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Lyte) ol VLRO Lex) =) I bd “QUOp S,}I gi jQuUN ajqissodu! TU te TCI roe oN Fetes ected eat adtean. Pe eae nena EDS i SS Lesson 09: Emotion Topic 03: Social Media Depression Your old high schoo! classmate is getting married, your college friend is vacationing abroad, and you're at home looking at their pictures online... . How do you feel? Some researchers have coined the term ‘social media depression”... ‘to describe the feelings of jealousy and guilt... .. that some people fee! when they use social media too much. Researchers have actually coined anew pop culture term that describes what happens to our emotional psyche from using SM too much. It’s called "social media depression.” Instead of feeling more connected to people, we feel jealous and inadequate. Itcreates unrealistic expectations that lead to feelings of depression, which then leads us to disconnecting and isolating more. Atleast we're becoming aware of this now. More and more researchers are recommending that people turn off their devices, and social media altogether, they can get outside and connect with people face-to-face, or with nature. Daymond John (the CEO and founder of The Shark Group) even ‘suggests we avoid checking social media for the first hour of the day, we cancenter our minds on the things that matter most: Our personal relationships. ‘Snap out of it! Put your device down and ask a friend to meet you face-to- face for anice cream... so youcan talk. The key to overcoming this negative evolving state of mind is to trust that you are good enough and perfect .just the way you are. ee em Iu pamtas: Jono Bulk. @sn ous) 00} “Aydue s1)51| e100 Aw pury jepIsur Aidwwe (99) |'yeIeS ON Udit AW @4OUQ | NOK jo} 0} 81qUAB, BuILYJOWOS 6uki0 “ a ai Oly ‘@IqeI@SIW YOO) NOA {ueSNS ‘BudIM s}eUM eBuylua nos ery “eIqeJeSIU 40) NO, ZURSNg ‘BuOIM SJeyN jowsieom ooo, | ; r —eonnemrenntemneniensoncminn TE Topic 02: Ri ‘ock n’ Roll n’ Feelings he'sa perfectionist. ely decisive and alittie abrasive at “A arin his if juper annoying. She's like an emotional mind reader. he can sense our moods: when we walk into the Be (08 Wee10 89] UP JO} 298}-0}-808) NOK J92LL 0} PUBL BSB PUB UMOP 20!Nap NOK 0} peo} yey) Suone}oodxe onsye@sUn so} lyoyno deug eyo yy uno su Ayn su Aegos yeu, = ill. RAPID RESPONSE Topic 01: Woe is me! Listen to the questions and answer them according to the Topic. Remember that One question has 2 different ways to answer. Question: Why does Susan look miserable? ‘Answer: Susan looks miserable because she broke her iPhone. Question: Will buying a cheap phone make Susan trendy? Answer: No,itwon't. Answer: Buying a cheap phone won't make Susan trendy. Question: What is Susan worried about? Answer: Susanis worried about not looking fashionable, Answer: Notlooking fashionable. Answer: Its because her iPhone can be fixedat a store. Question: Is Susan's contact list empty or full? Answer: Susan'scontact listis empty. ‘Answer: Itsempty. Question: What made Sarah surprised? g Answer: Susan's being so dramatic made Sarah surprised. ‘Answer: _ It's Susan's being so dramatic what made Sarah surprised. > Lesson 09: Emotion Question: What terrible thing happened to Susan's favorite shirt? Answer: There wasabig coffee stain onit. Answer: The terrible thing that happened to Susan's favorite shirt was the big coffee stain onit. ‘Question: Was Susan planning on wearing adress or a shirt togo to dinner with John? Answer: Susan was planning on wearing a shirt to goto dinner with John. Answer: Ashirt. Question: Why shouldn't Susan cry over spilled milk? Answer: Susan shouldn'try over spilled milk because itis the past now, and she can do nothing about ‘Answer: Susan shouldn'tcry over spilled milk because she can't change the past, but she can change the future. ‘Question: Why does Susan feel empty? Answer: Susan feels empty because everything she loves is leaving her. Answer: Its because everything she lovesis leaving her. ae ee a uonowy ‘60 UOsse] ‘woos ‘yr o1UL TEM Aety LOY SpOoLH SeUOKIAa SeSUeseyg ueMsUY “woo, oy) owu 4feMm Kayp YOY SpOOW! SeuOAIeKe BuIsues Ag ueMsuY {49pee1 pun jeuonows Ue ayy] 9q LUeW UeD MOH :UONSEND, “esu9Ul 186 S6ULA Ley YBNe| eUoKLENS SeYEU Alig'SeA UaMsuYy ‘se0pay'se, uemsuy g2sueyut 186 s6uny) Uaym YBne| BUO/UaAS ByeU Ay $80Q -UORSENE yno wey joe seouRjeq Aya uomsUy ANS OMsuY ino woYp jo Fe SeoUEIeq O4N “ORSON; “Buln pue WYVhu, | Aesioasd orsnus AeId 0} 2Ige @q oO} a]QXEYUISZeH oMSUY “Bullun pur WAAAY, Ul @sjoa.d (08 eq 0} speau snus sty esneoeq eIqpxeyU S}AuO, uoMsuy corapxoyut Ausuo) 81 AYA =UORSEND “seujewos Buixouue sedis Awwo] seyew JeyM $1 ejqncyul pur Woggns Buleg = yemsuy ‘Agnoyu pue SsoUUOGANIS S148 EMSUY zsowmowios Gulkouue Jedns Aunwol SeyeULIEYM :UoRSEND Jousay'oN yemsuy “2u0\ Ino SsjUOISsNOIed 3Seq oY} JO 80'S} AUNLO] ‘ON EMSUY 210171 1NO SySIUNOIA yS9q tp Jo UO AUNWHO] 5} :UORSEND ‘WluoNoe}ed B Sey asneoag S34 JeMsUY ‘ystuoyoepied B04 @SNBDEY AIEUOSIOM S }OIIN SI UNJOIA }S1y BulAe|| uaMSUY CA eUOSIOD § JOIN Hy UNOIA Say BuLkeyd Seop AY :UoNSEND ‘UO sede} uemsuy “U]OINSAeld yoy _JOMSUY coueld 40 uyo1n Ae} yoy S209 :uORSeN_ wey }syy yEMsUY “s]UOWINSUI BUN Jo spUNOs eLy se ‘Ayeanqeu se pue Aunynnesg se pusiq ued Senyfeuosied se, sJoMSUY ‘ue Keuy'sek uoMsuY esiuewun.ysul etn Jo spunos on se ‘Ayeanyeu se pue Ayrynneeg se pueq senleuosied ued :uonsenD 'SJUEWN|SUI 84) JO Spunos ain se AesnyeU se pue Aynyyneeg se puslq ues Samymeuos.ed ‘oxSNWL a4} JO ‘@728 84) 10} 3869 JPUOSIAd JOU SOP BUOAIONS UAYAS)| EMBL ‘ISNU O44 JO. AYES 84} 40} }80q 11049 SOP euoKuene UeyM ynoWp SS9| S1Ex]SOyIO Ue UIBUIAeI _EMSUY CuNOYIP $8ej 904910 Ue UI Bulkeld Seyew YM ‘Puy :UONSEN_: “Bu}SEYOU0 UP Ut ABI 0} BuIGUOWeYO y SAyEU nous e ul 484;860) BuiAed senyeuosied Auew BuIAe}} uaMsuy 700} BurBueyfeyo "2 S94OI0 Ue Ut BupHOM SeyeW YoIYM ‘BUIBUO|EYO SAEMNE 's1dnou6 2 ul Bunjom ‘senifeuosied Auew ere eseyysy uemsuy cBu6ua}eyo e4j894910 ue UI BulKeyd seyew Jey :UONSEND Topic 03: Social Media Depression Listen to the questions and answer them according to the Topic. Remember that ‘One question has 2 different ways to answer. Now, let's start. Question: What term have researchers coined about social media? [Ey sever: Theynave coined the trm ‘social media depression’. Answer: _Its"social media depression’ a ‘Question: Why are more researchers recommending that people turn off their devices? Answer: More researchers are recommending that people turn off their devices to disconnect from social media, and connect with people face-to-face. ‘Answer: So that people can disconnect from social media, get outside, and connect with people face-to-face, or with nature. Question: What does the term “social media depression” describe? Answer: Itdescribes the feelings of jealousy and guilt that some people feel a when they use social media too much. Answer: —Itisused to describe the feelings of jealousy and guilt that some people feel when they use social media toomuch. Question: According to scientists, do people feel jealous when checking social media? Ey wsmer: Yes. tney do. Answer: Yes, according to scientists, people feel jealous when checking social media. Question: Does social media make people feel more connected or inadequate? Answer: _Itmakes people feelinadequate. | Answer: Social media makes people feel inadequate. Question: Why does social media lead to depression? Answer: Becauseit creates unrealistic expectations. Answer: Social media leads to depression because it creates unrealistic expectations. Question: Does social media depression lead to more connectedness or disconnection and isolation? go Answer: Social media depression leads to disconnection and isolation. ‘Answer: _ Itleads to disconnection andisolation. >> Lo0n0 emotion Question: What does Daymond John (the CEO and founder of The Shark Group) recommend people to do for the first hour of the day? Answer: He recommends people to avoid checking social media for the first hour of the day tocenter their minds.on the things that matter most: our personal relationships. Toavoid checking social media forthe first hour of the day to center their minds on the things that matter most: our personalrelationships. jon: Do personal relationships matter more than social media? Yes, they do. ‘Yes, personal relationships matter more than social media. Question: Why should people snap out of their phones? People should snap out their phones to have personalrelationships, and meet their friends face-to-face. ‘Answer: It's tohave personal relationships, and meet their friends face-to-face. Question: Whatiis the negative state of mind? ‘Answer: The negative state of mindis to think that one is not good enough. Answer: Itis tothink that one isnot good enough. ‘Question: How can people overcome the negative state of mind? Answer: People can overcome the negative state of mind by trusting that they're ‘good enough and perfect, just the way they are. Answer: Its by trusting themselves, and knowing that they're perfect ust the way they are, \ *S{IEJ@P J@YZNY 104 jJeUIa INCA 4994D “spuelsy pue Alley ANOA YM Buryeeds jo Aem jesnyeu eo eB }dope IM NOK ‘eoKjoeJd YUMA “SUOHESJOAUOO jNyBulueaL JOU BABY O} MOY UO 1YBISU! BpIAOJd pue NOA 0} JSOSO|9 SOY} LO} SLID U9YJO A4OLU |J/M SUOHSENb- SOU | SUO!]OLUS INOA Ule|dxe 0} ArejNqeooA UBS] ||IM NOA ‘SHuljoaaj ANOA ynoge ye} 0} MOY, @0/}02Jd 0} SOURYO OU} SAeY ||IM NOA ‘ed SIU} U] tie i (e) Bey ata ley Lesson 09: Emotion f ss oF LESSON Topic 01: Knocking it Out of the Park 7 Mayaand Colin have to give an important marketing presentation. Maya: That's a good point. But can lask you one thing? However, they haven't finishedit yet. Goin: Go aheadt Maya: Hey Colin, do you wantto finish our marketing presentation this Maya: Whatis our marketing plan again? afternoon? Colin: What? 'm confused. | thought you knew. Colin: That's a good idea. Actually, are you free to talk about it now? Magee Trriconfused tcc becenree | finan you knew. OF 06 ‘ Maya: Sure.I'm really worried about it. Colin: Okay. Don't panic. We're going to be fine. 4 Colin: We'llbe fine. Everyone is interested in what we have to say. Maye: Tm panicking alittie bit. We need to make a polished and ; exciting marketing plan in... one day. Colin: And weneed tomake a thrilling presentation. if our presentation ' isboring, we're going to get fired. Maya: That's sotrue... Ohno, here comes the boss! { Look relaxed! ‘ I can'tlook relaxed when | feel so stressed! 4 Hiyou two, I'm looking forward to seeing your presentation! 5 Uhhuh, Doyouneed any support from IT? Nope, we're all set. Great to hear. | think our entire quarter comes down to your marketing plan, and everyone feels the same way. | hope you guys knock it out of the park this afternoon Colin: This afternoon? : Boss: Oh,we decided to move it up abit. I hope you don't mind. Colin: Nope. No problem atal Lesson 10: Workplace ; @08|d>10M :0} UOSSE7 ‘Bop s AnB aly 10} peg joe} Aijeo4| ‘ayyle au Assoq e jou ‘san6ee1|09 ‘Aus 0) puduy @.6q 0} ]UEM | Zop | UY Si @uNs 405 moUy{ | GUL] 9UO jNg yw | JEU JO ‘UBD [JEU PulLU AU UIQNOp ou sey. PHOM au ul dn enous oj UeM | aye 0} peu | MOLY | 1Nq ‘e10J9q SIU JNoge IYBNoYy AIjeed 1eAoU OA, 00} peal Auw Jo yno BulBjng ain iuids payseys pesy AWW | 8AB!19q }.UPINCD | safe Auiains Ayeid ws pue Bi "S489M @@J\} OJ ANP Uae} USeM Jey} Ode! e ynoge eu Burjli5 peyse}s pue dn JO6 ey jnq™ wy o} WOdo4 o} aney | ABN UPS uy 'SS0q SI 0} Oded 0} Sey OF ‘@’NsSaud JO Jo] e PUN S94 MOLY| ujeBe Jon0Y 0} 492q $ UBO| MOY INO esNBy 0} BuIA} Wt @ney | fe NG ued BuIAY B YUM 2084 8U) UI LUIY YSeLUS 0} 2% P| SeUOY eq OL. ‘op | Buly\Alene eBeuewoLoNUU 0} BurA.'208} Au ul AJURISUOD Se4qO! Aw Op 0 peu | ededs PUR OLU, yj atu Bumo}je Jo PReISU! ING ‘An6 eolUe sj 1oBEUEW MAU Au ‘eIdLUEXO 40-4 s@w0d ay a10}8q INYs yNNOW siy ejde} ~os Sep Au! uo 49/838 {sno} gj9edse1 jenjnw pue seLepunog jeuoIssejoid UreyUreW ||} PUe™ISEq YOM 1184} Op 0} seafo|duo eYeAROUL JPL] e S2OP MO} "JOR BUIDUEIEG BS) ‘qo! yBN0} e | JoBeuEW e Gujog yeu JGNOp ousAeY| “lM ye $18B2UEUL INO 0} SELLIOD | UAYM ‘JOUR Ul yj UINeEsno{g SUNEW enais se PeYIM-yoINb se.9q IIe PInod em AJUO j| IND | ‘OW a1y 1,UBD NOA,, ;eeHeUELL, OU} PIRS WIP! UE O12 “IS NOA Puy, Oy 24,NOA,, “2eBeUeW, OY} 0] 4@BeUeUL OU) PIeG,, j]OIP! UE a1e ‘LOS NO), .Jevaye juouebeuey,, JON :Z0 T1d0|, Topic 03: Office Gossip: It’s Not All Bad \sit gossip, or authentic assessment? It’s true, no one likes a gossiper. but research shows that the rumor mill is a good place for Passing out information, especially if the rumor mill is your place of work, “Informal communication” that can help spread information more quickly than formal channels of communications, like company e-mails or staff meetings, can be beneficial. I'msure everybody has experienced this first-hand: a manager makes an important announcement. > Lesson 10: Workplace only to find out that half the company already knew about it. More likely, many knew, even before he did! While gossip is frustrating and fraught with negative consequence: also sign of what companies care about. Soyes, pay attention, but ALWAYS consider your source. Ask yourself: Whats the motivation behind the information given? Isit just a disgruntled co-worker who's mean? Or, is the water cooler talk you're hearing, alegendary story that offers valuable insight for navigating your life? > 02d ‘| UOSSO7 emou node noge He} 04 2945 NOK sue ‘Ajjen}Oy "wep! POOH e: oar fe} 01.804) NOK ely ‘yes te om ‘edon, wesiy sally ‘puna pu ynoqe 10120 nokexe Arenyoy weptpoo6e sey —PoPIPOHRSIPUL . MopnetedaurmecnusiouoiparpspenNO — weprncco\| i oe! | “UOOWBYR Siy Hed 049 40 NO 3 4OOUD} S/NB NOK edoy | Aen sued ‘ ‘@uses 84} $}09) EUOKIONE pue ‘UBId BuRSYeWLINOKE, —_-@4} Jy} JOU ‘ UMOp SEWOD Je}JeND a1N]UA INO HUI} | BEY 0} EO AL WOu) Yoddns Aue peeuNokog uoddng Siete pak IPassans os j09} | ual paxe}a1400) 3489 passes y ‘ewes oy) $]09) auo/uene pue ‘Ue|d BUNeYJEU NOK O} iE aoe cates oye «US EUNSIERY [pexeja14007 pexeiod, : ‘em auses oy) $190) uo(ANa pur ‘Ue|d BuyerseW NOK ee eep ones ‘paulj 396 0) BuI05 919M ‘BuLNog s} UONE|UESEXd INO j| Buuog j ca iopeetiion Aire Shire ees aatron “uone}ueseid Buuyy 8 ayeU 0} peouam Puy Suds , “2uy 2q 0} BUIOB 24.9) ‘O1UE 40 AEH qo} Bulop ‘Aepeuo “4 ‘ ipeaye on - jpeeye op uejd Bune7ew Bun}oxe pur paysijod e eye O}peeu eM Sun . 28ully UO NO yse | WED INg WUIOd POOH es FeUL - Aiea i {Gury eu0 nok>¥se | UeO Ing Wlod pooBesyeys —ywlod pooBes yey, Lupjd Buna» eu Buntoxe pue peysiiod v eyew.0}peaUaN\ gl 4 ‘fesoy ‘ya ony? Bupjrued wi) Bupjoiued : ‘@nBY OM YUM Ut Po}SaLayU S| SUOAIONS ‘UY 2 IOAN - euyeqiom sa nina 7 feline reliomieenill ies: ‘MU NOA JYBNOUY | PESNJUOD W] EIEUAN pesnyuog é ‘fesoy “Res 0} @N2Y OM YM UI PI}SOsBYU! S! UO/GEAZ payseuoyuy ‘@neY OM JEYM Ul PO}SAIOIU! S| UOAIEAT OLY 24 LOM - sericea ducowioye sy} UOREWESAA po Lo6g ‘ . ‘GuneyZeU sno Ysiuy 0} JUEMNOA Op ‘U]OD ABH “siun ynoge payoM fijees Uy 0S - ‘ ed BY JONG Y! BuPjoouy ‘0 Ido) ‘ :mojaq Seous]UAS uk AzeINqeoOA a4) MO}IO} 0} Nb|UYO9} dn Bulyoyeo as pue vE}s!7 eee Topic 02: Not “Management Material” ae 1 ee arma “You son, are an idiot!" Said the manager to the Manager ‘managee.' "You're fired!” Quick-witted “You son, are an idiot!” Said the manager to the Managee - an “4 MO ee Under allot of pressure Motivate How does a leader motivate employees todo their work best... I've never really -he's constantly in jing to microman- thought about Mr cae Bove ee this before Stapler ~-but all have, is the lousy stapler on my desk. Move upin the world hee He has toreport to his boss, the same way | have toreporttohim. There'sno ‘ doubt secede .-but know Ineed to make some sacrifices if! ‘want to move up in the world. Know for sure Bossy I want to be a friend to my colleagues, nota bossy one either. & Lesson 10: Workplace Ifonly we could all be as quick-witted as Steve Martin's Clouseau in the Pink Panther, when it comes to our managers at work. know he's under a lot of pressure. He has toreport to his boss, the same way | have to reportto him, I've never really thought about this before, but know Ineed to make some sacrifices if | want tomove up in the world. I've never really thought about this before, but | know Ineed tomake some sacrifices if | want to move up in the world. There's no doubt in my mind that | can, or that | will, but one thing | know for sure is when! do? ‘There's no doubt in my mind that I can, or that | will. But one thing | know for sure is when | do? > ‘208 IcbYOM 01 UOSSE] Ze anof BuyeByneu 10} \61Suy 1YBISUL e/qeNjeA s1oYo JeUy Auoys AlepUaGO| e™ ee 29 NOK Buye6 Neu 30} Esapsaepsesoriio 1yBisuloiqenrensseyo yeu Klos AvepueBoye= — ‘UPPUEBET 40} JYBisul eIqenjea sseyo yey A10}s Azepuebe} 49|009 18]8M “Buea 04,NOK 49}009 49]2M SH Se eee as gueoui som Joy:0m-09 panumubsIp e sn) ues “uoHeUOJU! NO Bulssed 40} 202 |d Poos e SI jjyuU 4oUUNY a4} Jey} SMOYS yw sowny UROL SYM 4840-00 pefUNUBSIp e 1SNI}!S} papunbsig \youRasel jnq ‘sadissob e Sey!| Au ou ‘ony S| ~sequenbasuoo eaneBeu geouanbesuco anyje6eu ene Um ayBney pue Buensn4y S| diss06 oNYyAA seouenbesuco enye6eu plipaiteris {quewssesse oyuaYIne J0'diss05 31s] yuoUISsessy uma jy6ney pue BuneNSNUy S| d'sS08 OILY, : equowssesse oquey;ne so'dss051s|—_onuetany ‘eroyeueqeq eo ‘sBuneeui 424s 20 syew-9 AuedWOD ex” conan Ze No BuneByaeu neo 420) 14Bisu! elqeenfen sueyo eu K40}s ArepueBo]e™ ’ dquewssesse oqueyine 10d}ss06 js] dissop Peg IIV ION Sal :dissoD e010 £0 91d, ee i i a ee ee oe ee eT a a Ill. RAPID RESPONSE Topic 01: Knocking it Out of the Park Listen to the questions and answer them according to the Topic. Remember that One question has 2 different ways to answer. Question: Is finishing the marketing presentation this afternoon agoodidea? Il Answer: Yes, itis. Answer: Yes, finishing the marketing presentation this afternoonis a good idea. ‘Question: Why is Maya worried about the presentation? ‘Answer: Mayais worried about the presentation because she and Colin haven't finishedit yet. Answer: It'sbecause she and Colin stil haver't finished it. Question: What makes Colin think that the presentation will be fine? Answer: It's because everyone's interested in what he and Maya have to say. ‘Question: Does Maya agree with Colin that everyones interested in their presentation? Answer: Yes, she does. ‘Answer: Yes, Maya agrees with Colin that everyone is interested in their presentation. ‘Answer: Colinis confused because he thinks that Maya knows their marketing plan. Answer: He's confused because he thinks Maya knows their marketing plan. ‘Question: Is Colin panicking or it's Maya who's panicking? ‘Answer: _It'sMayawho's panicking. ‘Answer: it'sMaya. ‘Question: Why is Maya panicking about the presentation? Question: What is going to happen if Maya and Colin's presentationis boring? IRed ‘Answer: I Maya and Colin's presentations boring, they're going tobe fired. Question: Who's better in acting relaxed, Maya or Colin? in. ‘Question: Can Maya look relaxed when she's stressed? ‘Answer. No,Mayacar'tlook relaxed when she's stressed. Question: Do Maya and Colin need IT support for their presentation? ‘Answer, No, Mayaand Colin don't need IT support for their presentation, ‘Question: Why do Maya and Colin need to knock the presentation out of the park? Mayaand Colin need to knock the presentation out of the park because Mayaand Colin need to knock the presentation out of the parkbecause al e0e|d10M :0} CSSA ZI Spuewy sly} Ass0q S0ymuosi0d jo punjeyreqo}uEMUSeOPeH _uEMsUY s -ureBe way Aouue 01 ¥9q “Puoty Assoqe aqo}uemjuse0p soyeads oy. oMsuY. seu100 24 @10)0q InYs YjNoU sJeBeUEWI SHY aIde;SUED eyeEds Ou, —_OMSUY ESPUEL) SIY 01 8g 01 1UeM s0>YeEdS O\N 3.uSBO UOSIEd Jo PUPAIEYM ;UoRSEND ‘urbe Jenoyor yoeq sew09 2 aiojeq Inys yiNoW sJ9HeUEWSIy aWteISUEDeH EMS ub “puomeyyurdn C8@P S14 Uo J9;de1s oY) LAIM Op JoyEeds oY UEDYEYM :YORSEND ‘PHOMe\A UIdn @noW!O} SEOyLIOES eos ayeUIO} speeU eyeESo4 OMSL v ‘ved BUA eqWn 800488 ewos axeU1 0} peou seyeeds ot Se0p AyyA :VORSeND 200) 04) usoBeUEUI sty YEUIS 3 oYBOdS OU JO} AISSOAIOUSWON —yaONSUY ‘OUSH'ON emsuy OL “SeOYLORS eyEWIO} Sey JeyEEds OU)'S9, JEMSUY. ued ouyaye periulliat: labeuy yn 200) 04} u] oBeUEW S14 yseUIs 0 19ye0ds OY 10} 9IGISSOd || -UOR'SEND) einjssecons: ‘e101 oq 0} SjUEM ay 1 SeoyLOWS yeu 0} oneY JoyEeds ey) S20 -LORSEND € ‘golstyopoy specu 84 a0eds pur aus au) Wy BuIMoyfe ;NOUWM BuKyyAsane SGEURWOIONL 6 ahitavent Burk 208s s0,eoXs ox AaUe|SU09 594 Senet somsuy riteniagee cL eet sate Aaue}809 59H Gol si Op 0} spe8U ou 9Oeds pu own 94 0eOdS {peey sereeds ou sem MOH “UoRSEND mole 1uS90p 94 a8Ned0q 9U0 BUAOUUEUP S| OBRURLIS aed Ou, OMS 8 _cauo Burkouue ue se6euew sseyeeds 4) $1 AY “UORSeND: ‘God s1y noqe sayeods 04 BuO noge JOU jUSEM 0OeUWIONON “JOMsUY qusemeyoN = JEMSUY z “s1960URUI 10) yey Peqes!BuIBEUEWOIOW —-sONSUY CHode: ey noge seyeeds 1p Bum6 noge 146 1eBeueW eK Sem =UONSEND yenpeqesy uowsuy e81@BeueW! 10} Wen ped e 40 pos e BuNyyAlone BuiBOUeWIOFORU Ss] :uONSON Zz weyyjoyjog — ueMsuy ‘sveBeueU set; 0} Hoda O}aneyyjog —UEMSUY 1 t0edse, enynws pur ‘souepunog reuorssajoud urewurews ns pue "1S8q, saa i 20 See a fee Pn a RR, sHOM sJa4} OP 0} Se@K0|diNs ayeNOULO} spesuJeGEUEWBESNeDEGS' —USNSUY % ‘S10y'Se JeMsUY sedausury 320 euRUoET '53198n1899q Gol y6n0}» S| oOEUCLL eae uemsuy _4o1nsse1d Jo 10] 8 sopun soBouew ssoyeeds oun S| :uoNSoNe) qofyBn0} e 1oBeueWe Buloq s| Ay :UOHSENE ee eee us On el ge ee Topic 03: Office Gossip: It’s Not All Bad Listen to the questions and answer them according to the Topic. Remember that One question has 2 different ways to answer. Now, let's start. Lesson 10: Workplace ee ek ll ee en & 208 )d410"M :0} UOSSET “sjIeJ@P ABYANy 4Oy Pea NOK 4294D “senBea||09 uNOA YM Buryeeds Jo Aem jeanyeu 940W B dope |IIM NOA ‘Bd1}9eJ YL “40M ye UO!PBOIUNWILUCD J8s29|9 BABY O} MOY UO IYBISU! epiaoid pue Bulyjes [eUOISsejosd S40 & Ul Bq UdYO S10 JIM SUO!]SENb esey | ‘s}USAe PUe SWU9|GOJd UOLULUOD SsNosIp 0} AyejNqedoA WS] II no, “senss} aoR|dyJOM jnoge ye} 0} MOY 90/}021d 0} BOURYO AY} aAkY j|/MNOA “Led SIY} Ul NOILONGOdd Al we 4M «o Om 2 nn Abe fi 4 be 4 fe eee > Lesson 10: Workplace You can’t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water. Rabindranath Tagor lOpuIms "y SeveYuD "YW 0} Dea! NOA MOY %06 PUe nofo}suaddey jeEYym%0 | S$! 3417 hol Ut=] Bite b Gm a) |i ~ a a aye ur a wa - “ iee eeeas o oy 7 Topic 01: Why don’t You Try Writing a Bucket List? Terry advises Liz to write her own bucket list, which starts with singing in alocal show. Liz: Ugh. Did you see Dave's pictures from India? I'm so jealous! Terry: Don't bejealous, you've also done lots of cool stuff. t iteresting place I’ Liz: Iwish. The most Terry: Well,if you want to do more interesting things, you should make abucket list. That way you can keep track of your goals. 've ever beenis... work. Liz: Abucket list? Like a list of things | want to do? Terry: Exactly. 've felt way more fulfilled since | started writing my goals down. Liz: That's aninteresting idea. How has it changed you? Terry: Forone thing, I've wasted less time. | knew that | wanted to write a book, so! worked harder on that goal. Do you have any big goals like that? fs am us A. a world! Terry: Hmm...If were you, I would start witha slightly smaller goal. For Liz: Ugh, but that's not as exciting as being the most famous singer example, have you ever sung in front of anyone before? in the world! us Nee Terry: You're right, but it's always good to start small, right? Terry: Somaybe you can try to singin a local show first. But the most Liz: guess you're right. OK, do you want to hear me sing? important thing to dois to work on your goal little bit every day. Terry: Um > esson 11: Life Experience > eoueliedx3 ef! 1}. Uosse] winjou Aoyy Uaym Wey mouy Kay esneoeg spuely} Au pinom seyou Inj Pue |nyeoeed YYOq $31 lo pue BuNoK yjOg ‘ew PIO} enBY SPULA ALU EYY SeLO}S 4} YBNOIYT™ ‘SABUINOS @/qIPAs9U} JSOL BU} UO 29g pue POM 24} JO S18LIOO SOUL 24 84} 0} Pejene! en, ‘JSEUOY aq OL ‘e619 |/2YO BUILOOJeNO pure ‘siIp4s BulLLIe9| ‘sppj BuIS}es :papnjoul oly ‘sKeusnof eiqipe.0u! Yons Uo eu pey WEY) JO [12 ‘os UeAZ 10, 104), 0q shenye BulyyAue 404 1! 224), UpINom | pue Bu ‘uMO} emi] AW Ul sany ajoym 1oy) JUeds pey s1eyjo pue jo] 8 pajenes PeY ews Jew | eidoed aun yy SOU JOspOS ynoge Gupje] sem sey} Bujo6 ynoge pero yeas} yEU ‘a10u }!/PUNO} A\jeUY | PUL ‘“eoUELedxe jnyGulUBEW e 10} BuIBUO| Uaeq peY | iAep uene Buio6 dh punom | os ~@uop sen@ pey | Bury Bugsesoqu sow oyy sem Avepje 2u) yim aun Burpueds jng ‘yaem 8 eou0 paysiA JSNI ISA IY ‘ayy Au J0 edue}edxe ejqeya6i0jun sow oty seq sel JOLIUUNS SIL ‘se} OS “@WOY S410} PjO Le ye BuLe@yUNJOA WY OS \doad 1840 Bujdjoy $1 op 0} oy PLEUM ‘Ayeep] ‘AWOY Ae}S 0} BUjOB wy, sOLUWUNS SIL) WEY YUM [eAeN 0} Oy! PAYBNOU) Lene OS“ We | UY] SNOINUEApe e1OWL O12 SPLAI, ALL JO Ny JOWILUNS e]qeyebojuy ISOW O41 :Z0 SIO) Topic 03: What is a Gap Year? Excited, but afraid to go to college because you've spent the last four years sleeping through classes? You're notalone. Everyone sleeps through classes... especially during senior year. Dreaming of lazy, hot summer days filled with friends, romance and tiny parasols garnishing your virgin banana daiquiri glass. There's still time to fill in the gap! > Lesson 11: Life Experience Each year, in fact, more and more students are taking a year off between high school and college to enjoy a “gap year,” and you can too! Tobe honest, the world needs you, your dreams, your crazy imagination, your curiosity and your creative ideas. The world needs more artists and poets, who don't know it. Yes, college can wait, even your parents can wait, but the world cannot, See the world NOW, while you're still young, beautiful and determined to make a difference. llwant to We all want to make a difference and feel like we belong. We give our lives meaning. Don't be afraid to venture into the unknown or explore the landscape of your imagination. As exciting as a year off before college may sound, there are several important questions to ask yourself before pulling the trigger: + Willyouindependently design your gap year or use a professional service? + Have you already been accepted by acollege, or will you apply during/after your gap year? + Canyouearn college credits for your gap year? Here's to minding the gap and making a difference. It matters because ‘YOU matter. You are the difference PS. Don'tt your parents | said they can wait! F ag eouepodyg oj7:1) ucse67 2AUBL yews 2S 0) POoB skemje s311NG WyBUe1NEA | 0) pooBsKemjesyy : iPHomey) Ul eBuIs snowy se “GIBO6 INO jo}0eN doay WEONOK AVM IBY ISI O¥ONGeEyeU] y80U 04 Buleg se Bunjoxe se you saety INg‘YBN | BunloxesejousyeyL. Pinoys Nos ‘sun BuASeua}U! B10) OPO} JUEMNOK J} yeu ‘Rep Arana yg ane |e06 . "37206 snod yo yoRN deey UBD NOA Kem yey YsI)JeYONGe eyeU! a r snof uo 100} §] 0p 0} Bulyy UE YOdU! {SOW OY a Pinoys nok ‘sGuy; Buyses9}u e104 0p oy UEMNOKy Jo" |_ PINONSNCA ng ¥S1y MoUs [200] 8 UI BuIs 0} Ay ULDNOKegKewog | MeHOdWISOW.eUL ea “S[206 sno jo yoRn doay UeONOK AeMIEYL YSIEONGeEEW | OA OK ' "381 MOUS [200} UI HUIS 0} Ay UBD NOA eqQABW OS Aujues nok aqhey, Pinoys Nok'sBurg Suysaioqut o10W op oy uEMnos yon | OH is (4210}0q auO{uR Jo ‘siuaeq Jana 304) u| Buns Jen@ NOs eney ‘o/dwWeXe 40.4 1206 seyfews Jejewis Anybys y om""s] useq Jen any aoe|d BuNses9)UI}S01 enj coed : ‘AnyBis & YM IS Pinom | ‘NOK ezeM ||“ WH 4 : seleorr HISOWLOUL USM | Gunseiequt ow ayL, ze10}0q euOAUE JO yuo4j ul Buns 1an9 nok aney ‘e|duexe 10.4 206 s9|ewS nok asem | 4} Ms |ooo AAUBiS B YIM 122)5 PINOM\ | ‘NOK @49M | J] “WL “YNYS [009 JO 830] BUOP OS]E @A,NOA ‘sNo|ee/9q1.UOG | _j0S}0| BUOP_ 1 Os} @ANOA, , iPuOM 94) Ul 4eBUIS J06uIs ‘snowrey sous 047 211009q 0} 51/205 y8e65iq AW | —_snowey sowrouL Jsnojeefos wy Je1pu| Wa, seinjo1d seneq.ees no pig uN | snojeefosu) ' IPHOM auy ur 4e6uys ejdwexg | uorsseudxy 7 SNOUE) JSOLU 84) 241090q 0} S| [OB 1SOBBIa AW. Eo ena ‘ 2ABY} 41) S206 Big Aue eAeY NOK 0G 1206. 1 724} UO J9p124 Pay!0M | Os 400g e eIMO} PAYLEM pom : Tey) MeL | et 889] pa}seM | ‘Buty eUo 404 ‘9y)1 UL J8BuIs snowse) sou! ayy 911098q 0} s1 B06 1S966iq AW Li 4 | enox peBueyo 1) sey MoH ep! Bunsesequy Ue SyeyL ‘Bep) BuN}Ses8,u “UMOD S/20B Aw BURL peLe}s | COUIs PeINy G10 Aem 384 On, yin. 185 A) paling eduex3 uoissaxdy3, : e181 3@49Ng e BUM AdL NA y,UOp AY ‘10 SIO), :MOJeaq SBOUEUAS Puke AUEINGeD0A a4} MO}}Oj 0} aNbiUYd9} dn Bulyoyeo esn puke Us}st] Topic 02: The Most Unforgettable Summer Even so, all of them had gone on such incredible journeys, which included: raising kids, learning skills, and overcoming challenges. Atfirst ljust visited once a week, but spending Spending time time with the elderly was the most interesting thing Ihad ever done. Raising Themostinterest- | Atfirst just visited once a week, but spending ingthing|hadever | time with the elderly was the most interesting done thing | had ever done. Ideally, what I'd like to do is helping other people, Vertes id so 'm volunteering at an old folks’ home. ith the elderly was the Wound up most interesting thing | had ever done, so! wound up going every day! More adventurous: than All of my friends are more adventurous: thanlam. Ihad been longing | I had been longing for a meaningful for experience, and Ifinally foundit there. Idlike to travel with them So even though I'd like to travel with them this summer, I'm going to stay home. What Ireallyloved | What really loved about going there was about going there | talking about all sorts of things with the peo- was ple! met. Ideally, what I'd like to do is helping other people, so'm volunteering at an old folks’ home. Ideally, what Id like to dois Even so, allof them had gone on such incred- Journeys ible journeys, which included: raising kids, learning skills, and overcoming challenges. The most unforgetta- ble experience of my life So far, this summer has been the most unforgettable experience of my life. eouevedx3 ej! ‘|| UOsse7 “eoua ~s9yup e Bupyetu pur deb ou BulpulLu 0} s,e40H 406614) 04) Buyjnd 20j9q j}asunof Se 0} SuoRSEND UBLOdU [es9NAS Be B10 196611, 249 Suyind e10}0q yJessnOK 248@ 0} suoNSenb jUe}Jodule1enes a1e e184 | “eoueJ8yIp B eeu 0} POUILLIO}OP pue |NjyNeEq “BUNOA INS @4,NOK AIIM MON PHOM ey) 28g j00} Ueo NOK pue ,4eAK deB, & £o[ue 0} 269)]09 puke jooyps YBiy ueenjeq yo 120K e Bupye} o1e syuepnys @i0w pue e10U™ “96109 ue |COYDs YBIY UeaMyoq Yo 4keK e Bure} ose syuepnys 210 pur 210u 9B) Ul ‘aK YOR 018918H 496619 64) Buljing 4@S1NOK Se 0} SEUONSAND eous -JOyIP BOE, seakdep youweke Bure, “uoneulBew! Inof Jo edeospue| ay} 10\dx9 JO UMOU{UN BY} OU! BN QUAA 0} PIEAE aq 3,U0q OInUeA é4ea, dey e siyeym ‘EO OIdo, Ill. RAPID RESPONSE Topic 01: Why don’t You Try Writing a Bucket List? Listen to the questions and answer them according to the Topic. Remember that One question has 2 different ways to answer. * Question: What does Terry advise Liz todo? @© Answer: Terry advises Liz to writeher own bucketlist oa To write her own bucket | is Lizjealous of Dave? jealous of Dave because he's been to India, and she | Answer: Answer: | Question: Has Liz done lots of cool stuff in’ © Answer: Yes, Lizhas done lots of cool stutfin her ie “Answer, Yes, she has Gael eisai aac raealiaias beans? qd Answer: No,itsnot ‘Answer Nothe most interesting pace Lis ever just go to work? Answer: Todomore interesting stuff, Liz should make a bucket list. | Answer: Make a bucket lst. a, > Lesson 1: Life Experience : Question: What is a bucket list? to waste less time, and work harder on his goal, Question: Whar would Terry i he wereln Lie place? g Answer: He would start witha slightly smaller goal. E Answer: If ies werd in Liz's place, he would start witha slightly smaller Answer: helped Terry to waste less time, and work onhis | oe, en =o > eoueuedxy e417 || UOsse] ‘spuel4,Aqpepunoung uemsuy ‘spuoui} Aq pepunouns.oqo} sey oyeedso4, uomsuy ESPuELY Aq pepuno.ns 10 auoje oq oF 6x1] J9420ds oy} S80q -uoKSeND +0} 6Buo| Sex oy eouELOXe ryB uUEOW ‘uy puno} seyeads ou) Kuopio ou: Lam own BuIpueds vey soNsUy 10} BuBu0} sem 04 yo\n BoUOLOGK IJSUIUROUIOKA PUNO}OH ONSUy zAvepre 04) yim etn Burpueds ueym puy seyeods a4) PIP ¥eUMA “UoHson¢ ‘Auoppe ou; am ou Supueds sty) soMsuy ‘0919 BuIyyAue JO} Sp 1 2U0p Jone sey seyeeds 94} EU) Zeuop sone sey 1eyeods oy) yey) Bury Buy semsuy iy 0} uy yoouuod yeu) SoLOrE suonsen woa'spueuy jpayDaUUO YEAR SOLOS somsuy $0 }'89seMsUY ‘PIO puke uno yjoq ‘sp IY O} WIY PE}OUUCD | veyeeds ou, Bno.A pom eu jo sJeW0O SOUL BJ eU)o} pe|eNeN JeyeadseuL eMsUy 40} sousyedxe exqens6,0jUn sous By UBEG Se JOWUNS S4'99AJOMsUYy 2PHOM 21 jo 10u00 190u1 Je} 84) 01 foneN JoYeOdS OM PIP MOH “UOHISEN eaoyeods ous 20} sou9uedxe ejqene610jun yous ot ood JoUUTE BIyySeH ‘ORSON N ‘dood wo Budlousiop o\sex ouzeuMesncoodsa uoMsuy ‘jd00d seuiocio404 sey ou osneceq oWoy,sy}0}P]OUE Je BULEDIUTHONSIIayvedsey. -JemsUY W104 10} plo Ue Ye BuBe|uNJOn eyEOds XN | Aus YORE 7018 Pereney SWOY S10} Pjoeyjulidoadeyye}OU'ON sernsuy {UIP Aoyy'ON semsuy 20] 2 jane ewOY 5y}0} Pjo oy} u} a]doed aup We PI :UoNSeN_) ‘So6u9|—eu9 BUCO Fano pure sys BUILIEA) ‘spp{ Busses SKaLuNo|ajq\pa:oU| eMsUY ‘seBua|fe49 BuOOIEAO PUB SIDS Sujwre9) spp Sursres yy sewunof ejqIpe.0U1 Yons UO eB peyASY|, JEMsuY 2u0 @U0B Kuepje exp pey sKeuno| jo pupy UM ‘uoNseND CBUICBSeH | emsuy yeyeadseuy uomsuy cowoure Aeys 40 sowuns S14} 40) sPUELA S14 YIM Jone.) oY BJOG Jeyeeds eu) S| *LonseND i” at : ‘spuely iy BuOWR SnouNueAPE SOWAUI JUS] JeyeEdseuI'ON yamsUY WUSIY'ON' aAweUY éSpudUy S14 BuoWe SnouNuoApe ysoLH aXy ZeyeEds ou) S| "UORFEND , A | if “FEALUINS S14) 40} @tLOY y2 Aes 0) BU e104) sjeeu 24 edood ou a SBA JO S08 We nog BUN SI wou S910} jo|°UY 01 BUNUCD inode Seno JoYeEds OU BUNAU eMoUy ‘10\) S]oow oY aKdood oun YAMA SEU Jo S08 fe INOge BUNA S31 _OMsUy Zewoy 410} plo 94) 2} BujH0D jnoge eno} 48Peds 247 SOP YEUAK “UORSIND ee Topic 03: What is a Gap Year? Listen to the questions and answer them according to the Topic. Remember that One question has 2 different ways to answer. Now let's start. % E-= 3 Alaa I > Lesson 11: Life Experience er ee eae eee ee ee a 7 > ‘sousHedxg 24!" ‘|| UOSSe] ‘ 4 P “s[eyap 4aYLNy 404 |JeWa INOA yDaYD “spualy pue Ajiwey ino ym Buryeeds jo Aem jesnyeu a40w e }dope IM NOK ‘Booed YU “SUOITESJBAUDO InyBulueaw a10W Arey 0} MOY UO IUBISU! @pIAOdd IM Ay | yew ysN[aney NA a\doed 4O NOK 0} }SASO}D SOY} WO} BOD UBD suoljsenb esay | ‘sequstiedxe jeuosied ANOA ssnosip 0} AueiNqedOA Wed] ||IM NO, “Aj!| UMO.ANOA ynoge y[e} 0} MOY Booed 0] BOUBYO BY} BARY |IIM NOA ‘Led siy} Ul IN (o]R Ee} alelot<(- W1\} J > Lesson 11: Life Experience Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy. Norman Vincent Peale , oe i ee oe ae I]. FUTURE GOAL Topic 01: What Are You Planning? Astudent shares his long and short-term goals with his professor, about his plans to graduate and his plans for the future. Student: Professor: Student: Professor: Student: Professor: Student Professor: Student: Professor: Student: Professor: Student: Excuse me, sir... Sir? Excuse me. Oh, sorry, Paul. I didn't hear you. 'm reading about ant gravity and... well, t's really hard to put it down. What can| help you with? I'd like to ask you some questions and get your opi about my final research project. Okay. Have you decided what you're doingit on yet? To be honest, Professor, I'm torn between doing something ‘on the banking industry or the hospitality industry. Oh? Well, those are two very different things. Have you thought about your long and short-term goals? Well, my short-term goals to work at abank and go to graduate school, but long-term, | want to open up my own hotel What do you want to study in graduate school? Hospitality Management, of course. Ofcourse... Why do you wanna work at a bank? Ican learn how to save money. Hmm, you wanna work at a bank to learn how to save money... How do you plan on paying for grad school? Uhhh, Ihadn't thought about that... guess I'lhave to take out some loans. b> Lesson 12: Future Goal Professor: Student: Professor: Student: Professor: They laugh ‘Student: Professor: Student: Professor: You want to work at a bank to save some money, to eventually go to graduate school, where youll study Hospitality Management, your ultimate goal. Exactly! ‘So what if you look for a job in the hospitality industry, instead? The starting pay will be comparable to that of a bank. You can learn how to save money that way, and use the bank to keepit. Wow! That makes alot of sense, actually. That's why they pay me the big bucks, Paul Thanks, Professor. Now, back to your research project. You can come see me anytime. My door’s always open. Will do... Oh, and someday, when | do open my own hotel, be sure tomention my name. lake sure you get a good discount. (Laughing) Thanks, Paul. That's quite hospitable of you. > [eop eunyng Z| uosse7 1)Ng “Uo enow pue Bum dojs 0} aneY | YO[e SePUDy eq aq Aw s yey) 'SdoQ yeauq e oe} pure do}s 0} LoIe Ue Jas |! Pauidsut pur pozj60ue e:0w shempe wy ‘uoissed Aw si BunUred yBNoY) UeAS™~ Burddoys jnoyym ‘fepfuane Aep ie yured ueo Jasneoag ‘yBnou) sepueyed AW asn 0} Ue LOdW! Ajjee4 S$)! UBYM SUL ‘Bunured:uojssed Nu ALL UO >J0M 0} SPUBYEEM aU} UO SuNOY [eIANAS WO 4901q OS|e | ‘SPUALY YM yNo BueY o} Uado syBiU Aepsan| enze} | OS ‘sKep >J40™ 1464 Ajensn axe Skepsoupey ‘PUBY JOYIO 24] UO ‘2}8| OM AyjesoueB Jasneceq™Bulwiow Aepuoyy Auene Jepuayed AW UO ,]NOYIOM,, INd | OS Spon ye oRDeY Ajfea: Ajjensn exe SAepUOY JEU] MOLY | ‘2OUE}SU! 10-4 ‘AyAnanpoud Au pue se9}049 Aw Jo 0.109 Ul pue’ ‘oddey yonu os 89) ew seyeLH op 0} UBM | SBUIL uy /e pue op o} aney | S6UIy) o4y jIe BuIZRHOLAG pue Bu|BueWe ‘puy jmouquersy J B10 | @SNEDAQ ALU Jo SUD} BUI Snes AjjeNjoe ‘ue|d 0} oN ex}xXe B7I| B BUPFe] YOM seM}1]Ng YOO) ey suIeBe BuIoes AjUBISUOO Sem | esNedeq yePUBIED PAUCIYSP} -pjO.Ue @sn 0} ane 10 MOU |, dn3!39S 0} eoUERed o4y PeY JONEU| ene Buy Seqeun S31 ‘uo eaow PUR Bulop wi yeyMm do}s 0) aw Buypujwies ‘A{6ujp0998 4J0 06 Kay} Os 110} Saye ppe Ajjenjoe Ved | “auoyd AW UO Jepua|es 6u) asn 0} MOY ©wW pemoys ays U8Y) 3Ng “puNdLe A11e 0} BulLy eso BuO ™ pue’ ¥81] Op-0} A. UO Bully ess BuO sem j! osN!209q JUR}ON |e USEq seme pey | sepuayed e deey | Jey] Pe}Se6Hns eouo puelyj pooh y ‘uu Jo s8Seul e pue Sepen, jie Jo YOeLe UW | O>!| PEUIJEYMOAO Ajo}o/d\IOD [99} | “UO, 1}9M Bulyjou Bulop ‘uiUy 00} yloshwu peauds | ‘Bulow AUe|suoD_ ‘Rep uy} ul Sunoy YBnoua j,uaze 9494} 9y}| S8eS 11 -A7e| WeweBeuew own Yim GuyGOn.ys useq A\jeos ney | juowebeuey ouly :zo odo) 4 1 « , Lesson 12: Future Goal Topic 03: The Obstacle in Our Path Once upona time, there wasa very wealthy, very kind King, who worried about the future expectations of his kingdom. Concerned about the ambitions of his courtiers, he placed a big boulder in the middle of the road leading to the palace. Curious to see what this roadblock would do to their days’ journeys. he hid nearby to see if anyone would stop to remove the obstacle from the road. The first people to stumble upon it were some of the King's richest merchants, but instead of moving the boulder, they walked aroundit. A few, even laughed, blaming the King for not maintaining the roads properly. Not one of them, however, attempted to move it, making it easier for those who would surely stumble upon it later. Finally, a peasant whose arms were burdened with heavy vegetables that would later become part of the King's feast, came upon the obstacle in his path. Putting his vegetables gently to the side of the road, he made a noble attempt toremove it. It was an extraordinary achievement for any man, let alone this jis weariness showed, Gathering up the King’s feast, he continued on his way..whenhe sawa satchel in the road where the boulder had beer Covered in dirt, he wiped it clean and looked inside. Blinded by the brilliance of something shiny, he found out... it was stuffed with gold coins and a note from the King that read: “To the man who doth pass ona golden opportunity, he has lost his way in the world. to the man who hath helped to improve the human con the kingdom will be yours forever more. Love, The King” he riches of i ‘uedo skeme S400 fy eUNAu oui 988 BUL09 UO NO, yooloud Yo!EsAL INOK 0} yORq MON, 257206 | See ee ar eee Ma ae aaa “Axyenput Aaedeou 84) 40 Axjsnpur Bupjueq 94) Uo BulLetos BUIOp inert eas vosee}niy Yoeuoyeq aL ‘Ayenioe ‘e8uss 4030 e soyeW ey /MOM, eo eum anok uowobeuey, \dS0H APIS I, }OK 2104 ‘jooUDS a}eNpeAE O} O6 AEN o ee eae 4 i 9410 Axjsnpu Bupjued 24) Uo Bulyjowios "SUBO| AWOS 1NO oy onB | “Wey Noe WyGNOY,UpEY i ‘Kasnpur Aye yes04 | 94) J0Ansnpul Bupjueg ey) uo Bulyyewos Bulop_ | reed WO} Wy) Pe ‘SEUOY 8q OL i 4400498 pes6 10} BurKed wo uejd nok op MOH, ‘KouoW | 9N2S.0) MOY WsB9| 0} YUE ® ye 40" PLURM NOK “WiLL oh aia \ompeees ou All ynoqe uonado “981909 0 wewebeueyy AerdoOr4 NOK 196 pue suoAsenb eui0s NOK 88 0} on P- 41904}8 8}eNpeI5 UI ApNYS Oj WUEMNOK OP IBYAA ote erga“ on wen! noon Ta}OYUMO | Aw dnuedo 0) quem | 'w8}- ‘Buo} ng ‘joouyos ay oe Pun sg Hc sa kilo Aa eBuruue|d No, aay yeYM ‘10 OIdo) ‘MojEq SeoUe]UaS pure AZeINqedOA 94} MO}|O} OF enbIuyoe} din Buryoyeo sn pur: us}sr7 eee ””St«Ct ae d Topic 02: Time Management Ihave really been struggling management, lately. doing nothing wel i SS a jack of all trades and a master of : none i Ican actually add alerts to it so they go off : Reminding : accordingly, reminding me to stop what 'm doing | Hangout rth taking alittle extra time to plan. Bain \ear .ctually saves me tons of time because Im more Block off and prioritizing ll the things |have Take a break | todo. ‘And, arranging and prioritizing all the things | have todo. ndiin control of my c! ices and my productivity. Jeo enjn4 ‘Z| Uosse7 “eoered auy oy Buypee}pe01 e180 IPP et 9 10q Biqe peoeid led ANO Ul a]9e3SqGO EYL ‘EO Ido), Te wae ee - ewe Ae pean ats lll. RAPID RESPONSE Topic 01: What Are You Planning? Listen to the questions and answer them according to the Topic. Remember that One question has 2 different ways to answer. Question: What does Paul want to share with his professor? gi) ‘Answer: Paul wants to share his long and short-term graduation plans with his professor. ‘Answer: He wants to share with his professor his long and short-term graduation plans, in addition tohis future goals. ‘Question: Is the professor reading about banking industry or anti-gravity? Answer: et Question: About which matter does Paul want to take his professor's opinion? ‘Answer: Abouthis final research project. ‘Answer: Paul wants to take his professor's opinion about his final research Question: Has Paul decided his final research project topic? g Answer: Notyet. Answer: No, Paul hasn't decided his final research project topic yet. ‘Question: What two things is Paul torn between? ‘Answer, He's tom between doing something on the banking industry, and doing ‘something on the hospitality industry. Question: Has Paul thought about his long and short-term career goals? Answer: Yes, hehas. Answer. Yes, Paul has thought about his long and short-term career goals. ‘Answer: Paul's short-term goals are working at a bank and going to agrad school. ‘Answer: His short-term goals are working at abank and going toa gradschool. ‘Question: Does Paul want to study Finance or Hospitality Management in tin Answer: Hospitality Management, Paul wants to study Hospitality ‘Question: Why does Paul want to work at a bank? Answer, Paulwants to work at a bank to learn how to save money. Question: How can Paul afford going to grad school? Answer: _Paulcanafford going to grad school by taking out some loans. ‘Answer: Paufs.ultimate goalis studying Hospitality Management. Answer Going to grad school, and studying Hospitality Management, Question: What will Paul make sure of doing when opening his hotel? ‘Answer Hell make sure togive his professor a good discount. ‘Answer, Paulwill make sure of giving his professor a good discount when, > Lesson 12:Future Goal [oD eunyn4 Z| uosse7 Sunued Uo Bupyi0Mm 0} spusysem ey) Uo sunoY feJ0NaS Se}PO!PeP aH ‘Sunred uo, 3 24} LO S NOY FeIBNES YO SOO} OH guorssed ujed Uo 10m soyBads ay) Soop MOH * ‘sep >20% 146 Aensn aue shepsoUpaNA ‘SKepseupem S| e8Kep >0m 146 yensn shepsoupem 10 skepsony exy ‘sAepuoyy Uo 218) 430M 0} speeU Ayfensn ay asnBoeq SBuILuOW KepUOY\ UO JepUB/eD SI\ UO ,;nO>YOM, Sind Jeyeeds Ou ‘are 9410.0} Sey 84 YOIYM Ut SKep>}10M oROBY axe SKePUOYY @6N12990 51 es6upwow ‘Aepuowy uo sepudyeo siy uo ,ynoy10N4, 3nd soyeads oy) SOP KYM ods 84) 48 146) Ayfensn ose SABPSOUPONA ON youes oun ON 210m s,0}20d8 84) 78 NOVY Ayjensn ShepsoupeM ey }0} S]UEM pure sey oy SUNY} 84) We BurzA YOU pue BuBUE.LE AQ HWONPANA siy Jo SAO}0YD S14 40 o.UOD UI eLIODEQ SEY JeYBEdS OY, ‘0p.0) SjUEM pur spy ay st ye BurzqHOUd pur BuiBueLTe kg eAunnonpoid uemsuy vemsuy suonsen vemsuy semsuy ‘uonseno, sonsuy wemsuy Sit pue Se2I0Y9 s1Y Jo JoNUOD UI swOD9q JaYEOdS oy) SEY MOH ‘S9yeU Op O} Sey oy s6uYN 4s Ie Bu Exiddoy uy yous oF soyeods oy) s6un4) 04) ye BurZQUOUG pue BuIBue: semsuy vemsuy MOU WUOIOIYO @10Us;ayesne08q MoU sWin O10 LOL SeneS JepURIeDeUL JeMSUY "OU JUEOYJS 840WN WIYBUNELU AG OMSUY EMOU eUIN e10W1 ayeeds oY) Avs epUE}eS oy) Se0P MO} ‘ORSON Uuzjd 0} eu Bsyx0 OMe BUDE] LOM SEMI ‘S24 JOMSUY SOMY'SOA JOMGUY eucid 0} own e2}x@ 971] © BuPfe) YOM sepUdyeD UOYd ay) Sem :uORsEND, punoye {20 PUR SI] 0-0} S14 UO Bul @10W UO SEM jeja0'e Burdeoy 0} juBjonje1sem JoyeAds ey) ~OMSUY punoue use 0) Buy) joweuosemyasneseqsy| uansuy jar soyeads ay sem Ay “uORSEND SIOYON uemsuy yousey'on uemsuy eBumjowos Jo2}sew e pue sapen ie Jo oe! aig soeOds 4) 6} «ORSON vemsuy eA127e] YM Buy66nys useq soyeads ou sey eyM -UONSEND: LULU) <]-TULTE-00 Weed @ve)(e (el Topic 03: The Obstacle in Our Path PM Tr as ons es, cea cde oe oe cat nance Listen to the questions and answer them according to the Topic. Remember that One question has 2 different ways to answer. Now, let's start. [- Question: What was the King worried about? | 4] ‘Answer. He was worried about the future expectations of his kingdom. ‘Answer: The King was worried about his kingdoms future expectations 7 | ‘Question: Did any merchant move the roadblock to make it easier for the rest? Answer: No,notevena single one. Answer: Nomerchant moved the roadblock to make it easier for therest. | Question: What led the King to place a big boulder in the middle of the road leading to the palace? B ‘Answer: The King’s concer about the amt place a big boulder in the middle ‘Answer, Being concerned about the: ‘big boulder in the middie of the road leading to the palace. ‘Question: Was the King curious to see what this roadblock would do tohis ‘courtiers days’ journeys? [EE mower Yessnowas. ‘Answer: Yes, the King was curious to see what his roadblock would do to his, courtiers day's journeys. ‘Question: What noble attempt did the peasant make? ‘Answer: Heremoved the roadblock. Answer. Thenoble attempt the peasant made was removing the roadblock. ‘Question: Did the peasant make an extraordinary achievement? ‘Answer. Yes,hedid. ‘Answer: Yes, the peasant made an extraordinary achievement. ‘Question: Wasa satchel or a cart placednext to the boulder? Answer: Itwasasatchel. ‘Answer. Asatchelwasplacednext to the boulder. ‘Question: Why did the King hide near the roadblock? the roadblock tosee if anyone would stop toremove the road. Answer Thel ‘would stop to remove the obstacle from theroad, See TSS SE See aN ESL ‘Question: Were the peasants the first to stumble upon the roadblock? Bl ‘Answer: No. they wererit Answer: No,the King'srichest merchants were the frst to stumble upon the roadblock ‘Question: How did the merchants react when stumbling upon the roadblock? ‘Answer, They walked around it, instead of moving it ‘Answer: When stumbling upon the roadblock, the merchants walked aroundit instead of moving. . b> Lesson 12: Future Goal ny ‘Question: What blinded the peasant when checking the satchel? ‘Answer: The brilliance of the gold coins placedinside it blinded the peasant. ‘Answer: The peasant was blinded by the briliance of the shiny gold coins inside it. Question: What was the peasant burdened with? ‘Answer: Heavy vegetables. ‘Answer: The peasants arms were burdened with heavy vegetables, pe. iy, ee A a oa OD a we > [op einyn4:2| uossa], “S|!e.@p 4BYLNY 404 jfeUa ANOK y9aYyD @ABY O} MOY UO WB ISU! BpIAcJd pue NOK Oo} JSOSO|O PSOU} WO. BLUOD UBYO OJOW ||/M. suolsenb esey | ‘sjeo6 pue seouaiiedxe UMO JNOA ule|Axe 0} Aye|NGedOA Ud] ||IM. NOA ‘OANNY INOA jnoge ye}. 0} MOY 8d1}9e1d 0} SOURYO By} aAeY |||MNOA “Wed siy} U Sas « . : . ‘ 4 ; | 4 4 . c "SUONJESJEAUOO |NJBuIUBEWW 910WU : « < ‘ : ‘ . 4 . 1 J NOILONGOdd ‘Al é€ The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence. Confucius ‘b> Lesson 12: Future Goal , A a ee Oe a aes (0z0z weu | Anb naiyD nny dou eA Buox uj £-18-S886-¥09-86 ‘NESI 95 °W ‘0z0z WeU ¢o BuPY) sz AeBU 1>EXN-GO/1S ‘aXxGO “1D/50-L0/HdI8X9/0202-282 ‘XG UBUL ex OS “ION 8H dL 9G 120} UgAny ‘'BuENY Buos ex ‘ual, Bupnyd ‘9 UOUL ‘|Y> eiG ING !ROH ew BuoNy| eA U| HHNA Al Bug> 121 WIEZ x 91 QU ‘UND 000'S| Ul “ION PH “ALL TN SupoH{ “OD “URIG UBLL 9¢/S OS :9/G BIA ORG UT MEY 9D 1 BUQD “aXW'T¥ IVE T8H YUNA ugkn3y 2Iq 94 QL yuy rey igy ugin3y ueg iyy ugdnsy :3uen ued yoig 963N iy, Buon] 2d) ugig nH GUNA ugindy de) ugig Sug] - 9p WRI, upg wynx wgiyu yopay niyd LANUVW NVHd OO AL ONQOD :24 99ntp ugdnb ueg (lop ens Sugyy ueq tL) (ugdny Oud] UDOYY 10} Way IO) HNY ONGLL NYO OY OA VYHd JILAIVG YSsuq NOX Yeaig uoypnpoagy suryeoig suq ee a ae 5 2 tee on io See

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