoxin synthesis the interactions between epithelial
D. reduction in neutrophil infiltration at the site cells and leukocytes requires the activities of both
of inflammation 15-LOX and 5-LOX. Within the epithelial cells, the
E. stimulation of IL-8 release PLA2-mediated release of arachidonic acid serves
as a substrate for 15-LOX and generates 15S-H(p)
Answer D:  Lipoxins and epi-lipoxins inhibit neu- ETE. This latter compound will then diffuse out of
trophils (PMN) chemotaxis, PMN-mediated increases the epithelial cells and be taken up by leukocytes
in vasopermeability, and PMN adhesion and migra- where the activity of 5-LOX will then convert it into
tion through the endothelium. Additional anti-inflam- 15S-epoxytetraene, which is the precursor for LXA4
matory actions of the lipoxins and aspirin-triggered synthesis. Therefore, the presence of upstream activ-
lipoxins include blocking expression of the IL-8 gene (a ities and lipid products in the absence of LXA4 syn-
pro-inflammatory chemokine produced by macrophages thesis indicates that there is a defect in the activity of
and endothelial cells, which stimulates neutrophil migra- 5-LOX in this system.
tion), inhibition of the release and actions of TNF-α, and
stimulation of TGF-β activity. 6. Aspirin exerts several beneficial effects within the
vasculature that result in protection against intra-
4. You are studying the responses of renal tissue to vascular inflammation and resultant atherosclerosis.
ischemic injury in laboratory animals. You find These actions of aspirin involve, in part, its ability to
that in these animals there is an initial inflamma- modify the activity of lipid-synthetic enzymes. Which
tory response detectable within the renal tissue, of the following enzymes is a target for aspirin-medi-
but it does not normally abate as expected; it only ated modification resulting in an altered activity?
worsens resulting in total renal failure. Measure- A. COX-2
ments of enzyme activities in renal tubule cells B. D5-desaturase
indicate that PLA2 and COX-2 are functional. The C. 5-LOX
lack of synthesis of which of the following lipid D. prostacyclin synthase
mediators is the most likely cause of the failure to E. thromboxane synthase
limit the inflammatory responses in this animal
model? Answer A: Aspirin-induced acetylation of COX-
A. LTB4 2 alters the enzyme such that it converts arachidonic acid
B. PD1 to 15R-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (15R-HETE) instead
C. PGE2 of into prostaglandin H2 (PGH2). 15R-HETE is then rap-
D. RvD1 idly metabolized to the epi-lipoxins in monocytes and
E. TXA2 leukocytes through the action of 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX).
298 Part II Metabolic Biochemistry

✓ The lipoxins are anti-inflammatory and pro-resolution eicosanoids synthesized from
arachidonic acid through the concerted actions of cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase
via interactions between epithelial cells and leukocytes, or between leukocytes and

✓ The resolvins and protectins are anti-inflammatory and pro-resolution lipids derived from
the omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, DHA, and EPA.

✓ Aspirin modifies the activities of COX-1 and COX-2 by acting as a suicide inhibitor at
high doses, at low doses aspirin-mediated acetylation of COX-2 changes its activity
toward the substrate, arachidonic acid, such that instead of driving the synthesis of the
prostaglandins and thromboxanes, it directs the lipid into the epimeric lipoxin synthesis
pathway, deriving the aspirin-triggered lipoxins.
C ha p t e r

25 Lipids: Lipolysis, Fatty Acid

Oxidation, and Ketogenesis

Chapter Outline
Dietary Origins of Lipids Peroxisomal (alpha) `-Oxidation Pathway
Mobilization of Fat Stores Peroxisomal a-Oxidation Reactions
Adipose Triglyceride Lipase Microsomal v-Oxidation Reactions
Hormone-Sensitive Lipase Regulation of Fatty Acid Metabolism
Monoacylglyceride Lipase Ketogenesis
Lipid Transporters and Cellular Uptake of Fats Regulation of Ketogenesis
Mitochondrial a-Oxidation Reactions Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Minor Alternative Fatty Acid Oxidation

High-Yield Terms

Adipose tissue triglyceride lipase (ATGL): primary rate-limiting enzyme in-

volved in adipose tissue triglyceride metabolism
Hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL): an adipose tissue–specific hydrolase respon-
sible for the release of fatty acids from stored triglycerides. Its activity is regulated by
hormone-mediated phosphorylation
`-oxidation: peroxisomal oxidation pathway responsible for the oxidation of the
methyl-substituted fatty acid, phytanic acid present at high concentration in the tissues
of ruminants
a-oxidation: major pathway for oxidation of fatty acids in both the mitochondria
and the peroxisomes; peroxisomal b-oxidation is also important for metabolism of
dicarboxylic acids generated via the w-oxidation pathway
v-oxidation: a minor, but clinically significant, pathway for fatty oxidation initiated
by microsomal w-hydroxylation reactions, also involves the oxidation of dicarboxylic
acids generated
Ketone body: any of the compounds, b-hydroxybutyrate, acetoacetate, and acetone,
generated during hepatic ketogenesis from the substrate, acetyl-CoA
Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA): a condition of increased plasma ketone body con-
centration caused by excess adipose tissue fatty acid release and hepatic fatty acid
oxidation resulting from unregulated glucagon release

300 Part II Metabolic Biochemistry

High-Yield Concept

Following absorption of the products of lipid digestion, the resynthesis of TGs, cholesterol
esters, and phospholipids occurs. These lipid entities are then solubilized in lipoprotein com-
plexes called chylomicrons. Chylomicrons from the intestine are then released into the blood
via the lymph system for delivery to the various tissues for storage or production of energy
through oxidation.

Dietary Origins of Lipids Mobilization of Fat Stores

The predominant form of dietary lipid in the human The primary sources of fatty acids for oxidation are
diet is triglyceride (TG or TAG). Gastrointestinal lipid dietary and mobilization from cellular stores. Fatty
digestion and absorption is discussed in Chapter 43. acids from the diet are absorbed from the gut, packaged
Briefly, the digestion of dietary triglyceride begins in into lipoprotein particles called chylomicrons within
the stomach with the action of gastric lipase and con- intestinal enterocytes and then delivered to cells of the
tinues in the duodenum via the concerted actions of body via transport in the blood. Fatty acids are stored in
gastric lipase and pancreatic lipase. Digestion of dietary the form of triglycerides (TAGs or TGs) within all cells
phospholipids takes place in the duodenum as well via but predominantly within adipose tissue. In response
the action of pancreatic phospholipase A2 (PLA2), yield- to energy demands, the fatty acids of stored TGs can
ing free fatty acids and lysophospholipids. Digestion of be mobilized for use by peripheral tissues. The release
dietary cholesterol esters results via the action of car- of these stored fatty acids is controlled by a complex
boxyl ester lipase (CEL). Intestinal absorption of diacyl- series of interrelated cascades that result in the activa-
and monoacylglycerides, lysophospholipids, free fatty tion of triglyceride hydrolysis. The primary intracellular
acids, and cholesterol occurs at the interface between lipases involved in the mobilization of stored fatty acids
the brush border membranes of intestinal entero- are adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL, also called des-
cytes and the lipid micelles and involves both pas- nutrin), hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL), and monoac-
sive diffusion and transport protein–mediated uptake ylglyceride lipase (MGL).
Discussion of the various lipoproteins present in
human circulation can be found in Chapter 28. As chy-
lomicrons circulate in the vasculature, fatty acids are Adipose Triglyceride Lipase
removed from the TG fraction through the action of
endothelial cell–associated lipoprotein lipase (LPL). Adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL)/desnutrin belongs
The free fatty acids are then absorbed by the cells and to the family of patatin domain-containing pro-
the glycerol is returned via the blood to the liver where teins that consists of 9 human members. Because
it is utilized as a carbon skeleton for glucose synthesis some members of the family act as phospholi-
via gluconeogenesis (Chapter 13). pases, the proteins were originally called patatin-like

High-Yield Concept

An additional lipase, lysosomal acid lipase (LAL), plays an important role in the intracellular
degradation of cholesterol esters and TGs taken into cells via endocytosis and transferred to
the lysosomes. The importance of LAL in overall lipid homeostasis is evidenced by the fact that
LAL deficiency results in the significant accumulation of cholesterol esters in tissues such as the
spleen and liver. LAL deficiency is commonly called Wolman disease.
Lipids: Lipolysis, Fatty Acid Oxidation, and Ketogenesis Chapter 25 301

High-Yield Concept

Of clinical significance is the recent observation that blocking perilipin-2 (Plin2) activity in mice
leads to inhibition of diet-induced obesity. This response is associated with increased formation
of subcutaneous beige adipocytes that express UCP1, a reduction of inflammatory foci forma-
tion in white adipose tissue (WAT) as well as reduced steatosis in the liver. Loss of Plin2 activity
results in reduced energy intake and increased physical activity in response to a high-fat diet
indicating that Plin2 likely contributes to diet-induced obesity, adipose tissue inflammation, and
the development of hepatic steatosis.

phospholipase domain-containing proteins A1 to A9 Hormone-sensitive Lipase

(PNPLA1–PNPLA9). ATGL (designated PNPLA2 in the
patatin domain nomenclature) preferentially hydro-
The expression profile of hormone-sensitive lipase
lyzes TGs. ATGL expression and enzyme activity are
(HSL) essentially mirrors that of ATGL. Highest mRNA
both under complex regulation. Expression of ATGL is
induced by peroxisome proliferator–activated recep- and protein concentrations are found in WAT and
tor (PPAR) agonists, glucocorticoids, and fasting. The brown adipose tissue (BAT) with low levels of expres-
level of lipase activity of ATGL (as well as HSL) does sion found in muscle, testis, steroidogenic tissues,
not always correlate to the level of expression of the and pancreatic islets as well as several other tissues.
gene. The discrepancy between ATGL and HSL mRNA HSL was originally thought to be rate limiting for the
level and the level of enzyme activity is the result of catabolism of fat stores in adipose tissue and many
extensive posttranslational regulation of both of these nonadipose tissues. However, HSL actually has a
lipases. higher level of activity as a diglyceride (DG) hydrolase
There are 2 known serine residues in ATGL that than as a TG hydrolase. This became evident when
are subject to phosphorylation. Unlike phosphoryla- HSL-deficient mice were produced and shown to effi-
tion of HSL (described below), ATGL phosphoryla- ciently hydrolyze TG and they do not accumulate TG
tion is not PKA-dependent. Some lines of evidence in either adipose or nonadipose tissues, but they do
suggest that AMPK phosphorylates ATGL resulting in accumulate large amounts of DGs in many tissues. It
increased lipase activity. In addition to phosphoryla- is now accepted that ATGL is responsible for the initial
tion regulating ATGL activity, the enzyme requires a step of lipolysis in human adipocytes, and that HSL is
coactivator protein for full activity. This coactivator is rate-limiting for the catabolism of DG. HSL not only
known as comparative gene identification-58 (CGI- hydrolyzes DG but is also active at hydrolyzing ester
58). The official nomenclature for CGI-58 is α/β- bonds of many other lipids including TG, MG, choles-
hydrolase domain-containing protein-5 (ABHD5), teryl esters, retinyl esters, and short-chain carbonic
owing to the presence of an α/β-hydrolase domain acid esters.
commonly found in esterases, thioesterases, and In adipose tissue, HSL activity is strongly induced
lipases. Additional proteins that are associated with by β-adrenergic stimulation; conversely insulin has a
lipid droplets (LD) in adipocytes participate in the strong inhibitory effect. While β-adrenergic stimulation
ABHD5-mediated regulation of ATGL such as perili- regulates ATGL primarily via recruitment of the coacti-
pin-1, Plin1. vator ABHD5, HSL is a major target for PKA-mediated
In nonadipose tissues with high rates of TG hydro- phosphorylation. Additional kinases, including AMPK,
lysis, such as skeletal muscle and liver, regulation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), glyco-
ATGL activity occurs via a mechanism distinct from gen synthase kinase-4 (GSK-4), and Ca2+/calmodulin-
that in adipose tissues. In these tissues, perilipin-1 is dependent kinase 1 (CAMK1), also phosphorylate HSL
replaced by perilipin-5 which recruits both ATGL and to modulate the activity of the enzyme. Although phos-
ABHD5 to LD by direct binding of the enzyme and its phorylation affects HSL activity, full activation requires
coactivator. Other perilipins exist in cells including access to LD, which in adipose tissue is mediated by
perilipin-2, -3, and -4 but it is unclear if these proteins Plin1 (Figure 25-1).
are also involved in regulating the association of ATGL In nonadipose tissues, such as skeletal muscle,
with LD. HSL is activated by phosphorylation in response to

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