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(Gk. /nekros/: 'a corpse') A human instrument which permits access to

the minds of the dead.

Necromancer Brian Lumley must have coined the word in order to

distinguish his hero from the necromancers.

A necromancer like Dragosani (shown left) tortures the dead to learn

their secrets, ripping their bodies apart to find information in their
flesh and fluids and gases, using all his senses: touch, smell, sight,
sound and even taste to achieve his ends.

In contrast, the dead speak freely to a necroscope. The Great Majority

(as Harry described them) trust and love him like a messiah. They would
even rise from the grave to protect him should he so ask. He unites
them, encouraging them to communicate with each other. But while his
power is a great privilege, it is also a huge responsibility.

The first of the Necroscopes was Harry Keogh, who inherited his psychic
power from his Russian grandmother Natasha via his mother. He was the
first to speak with the dead and to learn their secrets. In death the
creative and intellectual souls continue to hone their talents and
develop their interests and Harry was able to draw on this. He became an
established author before he joined E-Branch to fight the vampire
threat. He learned of the Mobius Continuum from August Mobius, which
allowed him to travel instantaneously through space and time and this
proved to be a crucial weapon in the Vampire Wars.

Harry Jr
The son of Harry Keogh and Brenda Cowell, his talent was instinctive and
he was able to use it and the Mobius Continuum as an infant.
Unfortunately on Starside he was bitten by an infected wolf and became a
vampire, although he managed to retain his humanity and was instrumental
in the destruction of the Wamphyri in the first Vampire Wars.

Born in Sunside, Nathan Kiklu was the Szgany son of Harry Keogh and
inherited his talent. He was a key soldier in the last Vampire War,
destroying Turgosheim as well as fighting Wratha and her allies in
theWest. When the last of the Wamphyri emerged from the Icelands, he
drove them through the Gate into the Hell Lands.

When Harry Keogh died, splinters of his power struck selected targets,
including his Szgany sons Nathan and Nestor...and Jake Cutter, an
apparently unlikely recipient. Nevertheless, he was a prime opponent of
the Wamphyri on Earth, destroying Luigi Castellano and instrumental in
the battles against Malinari, Vavara and Szwart.

Harry Jakeson
The son of Jake and Liz Merrick, he was the fifth Necroscope but born a
vampire. Like his parents he fought his curse and refused to succumb to
its baser urges. Thus the vampire gene was gradually diminished in
humans and finally overwhelmed. By the age of the twelfth Necroscope
Jake Jakeson some 250 years later, no trace of the disease was discernible.
Necroscope family tree
Mobius Continuum
furture mobius door This is the metaphysical dimension that allows the
Necroscope to teleport from one place to another. It is the nothingness
between places that permits those with the intuition to instantly
transport themselves through space and time.

Its existence was conceived of and discovered by the mind of the late
mathematician August Mobius, who used it to travel the Universe. He
passed on this knowledge to Harry Keogh to help him in his fight against
the evil Dragosani.

Through future and past space-time doors, Harry was able to track the
history of Mankind through their blue life threads. He also used it to
trap Dragosani's soul in a time loop and to banish Faethor from his mind
and into a long, lonely future.

It is undoubtedly one of the Necroscope's most formidable weapons

against the Wamphyri threat and a tool that has saved many innocent lives.

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