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7/18/2019 Gorilla Toeic Vol 1 - Actual Test 1

Listening Test
In the Listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken
English. The entire Listening test will last approximately 45 minutes. There are four parts,
and directions are given for each part. You must mark your answers on the separate answer
sheet. Do not write your answers in your test book.

Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in
your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best
describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer
sheet and mark your answer. The statements will not be printed in your test book and will be

spoken only one time. Look at the example item below.


Statement (B), “The man is working at the desk,” is the best description of the picture, so you
should select answer (B) and mark it on your answer sheet. 1/42
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11. Mark y our ansvver on y our ansvver sh eet. 26. Mark y our ansvver on you r ansvver sheet.

12. Mark y our ansvver on y our ansvver sh eet. 27. Mark y our ansvver on you r ansvver sheet.

13. Mark your answer on your ansvver sheet. 28. Mark y our ansvver on yo ur ansvver sheet.

14. Mark you r ansvver on yo ur ansvver sh eet. 29. Mark your answer on your ansvver sheet.

15. Mark yo ur ansvver on you r answ er sheet. 30. Mark yo ur ansvver on your an swer s heet.

16. Mark you r ans wer on yo ur ansvver sheet. 31. Mark your ansvver on your ansvver sheet.

17. Mark your ansvver on your answer sheet. 32. Mark your answer on you r answer sheet.

18. Mark y our ansvver on y our ansvver sh eet. 33. Mark yo ur ans wer on you r ansvver sheet.

19. Mark you r answ er on you r ansvver sheet. 34. Mark your answer on your ansvver sheet.
20. Mark your ansvver on your answer sheet. 35. Mark your ansvver on your answer sheet.

21. Mark y our ansvver on y our ansvver sheet. 36. Mark y our ansvver on you r ansvver sheet.

22. Mark your ansvver on your answer sheet. 37. Mark yo ur ansvver on yo ur ans wer sheet.

23. Mark your answer on your ansvver sheet. 38. Mark yo ur ans wer on your ansvver sheet.

24. Mark your answer on your ansvver sheet. 39. Mark your answer on yo ur answer sheet.

25. Mark your ansvver on your answer sheet. 40. Mark yo ur ansvver on your an swer s heet.

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Directions: You v >
ar some 1 
three questions
each question c
will not be print*

41. What does the man say about going to Italy? 44.  What is the problem?
(A) He has been to Italy many times. (A) He must attend a meeting the next day.
(B) He has been to Italy only once for a (B) He has lost his plane ticket.
business trip. (C) He went to the wrong airport.
(C) He has never been to Italy before. (D) He didn’t find the gate at the airport.
(D) He is going to Italy for another business
trip. 45.  What is the man willing to do to get to Paris
42. What does the woman say about her trip to (A) Pay the fine for the missed flight
(B) Sleep at the airport
(A) It was annoying. (C) Go to other airports
(B) It made her furious. (D) Pay double for the ticket
(C) It was the greatest.
(D) It was nothing special. 46.  What is correct about what the woman said
to the man?
43. What does the man wish? (A) He must pay twice the price of the ticket.
(A) He wants to go on the trip to Italy with her. (B) She will call some other airlines.
(B) He wants to meet her at the airport. (C) He can make it to Paris tonight.
(C) He’d like to go somewhere else for (D) The reason for his missing the flight is the
vacation. airport’s fault.
(D) He’d like to work for an Italian company. 8/42
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47.  What is being mailed to Mike? 53.  What are they discussing?
(A) His presentation source (A) Eric fell in love with the actress.
(B) A magazine (B) A film that Eric saw over the weekend
(C) A movie ticket (C) Eric’s thoughts on the book
(D) A brochure (D) A social documentary “Pride and Prejudice”

48.  When is the conversation taking place? 54.  What is true about the discussion?
(A) Monday (A) The man believes the film was awful.
(B) Thursday (B) The woman likes to introduce him to good
(C) Friday movies and books.
(D) Saturday (C) The man was very proud of his actress
49.  Which of the following describes the situation (D) The woman will introduce the film’s
correctly? director to him.

(A) Mike is too busy this weekend.

55.  What will Eric probably do next?
(B) J essica will receive the book in 5 days.
(C) Mike refuses to go out with J esse. (A) Meet the actress from the movie
(D) J essica planned on spending time with (B) Read the recommended novel
Mike tomorrow. (C) Read an article about pride and prejudice
(D) Tell his friends to watch the movie

50.  Why are they unable to take the flight?

(A) The travel agency is bankrupt.
56.  Why does J ames need his planner immediately?
(B) The airline company is on strike. (A) He has to give a client a number.
(C) The plane needs to be repaired. (B) Sue’s number is his computer’s password.
(D) The weather is bad. (C) Sue asked him to call her.
(D) He has to discuss something with Sue.
51.  Where must they go?
(A) To another airport 57.  Where does Peter suspect J ames’s planner is?
(B) To their parents’ anniversary party (A) In J ames’s office
(C) To a wedding ceremony (B) In the meeting room
(D) To a coastal area (C) At the information desk
(D) In his office

52.  What will they do instead of taking the plane?

(A) Take their car and drive
58.  What is true about the building where they
(B) Look for another flight
(C) Take an early train (A) It has a great computer system.
(D) Go by a leased car (B) It has its own safety agents.
(C) Security guards always carry cameras.
(D) Civilians aren’t allowed in the building. 9/42
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59. WhydidFrankvisitKelly? 65. WhoisMs.Zekeialstalkingto?

(A)Togivehersomeofhermail (A)Arentalcaremployee  e
(B)Toaskherforhermailingaddress (B)Aneighbor  t  

(C)Totalktoheraboutthemailman (C)Alandlord
(D)Toborrowsomestamps (D)Aclerkatthetelephonecompany

60. WhywasKellywaitingfo rhermail? 66. WhatdoesthemanonthephonetellMs.

(A)Herhusbandaskedhertolookoutfora Zekeials?
letter. (A)Shehastopaytherentimmediately.
(B)Shewaswaitingforanacceptanceletter. (B)Hewillwaiveheralatefee.
(C)Herhusbandcontactsherthroughthe (C)Hewilldropbytopickupthecheck.
mail. (D)Hewillinformheraboutherlatefee.
67. WhichofthefollowingdescribesMs.Zekeials’s
61. Howdoesthewomanfeelaboutgettingher reactiontothepolicy?
letters? (A)Sheisquitepleasedwithit.
(A)Appreciative (B)Shethinksitisoutrageous.
(B)Frustrated (C)Shethinksitisveryreasonable.
(C)Doubtful (D)Sheisconcernedaboutit.

68  Wherewilltheprintermostlikelybeplaced?

62. WhoisJacktalkingto? (A)Onacomputerdesk

(A)Ahotelemployee (B)Onadeskshelf 
(B)Arestaurantemployee (C)Ontheground
(C)Aflightagencyemployee (D)Onthecomputer
69. Whydoesn’tCharlieagreewiththeman’s
63. WhatisJacktryingtodo? ideaconcerningwheretheprintershouldbe?
(A)Makeareservationat7:30 (A)Theprintercan’tfitthere.
(B)Makeadealwiththerestauranttogeta (B)Itiseasyfortheprintertofalloff.
discount (C)Theplaceistoofarawaytobereached.
(C)Makeareservationforhisgroupof12 (D)Itisdifficulttofeeditpaper.
70. Whatistrueabouttheprinter?

64  WhatdoestheemployeeremindJackof?
(B)Therestaurantprovidesgreatservice. anotheroffice.
(C)Theyhavetocometenminutesearly. (C)Itwaspurchasedbythemanhimself.
(D)Therestaurantclosesat10:30. (D)Itwasdamagedbythedeliveryman.

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71.  Why did Ms. Gorgy call Mr. Brooks? 74.  Where did this speech probably take place?
(A) To ask for trucks to move some equipment (A) At a conference
(B) To ask for a receipt for the contract (B) At a meeting
(C) To ask if some storage space is available (C) At a dinner show
(D) To check the starting date of their service (D) At an award banquet

72.  What will happen on August 13th? 75.  What is the main event of the night?
(A) The company will relocate some staff to (A) Dinner provided by the president
another city. (B) A performance by some employees
(B) The company will move to another (C) Announcing the best employee
location. (D) Recognizing each employee with an honor
(C) The company will have a sale.
(D) The company will need more trucks. 76.  To whom is the Employee of the Year award
73.  When will the provision of storage room (A) The employee who is always on time
service end?
(A) August 12th (B) The employee who works the most
(C) The employee who promotes the company
(B) August 13th the most
(C) August 19th (D) The employee who helps both the
(D) August 20th. company and workers

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77. Whoisthespeaker? 83. Whatisoneofthe/eligibilityrequirements?

(A)Anactorintheplay (A)AnystudentwhoattendsChicago
(B)Theownerofthetheater University
(C)Atheateremployee (B)Studentswhoareemployees’children
(D)Aconstructionworker (C)StudentswhospeakEnglishasasecond

78. Howisthetheatercurrentlybeingimproved? (D)Studentswhohaveneverreceiveda

84. Whatwillthescholarshipspayfor?
(D)Newactorsarebeingrecruited. (A)Transportationfees
79. Whatdoesthespeakerasktheaudienceto
do? (D)Insurance
85. Whichpersonwillhaveanadvantagein
others (A)Astudentwhocanspeakanother
(D)Supportthenewactors language
80. Whatisthepurposeofthemessage?
(C)Toinformpeopleaboutanewparkinglot 86. WhyistheplanestoppingatIncheon
(D)Toaddsecuritytotheparkinglot InternationalAirport?
81. WhatisthereasonforclosingParkingLevelB? difficulties.
(A)Itisnolongerstableenough. (B)Theplaneisoutofgas.
(B)Itisnotconvenientlylocated. (C)SomepassengersaregoingtoKorea.
(C)Itwillberemodeled. (D)Somepassengersaregoingtotakearest.
87. WhatarepassengersgoingtoTokyoaskedto
82. Wherecantheemployeesgetthesticker? do?
(A)Yaowilldeliverittothem. (A)Followtheflightattendants
(B)AtlevelBoftheparkinglot (B)Stayintheirseats
(C)AttheSecurityOffice (C)Gototherestroom
(D)Fromanysecurityguard (D)BuysomesouvenirsatIncheon

88. Whatdoesthecaptainsayaflightattendant
(D)Callabusforthemtoridetothegates 12/42
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89.  What is the ‘special service’ they offer to 95.  Who is the speech intended for?
tourists? (A) The president
(A) A meeting with President Lincoln’s (B) The sales staff 
descendants (C) Clients
(B) Some snacks (D) New employees
(C) Historical talks
(D) Tapes for self-guided tours 96.  How does the speaker describe the past
90.  Where are the visitors asked to go for (A) It was an unchanged year.
(B) It was a boring year.
(A) The auditorium (C) It was an unsuccessful year.
(B) The theater (D) It was a good year.
(C) The entrance of P resident Lincoln’s house
(D) The information center 97.  What is the speaker going to do next?
(A) Introduce the new employees
91.  How often are the talks given?
(B) Discuss the plan for two days
(A) Every half an hour
(B) Every 45 minutes (C) Talk about upcoming events
(D) Discuss the next year’s schedule
(C) Every hour
(D) Every two hours

98.  Who most likely is the speaker?

(A) A local real estate agent
92. What most likely is Labor Day?
(B) A resident in an apartment building
(A) It is a holiday. (C) The owner of an apartment building
(B) It is the starting day for workers. (D) The manager of an apartment complex

(C) It is a day to calculate labor costs.

(D) It is a day to promote young people finding 99.  What is one of the special features being
 jobs. offered?
(A) A community coin laundry
93. According to the speaker, when is a good
(B) Indoor whirlpool baths
time for outdoor activities?
(C) A nearby free clinic
(A) Saturday (D) A built-in dishwashing machine
(B) Sunday
(C) Monday 100. How much must a new resident living in a
(D) Next weekend one-bedroom unit pay before moving in?

94. What will the weather be like next week? (A) $1,000
(B) $2,000
(A) It will be nice. (C) $3,000
(B) It will be sunny and cloudy. (D) $4,000
(C) It will be windy and snowy.
(D) There will be thunderstorms.

 This is the end of the Listening test. Turn to Part 5 in your test book.

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In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading
comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts,
and directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as
possible within the time allowed.

Directions; A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are
given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the
letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. Please leave the files on the desk as a 104. Whichever team wins the most games in the
reminder to -------— to review them one more qualifying rounds w ill---------the city in the
time before I leave for supper. state tournament.

(A) I (A) represent

(B) me (B) perform
(C) my (C) attend
(D) myself  (D) reach

102. All of the conference participants can get to 105. You can choose the exact contents of each
the Harrot Hotel from the airport--------- by dish from ou r--------- selection of fresh
train or by bus. ingredients.
(A) unless (A) enhancing
(B) both (B) outstanding
(C) either (C) conservative
(D) without (D) apparent

103. As delivery problems have been our primary 106. Please dial your area number, and, at the
---------- with Pure Flow’s operation, we tone, enter the code for th e --------- service
should improve on that. department.
(A) complaint (A) appropriate
(B) complain (B) appropriates
(C) complained (C) appropriately
(D) complaining (D) appropriateness

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107. MalisaAkiko has been assignedto  check 112. Cosda is agood mall to frequent, as it is
thefile s -------- - McGrayworks on the spacious a n d ---------- located with lots of  T 
project. freeparking.  s 

(A)also (A)convenient 1 

(B)than (B)convenience
(C)moreover (C)conveniently
(D)while (D)moreconveniently

108. Nowthatthe enginecapacityo f --------- 113. All personal injuryclaims a re --------- to

model minivanhasbeenenhanced,wecan reviewbyyourpersonalagentaswellashis
increaseourtargetmarkettoincludesingle orherdepartmenthead.
(A)ourselves (B)susceptive
(B)us (C)successful
(C)our (D)suspect
114. Wehavejuniorandseniorstaffemployedin
109.Thesafety ------- —  implem ented by the variousbranchofficesinmany --------- cities
companylastyearresultedinafiftypercent throughouttheUSAandCanada.
(A)comprehension (C)difference
(B)precautions (D)different
115. Itwassuggestedthat an “ Employee ofthe
110.Hewillprobably—   ----- onhispresentlarge toimprovestaffmorale.
citytou r and visit more small performing
(A)expanded (C)approach
(B)expanding (D)way
--------- revenue increases in several major
111. People wishing to process personal injury metropolitanareasoverthenextdecade.
claimsm us t----------formsTX180and
(A)complete (C)significantly
(B)cancel (D)signification

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117.---------you just want a basic tune-up or 122. Ms. Lee has a great reputation for winning
have special needs, we guarantee our work contracts, so lots of her co-workers regard
for one full year, or you will receive a full her as highly--------- in most aspects of her
refund.  job.
(A) Whether (A) capable
(B) Even though (B) capably
(C) Despite (C) capability
(D) As if  (D) more capably

118. As soon as the general wait staff --------- the 123. We’ll recharge the battery for every vehicle
speed and efficiency of their service skills, that needs i t ---------no extra cost.
the Mediterranean will surely be one of the
(A) at
most popular restaurants.
(B) by
(A) improves (C) over
(B) improve (D) from
(C) had improved
(D) is improved
124. We must be ready to respond quickly to the
changes that are predicted by our market
119. The board of directors said that there was a
--------- to raise funds to expand the project.
(A) measurement
(A) control (B) representation
(B) center (C) agencies
(C) look (D) researchers
(D) need

125. A s ---------in our last conference, Ms. Miller

120. You will be routinely asked to undergo is going to arrive at the Incheon Airport at 3
a medical exam before beginning new P.M. on Sunday, April 13.
employment that is known to b e ---------
(A) discuss
(B) discussion
(A) extreme (C) discussing
(B) extremely (D) discussed
(C) extremity
(D) extremes
126. If you should misplace your card, simply
notify us at the same toll-free number, and
121.  In order to be responsive to their customers’ we’l l ----------you another one within two
needs, the bank —........ a customer days.
satisfaction campaign through massive
(A) issue
amounts of telephone interviews.
(B) discuss
(A) achieved (C) address
(B) conducted (D) present
(C) met
(D) obtained

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127.--------theassetsofAcmeEquipmenthave 132. Wealso --------- storagefacilitiesforyour

been seized and w ill beauctioned off by minkco ats and otherde iicates and deal
Auction Serviceson Saturday, April 1, 2008 withsilks,satins, and laceswiththe utmost
at2:00P.M. consideration.
(A)Almost (A)give
(B)Most (B)offer
(C)Mostof  (C)submit
(D)Mostly (D)attribute

128. Grassclippingsforrecyclingwillbepicked 133. Oneindustrythat will b e --------- hitbythe

upinfrontofhousesin a ll --------- areason negativeeffectsofthisisagriculture.
(A)distant (B)eagerly
(B)habitual (C)particularly
(C)residential (D)sincerely

134. Mr.Kimiscautiously --------- aboutthe

129.1 honestlythink you w illfind ournew projectionforincreasedprofitsinthe
employee wage structure and benefits comingquarterbecauseprofitsweredown
p a c k a g e ............ toanyofourindustry lastquarter.
(A)comparable (B)optimistically
(B)distinguished (C)optimism
(C)comprehensible (D)optimize

135.JaneAnderson has akeen inte res t---------
f 3 0 l --------- your request, ourcustomer service contributingto the fundsbeing collected in
deskhasreservedaNissanTownCarwitha theofficetohelpwithfloodreliefinIndia.
(A)Inresponseof  (B)for
(B)Inresponsiblefor (C)about
(C)Responsive (D)of 

136.TheCEOsaidthatthe—   ----- oftheauction

131. Forasmall,extra --------- ,wewouldbe wouldbeusedto payoff Namsung Trade’s
willingto  providetranslation or rewrite debts.
(A)bill (B)procedure
(B)fare (C)process
(C)income (D)processing
(D)charge 17/42
7/18/2019 Gorilla Toeic Vol 1 - Actual Test 1

137. All club members are allowed----- -  the 139. You may......... of the unsuitable letterhead
International Health Symposium at no cost. forms in whichever way you choose.
(A) attending (A) deal
(B) attend (B) take
(C) to attend (C) dispose
(D) attended (D) decide

138. A Grandeur spokesperson also stated that 140. Almost 20 machines inspected were found
ample parking space is available,.......... to have faulty or--------safety mechanism
includes an underground facility. in their front and back doors.
(A) that (A) adequately
(B) what (B) inadequacy
(C) which (C) inadequate
(D) who (D) inadequately

24 18/42
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Questions 141-143 refertothefollowingadvertisement.

mealandforfamilieswithchildren.We—   ----- youthatyourfoodwillbeprepared
141. (A)assure

I fromthe1960sbyartistslikeHerbieHancockandLouDonaldson.

Applynowto becomeamemberofourWendy’sRestaurantC lub .--------- youvisitour

142. (A)Where


Membershipcardholderswillgeta10% discountonWendy’sRestaurantmerchandise

likeT-shirtswithourlogo.M emberswillalsoreceivepreferredseatingwhenthe
restaurantiscrowded.Allmembersgeta  --------- admissionticketforanamusement
143. (A)combined

parkjustforjoining. 19/42
7/18/2019 Gorilla Toeic Vol 1 - Actual Test 1

Questions 144-146 refer to the following fax.

 To=Mr Steve Smith

From: J eanie Kim

Subject: Trade Conference

A unique and historic international trade conference --— — this November in Korea.
144. (A) has taken place
(B) had taken place
(C) will take place
(D) was taking place

I would like to request that one in your firm be --------- to the Pacific Rim Trade Conference.

145. (A) delegated

(B) relegated
(C) elevated
(D) released

It is sponsored by the World Trade Association and the U.S. State Department.

 The delegation will be composed of approximately 150 -------- - from our industry. It will depart
146. (A) representation

(B) represent
(C) representative
(D) representatives

from New York on Saturday, November 7, and return on Monday, November 16.

 You will receive more details from Mr Wonjun Choi, the vice president of our trade association,
in a few days. In the meantime, if you need any preliminary information, please call me.

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Questions 147-149 refertothefollowingarticle.


companieshavegoneoutofbusiness,and— I — employeeshavelosttheirjobs.
147. (A)thousandof 

Recently,CWJc ut15,000morejo b s --------- lastyear’stremendouslayoff.However,in

148. (A)Inaddition


Whilethatnumberhasfallen--------- ,to900,000,it’snotexpectedtodropanyfurther.
149. (A)somewhat

By2008,the U.S.DepartmentofLaborpredictsam illiontechnologyjobswillgounfilled.


V    27 21/42
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Auniqueandhistoricinternationaltradeconference-- — — thisNovemberin Korea.

144. (A)hastakenplace

Iwouldliketorequestthatoneinyourfirmbe --------- tothePacificRimTradeConference.

145. (A)delegated


Thedelegationwillbecomposedofapproximately150 -------- -fromourindustry.Itwilldepart

146. (A)representation



Youw illreceivemoredetailsfrom Mr.WonjunChoi,thevicepresidentofourtradeassociation,


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Questions 153-154 refer to the following article.

Canadian Fisheries Market Announces Rebranding

 The Canadian Fisheries Market (CFM) announced this morning that it will
change its name to the Canadian Seafood Market (CSM). 91% of the
employees at CFM voted in favor of the new name at a special meeting that
was held today in Toronto, Under its new name, the CFM will continue to
broaden its already huge market with more products such as shrimp and
 The name change will take place on J anuary 1st of next year, but the
changes in broadening the market with more products will take place 2
weeks from now.

153. What has the Canadian Fisheries Market announced?

(A) It will stop carrying some products.

(B) It will bring more shrimp and fewer fish in.
(C) It will change its name.
(D) 9% of its employees will get fired.

154. What is said about the Canadian Fisheries Market’s employees?

(A) The majority showed up at the special meeting.

(B) Most of them voted in favor of the change.
(C) A lot of employees will be fired.
(D) Their numbers will be increased in 2 weeks. 23/42
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Questions 155-156 refertothefollowingmemo.

To: Allstaff
From: KarlMellow
Subject: Traveling
Date: 2006-8-8

It is required for all staff members, as you should already know, to fill outthe

You must submit thedocuments for outsidetravel at least 3 full days before
traveling. Even if thetrip will involve no expense forthe company, you must
do so for insurance purposes. The Personnel Manager will prepare all travel


— r..... .... iiiiiiiiniiiiiiiii |

IS . Whatissaidaboutthedocuments?

1S6. Whatistrueaboutthereceipts?
(D)Theyarenotnecessary. 24/42
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Questions 157-159 refer to the following article.

National Calling Service Reports Error

New York-based AT&P Wireless, the nation’s largest calling service, increased its 2nd
quarter profit forecast and said the Accounting Team in Massachusetts had made
an error. The team forgot to list 14 million dollars used in the second quarter for
changing machines and pro fit lost in the written report, according to a spokesman
for AT&P Wireless. “We have identified the cause of the error and are taking steps to
fix it right away,” said the spokesman.
“We are confident we have found and fixed a problem that was serious but isolated.
A t the same time, we are thoroughly going over our system to prevent this from

ever happening and have added some new programs.” Shares in company stocks
declined 17%  after the announcement.

157. What caused the problem?

(A) An Accounting Team in Massachusetts
(B) People stopped using phones.
(C) An employee took $14 million.
(D) An old error was not fixed.

158. What is said about the company’s stock?

(A) It went down $14 million.
(B) It went up $14 million.
(C) It declined 17%.
(D) It rose 17%.

159. What has AT&P Wireless done?

(A) Deleted old programs with problems

(B) Installed some new programs
(C) Fired all employees in Massachusetts
(D) Identified the problem but hasn’t fixed it yet

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160.Whatislearnedaboutthiscompany? 162.Whatisrequiredfortheposition?

(A)Itwillnottakeapplicants’phonecalls. (A)Callingtheoffice
(B)Ithasdevelopednewphotoshop (B)Agoodunderstandingofhowthe
techniques. companyworks
(C)Itmakessignsforrestaurants. (C)Ahighschooldiploma
(D)Itmanufacturesphotoshopprograms. (D)Experienceinphotoshopwork

161.Whatistheresponsibilityofthe personthat

(D)Draftingnewworkers ^ 26/42
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Questions 163-165 refer to the following article.

Salvation Shelter Completed

r I f "I University of Washington announ ced yesterday that it has finished

X 1 L C construction of the $3 million Center for Salvation. The center
will provide shelter for those that cannot take care of themselves in the state of
Washington. The center will serve 3 hot meals every day, have a nice, small room with
a television, and provide a doctor to give free check-ups for the people that are in the

“There are always 2 nurses, a doctor, a cook, and at least 4 employees that will be in
the shelter every day,” says Will Simpson, the center s director. “We re the first and only
center in the state of Washington that offers this to people that have a hard time doing
everyday, normal things”

Will Simpson has always felt bad inside when he gets off of work late and sees just
how many people are sleeping out in the streets and in marketplaces where old
people have problems just picking items off the shelf and loading them into their carts.
Thanks to his efforts, he has now opened this salvation center to help those who are in
need of help.

163. What is learned abou t the Salvation Center?

(A) It is the largest one in the nation.

(B) It is the first one of its kind in Washington.
(C) It provides free meals 3 times a day for everyone.
(D) It is for the homeless.

164. What inspired Will Simpson to build this center?

(A) He felt bad when seeing people having a hard time doing normal things.
(B) He wanted to open a new restaurant.
(C) He needed a place for his grandmother to stay.
(D) He felt Washington didn’t have one yet, so he’d be the first to found one.

165. What is true about the center?

(A) it provides a cheap stay.

(B) It sometimes has 4 employees on duty.
(C) There is always a doctor in the shelter.
(D) The nurses are women.

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r  194244thStreet
; C om pton, CA

> DearMr.Young,

: Thankyoufor publishing a long, 4-page, colorarticle about ourcompanyin the

business section in last wee k’s paper. We enjoyed reading the article, and the

f  In thearticle, you statedtha t Flyte and Tyme had revenues o f$1.6 million last year.
We hadtotal revenues of $62 m illion. The$1.6 m illion was just in thefourth quarter.
; Whilethis mayseem likean unimportantpoint,wefeeltha treporting amuchsmaller

ifyou could, can you please printa correction in the next paper in the business
Mmpp§8 ! I | | H ~* §|

> D M P a r& W '

v FlyteandTyme

166. WhatdoesBen Parkersayaboutthe 167. WhatdoesBenParkeraskMr.Youngtodo?

(A)Theyhad revenuesof $62 million in the (B)Examinethefilesenclosed
fourthquarter. (C)Correctanerror
(B)The$1.6millionwasjusttherevenues (D)Advertisethemagaininthebusiness
ofthefourthquarter. section
(D)Theyhavereceivedbadpublicity. 28/42
7/18/2019 Gorilla Toeic Vol 1 - Actual Test 1

Questions168-169refertothefollowing letter.

Georgetown University
Washington, D.C

Towhom itmayconcern

Ifyoucould send me a brochureandan applicationform for admissionto theschool

of business, I would appreciate it. I have finished 12 yearsofschool in Seoul, Korea,
and I have all of my transcripts with me. I arrived in this country 3 months ago,

and I would like to

businessbecause enterthefreshman
it isthefield class in March 2006. I would like to major in
I ammostinterestedin.

I would appreciate any additional information you can send me aboutthe school,
the campus, tuition costs, and the costs of living on campus. I also would like to
know about the scholarships you offerand any other assistance that is available to


168. Whereis Mr. Choi?

(A) In Seoul
(B) In Korea
(C) In Washington, D.C.
(D) In America

169. Whatishetryingtodointhecountry?
(A) Travel
(B) Get an education
(C) Do business
(D) Work for a business

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Imagine a weekend or shortvacation cruising in a 700 V14, BenzS600, BMW 760
Li, Nissan 300ZX, oranAcura NSX.You can ifyou rentfrom Worthington. Also, rent
. now, andyou can enjoythe special offerofthe Sunday-Thursday plan, which costs
I just $99 a day!
: MentionthisadwhenyoucalltheWorthington office,and enjoythetotal pleasureof
I cruisingaroundinthehottestcarsoutthere!


All ofthe cars mentioned above, plus Cadillac Devilles, Rolls Royces, Lincoln
s Navigators,and manymorecanbediscountedat20%forreadersofourmagazine.
‘ Vehiclesaresubjectto availability.Rentermust meetageandotherrequirements.



(D)Apersonmustbe16torentacar. 30/42
7/18/2019 Gorilla Toeic Vol 1 - Actual Test 1

Questions 173-175 refer to the following news article.

Tax Everywhere?

Americas $70 billion online home-shopping industry is credited

for simplicity and convenience, but mostly it is used for tax evasion.
Thanks to legal loopholes, dialing 800 numbers and shopping on
the Internet saves online companies nearly $45 billion a year. On
the companies' side, they are trying their hardest to market their
products online. To put it shortly, everyone is treating the Internet as
a haven from taxes.
Some states, however, are passing bills that state all commerce over
the Internet will be taxed. In effect, this bill is making companies
proceed with caution.

173. What is true about America’s use of home shopping?

(A) No tax is charged when people order over the Internet.
(B) It is not convenient.
(C) It offers privacy.
(D) There is a lack of shoppers.

174. Why will companies hesitate to expand their business to the Internet?
(A) They are unsure about future tax policies.
(B) Home-shopping sales numbers are dropping.
(C)  800 numbers are becoming more expensive.
(D) They don’t want to lose $70 billion.

175. What are some states planning to do?

(A) Expand their Internet shopping
(B) Start taxing Internet shopping
(C) Disconnect 800 numbers
(D) Equate Internet sales with telephone sales

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Questions 176-178 refertothefollowingarticle.

Platinum PriceExpectedtoRise /

Alchemist Metal Mining expects higher demand from the U.S. and Canada to   7
boostplatinum pricestoan averageof$410 anouncenextyear, upfrom $364an /

'$%i-<zS^y-\-  >V,/ ~ ~ - < ^i"- ; -, ,j!*' V>"'"'~ r s?>~ ' ^S\
AlchemistMetal Mining,thelargestplatinumproducingcompanyinJapan,- ,   m
forecastspricesarelikelyto remainlowuntilthefirsthalfofthisyear. 7

“Platinumpricesarelowasofnowbecauseofaneconomydownturn.Butrecently   j

the rise in stock pricesfrom UKME, the 'wo rld’s largest platinum processing   J
company,showsthatinthenearfuture,thepriceofplatinumwillriseinthesecond '7
halfoftheyear,”saysKiyotoYoshi,aheadmanageratthecompany.   [l

Recent UKME platinum prices indicatethat North American demand is expected   '1

The UKME standard platinum contract has risen 18% thisyearto $11,648,000 a   j
ton atSaturday’sclose. LastMay, ithitanall-timelowof$9,234(000. /

Alchemistexpectsthepriceofplatinumtobearound$355-365anouncethisyear   '
andincreaseto$405-420anouncelaterthisyear.   '7

¡^1' _ | 7 _ '' . _ . . .' "

176.WhatdoesKiyotoYoshisayaboifjplatiiium 178.WfjphofthefollowingisNOTtrue?
prices? t- • , t .,j,:
(A)TheAmerican andCanadian economies
(A)Theywillbelowearlythisyear, willgetbetter.
(B)Theywilldropdramatically. (B)Alchemist isthe largest platinum
(C)Theywillrise$355anounce, producingcompanyinJapan.
(D)Theyaregoingtoremainthesame. (C)Platinum prices will rise in the second
(D)Theyarealmostbankrupt. 32/42
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Questions 179-180 refer to the following job advertisement.

Job Opportunity


Customer Service Representative

Pay and Benefits:

$35,000~$52,000/year, commensurate with experience
Total of 3 weeks vacation annually, 2 days off a week
Health insurance, travel expenses, company car 

Fluent in Korean and English and one other European language
26-35 years old, healthy
Well dressed, professional appearance and manners
Experience in dealing with customers required

 Applicat ion Proc ess:

Please send transcripts, a resume, a cover letter, and a recent photograph

to the address below. We will send you a notice no later than June 4th.
Successful applicants will have an on-site interview, at our expense, no
later than July 1st.

Educational Graphic Research Center  

1232 C-Street F0 Bulling, Suite 718 
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 12323

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(A)OnewhocanspeakJapanese, Korean,andChinese
(B)OnewhocanspeakKorean, English,andGerman


180. Howwilltheapplicantsknowiftheywill beinterviewed?


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Questions 181-185 refer to the following notice and e-mail.

In-House Job Posting

The Human Resources Department is announcing an immediate opening  

to replace Mrs. Moshonda Abbott, who is retiring. The applicant must  
have excellent organizational skills, type 75 words per minute, and have  
word processing and spreadsheet knowledge. Since this is a very important  
and highly visible position, the applicant must have great social and oral  
communication skills. Some experience in the field of accounting is required,  
preferably 7 years or more, but no less than 5. Experience in a supervisory  
position would be great, too. A bachelor's degree in accounting is a must.
The salary is commensurate with experience. Contact Mr. Dorl in Human  
Resources. f .

• % X .

From:  Amy Peterson

To: Mr. Dorl
Subject: I’ll do my best
Date: Thu, Mar. 2, 11:51:18

My name is Amy Peterson. I am very interested in the job position as an

administrative assistant. I am currently working at the Metro Health Club as
a consultant. I organize every member’s data, am responsible for keeping
track of all of the payments that are made, and write monthly reports. I can
type 80 words per minute, and I have excellent people skills. I work with
customers face to face when they come to me to ask any questions about
the gym, bills, etc. I have been working for 6 years, and our reports are done
by Excel, so I think I’m a very appropriate person for this job. I would love
to work for Ms. Ski, and I would appreciate it if I could get a chance to be
interviewed. m

42 35/42
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*:I1, Wherewouldthisjobannouncementprobablyappear?




1K>. IfMs.Petersongetshired,whatmaybethereason?5
(D)Shehasamaster’sdegree. 36/42
7/18/2019 Gorilla Toeic Vol 1 - Actual Test 1

Questions 186-190 refer to the following facsimiles.


To: 28 Takada Nobuhiko, Vice President, BOC Corporation
3-34-23 Osaka, Japan
FAX: 81-6-555-1111
From: Paul Wall, Vice President
19th Street, Sydney, Australia
FAX: 63-7-522-3817
Dear Mr. Nobuhiko:
On behalf of Mr. Ashley and in response to your letter of August 21, we agree to change
the date and place of the presentation that was planned for August 31 in Osaka, Japan.
The presentation will instead take place, as you suggested, on September 9 at 2 p.m., at
our downtown Portland branch office. We would also like to invite you to a luncheon at
noon of the same day at the Oregon Trail Resort. Mr. Wentworth sends his regards and is
looking forward to seeing you again. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact
me if you have any questions.


 August 31
To: Mr. Paul Wall, Vice President
19th Street, Sydney, Australia
FAX: 63-7-522-3817
From: Mr. Takada Nobuhiko, Vice President, BOC Corporation
3-34-23 Osaka, Japan
FAX: 81-6-555-1111
Dear Mr. Wall,

Thank you for your consideration and thanks again for changing the date and the place for
our meeting. I have a trip to the United States scheduled from September 2 to September
19, so I thought it would be much better for me just to have a meeting at your office. It is
very time-consuming to get on a plane and get back to my country. I didn’t want you to
waste at least 2 whole days coming here for a meeting when I can be in the States without
delay. Thanks for the invitation to the luncheon also. I am sure I will love the food. Lastly,
please don’t worry about a thing about the presentation. It is flawless.
See you soon in Oregon!
Sincerely, 37/42
7/18/2019 Gorilla Toeic Vol 1 - Actual Test 1

186. Whatisthemainpurposeofthefirstfax?





190. HowlongdidtheProtechCorporationtaketoreceivetheletterandsendafacsimile?
(C)1 week
(D)2weeks 38/42
7/18/2019 Gorilla Toeic Vol 1 - Actual Test 1

Questions 191-195 refer to the following memos.

To: Sales Staff
From: Francene Cardi
Subject: Upcoming Sale

I am in the process of ordering books for our upcoming sale. In the past, children
books have always been our biggest sellers, so I am particularly interested in
providing a good selection at the sale. Please let me know which titles and
authors we need to stock up on. I will also be ordering cookbooks, biographies,
and books-on-tape to fill our rather limited stock. I would appreciate suggestions
in these areas, too. Thank you.

To: Francene Cardi

From: Marc Ecko

Hello, Francene. It's Marc. Here is the list of book titles and authors we need

The Authors: Brian Peppers, Mick Foley, Andrew Cho, Ronald  

McDonald, Colonel Sanders 
Books: The Great Adventures of Slick Rick, Massive Television, Doggy  
Style, Garlic Steakhouse, Dominos, Elephants at the Zoo Took  
My Purse, The Hut

The authors are all those of children books, so any book by them that we have
low in stock would be absolutely great. The book titles are the bestsellers from
last month, and lots of customers are still looking for them, so it would be great
to get some more in stock.

46 39/42
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B l. Whichtypeofmerchandisehashadthebestsalesinthepast?
P )Lifehistoriesoffamouspeople

flS. Whatshouldthesalesstaffdoafterreadingthememo?


194 WhoisMarcEcko?

(D)AbookFranceneCardirequested 40/42
7/18/2019 Gorilla Toeic Vol 1 - Actual Test 1

Questions 196-200 refer to the following notice and letter.

Mr. Edwin I. Rubin, Chief Executive Officer of the B&T  

Department Store, extends a cordial invitation to you, our  

preferred customer. For 2 special days, Saturday and Sunday,  
 Au gu st 24 and 25, 10% will be t aken of f ev ery thin g in the s tore. 
Sale-priced items are an extra 10% off. You will even receive  
this extra 10% off items in our Back-to-School Sale, Misses’ 
Shoe Sale, and Home Sale. You will receive the discounts  
automatically when you use your B&T charge card.
* Except Cosmetics & Gift Certificates

June 11
B&T Department Store
155 Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, CA 91335

To whom it may concern

I really appreciate that you gave me extra discounts just for having a B&T
card! I don't know how I became your preferred customer, but I am very happy
to hear it. My friend got the preferred customer discount in May, and I was very
 jealous, but I have nothing to be jealous of anymore. I will be back in the store
for some back-to-school shopping! Thanks! Oh, and does this also work with
some coupons I have?

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(C)Itisheldeveryyear. -

(D)Sheasksifthereisadiscountoncoupons. 42/42

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