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BBA Ojajeizi= Eo] Bae vest oO THE sa AIA Ol TTA 2 Nm ABC 7S ne 28650) et 715. e121 Si! Be Of9] MIB els] SAL} EHO) zy ZAb7} AHL MILE MIRA 31S, Orel A ACTUAL TEST THE 23171 421 29124} 10008 LOFRE LISTENING TEST In the Listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken English. The entire Listening test will last approximately 45 minutes. There are four parts, and directions are given for each part. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in your tast book. PART 4 Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture, Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statements will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time, Sample Answer Example 3 e wie Statement (B), “They're looking at the document,” is the best description of the picture, so you should select answer (B) and mark it on your answer sheet. 12 GO OW TO THE NEXT PAGE actuaLtestor 13 tousai avniov ‘ACTUAL TEST @1 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE actuaLtestor 17 to.usai avniov PART 2 Directions: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time, Select the best response to the question or statement and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your answer sheet. ‘Sample Answer Deo Example You will hear: When is your dental appointment? You will also hear: (A) On Trent Street (8) This afternoon after lunch (C)1 was disappointed, too ‘The best response to the question “When is your dental appointment?” is choice (B), “This afternoon after lunch,” so (B) is the correct answer. You should mark answer (8) on your answer sheet. 11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 26, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 12, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 28, Mark your answer on your answer sheet, 44. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 29, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 30, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 31, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 17, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 32. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 33, Mark your answer on your answer sheet, 19, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 4, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. $5, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet, 6, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 37, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 23. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. $8, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 24, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 38, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 40. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 18 24m 4281244 10004 Lorne PART 3 Directions: You will hear some conversations between two people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation, Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. a 42, 43, |. Where are the speakers going? 4A, (A) To a souvenir shop (8) To a nature park (C) To a board mesting (0) To an airport How did the man learn about the event? 45. () He was walking by. () His colleague told him, (C) He listened to a radio ad, (D) He read about it in a paper. What are the speakers able to do atthe 46. ‘end of the event? (®) They can get some plants. (8) A transportation service will be provided. (C) They will share their thoughts in public. (0) Questions will be answered. Where most likely are the speakers? () Ata travel bureau (8) Atacity hall (C) Ata hotel (0) Ata post office What does the man NOT inquire about? (A) The availability of tourist information (8) The location of the business (C) The travel time (0) The hours of operation What does the woman say about the location of the business? (A) It's close to the post office. () It's in the City Hall (©) It’s beside the Creson building. (0) It’s across from the hotel. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE [ACTUAL TEST 01 19 to18a1 Wwhtov 47. 48. 49. 50. st. 52. 20 Who most likely is the woman? (A) An instructor (8) A current member (C) A potential customer (0) A realtor What is stated about the business? A) The voucher is good for 15 days. (B) There are few group programs. (C) A special price is applied to college students only, (0) It is the biggest facility in the area, What will the woman give the man? (A) Amembership card (8) A registration form (0) Proof of residency (0) A rental listing Where is the conversation being heard? (A) Ata stationery store (8) Ata research lab (0) Ata sales floor (0) At an art-supply store What is the problem? (A) A deadline has been missed. (8) Some items are out of order. (©) The results aren't accurate. (0) Some supplies ran out, What is supposed to happen next? (A) The man will ask the supplier to expedite the delivery. (B) The man will borrow some tubes, (C) The woman will contact a bank teller. (0) The man will write a research report vi 29124} 10008 Lo+Re 53, 54, 55, 56, 87, 58, Why will Susan be late for the meeting? (A) She's tied up in traffic, (B) She has a flat tire. (©) She got lost on the way to the meeting. (0) She's having another important meeting What time will the meeting start? (A) At2 PM, (Bats eM. (C) Not for another 20 minutes (0) In 30 minutes What does the woman say she will do? (A) Delay the meeting (B) Make a reservation for the venue (C) Take over Susan's place (0) Announce the new time According to the woman, what is the problem with the cleaner? (A) Its shade is not right for her items, (8) Itis not solid enough to use. (©) It is not convenient to apply. (D) Itis more expensive than other brands. How did the woman learn about the item? (A) From an advertisement (B) From a product catalog (©) From a review (0) From her colleague What does the woman say she would prefer? (A) To get the money back (B) To change the color (©) To get a discounted item (0) To replace the item 59, 60. et. 62, 63. 64, What problem has the man identified? 65. (A) The software is not working properly. (8) Most customers are not satisfied with the online homepage (C) The service is very awful (0) New customer registration takes a lot of time. 66. What business do the speakers work for? (9) A law firm (8) An accounting firm (C) An information technology firm (0) A research firm 67. What suggestion does the woman make? (A) Hanaling transactions online (8) Going over the report more thoroughly (C) Leading a training workshop (0) Filing some complaints In what company does the man currently work? 68. (A) In an advertising agency (B) In a clothing company (C) Ina recruitment agency (0) Ina printing shop What is stated about the woman's business? 69. (A) It will relocate to another country. (8) New branch offices will open soon. (©) It only works with local accounts. (0) It was recommended by one of the man's previous coworkers. What does the woman offer to do? 70. (A) Show some sample portfolios (B) Introduce a new agency (C) Go over the market research (0) Provide information about some ad spots Who most likely is the man? WA recruiter (8) A potential candidate (C) A personnel manager (0) A software developer How does the man know Mr. Kim? (A) They are close friends. (8) They used to work together. (C) Mr. Kim is Mr. Wal’s immediate supervisor. (©) They attended the same university. Why will the man get in touch with the woman? (A) To send the requested documents (8) To confirm that the information has been received (©) To ask for some recommendations (0) To set up an interview time What is the purpose of the conversation? (A) To register for anew service (8) To ask for an additional fee (©) To report a billing problem (0) To express gratitude for a customer's patronage Why has the man been charged more? (A) He made an international transaction (8) He missed the payment date. (C) He made an online transaction (0) He lost a credit card and had it reissued. What does the woman offer to do for the man? (A) Renew a contract (8) Make a copy of the contract (©) Cancel the additional fee (0) Resend the statement GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE AcTuaL Testor 21 to18a1 Wwhtov PART 4 Directions: You will hear some talks given by a single speaker, You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (8), (C), or (0) on your answer sheet. The talks will not be printed in your test book and will be speken only one time, mm. 72. 73. 22 What kind of business did the caller reach? (A) A transportation service (8) A moving service (C) An appliance store (0) A software company Why doesn’t the speaker pick up the phone? (A) Renovations are being made. (8) An employee is on sick leave, (C) A relocation project is being carried out. (0) The caller is calling after the operating hours. What will be available on the website? (A) The shop's contact information (8) A work schedule (C) A tree consultation (0) A viral image of the new location 24m 4281244 10004 Lorne 74, 78, 76. Who is making the announcement? (A) A flight attendant (B) A receptionist (©) A pilot (0) A repair crew What are listeners able to view? (A) An ocean (8) A tropical island (©) A public monument (D) Anhistorical spot What recommendation does the speaker make? (A) Fasten seat belts (B) Snap photographs (©) Put rubbish in a bin (0) Go to the airine’s check-in counter 11. 78. 79. 81. What is being advertised? (W) Food items (8) Household appliances (0) A fitness center membership (0) Stationery When was the business established? (A) 20 years ago (B) 25 years ago (€) 26 years ago (0)30 years ago How long is this offer good for? (A day (B) Aweek (C) Two weeks (0) Amonth Who is the speaker addressing? (@) A building manager (8) A city official (©) A board member (0) An office staff What will happen to someone who breaks the regulations? (A) Their names will be posted on a bulletin board. (8) Their care will be towed, (6) They will be ticketed. (0) Parking will be prohibited for a week. What solution is the company about to implement next month? (A) Raising funds (8) More payment options (C) A toad improvement (0) An expansion project 83. 86. Where most likely does the speaker work? (A) At an automobile shop. (@) Ata body shop (©) Ata department store (0) Ata government office What has Mr. Wallace already done to finalize the deal? (A) Gone to many dealerships (8) Provided a desired price (©) Entertained customers (0) Signed up for car insurance What should Mr, Wallace do if he wants the deal to be completed? (A) Make another offer (@) Speak with executives (0) Pay a monthly installment (0) Send a contract Who most likely is Colin? (A The current head of sales (8) A former sales manager (©) Asales associate (0) Amarketing head What is suggested about the company? (A) Colin wil join a new department. (8) The company will hire a new head, (©) Colin will have a day off on Friday. (0) Mr. Graham has worked for the company for more than 20 years. According to the speaker, when will the farewell party take place? (A) On Friday (8) This evening (C) At the end of this month (0) In twenty days GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Actua testo: 23 to18a1 Wwhtov 89. What is the purpose of the broadcast? (A) To publicize the importance of drinking water (8) To announce some results (C) To recruit participants (0) To advertise vitamin supplements 90. How long will the study last? (A) For a day (8) For a week (C) For three months (0) For six months 91, What does the speaker mention about the two groups? (A) The two groups will be separated by age. (8) The two groups will have different restrictions (©) Both groups should be attending Cresohill University (0) Both groups will eport their conditions online. 92. Where does the speaker work? (A) A telephone company (8) An internet service provider (C) An airline company (0) A bank 93, How can the listener benefit from the new service? (A) A faster service is expected. (8) The listener can save money. (C) A better insurance service is added. (0) Boarding procedures are simplified. 94, What will Jessica do if she is interested in the offer? (A) Speak to Ms. Lee (8) Sign up for a training session (C) Make a reservation (0) Open a new account 95, 96, 97. 98, 99, 100. What change was recently made at One-Day Travel? () Subscriptions can be renewed online. (B) The magazine's circulation has swelled, (C) The number of staff members has increased. (D) Anew editor has been hired. Who most likely is Vandana Kissoon? (A) A publisher (B) A website designer (C)A journalist (0) A local politician What does Vandana say the magazine has contributed to doing? (A) It has helped boost the economy of Auckland, (B) Ithas introduced travel locations abroad (C) Ithas influenced the publishing industry. (D) Ithas changed people's views on travel, How has the committee financed the project? (A) A budget has been allocated (B) The museum has become a privately owned company. (©) The museum has collected money from admissions. (0) Local businesses have financially supported them. When was the museum constructed? (A) 10 years ago (B) 20 years ago (©) 100 years ago (0) 200 years ago What are visitors invited to do? (A) Join a website (B) Make a donation (C) Make an appearance at a public session (0) Come to an opening celebration This is the end of the Listening test. 24 24m HU 281244 10004 Lorne NO TEST MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ACTUAL TESTO! 25 READING TEST In the Reading test, you will ead a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes, There are three parts, and directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible within the time allowed, You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in your test book, PART 5 Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence, Then mark the letter (A), (8), (C), oF (D) on your answer sheet. 101. After 10 years of research and development, 105, the internet was invented, many wireless services clients are emerging music enthusiasts have been making use of as a major technology. the speady and easy access it provides to ) with relevant and useful information. (8) by (A) Since (Ci for (B) After (O)as (©) So that (0) Therefore 102. The administrator can provide customers. with a customized website that allows users 106, CoCo Candles releases beeswax candles to update ------- personal information. that improve air quality by ------ pollutants (A) they and allergens. @) theirs eliminated (ol them (8) eliminating {D) their own, {C) elimination (0) eliminate 4103. Due to your repeated requests, we are supposed to be expanding the maximum 107. Thanks to your assistance, the scheduled s----= from 20 to 24 characters. update was completed ----- and on time (A) lengthy without incidents. (B) lengthily (A) appropriate {(C) lengthen {B) appropriation (0) lengta (C) appropriated {D) appropriately 104, Upon ------- at the port of Haifa, proceed to Gate 92 for inspection at one of the 408, Mr, Nishio attempts at all times to notify security stations, sales ------- of price changes as soon as, () appearance possible {B) enrollment (A) representatives: {C) arrival {B) strategies (0) request (©) promotions (D) additions 26 24m 4281244 10004 Lorne 109. The citizens of Budapest are being urged to use bicycles during rush hour in an attempt ~ congestion. alleviated (B) alleviation (©) alleviating (0) to alleviate 110, Please show ------- what you are capable of at Wednesday's monthly maating (A) ourselves (8) everyone (©) anything (0) something 111. According to unofficial reports, the recently ‘added funotion of the central processing system was ------- complicated, (A finally (®) exactly (©) nearly (0) extremely 112. There is a comprehensive list of celebrities ~ have appeared at the Love Affair festival (®) which (8) where (©) who (0) what 113. The relocation is a strategic inltiative, specially designed to ------- the rapid growth of the organization and provide clients and employees with a new and innovative environment. 9 estimate (8) accommodate (©) propose (0) advertise 114, Not paying your student loans will affect your lives and credit scores for several years. (W) adverse (8) adversely (©) adversity (0) adversary 4115, Due to inclement weather, the Mori Community Center's annual celebration will be postponed ------- further notice, () against (8) behind (©) until (0) trom 116. To comply with safety precautions, liquid must be carefully stored in metal or plastic containers. W increased ® positive (©) authorized (0) honorable 117. This year's award is presented to Lima Nakashi in ------- of her outstanding dedication and leadership. ) recognize (8) recognizable (©) recognizing (0) recognition 118. Before deciding ------- to hire a property management company, itis important to take your current budget into account. (A) while (8) whether (©) what (0) despite 119. Nippy Tech Solution in the @th Fuel and Energy exposition held in Lahore from 30 June through 1 July. (A) maintained (8) specialized (©) participated (0) assembled 420. If new franchisers want to customers’ attention, it is essential to make their advertising creative and imaginative. (A) remain () extend (©) attend (O) attract GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE AcTuaL testo: 27 to18a1 Wwhtov 421. 122. 123. 124, 125. 28 The main ~ accounting of all costs associated with the construction is to prepare financial reports that provide information to investors. (A) purpose (8) purposive (C) purposes (0) purposely of the strict financial The invitations were sent to nearly all the members of the Horizon Society and your presence is requested for our annual charity luncheon on January 22. (A) cordially {) intentionally (C) rarely (0) cooperatively Because of rising operating costs, Shainport Transportation will increase student fares beginning on March 1 by the same percentage the fare for adults, (A) over (8) with (C) than (D) as When ------- your home's heating and air conditioning system, make sure to consider many different options for your budget. (A) replaces (8) replacement (©) replaced (0) replacing Filming and photography are strictly prohibited during the performance without written ------- because it can distract the performers, (A) consequence (8) sanction (©) treatment (0) practice 24m 4281244 10004 Lorne 126. 127. 128, 129. 130. Beginning in early June, Union College will undertake a ------- renovation of the Humania building with the goal of enhancing the educational environment. (A) major (8) majority (C) majoring () majors ‘On Monday, domestic German flights - due to strike actions by the German aviation labor union, (A) will be cancelled (B) are cancelling (C) should cancel (0) cancelling When consumers decide to buy anew kitchen, they should make sure that there is - space for everything that they want to store in thair kitchen. (A) sufficient (8) competent (©) satisfied (D) accurate Analysts anticipated that the stock price of Luna Manufacturing will be significantly higher after they release friendly products. (A) environment (B) environmental (©) environmentally () environments discussing controversial issues, | will also deliver a speech on persuasive ‘speaking so that participants can become more effective speakers, (A) In addition to (8) Unless (©) Provided that (D) As well 131. During the New Year holiday season, all our branch restaurants will be from December 30 to January 2. narrowly (®) previously (C) constructively (0) provisionally ~ closed 192. In his latest report in Sporty Guide ‘Magazino, Mr. Danielle officially mentioned that Eric White will be the football player ever. (®) more strong (8) most strong (C) most strongly (0) strongest 133. A(n) ~ an article that focused on simple mistakes we may make during the planning stage. (9) individual (B) colleague (©) precaution (0) creator of mine recently passed along 134, applicants selected for further consideration will receive an e-mail from the NPKY Family inviting them to submit {ull proposals, (A) Which (8) Moreover (o) But (0) Only 135, Anyone ------- taking an intensive course designed to give an understanding of athletic injury management should have the necessary time to complete all components of the course. (W) considered (B) considering (©) considerably (0) considerate 4186. The peak proceeds in December are due to the receipt of large contributions, whereas the expenditures are more ------- spread throughout the year. (W) evenly (8) closely (C) consistently (0) reluctantly 187. With over 80 percent of its budget devoted to education, Total Vision is making strides toward delivering basic education to the most remote areas of the country. (W) now that (8) even (©) whereas (0) despite 188. Heritage Mobile has agreed to invest in the company's . Hutech Systems Inc, to fund production upgrades and expand capacity. 9 practice (8) composition (©) subsidiary (0) reference 139, realized the city’s needs for public art, Baltimore recently installed whimsical artworks around the city. (A) Being (8) To have (C) Having (0) To be 140. The following guide will particularly benefit international attendees with the region and give them an overview. (A) unfamiliar (8) familiarize (©) familiarizing (©) untamitiarly GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Actua testo: 29 to18a1 Wwhtov PART 6 Directions: Read the texts that follow. A word or phrase is missing in some of the sentences. Four answer choices ate given below each of the sentences. Select the best answer to complete the text. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. Questions 141-143 refer to the following information. The new version of Expedition Air's website www.expeditionair.com was officially launched online to provide a better customer experience. The new version looks simple and elegant. The most frequently used features appear on the homepage, My Bookings, Flight Info, Self Services and Info Service, as well as links to 141.(A) includes (B) inclusion (C) inclusive (0) including social networking sites ‘To make it more interactive, the new version more self-services for ticket booking, 142. A) offers (8) offered (0) offering (0) have offered check-in, refund, change of date, class upgrade, information forwards and product promotion, not to mention one-stop services for air ticket, hotel and tourism products. can also make queries about baggage and lost-and-found items, in-flight duty-free 143.(A) Users (©) Owners: (©) Participants (0) Representatives: goods booking, weather forecast of mainland China cities, Taiwan, Hong Keng and Macau and information about other airports. 90 THE SuH aH 25124 1000 Le+Re Questions 144-146 refer to the following memo, To: All staff From: Joseph Brenner ‘Subject: Congratulations Date: December 18 Dear Colleagues, (Our warmest congratulations to Eric Johnson, who ------- the industry's award for the best 144,(A) receiving () received (©) will receive (O) are received TV commercial of the year. A recent graduate trom the Ann Academy, Eric joined us and immediately attracted the attention of writers and artists with his avant-garde style. He says he enjoys ------- in our countryside setting, where he can enjoy the inspiration of the 445, A) working (8) works (C) to work (0) worked mountains and woodlands. ‘The award is given each year to the commercial ------- industry writers and artists select as 146.(A) who (8) what (C) where (0) that the mest effective one in the use of visual media, Mr. Eric will receive his award at the annual banquat in honor of screen and television writers in February. Our best wishes to Eric and to all our writers who set today's standard of excellence, With sincerity, J. Brenner Vice President GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE AcTuAL Testor 31 to18a1 Wwhtov Questions 147-149 refer to the following e-mail, To: Tom Smith From: Joe Miller Date: June 3 Subject: Thank you Dear Mr. Smith, When | contacted you last month for help in finding a new career opportunity, | had no idea that such a great chance like this would turn up so quickly! | want to thank you for your support and let you know that fortunately, | the position of Sales Manager for Hans 147.(A) offered (B) will be offered (©) have been offered () should offer Industries. ‘As you may know, Hans Industries employs more than 500 people locally. Of businesses that offer paper products, Hans Industries is by far the largest and most efficient. One of the things I've learned in this transition is the importance of staying in touch with many acquaintances and business associates. want to give you my new address and 148. (A) On the contrary (8) Moreover (C) Instead (0) Therefore telephone number, with the hope that | will have an opportunity to be of assistance to you and your company. Joe Miller, Hokins Apt, 130 YS Avenue, LA 213-238-5555 Again, | want to thank you for your help and ook forward to staying in touch with 149. (A) persuasion (8) encouragement (C) confidence (0) announcement you. Sincerely, Joe Miller 92 24m 4281244 10004 Lorne Questions 150-152 refer to the following memo, To: Garimto Corp. employees: From: Amita Thaker Date: December 2 Subject: Promotion Dear Employees, lam pleased to announce that A.J. Alice has been appointed Vice President of the Garimto Corporation. Alice is now responsible for ------- our company's developing and marketing 150. (A) supervising @) supervision (C) supervised (©) supervises divisions. At the Fallfield site, Alice provided great leadership, as evidenced by the level of integration of Garimto products into the local market. ------ this accomplishment, Alice has 151.(A) Beside (8) Except (0) Along (0) Beyond helped to drive the business strategy as our products gain national recognition. Alice's focus is customer-oriented, She is passionate about delivering unsurpassed customer aid and has led her group to provide excellent support to large accounts, We are ------- to 152.(A) available (8) obvious (©) fortunate (©) pleasant have Alice leading the Garimto team, Please join me in congratulating her an her new, well- deserved position Sincerely, A. Thakar Chief Executive Officer GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE AcTuaL testo: 33 to18a1 Wwhtov PART 7 Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper atticles, letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions, Select the best answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (8), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. Questions 153-154 refer to the following notice NOTICE TO PASSENGERS Hernandez Travel Agency is not a carrier and acts only as an agent for the purposes of issuing tickets for carriers. Carriers will only be liable during transportation on their own lines, in accordance with local tariff regulations and limitations. We assume no responsibilty for any acts or omissions by any carrier occurring at any time. Carriers’ schedules may be changed or altered without advance notice. Arrivals, departures and connections at times stated are not guaranteed, ARECEIPT IS REQUIRED FOR ALL TICKET REFUNDS. For more information, contact our agency in Germany. 183, What is mentioned about Hernandez Travel Agency? (A) It provides transportation similar to other carriers. (8) Itcan change the schedules without any natice. (0) Its headquarters is in Germany. (0) It takes no responsibilty for any missed flights. 34 24m 4281244 10004 Lorne 154, According to the notice, what is true? WW) Carriers have implemented administrative upgrades to improve customer service. (B) Passengers should present a receipt when changing schedules. (C) Arrivals, departures and connections are subject to change. () Passengers can get information through the internet, Questions 185-156 refer to the following instructions. ‘SCREEN CLEANER For use with cell phones, computers, laptops and other mobile digital products. SCREEN CLEANER INSTRUCTIONS |. Turn off the display of your device and allow them to cool. 2. Make sure a piece of cloth is clean and free of any dirt before applying. 3. Spray an enough amount of the cleaning agents on any portion of the cloth. (When the cloth becomes dirty, clean under warm water and allow to ary.) Wipe the LCD of the device to evenly distribute the cleaning agents on the screen. Use the other side of cloth and wipe the screen until itis dry. You need to rotate the cloth a second time. Always apply light pressure to your LCD so as not to damage the surface of the screen * For details, please refer to the “Screen Cleaner Instructions” page on the website, www.screencleaner.com/instructions, 155, What does the instruction say is available 186. What is suggested about the cleaner? cn the website? (a) this only sold ontine. (A) Discount coupons (®) itis a newly released product. (8) Directions to the store (0) It comes in solid form (0) Kinds of products (0) It may damage the surface of the (0) Information about the product use seroen GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE AcTuaL Testo: 36 to18a1 Wwhtov Questions 157-159 refer to the following notice, Dear passengers, Passengers under 15 years of age are restricted from sitting al emergency exit row seats. Passengers in these seats must be able to follow instructions closely, and be physically capable of performing manual tasks such as opening the emergency exit door. If you are assigned an exit row seat, please read the notice to passengers in exit seats carefully in your seat pocket at your earliest convenience after boarding. Please do not pull the switch of the emergency exil, and do not place your belongings in any places that will prevent our crewmembers from performing their duties. You are required to perform the following, procedures in case of emergency. © Keep other passengers clear of the emergency exit door until crewmembers securely open it. © Open the emergency exit in compliance with the directions of crewmembers, © Check that the area outside the aircrait is safe under instructions of crewmembers © Mer the escape slide is setup, 8 ily evacuate the passengers © When evacuating, assist other passengers in coming down the emergency slide. For the: easons, only passengers who consent to assist are assigned to the emergency exit row seats. We appreciate your understanding 187. What is the purpose of the notice? (A) To describe how to set up a slide (8) To introduce a new line of aircrafts (C) To advertise an international airline (0) To announce seating restrictions 168, What are passengers assigned exit row seats asked to do? (A) Understand evacuation procedures (8) Give other passengers instructions (C) Be trained to ensure a rapid evacuation (0) Press the call button in case of ‘emergency 36TH 29124} 10008 Lo+Re 159. Who is most likely qualified for an ‘emergency exit row seat? (A) Passengers who are under 15 years of age (B) Passengers who have a lot of flight experience (0) Passengers who are physically strong (D) Passengers who are bilingual in English and Spanish Questions 160-161 refer to the following notice, Fee eee eee eee ' Younicat Equipment Co. Younicat Equipment is dedicated to protecting the environment. Atall times in every aspect of our business, we operate in full compliance with the relevant laws and strive to improve our environmental performance. We continuously evaluate our activities and measure our performance against established high-performance goals. We also educate our employees of their environmental responsibilities and teach them methods to reduce risk and. climinate potential environmental harm. When we take on a project on our customers’ behalf, they can trust that we will carry out the work in the best interests of the environment and the people who depend upon it, 160. What is the purpose of the notice? 461. According to the notice, what is implied (A) To explain a company's environmental about Younicat Equipment Co.? efforts (A) It performs routine maintenance. (B) To describe an available service (8) It maintains 2 safe work environment (©) To inform employees of a discontinued (©) It instructs all staff according to their policy policy. (0) To promote a new line of equipment (0) Itis about to start a new business. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE [ACTUAL TEST 01 37 sosai Wwntov Questions 162-164 refer to the following web page. httpe://helpeonsumerMHtech.com/app/crediteard/inguira File a Credit Card Complaint What 1. Desired My 8. Product, happened? resolution information information 4 Review What do you think would be a fair resolution to your issue? Do not include sensitive information like your name, contact information, account number, or social security number in this field. We will collect certain personal information at a later step. COMMENT ‘On January 22, | got an electric drill serviced at your Raingers Service Center, and charged it to my credit card. | have just checked my credit card statement and noticed that my card was charged twice for the same service. | remember the staff having problems with the computer, so | guess the double-billing was the result of some mistakes at that time | have attached a copy of my receipt confirming the payment. | believe the best way to revise the bill would be for you to credit my account with the mistakenly charged money. If the problem is resolved quickly, | think everything will be okay. Please call me at 01-5482- 1098, Thank you {895 text characters remaining based on a pre-set limit, Continue Back 162. What type of company is MHtech? 164, What has the customer done wrong? (A) A hardware store (A) Entered the customer's name (8) An electronics company (B) Exceeded the number of words (©) A stationery store (©) Skipped the previous step (0) A bank (0) Included contact information 168. According to the comment, what is the reason for the complaint? (A) A billing method has been changed. (8) A customer had duplicate charges. (C) The staff sent the item to the wrong address. (0) A customer found the staff unkind. BUA AE BAIA} 1000 Lo+RE Questions 165-167 refer to the following e-mail a | To: All staff From: Jahar Vieri Date: Friday, July 2 Subject: A special party plan We are pleased to announce that we will hold @ special party two weeks from today for all full-time staff and their families. We'd like to extend an invitation to each of you to attend our annual employee holiday party. The main purpose of the annual party is to encourage employee interaction and teamwork and increase employee morale. On the day, we will close the olfice at noon and meet in the conference room for delicious refreshments provided by Café Doe's Last year’s party was so successful thal we decided to do it again and invite families to join us, ‘We will first spend an hour in a meeting and then allow families to be together for the rest of the day. Dinner will be provided. Dress is semiformal. This meeting is particularly important as we will meet our new executive director, Keith Richards, who will deliver a speech. We will also be joined by JCC Architects, board members and staff who have been leading the way in achieving ‘our goals. Regardless of whether you are a new or longtime worker, there is always some new information to leaen I for some reason you will not be able to attend, please notify Human Resources by this Wednesday. Also, if you are attending, please inform us whom you will bring so that we can get {an accurate count of adults and kids and prepare name tags which will be required for entry to the party. Things You Need to Know: YIB Systems ID badges are required for entrance to this private party and you will be given your assigned name tags for entry. You can also pick up your name tags from the HR front desk next Monday through Friday. As a reminder, please RSVP in person ai Human Resources so that we can calculate the number of attending guests. If you have any questions regarding this event, please call 300-2200, ext. 311 Jahar Vier, Director Human Resources Department 165. Why has YJB Systems planned the party? 167. What is indicated about Ms. Vieri? (A) To introduce a new executive in Human (A) She is requesting replies, Resources (8) She will lead the company event. (8) To issue a name tag to a new member (©) She is planning to hire a renowned chet. (C)To discuss its employees’ creative ideas (0) She will deliver a speech on the day of (0) To enhance employee bonding and the party. relations 166. When will the party most likely take place? (A) On July 2 (8) On July 5S (©) On July 9 (0) On July 16 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Actua testo: 39 to18a1 Wwhtov Questions 168-171 refer to the following article. LAINSBORO, December 21—K Tech has been ranked 7th in this year's “CORBON's 20 Best Companies to Work at” list. The list, now in its 32nd year, recognizes companies that have outstanding workplace cultures, This year’s ranking marks the fourth © year Karimo Tech has the honor of being the top workplace —a employees and their devotion to improving an environmentally friendly microchip. succes! ned testament to the passion of the Karimo Tech was selected from hundreds of companies conte the list this year. Applicant companies opt 10 participate in the selection process, which includes a survey and an extensive ding for a place on questionnaire about company practices. “Superb Places to Work" then assesses each application using its distinct methodology based on five standard reliability, respect, fairness, pride and comradeship. Adam Schultz, originator of the list at Superb 168, What is the purpose of the article? (A) To nominate an executive for an award (8) To describe a successful selection process (C) To invite the originator to the contest (0) To highlight a company's accomplishments 169. The word “successive” in paragraph 1, line 7, is closest in meaning to (A) profitable (8) consecutive (C) prosperous, (0) considerable 40 24m 4281244 10004 Lorne Places to Work, has found that employ: believe they work for great organizations when they consistently trust the people they work for, haye pride in what they do and enjoy the people they work with, Gaining recognition for the fourth year in a row is a true testament to the commitment lp said Col Magnum, corporate vice president of Karimo Tech, Inc. “To keep and retain the best talent requires a unique company culture that inspires and attracts people. As our employees continue to lead in the computer software industry, we will continue to mateh their enthusiasm ‘sion we see across our employees; and devotion with the great opportunities possible.” “The CORBON's 20 Best Companies to Work at list makes ny companies more competitive every year and our list shows the best of the best,” said Karim Gareia, Chief Executive Officer of Superb Places to Work. 170. What is NOT mentioned in the article? (A) *Superb Places to Work" has its own unique criterions. (B) *CORBON's 20 Best Companies to Work at” has been operational for over 30 years. (©) Karimo Tech conducted a survey to select qualified companies. (D) 20 companies have been selected for the honor. 171. Who is Col Magnum? (A) An applicant for Karimo Tech (B) An employee at “Superb Places to Wort (©) An executive at Karimo Tech (0) A founder of “Superb Places to Work" Questions 172-175 refer to the following advertisement. COMING ESOOI, How about trying something different? How about going for lasting wealth — and doing it the cautious way? In Save Money to Be Rich, John Leyland utilizes his thirty years of experience and knowledge as a Wall Street analyst and the MC of NNC Radio's Money to ‘Money to guide people to high-yield, low-risk investing, Amidst a great recession, this is the method for making big money without taking big risks. Drawing on his peerless knowledge of the stock market and on the mistakes and successes he has made on the way to his own fortune, Mr. Leyland explains how you can get rich in a careful, systematic way, as long as you start now. In his own impeccable style, this book describes how to maximize financial technology. He shows you how to develop the disciplines you need to take advantage of them. It helps you to choose the right type of economical products even during recession, and provides 3 more protected way of saving money by getting more effective information. The personal finance book of the year, Save Money to Be Rich is an invaluable guide to turning your savings into real, lasting wealth ina practical, and highly readable and entertaining way. The book says that itis worth examining the past to review which strategy worked best during the worst investment environments. A great technique is to be able to read currency markets consistentiy and enhance your investing skills as these will tel you about the assets and changes in the marketplace. With this book, you can get better management techniques, make better decisions, and improve your personal abilities Here are two ways to get a copy of Save Money to Be Rich from Amonden Books : drop by ‘ur store to pick up a copy after the book's release date of August 20, or take advantage of our Free shipping offer by preordering the book on or before July 31. We will ship your preordered copy directly to your home after August 22. 172. What is indicated about Mr. Leyland? 174. The word “systematic” in paragraph 2, line (A) He developed unique investing 3, ig closest in meaning to techniques: (A) methodical (8) He will hold a fan signing event. (8) versatile (C) He has hosted a radio show. (C) tentative (D) He works at Amonden Bookstore. (D) crucial 178. What is mentioned in the advertisement? 178, When will Save Money to Be Rich be (®) The book won an award for excellence. available in stores? (B) Mr, Leyland is a former company (@) On July 6 executive. (8) On July 31 (©) The bookstore always charges an extra (©) On August 20, fee for delivery (0) On August 22 (0) The book can be preordered before release. GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE acTuaLtesto1 41 to18a1 Wwhtov Questions 176-180 refer to the following letter. May 25 Horim Manufacturing 918 Hollydell Street Ottawa, Ontario K1P 352 Dear Ms, Adriano Tame across your advertisement in How to Work Magazine for the vacant position of Public Relations Officer at Horim Manufacturing Company. Lam pl present my résumé for this position, I believe you will find that Iam a dedicated worker who is very capable for the job. Let me introduce myself, My name is Hojison Croop. I graduated 3 years ago, majored in advertisement and joined the marketing team of Star Family Industry in Toronto, I have always focused on: > Making and improving the advertisement of products for higher customer satisfaction > Examining and planning unique programs for advertisement for the market > Introducing all features and properties of products innovatively > Tracking the best solutions to evaluate marketing results > Attracting more and more customers toward the existing business > Retaining customers for the sales of our existing products and coming services Meanwhile, [have also been attending presentations and sessions on marketing & advertisement, held at the National Leading Institute, to improve my theoretic: knowledge. This really reinforced my intention to prosper in the advertisement field, For more details on my profile, please see my attached résumé, The included documents will testify to my career successes and solid commitment to providing clients with excellent service. I have a thorough understanding of a Public Relations Officer's duties. Iam confident that Tam the right person for the position. Tam looking forward to the interview, Thank you in advance for considering me for this position. Regards, Hiyjison Croyp Hojison Croop 182 West 6th Avenue, Quebec 420 TH 29124} 10008 Lo+Re 176. What is the purpose of the letter? (A) Te schedule an interview appointment (B) To promote a new advertisement (©) To introduce a marketing company (0) To apply for an open position 177. What is indicated about Mr. Croop? (A) He does not have a relevant degre (8) He has no previous experience (C) He has studied the position’s responsibilities. (0) He heard about the position through an oniine ad. 178. In which field does Mr. Croop most likely work? () Personnel department (B) Public Relations (C) Accounting (D) Marketing 4179. 180. ‘What does Mr. Groop enclose with the letter? (®) A contact number (8) Arésumé (©) A letter of reference (0) An application According to the letter, where is Ms. Adriano working? (a) Ottawa (8) Vancouver (©) Toronto (0) Quebec GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE [ACTUAL TEST 01 43 to18a1 Wwhtov Questions 181-185 refer to the following advertisement and receipt THE EYES VISION Eye examinations available on campus Fashionalale eyewear by LuxiKa, Hera, Toto, and more Located at Connelly Campus next to the bookstore. Monday to Thursday 11 a.m.-7 p.m Friday & Saturday 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Special offer : You only need to possess a student identification card to enjoy up to 10% off selected styles for a limited time only. Drop in with your prescription or let us arrange an eye examination for you with the ‘optometrist conveniently located at the Connelly Campus Health Center. (641) 556-0401, ext. 2767 Harikumar Alagesan @qualityconnelly.com THE EYES VISION ‘821 Monroe St. Glen Iris VIC 1364 Phone: (541) 556-0401 Transaction Description Ttem Model No. Qty Price Sunglasses RB 3387 1 $170.00 Discount (-10%) -$17.00 Tax $22.00 Payment (Credit Card) $175.00 6 September 10:38 a.m. $175.00 Account Balance : $0.00 YOU WERE ASSISTED BY Niousha Thank you for shopping at The Eyes Vision No Returns/Refunds Exchanges within 7days 44° THe uA aE BAIN} 1000 Le+Ae sement most likely (Ina student handbook (8) In acompany newsletter (0) In a job fair brochure (D) Ina business magazine 182, Where is The Eyes Vision located? (W) Across from the main entrance (8) Near the bookstore (C) Next to the health center (0) On the 3rd floor 183. What is indicated about The Eyes Vision? (A) It is closed on Saturdays. (B) It has its own website (©) Ithas experts who test people's eyes. (0) It usually hires student workers, 184. When did the customer most likely visit the store? () On Tuesday (8) On Wednesday (C) On Thursday (0) On Friday 4185. According to the receipt, what is true? (A) Niousha is a new employee. (8) There is a policy of returns and refunds. (C) The customer presented his student ID to Niousha. (0) Exchanges are available more than a week after purchase. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Actua testo: 45 to18a1 Wwhtov Questions 186-190 refer to the following flyer and e-mail NORTHFOLK SUMMER EVENTS Beach Volleyball July 3 12:00 pm-3:00 p.m. FREE Kayaking/Rock Climbing July 3_| 12:00 p.m.-6:00 pm. | ONLY $5 Paintball July 4 :00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. | ONLY $10 3 on 3 Basketball July 4 | 2:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. FREE Table Tennis Tournament | July 10 | 2:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m, FREE Soccer Tournament July 10 | 2:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m, FREE Badminton Tournament July 11 p.m.-4:00 p.m. FREE Tennis Tournament July 11 | 2:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m, FREE Mountain Biking July 14 00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. | ONLY $15 SIGN UP ATTHE RECREATION OFFICEIN PERSON BY JUNE 25TH J ‘TO GET FREE PARTICIPATION TO SOME EVENTS. t v Please submit any questions to Info@spocenter.com To: info@spocenter.com From: Alina Gomez Subject: summer event Date: June 3 | want to thank you for the inspiration and enjoyment we get each year from attending Northfolk Summer Events. Its heen almost three years since I was frst invited, and have enjoyed every minute, To register last year, recreation members were able to sign up for an event either online or in person at the recreation office, However, noticed that there is no information about that in the flyer. Could you please let me know if | can register online? Also, the flyer indicates that the tournament | want to participate in ends at 5 pam. but Heard it will finish at approximately 4 p.m. Lam confused about which one is correct. | am planning on purchasing, our train tickets tomorrow morning. According to your representative, the sports center is nly a five-minute walk from the train station, which should make getting there very easy. Depending on your reply, | need to decide which return train tickels to purchase. This year, will the tournament also include men’s doubles, women’s doubles and co-ed doubles for all ages and will each team be guaranteed at least two matches? The best two out of thive sets will determine the winning team, right? | look forward to your reply. Thank you 4G THE BUN aH 25124 000 Lorne 186. What is mentioned about the Badminton, Tournament? (A It lasts for more than three hours. (B) Itis led by a certificated instructor. (C) It will be held on the last day of the schedule (0) Itis the most expensive event in the list. 187. What is indicated in the flyer about the events? (A) Registration is free for a limited time. (B) The Kayaking event is the longest one (C) There is no event in the morning (0) Inquiries can be submitted by phone 188, What is suggested about Ms. Gomez? () She will be asked to pay additional fees. (B) She has previously worked for the event. (©) She is considering attending only the first day. (0) She is planning to use public transportation, 4189. When will Ms. Gomez most likely come to the sports center? () On July 3 (8) On July 4 (©) On July 10 (0) On July 11 190. What is NOT an inquiry made by Ms. Gomez? (A) The method of registration (8) The location of the train station (C) The finishing time of the event (0) The tournament format GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE AcTuaLtesto: 47 to18a1 Wwhtov Questions 191-195 refer to the following e-mail and policy. To ‘evalonsi@ajtolecom.com From kennethling@sjtelecom.com Date March 2 Subject Orientation Dear Carole Valensi, We are pleased that you will be joining us as a manager in our customer service division and anticipate your excellent work. To help you become better acquainted with the full range of our services, Jessica Salinas, a member of human resources department, will show you around the plant and headquarters building on the orientation day Your major responsibility will be to oversce the processing of all incoming and outgoing customer inquiries. We have also scheduled a new and experienced employee orientation on March 4, at 9:00 a.m, At the orientation, you will receive information on AJ Telecom's benefits and investment opportunities. You will also be given a handbook that will cover employee expectations, promotion information, and our privacy policy Ifyou have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the human resources department manager at ext, 4233, (An employee directory will be provided on the first work day.) Sincerely, Kenneth Ling Vice president AJ Telecom Privacy Policy AL AJ Telecom, we are aware that privacy and the security of personal information are sources of anxiety to our customers, We have heen careful to establish and implement policies and procedures to protect your information, (Our employees arc notified of their duties to protect confidential customer information Appropriate disciplinary policies are in place to help enforce employee responsibilities, AJ Telecom receives and keeps personal information about its customers through some sources, such as information on applications and other forms; information about customers’ transactions, With us or our affiliated company. We restrict the collection and use of this information to that Which is necessary to maintain and manage finaneial services, provide efficient service, and introduce new products and services that may he beneficial to our custom AJ Telecom never reveals any private information about our customers or former customers to any ‘other people. We also never share specific customer information with other companies without the customer's consent, except when required to by law. AJ Telecom may collect information volunteered by customers during the application and. information request process. In an attempt to offer customers the best telecommunication| opportunities, We may contact customers directly with news about new services and special promotions, AJ Telecom restricts access to private information about our customers to employees who need to know that information in order to provide proclucts and/or services to our ctstomers. In addition, AJ Telecom maintains procedural safeguards that comply with government standards to safeguard the personal information of our customers and former customers. * Yor further details about our policies, please contact the HR departments manager, Rick Renteria 48 24m 4281244 10004 Lorne 191. What is the purpose of the e-mail? (A) To introduce a new manager (8) To announce the company's new policy (C) To notify an employee of a company event (0) To offer customers new services 192, Whose extension number is indicated in the e-mail? (A) Carole Valensi (B) Jessica Salinas (C) Kenneth Ling () Rick Renteria 193, Where can Mss, Valensi find the privacy policy? (A) In the employee directory (B) In the handbook (C) On the website (0) On a bulletin board 194, What is NOT suggested about Ad Telecom? (A) It regularly provides staff with service training sessions, (8) It may contact customers to suggest (C) It sometimes collects customers’ information from forms. (0) Ithas some subsidiaries. 195. When can Ms. Valensi share a customer's Information? (A) Whenever she wants to (8) When it is approved by the vice president (C) When she has filled out an application form (0) When it is required by law GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Actua testo: 49 to18a1 Wwhtov Questions 196-200 refer to the following letter and agreement. October 30 Dear current resident, As always, spaces will go fast for the next year ~ renew your lease today and save! As a valued resident, we are offering you the opportunity to renew your lease at preferred resident pricing for the next lease term, Since we anticipate spaces to go very quickly for next year, we want to make sure our current residents have first priority over new applicants. Lock in your low rate today to avoid higher costs. Preferred resident pricing will be based ona tiered system and the earlier you sign up, the more you save, Rates will continue to increase as more people renew and as we approach the final renewal deadline of February 1. Deadlines Rates Renew by December 10 Renew at your current rate Renew by December 21 Renew with preferred resident pricing All remaining renewals Renew at market rate Remember, if you are one of the first 100 residents to renew your lease by February 1, there are no additional application fees or deposits required. Please take a moment to complete the enclosed renewal addendum and return it to our offices. Sincerely, Kerry Moffat General Manager Crockett Village RENEWAL AGREEMENT Date of the renewal and amendment of lease agreement : Friday, December & Resident : Jian Choi Premises : shared W private bedroom accommodation Agreement : Landlord, Resident and Guarantor are parties to the lease of the premises described above, Landlord, Resident and Guarantor hereby modify and amend the lease as follows : 1. Extension of lease term : The lease term is extended, so that the lease term will additionally include the period commencing on Janvary |and ending on December I, The resident does not have any right to further extend the lease term 2. The next rent payment, payable in installments for the renewed term is 8604800 3, Landlord, Resident and Guarantor hereby agree that the lease is modified and amended with consent. 4. You are responsible for and will take good care of the premises and the furniture within the premises, as well as common and shared areas during your lease term. If you cause this area to become unpresentable, dirty, or damaged, the landlord will charge you for all cost associated with making the unit ready for occupancy, 5. Resident and Guarantor acknowledge and agree that they have carefully read and understand this agreement and amendment. 50 24m 4281244 10004 Lorne 196. What is the purpose of the letter? (To provide updates about rent renewal (8) To request information about an agreement (0) To discuss a recent business agreement (0) To grant permission for renewal 197. According to the letter, what is NOT true about the Crockett Village? (A) It exempts some limited people from paying additional fees. (B) It will raise the rental rates for the next lease term. (C) It frequently changes its lease policy. (0) It is very popular with potential tenants. 198, What is stated as a benefit of early payment? (A) Exemption from paying rental fees (8) Waived deposit fees (©) Unlimited extensions (0) Gift certificates 199. When was the agreement written? (A) On January 1 (8) On February 1 (C) On December 3 (0) On December 21 200. What is NOT indicated about Ms. Chol? (A) Her current rental rate is $6,048, (8) Her loase is renewed once a year. (C) She will be held responsible for damage done to the premises. (0) She has met with Ms. Moffat before. AcTuAL Testo! 51 to18a1 Wwhtov ACTUAL TEST THE 23171 421 29124} 10008 LOFRE LISTENING TEST In the Listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken English. The entire Listening test will last approximately 45 minutes. There are four parts, and directions are given for each part. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in your tast book. PART 4 Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture, Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statements will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time, Sample Answer Example 3 e wie Statement (B), “They're looking at the document,” is the best description of the picture, so you should select answer (B) and mark it on your answer sheet. 52 GO OW TO THE NEXT PAGE _———n: 2 68 usa. 54 1244 1000 Lo+Re GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Actua testoz 95 NI ANNANANNNY, ANTI AT GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Actua testoz 57 wusaLwniov PART 2 Directions: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time, Select the best response to the question or statement and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your answer sheet. ‘Sample Answer Deo Example You will hear: When is your dental appointment? You will also hear: (A) On Trent Street (8) This afternoon after lunch (C)1 was disappointed, too ‘The best response to the question “When is your dental appointment?” is choice (B), “This afternoon after lunch,” so (B) is the correct answer. You should mark answer (8) on your answer sheet. 11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 26, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 12, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 28, Mark your answer on your answer sheet, 44. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 29, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 30, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 31, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 17, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 32. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 33, Mark your answer on your answer sheet, 19, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 4, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. $5, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet, 6, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 37, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 23. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. $8, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 24, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 38, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 40. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 58 24m 4281244 10004 Lorne PART 3 Directions: You will hear some conversations between two people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation, Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. 44, What item is being discussed? (A) A home improvement item (B) Ahousehold appliance (C) Cookware (0) Some ingredients 42, What day will the order be delivered? (This Monday (8) This Thursday (C) Next Monday (0) Next Thursday 43. What will happen next? (A) The item will be picked up. (8) Tho new item will be installed. (C) The old iter will be thrown away. (0) Some information will be given, ‘44, What is the conversation about? (A) The small amount (8) The slow service (C) The restaurant's cleanliness (0) The reasonable price What does the woman offer the man? (A) A better seating arrangement (8) A voucher for a special menu (C) Store credit (0) A tree item to drink . What does the man want to have first? (W) A beverage (8) Abill cancelation (©) The entrée (0) The complimentary food GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ACTUAL TEST 02 99 1831 Whiov 47. 48. 49. 50, 51. 52. 60 What is being discussed? (4) A company meeting (B)A sports club (6) A volunteer organization (0) Classic music What event do the man and woman plan to attend? (A) Aconcert (8) A play (C) A sports event (0) A book signing What does the woman say she will do by this weekend? (A) Make a reservation (8) Finalize the contract (0) Rearrange the chairs (0) Call the agency What has the woman decided to do? (A) Enlarge the space for a demonstration (8) Replace some equipment (C) Market the property (0) Rebuild a building What day will the project take place? (A) On the weekend (8) On Monday (C) On Tuesday (0) On Wednesday What request will the man make? (A) That the lease be extended (B) That the space be rearranged (C) That the schedule be changed (0) That workstations be covered vi 29124} 10008 Lo+Re 53, 54, 56, 56, 87, Who is the man expecting next week? (A) Business clients (B) A restaurant manager (©) A department head (D) A keynote speaker What will the man do with the participants following the meeting? (A) Have lunch (B) Return to the oftice (©) Sign a contract (0) Have a question and answer session What does the woman say she will do before getting off work? (A) Call the clients (B) Prepare the handouts (©) Set up a projector (0) Notify the man of the progress Where do the speakers most likely work? (A) Ata medical office (8) Atan electronics store (C) Ata repair shop () At a bookstore What is the problem? (A) The appointment is canceled. (B) The data is incorrect, (©) The system is not in operation, (D) The test is delayed, What does the woman say will happen tomorrow? (A) Anew item will arrive. (B) Some equipment will be bought. (C) Some data will be entered (0) The system will resume. 59, 60. et. 62, 63. 64, What type of work does the woman most likely do? (A) She handles customer surveys. (8) She coordinates company events. (C) She develops new products. (0) She comes up with advertising ideas. What caused the delay? (A) The test required some professional expertise (8) The number of people exceeded the requirements. (C) The launch date was put off (0) Only a few people were recruited According to the man, what will happen about two weeks after the survey? (A) A new feature will be developed. (B) The results will be available. (©) A product will be ready for the market. (0) Anew ad campaign will be shown on What position is the woman applying for? (A) Assistant project manager (B) Assistant editor (C) Marketing specialist {D) Senior journalist What is mentioned about the woman? (A) She works for a competitor's company. (8) She has a lot of management experience. (C) She has been writing articles on traveling. (D) She is in between jobs. Why does the woman want to leave her current company? () She has worked as a temp. (8) She wants to work in a different field. (C) She hopes to live closer to her family (0) She wants to experience a new market, 65. 66. 67. 68, 69. 70. Why is the man cal 0? (A) He cannot go on a trip. (8) He wants to confirm the date. (C) He wants to rent a car. (0) He needs to cancel a reservation. For how long does the man want to use the (W) Four days (Five days (C) Six days (0) Seven days What does the woman offer to do for the man? (A) Compensate him (8) Make a reservation (©) Upgrade the system (0) Consult her supervisor Where most likely do the speakers work? (A) At a manufacturing facility (8) Atareal estate agency (C) Ata recruitment agency (0) Ata fitness center What has the man done for other workers? (A) Contacted other departments (8) Trained them in the basic functions (©) Drawn up the report (0) Passed out some materials What does the woman encourage workers to do? (A) Meet the deadiine (8) Clear the exit (C) Join the session (0) Ask questions GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE AcTuALTEsTo2 61 1831 Whiov PART 4 Directions: You will hear some talks given by a single speaker, You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (8), (C), or (0) on your answer sheet. The talks will not be printed in your test book and will be speken only one time, mm. 72. 73. 62 What is being advertised? 74, (A) A laundry detergent (8) A photography book (C) An electronic device (0) A printer What advantage does the speaker mention? 78. (A) Compact size (8) Light weight (C) A one-year warranty (0) Various color choices What should listeners do if they want to get the special offer? 76. (A) Drop by the store (8) Become members (C) Sign up for a homepage (0) Upload some photos 24m 4281244 10004 Lorne Where most likely is the announcement being heard? (A) In a museum (8) In a publishing company (©) Ina moving company (0) In atrain station How late will the business stay open on Tuesday? (A) Until 9 A.M. (8) Until 4 BM, (©) Until 6 PM. (0) Until 6:30 PM, What does the speaker encourage listeners to do? (A) Stay close to the exit (B) Make a reservation (©) Obtain some materials () Purchase some souvenirs 11. 78. 79. at. What sort of business does the speaker work for? (WA travel agency (8) An airline company (C) A car dealership (0) A hospital Where is the speaker currently staying? (In Venice (8) In Munich (0) In Stockholm (0) In Brussels What does the speaker recommend if the caller needs direct contact with her? (A) Leave a message (8) Give aring (©) Send an e-mail (0) Visit the office What is the purpose of the event? (To celebrate an opening (B) To raise money (C) To promote anew concert (0) To recognize an artist What field is Ms. Solomon involved in? (A) Event planning (8) Music (©) Recreation (0) Consulting What will Ms. Solomon most likely do next? (#) Play an instrument (8) Present anew product (C) Watch a short video (0) Introduce a quest speaker 83. 86. What is the talk mainly about? (A) Getting anew unit (&) Improving energy efficiency (C) Inspecting a building's condition (0) Training statt According to the speaker, what will happen ‘on Monday? (A) Used items will be discarded. (8) An inspector will visit the property. (©) Training materials will be passed out. (0) Construction work will take place. What does the speaker ask listeners to do on Monday? (A) Present an ID badge (8) Have the software set up (©) Use a different entrance (0) Postpone the project Who is the announcement for? Tourists (8) A tour leader (©) Ahotel staff member (D)Astore clerk Why is the announcement being made? (A) To outline an itinerary (8) To instruct the group about some rules (©) To inform the group of a schedule change (0) To discuss the machine’s malfunction What are listeners told to do? (A) Be punctual () Fill out a survey (C) Buy used products (0) Buckle their safety belts GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE AcTuALTEsTo2 63 1831 Whiov a9. 90. ot. 92, 93, 94, 64 Who is leaving the message? 95, (A) A realtor (8) A parking lot attendant (C) A student (0) A curator What is the purpose of the message? (A) Inquiring about a moving service (B) Responding to a request (C) Scheduling an interview (0) Lowering a lease How should the listener contact the speaker? 97, (A) By e-mail (8) By post (c) By fax (0) By phone When is the broadcast being heard? 98, {A) In the morning (8) Atnoon (C) In the late afternoon (0) At night What will Pater Dowe advise listeners on during today’s show? (A) Ways to lower their stress level (8) Ways to follow a nutritious diet (©) Ways to work out (0) Ways to design a website What are listeners encouraged to do? (A) Create an online membership (8) Call the station (C) Submit queries online (0) Conduct online voting 100. Where does the speaker most likely work? (A) At an electronics shop (8) At a repair shop (©) Ata convention center () Ata copy shop What is stated about the order? (A) The order is damaged. (B) The order is incomplete. (©) The items are on back order. (0) The items are sold out. What does the speaker ask the listener to do? (A) Make a payment online (B) Acknowledge receipt of the order (©) Select a preterred delivery option (0) Leave a telephone message What does the report mainly concern? (A) An office moving to a new location (8) A teardown of a local landmark (©) A building maintenance project, (D) A road expansion project What is the reason for the change? (A) The housing costs in London are relatively low. (B) The new location isin close proximity to downtown {C) The current facility is outdated. (0) The lease has expired What is suggested about the company, ‘Sunshine Architecture? (A) It was started up in 2014, (B) It will reorganize whole departments. (C) Its interior design can be found online. (0) ts relocation will affect the city's economy. This is the end of the Listening test. 24m 4281244 10004 Lorne NO TEST MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE READING TEST In the Reading test, you will ead a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes, There are three parts, and directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible within the time allowed, You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in your test book, PART 5 Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence, Then mark the letter (A), (8), (C), oF (D) on your answer sheet. 101. The Taylor Firm has ------- promoted small 105, Guests should come in at least two hours businesses in the region for more than 20 prior to the start time, since seats will be years. available —----- a first-come, first-served successful basis (B) successfully at (©) successive ®in (0) success (on (0) under 4102, Please review the agreement carefully before —----- your decision. 108. It is vital to stay on schedule and have the (A) make grand opening =------ scheduled. (8) have made Was (©) making Basot (0) made (C)as to (0) as soon as 403. f you purchased your product ~ November 1 and November 5, you are 4107. The purpose of the sessions is to allow eligible to get a discount. ‘our members ------- information on the (A) among merchandise (either (A) sharing (©) neither (®) shares (0) between (C) to share (0) shared 104. IMO office managers will ake actions in response to customer satisfaction 108. To ------- in the advanced Spanish survey results. language course, you have to submit your application before June 30, (A) appropriate (8) appropriately (®) comply (C) appropriation (B) enroll (0) appropriating (©) contirm () register 66 24m 4281244 10004 Lorne 109. The focus of this seminar is on learning how to become more ------- about attaining higher performance in organizations. (A) pragmaticality (8) pragmaticism {C) pragmatic {D) pragmatically 110. The city council will prioritize the development of intelligent signals in an to improve traffic efficiency, 9 opinion (®) influence (0) effort (0) errand 4111. The friendly manager of Sakura Japanese restaurant will do - best to comfortably accommodate all guests. (®) our (B) his. (C) your (O) my 112, Mr. Obreim ------- the personnel department of Mary Ltd. for the past 12 years. (A) will lead (8) has led (C)is leading (0) have been leading 113. Most notably, travelers should leave their bags at their feet and should not leave their belongings in public spaces. (A) unattended (8) unpublishea (©) unspecitied (0) undefined 114. This program recognizes the employees who show an outstanding commitment to Wilson, Inc. (9) serving (8) served (C) be serving (0) be served 418. The tour makes a brief stop at the Eaton Shopping Mall, you may purchase dinner or a snack. (W) whoever (8) what (©) where (0) that 116. Due to the effects of the economic downturn, the market is likely to experience moderate ------- over the next two years. (growth (8) grown (©) grows, (0) grew 117. The views presented in this column are the writer's own and do not ------- reflect those of Hankyo Press, (A) necessary () necessitate (C) necessarily (O) necessitates the 118. The project will also include ~ city’s stations and vehicles. (A) modernization (8) modernizing (©) modernizes (0) to modernize 119. Ms. Jespersen will have some paperwork for you to sign and you a tour of the office building. W) suggest (8) offer (C) request (0) donate 4120. Sosna Co, sells more than 50 million dollars worth of mineral water a year, of which is consumed in Europe. (A) halt every (©) few (each GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE AcTuALTestoz 67 1831 Whiov 421. Alex Revak who will deliver an address at the opening of the conference has experience ------- the field of computer science. (A) to as (lin (0) prior to 122. The campaign proceeds for the SDT Foundation now total more than $400 million, ------- the strongest period of fundraising in Situtani University’s history. (A) has marked (8) marking (C) marked (0) being marked 423. The newly developed faucets are - with any existing kitehen sinks you want to install (A) compatible ) original (C) favorite (0) flexible 124. To apply for a position as a sales representative, please send us your résumé, along with a letter -------- your sales plan. (A) will describe (8) describes (C) describing (0) described 125. Our executive leadership team is committed to evaluating the ideas for new market research and deciding idea to implement. to (8) that (C) such as (0) which 68 ots 29124} 10008 Lo+Re 126. 127. 128, 129. 130. immediately, all three branches of Rasly Textile Company will be open Monday through Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and on Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. 9) Effective (B) Convenient (©) Stringent (0) Obligatory In an attempt to the checkout process, our cashiers are no longer accepting returns, (A) proceed (B) strengthen (©) overcome (D) expedite With systematic demonstrations combined with humorous remarks, his lectures can always ------~ a large audience. (A) visit (B) attend (0) attract (D) remain (OC! Connect is the best way to keep in touch with friends and family you are studying overseas, or on vacation worldwide, (A) either (B) neither (C)as well (0) whether was a common practice to photocopy your passport, visas, and travel insurance, and keep them in a separate part of your luggage when traveling abroad. (A) There (He (©) Every Ort 131. The technicians will not be able to install the wooden floor coverings ------- the grand opening celebration. () when (B) in time for (©) in spite of (D) aside from 192. This year, STEK Event Services -———--- 25 major conferences and seven new exhibitions, including the Frieze Art Fair and the Armory Show. () securing (8) will be secured (C) are securing (0) has secured 193. The laboratory will need to be equipped with air-conditioning ------- we can keep the windows closed. (A) in order to (8) whereas (C)as though (0) so that 184, The board of directors are scheduled to meet on Wednesday and Friday, with a sales report to be published as next Tuesday, (A) more prompt (®) promptness (C) most promptly (©) promptly 135, Rent is $1,200 per month and includes weekly cleaning services and all utilities ~ telephone and internet charges. (®) except (B) following (©) without (0) so that 486. Jason Yom is now being hailed as one of the most generation jazz artists of his () divergent (8) envious (©) influential (0) doubttul 187. At the Riviera Hotel, ------- will the longer- term guests get a cash discount, but they will also find many of the comforts of home in our suites. (A) neither (8) anyone (C) none (O) not only 4188. Enclosed you will find a list of signatures of the janitors who ------- to build and maintain the garden. (Ay has been agreed (8) have agreed (Clare agreed (0) agreeing 139. The housing specialists conduct thelr business using the latest findings from their ~ research projects. (A) cooperative (8) cooperation (©) cooperate (0) cooperatively 140. Our confidentiality policy allows people to make their comments and makes sure that opinions will not be published In such a way that individuals can be Identified. (W) consistently () enormously (G) anonymously (0) rigorously GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE AcTuaLTestoz 69 1831 Whiov PART 6 Directions: Read the texts that follow. A word or phrase is missing in some of the sentences. Four answer choices ate given below each of the sentences. Select the best answer to complete the text. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. Questions 141-143 refer to the following notice ‘The Metro Transit System (MTS) is partnering with the Live Nation Foundation to give local students the opportunity to win tickets to great concerts this fall by taking a survey. This is part of a MTS initiative to find out what students think about public transit services, MTS js also offering students a big discount on a transit pass for three months from 141.(A) valid (8) valuable (C) worth (0) eager the date of payment. These semester passes are on sale for $155 at the Student Center from Aug. 20 to Sept. 28. As an added -------, the semester pass will give students a chance to move te the front of 142. A) benefit (8) profit (C) asset (0) expense, the line for concerts held at the House of Blues. For fall concerts, the first 25 students with concert tickets who show their college ID with a semester pass at the venue's box office a pair of "Pass the line” vouchers for that concert, 143. (A) receiving (8) to be received (©) have received (©) will receive For more information on the concert, visit the survey website. 70 24m 4281244 10004 Lorne Questions 144-146 refer to the following announcement. What Needs to be Covered by My Travel Insurance? Comprehensive medical coverage is important. Insurance policies vary, so read the fine print carefully to see exactly what is covered, Ifyou have a heart condition or terminal iliness, you may need to additional 144, (A) provide (8) receive (©) obtain (0) accumulate information to the insurance company before enrolling in the policy. Sports practitioners, off-piste skiers and bungee jumpers should check if their activities are covered, And injuries ‘occurring during professional sports are ------- not covered, 145. (A) extremely (yet (0) also (D) generally Lastly, travel insurance premiums are calculated based on your origin, destination and the of travel, with the world divided into four or five zones. 146.(A) durable (8) durability (C) durably (0) duration When travelling to countries like the USA, where health insurance is a multi-billion dollar industry, or to less developed countries with a lower standard of healthcare, look for a policy with a high level of cover. Some providers will offer unlimited medical coverage for a higher premium, while a cheaper policy might cover up to US$10 milion, GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE AcTuaLtestoz 71 1831 Whiov Questions 147-149 refer to the following information. Visiting Campus: Overview Ghestle University, located in the heart of Chestle, New Jersey, welcomes guests to its historic campus. Each year, Chestle hosts numerous. that are interested in the many 147.(A) visits (8) visiting (C) visitors: (D) visited educational, cultural, recreational and athletic activities that enrich this university and its community. {An excellent transportation network of buses, rail and highways ------ Chestle within easy 148. (A) put (®) puts (C) putting (0) to put reach (an hour or less) of major urban centers. International airports are located in Cleney, Milingon and Tanville. Bus and train stations to these cities are ------- to our campus. 149, (A) adjacent (8) countless (©) artifical (©) equivalent 72 THE BUN aH. Be124 1000 Lorne Questions 150-152 refer to the following university newspaper article. Name: Juken Brown Education: Kenethy Tech University Previous Title: Summer Intern in MaKoon Supplier Technologies Current Title: Software Engineer in MaKoon Supplier Technologies Mr. Juken ‘the MaKoon Supplier Technologies internship program while finishing his 150. (A) joined @) has joined (0) joins (©) will join master’s in Kenethy Tech University. “I chose MaKoon Tech because they gave me the ‘opportunity to develop my innovation skills, and provided a valuable Introduction to the corporate world,” he said, During the three-month program, he worked on a prototype for a mobile application. He also helped conduct performance tests for the application's release, He was Impressed by the welcoming coworkers and how well ------- functioned as a team in the company despite their 151.(A) they (8) he (cit (0) you diverse backgrounds. Mr. Juken's tips for success at MaKoon Tech include networking across multiple teams, multitasking and keeping up with organizational changes. His strategy works: at the end of his internship, Mr. Juken accepted a ------- position with MaKoon Tech. 12.(A) basic (®) opening (©) temporary (0) full-time He is now a software engineer developing applications for mobile solutions in Atlanta, Georgia GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Actua testoz 73 1831 Whiov PART 7 Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper atticles, letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions, Select the best answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (8), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. Questions 153-154 refer to the following memo, Success Mentoring Program in Tenick The University Coach How to Schedule a Meeting + Propare a list of days and times that you will be available to meet with your University Coach. The meetings will be bi-weekly, for a maximum of 20, minutes each. * Contact your University Coach by e-mail or phone, no later than January 20. Be sure to obtain the specific location of your meetings. If you have any problems, please e-mail Lisa (lisa.morris@tenick.ca) or call her at 416-419-0505 ext. 2329. Your University Coach is: Elisabeth Lyburn Contact Info: E-mail Address elisabeth-lyburn@tenick.ce Telephone 416-419-0505 ext. 2714 183. What is the purpose of the memo? 4164, What is mentioned about the mentoring (A) To set up a meeting Program? (8) To coach a student (A) It has openings for new instructors. (©) To register for courses (®) Itcan last more than half an hour. (0) To complain about some problems (C) It provides mentees with meetings once every two weeks. (D) It can be easily signed up for in person, 74 THE BUM aH Be124 10008 Lorne Questions 185-156 refer to the following advertisement. fi ASSISTANT ' ACCOUNTANT Due to recent restructuring, an international communication service company has a vacancy for an additional assistant accountant to join its proactive & dynamic corporate office team in Pretoria, Candidates must possess a recognized degree in accounting, be highly | motivated with an outstanding foundation in accounting principles and } display a high level of communication skills. j All applications must be submitted at the address below by 5 p.m. on June 18. Senior Accountant PO Box 223 Parkwood WA 6238 Only qualified candidates will be notified. 155, What is NOT indicated about the position? 186. What should those who are interested in (A) There has been a reorganization of the the position do? corporate office team, (A) Write a cover letter (8) Applicants should have a major in either (8) Contact a senior accountant ‘accounting or economics. (C) Send an application (C) The new accountant should be willing (0) Possess related experience to enter an existing team. (0) Candidates who are shortlisted for the position will be contacted GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 75 1831 Whiov Questions 157-159 refer to the following advertisement. VOLUNTEERING ‘The volunteer commitment to the elderly with dementia Is for one year or for two consecutive summers at a minimum of eight weeks each summer. The minimum requirement for volunteering is four hours a week for at least one year. All volunteers. must be age 16 or older. A voucher for a free meal will be provided to high school students. "High School Students: weekday/daytime summer shifts only. All shifts must be finished by 5:30 p.m. = Summer Volunteers: should do two consecutive summers. A summer schedule consists of eight hours once a week during the daytime, weekday (not nights or weekends) and a minimum of eight weeks each summer. The fall program is all set. Thank you to all who have applied! The deadline to request an application for the winter program is Wednesday, Aug. 20. HOW TO BEGIN + If you are interested in securing an application to volunteer, please e-mail us your name and address. + Complete and return the application together with your two reference sheets. + Set up an interview with volunteering staff + Do not hesitate to contact the Volunteer Services Department at 855-7888 with any questions or concerns. 4187. What type of center is the Volunteer Services Department? (A) A recreation center for volunteers (8) An educational institute for high echoo! students (C) A childcare service center (0) A healthcare center for senior citizens 158, What is indicated about the volunteer commitment? (A) There is no minimum age requirement. (8) Applicants can not apply for the fall program, (C) It offers a complimentary lunch to all volunteers, (0) It has recently added programs for the elderly. 76 24m 4281244 10004 Lorne 159, What is NOT included in the advertisement? (®) A contact number (B) The application procedure (©) The interview date (D) A deadline for application Questions 160-162 refer to the following release. Registration Forms Are Available Published: Wednesday, May 27 The Children’s Wellbeing Center in Sacramento will be hosting one of the year’s most exciting outdoor events for both its participants and the general public, The 17th annual Youth Fishing Competition will take place at Hook Lake on Saturday, June 13. This competition will be held regardless of the weather. Maps and registration forms are available at Morgan County Office or Morgan Health Center. You may also register your child on the day of the competition at Hook Lake Forms and maps are also available by calling 962-6933, Registration is scheduled from 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Each child must be accompanied by an adult and have a signed permission form before they will be allowed to fish. ‘The categories are ages 5 and under, ages 6-9, ages 10-13, and ages 14-18, Prizes will be awarded to one participant in each age category at the conclusion of the event. There is no cost to participate in the fishing competition. In addition, there is no entry fee for spectators to this event that is limited to children only but that is definitely worth watching, Adults may only assist the children. Lunch will be provided to all attendees free of charge. ‘The Youth Fishing Competition is sponsored by Morgan County Office, Morgan Health Center, the CA Division of Wildlife and American Electric Power. If you have any questions or comments, please contact the information office at the Children’s Wellbeing Center at 8664-4223, For details on the 17th annual Youth Fishing Competition and instructions on how to register, see http://fishingchildren. competition. 160. Why was the release written? (To release a town’s budgeting concerns 162. According to the release, what will happen in June? (8) To inform the public of a fundraising campaign (C) To notify residents of an upcoming annual event (D) To announce the success of a recent sports competition 161. What is indicated about the Children's Wellbeing Center? (9 It has organized community events before, (8) It creates educational materials for children, (C) It will postpone the event in case of unfavorable weather. (0) It has been in business for more than 20 years, (A) The number of prizes will depend on how many players participate. (8) Participants will pay for a meal. (C) More information can be received by calling the Morgan Health Genter. (0) Children accompanied by parents can enroll on the day of the event. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Actua testoz 77 1831 Whiov Questions 163-166 refer to the following article Beaverton (October 24) ~ Aceland, Inc. announced today that it has finally reached a definitive agreement to sell its Zebra alfiliate brand to feon Brand Group, Ine. for $225 million The transaction is expected fo be completed by the end of D nber Aceland, Ine. had announced its intention to dispose of Zebra, saying in a release that the company was “sharpening its long-term growth Tocus by building leading brands in every significant category in China, driving agg international expansion, and improving its U.S brand positions.” Aceland chairman and CEO David Novak said Zebra did not fit into Aceland’s Tong-term growth strategy “It is a difficult decision to divest any business but this action will enable us to focus on our 163. Where would this article most likely appear? (A) In a sports magazine (8) Ina business magazine (©) na science magazine (0) in a travel magazine 164. Why is Aceland, Inc. selling Zebra? {A) To increase the recognition of Aceland (B) To concentrate on its other competitive brands (C) To overcome the recession (0) To work with global partners 78 THE BUN aH B8124 1000 Lorne highest-potential growth opportunities,” said Aceland spokesperson, Mars Pique. “Zebra has a great heritage, but ultimately, as our strategy has evolved, we are confident that Aceland Football can serve the needs of footballers both on and off the pitch even though we are handing over Zebra to another company “Zebra is a true, authentic football brand with 4 global and loyal consumer fan base. The total cost of aequisition will exceed $200 million but we are nevertheless thrilled to be adding it to our portfolio of [con Brand because of its potential value,” stated, Joe Cole, CEO of leon Brand Group, Ine. “Zebra is an exeiting acquisition with more than 40 licensees in over 100 countries. We look forward to working with our international partners to maintain and expand upon the rich heritage of Zebra,” Cole added, 165, What does Mr, Novak suggest about Zebra? (A) Itis worth the investment expenditure. (B) It is too expensive to maintain. (C)Itis unsuitable for his business strategy. (0) It can expand his business field 166. What is mentioned about leon Brand Group, Inc.? (A) It is eager to collaborate with international business. (B) It recently sold a sport brand to another company. (©) Itis a newly founded business, (0) It concentrates on customized equipment. Questions 167-169 refer to the following website PRICELESSHOTELS.com Home Hotels Services Travel Insurance Tours Guides Dear Gabriel Ortega, Your booking is now confirmed and all the details you need are below. Please keep this statement for your records and present i to the hotel upon arrival, Please note the hotel's terme and conditions, and go to our website to find directions to the hotel, plus some handy tips and resources for your trip. Your check-in time is 2:00 p.m. If rooms are requested prior to the check-in time, early arrivals will be accommodated, as rooms become available, Check-out time is 11:00 a.m Your booking is confirmed, Your roterence number is 4547-19112805 Booking information Date oom Detalis oom Charge International Hotel Sun 13th Apri_| Single Room with Bath USS270.00 35 East 77th Strest Manhattan NY 1002 Tota: uss270.00 New York 10% Deposit uss27.00 usa Service Charge: Uss10.00 P.212-088-8805, Charge on Card (Service Charge + Deposit: US$37.00 ® infor@ nyintorationalhnotel.rg Amount Due on Arrival uss243.00 Important Information ‘A nan-refundabla charge of USD $7.00 has been billad to your credit card as a commission fee. On arrival at your hotel the balance of USD 248.00 is payable. You are supposed to arrive at 2 p.m Please get directions to the hotel Click here to make your next booking: Pay no more booking fees once you have made three bookings, 167, What is the purpose of the website? 169. What will happen on April 137 (A) To apply for a credit card (A group of people will take on a (B) To inform a customer of some directions business trip. (©) To contirm full payment, (8) A tour guide will show customers (0) To provide details of a reservation around. (©) International Hotel will waive booking 168. What is indicated about Mr. Ortega? toes. (®) He is employed by International Hotel (0) Mr Offega will make a Payment on (8) He has stayed in the hotel recently (C) He can be accepted before the regulated time. (0) He will participate in a seminar in New York. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE acTuaLtestoz 79 1831 Whiov Questions 170-172 refer to the following letter. Revol Bank 234 Laurier Avenue West Ottawa, Canada July 1 Dear Customers, ‘Our bank is pleased to inform you of the completion of the merger between The Revol Bank and First Society Bank (FSB). Welcome to the FSB family and on behalf of the Board of Directors, management and staf, please know that your business is greally appreciated. For the next few weeks, you will be receiving several mails from us that explain the changes that are taking place. It will be essential that you review these documents for accuracy as ‘we start the process of merging our data systems in mid-July. Al this time, please continue to use your existing credit card and online banking accounts. You can still utilize your Revol Bank checks, and there is no need to change or aller any automatic payments that you have established previously: As you visit the bank, you will notice installation of a new ATM. Vice President Tom Bosse! work with you during this transition and we rem cour abili hat we have already started a few plans including the and the rest of the staff are willing to devoted to serving our clients to the best of This is a very exciting time for Revol Bank. We look forward to bringing our brand to more customers around the city and expanding our footprint and ask for your input throughout this process. Very shorily, you will have access to our online banking system plus our mobile banking service that keeps you informed whenever you need to be, We believe that you will like what you see after these new projects have been implemented. Again, welcome to FSB. We look forward fo meeting you and enjoying the right for you to call us the "AMAZING BANK’, Sincerely, Gary Thomas President 170, What is the main purpose of this letter? 172, What information is included in the letter? (A) To give details about a recent industry (A) Extended hours of operation event (B) Installation of a new mailing system (8) To report that a technical defect has (©) Ambition of the company been confirmed (0) Resignation of FSB's owner (C) To announce an improvement project (0) To promote FSB as a renowned trademark 171. The word “explain” in paragraph 2, line 1, is closest in meaning to (A) outline 8) simplity (C) connect (0) transform 80 THE Su aE BAH tooo Le+Re Questions 173-175 refer to the following article, Using Taxies I Hyderabad, taxies come in three colors and serve Thaisterent areas, with strictly defined borders of operation. Yellow taxies cover Vidyanagar, but are also allowed to operate in Tarnaka Having dropped off a guest, they head back to their respective territories of operation, and that is why you will see “out of service” signs on those that need to cross the harbor. Locals usually wave their hands to indicate they need to go across. There are also some unofficial taxi stands, where taxis from the other side of the harbor line up for customers wanting to go across. When you cross the harbor, you have to pay tunnel charges twice, to pay for the taxi’s return trip. If you manage to pick up a returning taxi, you will only pay tunnel charges once. Blue taxies operate in Tarnaka, but yellow taxies can also go to these areas. Find out if your trip can be completed Red taxies are in use in Amberpet. in a blue taxi, as this will be cheaper. 173. For whom is the article intended? 175. (W) Travelers (8) Policemen (C) Taxi drivers, (0) Politicians. 174. Which color taxies should people on a tight budget take in Tarnaka? () Yellow (8) Blue (C) Red (0) Any color will do. What are customers who want to cross the harbor required to do? (A) Check taxi stands in advance (8) Line up at the designated spot (C) Show drivers their special ticket (0) Pay double tunnel charges GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE AcTuAL Test oz 81 1831 Whiov Questions 176-180 refer to the following policies and rules, Acknowledgement of the Residence’s Policies & Rules The residence promotes a safe and peaceful environment that supports the academic success of students as well as their personal and social development. We aim to ensure that it is inclusive, responsible, and respectful. Every student is expected to read, understand and adhere to the following documents, which describe the rules of the residence: 1. The Student Residence Agreement 2. The Residence Community Living Standards 3. The Residence Handbook 4, Institutional Policies - Code of Conduct or Student Behavior Policy Below is a brief summary of the expectations described in the above documents: 1) Guests & Visitors a) Residents must sign-in their guests and obtain a pass at the front desk before they center the residence. b) Residents may sign-in up to two guests at a time. c) While each guest is in the residence, the resident must remain in the company of the guests at all times until the guest is signed out. Residents are responsible for guests at all times, including their behavior and any damages they cause. 2) Noise & Quiet Hours a) An individual's right to reasonable quiet is more important than another's right to make noise. b) Quiet hours are observed in the residence: Sunday to Thursday: 11:00 p.m.~8:00 a.m.; Friday and Saturday evenings: 1:00 a.m.~8:00 a.m. ) The volume of any audio equipment must be kept low at all times 3) Safety, Security & Fire Prevention a) All residents are jointly responsible for ensuring the safety and security of the residence. b) Residents are not permitted to prop open any room doors or exits because this violates provincial fire codes, ©) Discharging, tampering with or operating any fire prevention or detection equipment for any purpose other than the control of fire may result in a fine and/or eviction. 4d) Possession or use of candles, incense, lava lamps, cooking devices, indoor barbecues, hot plates, deep fryers and the like are not permitted. ©) Smoking is not permitted in the residence. 4) Respect a) Residents are expected to respect their roommate, fellow residents, the residence rules, our building(s) and our staff. Living in the residence is an exciting time and our primary goal is to ensure that everyone is safe and enjoying the residence’s environment. 82 THE uA aH BALM tooo Le+Ae 176. For whom are these policies and rules most likely intended? (Visitors who enter the residence (B) Staff who work at the front desk (C) Occupants who live in the building (0) Guests who buy tickets at the entrance 177. The word “pass” in line 12 is closest in meaning to (W) success. (B) progress. (©) transfer (0) ticket 178, What is implied about guests and visitors? () Three guests can come to the residence ata time. (B) Residents are not responsible for guests after entering the residence. (©) A guest should leave the residence before 11 p.m (0A guest will not be allowed access without a permit. 179. What is true about the policies and rules? There is a designated smoking area in the residence, (8) Guests and visitors are not allowed to enter the rasidence at any time. (C) Residents are required to have a great regard for their neighbors, (0) There are the same quiet hours all seven days of the week 180. What is NOT listed in the document as a resident's responsibilty? (A) People can not bring objects which emit heat or fire (8) People should notify the reception in advance to invite guests. (©) People need to respect others’ private lives. (0) People should minimize the noise from audio equipment. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE AcTuALTEsTo2 83 1831 Whiov Questions 181-185 refer to the following letter and information. Central Communication, Inc. 1413 Allyson Avenue Cork, Ireland Dear Mr. Gilrod, On behalf of General Sports Enterprise, it is my pleasure to extend an invitation to our company’s anniversary gala event on October 10. The purpose of the event is to celebrate General Sports’ 10th anniversary The gala will be held at the 5-star Metropolitan Hotel in downtown LA. As one of, General Sports’ long-time, esteemed business partners, it would be our honor to have your presence on this occasion. It is also an opportunity to thank you and Central Communication for the fine business collaboration that our companies have enjoyed over the past year Ido hope that you will be able to confirm your attendance and we kindly ask you to notify us by e-mail as soon as possible; we look forward to your presence at this celebration, Yours Sincerely Eleauer Auderscu Eleanor Anderson Event Manager General Sports Enterprise General Sports Enterprise (GSE) 10th Anniversary Metropolitan Hotel, LA October 10, 5 p.m. to 10 p.m 4:30 p.m. Registration and refreshments 5:00 p.m. Welcoming address from GSE chairman, John Aporo }0 p.m. Dinner in the Metropolitan Hotel lounge }0 p.m. Tea time with renowned jaz artist David Graves 8:00 p.m. Gala show with amazing organic food and wines for free 9:30 p.m. GSE chairman's closing remarks * Please note that a dinner is only available without any extra charge for the invited guests of GSE. Non-guests should pay an additional $20 for the meal. The proceeds for the dinner will be directly donated to a non-profit children’s foundation, 84 THE BUA AE BAIA} 1000 Lo+Re 181. What is the main purpose of the letter? (A) Te confirm an event registration (8) To request additional information (C) To remind a customer about a seminar (0) To publicize an upcoming function 182. According to the information, at what time is the musical performance starting? (9) 4:30 p.m, (8) 6:00 p.m. (C) 7:00 p.m. (0) 8:00 p.m. 183. What is NOT included on the schedule? (A) Where the event will be held (8) What food will be served at tea time (C) Who will deliver each talk (0) When dinner will be served 184, What is suggested about the event? (A) The GSE chairperson will announce the opening. (8) The gala's admission will be free for all quests. (C) The money from the event will go to the construction of a children’s center. (0) Employees of GSE will present several sessions on a variety of topies. 4185, What is indicated about Mr. Gilrod? (A) He needs to pay $20 to participate in the banquet, (®) He is starting a new business with GSE in the future. (©) He will make the closing address at the event. (0) He may send a message electronically about his attendance GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE AcTuALTesto2 85 1831 Whiov Questions 186-190 refer to the following information and e-mail Nega Travel Agency At NegaTravelAgency.com, we have been making online airline reservations simple, easy and secure since our founding a decade ago. Our aim is to maintain and develop our position as a travel industry leader, so we promise to offer all our customers the most comprehensive range of travel services available. Whether you are looking for late deals, package holidays, flights o a tailor-made itinerary designed to meet your every need, we will do our best to deliver the best quality services. We offer compatitive rates, and the facility of flexible booking through a user-friendly and informative website. Our website is targeted to individual leisure travelers and business travelers alike. So, if you are looking for the best travel deals and a cost-effective, secure way of booking your accommodation & airline, then look no further - you have come to the right place! Also, we have some good news! We are now offering spacial 10% discounts to customers traveling to Africa between May 1 and May 25. If you have a passion for nature and like to explore different animal species, we are offering you the opportunity to go to an amazing nature park. At NegaTravelAgency.com, we specialize in customized travel for leisure and business markets worldwide. We guarantee compatitive rates for any type of accommodation, ranging from hostels, guesthouses, small hotels, apartments, to five-star luxury accommodations, If you have any questions, please visit our website, www.negatravelagency.com To: customerservice@nagatravel.com From: marisagomez@ dayposts.com Date: June 6 Subject: Thank you for your service! I recently traveled to Uganda with a friend for the first time, where we spent nine amazing days exploring the country from May 23-31 through your travel agency. For us, it was the rip of a lifetime! While on a Uganla safari, everything we experienced was perfect, thanks to our eustom- made safari travel package. Most of all, although we traveled outside of the offer period, we were still given this special offer. In addition, our guide and driver, Mr. Edwards was always very punctual, friendly, and helpful. He was extremely knowledgeable, told us all the important information about Uganda, and was always willing to advise us. Our safari vehicle was spacious enough and comfortable, even when driving on unpaved roads. We could have never imagined how impressive the beauty of Uganda would be; all the scenery we saw was picturesque. If possible, please thank Mr. Edwards for making our trip a suecessiul one. Generally, the arrangement of the whole trip was impeceable. Keep doing what you are doing and you will have many more happy customers. We were so lucky to have found your website! We wish you success in your business and hope we can use your services in the future for other destinations Sincerely, Marisa Gomez 86 tH 24m 4281244 10004 Lorne 186. Where would this information most likely be found? (@) Ina tourist brochure (8) In an advertisement for Africa, (C) In a professional magazine for the travel industry (0) In the business section in the newspaper 187. What is suggested about the Naga Travel Agency? (9 It has existed in the industry for more than 15 years, (B) It specializes in organizing African tours. (C) It has competent guides familiar with the local trails. (0) Itoffers customers discounts for group tours. 188, What is the purpose of the e-mail? (A) To attract more visitors (B) To explain the cost of the tour (©) To offer advice on a trip (0) To express gratitude 4189. What is NOT indicated about Mr. Edwards? (A) He is very professional in his field (8) He has worked as a guide for 10 years, (C) He drove the car during the package tour. (0) He is always on time and reliable, 190. What is indicated about Ms. Gomez? (A) Sho was hesitant to make a reservation on the website, (8) She has worked for the Naga Travel Agency for a long time. (C) She received a discount on her tailored tour. (0) She has visited Africa before. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE AcTuALTestoz 87 1831 Whiov Questions 191-195 refer to the following form and receipt. Central Health Center Sickness Certificate Patient Name : Laura Pandit Period of Illness : From March 10 To: Marefi 10 This patient has asked me to present medical advice related to his/her health. On the basis, of the information provided, the patient reported that he/she would have been requited to have been off work/school during the time indicated above. (Yes) No I can confirm the patient’ illness based on the direct examination or management of the patient during the period indicated above. (es) No Based on the information provided to me, the patient is capable of returning to the work place or school (es) No The review of information may have included: Workplace issues Patient's Medical History Current Health Concems Objective Evidence (signs/investigational data) Physician’s Name: Dr. B. Abboud, Dr. R. Eisen v Dr. D. Cabrera Physician’s Signature: Fisen Date: March 10 “the ee fo ths orm isthe vesponsibility ofthe patent School personnel : $30 Monday, March 10 RECEIPT Invoice # 00065447 aura an Keo Maal Acie Boston, MA 01253 “ 35 ieiryzeaasss en SS os tc (17) 414-880 Date Description fee Payment Balance Mar 10, 2014 Cash, $30.00 $30.00 $0.00 191. Who most likely examined the patient? (A) Ms. Cabrera (8) Mr. Abboud (C) Ms. Pandit (0) Mr. Eisen 192, According to the form, what is NOT true? (A) The form will be given free of charge. (8) Thore are more than two doctors in the medical center. (C) The patient can return to the workplace oF school. (0) The physician conducted a thorough examination, 193. Who most likely is Ms. Pandit? (A) A director of the medical center (8) An education coordinator (C) A university student (0) A physician 194, What is implied based on the receipt? (A) Laura Pandit works for the Central Health Center. (8) The medical center has multiple locations. (C) The medical center accepts only credit cards. (0) The account no longer has any outstanding balance. 195. What information can NOT be found in the receipt? (A) A phone extension number (8) The invoice number (C) Details of the patient's sickness (©) Laura's contact number GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE AcTuALTestoz 89 1831 Whiov Questions 196-200 refer to the following schedule and information FITNESS CLASS SCHEDULE September 7-November25 Moni Twesdiy | Weeesday [Tray Fry raaoaso pa, PIE2STEM arocasorm, | PO2EOPM | 210.1250 Px Circuit Training Cardio Fit ‘ Step Circuit (Sharon) Conditioning (Sharon) Conditioning. (Lucia) ° (Michele) (Michele) 6:00-7:00 P.M. o3o-fa0 PM 6:00-7:00 P.M. 4155S EM Classes ran 907.908 Kiekbonng ror vee Seponiver fotal Body (Ken) on walerie) November 25 Conditioning Conditioning a fovember 2 Sep 1Now 30 Sept onov30 | “eacapr whee (Alana) limited Mules Timited indicated Sept Nov2y | aL sep (Nora ied | nad x \ No class, xe loss ‘ No class. included in all 2028 Oct 26 our Get 28 passes. * CARDIO FIT ‘This invigorating workout is designed to get your heart pumping with high and low impact moves andl easy to follow routines. With or without the impact ~it’s up to you! Either way, you'll have fun and fel great * CIRCUIT TRAINING An intense workout combining intervals of cardiovascular exercises with resistance training exercises. This combination challenges both your heart and muscles for a Full body workout. ® KICKBOXING This is no ordinary workout! It's a high calorie-burning, stress releasing workout that will iget you in good shape. You'll learn proper technique on how to strike, block and kick using boxing gloves, hard wraps and focus pads, = MUSCLE CONDITIONING Using a variety of equipment including hand weights, stability balls and body weights, this class effectively works the upper body, lower body, back and abdominals in a variety of ways. Great for conditioning and toning muscles! ® STEP CIRCUIT A full body workout combining cardio moves on the step platform and resistance exercises with weights. I's terrific for improving or maintaining muscle endurance. = TOTAL BODY CONDITIONING This is a whole-body muscle conditioning workout, consisting of a good cardio warm- up followed by muscle endurance exercises using weights, body bars and body weights to workout the upper and lower body and core. "YOGA Ananda Yoga is a gently challenging, classical style of Hatha that helps you learn to harmonize body, mind and spirit. [tis an inward experience, with a focus on developing flexibility, strength, avvareness and inner concentration. * TOKENS ARE REQUIRED for the classes where the number of spots is limited by the space and equipment available. To attend theses classes, members may pick up a token at the front desk no earlier than 10 minutes before class, 90 THE su aE BAI 1000 Le+Re 196. According to the schedule, which is the longest class? () Circuit Training (B) Total Body Conditioning (0) Kickboxing (0) Cardio Fit 197. How many instructors will load the Muscle Conditioning class? One (8) Two (C) Three. (0) Four 198, What are members required to do in order to attend the Kickboxing class? () They have to register online in advance. (B) They should consult a doctor beforehand. (©) They must take Yoga and Kickboxing classes together. (0) They need to come early to pick up token 199. What is NOT true based on the fitness class schedule? (A) None of the classes last more than three months. (8) Thore is no Step Circuit class during the examination period. (©) Yoga and Kickboxing classes have limited spots, (0) Fitness members can enjoy a variety of classes, 200. What is mentioned about Ms. Sharon? (A) Her exercises enhance heart health. (8) She will ask a member to show a token. (C) She will work for three hours a week. (O) Her exercises require some fitness equipment. AcTUALTEsTo2 97 1831 Whiov ACTUAL TEST THE 23171 421 29124} 10008 LOFRE LISTENING TEST In the Listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken English. The entire Listening test will last approximately 45 minutes. There are four parts, and directions are given for each part. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in your tast book. PART 4 Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture, Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statements will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time, Sample Answer Example 3 e wie Statement (B), “They're looking at the document,” is the best description of the picture, so you should select answer (B) and mark it on your answer sheet. 92 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ——<———_—> GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE aowuaLtestos 95 0 usaL wniov 96 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE actuaLtestos 97 soisaL wniov PART 2 Directions: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time, Select the best response to the question or statement and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your answer sheet. ‘Sample Answer Deo Example You will hear: When is your dental appointment? You will also hear: (A) On Trent Street (8) This afternoon after lunch (C)1 was disappointed, too ‘The best response to the question “When is your dental appointment?” is choice (B), “This afternoon after lunch,” so (B) is the correct answer. You should mark answer (8) on your answer sheet. 11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 26, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 12, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 28, Mark your answer on your answer sheet, 44. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 29, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 30, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 31, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 17, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 32. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 33, Mark your answer on your answer sheet, 19, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 4, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. $5, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet, 6, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 37, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 23. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. $8, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 24, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 38, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 40. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 98 24m 4281244 10004 Lorne PART 3 Directions: You will hear some conversations between two people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation, Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. a 42, 43, |. Whe mest likely is the woman? 4A, (@) A physician (8) A health consultant (C) A sales representative (0) A pharmacist How many tablets are recommended each time? 48, (@) One (8) Two (0) Three (0) Four Why is the man concerned? 46. () He can't swallow it properly. (8) He has to wait for his order. (C) He might be distracted while driving a (0) He doesn't have a doctor's prescription, What event has the woman recently attended? () An interview (8) A food festival (©) Acharity bazaar (0) A board of trustees meeting What does the man ask the woman to do? () Attend a board meeting (8) Update staff on a business meeting (C) Share a ride to work (0) Gather information What does the woman offer to send to the man? (A) An application (8) A sales projection (C) Atesearch paper (0) Presentation material GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE AcTUALTEsTos 99 co usa wntoy 47. 48. 49. 50, 51. 52. 100 Where does the woman work? (A) At a newspaper (8) At a radio station (C) Ata department store (0) Ata travel agency What is the man concerned about? (A) That he will miss the ferry (8) That he will miss the due date (C) That he will fail to attend the performance (0) That he will got lost What will the man do after sending the material? (A) Find a different story (8) Consider some other options (C) Get back to the editor (0) Travel overseas What business most likely is the woman contacting? (WA bank (8) Ahome improvement company (0) A broadcasting company (0) An architecture company What does the man propose? (A) Choose some new models (8) Search through the internet (C) Take some family photos (0) Decorate with some frames According to the man, why is a special offer being given? (A) To promote the business's opening (8) To celebrate the business's 20th anniversary (C) To reduce the business's inventory (0) To introduce the business's new items vi 29124} 10008 Lo+Re 53, 54, 55. 56, 87. 58, What are the speakers discussing? (A) A store renovation (B) Areal estate sale (C) Contract negotiations (0) Data analysis What does the man mention about Mr. Roller? (A) He wants to concentrate on his other locations, (B) He has been recently hired (C) He doesn’t want to lower the price. (D) His lease has expired, What suggestion will the man give to Mr, Roller? (A) Assessing the condition of the building (B) Remodeling the property (©) Updating the information on the website (0) Reducing the price Where does the woman work? (A) At an employment agency (B) At auniversity (C) Ata biotechnology company (0) Ata publishing company What does the man ask about? (A) The possibility to change his employment status (8) The possibilty to get a pay-raise (©) Flexible working hours (0) An employee benefits package What needs to be sent to the woman? (A) Acritic’s comment (B) Some credentials, (C) A copy of a contract () A university transcript 59, 60. 61. 62, 63, 64, According to the man, what has changed about the appointment? (The timeframe (8) The venue (C) The material (0) The number of elients What does the man ask the woman to do? () Pick up the material for him (8) Send some attachments by e-mail (C) Order some stationery (0) Get anew printer To whom does the woman offer to give the material? () Aclient (8) A travel agent (C) Acar salesperson (0) A tront-desk worker Where is the woman calling? (9) A furniture store (8) Actinic (©) Areal estate agency (0) A moving company What is the woman trying to determine? (A) The size of her home (8) The hours of operations (C) The estimated cost (0) The available items What will the woman most likely do next? (Transfer files (B) Let the man know her home address (C) Make a phone call (0) Take measurements 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. ‘What item are the speakers discussing? (An appliance (®) Apan (©) A suitcase ()Aplate In which department does the man work? PR @ac (HR (Rao What will take place two months from now? (A) Items will be mass produced (8) Items will be put on sale. (©) Items will be introduced internationally. (0) Items will be repaired. What problem are the speakers discussing? () Durability (@) Cost (©) Design (0) Energy consumption What will the woman write a report on? (@) Anew technology (Abid (C) Acost comparison (0) A competitor's new items Who will the man make the presentation for? (A) An executive (8) Acity official (C) Department managers (0) Customers GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE AcTUALTEsT oo 101 co usa wntoy PART 4 Directions: You will hear some talks given by a single speaker, You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (8), (C), or (0) on your answer sheet. The talks will not be printed in your test book and will be speken only one time, 74. What is the purpose of the call”? (A) To explain the status of the delivery (8) To place an order (C) To finalize a design (0) To register for an event 72, What event is the speaker planning? (A) Anew product demonstration (8) An orientation (C) A signing event (0) A marketing seminar 78. What information does the speaker offer to give about the work? (A) Event details (8) Contact information (C} Book sales information (0) Market research information 102 24m 4281244 10004 Lorne 74, 78. 76. What type of business created the massage? (A) A restaurant (B) A delivery service (0) Acleaner's (D) Aciothing store What new service does the business offer? (A) A 24 hours telephone operating system (B) A telephone ordering system (C) A tree delivery service (0) Vegetarian menu choices Why would the listener press the hash key? (A) To have a message repeated (B) To make an order (C) To locate a restaurant (0) To disconnect the call 11. 78. 79. at. Who most likely are the listeners? (W) Fitness instructors (8) Medical professionals (C) Amateur participants (D) Architects What are the club members supposed to do in two months? (A) Make a presentation at a community event (B) Participate in an event (©) Start a restoration project (0) Launch a new product line What are the listeners told to do first? (A) Have materials checked for a meeting (B) Check that equipment is functioning (©) Order building supplies (0) Be assessed on their ability to exercise What is the main topic of the report? (A) A trade fair (B) A food festival (C) The finals of a tournament (0) A reopening celebration What does the speaker suggest that the listeners do to gain free entry? (Finalize a business deal (8) Make a donation (C) Prove they are area residents (0) Join a luncheon What will be broadcasted next? (A) Sports news (8) A weather report (C) A message from sponsors. (D) A traffic report 83. 86. Where is the introduction being made? (A) An year-end banquet (@) A retirement party (C) An anniversary (0) An awards ceremony What is Satomi Kondo's current position? (A) Recruit (8) Chie! executive officer (©) Department chiet (0) Temporary worker What will Ms. Kendo receive? (A) A cash prize (BA gift certificate (C) A best employee award (0) A plaque What is the purpose of the announcement? (A) To describe new policies for payment (8) To warn staff members about a source of danger (0) To introduce @ new department head (0) To encourage staff members to avoid e-mail attachments What do the listeners have to do? (A) Ask questions by calling a toll-free number (8) Erase messages from unknown senders (C) Download software for antivirus protection (0) Create a new password What does the speaker promise to do? () Capture a screenshot containing the message (8) Remit a payment at the end of the month (©) Upgrade computer software (0) Have the employees notified about any changes GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE AcTuaL estos 103 co usa wntoy a9. 90. ot. 92, 93, 94, 104 Why is the meeting called? (A) To test major functions. (8) To present anew line (C) To find ways to increase sales (0) To brainstorm ideas What is stated about the item? (A) It is portable. (8) It is disposable, (C) Itis good value. (0) It has generated a significant sales growth What will the listeners do next? (A) Pass out some handouts (8) Learn about ways to use the machine (C) Answer some questions (0) Present a report What type of business does the speaker probably work for? () A financial consulting company (8) A house-remodeling business (0) A cleaning service (0) A real estate business Where is the office located? (A) Near an outdoor market (8) Next to the Mayson shopping mall (C) In the Olimpia building (0) In the middle of a central area What should the listener do if they need assistance? (A) Leave a message (8) Make a phone call (C) Use an airport courtesy phone (0) Visit an office 95, 96, 97. 98, 99, 100. What event will all staff members be attending? (A retirement party (B) A focus group discussion (C) Anew employee orientation (D) A business workshop What will take place at the end of the event? (A) Lunch will be served. (B) An award will be presented (C) Questions will be answered () A talk will be given. Why should listeners hand in a form to HR? (A) To nominate an employee (B) To get a free meal (©) To obtain a reward (0) To inform HA that they will be absent What actions are being discussed? (®) Energy-efficient measures (B) Insulated walls (©) Regular exercise (0) Meeting the due date According to the speaker, what will change in the building next month? (A) The floors will be renovated. (B) The lift system will be adjusted. (©) The building will be under maintenance. (D) Anew security system will be installed, What will happen next year? (A) Money will be raised for a charity. (B) A contractor will be hired. (C) The lobby will be remodeled. (D) Anew system will be set up. This is the end of the Listening test. vi 29124} 10008 Lo+Re NO TEST MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ACTUAL TEST 105 READING TEST In the Reading test, you will ead a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes, There are three parts, and directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible within the time allowed, You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in your test book, PART 5 Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence, Then mark the letter (A), (8), (C), oF (D) on your answer sheet. 101. The landlord tenant law requires that tenants remove ------- belongings when vacating the rented residence, (A) them, () they (C) their (0) themselves, 102, Researchers have found that your diet ean affect the health of your entire body and improve metabolic functions. (A) therefore (8) rather (C) since (0) to 103. You can avoid many engine problems and save money on parts and repairs if you observe a ------- maintenance schedule. (A) regular (B)requiarly (C) regularity (0) regulate 104. To ------- the first computer-based session, please visit our website or drop by the membership office. (A) comply with () instruct (C) notify (0) register for 106 24m 4281244 10004 Lorne 105. Any problem that is adversely affecting the department should be reported to the supervisor on duty (A) immediacy (B) immediateness (©) immediate (0) immediately 106, During this period of limited sales, visitors must arrive in advance -----~ tickets will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, (A) in case of (8) now that (©) rather (D) though 107. The brewing industry has seen a increase in revenue and growth, as it continues to pull itself out of the recession, () dramatize (B) dramatic (©) dramatically (0) dramatist 108. Throughout July, standard delivery fees will, be ------- on any orders of $30 or more that are made through our website. (A) waived (B) distinct (©) honored (0) vacated 109. 110. 111. 112, 113. 114, Five of the artists ------ work appears in the exhibition have won prizes in respected art competitions. (A) who (8) which (C) whose (0) that about the risks that may impact our business are included in our most recent reports, ( Detailing (B) Details (0) Detait (0) Detailed Leologo Company is a leading IT support ‘company ------- to expand its business into ‘several market segments globally. (A) responsible (®) contributing (0) dedicated (0) eager Major Asian retailers like Ahns&Chois have agreed ------- a plan to improve safety in garment factories in China, (A) like as (©) for (O)t0 Experts warn that many regions are highly on natural gas and are about to experience a major loss of power generation. (A) reliant (B) reliance (©) relied (0) relies, In order to make use of this new wonderful system, government officials ------ to ‘enroll in the intermediate-level courses. (9) permit (8) to permit (©) will permit (0) are permitted 115. If you have lost your password, you will need to go to the login screen and follow the procedure you can set up a new one. (9) although (8) so that (Casto (0) whereas 116, We at Shorenly Corporation depend on customer feedback to maintain our reputation for quality maintenance service. respective ( outstanding (©) consecutive (0) secure 117. Sales. sent to managers earlier this week showed a steep decline in funds that had been used to track market trends (A) representatives (®) dimensions (C) departments (0) figures 4118. The search engine, Surf Typhoon, has been Introduced as an innovative program thanks to the effort of its supporters. (A) properly (8) proper (©) propriety (0) more proper 119. Nicole, Inc. offers a wide of Infrastructure solutions designed to continuously improve your operations. (A) opinion (8) compliment (0) risk (0) range January 1, Hermann National Bank will refuse to exchange coins that are damaged or worn. (9) Within, (@) For (C) Since (DAs ot GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE acTuaLtestos 107 co usa wntoy 421. 122. 123. 124. 125. 108 conducting business research and developing new business opportunities for international clients is the highest priority of Welllife Ltd, (A) Consistently (8) Consistency (C) Consists (0) Consistent The demand for the information grew ~ and so Egor Solutions realized that there was an opportunity to build a full-service online educational site, (A) rapidly (B) extremely (©) enough (0) primarily Employees at Venin Corporation ------- by this repair project will be requested to use the public parking lot during the renovation period. (A) affected (8) affecting (C) having affected (0) have affected The new publication features the show schedule normally found on our website and is also enhanced with ------- reviews of new shows. (A) critic (8) critical (C) criticize (0) critically Government-affiliated corporations and state-owned companies in Vancouver have implemented a campaign to ‘smoking in their buildings. () divert (8) deteriorate (C) encounter (0) eliminate 24m 4281244 10004 Lorne 126. 127. 128, 129. 130. Staff members will work with professional programmers, as the high-tech field may require a programmer's technical expertise. (A) independently (B) separately (0) closely (0) fairly Only the original components and accessories used to install the new connection equipment will be perfectly ‘compatible with ~ (A) one such (B) one another (©) yourselves, (0) everyone ‘The Maintenance Department will send ‘2 memo about ------- parking areas for workers who will be working on the installation of ventilation systems. (A) competitive (8) temperate (0) alternative (0) desperate ‘The reservation covers accommodation, equipment and utensils, as well as weekly cleaning ------- including a complete change of sheets and towels. (A) to service (8) service (0) serviced (0) services from 10 countries including India, Japan, and Thailand will discuss the values of natural resources in increasing global energy security. (A) Delegates (B) Positions (C) Directions (0) Manufactures 131. 132. 133. 134, 135. Serin Auto lets you ------- your own career path within the company, so itis possible to change your assignments. (A) choose (B) choice (©) chosen (0) choosing Wonder City is the perfect playground for both children and adults because there are wonderful shops and several activities, (9) alike (8) along (C) around (0) such as Each page of the handout presents clear, information about the available ‘seminars and gives you all the essential details. WA interested (8) concise (©) enviable (0) eventful I you require accommodation, contact the Disability Services Office at ext. 2900 to -----+ the process of documenting and implementing your individual needs. (A) initiative (B) initiate (©) initial (0) initiay ‘Supervisors are always faced with ‘embarrassing environment so they must be able to utilize a variety of skills and be in any unfamiliar situation, (9) enough (8) equipped (C) versatile (0) confidential 4186. The designer's new lounge system, presented at the technology exposition, has shown ------- technological equipment has changed in the past 12 years, (A) how many (8) much too (©) so much, (0) how much 487. According to the business reports, the price of raw materials for production remained the same when compared ~ the preceding two quarters, (A) despite the fact (8) with that of (©) what is more (0) as opposed to 4198, Being strass will help you determine a pian to - of some of the symptoms of alleviate your suffering, (A) devoted (associated (©) aware (0) suggestive 139. The plan to decrease the tax from seven to five percent next March ------- by a previous government by the time the new governors were appointed, (A) will be approved (8) are approving (C)had been approved (0) have approved 140. Mr. Arshad said he would take economic conditions into ------- when deciding whether to proceed with the planned second-stage increase in sales tax. (attitude (8) reputation (©) registration (0) consideration GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE AcTuaL test os 109 co usa wntoy www.nhantriviet.com £ ee eu kk cas ee mee of the sentences. Select the best answer to complete the text. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet Questions 141-143 refer to the following memo. To: All Staff in the Manufacturing Department From: Sam Adachi, Operations Manager Date: June 1 Subject: Promotion We are pleased to you that KOG will be increasing staff by 20% over the next quarter 141. (A) announce (B) inform (©) persuade () mention because of increased demand for our products. Some of our existing employees will be promoted to a higher position. We will notify the promoted employees along with their next paychecks. (On Friday, June 27, at 2:30 p.m., a meeting for the attected employees will be neid in the large conference room on the second floor. We .....-- additional benefits, health insurance, 142. (A) will discuss (6) discussed (C) had discussed (0) would have discussed increased annual income, and new assignments. We urge all affected employees to attend. We truly appreciate your years of service, dedication and commitment to the KOG. Corporation. We wish you success in your new positions and look forward to discovering your continued individual efforts and talents. Please don't be to call me or e-mail me if you have any questions. 143. (A) hesitant (8) hesitate (C) hesitated (0) hesitancy Sincerely, ‘Sam Adachi, Operations Manager TOEIC Champion ~ 1000 Lc + RC Questions 144-146 refer to the following letter Dear Mr. Adams, During her stay with us, Josephine Daniels, a renowned landscape architect, will be reviewing the two alternative sites proposed for our memorial fountain. We are assigning you to host her in the afternoon of January 14 on a visit to Site B and would like you to assist her during that time in any way that will make her visit -...... informative and pleasant as possible. 144.(A) 50 (8) too (C)as (0) quite In the course of the afternoon, would you please see to the following specific tasks? (1) Meet her at 1:30 p.m. in the front lobby of our head office. (2) Check the various advantages and disadvantages of Site B as discussed in our last meeting. Document ....... opinions on the site. 145, (A) hers. (8) she (©) her own (0) herself (3) From Site B, escort her directly to Terminal 3 at the airport. Arrive there no later than 4:00 p.m., and assist her in making her 5:00 p.m. flight. you have any questions or need assistance with this hosting assignment, please call 146. (A) Though (B)Asif (©) While (0) Should me. We are eager to make her visit a pleasant one. Regards, 6. D. Goan E. D. Evan GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. _—_—_—_——— actuat Testos 105 Questions 147-149 refer to the following notice, MISSED TESTS / PRESENTATIONS / IN-CLASS ASSIGNMENTS Students who miss scheduled tests, presentations or in-class assignments will receive a grade of zero. If there are valid reasons for missing the test, presentation or in-class assignment, the students MUST: a) Contact the professor or student advisor by phone or by e-mail ------- to the start time 147. (A) according (8) decided (C) accustomed (0) prior of the test, presentation or in-class assignment. b) Next class, present the professor with a signed, word-processed memo ------- why the 148, (A) would have indicated (8) indicating (C) has indicated (D) indicated test, presentation or in-class assignment was missed, along with appropriate documentation. At the professor's -------, a make-up test, in-class assignment or presentation may be 149. A) discretion 8 view (C) presentation (0) regard granted or the value of the test may be added to a subsequent test or final exam. In courses where the grading scheme does not include the lowest test grade, this missed test policy does not apply. 112 THE Buy aH B8124 10009 Lorne Questions 150-152 refer to the following message, Edward's Message Welcome to Beryvine Education! ur primary purpose in the Faculty of Education and Training (FET) is to provide learning ‘opportunities that will aid you in ------- completing your studies and achieving your goals. 150. (A) ful @ tully (© fulness (llr We are well aware that you juggle many commitments in your life while pursuing higher education. -------, the staff and faculty members are here to facilitate your efforts with 151.(A) Alternatively (8) Instead (©) Therefore (0) For instance relevant curriculum, academic advisement, and student services that support your time ‘on-campus or online. We have long seen evidence proving that teachers of adult students are motivated by the personal satisfaction and fulfillment they gain from helping their students, Each teacher is a professional in the field in ------- they teach and have considerable real-world experience. 152. (A) which (8) where (0) that (0) order to (On behalf of all of us in the FET, I wish you success in your studies. If you'd like to learn. more about us, visit our website, www.beryvineedu.com. Edward GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE actuaLtestos 113 co usa wntoy

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