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Antidiabetic Activity of Infusion of Thitonia diversifolia Leaves


Departement of Pharmacy, Faculty of Natural Science, University of Al Ghifari Bandung, Jl. Cisaranten Kulon No.
140, Bandung 40293, West Java, Indonesia. *email:

Abstract. Kipahit leaf which contains tannic acid is highest among the five plants that have been identified
previously. Therefore, the researcher conducted further tests on the effect of antidiabetic mellitus type 2 kipahit leaf
(Tithonia diversifolia) to the decrease of blood sugar levels of the white male mice. The sample consisted of 25
white male mice. They were taken randomly and then divided into five groups; each group consisted of 5 mice. The
first group was normal group given aquadest only, the second group is a comparison group with the giving of
glibenclamide (0.26 mg / 20 weight of mice), the third group is a tested group with an infusion of leaves kipahit by
the dosage I (0,13mg /20 g weight of mice), the fourth group is a tested group with an infusion of leaves kipahit by
dosage II (0,26 mg /20 g weight of mice), the fifth group is a tested group with an infusion of kipahit leaf by the
dosage III (0,52mg / 20 g weight of mice). The method used in this research is glucose tolerance test. The result of
data graph and statistical analysis of variance (ANOVA) giving infusion of kipahit leaf effect on blood sugar levels
decrease significantly with the level of α = 0.05. The optimal result is shown in fifth groups (dose III) that given by
preparation with a concentration of 0.52 mg / weight of mice significantly with the level of α = 0.05

Keywords: antidiabetic, infusion, kipahit leaf, blood sugar levels



Diabetes mellitus is a condition where blood sugar in high level or above

normal and slowly but definitely will break body tissue if not handled precisely

(Nurkhozin et al., 2011). This disease associated with the role of oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress is an imbalance results from the increase of radical system and radical

scavenging systems that has increased the production of free radical or reduced

antioxidant defense activity (Pattabiraman and Muthukumaran, 2011).

Diabetes Type 1 is an autoimmune disease. Moreover, diabetes type 2 is caused

by combination of genetic and environmental factors. Many patients with diabetes type

2 have family members who also suffer diabetes type 2 or other health problems

associated with diabetes, such as high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure

(hypertension) or obesity. Environmental factors that influence the risk of diabetes type

2 is food consumption and physical activity diabetes type 2 occurs as a result of a

combination of lifestyle and genetic factors.

Treatment of diabetes mellitus type 2 is by using chemical drugs. Doctors

usually recommend to consume drugs namely Biguanide and Glitazon types. These two

drugs have the same effect toward the body that can increase the sensitivity of body

cells to the presence and function of the actual insulin.

Beside chemical drugs, many herbs used as medicine. Antioxidant compounds found in

plants have potential as an antidiabetic that able to prevent the oxidation of glucose in
the blood (Rosiyana, 2012). It is known that compounds tannic acid (tannin) has

antioxidant activity and its effect as antidiabetic (Hagerman, 2002).

Based on previous research, the leaves of Kipahit (Tithonia diversifolia) have

the content of tannic acid. It shows the potential of these plants as antidiabetic drugs.

Seeing this potential, researchers feel need to conduct further tests in the form of Effect

Test Antidiabetes Mellitus Type 2 Infusion of Kipahit Leaf (Tithonia diversifolia)

Toward Reduction of Blood Sugar White Mice White.


Material. Kipahit leaf (Thithonia diversifolia), mice feed, 0.5% Na CMC,

glibenclamide, glucose, glucose test strip.

Animal Model. Swiss Webster white male white mice weighing between 20-25 grams

obtained from the Animal Laboratory of School of Life and Environmental Sciences of

Bandung Institute of Technology.


Making Kipahit Leaf Infusion (Thithonia diversifolia). Kipahit leaves are boiled

with 100 ml of aquadest in infusion pan for 15 minutes at 90-950C, then filtered and

added by aquadest to 100 ml in a measuring flask.

Testing Effect of Antidiabetes Mellitus Type II Kipahit Leaf (Thithonia


Testing Effect of Antidiabetes Mellitus Type II Leaf Kipahit (Thithonia diversifolia)

was tested by method of glucose induction.

Animal models are divided into 6 groups, each group consists of 6 mice, namely:

1. Normal control group, given 0.5% NaCMC suspension.

2. The comparator group was given a suspension of glibenclamide dose of 0.013 mg /

20 grams of mice weight.

3. Group dose I was given infusion of kipahit leaf dose 5.6 mg / 20 gram of mice


4. Group dose II was given infusion of kipahit leaf dose 11,2 mg / 20 gram of mice


5. Group dose III given infusion of kipahit leaf dose 22,4 mg / 20 gram mice weight.

Research procedure:

1. Mice are fasted for 6 hours before testing begins and still given drink.

2. Measure blood glucose levels for each mouse, measured as baseline blood glucose.

3. Induce mice with glucose solution 3g / kg weight.

4. After 30 minutes, measured again blood glucose levels of the mice, then the mice

were given test solution.

5. Measure blood glucose levels in the minutes of 15, 30, 45, 60 and 90.

Test Method of Effect of Anti Diabetes Melitus Type II towards Swiss Webster


The results of antidiabetic activity test towards Swiss Webster white mice was

conducted using several dose variations, ie dose 5,6 mg / 20 gram of mice weight; 11,2

mg / 20 gram of mice weight and 22,4 mg / 20 gram of mice weight. Giving glucose

solution as an inducer with a dose of 3 g / kg of mice and glibenclamide suspension of

0.013 mg / 20 gram of mice weight. The results showed that kipahit leaf infusion was

able to give antidiabetic effect.

Table 1.

Table of blood sugar levels average of mice before and after treatment

Blood Sugar Levels (mg / dl)

Treatment Group T0=0 T1=30 T2=45 T3=60 T4=90 Difference

minute(s) minute(s) minute(s) minute(s) minute(s)

Group I (Aquadest) 87,6 198,6 197,2 194,2 194 4,6 mg/dl

Group II (Glibenclamide) 78,2 188,4 98,4 71,2 64,6 123,8 mg/dl

Group III (Dose 1) 89,2 199,2 127,4 117,4 108 91,2 mg/dl

Group IV (Dose 2) 112,4 222,4 169,2 139,6 119,2 103,2 mg/dl

Group V (Dose3) 82,2 192,2 139,8 130 86 106,2 mg/dl


- T0 = minute(s) of 0, early blood glucose of mice was checked, then given glucose

- T1 = minute(s) of 30, blood sugar level of mice was checked and then given the

treatment according to each group

- T2 = minutes(s) of 45, blood sugar level of mice was checked after 15 minutes of


- T3 = minute(s) of 60, blood sugar level of mice was check after 30 minutes of


- T4 = minute(s) of 90, blood sugar levels of mice checked after 60 minutes of


From the table above, it can be seen the results is mostly at minute 0 mice

were in the normal blood sugar levels, then rose to above normal blood sugar levels at

30 minutes after 30 minutes of giving glucose solution, then treated in 30 minutes So it

decreased at minutes of 45, 60 and 90.

Figure 4.1. Graph of average blood sugar level of mice.

Complete data can be seen in appendix 3. Meanwhile, to prove that infusion of

kipahit leaf gives effect to decrease blood sugar level of mice, researcher analyze by

using analysis of variance (ANAVA) in one direction because this research can be done

at one time. The research used sample homogeneous test. Source of data used the

difference of sugar levels of mice.

Table 4.5.

Table of Difference Comparison in the decrease in blood sugar levels of mice

Decrease of t Mice
Total Average
Blood Sugar Levels 1 2 3 4 5
Group 1 (aquadest) 1 2 0 4 16 23 4,6
Group 2 (glibenclamide) 125 130 126 128 110 619 123,8
Group 3 (dose 1) 86 83 89 94 104 456 91,2
Group 4 (dose 2) 102 99 101 106 108 516 103,2
Group 5 (dose 3) 95 116 107 103 110 531 106,2

- Group 1: normal control that is given only aquadest.

- Group 2: comparator was given glibenclamide dose 0,013 mg / 20 gram of mice


- Group 3: dose I was given kipahit leaf infusion (Tithonia diversifolia) dose 5.6 mL /

20 gram of mice weight

- Group 4: dose II was given kipahit leaf infusion (Tithonia diversifolia) dose 11.2 mL /

20 gram of mice weight.

- Group 5: dose IIII was given kipahit leaf infusion (Tithonia diversifolia) dose 22,4

mL / 20 gram of mice weight.

From the data, it is obtained the results of variance analysis as follows:

Tabel 4.6.

Table of variance analysis (ANOVA)

Blood Sugar

Levels Decrease F F

JK Db KT Count Table P-value

Treatment 43927,6 4 10981,9 220,4316 2,87 3,1E-16
Error 996,4 20 49,82      
Total 44924 24        


- The level of α = 0.05

- H0: giving extract does not affect to decrease mice blood sugar level.

- H1: giving infusion affects the decrease blood sugar levels of mice.
- F count > F Table, means: H0 rejected, H1 accepted.

Conclusion: giving infusion effects on decreasing mice blood sugar level. It is because

there is influence, hence need to do further test, researcher do continuation test by

duncant test DMRT (Duncant Multiple Range Test). For Sy = 3.15658. So in the results

can be shown as in the following table:

Table 4.7.

Table of Range Value based on P value (Duncant Test Table) α = 0.05

P 2 3 4 5


(0,05) 2,95 3,1 3,18 3,25

R 9,312 9,785 10,038 10,259

The value of R (range) is obtained from the multiplication of standard deviation

with r value for P 2, 3, 4 and 5 from the duncant test table. This value functions to

determine the boundaries (lower limit and upper limit) of the test group.

Table 4.8.

Table of Duncant Test Result

Duncant Test 1 2 3 4
Group I (aquadest) 4,6
Group III (dose 1) 91,2
Group IV (dose 2) 103,2
Group V (dose 3) 106,2
Group II

(glibenclamide) 123,8

Based on the above table, it can be concluded that treatment of dose 1, 2, 3 were

significantly different with negative control, with significant difference at 5% error

level, the best result was obtained by difference of 106,2 mg/dl, occurred in mice given

infusion dose 3. Although dose 2 and dose 3 were different but the difference between

the effects of both doses was not significant. Even though dose 3 still had the best

effect on the decrease in blood sugar levels of mice as they were closer to

glibenclamide positive control.

Table 4.9

Table of Average Difference Comparison

Blood Sugar Levels Average

Decrease (mg/dl)
dose 1 91,2
dose 2 103,2
dose 3 106,2

To facilitate in understanding the average data comparison of the difference in

blood sugar levels decrease of mice from the minutes of 45 to the minutes of 90, it can

also be seen in the following bar chart:

Figure 4.2. Diagram of average difference comparison blood sugar levels

decrease of mice

Based on the diagram above, it can be seen every addition of dosage infusion, giving an
increased effect on the decrease blood sugar levels of mice.


Giving infusion of kipahit leaf (Tithonia diversipolia.) able to decrease blood glucose


a. Kipahit leaf infusion (Tithonia diversipolia) dose 3 (22.4 g / 20 g of mice weight) has

the most optimal antidiabetic effect among other doses.

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