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Data Center College of the Philippines

Laoag City
Department of Education

A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 5

“Facts and Opinios”

Submitted by:
Student Teacher

Submitted to:
Grade V
Training Teacher Instructor

April 26, 2021

“A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 5”

After the discussion, the learners should be able to:
a. identify the difference between facts and opinions;
b. value the importance of assessing a statement whether it is a fact or
opinion through resolving a certain statement; and
c. judge a certain statement whether it is a fact or an opinion.
Topic: “Facts and Opinions.”
Materials: Powerpoint Presentation

Reference: MELC: Provide evidence to support opinion/fact (EN5OL-IIf-

3.5.1) Prepared by: JESSA MAE C. AGLIAM (Teacher I, Masikil
Elementary School)

A. Preparation
Good morning, Grade 5!
Good morning, Mrs. Mercado!
Is there an absent today?
None, ma’am!
That’s very well. Before we start let
us all stand and have a short
prayer. May ask _____ to lead us?
(The pupils are praying.)
1. Review
Do you still remember our lesson last
Yes, ma’am.
What is it again?
It is all about making a stand,
Very good! What are again our
Our stand are our opinions,
viewpoint, belief and position about
a certain issue or situation.
That’s right! And what must be again
our standards in giving or making
our stands?
Ma’am, it must go with our morality
which is from God and with our law
which is from our government.
2. Motivation
Let us have an activity. Answer the
following questions wherein you
need to identify whether the
statement is a fact or opinion. Write
your answer in a sheet of paper and
let us try to answer them afterwards.

Read and answer the questions that

follow. Identify the ff. statements
stated as fact or opinion. Write the
letter of the correct answer on your
1. Smoke and exhaust fumes fill the air and
endanger the health and well-being of the
A. fact B. opinion
2. I think air pollution or smog is a serious problem
in some cities worldwide.
A. fact B. opinion
3. The COVID-19 virus is highly contagious and is
spread the same way colds and the flu are
spread through coughing, sneezing, and
A. fact B. opinion
4. I don’t believe that eating banana can cure
A. fact B. opinion

5. If a place is under MGCQ, alternative work

arrangements should be made for persons 60
years old and above, those with health risks,
and pregnant women.
A. fact B. opinion

6. My worst birthday celebration happened during

this pandemic.
A. fact B. opinion

7. The IATF-EID was organized as government's

instrument to assess, monitor, contain, control
and prevent the spread of any potential
epidemic in the Philippines.
A. fact B. opinion

Are you done?

Yes, ma’am.

Right! Let us try to answer them. (The

teacher is giving the answers.) Did
you get all correct?
No, ma’am!

It’s okay children. As we go along

our lesson I believe you will
distinguish what is fact and opinion.
B. Presentation
I want you to look at the two
children talking in the screen. Can
anyone from the group (at least
two pupils) come and serve as the
character in the dialogue.

Have you Yes. I’ve

watched the heard good
latest news and bad
about opinions
COVID-19 about it.

For me, I
still need to
research more
facts about it.

Student 1: Have you watched the

latest news about COVID-19

Student 2: Yes. I’ve heard good and

bad opinions about it.

Student 1: For me, I still need to

research more facts about it.

Can anyone tell me what is all

about the topic of the two kids is?

Ma’am, they talking about Covid-19

That’s right! They are talking about
Covid-19 vaccines. They are both
gathering information about the
vaccine through opinions and
facts. Now let us all read the
following sentences and decide
whether it is a fact or an opinion.
1. _______ Valentine’s Day is celebrated in the month
of February.

2. _______ Roses are prettier than daisies.

3. _______ My sister loves Blackpink.

4. _______ The capital city of the Philippines is

5. _______ I hope this pandemic will end soon.


6. _______ Quezon City is the country’s most

populous city.


7. _______ I have a higher risk of getting infected

with the virus.

8. ______ Jonah invited me to his birthday party.


9. ______ Mavulis Island in Batanes is the

Northernmost point in the Philippines.

10. ______ I prefer ECQ more than MGCQ.

You are all good!
Now let us try to answer this one.
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word
or phrase that correctly fits in each of the sentences
about fact and opinion. Choose your answer from
the box below.

directly experiences emotions

evidence facts

1. ____________ are statements that are either

backed up by
2. ____________ evidence or where evidence can
easily be retrieved to prove it. 3. ______________
are statements that are based on feelings, past
4. _______________, or 5. ______________.

1. Facts
2. Directly
3. Opinions
4. Experiences
5. Emotions

Very good!

C. Discussion
Statements or words we heard
everyday can be facts or just an
opinion that is why we are to be
mindful and smart enough to
distinguish them.
Do you know the difference
between facts and opinions?
Not yet, ma’am!
In order for us to know and me sure
about every statement we hear or
listen to, let us define and
differentiate these two words.
• Fact – is statement proven to be
o It is backed by evidence,
documentation, etc.
o It is based on observation
or research.
o It is objective reality.
o It can be verified.
o It is universal.
o It is shown with unbiased
o It is not debatable.
▪ President Rodrigo Roa
Duterte is the
incumbent president
of the Philippines.
▪ The COVID-19 virus
was first reported
present in humans in
Wuhan, China.

With all the definitions, can you

give me a statement that is a fact?
Covid-19 is deadly.

Brilliant! Any more?

One of the basic need of humans is
That’s correct!

Now let us go to opinion.

• Opinion – is a stated preference

or idea, which may vary from
source to source or person to
o It is what a person
believes or thinks about
o It is based on assumption
or personal view.
o It is subjective statement.
o It cannot be verified.
o It differs from person to
o It is expressed with biased
o It is debatable.
▪ It is more fun in the
▪Ice cream is sweeter
than cake.
Can you also give me an example
of opinion?
Milk Tea is more delicious that soda.

Correct! Give me another

Staying in the Philippines is better
than going abroad.

Very good! You really understood

our lesson.
D. Generalization
To know whether you were able to
remember our topic please fill in
the missing words to complete the
Fact is based on what?
It is based on observation and
research, ma’am.

Very good! Opinion is based on?

It is based on assumption and
personal view.

That’s right! Fact is _____ reality.

It is an objective reality.

Correct! Opinion is_____.

It is a subjective statement.

Very good! If fact can be verified,

opinion _________.
It cannot be verified.
Yes, that’s right!
Children, why do you think it is
important for us to distinguish a
certain statement whether it is a
fact or just an opinion?
It is important because it if we
immediately believe a certain
statement, we may be fooled or
turn into a wrong idea or belief.
Very good! So, in order for us to
assess whether the one we are
hearing is a fact or just an opinion,
what are we going to do?
We need top engage ourselves
more to reading and researching,
not just listening to other people and
their experience because it is not all
the time that we will experience the
same thing.
That’s right!

E. Application
As your activity, I want you to write
5 and 5 opinions.
1. The sun is the center of the
solar system.
2. We need air to live.
3. Family is the smallest unit in a
4. Food chain sustains life.
5. Rodrigo Duterte is our present

1. She is lovelier that you.
2. She loves me the most.
3. I prefer sundae than soda.
4. That baby is happier that your
5. Our country is the best
country in the world.
Can you read one fact and
opinion you constructed?
(The pupils are reading their output.)
Very good! You did great.

A. Directions: Write T if the statement about fact and opinion is True and F if it is
1. Fact is something debatable.
2. Opinion differs from every individual.
3. Facts are based on research and observations.
4. Facts cannot be proven.
5. Opinion is highly influenced by a person’s feelings, thoughts, perspective,
desires, attitude, experiences, understanding, beliefs, values.
6. Facts are strictly defined and can be measured.
7. Opinion can be proven as right or wrong.
8. Fact does not have the power to influence others.
9. Opinion is expressed with biased words.
10. Fact is a subjective statement.
B. Directions: Read each sentence. Decide whether each example is a fact or
opinion. Put a check mark after the statement if it is a FACT and underline the
statement if it is an OPINION.
1. Nobody can tell when this pandemic started.
2. Joanne and Daniel think that making a face mask is easy.
3. My grandfather read from Manila Bulletin that inflation rises to 3.3% in
4. The best KPOP group is BTS.
5. Based on the news, many were affected by the flood in Cagayan and

C. Direction: Now that we have a knowledge about this, let’s have a practice.
Read each sentence. Decide whether each example is a fact or opinion.
Write the letter of the correct answer in your notebook.
1. If the place is under MGCQ, alternative work arrangements should be
made for persons 60 years old and above, those with health risks, and
pregnant women.
A. fact B. opinion
2. My worst birthday celebration happened during this pandemic.
A. fact B. opinion
3. The IATF-EID was organized as government's instrument to assess, monitor,
contain, control and prevent the spread of any potential epidemic in the
A. fact B. opinion
4. The Spaniards colonized the country for many years before the Americans
A. fact B. opinion
5. My aunt is the funniest person I know.
A. fact B. opinion
6. Sunflowers are the prettiest flowers.
A. fact B. opinion
7. Luzon is the largest island in the country.
A. fact B. opinion
8. Our place is as cold as Baguio City during Amihan season.
A. fact B. opinion
9. Patintero is a traditional Filipino children’s game.
A. fact B. opinion
10. Pizza tastes better than cake.
A. fact B. opinion


Directions: Get two news articles from a newspaper or reliable source on

the internet and write your opinions about them.

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