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Name: Gabriela .A.

Class: 2A
NIM: 20061102093
Pacific Study

Chapter 7
Management and Utilization of North Sulawesi's natural resources in
the Pacific Region

Understanding Fishery Resources

Fisheries are human activities related to the management and utilization of aquatic biological resources
that include fish, amphibians, invertebrates, and adjacent areas and their environment.
Fish resource management is all efforts made by the government or other authorities that aim to make
fish resources can be utilized optimally and achieve the continuity of productivity of marine biological
resources continuously.

Fishery Resource Management

When it comes to fishery recources there are 2 things that represent it and that is :

1. Fishing, aims to acquire fish in waters that are not in a state of cultivation by any means.

2. Fish Cultivation, aimed at maintaining, raising, or breeding fish, and harvesting the results in a
controlled environment.

Sustainable Fisheries Resource Management

Fishing Season Arrangements

Fishery resource management through the approach of closing the catching season requires the support
of all levels of society, especially the fishing community as a resource utilization to have a high sense of
concern and discipline in the implementation of existing laws and regulations. Beddington and Retting
(1983) said there were at least two forms of fishing season closure. First, close the fishing season at a
certain time to allow the fish to colonize and develop. Second, the closure of fishing activities because
fish resources have been degraded, and fish caught are getting less. The approach of fishery resource
management with catching season arrangements is intended to provide opportunities for fish resources
to breed.
The following are the obstacles that arise in the implementation of the policy of setting the fishing
season, namely:

1. There is no awareness of fishermen about the importance of maintaining the sustainability of

existing fish resources.

2. Weak supervision conducted by the authorities.

3. The law is enforced inconsistently.

4. Limited surveillance facilities.

Closure of Fishing Areas :

The fishing area closure approach means fishing in an aquatic activity during a certain season or
permanently. This approach is carried out in line with the closing of the fishing season. The closure
of fishing grounds in the long term is usually carried out by conserving certain fish species that are in
a state of being threatened with extinction. The closure of the fishing area is intended for provide
opportunities for fish resources close to extinction to breed so the population can increase.

Fishing Gear Selectivity

This fishery resource management approach is implemented through the use of high selective
fishing gear. Some examples of this approach are the minimum limit on the mesh size, the minimum
limit on the hook size(mesh size), and the trap-mouth size limitation in open conditions.

The main problem faced in implementing this policy is the high cost of implementing, supervising,
monitoring or controlling. Apart from that, it is also necessary to have fishery personnel who have
the technical ability to act quickly in the field to determine the type and scale of fishing gear used.

Fishing Equipment Prohibition

The prohibition of certain types of fishing gear can be done permanently or temporarily, which is
done to protect fish resources from the use of destructive or destructive fishing gears, or other
considerations aimed at protecting small / traditional fishermen. Fishing methods that are currently
commonly prohibited are fishing using poison and explosives.

Fishery Management Objectives

The goal is the long-term use of fisheries resources in a sustainable manner by actively trying to find
ways to optimize the economic and social benefits of the available resources.

1. Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY)

MSY is the largest catch that a fishery can produce from year to year. With the concept of a very
simple model of a fish population which is considered as a single unit. developed from a biological
curve that describes the yield (function) and effort with a clear maximum value.


based on a simple and easy to understand description of the reaction of fish stocks to catch.

• MSY is determined by a simple physical measure, namely the weight or number of fish caught.

The weakness: this concept does not have a strong enough foundation and cannot accommodate
various complexities such as the interaction of a population with other populations.

2. Maximum Economic Yield (MEY)

The theoretical assessment has concluded to replace MSY with the Maximum Economic Yield (MEY)
approach, or Maximum Rent.


as a management objective and can be applied to any biological model, and is different from the
MSY concept.

The weakness of using net economic yield as a management objective is that this model depends on
the price of fish caught and the unit cost of fishing which varies from year to year, from country to

3. Optimum Sustainable Yield (OSY)

(OSY) is intended as an effort to consider all the advantages and disadvantages that are often
classified into biological, economic, legal (legal), social and political.

Types of Fisheries and Their Distribution in Indonesia

1. Coastal Fisheries

Coastal fisheries is carried out in shallow sea areas with a distance of less than 60 miles from the
coast. This type of fishing is commonly done by traditional fishermen who use rowing boats or
outboard motor boats. Because the equipment used is very limited, the catch is not satisfactory.
Types of fish that are often caught, such as mackerel, anchovies, pony fish, sardinella , and some
types of mollusks, such as squid and jellyfish.

2. Deep Sea Fisheries

Deep sea fisheries is a type of fish in the high seas or oceans commonly done by modern fishermen
or fishing companies with advanced equipment. They used to go fishing by trawling boat and fishing
equipment in the form of tiger trawls. Fishnets of this type are able to net a large number of fish,
ranging from large fish to small ones. The commodities that are the mainstay of the catch are tuna
and skipjack.
3. Inland Fisheries

In addition to marine fisheries also known inland fisheries conducted in fresh water and brackish
water. Inland water landscapes that are commonly used as fishing areas or fish cultivation include
rivers, lakes, empang or ponds, rice fields, and dams (reservoirs or artificial lakes). Fish cultivation in
the river is usually done with a water running system that utilizes the flow of the river. With this
pattern fish growth is relatively fast, because the fish is always moving to hold the flow of water and
there is always a change of water.

Utilization of Sea Resources

1. Seaweed

Seaweed is widely cultivated around the sea by fishermen. Seaweed is believed to be rich in
nutrients for the body that complement the body's needs. Seaweed is also widely processed into a
source of delicious food such as sea chips, sushi then delicious seaweed ice to drink during the day.
How to cultivate seaweed is also easy if you just breed it in a reservoir that has been cleaned. Then
for the cultivation itself, there are seaweeds that go through the mating process and some are not.

2. Fish

The next sea resource is fish. Fish that live in salty waters have a lot of nutritional content and live
freely in the sea. As a result, there are so many fish in Indonesian teritories because of the location
of Indonesia which consists of a wide area of water. That is why many foreign ships enter Indonesian
waters illegally to catch fish. Actually this is prohibited because it is illegal and entry to the border
without permission.

3. Salt

Salt is useful as a food flavoring. This is because salt is a complement to spices and has a salty taste.
Salt is produced from filtered seawater sediment and then dried with the help of sunlight and man-
made windmills. The salt is made by farmers because it comes from the sea, that's why the price of
salt is not that expensive.

4. Transportation

Sea transportation aims to connect one island to another using a boat that has been assembled by

5. Tourist spot

The next benefit of the sea is as a tourist spot. You can choose various kinds of tours to enjoy the
weekend with your beloved family.

6. Shellfish/clam

Seashells at the bottom of the ocean are living things that have a hard shell on the ocean floor.
Many shellfish are caught for consumption because the meat is rich in protein. In addition to
consumption, clams are also known as a producer of beautiful pearls in their shells. It's just that not
every shellfish has this ability
7. Mangrove

Mangroves are only found on the shore where the forest will be covered with water during the
fields and dry from the water at low tide. Benefits of mangroves as sea resources to prevent
abrasion or erosion of coastal soil due to waves and shelter for small fish

8. Mining

Another sea resource and the most productive in the world of export and import is mining. Various
kinds of mining can be carried out off the coast around Kalimantan which is rich in oil and natural

Implications of Sea Resources Utilization Policy

Indonesia has a very large potential for fishery resources both in terms of quantity and diversity. The
maximum sustainable yield (MSY) potential of capture fisheries resources is estimated at 6.4 million
tons per year. Meanwhile, the potential that can be utilized (allowable catch) is 80% of MSY, namely
5.12 million tons per year.

One of the fundamental problems in fisheries development is the weak accuracy of fisheries
statistics. Fisheries data for various regions in Indonesia are usually based on rough estimates from
reports from local fisheries offices. There is no reliable standard method to be used as a guide for
local offices in collecting fisheries data. How will the government implement fisheries development
policies if it is not supported by accurate data.

This weakness gap is then used by related parties to enrich themselves from captured fishery
products. So that the issue of foreign exchange leakage due to illegal fishing illustrates the weakness
of the national fisheries management system.

Without knowing the character or pattern / fishing business network carried out by the community
or fishermen who have capital in various regions or fishing centers, the re-licensing policy for this
fishing business will have opportunities for corruption and collusion. It is suspected that the capture
fisheries business pattern / network is already accustomed to the KKN culture, so the collusion and
corruption mechanism in this fishing business must be addressed systematically.

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