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1. In high school you know everyone in your class

2. High school books are provided are little to no cost.
3. You have to live with your parents in high school.
4. You wake up early in the morning for class in high school.
5. In high school, you were forced to learn all subjects.
6. In high school, your time and schedule are dictated by others.
7. In high school teachers read from the textbooks they use.
8. In high school, you studied before a test.
9. In high school, you wrote notes to friends.
10. In high school, you’re able finish all your homework in one night.
11. In high school, you have a full day of classes.
12. In high school, you’re stuck with a social hierarchy.
13. In high school, assigned reading means a night off from homework.
14. In high school, you worried about what “looked” cool.
15. In high school, everyone is required to be there.

1. In college, you’re lucky to know one person in your class.

2. College textbooks cost a small fortune.
3. You get to live with your friends in college.
4. You wake up whenever you schedule your first class (or whenever you want) in college
5. In college, you get to learn whatever you want to.
6. In college, you take back ownership of time management.
7. In college, professors refer to the textbooks they wrote.
8. In college, the library becomes your home away from home.
9. In college, you take notes for yourself.
10. In college, that’s nearly impossible.
11. In college, you choose and plan your schedule by yourself
12. In college, you get to choose who you spend time around.
13. In college, you actually need to do the reading.
14. In college, you’re too busy to care what other people think.
15. In college, everyone wants to be there.

1. The character of snow white is feminine and always dresses like a queen
2. Sometimes she is singing while doing her job
3. She is very kind and very diligent
4. She is never hates someone who hurts her heart
5. Snow white like to make a peace
6. Snow white never fight back attack from revanna

1. The character of snow white is strong and very brave person

2. She is never singing while doing her job
3. She is diligent but not very kind
4. She has revenge character with someone who hurts her heart
5. Snow white like to make a war
6. Snow white always brave to fight back attack from revanna

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