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A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of

the requirements for the degree of



Department of Biological Systems Engineering


© Copyright by YANG JIAO, 2014

All Rights Reserved
© Copyright by YANG JIAO, 2014
All Rights Reserved
To the Faculty of Washington State University:

The members of the Committee appointed to examine the dissertation of

YANG JIAO find it satisfactory and recommend that it be accepted.

Juming Tang, Ph.D., Chair

Shaojin Wang, Ph.D.

Shyam S. Sablani, Ph.D.

Girish Ganjyal, Ph.D.


I’d like to thank my major advisor, Dr. Juming Tang, for his guidance and instruction throughout

my research at Washington State University. He is a model for me to learn to work professionally and

conduct good research as a scientist. I also express my sincere appreciation to my research committee

members: Drs. Shaojin Wang, Shyam Sablani and Girish Ganjyal. Their encouragement and suggestions

throughout my research were very much helpful. Special thanks to Dr. Shaojin Wang, who introduced me

into this research area, directed me to conduct experiments and wrote manuscripts in detail.

I acknowledge Drs. Shunshan Jiao, Bandar Alfaifi and Gopal Tiwari, from whom I received

valuable suggestions and research experiences. My sincere gratitude also gives to Dr. Martin Buehler from

Decagon Device, Dr. Robert Olsen from Electrical Engineering Department of WSU, Dr. Caleb Nindo from

University of Idaho, and Tony Koral from Koral Associates England for their selfless dedication in my

research. I thank Stewart Bohnet, Vince Himsl, Frank Liu, Zhongwei Tang, Frank Younce, Huimin Lin,

and Galina Mikhaylenko for their assistance and support in my research. Thank John Anderson, Joan

Hagedorn, Joanna Dreger and Dorota Wilk for their patient help in administrative works. Thank my fellow

graduate students Rossana Villa-Rojas, Donglei Luan, Jing Peng, Wenjia Zhang, Sumeet Dhawan, Roopesh

Shalamaldevi, Ofero Caparino, Fermin Resurreccion, Ellen Bornhorst, Shuxiang Liu, Ravi Tadapaneni and

all Food Engineering Club members for their kindly help and sharing the happy and sad moments with me

in both work and life. I also thank Boying Liu, Meng Wang, Xiaonan Liu, Yi Lu, Juan Wang and Shuai

Zhou for being with me and my family all the way through my Ph.D. life. I wish our friendship last forever.

Finally, I express my deepest gratitude to my parents for their endless love and support. My deepest

appreciation goes to my beloved husband, Feng Li, for his accompaniment and love. He is always sharing

my happiness and sticking on my side when I am frustrated and depressed. I would not have made it this

far without his mortal support. Special thanks to my dear son, Joey Li, who brings me so much joyfulness

and let me know one more meaning of the word “love”.




by Yang Jiao, Ph.D.

Washington State University
August 2014

Chair: Juming Tang

Radio frequency (RF) heating is considered as a promising technology for pathogen control in low

moisture foods because of its advantages of volumetric and fast heating. However, the non-uniform heating

problem hinders its application in food industry. It is important to thoroughly understand the RF heating

mechanisms and propose solutions to improve heating uniformity of food in RF pasteurization. Peanut

butter was selected as a major example of a low moisture food in this study.

Firstly, the physical, thermal, dielectric properties of peanut butter samples were determined at

different frequencies (10–1800 MHz) and temperatures (20–90 ºC). Results showed RF energy was

applicable for peanut butter pasteurization since its penetration depths at 27.12 MHz were >10 cm. The

relationship between dielectric properties of foods and the heating rate in RF systems was expressed in a

mathematical model and validated by experiments. Results indicated that the maximum heating rate in

foods can be reached when the values of dielectric constant and loss factor were close to each other.

As a next step, a computer model was developed with COMSOL Multiphysics®. The model

described peanut butter in a cylindrical jar subjected into a 6 kW 27.12 MHz RF system with appropriate

initial and boundary conditions to predict the heating pattern in foods.

The validated model was used to explore heating uniformity improvement methods for low

moisture foods. Surrounding the peanut butter sample with polyetherimide (PEI) sheets, which has a closer

dielectric constant to peanut butter but a smaller loss factor, was found to be an effective method in heating

uniformity improvement. The method was also validated on wheat flour. Another heating uniformity

improvement strategy was tested by placing a pair of PEI blocks at the cold spots of peanut butter samples

to aggregate electromagnetic energy and improve heating uniformity. Computer simulations were

conducted to find the optimum size of PEI blocks. A combination of the two methods was found to be more

efficient than any single one in heating uniformity improvement.

This research contributes knowledge to improve low moisture foods heating uniformity in RF

treatments for designing RF pasteurization process.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................................... iii

ABSTRACT .....................................................................................................................................iv-v

LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................................ x

LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................................ xii

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 1

1. Background of current issues ................................................................................................ 1

2. Introduction of RF heating and its advantages ...................................................................... 2

3. Current research directions in RF heating uniformity improvement .................................... 3

4. Justifications and objectives.................................................................................................. 5

5. Outline of the dissertation ..................................................................................................... 5

References .................................................................................................................................... 7


MOISTURE FOODS PASTEURIZATION: A LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................... 15

1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 15

2. RF fundamentals ................................................................................................................. 15

2.1. Dielectric properties ........................................................................................................ 15

2.2. Radio frequency heating ................................................................................................. 17

2.3. RF equipment .................................................................................................................. 19

3. RF heating in low moisture foods pasteurization/sterilization ............................................ 20

4. Mathematical modeling approaches in determining RF heating pattern of foods .............. 22

References .................................................................................................................................. 25


PEANUT BUTTER WITH DIFFERENT WATER CONTENT................................................................ 33

1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 34

2. Materials and Methods ........................................................................................................ 36

2.1. Samples preparation .................................................................................................... 36

2.2. Water content and water activity................................................................................. 36

2.3. Density ........................................................................................................................ 37

2.4. Specific heat ................................................................................................................ 38

2.5. Thermal conductivity .................................................................................................. 38

2.6. Dielectric Properties .................................................................................................... 38

2.7. Statistical analysis ....................................................................................................... 39

3. Results and discussion ........................................................................................................ 39

3.1. Physical properties ...................................................................................................... 39

3.2. Thermal properties ...................................................................................................... 41

3.3. Dielectric properties .................................................................................................... 42

3.4. Penetration depth......................................................................................................... 45

4. Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 45

References .................................................................................................................................. 47


IN FREE-RUNNING OSCILLATOR RADIO FREQUENCY SYSTEMS............................................... 63

1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 64

2. Materials and methods ........................................................................................................ 66

2.1. Theoretical model ....................................................................................................... 66

2.2. Experiment validation I – salt solution ....................................................................... 69

2.3. Experiment validation II – peanut butter samples ....................................................... 71

3. Results and discussions ....................................................................................................... 74

3.1. Salt solution – salt concentration dependence............................................................. 74

3.2. Peanut butter ............................................................................................................... 74

3.3. Determination of heating rate from dielectric properties plot ..................................... 76

4. Conclusions ......................................................................................................................... 76

References .................................................................................................................................. 78



1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 94

2. Materials and methods ........................................................................................................ 96

2.1. Sample preparation ..................................................................................................... 96

2.2. Physical properties of food material ........................................................................... 97

2.3. Surrounding material selection ................................................................................... 97

2.4. Temperature profiles of peanut butter in hot water and RF heating ........................... 97

2.5. Computer simulation ................................................................................................... 98

2.6. Model validation - RF experiments........................................................................... 101

2.7. Heating uniformity of wheat flour ............................................................................ 103

2.8. Heating uniformity of multiple containers under RF treatment ................................ 103

2.9. Statistical analysis ..................................................................................................... 103

3. Results and discussion ...................................................................................................... 104

3.1. Dielectric and thermal properties of peanut butter .................................................... 104

3.2. Heating rate comparison among peanut butter in hot water in RF treatments .......... 104

3.3. Determination of cold spot location in a sample container ....................................... 105

3.4. Model validation ....................................................................................................... 105

3.5. Overall heating uniformity improvement evaluation ................................................ 106

3.6. Heating uniformity of wheat flour ............................................................................ 107

3.7. Heating uniformity of multiple peanut butter samples.............................................. 107

4. Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 108

References ................................................................................................................................ 109


FOODS WITH POLYETHERIMIDE BLOCKS ..................................................................................... 129

1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 130

2. Materials and methods ...................................................................................................... 132

2.1. Sample preparation ................................................................................................... 132

2.2. Block material and size selection .............................................................................. 132

2.3. Sequence of the study ............................................................................................... 132

2.4. Computer simulation ................................................................................................. 133

2.5. Simulation procedure ................................................................................................ 135

2.6. RF experiments ......................................................................................................... 136

2.7. Heating uniformity evaluation of different uniformity improvement methods ........ 136

2.8. Height optimization of PEI blocks ............................................................................ 137

3. Results and discussion ...................................................................................................... 138

3.1. Predicted electric field distribution ........................................................................... 138

3.2. Heating rate of peanut butter with different size of PEI blocks ................................ 138

3.3. Voltage estimation .................................................................................................... 138

3.4. Computer model validation ....................................................................................... 139

3.5. PEI blocks height optimization ................................................................................. 140

3.6. Heating uniformity comparison of uniformity improvement methods ..................... 140

4. Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 141

References ................................................................................................................................ 143

CHAPTER SEVEN: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................ 162

1. Conclusions ....................................................................................................................... 162

2. Contributions to knowledge .............................................................................................. 163

3. Recommendations ............................................................................................................. 164


Table 1.1 Comparison between RF and microwave characteristics in food processing application

.................................................................................................................................................................... 13

Table 2.1 Comparison of open circuit and 50 ohm RF systems .................................................... 28

Table 2.2 Literature review of RF sterilization/pastuerization effect on pathogens in low moisture

food products .............................................................................................................................................. 29

Table 3.1 Water activity, density and thermal conductivity of peanut butter with 5 different water

contents at 22 °C ......................................................................................................................................... 51

Table 3.2. Dielectric constant and loss factor of peanut butter samples with five water contents at

eight temperature and four frequencies ....................................................................................................... 52

Table 3.3 Binary statistical regression equations of dielectric properties with temperature (T, °C)

and water content (M, g water/g sample) at three interested frequencies (valid in T = 20–90 °C, M = 1.3–22

g/100g sample) ............................................................................................................................................ 54

Table 3.4 Penetration depth of peanut butter with five water contents at eight temperatures and four

frequencies .................................................................................................................................................. 55

Table 4.1 Dielectric properties (mean ± SD of two replicates) of NaCl solutions with 10 electric

conductivities at 22 ºC and 27.12 MHz ...................................................................................................... 81

Table 4.2 Properties of peanut butter with 5 selected moisture content levels at temperature 20–80

ºC and 27.12 MHz (dielectric properties presented in mean ±SD of two replicates) ................................ 82

Table 5.1 Dielectric properties of common plastic materials at 1 MHz and room temperature .. 113

Table 5.2 Properties of peanut butter, polyetherimide and air for mathematical modeling (dielectric

properties of peanut butter averaged at temperature 20–80 ºC at 27.12 MHz) ......................................... 114

Table 5.3 Infrared picture analysis of top and side surfaces of a peanut butter jar with and without

PEI assistance after RF treatment ............................................................................................................. 115

Table 5.4 Uniformity index (UI) comparisons between two spatial arrangements of 9 peanut butter

samples and the centrally located sample under RF treatment with and without PEI assistance ............. 116

Table 6.1 Properties of peanut butter, polyetherimide and air for mathematical modeling (adapted

from Jiao et al., 2014b) ............................................................................................................................. 148

Table 6.2 Number of different type of mesh generated in all domains in computer simulation .. 149

Table 6.3 The heating conditions and voltages for peanut butter with various size of PEI blocks in

a 6 kW 27.12 MHz RF system .................................................................................................................. 150

Table 6.4 Temperature distribution analysis on the top surface of peanut butter from experiment

with various size of PEI blocks (T, °C) .................................................................................................... 151

Table 6.5 Uniformity index of peanut butter with various size of PEI blocks in RF treatment in

computer simulation.................................................................................................................................. 152

Table 6.6 Simulation conditions and uniformity comparison of peanut butter treated with PEI

surrounding, PEI blocks addition and a combination methods ................................................................. 153


Figure 1.1 Microbial stability as affected by environmental water activity (Adapted from Buechat,

1981) ........................................................................................................................................................... 14

Figure 2.1 Contribution of various mechanisms to the loss factor of food materials as functions of

frequency and temperature (Tang, Feng, & Lau, 2002, Chapter 1, based on Harvey & Hoekstra, 1972;

Kuang & Nelson, 1998; Metaxas & Meredith, 1993; Roebuck & Goldblith, 1972) .................................. 30

Figure 2.2 Scheme of a typical open circuit RF system (adapted from Zhao et al., 2000) ............ 31

Figure 2.3 Composition of a 50 ohm RF system ........................................................................... 32

Figure 3.1 Water activity of peanut butter samples as a function of water contents at room

temperature (22°C)...................................................................................................................................... 57

Figure 3.2 Specific heat of peanut butter samples measured by DSC as a function of water content

(a) and temperature with heat flow chart at 1.3 g/100g water (b) ............................................................... 58

Figure 3.3 Dielectric constant of peanut butter with water content levels of 1.3 (a), 4 (b), 10 (c), 16

(d), and 22 (e) g/100g at four selected temperatures ................................................................................... 59

Figure 3.4 Loss factor of peanut butter with water content levels of 1.3 (a), 4 (b), 10 (c), 16 (d), and

22 (e) g/100g at four selected temperatures ................................................................................................ 60

Figure 3.5 Dielectric properties of peanut butter with five water contents and eight temperatures at

27 MHz ....................................................................................................................................................... 61

Figure 3.6 Dielectric properties of peanut butter with five water contents and eight temperatures at

915 MHz ..................................................................................................................................................... 62

Figure 4.1 Scheme of RF heating system with parallel plate electrodes ....................................... 83

Figure 4.2 Electrical conductivity regression curve for NaCl solutions with various salt

concentrations ............................................................................................................................................. 84

Figure 4.3 Experimental setup for foods with a temperature measurement system in radio frequency

heating ......................................................................................................................................................... 85

Figure 4.4 Temperature-time histories for NaCl solutions with different electrical conductivity

levels of 0.03 (◊), 0.05 (□), 0.1 (Δ), 0.15 (×), 0.2 (♦), 0.3 (○), 0.5 (●), 1 (▲), 2 (+) and 3 (■) S/m (dash

for 0.03–0.1and bold for 0.15–3) subjected to RF heating at 27.12 MHz for 3 min (mean of 2 replicates)

.................................................................................................................................................................... 86

Figure 4.5 Final temperatures after 3 min RF treatment of salt solutions with 10 different electric

conductivities at 27.12 MHz obtained by experiments (○) and theoretical prediction (Δ). ..................... 87

Figure 4.6 Temperature-time histories for peanut butter with 5 moisture contents, 1.3% (×), 4%

(○), 10% (□), 16% (Δ) and 22% (◊) w.b. during 4 min RF heating at 27.12 MHz.................................. 88

Figure 4.7 Final temperature comparison of peanut butter samples with five water contents after 4

min RF heating at 27.12 MHz between experiments (○) and prediction (Δ)........................................... 89

Figure 4.8 Time-temperature curve for peanut butter with 22% (w.b.) moisture content with 48 min

27.12 MHz RF heating (mean of 2 replicates) ............................................................................................ 90

Figure 4.9 Tendency comparison between heating rate for a 48 min RF heating at 27.12 MHz (a)

and heating rate coefficient (b) calculated from the dielectric properties of peanut butter with 22% (w.b.)

moisture content .......................................................................................................................................... 91

Figure 4.10 Dielectric properties of peanut butter samples (pb 1.3% (◊), 4% (□), 10% (Δ), 16%

(×) at room temperature, 22% (●) at 20–70 °C) and salty water (electric conductivity 0.03–0.2 S/m (○) at

room temperature) with a function curve of y = x at 27.12 MHz for estimating the maximum heating rate

.................................................................................................................................................................... 92

Figure 5.1 3-D Scheme (a) and dimensions (b) of the 6 kW 27.12 MHz RF system and a food load

(peanut butter) with PEI sheets (dimensions are in mm) .......................................................................... 117

Figure 5.2 Cold spot location determination method: comparison of top surface and cross sectional

surface temperature distribution................................................................................................................ 118

Figure 5.3 Cutting a cylindrical container in half for temperature distribution measurement at the

cross-sectional surface .............................................................................................................................. 119

Figure 5.4 Eighteen thermocouples (with labeled locations) connected to data logger for measuring

temperature distribution inside the food container after RF treatment ..................................................... 120

Figure 5.5 Two spatial arrangements of 9 peanut butter jars for RF treatment (top view):

Arrangement 1 (a) and Arrangement 2 (b)................................................................................................ 121

Figure 5.6 A typical measured temperature-time curve of peanut butter in a cylindrical container

(a) subjected to hot water heating and RF heating and (b) subjected to RF heating with and without PEI

assistance with an electrode gap 9 cm (temperature at the center of peanut butter) ................................. 122

Figure 5.7 Comparison of simulated and experimental results for top surface temperature

distributions of peanut butter without and with PEI assistance after 10.0 and 2.8 min RF heating with an

electrode gap of 9 cm ................................................................................................................................ 123

Figure 5.8 Simulated electric field (arrow) and electric potential (contour) plot for peanut butter (a)

without PEI and (b) with PEI assistance after 10.0 and 2.8 min RF treatment (electrode gap 9 cm) ....... 124

Figure 5.9 Comparison of simulated and experimental results for cross-sectional surface

temperature distributions of peanut butter without and with PEI assistance after 10.0 and 2.8 min RF heating

with an electrode gap of 9 cm ................................................................................................................... 125

Figure 5.10 Experimentally measured temperature at18 locations in peanut butter container after

10.0 min RF treatment without PEI and 2.8 min with PEI ....................................................................... 126

Figure 5.11 Thermal images of surface temperature distribution of wheat flour after 8.0 and 4.3

min RF treatment without and with PEI sheets (electrode gap = 9 cm) ................................................... 127

Figure 5.12 Simulated temperature distribution (middle layer) of two spatial arrangements of 9

peanut butter samples with and without PEI assistance under 6 min RF treatment with an electrode gap of

9 cm........................................................................................................................................................... 128

Figure 6.1 Scheme of a peanut butter sample in a cylindrical container with PEI blocks in a 6 kW

27.12 MHz RF cavity................................................................................................................................ 154

Figure 6.2 Electric field direction (arrow), electric field intensity (surface), and electrode potential

(streamline) of peanut butter treated by RF with and without PEI blocks ................................................ 155

Figure 6.3 Temperature-time history of peanut butter at the container center with different sizes of

PEI blocks in a 6 kW 27.12 MHz RF system with an electrode gap of 10.1 cm (mean of three replicates)

.................................................................................................................................................................. 156

Figure 6.4 Temperature distribution on the top surface of peanut butter from experiment and

computer simulation and cross-sectional surface from simulation with various size of PEI blocks in RF

treatment (upper temperature scale: experiment; lower temperature scale: simulation)........................... 158

Figure 6.5 Uniformity index of peanut butter with various height of PEI blocks in RF.............. 159

Figure 6.6 Heating pattern of peanut butter with PEI blocks (a: height 0.1 cm, b: height 1.4 cm, c:

height 2.3 cm) in RF treatments ................................................................................................................ 160

Figure 6.7 Cross-sectional surface temperature distribution of peanut butter treated in RF with three

different methods (electrode gap is 10.1 cm) ............................................................................................ 161

Figure 7.1 An option for placement of RF pasteurization (in dash) in peanut butter industrial

processes ................................................................................................................................................... 165



Low moisture foods safety issues associated with Salmonella outbreaks have been a hot topic in

the area of food safety recently. In order to reduce the microbial hazard, radio frequency (RF) heating could

be introduced as a pasteurization technique. However, although RF provides a relatively uniform

temperature distribution in foods compared with a microwave, the edge over heating may still cause quality

deterioration while inactivating the bacteria. This study is to investigate the heating behavior of a low

moisture food in RF treatment and to explore heating uniformity improvement methods which are suitable

for packaged low moisture foods.

1. Background of current issues

Low moisture food can be defined as foods with a moisture content of less than 10% or water

activity below 0.60 (Gould, 1996). Many foods fall into the low moisture food category, most of which are

solid or semi-solid, e.g. dried noodles, crackers, roasted nuts, whole milk powder, dried spices, dehydrated

soup, cereals, agricultural seeds, wheat flour, beef jerky, chocolate syrup, peanut butter and paste.

Since the low water activity environment is not suitable for bacteria multiplication (Fig. 1.1), most

of the low moisture foods are not required to be pasteurized or sterilized before coming into the market.

However, recent Salmonella outbreaks associated with low moisture foods, e.g. pet food (2012), pine nuts

(2011), pepper (2011), pistachio (2009) and rice cereal (2008), and peanut butter (2007, 2009, 2012), show

that low moisture foods could also be contaminated by pathogens and cause illness (CDC, 2011; 2012). A

serious outbreak in peanut butter in 2009 resulted in 9 deaths and more than 714 illnesses among consumers

from 46 states, along with a huge economic loss from companies because of recalled products and legal

cases (Wittenberger, 2010). Another peanut butter contamination case, recently found in New Mexico, was

related to Salmonella and caused 38 sicknesses in 20 states (CDC, 2012). These outbreaks are mainly due

to the cross contamination of pathogens during multiple-step food processing; the introduced bacteria

survived in the low moisture environment and cause sickness in human beings without multiplication.

Kapperud et al. (1990) reported that only 1cfu/g of Salmonella in chocolate products caused 349 deaths in

Norway and Finland.

Thermal inactivation is one of the most effective means of pathogen control in food industries.

However, it has been reported that the heat resistance of bacteria is relatively higher in low water activity

(aw < 0.5) and high fat content food products (Barrile and Cone, 1970; Juneja and Eblen, 2000; Mattick et

al., 2000; Juneja et al., 2001; Mattick et al., 2001; Laroche et al., 2005; Villa-Rojas et al., 2013).

Furthermore, those traditional pasteurization methods (e.g. hot air, hot water, steam, etc.) are not suitable

for packaged foods since the packaging materials hinder heat transfer. Insufficient heating may result in

longer heating treatments, which usually damage the food quality and even increase the heat resistance of

bacteria (Chung et al., 2007). Therefore, novel post-packaging pasteurization technologies with fast heating

characteristic need to be developed to guarantee a desired log reduction of pathogens in the final food


2. Introduction of RF heating and its advantages

Radio frequency (RF) falls in the range of 3 kHz and 300 MHz in the electromagnetic spectrum.

Federal Communication Commission (FCC) assigned 13.56 ±0.00668, 27.12 ±0.0160 and 40.68 ±0.0200

MHz for RF being uses in industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) applications. The principle of RF heating

is the molecules/ions in foods are rotating/vibrating to adapt to the alternating electric field, and the friction

during movements generates heat. Compared with microwave energy, RF energy has the advantage of

heating bulk food because of its relatively longer wavelength (7.4–22.1 m in vacuum). A comparison of

characteristics of microwave and RF energy was summarized in Table 1.1.

RF heating is proposed as a promising technology in the food industry due to its rapid and

volumetric heating, larger penetration depth and high energy efficiency. Because of these advantages, RF

heating technology has been found helpful in preventing loss of quality due to oxidative and non-oxidative

browning, protein and lipid oxidation, vitamins loss, dehydration, production of undesirable aromas and off

flavor compounds and loss of natural color (Wang et al., 2006). RF heating has been studied for being

applied in biscuits post-baking (Mermelstein, 1998, Piyasena, Dussault et al., 2003), meat thawing (Farag

et al., 2011), meat cooking (Laycock et al., 2003; Zhang et al., 2004; Guo et al., 2006), disinfestation of

walnuts (Wang et al., 2001; Wang et al., 2002; Wang et al., 2003; Mitcham et al., 2004; Wang et al., 2005;

Wang et al., 2006b; Wang et al., 2007a; Wang et al., 2007b; Wang et al., 2008c), beans (Jiao et al., 2011),

legumes (Guo et al., 2010; Wang et al., 2010), coffee beans (Pan et al., 2012), persimmons (Monzon et al.,

2007; Tiwari et al., 2008), apples (Ikediala et al., 2000; Birla et al., 2004; Wang et al., 2006a; Birla et al.,

2008), oranges (Birla et al., 2004; Birla et al., 2005), and cherries (Ikediala et al., 2002). For bacteria control,

the potentials of RF sterilization and pasteurization were investigated in egg products (Luechapattanaporn

et al., 2005), mashed potatoes (Wang et al., 2008a), meat (Byrne et al., 2010), white bread (Liu et al., 2011),

almonds (Gao et al., 2011) peaches and nectarines (Casals et al., 2010; Sisquella et al., 2014) and meat

lasagna (Wang et al., 2012). However, very little research has focused on RF pasteurization when applied

to low moisture foods.

RF heating has not been widely applied in low moisture foods pasteurization because of the

following reasons: (1) the cause of non-uniform heating is not well understood; (2) limited means of heating

uniformity improvement of low moisture foods have been reported; and (3) the potential of computer

simulation modeling has not been fully explored and applied for development of heating uniformity

optimization methods.

3. Current research directions in RF heating uniformity improvement

Non-uniform heating may cause overheating in foods, which degrades food quality. Researchers

have investigated several ways to improve the RF heating uniformity for post-harvest pest control in

agricultural commodities and pre-packaged military foods.

Ikediala et al. (2002) used saline water to match the dielectric properties of cherries to reduce the

localized overheating for controlling codling moth infestation. The temperature difference between the pit

and surface of cherries was reduced to 1 ºC. Based on the water immersion method, Birla et al. (2004; 2005)

developed a fruit mover to rotate oranges and apples which were immersed in tap water, and controlled the

temperature uniformity within 3.1 ºC when average temperature increases 30 ºC in 7.8 min. However, the

water immersion system and fruit mover setup were complicated and not easily scaled up for industrial use.

Wang et al. (2008b) also conducted a study for pre-packaged mashed potatoes heated in RF systems with

circulating water to remove the heat accumulation at the edges. Water with various electrical conductivities

was tested for heating rate, and the highest electrical conductivity (220 S/m) can reduce the hot and cold

spot temperature difference from 30.9 to 24.2 ºC, and 22.4 to 13.6 ºC on different mashed potato samples.

Wang et al. (2005) developed an intermittent stirring method during RF treatments to improve the

heating uniformity for in-shell walnut disinfestation. A mathematical model was developed to study the

influence of intermittent stirrings on heating uniformity. The results showed a minimum of two stirrings

were needed for desired uniformity and insect mortality. Another work from Wang et al. (2007a) tested

four methods with different combinations: washing, moving, mixing and hot air. The goal was to find which

combination had the best uniformity. Result showed the unwashed walnut with moving, mixing and hot air

assistance could achieve a satisfactory heating uniformity. Gao et al. (2010) developed an almond

disinfestation protocol using RF heating combined with hot air, movement and mixing, and achieved a good

heating uniformity. However, in the pasteurization protocol also developed by Gao et al. (2011), only hot

air was used since mixing would contaminate the almonds by potentially introducing pathogens. Several

researchers also used combination methods for improving the heating uniformity, e.g.: hot water and RF

combination heating method was used by Sosa-Morales (2009) for mango insect control, and hot air and

RF combination method was used by Liu et al. (2011) for white bread treatment.

Recently, Alfaifi et al. (2013) made a modification to the top electrode in the RF machine by adding

a bended angle and modifying setback distance, and found that a 90 ºC angle and a 2 cm setback can

optimize the heating uniformity of raisins in bulk. This method solved the non-uniform heating problem

for agricultural products treated in a rectangular box, and it can be extended to other food material with

different shapes and for different heating purposes.

4. Justifications and objectives

Although several means were developed for improving RF heating uniformity, very few of them

could be directly applied to pre-packaged low moisture foods. Systematical studies need to be conducted

to understand the fundamentals of low moisture food heating behavior in RF systems and the cause of non-

uniform heating in order to develop better means for pre-packaged low moisture foods pasteurization.

The objectives of this study are to: (1) determine dielectric, physical and thermal properties of

peanut butter with a range of water activities at different temperatures (20‒90 ºC) and frequencies (10‒1800

MHz), and to find the relationship between dielectric properties and RF heating; (2) develop a computer

model to simulate foods in RF heating for heating pattern prediction and to validate the model with

experiments; and (3) explore heating uniformity improvement methods for low moisture foods in a 27.12

MHz 6 kW RF system with the assistance of the validated model.

5. Outline of the dissertation

This dissertation is divided into seven chapters:

Chapter one describes the current research directions and the objectives of this study. A general

introduction is provided on the current issues related to Salmonella outbreaks in low moisture foods. An

introduction to RF was provided and the research gap needed to be filled was specified.

Chapter two reviews the application of RF heating, the dielectric properties of low moisture foods,

mathematical modeling methods and heating uniformity improvement methods for RF heating.

Chapter three presents methodologies and results for thermal and dielectric properties of peanut

butter with different moisture contents in RF and MW ranges (10‒1800 MHz) and over different

temperature ranges (20‒90 ºC).

Chapter four establishes the relationship between dielectric properties and heating rate with a

mathematical model, and is validated by experiments with two different model foods with a wide range of

dielectric properties.

Chapter five explores the potential of using a set of PEI sheets surrounding peanut butter to improve

its heating uniformity in RF treatments. Temperature distribution on the surface and inside of the peanut

butter was measured after RF treatment with and without PEI sheets.

Chapter six provides computer simulation and optimization results for heating uniformity

improvement with PEI blocks on top and bottom of peanut butter. The optimized diameter and height of

PEI blocks were found, and the effectiveness of combining PEI surrounding and the additional method was


Chapter seven summarizes the main conclusions and contributions of the completed work and

provides recommendations for further research.

In this dissertation, chapter four and five were published. A list of articles published from this

research are shown below:

1. Jiao, Y., Tang, J., Wang, S., Koral, T., 2014. The influence of dielectric properties on the heating

rate in free running oscillator radio frequency heating. Journal of Food Engineering, 120: 197–203.

(Chapter Four)

2. Jiao, Y., Tang, J., Wang, S., 2014. A new Strategy to improve heating uniformity of low moisture

foods in radio frequency treatment for pathogen control. Journal of Food Engineering, 141: 128–138.

(Chapter Five)


Alfaifi, B., 2013. Disinfestation of dried fruits using radio frequency energy, Washington State University,

Pullman, 200 pp.

Barrile, J.C. and Cone, J.F., 1970. Effect of added moisture on the heat resistance of Salmonella anatum in

milk chocolate. Applied Microbiology, 19(1): 177-178.

Birla, S.L., Wang, S., Tang, J., Fellman, J.K., Mattinson, D.S. and Lurie, S., 2005. Quality of oranges as

influenced by potential radio frequency heat treatments against Mediterranean fruit flies.

Postharvest Biology and Technology, 38(1): 66-79.

Birla, S.L., Wang, S., Tang, J. and Hallman, G., 2004. Improving heating uniformity of fresh fruit in radio

frequency treatments for pest control. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 33(2): 205-217.

Birla, S.L., Wang, S., Tang, J. and Tiwari, G., 2008. Characterization of radio frequency heating of fresh

fruits influenced by dielectric properties. Journal of Food Engineering, 89(4): 390-398.

Byrne, B., Lyng, J.G., Dunne, G. and Bolton, D.J., 2010. Radio frequency heating of comminuted meats -

Considerations in relation to microbial challenge studies. Food Control, 21(2): 125-131.

Casals, C., Viñas, I., Landl, A., Picouet, P., Torres, R. and Usall, J., 2010. Application of radio frequency

heating to control brown rot on peaches and nectarines. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 58(3):


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CDC, 2012. Salmonella Outbreaks. http://www.cdc.gov/salmonella/outbreaks.html#2012

Chung, H., Wang, S., Tang, J., 2007. Influence of heat transfer in test tubes on measured thermal

inactivation parameters for Escherichia coli. Journal of Food Protection, 70(4): 851-859.

Farag, K.W., Lyng, J.G., Morgan, D.J. and Cronin, D.A., 2011. A comparison of conventional and radio

frequency thawing of beef meats: effects on product temperature distribution. Food and Bioprocess

Technology, 4(7): 1128-1136.

Gao, M., Tang, J., Villa-Rojas, R., Wang, Y. and Wang, S., 2011. Pasteurization process development for

controlling Salmonella in in-shell almonds using radio frequency energy. Journal of Food

Engineering, 104(2): 299-306.

Gao, M., Tang, J., Wang, Y., Powers, J. and Wang, S., 2010. Almond quality as influenced by radio

frequency heat treatments for disinfestation. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 58(3): 225-231.

Gould, G.W., 1996. Methods for preservation and extension of shelf life. International Journal of Food

Microbiology, 33(1): 51-64.

Guo, Q., Piyasena, P., Mittal, G.S., Si, W. and Gong, J., 2006. Efficacy of radio frequency cooking in the

reduction of Escherichia coli and shelf stability of ground beef. Food Microbiology, 23(2): 112-


Guo, W.C., Wang, S.J., Tiwari, G., Johnson, J.A. and Tang, J.M., 2010. Temperature and moisture

dependent dielectric properties of legume flour associated with dielectric heating. LWT-Food

Science and Technology, 43(2): 193-201.

Ikediala, J.N., Hansen, J.D., Tang, J., Drake, S.R. and Wang, S., 2002. Development of a saline water

immersion technique with RF energy as a postharvest treatment against codling moth in cherries.

Postharvest Biology and Technology, 24(1): 25-37.

Ikediala, J.N., Tang, J., Drake, S.R. and Neven, L.G., 2000. Dielectric properties of apple cultivars and

codling moth larvae. Transactions of the ASAE, 43(5): 1175-1184.

Jiao, S., Tang, J., Johnson, J.A., Tiwari, G. and Wang, S., 2011. Determining radio frequency heating

uniformity of mixed beans for disinfestation treatments. Transactions of the ASABE, 54(5): 1847-


Juneja, V.K. and Eblen, B.S., 2000. Heat inactivation of Salmonella typhimurium DT104 in beef as affected

by fat content. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 30(6): 461-467.

Juneja, V.K., Eblen, B.S. and Marks, H.M., 2001. Modeling non-linear survival curves to calculate thermal

inactivation of Salmonella in poultry of different fat levels. International Journal of Food

Microbiology, 70(1-2): 37-51.

Kapperud, G., Gustavsen, S., Hellesnes, I., Hansen, A.H., Lassen, J., Hirn, J., Jahkola, M., Montenegro,

M.A. and Helmuth, R., 1990. Outbreak of Salmonella-Typhimurium infection traced to

contaminated chocolate and caused by a strain lacking the 60-Megadalton virulence plasmid.

Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 28(12): 2597-2601.

Laroche, A., Fine, F. and Gervais, P., 2005. Water activity affects heat resistance of microorganisms in

food powders. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 97(3): 307-315.

Laycock, L., Piyasena, P. and Mittal, G.S., 2003. Radio frequency cooking of ground, comminuted and

muscle meat products. Meat Science, 65(3): 959-965.

Liu, Y., Tang, J., Mao, Z., Mah, J.M., Jiao, S. and Wang, S., 2011. Quality and mold control of enriched

white bread by combined radio frequency and hot air treatment. Journal of Food Engineering,

104(4): 492-498.

Luechapattanaporn, K., Wang, Y.F., Wang, J., Tang, J.M., Hallberg, L.M. and Dunne, C.P., 2005.

Sterilization of scrambled eggs in military polymeric trays by radio frequency energy. Journal of

Food Science, 70(4): E288-E294.

Mattick, K.L., Jorgensen, F., Legan, J.D., Lappin-Scott, H.M. and Humphrey, T.J., 2000. Habituation of

Salmonella spp. at reduced water activity and its effect on heat tolerance. Applied and

Environmental Microbiology, 66(11): 4921-4925.

Mattick, K.L., Jorgensen, F., Wang, P., Pound, J., Vandeven, M.H., Ward, L.R., Legan, J.D., Lappin-Scott,

H.M. and Humphrey, T.J., 2001. Effect of challenge temperature and solute type on heat tolerance

of Salmonella serovars at low water activity. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 67(9):


Mitcham, E.J., Veltman, R.H., Feng, X., de Castro, E., Johnson, J.A., Simpson, T.L., Biasi, W.V., Wang,

S. and Tang, J., 2004. Application of radio frequency treatments to control insects in in-shell

walnuts. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 33(1): 93-100.

Monzon, M.E., Biasi, B., Mitcham, E.J., Wang, S.J., Tang, J.M. and Hallman, G., 2007. Effect of

radiofrequency heating on the quality of 'Fuyu' persimmon fruit as a treatment for control of the

Mexican fruit fly. Hortscience, 42(1): 125-129.

Pan, L., Jiao, S., Wang, S., Gautz, L. and Kang, T., 2012. Developing radio frequency postharvest treatment

protocol for disinfesting coffee beans. Transactions of the ASABE, 55(6): 2293-2300.

Sisquella, M., Viñas, I., Picouet, P., Torres, R. and Usall, J., 2014. Effect of host and Monilinia spp.

variables on the efficacy of radio frequency treatment on peaches. Postharvest Biology and

Technology, 87: 6-12.

Sosa-Morales, M.E., Tiwari, G., Wang, S., Tang, J., Garcia, H.S. and Lopez-Malo, A., 2009. Dielectric

heating as a potential post-harvest treatment of disinfesting mangoes, Part II: Development of RF-

based protocols and quality evaluation of treated fruits. Biosystems Engineering, 103(3): 287-296.

Tiwari, G., Wang, S., Birla, S.L. and Tang, J., 2008. Effect of water-assisted radio frequency heat treatment

on the quality of 'Fuyu' persimmons. Biosystems Engineering, 100(2): 227-234.

Wang, J., Luechapattanaporn, K., Wang, Y.F. and Tang, J.M., 2012. Radio-frequency heating of

heterogeneous food - Meat lasagna. Journal of Food Engineering, 108(1): 183-193.

Wang, J., Olsen, R.G., Tang, J. and Tang, Z., 2008a. Influence of mashed potato dielectric properties and

circulating water electric conductivity on radio frequency heating at 27 MHz. The Journal of

microwave power and electromagnetic energy : a publication of the International Microwave Power

Institute, 42(2): 31-46.

Wang, J., Olsen, R.G., Tang, J. and Tang, Z., 2008b. Influence of mashed potato dielectric properties and

circulating water electric conductivity on radio frequency heating at 27 MHz. Journal of Microwave

Power and Electromagnetic Energy, 42(2): 31-46.

Wang, S., Birla, S.L., Tang, J. and Hansen, J.D., 2006a. Postharvest treatment to control codling moth in

fresh apples using water assisted radio frequency heating. Postharvest Biology and Technology,

40(1): 89-96.

Wang, S., Ikediala, J.N., Tang, J., Hansen, J.D., Mitcham, E., Mao, R. and Swanson, B., 2001. Radio

frequency treatments to control codling moth in in-shell walnuts. Postharvest Biology and

Technology, 22(1): 29-38.

Wang, S., Monzon, A., Johnson, J.A., Mitcham, E.J. and Tang, J., 2007a. Industrial-scale radio frequency

treatments for insect control in walnuts I: Heating uniformity and energy efficiency. Postharvest

Biology and Technology, 45(2): 240-246.

Wang, S., Monzon, M., Johnson, J.A., Mitcham, E.J. and Tang, J., 2007b. Industrial-scale radio frequency

treatments for insect control in walnuts II: Insect mortality and product quality. Postharvest Biology

and Technology, 45(2): 247-253.

Wang, S., Tang, J., Cavalieri, R.P. and Davies, D.C., 2003. Differential heating of insects in dried nuts and

fruits associated with radio frequency and microwave treatments. Transactions of the ASAE, 46(4):


Wang, S., Tang, J., Johnson, J.A., Mitcham, E., Hansen, J.D., Cavalieri, R.P., Bower, J. and Biasi, B., 2002.

Process protocols based on radio frequency energy to control field and storage pests in in-shell

walnuts. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 26(3): 265-273.

Wang, S., Tang, J., Sun, T., Mitcham, E.J., Koral, T. and Birla, S.L., 2006b. Considerations in design of

commercial radio frequency treatments for postharvest pest control in in-shell walnuts. Journal of

Food Engineering, 77(2): 304-312.

Wang, S., Tiwari, G., Jiao, S., Johnson, J.A. and Tang, J., 2010. Developing postharvest disinfestation

treatments for legumes using radio frequency energy. Biosystems Engineering, 105(3): 341-349.

Wang, S., Yue, J., Chen, B. and Tang, J., 2008c. Treatment design of radio frequency heating based on

insect control and product quality. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 49(3): 417-423.

Wang, S., Yue, J., Tang, J. and Chen, B., 2005. Mathematical modelling of heating uniformity for in-shell

walnuts subjected to radio frequency treatments with intermittent stirrings. Postharvest Biology

and Technology, 35(1): 97-107.

Wittenberger, a.D., 2010. Peanut outlook: Impacts of the 2008-09 foodborne illness outbreak linked to

Salmonella in peanuts (OCS-10a-01). U.E.R. Service (ed.).

Zhang, L., Lyng, J.G. and Brunton, N.P., 2004. Effect of radio frequency cooking on the texture, colour

and sensory properties of a large diameter comminuted meat product. Meat Science, 68(2): 257-


Table 1.1 Comparison between RF and microwave characteristics in food processing application

RF Microwave

Working frequency 13.56, 27.12, 40.68 MHz 915, 2450 MHz

Wavelength (in vacuum) 22.1, 11.1, 7.4 m 0.33, 0.12 m

Penetration depth (in tap water) 1.58, 0.79, 0.53 m 0.02, 0.01 m

Major heating mechanism ionic charge migration dipole molecule rotation

System construction/cost simple/low complicate/high

Limit of bacteria growth
Osmophilic yeast

Xerophilic moulds




0 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

Water activity (aw)

Figure 1.1 Microbial stability as affected by environmental water activity (Adapted from Buechat,






1. Introduction

Bacterial inactivation in low moisture foods is an urgent need due to large scale outbreaks all over

the United States. Because of the distinct properties of low moisture foods, traditional thermal inactivation

methods are unable to eliminate the residual pathogens while still providing high quality foods. Radio

frequency (RF) heating has been considered as a possible novel pasteurization method because of its

volumetric heating property. The volumetric and fast heating process can potentially reduce the pathogen

population without damaging food quality. The objective of this review is to provide the basics of RF

heating, RF systems, dielectric properties of low moisture foods, approaches of RF heating process

modeling and strategies for heating uniformity improvement.

2. RF fundamentals

2.1. Dielectric properties

Dielectric properties, also called relative permittivity, are intrinsic properties of materials

describing the degree of a material’s interaction with an alternative electrical field, and quantifying its

ability for reflecting, storing and transmitting electromagnetic energy. The dielectric properties can be

expressed as:

 *  ‘ - j " (1)

Where 𝜀 ∗ is the complex relative (to vacuum) permittivity; ε’ is the relative dielectric constant,

which is a measure of the ability of a material to store electromagnetic energy; ε” is the relative dielectric

loss factor, which is a measure of the ability of a material to dissipate electromagnetic energy into heat.

Many factors affect the dielectric properties of a material, such as frequency, temperature, food composition

and density.

Penetration depth (dp, m) is defined as the distance from the surface of a dielectric material when

the incident power is reduced to 1/e (e = 2.718) of the power while electromagnetic waves penetrate a

certain dielectric material. Penetration depth was calculated using the following equation (Von Hippel,


c (2)
dp  1
   2
   

2 2 f    1     1 
     
  

where c is the speed of light in free space (3×108 m/s).

The dielectric properties of various low moisture foods including grains, pecans, walnuts, almonds,

peanuts and chestnuts with different water contents at various frequencies and temperatures have been

reported by many researchers (Nelson, 1981; Lawrence et al., 1992; Wang et al., 2003; Boldor et al., 2004;

Sacilik et al., 2006; Guo et al., 2011; Gao et al., 2012; Zhu et al., 2012). The results from the literature show

that both dielectric constant and loss factor increase with increasing water content and temperature, and

decrease with increasing frequency in low moisture foods.

Most of the low moisture material has relatively low dielectric property values (ε’, ε” < 20) at room

temperature and RF frequency. When the frequency is below 100 MHz (frequency falls into RF range), the

dominating mechanisms of energy loss become ionic conduction, bound water relaxation and Maxwell-

Wagner effect (Fig 2.1) (Tang, Feng, & Lau, 2002, Chapter 1, based on Harvey & Hoekstra, 1972; Kuang

& Nelson, 1998; Metaxas & Meredith, 1993; Roebuck & Goldblith, 1972). In a low moisture food system,

ionic effects are not effective because of the lack of free water, so the other two mechanisms are dominating

the dielectric properties. Bound water is a form of water that has its mobility between ice and free water.

Since the relaxation frequency depends on the mobility of water molecules, bound water molecules have a

lower relaxation frequency that free water, at around 100 MHz (room temperature), and the magnitude is

much smaller than free water as well (Ryynanen, 1995). Maxwell-Wagner’s effect is also called an

“interfacial loss mechanism”, which is the result of alternative accumulation of charged ions at the interface

of heterogeneous dielectrics. That is, when a conductive phase is attached to a non-conductive phase, the

ionic charges gather at the interface and migrate between two adjacent interfaces in an alternating field.

The Maxwell-Wagner’s effect usually occurs at a frequency of 0.1 MHz (Meakins, 1961; Metaxas and

Meredith, 1983). It could be found that both the bound water effect and Maxwell-Wagner’s effect contribute

to the dielectric properties at a very low range comparing with free water and ionic effect. This explains the

low values of dielectric properties in low moisture foods.

Food composition also affects the value of dielectric properties. Low moisture foods possess a low

dielectric property because of the lack of water. Review articles showed all other nutrition facts including

carbohydrates, protein, ash and fat have very low dielectric properties without being dissolved in water

(Calay et al., 1994; Venkatesh and Raghavan, 2004). Several studies have been conducted on the dielectric

properties of low water and high fat content paste-like food materials, such as butter and butter oil (Ahmed

et al., 2007a) and rice slurry (Ahmed et al., 2007b). Results show that fat content negatively affected the

dielectric loss factor of foods.

2.2. Radio frequency heating

Radio frequency (RF) occupies a section of the electromagnetic wave frequency band of 3 kHz to

300 MHz. Three particular frequencies (13.56, 27.12 and 40.68 MHz) were selected by Federal

Communications Commission (FCC) for industrial, science and medical (ISM) use to prevent disturbance

in telecommunications. RF has a comparatively long wavelength (7~22 m in vacuum), which is able to

penetrate relatively thick food materials and result in a good heating uniformity.

The amount of power conversion from electromagnetic energy to thermal energy depends on the

dielectric properties of the food, working frequency, and the electric field strength in the foods (Metaxas,


P  2f 0 " E (3)

where P is the power conversion in foods per unit volume (W m-3), f is the working frequency of the RF

equipment (Hz), ε0 is the permittivity of electromagnetic wave in free space (8.854 × 10 -12 F m-1), and E

is the electric field intensity in the food material (V m-1).

The electric field intensity was obtained from Maxwell’s equations.

  E   (4)

  H   c E   0  '  j ''  Et (5)

  D  v (6)

 H  0 (7)

where E is the electric field (V m-1), H is the magnetic field (A m-2), D is the electric flux density (C m-2),

ε’ and ε” are the dielectric constant and loss factor, μ is the magnetic permeability (H m-1), ρv is the free

volume charge density (C m-3), and σc is the electrical conductivity of food material (S m-1).

Maxwell equations can be simplified to the Laplace equation with a quasi-static field approximation

in order to simplify the solving procedure. The quasi-static field approximation is assuming the heat

generation in food is much slower than the electric field variation in a time step, so the system can be seen

as at equilibrium at all times. The RF field can be seen as a time harmonic field, and the electric field

strength can be expressed in Eq. (8)

E  E0 e jt (8)

where ω =2πf is the angular velocity (rad s-1) and t is the period (s).

Under time harmonic condition, put Eq (8) into Eq (5), we can obtain

    
  H   c  j 0  '  j '' E   c   0 ''  j ' E  J (9)

where J is the current density (A m-2).

Since   J  0 and E  V , Eq. (9) can also be written as

     j 20' V   0 (10)

where    c   0 '' is the overall electrical conductivity of food. Eq. (10) is the Laplace equation,

which can be solved to obtain the electric field distribution. The Laplace equation is a solution of Maxwell’s

equations under time harmonic conditions.

2.3. RF equipment

RF heating equipment can be generally divided into two types: open circuit (also called free-

running oscillator) and 50 ohm technology based on their wave generation mechanisms, compositions and


An open circuit RF system consists of a high voltage transformer, a rectifier, an oscillator tube, a

tuned circuit, an impedance coupling and matching circuit, and an applicator (Fig. 2.2). The line power

from the wall is transformed to a high voltage, and converted into DC power by a rectifier. The oscillator

tube excited high frequency alternating electromagnetic waves and transports them to the tank circuit in

order to be tuned to a specific working frequency and to match the load. The applicator receives the high

frequency electromagnetic wave, and the load in it converts the electromagnetic wave into heat.

A 50 ohm RF system consists of a fixed-frequency crystal driven oscillator, a solid state amplifier,

a dynamic automatic impedance matching network and an applicator (Fig. 2.3). The oscillator, amplifier

and matching network are connected with 50 ohm cables. The fixed-frequency crystal driven oscillator (e.g.

quartz) can precisely control the frequency of the RF generator of fixed output impedance (50 ohm). The

load has to match 50 ohm in order to achieve a maximum power transfer. The power consumption and

voltage of the electrode can be displayed on the control panel.

The open circuit RF system is the most common design of RF heater, 98% of all industrial size RF

heaters are based on this technique. The most popular use of this type of RF system is for drying textiles,

paper, lumber, glass fiber etc. It is simple, less costly, and flexible because of the distinct selective heating

characteristic. However, the frequency stability and harmonic output is not as good as 50 ohm technology,

and may cause RF interference with other frequency bands. A 50 ohm system, on the other hand, is a

recently developed design of RF system. It has a more stable frequency output since the matching system

in the RF heater is automatically adjusted to maintain the load impedance at 50 ohm. The maximum power

transfer to the load can be guaranteed in this design. The 50 ohm systems are more expensive than open

circuit systems, and have not been popularly used by industries (Koral, 2013). Table 2.1 summarized the

advantages and disadvantages of open circuit and 50 ohm RF heating systems. To conclude, the 50 ohm

system is more suitable for food pasteurization/sterilization because of the accurate control in frequency

and power, and the open circuit system is a better choice for drying purposes.

3. RF heating in low moisture foods pasteurization/sterilization

Nelson et al. (1984) utilized RF heating (39 MHz) on alfalfa seeds (3.2–8.5% w.b. moisture content,

25 gram, and 1.59 cm height per batch) for reducing Salmonella, E. Coli O157:H7 and Listeria

monocytogenes populations. Slight bacteria reductions (1.81, 1.40, 1.10 log cfu/g) were achieved for

Salmonella, E. Coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes with an exposure time of 69, 20, 18 sec without

significantly damaging the germination rate. However, 5 log cfu/g reduction was not achieved without

severe reduction in germination.

Lagunas-Solar et al. (2005) investigated the effectiveness of RF pasteurization (6-14 MHz, 0.17-

1.2 kW) in both inoculated (50 g) and packaged (1 kg) fishmeal pasteurization. The fishmeal is a

heterogeneous mixture of particles with a moisture content of 7–10 % (w.b.). The research showed that RF

resulted in uniform and rapid heating with a ¼ energy (comparing with traditional surface heating) and

provided a >5 log10 reduction for Salmonella spp. and E. coli O157:H7. Protein losses, lipid oxidation and

decreased digestibility were found in fish meal treated with traditional surface heating methods, but not in

RF treated one.

Gao et al. (2011) used a hot air assisted RF system (27.12 MHz, 6 kW) to inactivate the S. enteritidis

PT 30 in in-shell almonds (aw = 0.4–0.5) for a 5 log reduction. Since the bacteria only existed at the surface

of the almond shell and was more resistant in dry environment than moist conditions, a pre-soaking method

was developed to make the almond shells be heated faster than the kernels so that the bacteria were

inactivated without damaging the quality of the almond kernels. The shell was dried to the original moisture

content by both RF energy and hot air after processing. The results showed a 5 log reduction of S. enteritidis

PT 30 after being held at 73 ºC for 1.5 min, dried with 55 ºC air for 13 min, and cooled by a fan to 30 ºC.

An accelerated storage test showed the quality of almond treated by RF energy did not change significantly

even after 2 years of storage at 4 ºC.

Kim et al. (2012) explored the efficacy of RF heating (27 MHz, 9 kW, 50 ohm system) to inactivate

Salmonella and E. Coli O157:H7 in black and red pepper powder. The bacteria was inoculated in three

different particle sizes of black and red peppers and treated by RF energy for 50 s and 40 s, respectively.

Results showed Salmonella population was reduced 2.80 and 4.29 log10 cfu g-1 in black pepper, and 3.38

and > 5 log10 cfu g-1in red pepper for 50 and 40 s RF heating, respectively. Jeong and Kang (2014) studied

the influence of moisture content of powdered red and black pepper spices (red pepper 12.6–23.3% and

black pepper 10.1–30.5%, w.b.) inoculated with E Coli O:157 H:7 and Salmonella. The results showed the

inactivation rate was dependent on moisture content since it influenced the dielectric properties. The

treatment time also varied with moisture content to reach > 7 log10 cfu g-1.

The results above were listed in Table 2.2.

4. Mathematical modeling approaches in determining RF heating pattern of foods

Yang et al. (2003) used a computer program package TLM-FOOD-HEATING to simulate the RF

heating process (1 kW, 35 MHz) on radish and alfalfa seeds. The electromagnetic problem was solved by

TLM (transmission line method) and heat diffusion was solved by FDTD (finite difference time domain)

method. The differences between experiment and simulation results in both radish and alfalfa seeds were

1.8, 1.1, 8.9, 13.6 and 0.9, 2.4, 7.8 and 14.3 ºC at the center, top, edge, and bottom locations, respectively,

when being heated from 25 to 80 ºC . From which it can be seen that the simulation result had a larger error

at the edge and bottom locations. The author claimed this difference was due to the insufficient description

of the boundary conditions.

Chan et al. (2004) used a FEM based commercial package named HFSS for solving the coupled

equations in a RF heating process (6 kW, 27 MHz) of 1% CMC solution. By comparing the S11 parameter,

phase, and heating patterns for load with different shape, size and positions, a good agreement from the

experiment and the simulation was found. However, the heating pattern of the CMC solution with

temperature distribution was only compared with the electric field pattern from the simulation. Thus, they

only drew a general conclusion describing the discrepancy between experiment and simulation results.

Jumah (2005) developed a mathematical model for RF-assisted fluidized bed drying of grains, and

solved the partial differential equations. Various frequencies and electric field strengths were tested for

temperature and moisture content change during drying. However, the simulation considered the food load

as a uniform temperature point, so no heating uniformity tests were conducted.

Within this decade, comprehensive studies were conducted by researchers with an FEM based

software, COMSOL Multiphysics® (FEMLAB). In these works, a quasi-static assumption was made since

the alternation of E-field and power conversion from electromagnetic energy to heat is much faster than

that of heat transfer in a time step.

Marra et al. (2007) developed a computer simulation model to simulate the meat batter being

subjected to RF treatment. The simulation results were validated by experiments with a 50 Ω system (600

W, 27.12 MHz). The results showed that an uneven temperature distribution existed in the cylinder meat

batter. The bottom had a higher heating rate than the upper part, and a higher applied power may result in

a more uneven temperature distribution.

Romano et al. (2008) did a numerical analysis with FEMLAB 3.1 on radio frequency heating (27.12

MHz) of regular shaped meat batters. Sample shape (cube, cylinder and sphere), orientation (horizontal and

vertical), electrode distance, sample/oven volume ratio and sample surface exposed in the electrode were

chosen as the influencing factors to test the effect on heating rate and uniformity. The results showed that

the sample shape had a great influence on heating rate and uniformity, and for a cylinder product, the

vertically oriented position may achieve a better heating uniformity. It was also found that the absorbed

power in foods were relatively stable when treated under 100 and 200 W, which was 40-60%, but varied

from 20-60% at 300 and 400 W. The sample with a sphere shape had the lowest power absorption among

all the shapes, followed by that in a horizontally placed cylinder.

Wang et al. (2008) developed and solved a mathematical model by COMSOL Multiphysics® for

studying the influence of dielectric properties on mashed potatoes and circulating water subjected into RF

heating (6 kW, 27.12 MHz). Several representative spots were chosen for comparison between the

experiment and simulation results, the differences between the highest and lowest temperature were < 12 °C

while the center temperature rose from room temperature to 55 ºC. The authors also found the relationship

between loss factor and heating rate was not positively linear from both experiments and simulations.

Tiwari et al. (2011b) developed and validated a model with COMSOL Multiphysics package for

flour in RF heating (12 kW, 27.12 MHz). The temperature distribution of flour in a rectangular box from

both simulation and experiment showed a good agreement. Tiwari et al. (2011a) conducted another research

on RF power distribution analysis that was based on a computer simulation. The influences of various

factors including shape, size, vertical position, and dielectric properties of food load were studied. The

results showed a smaller size, smaller dielectric properties, larger gap and ellipsoid shape food sample had

better heating uniformity. This might be due to the lower absorbed power in foods. A power uniformity

index was developed to describe the heating uniformity quantitatively.

Dev et al. (2012) conducted computer simulations with FEMLAB 3.4 for in-shell eggs with

different orientation and electric field strength in a 600 W 27.12 MHz 50 Ω RF system. Maxwell’s equations

and Fourier’s equation were solved for obtaining the temperature distribution in eggs. Experiments were

conducted with a mock egg with a transparent shell to validate the heating process and observe the non-

uniform heating by finding coagulation of the egg white. Simulation and experiment results agreed well,

and they showed that rotation improved the heating uniformity greatly.

It can be seen from literatures that the heating pattern of food in RF could be predicted by computer

modeling if parameters and conditions were properly set. In order to develop heating uniformity

improvement methods, computer modeling can be used as an efficient tool to understand the mechanisms,

test new strategies, optimize parameters and design appropriate RF treatment conditions for specific food



Ahmed, J., Ramaswamy, H.S. and Raghavan, V.G.S., 2007a. Dielectric properties of butter in the MW

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Boldor, D., Sanders, T.H. and Simunovic, J., 2004. Dielectric properties of in-shell and shelled peanuts at

microwave frequencies. Transactions of the ASAE, 47(4): 1159-1169.

Chan, T.V., Tang, J. , Younce, F. , 2004. 3-dimensional numerical modelling of an industrial radio

frequency heating system using finite elements. Journal of Microwave Powers and Electromagnetic

Energy, 39(2): 87-105.

Dev, S.K., Y. Gariepy, and V. G. S. Raghavan, 2012. Optimization of radiofrequency heating of in-shell

eggs through finite element modeling and experimental trials. Progress In Electromagnetics

Research, Vol. 45: 203-222.

Gao, M., Tang, J., Johnson, J.A. and Wang, S., 2012. Dielectric properties of ground almond shells in the

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112(4): 282-287.

Gao, M., Tang, J., Villa-Rojas, R., Wang, Y. and Wang, S., 2011. Pasteurization process development for

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Guo, W.C., Wu, X.L., Zhu, X.H. and Wang, S.J., 2011. Temperature-dependent dielectric properties of

chestnut and chestnut weevil from 10 to 4500 MHz. Biosystems Engineering, 110(3): 340-347.

Hasted, J.B., 1973. Aqueous dielectrics. Studies in chemical physics. Chapman and Hall, Distributed in the

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Jeong, S.G. and Kang, D.H., 2014. Influence of moisture content on inactivation of Escherichia coli

O157:H7 and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium in powdered red and black pepper spices

by radio-frequency heating. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 176: 15-22.

Jumah, R., 2005. Modelling and simulation of continuous and intermittent radio frequency-assisted

fluidized bed drying of grains. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 83(C3): 203-210.

Kim, S.Y., Sagong, H.G., Choi, S.H., Ryu, S. and Kang, D.H., 2012. Radio-frequency heating to inactivate

Salmonella Typhimurium and Escherichia coli O157:H7 on black and red pepper spice.

International Journal of Food Microbiology, 153(1-2): 171-175.

Lagunas-Solar, M.C. et al., 2005. Disinfection of fishmeal with radiofrequency heating for improved quality

and energy efficiency. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 85(13): 2273-2280.

Lawrence, K.C., Nelson, S.O. and Kraszewski, A.W., 1992. Temperature-Dependence of the Dielectric-

Properties of Pecans. Transactions of the ASAE, 35(1): 251-255.

Marra, F., Lyng, J., Romano, V. and McKenna, B., 2007. Radio-frequency heating of foodstuff: Solution

and validation of a mathematical model. Journal of Food Engineering, 79(3): 998-1006.

Meakins, R.J., 1961. Mechanisms of dielectric absorption in solids. Prog. Dielectrics, 3: 151.

Metaxas, A.C. and Meredith, R.J., 1983. Industrial microwave heating. P. Peregrinus on behalf of the

Institution of Electrical Engineers.

Nelson, S.O., 1981. Review of factors influncing the dielectric properties of cereal grains. Cereal

Chemistry, 58(6): 487-492.

Nelson, S.O., Stetson, L.E. and Wolf, W.W., 1984. Long-Term Effects of Rf Dielectric Heating on

Germination of Alfalfa Seed. Transactions of the Asae, 27(1): 255-258.

Romano, V. and Marra, F., 2008. A numerical analysis of radio frequency heating of regular shaped

foodstuff. Journal of Food Engineering, 84(3): 449-457.

Ryynanen, S., 1995. The Electromagnetic Properties of Food Materials - a Review of the Basic Principles.

Journal of Food Engineering, 26(4): 409-429.

Sacilik, K., Tarimci, C. and Colak, A., 2006. Dielectric properties of flaxseeds as affected by moisture

content and bulk density in the radio frequency range. Biosystems Engineering, 93(2): 153-160.

Tiwari, G., Wang, S., Tang, J. and Birla, S.L., 2011a. Analysis of radio frequency (RF) power distribution

in dry food materials. Journal of Food Engineering, 104(4): 548-556.

Tiwari, G., Wang, S., Tang, J. and Birla, S.L., 2011b. Computer simulation model development and

validation for radio frequency (RF) heating of dry food materials. Journal of Food Engineering,

105(1): 48-55.

Von Hippel, A.R., 1954. Dielectrics and waves. Wiley; Chapman & Hall, New York; London.

Wang, J., Olsen, R.G., Tang, J. and Tang, Z., 2008. Influence of mashed potato dielectric properties and

circulating water electric conductivity on radio frequency heating at 27 MHz. Journal of Microwave

Power and Electromagnetic Energy, 42(2): 31-46.

Wang, S., Tang, J., Cavalieri, R.P. and Davies, D.C., 2003. Differential heating of insects in dried nuts and

fruits associated with radio frequency and microwave treatments. Transactions of the ASAE, 46(4):


Yang, J., Zhao, Y. and Wells, J.H., 2003. Computer simulation of capacitive radio frequency (RF) dielectric

heating on vegetable sprout seeds. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 26(3): 239-263.

Zhao, Y.Y., Flugstad, B., Kolbe, E., Park, J.W. and Wells, J.H., 2000. Using capacitive (radio frequency)

dielectric heating in food processing and preservation - A review. Journal of Food Process

Engineering, 23(1): 25-55.

Zhu, X.H., Guo, W.C., Wu, X.L. and Wang, S.J., 2012. Dielectric properties of chestnut flour relevant to

drying with radio-frequency and microwave energy. Journal of Food Engineering, 113(1): 143-


Table 2.1 Comparison of open circuit and 50 ohm RF systems

Open circuit (Free running oscillator) 50 ohm technology

Application Most commonly used; more mature, New technology, few applications in
established knowledge. market.
Cost Low cost. High cost (the tetrode tube is much
more expensive than triode, and also a
load impedance matching circuit is
also costly; variable vacuum capacitors
are required but reliability is poor);
Expensive spare parts.
Complicity Simple to setup, operate and maintain. The installation and maintenance
requires specialist RF knowledge,
particularly in matching the generator
to the load.
Flexibility Can be used on various load Load impedance will be matched to 50
dimensions and properties, more ohms to maintain a fixed RF power
adaptable; dynamically match the load, level (accomplished by analyzing the
power is automatically controlled phase and the magnitude at the co-axial
(unique for moisture control). feed into the matching network).
Tuning range is wider. Does not have the ability to change
power according to the moisture
Power stability Varying power, has the advantage of Constant power.
selective heating, especially for drying.
Frequency Lack of frequency stability and Frequency is precisely controlled by
stability harmonic output: will result in RF the quartz crystal; harmonic free.
interference with communications or
other machinery. Shielding is more
important, requires a properly designed
harmonic filter to meet standards.

Table 2.2 Literature review of RF sterilization/pastuerization effect on pathogens in low moisture

food products

Frequency / Target Log

Food product aw / MC Temperature/time
power microorganism reduction

39 MHz / 3.2, 6.5, 113, 89, 86 ºC / 1.81, 1.40,
Alfalfa seeds E. coli,
3 kW 7.6% w.b. 69, 20, 18 sec 1.10
L. monocytogenes

6-14 MHz / 7-10% Salmonella >6.2

Fish mealb 90 ºC / 5 min
0.17–1.2 kW w.b. E. coli 5.3

27.12 MHz / aw = 0.4- S. enteritidis PT

Almondc 73 ºC/ 1.5 min 5
6 kW 0.5 30

27 MHz / Salmonella 62, 67 ºC / 2.80, 4.29

9 kW E. coli 50, 40 s 3.38, >5

27 MHz / Salmonella 35-80 s (red pepper) >7

9 kW E. coli 40-60 s (black pepper) >7

References: a (Nelson et al. 1984) b (Lagunas-Solar et al. 2005) c (Gao et al. 2011) d (Kim et al.

2012) e (Jeong and Kang, 2014)

Figure 2.1 Contribution of various mechanisms to the loss factor of food materials as functions of

frequency and temperature (Tang, Feng, & Lau, 2002, Chapter 1, based on Harvey & Hoekstra, 1972;

Kuang & Nelson, 1998; Metaxas & Meredith, 1993; Roebuck & Goldblith, 1972)

Figure 2.2 Scheme of a typical open circuit RF system (adapted from Zhao et al., 2000)

Crystal Automatic
50 W Dielectric
controlled Matching
Amplifier applicator
Oscillator Network

50 ohm Cables

Figure 2.3 Composition of a 50 ohm RF system





Commercial peanut butter was used as a model food and conditioned to 5 different water contents

for representing semi-solid types of food products. The water activity, density, dielectric properties, specific

heat and thermal conductivity of samples were either determined or predicted at temperatures from 20 to

90 °C and 5 water contents: 1.3, 4, 10, 16 and 22 g water /100 g sample. The results showed that density,

specific heat and thermal conductivity increased with water content increase. Both dielectric constant and

loss factor showed an evident increasing trend with increasing water content and temperature, and

decreasing frequency except 1.3 and 4 g water /100 g samples which had increasing loss factors with

increasing frequency. Wave penetration depths calculated based on dielectric properties decreased with

increasing water content, frequency, and temperature. The results in this study will used in radio frequency

heating computer simulations as input parameters and Salmonella inactivation rate study in peanut butter

in the future.

Keywords: Peanut butter; radio frequency; dielectric properties; thermal properties; water activity.

1. Introduction

Peanut butter, a popular snack with an aromatic flavor and smooth mouth-feel, is often used as a

sandwich spread and baking ingredient. In the United States, 1 billion pounds of peanut butter has been

consumed per year since 2009, and the amount keeps increasing (NASS, 2012). However, a series of

multistate salmonella outbreaks related to peanut butter and paste recently happened in the United States

and other parts of the world, thus making peanut butter face serious food safety issues (Burnett et al., 2000;

Shachar and Yaron, 2006). The most recent outbreak in 2009 in the U.S. resulted in 9 deaths and more than

714 illnesses in consumers, along with the bankruptcy of reputation and huge economic loss from

companies who recalled products and suffered the resulting legal cases (Wittenberger, 2010). To prevent

the spread of illness and the resulting economic loss, the peanut butter industry is seeking a post packaged

pasteurization technology to ensure food safety.

Due to the low heat conduction rate in low moisture foods, traditional pasteurization methods, like

hot water, hot air, steam etc. may not work efficiently on peanut butter pasteurization. The slow heat transfer

could also cause the generation of heat shock protein in the bacteria, which will increase the heat resistance

of bacteria in the food material and make pasteurization even harder to accomplish (Chung et al, 2007).

Dielectric heating, including microwave and radio frequency heating, applies high energy electromagnetic

waves to food products, initiates ionic conductance and dipole rotation of water molecules, and results in a

volumetric heat generation in food materials (Nelson, 1996; Piyasena et al., 2003). Dielectric heating

methods have been recently applied to sterilization and pasteurization in agricultural and food products

(Luechapattanaporn et al., 2005; Byrne et al., 2010; Gao et al., 2011). With its advantages of relatively fast

and uniform, dielectric heating could be potentially applied to peanut butter pasteurization. Physical,

thermal and dielectric properties are thus needed to understand the interaction between the peanut butter

and the electromagnetic energy and predict the heating behavior during RF treatment.

Dielectric properties are the intrinsic properties of a material and can be described as     j ,
* ' ''

where the real part  ' is called the dielectric constant, and the imaginary part  '' is called the loss factor.

These two components are used to describe the ability of energy storage and conversion from

electromagnetic energy to heat. Thermal and physical properties also play important roles in RF heating

since the heat transfer inside food material and between food and environment happens throughout


Generally, all the physical, thermal and dielectric properties of a food product are dependent on the

temperature, structure and composition of food material, e.g., porosity, water content, salt content of foods.

In addition, dielectric properties are also a function of frequencies (Calay et al., 1994; Ryynanen, 1995). A

thorough understanding of the changes in properties of water content, temperature, and frequency could

benefit in selecting the optimum processing condition in RF heating. The dielectric properties of pecans,

walnuts, almonds, peanuts and chestnuts with varied water contents, frequency and temperature were

reported (Wang et al. 2003a; 2003b, Boldor et al. 2004, Sacilic et al. 2006, and Guo et al. 2011) Several

studies have been conducted on dielectric properties of low water and high fat content paste-like food

materials, like butter and butter oil (Ahmed et al, 2007a) and rice slurry (Ahmed et. al, 2007b) showed a

significant fat content effect on dielectric properties. However, no systematic data have been reported in

the literature for the properties of peanut butter as a function of water content and temperature for dielectric

heating purposes.

The objectives of the present study were: 1) to determine the properties of peanut butter samples

related to dielectric heating, which include: density, specific heat, heat conductivity, and dielectric

properties at frequencies of 10–1800 MHz, temperatures of 20–90 °C and 5 different water content levels;

and 2) to calculate the wave penetration depths of electromagnetic waves in peanut butter samples at various

combined conditions for obtaining the optimum thickness of peanut butter in processing; The results of the

study would provide sound information for developing an electromagnetic heating pasteurization protocol,

and realizing computer simulation optimization.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Samples preparation

Commercial creamy peanut butter (IGA creamy peanut butter, IGA Inc, Chicago, IL, USA) was

purchased from a local grocery store and stored at room temperature until use. Commercial peanut butter

was made from peanut by 40–60 minutes of roasting and grinding with very little addition of flavoring and

emulsifiers (<5 g/100g), so it can be considered as a homogeneous product with a stable structure and

quality. According to the label, the peanut butter contains 50 g/100g fat, 25 g/100g protein, 1.19 g/100g

salt, and 21.9 g/100g carbohydrate (including 6.3 g/100g fiber and 9.4 g/100g sugar) by weight.

2.2. Water content and water activity

The initial water content of peanut butter was determined by the vacuum oven method AOAC

926.12 (Horwitz et al., 2005). Around 10–12 g of peanut butter samples were weighed, transferred to

aluminum dishes and heated in a vacuum oven (ADP-31, Yamato Scientific America Inc., Santa Clara, CA,

USA) overnight at 110 °C and 10 kPa. Samples were taken out and weighed every 2 hrs as drying continued

until the final weight change was less than 0.05 g/100g. The samples were then cooled down in a desiccator

for 30 min until reaching room temperature, and then the final weights of the samples were measured by an

analytical balance (Ohaus Analytical Plus, Ohaus Corporation, Florham Park, NJ, USA). The experiment

was conducted twice with 3 samples per batch, and water contents were calculated in wet base.

To prepare samples of higher moisture contents, pre-weighted deionized water was added into the

commercial peanut butter sample and mixed with a hand mixer (Durabrand 5-speed hand mixer, Funai

Electric Co., Ltd., Osaka, Japan) in a beaker (1 L) for 1 min to bring the water content of the peanut butter

to 4, 10, 16 and 22 g/100g, respectively. The minimal strength and time for blending were chosen for not

generating heat inside samples. The processed peanut butter samples were stored at 4 °C for 24 h for water

to equilibrate, and mixed again at room temperature before measurements. The water content of the

conditioned samples was determined again by sampling from three random locations in the sample

container. The standard deviation of tested water content was less than 0.5 g/100g. Water activity of samples

equilibrated at different water contents were measured using a water activity meter (Aqualab serious 3TE,

Decagon Devices Inc., Pullman, WA, USA) at room temperature (22 °C), and the measurements were

repeated three times.

2.3. Density

The density of the original peanut butter sample was measured by the gravimetric method. An

open-end metal cylinder tube with a known mass and volume (d = 5 cm, h = 1 cm) was used as a container

for the volume measurement. Because of the high viscosity of the peanut butter, samples were heated up to

60 °C in a water bath (above melting point), and then filled into the metal cylinder tube. Precaution was

taken to avoid air bubbles in the material during transfer. After the sample was cooled down to room

temperature, both ends of the tube were scratched flat carefully. The total weight of the tube and sample

were measured. The average density was calculated by dividing sample mass by sample volume.

Measurement was made in three replicates.

Because of the difficulty in sample loading caused by the high viscosity of samples with higher

water contents, the density of the peanut butter samples with water content 4, 10, 16 and 22 g/100g and

temperature 20–90 °C were all obtained from Costherm® software (Aberdeen, UK). The prediction method

in Costherm® is based on properties of composition of food materials and their change with temperature.

It can be used for accurate prediction of most physical properties of food including initial freezing point,

thermal conductivity, and specific heat and enthalpy models to fat-containing foods with good accuracy

and over an extended temperature range (Allen et al., 1997). The basic composition of food materials and

the original density of peanut butter were also input as a reference for obtaining sample porosity, which is

related to the determination of density and thermal conductivity.

2.4. Specific heat

Specific heat cp (kJ/kg·K) of peanut butter samples at different water contents was determined using

a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC Q2000, TA Instruments, New Castle, DE, USA). An empty sealed

aluminum pan was used as a reference and a 10–20 mg peanut butter sample was sealed in another

aluminum pan (30 µL). The procedure included cooling the sample from room temperature to 0 °C at a

ramping rate of 10 °C/min, equilibrating for 5 min, and then heating up to 90 °C. The measurements were

made in three replicates. The DSC produced heat flow (W/g) and specific heat (kJ/kg·K) versus temperature

thermograms, and the melting point of peanut butter was obtained from the concave.

2.5. Thermal conductivity

To evaluate the heat conduction inside food materials, the thermal conductivity of samples at 5

water contents was also obtained from Costherm® in the temperature range from 20 °C to 90 °C in three


2.6. Dielectric Properties

2.6.1. Dielectric properties measurement

Dielectric properties of the peanut butter samples were determined using an open-ended coaxial-

line probe connected to an impedance analyzer (Agilent 4291B, Agilent Technologies, Inc., Santa Clara,

CA, USA). Prior to the measurement, the impedance analyzer was warmed up for 30 min before calibration

to minimize system errors. Then the system was calibrated with open/short/low lossy capacitance/50Ω load

in sequence, and the measuring probe was calibrated using air/short block/25 °C deionized water, as

recommended by the manufacturer. Software 85070D (Agilent Technologies, Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA)

was used to trigger the measurement and record dielectric property data. After calibration, the dielectric

properties of creamy peanut butter samples with 5 levels of water content were measured over a temperature

range of 20–90 °C and frequency range of 10–1800 MHz. Between two measurements, both the probe and

sample holder were cleaned with deionized water, dried and cooled down to room temperature. The detailed

procedure and demonstrating scheme for dielectric property measurement can be found elsewhere (Wang

et al., 2003a,c). The cylinder sample holder (20 mm in inner diameter and 94 mm in height) was designed

to make sure the sample size satisfies the assumption of a semi-infinite body, which guarantees an accurate

measurement (Feng et al., 2002). Measurements were repeated twice for each sample, and the mean value

and standard deviation were calculated.

2.6.2. Penetration depth

Penetration depth (dp, m) is defined as the distance into the material where the power is reduced to

1/e (e = 2.718) of the power at the surface when electromagnetic waves penetrate a certain lossy material.

Penetration depth was calculated using the following equation (Von Hippel, 1954):

c (1)
dp  1
   2
   

2 2 f    1     1 
     
  

where c is the speed of light in free space (3×108 m/s) and f is the frequency (Hz). In this study, the

penetration depths of the electromagnetic wave in peanut butter samples at representative frequencies and

temperatures were calculated from the dielectric properties data.

2.7. Statistical analysis

ANOVA analysis was conducted by using Statistical Analysis System software (SAS, version 9.2,

SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC). The least significant difference (LSD) test was used to determine the

difference between the means of data at P < 0.05.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Physical properties

3.1.1. Water content and water activity

The water content of commercial peanut butter samples ranged between 1.09–1.42 g/100g with an

average of 1.28 g/100g and standard deviation of 0.14 g/100g. This low water content in the original peanut

butter was because the roasting procedure had removed most of the water inside the peanut kernel during

processing, so the corresponding low water activity (aw = 0.23) made the peanut butter shelf-stable. Water

activities corresponding to the 5 different water contents at 22 °C have been listed in Table 3.1. Water

activity increased proportionally from 0.229 to 0.943 with a relative error of less than 0.02 with increasing

water content in peanut butter samples from 1.3 g/100g to 22 g/100g (Fig. 3.1). The increment was gradually

decreasing when water activity was above 0.8, which indicated that water activity is not so sensitive to

water content when water content increased to a certain level. Many isotherm adsorption curves validated

this trend. Burnett et al. (2000) showed the water content to be 0.5–2 g/100g and the water activity to be

0.20–0.33 in a commercial peanut butter product. He et al. (2011) mentioned that the water content of

peanut butter is less than 1 g/100g with a water activity of 0.3. The measured water content and water

activity in this study were in good agreement with the observed values reported in the literature.

3.1.2. Density

The density of the peanut butter decreased slightly with the moisture contents but the average

density was 1115.1 kg/m3 with a standard deviation of 5.9 kg/m3 (Table 3.1). Aydin et al. (2007) studied

the true density of peanut fruit with water contents from 4.85 to 32.2 g/100g, and found the density varied

from 989 to 1088 kg/m3 with porosity from 6 to 32%. It is reasonable that the density of peanut butter

increases after crushing and grinding because of the porosity decrease.

Temperature variation (20–80 °C) had very little effect on the density of the conditioned peanut

butter samples since the density of the main components in peanut butter, such as fat, protein and

carbohydrates do not vary with temperature. The temperature effect on density was thus not presented in

this study. The porosity estimated by Costherm® software was between 1–1.3%, and the density equation

regressed from component percentage in peanut butter samples is shown below (R2 = 0.999):

  1116.6  118.48 X (2)

where ρ is the density of sample (kg/m3), and X is the water content (g water/100 g sample).

3.2. Thermal properties

3.2.1. Specific heat with melting point

The specific heat (cp) of peanut butter samples increased with moisture content (1.3 to 22 g/100g)

from 1.7 to 2.8 kJ/kg·K at 20 °C, and also increased slightly as the temperature increased from 20 to 90 °C

at each water content (Fig. 3.2a). For peanut kernels with water content varying from 5.0 g/100g to 30.6

g/100g, cp was reported as 1.9–2.8 kJ/kg·K by Bitra et al. (2010), which are similar to those observed in

this study. Costherm® prediction also shows a similar result from 1.8 to 2.3 kJ/kg·K at room temperature.

Fig. 3.2a also shows that samples of all water contents had the same melting point on the DSC heat

flow chart. A concave at 44.5 °C showing in this endothermic process (Fig. 3.2b) demonstrated that peanut

fats in the food sample were experiencing a phase change during that temperature period. It also can be

seen that as the water content increases, the heat absorption peak at the melting point is reduced gradually,

which is because of the decrease in overall fat percentage. Norton et al. (2009) reported that cocoa butter

emulsions with 30 g/100g water content had a melting point of around 31.2–33.2 °C. The high fat content

and long chain structure of fatty acid increased its melting point (Rao et al., 2005).

3.2.2. Thermal conductivity

According to the predicted thermal conductivity of peanut butter samples, the thermal conductivity

of peanut butter did not change significantly with increasing temperature from 20 to 80 °C (P > 0.05), but

increased from 0.20 to 0.29 W/m·K with increasing water content from 1.3 g/100g to 22 g/100g (Table 3.1).

Bitra et al. (2010) measured peanut kernels at different water contents and ambient temperatures, and

showed the thermal conductivity at water content of 5.0 g/100g was 0.15 W/m·K. This low thermal

conductivity in raw peanut kernels is due to the porous structure of the fresh peanut kernel, which was

avoided by the fine grinding process for peanut butter production. The regression equation derived from

data in Table 3.3 was as follows with a coefficient of determination of R2=0.996:

K  0.194  0.00431X (3)

where K is the thermal conductivity of sample (W/m·K) and X is the water content (g water/100 g sample).

3.3. Dielectric properties

Dielectric properties data at frequencies of 27, 40, 915 and 1800 MHz were reported in Table 3.2.

3.3.1. Frequency dependence

Figs 3.3 and 3.4 show the log-log plot of dielectric properties of peanut butter against frequency

(10–1800 MHz) at four temperatures (20–90 °C) and five water contents. When the water content of the

peanut butter samples was quite low, both the dielectric constant and loss factor were expected to be low,

especially at room temperature. For low water content samples (1.3 and 4 g/100g), their dielectric constants

were relatively independent of frequency, on the other hand, the loss factor increased with cumulative

frequency at water content of 1.3 and 4 g/100g and all available temperature (Table 3.2). However, as the

water content of the sample increased to 10 g/100g and above, both the dielectric constant and loss factor

decreased linearly with increasing frequency. The loss factor decrease is due to the dominant effects of

ionic conduction as frequency increased. As the frequency increases, ionic effect reduced and dipole

rotation of water molecules becomes dominant. This usually shows a peak at around 20 GHz at room

temperature (Ryynanen, 1995). As the peak of free water dipole rotation moved to higher frequencies when

the temperature increased (Mudgett, 1986), the flat tail accordingly appeared at a higher frequency and

gradually disappeared at a frequency of 1800 MHz. The decreasing trend of ε’ and ε” with increasing

frequency has also been reported in many other studies of low moisture foods (Nelson, 1991; Guo et al.,

2008; 2010b; Liu et al., 2009; Jiao et al., 2011). The large variation shown in the loss factor data of the low

water content samples, which was also found in the literature (Ahmed, 2007), may be due to the insufficient

accuracy of the equipment for low lossy food materials (Ryynanen, 1995).

3.3.2. Moisture content dependence

Generally, both ε’ and ε” increased with increasing water content (Figs. 3.3 and 3.4). For example

at 27 MHz, ε’ and ε” increased from 3.3 to 18.3 and 0.05 to 27.5 at 20 °C as water content increased from

1.3 to 22 g/100g (Fig. 3.5). Accordingly, at 915 MHz, ε’ and ε” increased from 2.9 to 8.3 and 0.3 to 3.0

(Fig. 3.6). This increment was greater at lower frequency (< 400 MHz) and minimized gradually as the

frequency increased since the ionic effect was reduced to the lowest point and dipole rotation of water

molecules has not started until frequency reached around 1 GHz (Mudgett, 1986).

It has been reported that for high water content food products (usually water content >85 g/100g),

the logarithmic value of dielectric loss factor had a linear relationship with logarithmic frequency (Schubert

and Regier, 2005; Liu et al., 2009).

  
log  ''  log   log f (4)
 2 0 

where σ is the electric conductivity of sample (S/m). However, for low-water food materials, a much lower

slope trend with a lag tail was obtained at higher frequencies. When there is limited water content in food

material, the salt may not be able to dissolve and provide a more effective ionic conduction. Then the bound

salt may perform as large molecules vibrating with frequency, and therefore contribute to the loss factor to

a much lower extent. Guo et al. (2010a) explained the same trend of loss factor versus frequency for flour

product with water content 7.9–10.8 (g water/100 g sample) and stated that the slope of the curve was due

to the water molecule dipole rotation effect because of the reduced mobility of the charged ions. This effect

can be summarized as: when the bound water amount is dominant in the total water content in a food

material, the slope of log ε” versus log f is no longer “-1” but slightly higher (between -1 and 0) (Liu et al.


For samples in the low water content range (1.3–4 g/100g), loss factors increased slightly as

frequency increased with a small peak at around 100–300 MHz. The peak moved to 400–500 MHz as

temperature increased from 20 to 80 °C (Fig. 3.3). This increasing trend and peak could be explained by

the effect of bound water, which usually shows at 100 MHz (Harvey and Hoekstra, 1972; Miura et al.,

2003). The peak only appear when the value of the loss factor is quite small, and disappears gradually as

distilled water is added and the effect of free water dominates the dielectric properties. Thus, it can be

concluded that the bound water effect does exist in low moisture products and plays an important role in

dielectric properties (Wang et al., 2003b).

In a multiphase system, each single component has a different relaxation time (shown as peaks in

the loss factor) according to Debye’s polarization theory. Furthermore, in a solid or a highly viscous

material, activation energy should also be introduced to consider the hindered motion among molecules

(Debye, 1929). Maxwell-Wagner’s interfacial polarization also exists in a multiphase system at the interface

of layers to describe the charge’s vibration. It usually shows a peak in the kHz range but may also extend

its effect to the MHz range and contribute to the dielectric loss factor when the ionic effect is not as strong

and the volume fraction of non-polar impurities is quite low (Meakins, 1961). Since the sample in this case

had both low water content and low salt content, and was composed of a large amount of protein,

carbohydrate and oil, a combination effect mentioned above formed the trend of a curve, which is still not

able to be quantitatively described. Hence, due to the complexity of the composition and the various

interactions among molecules in food systems, it is still difficult to explain and predict the dielectric

properties in non-aqueous materials.

3.3.3. Temperature dependent

Table 3.2 shows that at lower water content range (1.3–10 g/100g), the dielectric properties

increased correspondingly with temperature increase. Taking the sample with water content of 1.3 g/100g

as an example, ε’ increased from 3.3 to 3.6 at 27 MHz, but the values for ε” varied from 0.01 to 0.05 in a

nonlinear trend at 20–80 °C. However, as the water content exceeded 16 g/100g, both ε’ and ε” appeared

to show an increasing trend with increasing temperature (Fig. 3.4). This trend became sharp when the

temperature went beyond 60 °C. Calay et al. (1994) also showed an insignificant decrease of ε” and an

increase of ε’ for oil and fat along with the frequency increase. This result verified that fat content is

dominant when the water content is low in a food product.

3.3.4. Predictive equations for the dielectric properties

Predictive equations for the dielectric properties as functions of temperature and water contents at

three selected frequencies were derived based on the experiment results (Table 3.3). Third degree

polynomial regression equations were obtained by the least squares method using Microsoft Excel with a

coefficient of determination ≥ 0.95. Including both temperature (T, °C) and water content (M, g/100g) as

independent variables make the equations easy to use in future computer simulations for electromagnetic


3.4. Penetration depth

Penetration depths of electromagnetic energy at four frequencies in peanut butter samples with

different water contents over the measured temperature range were summarized in Table 3.4. The

penetration depth of samples with higher water content (above 4 g/100g) also showed a manifest decrease

with increasing frequency and temperature, which agrees with other studies (Boldor et al., 2004; Guo et al.,

2010b; Jiao et al., 2011). The penetration depth of sample with water content of 1.3 g/100g did not show a

regular monotonic change, which was due to the variation of measurement in small loss factor value.

4. Conclusion

Representative physical, thermal and dielectric properties of peanut butter samples with five water

activity levels (0.23–0.95) were measured and predicted at different temperatures (20–90 °C) to provide

data for processing protocol design and mathematical simulation in electromagnetic heating. The specific

heat and thermal conductivity increased with increasing temperature and water content. The dielectric

constant and loss factor of peanut butter decreased with increasing frequency but increased with increasing

water content and temperature. Temperature affected the dielectric properties of high water content samples

much more than lower ones. Penetration depths decreased with increasing frequency and water content.

The regression equations of the dielectric properties were obtained as a function of temperature and water

content, which could be used as input parameters in a computer simulation.


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Table 3.1 Water activity, density and thermal conductivity of peanut butter with 5 different water

contents at 22 °C

Water content (g/100g) 1.3 4 10 16 22

Water activity (-) 0.229±0.019 0.364±0.018 0.661±0.018 0.844±0.017 0.943±0.003

Density (kg/m3) 1115.11 1111.90 1104.79 1097.69 1090.58

Thermal conductivity
0.20 0.21 0.24 0.26 0.29

Table 3.2 Dielectric constant and loss factor of peanut butter samples with five water contents at

eight temperature and four frequencies

Dielectric constant Dielectric loss factor

Frequency (MHz) Frequency (MHz)
27 40 915 1800 27 40 915 1800
1.3% 20 3.3±0.1 3.3±0.1 2.9±0.1 2.9±0.01 0.05±0.01 0.09±0.01 0.3±0.1 0.2±0.1
30 3.3±0.1 3.3±0.1 3.0±0.1 2.8±0.01 0.04±0.01 0.08±0.01 0.3±0.1 0.1±0.1
40 3.4±0.1 3.4±0.1 3.0±0.1 2.9±0.04 0.03±0.01 0.07±0.01 0.3±0.1 0.2±0.1
50 3.4±0.1 3.4±0.1 3.1±0.1 2.9±0.03 0.01±0.00 0.07±0.01 0.3±0.1 0.2±0.1
60 3.5±0.1 3.5±0.1 3.1±0.1 2.9±0.01 0.01±0.01 0.05±0.01 0.3±0.1 0.2±0.1
70 3.5±0.1 3.5±0.1 3.1±0.1 3.0±0.04 0.02±0.01 0.04±0.01 0.3±0.1 0.2±0.0
80 3.6±0.1 3.6±0.1 3.1±0.1 3.0±0.03 0.01±0.01 0.03±0.01 0.2±0.1 0.2±0.1
90 3.6±0.1 3.7±0.1 3.2±0.1 3.1±0.02 0.04±0.01 0.01±0.01 0.2±0.1 0.1±0.1

4% 20 3.4±0.3 3.4±0.3 3.1±0.2 2.8±0.3 0.1±0.1 0.1±0.1 0.2±0.1 0.2±0.3

30 3.5±0.3 3.5±0.3 3.1±0.3 2.7±0.7 0.1±0.0 0.1±0.0 0.2±0.1 0.6±0.6
40 3.6±0.3 3.6±0.3 3.2±0.3 2.6±0.6 0.1±0.0 0.2±0.0 0.2±0.1 0.6±0.5
50 3.7±0.4 3.7±0.4 3.3±0.3 2.7±0.7 0.1±0.0 0.2±0.0 0.2±0.2 0.6±0.5
60 3.8±0.5 3.8±0.5 3.3±0.5 2.6±0.8 0.1±0.0 0.2±0.1 0.1±0.2 0.6±0.4
70 3.9±0.7 3.8±0.7 3.3±0.6 2.6±0.9 0.2±0.1 0.2±0.1 0.1±0.2 0.7±0.5
80 4.0±1.9 3.9±0.9 3.4±0.7 2.6±1.1 0.2±0.1 0.2±0.1 0.1±0.3 0.7±0.4
90 4.0±1.0 4.0±1.0 3.4±0.8 2.6±1.1 0.2±0.1 0.2±0.1 0.1±0.3 0.8±0.3

10% 20 6.8±0.2 6.4±0.2 4.5±0.1 4.3±0.2 1.7±0.2 1.5±0.1 0.8±0.1 0.8±0.4

30 6.9±0.1 6.5±0.1 4.5±0.1 4.3±0.3 1.9±0.1 1.7±0.1 0.8±0.1 1.0±0.4
40 7.3±0.2 6.8±0.2 4.6±0.1 4.2±0.3 2.2±0.1 1.9±0.0 0.8±0.1 1.0±0.3
50 7.5±0.6 7.0±0.6 4.6±0.4 4.2±0.1 2.4±0.4 2.1±0.3 0.8±0.1 1.0±0.4
60 8.0±1.1 7.4±1.1 4.6±0.8 4.1±0.2 3.0±0.5 2.6±0.4 0.8±0.2 1.1±0.5
70 8.1±2.4 7.4±2.2 4.4±1.4 4.0±0.8 3.5±1.1 3.0±0.9 0.9±0.4 1.2±0.5
80 8.9±2.0 8.0±1.9 4.5±1.2 4.1±0.9 4.1±0.5 3.6±0.5 0.9±0.3 1.3±0.4
90 10.3±2.2 9.2±2.0 4.8±1.4 4.2±1.0 5.7±0.5 4.8±0.4 1.1±0.3 1.5±0.5

16% 20 13.1±1.8 11.6±1.5 6.5±0.6 6.1±0.5 8.3±2.6 6.8±2.0 1.7±0.3 1.0±0.3

30 14.1±1.1 12.5±0.9 6.7±0.3 6.3±0.1 9.3±1.5 7.6±1.1 1.8±0.2 1.1±0.4
40 15.0±0.8 13.2±0.7 6.8±0.3 6.3±0.0 10.5±1.3 8.6±0.9 1.9±0.1 1.1±0.4
50 16.7±1.9 14.6±1.7 7.3±0.7 6.5±0.0 12.0±0.8 9.8±0.7 2.1±0.3 1.5±0.1
60 20.9±0.5 17.7±0.1 8.0±0.2 7.1±0.3 20.4±4.7 16.0±3.2 2.7±0.1 2.0±0.5
70 25.0±2.1 20.9±1.3 8.6±0.1 7.7±0.3 29.8±10.8 23.0±7.7 3.4±0.4 2.5±0.6
80 29.3±3.7 24.3±2.6 9.1±0.2 8.2±0.4 40.0±17.4 30.6±12.3 4.1±0.8 3.0±0.7
90 34.8±6.1 28.7±4.4 9.8±0.4 8.7±0.5 54.0±25.0 40.9±17.8 5.1±1.3 3.7±1.1

22% 20 18.3±1.2 16.1±1.1 8.3±0.2 8.0±0.3 27.5±1.8 20.3±1.4 3.0±0.3 2.4±0.1
30 20.0±0.8 17.7±0.8 8.9±0.0 8.6±0.6 36.4±4.2 26.4±2.9 3.4±0.4 3.0±0.7
40 23.7±0.5 20.6±0.1 9.9±0.1 9.4±0.6 65.8±0.1 46.5±0.1 4.6±0.2 3.9±0.7
50 26.2±0.9 22.4±0.5 10.2±0.4 9.5±1.1 83.2±4.9 58.6±3.0 5.3±0.2 4.5±0.8
60 30.9±3.5 26.1±2.4 11.1±1.1 10.2±1.7 114.7±9.9 80.3±7.1 6.7±0.5 5.3±0.4
70 39.5±1.7 32.4±0.7 13.0±0.7 11.5±0.8 172.1±42.6 119.8±28.6 9.3±1.3 6.9±1.6
80 54.2±3.6 43.8±1.2 15.9±0.3 14.0±0.4 278.7±63.7 193.3±42.4 14.1±2.2 9.8±2.2
90 83.7±15.2 65.8±9.5 20.9±2.0 18.2±1.7 473.3±28.3 328.2±17.2 22.6±0.3 15.0±1.1

Table 3.3 Binary statistical regression equations of dielectric properties with temperature (T, °C)

and water content (M, g water/g sample) at three interested frequencies (valid in T = 20–90 °C, M = 1.3–22

g/100g sample)

Regression equations R2

27.12 ε' = 29.1288*T*M2+0.0805*T2*M-762.0730*M2-


ε" = 55947.12*M3+0.00055*T3+0.5156*M*T2+275.2705*M2*T-27521*M2-
97.1019*T*M-0.1173*T +4280.8270*M+8.2767*T-187.1640

40.68 ε' = -1384.45*M3+6.4900-5*T3+0.0602*M*T2+21.8632*T*M2-55.0055*M2-


ε" = 36972.48*M3+0.000378*T3+0.3578*M*T2+187.9769*T*M2-

915 ε' = 111.7235*M3+1.55-5*T3+0.0137*M*T2+6.7082*M2*T-194.8*M2-

2.3698*T -0.00326*M*T+79.4664*M+0.2252*T-1.5412

ε" = -7.4806*M3+0.3663*T3+155.0551*M*T2-0.00532*T*M2-4.1012*M2-

Table 3.4 Penetration depth of peanut butter with five water contents at eight temperatures and four


Penetration depth (m)

Water content Frequency (MHz)
27 40 915 1800
1.3% 20 61.93±2.88 25.35±2.43 0.34±0.01 0.28±0.04
30 75.49±20.76 25.69±1.16 0.31±0.01 0.35±0.11
40 107.06±4.99 32.06±0.84 0.32±0.02 0.33±0.15
50 239.48±35.23 30.84±0.15 0.34±0.02 0.29±0.10
60 271.77±28.82 41.77±1.79 0.36±0.01 0.30±0.13
70 264.31±15.77 56.89±4.06 0.35±0.01 0.26±0.02
80 306.05±23.92 95.43±32.72 0.39±0.02 0.32±0.17
90 92.06±11.44 170.6±76.04 0.41±0.02 0.44±0.31
4% 20 23.32±8.72 13.36±3.25 0.42±0.07 0.24±0.08
30 21.12±8.68 12.62±2.84 0.38±0.03 0.29±0.03
40 19.98±6.96 11.8±2.09 0.36±0.04 0.17±0.11
50 18.4±6.63 11.45±1.52 0.35±0.03 0.17±0.08
60 18.20±6.24 10.72±1.13 0.34±0.01 0.11±0.08
70 16.63±3.46 10.59±1.04 0.34±0.01 0.10±0.08
80 13.98±1.45 9.43±0.48 0.33±0.02 0.09±0.05
90 12.21±1.69 8.27±0.21 0.39±0.11 0.06±0.03
10% 20 2.70±0.21 1.97±0.12 0.15±0.01 0.07±0.03
30 2.49±0.15 1.86±0.1 0.14±0.01 0.06±0.03
40 2.24±0.03 1.67±0.01 0.14±0.01 0.06±0.02
50 2.09±0.24 1.55±0.16 0.14±0.02 0.06±0.02
60 1.73±0.19 1.29±0.12 0.14±0.03 0.05±0.02
70 1.50±0.24 1.12±0.16 0.14±0.04 0.05±0.01
80 1.30±0.02 0.97±0.01 0.12±0.02 0.04±0.01
90 1.03±0.02 0.77±0.01 0.10±0.01 0.04±0.01
16% 20 0.84±0.20 0.64±0.14 0.08±0.01 0.07±0.02
30 0.76±0.09 0.58±0.06 0.08±0.01 0.06±0.02
40 0.69±0.06 0.53±0.04 0.07±0.01 0.06±0.02

50 0.64±0.01 0.49±0.01 0.07±0.01 0.05±0.01
60 0.44±0.08 0.35±0.06 0.06±0.01 0.04±0.01
70 0.35±0.10 0.28±0.07 0.05±0.01 0.03±0.01
80 0.30±0.09 0.23±0.07 0.04±0.01 0.03±0.01
90 0.25±0.08 0.20±0.06 0.03±0.01 0.02±0.01
22% 20 0.33±0.01 0.27±0.01 0.05±0.00 0.03±0.01
30 0.27±0.02 0.23±0.02 0.05±0.01 0.03±0.01
40 0.18±0.01 0.15±0.01 0.04±0.01 0.02±0.01
50 0.16±0.01 0.13±0.01 0.03±0.01 0.02±0.01
60 0.13±0.01 0.11±0.00 0.03±0.01 0.02±0.01
70 0.11±0.02 0.09±0.01 0.02±0.01 0.01±0.01
80 0.08±0.01 0.07±0.01 0.02±0.01 0.01±0.01
90 0.06±0.01 0.05±0.01 0.01±0.01 0.01±0.01

Figure 3.1 Water activity of peanut butter samples as a function of water contents at room

temperature (22°C)

Figure 3.2 Specific heat of peanut butter samples measured by DSC as a function of water content

(a) and temperature with heat flow chart at 1.3 g/100g water (b)

Figure 3.3 Dielectric constant of peanut butter with water content levels of 1.3 (a), 4 (b), 10 (c), 16

(d), and 22 (e) g/100g at four selected temperatures

Figure 3.4 Loss factor of peanut butter with water content levels of 1.3 (a), 4 (b), 10 (c), 16 (d), and

22 (e) g/100g at four selected temperatures


80 4%
Dielectric constant

60 16%



0 20 40 60 80 100

Temperature (oC)


400 4%
Dielectric loss factor

300 16%



0 20 40 60 80 100

Temperature (oC)

Figure 3.5 Dielectric properties of peanut butter with five water contents and eight temperatures at

27 MHz


20 1.3%
Dielectric constant

15 16%


0 20 40 60 80 100

Temperature (oC)


Dielectric loss factor

10 22%

0 20 40 60 80 100

Temperature (oC)

Figure 3.6 Dielectric properties of peanut butter with five water contents and eight temperatures at

915 MHz





The heating behavior of a food product in a radio frequency (RF) heater with a free-running

oscillator largely depends on the dielectric properties of the food materials in processing. In this study,

heating rate was mathematically derived as a function of its influencing factors in a RF system. This

relationship was validated by experiments using conditioned salt solutions and peanut butter samples in a

27.12 MHz, 6 kW RF system. The dielectric properties of the materials used to validate the model ranges

from 3.3 to 91.6 for dielectric constant and from 0.1 to 1577.0 for dielectric loss factor. The comparison

between theoretical and experimental results showed a good agreement for tested samples. Both dielectric

constant and loss factor influenced the heating rate under a fixed electrode gap and frequency. When the

values of dielectric constant and loss factor were close to one another, the maximum heating rate can be


Keywords: Dielectric properties; radio frequency; heating rate; mathematical modeling.

1. Introduction

Radio frequency (RF) is an electromagnetic wave with a frequency range of 3 kHz to 300 MHz.

The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) allocates 13.56, 27.12 and 40.68 MHz in the RF

range for industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) application (Wang and Tang, 2001). RF heating has been

applied in the food industry as an efficient dielectric heating method for years. Because of its volumetric

heating, adjustable heating rate and high energy efficiency, RF heating is already showing its advantages

in thawing and in conditioning of biscuits post-baking (Farag et al., 2011; Palazoglu et al., 2012). Wide

applications have also been explored in disinfestation, enzyme inactivation, pasteurization and sterilization

(Rice, 1993; Wang et al., 2003b, 2010; Luechapattanaporn et al., 2005; Guo et al., 2006; Manzocco et al.,

2008; Gao et al., 2011). The 50 ohm technology and free-running oscillators are two different designs of

RF heating systems. Although 50 ohm systems use modern methods to control the frequency and power,

the free-running oscillator design is still the most commonly used in the food industry because of its low

cost, simple structure and flexibility. In a free-running oscillator RF heater, the portion of power converted

to useful heat depends mainly on the properties of the material (Rowley, 2001).

For a free-running oscillator RF system, “parallel plates” are the most commonly used electrode

configuration for bulk material heating (Jones and Rowley, 1996). The food material is placed in-between

the two parallel plate electrodes of the applicator, which act as a capacitor. When energized, the generator

provides high voltage, high frequency power to the electrodes in the applicator, and the food material with

certain dielectric properties is heated up in the high density alternating electric field. In dielectric heating,

the dielectric properties of food products are important intrinsic properties that directly influence the energy

conversion rate. The complex dielectric property ε* is the sum of the real part – dielectric constant ε’, and

the imaginary part – loss factor ε˝. Due to the nature of the free-running oscillator RF system, the dissipated

power could not be measured directly because of the varying voltage and electric field. Therefore, the only

way to estimate the dissipated power in food is to calculate from theoretical equations. The power

conversion in the material is described as (Choi and Konrad, 1991):

P  2f 0“ Em (1)

where P is the power dissipation in food material from electromagnetic to thermal energy, (W/m3); f is the

frequency of the RF generator, (Hz); ε0 is the permittivity of vacuum (8.854 × 10 -12

F/m); ε˝ is the loss

factor of the material; E m is the electric field intensity in the food sample (V/m) (Fig. 4.1).

The dielectric properties of various food materials over the RF frequency band have been reported

over the past 40 years (To et al., 1974; Nelson, 1981; Calay et al., 1994; Sosa-Morales et al., 2010). The

dielectric properties are usually functions of temperature, frequency, density, moisture content, and other

compositions of the food. Thus, for a given material, the dielectric properties may vary during heating, and

the heating behavior may also change accordingly. Therefore, knowing the dielectric properties as a

function of temperature, moisture content and other properties before running experiments may help to

predict possible thermal run away and temperature distribution in the bulk food.

It has been a general belief that the power absorption in food is positively related to the loss factor

of a food material (Piyasena et al., 2003). However, Birla et al. (2008a) found that in a free-running

oscillator RF system, the maximum heating rate was reached when the loss factor of a load was 180 in the

studied range between 80 and 350. But the conclusion was derived through theoretical analysis without

experimental validation. Wang et al. (2008) reported a reverse relationship between ε˝ and heating rate in

mashed potato samples of different salt contents based on both experimental and simulation results. A

theoretical equation was developed to explain the phenomena, but the simple assumptions in this study

limited its application only to a narrow range of dielectric properties, i.e.: ε’: 83.3–84.7; ε˝: 78.7–173.2.

Tiwari et al. (2011a) conducted a computer simulation on RF heating of dry food with COMSOL

Multiphysics® software to analyze the influence of dielectric properties on power distribution. In their

results, the maximum power distribution and better heating uniformity were reached when the values of

dielectric constant and loss factor were small and comparable; but no adequate explanation was given for

this phenomenon. So far, there is no systematic research showing in details how the dielectric properties

influence heating behavior in free-running oscillator RF systems.

The general goal of this study was to better understand the influence of dielectric properties on RF

heating, and further assist experiment design to guide the development of industrial RF heating processes.

The specific objectives of this study were to: (1) theoretically analyze the influencing factors of RF heating

rate, and use a mathematical model to estimate the heating rate as a function of material properties for a

given condition of a RF heater; (2) validate the mathematical model with salty water when only dielectric

loss factor changes as a function of salt concentration; and (3) validate the model with conditioned peanut

butter samples when both dielectric constant and loss factor change as a function of moisture content and


2. Materials and methods

2.1. Theoretical model

The power conversion in a food material during RF heating depends on the working frequency,

loss factor and the electric field density inside the material (Birla et al., 2008b). When heat loss to the

ambient is negligible, the heating rate in a food after absorbing RF power can be described as:

T 2
P  c p  2f 0 " Em (2)

where ρ is the density of the load, (kg/m3); cp is the heat capacity of the load, (J/kg K); ∂T/∂t is the transient

heating rate of the load during RF heating (ºC/s).

When air is the only surrounding media between the electrodes other than the food sample, the

continuity boundary condition of the electric flux density can be applied at the interface of the load and air

for a simplified case shown in Fig. 4.1 (Metaxas, 1996; Birla et al., 2008a, b). The continuity equation can

be written as:

Dn   0 E0   0 * Em (3)

where Dn is the normal electric flux density, (C/m2); E0 is the electric field intensity in the air gap, (V/m);

ε* is the relevant (to air) complex permittivity of the load, ε* = ε’ – jε˝, which leads to:

E0   '  j " Em  (4)

Since the bottom electrode is normally grounded, the voltage on the upper electrode is the total

electric potential between the two electrodes (V), which can be divided into voltage falls in the air gap (V0)

and the voltage falls in food material (Vm):

V  V0  Vm  E0 d0  Em d m (5)

Substitute Eqs. (4) into (5), it becomes:

Em  (6)
 d
  
0  d m   d0
" 2

Then substitute Eqs. (6) back into (2) yields:

T 2 "
Pd  c p  2f 0 " Em  2f 0V 2 (7)
t   
 ' d0  d m   " d0 


T "
 2f 0V 2
    d  
t c p   ' d0  d m
2 " 2
 0

Accordingly, for linear temperature increases, the final temperature after processing can be described as:

T f  Ti  t  2f 0V 2
   
c p   ' d0  d m   " d0 
2 2
 

where Tf is the final temperature of load (ºC), Ti is the initial temperature of load (ºC), and t is the total

processing time (s).

Metaxas (1996) studied the voltage across the load of a free-running oscillator RF system and found a

7% variation between empty and full loads in a typical industrial scale system. Therefore, it is appropriate

to assume a constant voltage at the upper electrode for a certain product during RF heating. The assumption

has been used in many previous researches (Marra et al., 2007; Birla et al., 2008a; Tiwari et al., 2011a,b).

Since 2πfε0V2 can be seen as a constant when the electrode gap is fixed, the heating rate only depends on

the value of  " c p  ' d0  d m    " d0    .

2 2

 
  

It can be seen from Eq. (8) that as the d0 is reduced to zero, the value of ε’ does not influence heating

rate any more, which means that ε˝ is the dominating factor in heat production. In this case, the heating

mechanism changes from dielectric heating to resistive heating, in which the energy conversion is

dominated by the electric conductivity of the food (Metaxas, 1996):

P  2f 0 " Em
  Em

where σ = 2πfε0ε˝, σ is the effective electric conductivity of the food load, (S/m).

However, d0 is necessary in dielectric heating for in-package food heating in a continuous system.

It can be found from Eq. (8) that as d0 increases, the effect of ε’ becomes more significant. If all other

parameters are considered as constant except for ε’ and ε˝, Eq. (8) can be seen as a binary function with ε’

and ε˝ as independent variables. But for a fixed ε˝ value, the function becomes a monotonic decreasing

function, which decreases as ε’ increases. Accordingly, for a fixed ε’, the maximum result that can be

  
obtained is 2f 0V c p  d m/ d0 when ε˝ = ε’ + dm/d0. Therefore, it can be concluded that when ε˝ < ε’
2 '

+ dm/d0, an increase in ε˝ will result in thermal runaway; but when ε˝ > ε’+ dm/d0, an increase in ε˝ will

reduce the heating rate. For most moist food, the ε’ and ε˝ are much larger than dm/d0 when d0 and dm are

comparable. So the conclusion can be also written as: the maximum heating rate can be reached when ε’ ≈

ε˝. This can be an approximate method for determining the heating rate trend by simply looking at dielectric

properties of materials.

To validate the theoretical analysis over a wide range of dielectric properties, two representative

foods were chosen for RF heating experiments: salty water and peanut butter. For salt water, the dielectric

constant is relatively constant but loss factor changes largely with salt concentration; for peanut butter, both

dielectric constant and loss factor change with varying moisture content and temperature. The dielectric

properties and RF heating behaviors of the two materials would be adequate to validate the mathematical

model. Furthermore, the two model foods were fed into different containers and treated with different

electrode gaps in RF equipment to validate the high adaptability of the mathematical model.

2.2. Experiment validation I – salt solution

2.2.1. Sample preparation

A salt solution was prepared with table salt and double-deionized water by controlling the weight

percentage at 17 g/l (Sartorius BP 3100s, Data Weighing Systems Inc, IL, USA) and mixed evenly at room

temperature. After an overnight stabilization, the solution was diluted to 9 different concentrations. The

electric conductivity of each solution was measured by a bench conductivity meter (Con500, Cole Parmer,

IL, USA). A standard curve of NaCl solution with different salt concentrations and electric conductivities

was made (Fig. 4.2). Then solutions with electric conductivity of 0.03, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 1, 2

and 3 S/m were selected and prepared to validate the model.

2.2.2. Properties of salt solution

Dielectric properties of the salt solutions with selected electrical conductivity were measured by an

open-ended coaxial probe connected with an impedance analyzer (4291B, Agilent technologies Inc, Santa

Clara CA, USA) at 22 ºC in the frequency range of 10–1800 MHz. Prior to the measurement, the impedance

analyzer was warmed up for 30 min before calibration to minimize system errors. Then the system was

calibrated with open/short/low loss capacitance/50 Ω load in sequence, and the measuring probe was

calibrated using air/short block/25 °C deionized water, as recommended by the manufacturer. Software

85070D (Agilent Technologies, Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA) was used to trigger the measurement and

calculate the dielectric properties. A cylinder sample holder (d = 20 mm, h = 94 mm) was designed to make

sure the sample size satisfied the assumption of a semi-infinite body, which guarantees an accurate

measurement (Feng et al., 2002). The sample holder was connected to an oil bath, which was used to bring

the sample temperature up to 80 °C. After calibration, the salt solutions were poured into the sample holder

one at a time, and the dielectric properties were measured. Between each measurement, both the probe and

sample holder were cleaned with deionized water, dried and cooled down to room temperature. The detailed

procedure and demonstrating scheme for dielectric property measurement can be found elsewhere (Wang

et al., 2003a,c). Measurements were repeated twice for each sample.

2.2.3. RF heating test

The heating rate tests were conducted with a 6 kW, 27.12 MHz free-running oscillator RF system

(COMBI 6-S, Strayfield International, Wokingham, UK). A detailed description of the RF heating system

can be found elsewhere (Wang et al., 2010). A volume of 45 ml of each of the solutions with different

concentrations was put into a 50 ml centrifuge tube (inner diameter d = 2.5 cm, h = 11.0 cm). The sample

height was 9.5 cm (dm) in the tube. The tube was placed vertically at the center of the bottom electrode. The

gap between the electrode plates was fixed at 11 cm (air gap d0 = 1.5 cm) for all tests so as to provide a

reasonable comparison. A pre-calibrated fiber optical sensor (FOT-L, FISO, Quebec, Canada) was placed

at the center of the sample for tracking temperature changes versus time (Fig. 4.3). The heating time was

set for 3 min for all tests. Convective heat loss can be neglected because the sample containers were closed

during treatment and there is no forced air flow during treatment.

2.3. Experiment validation II – peanut butter samples

2.3.1. Sample preparation

Commercial creamy peanut butter (IGA creamy peanut butter, IGA Inc, Chicago, IL, USA) was

purchased from a local grocery store and stored at room temperature until use. The initial water content of

the peanut butter was determined by the vacuum oven method (AOAC 925.40, 2010). Specifically, 2 g

samples of peanut butter were weighed, transferred to aluminum dishes, spread evenly and heated in a

vacuum oven (ADP-31, Yamato Scientific America Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA) at 100 °C and 10 kPa.

Samples were taken out and weighed every 1 h as drying continued, until the final weight change between

the two consecutive measurements was less than 0.05 g/100 g. The samples were then cooled down in a

desiccator for 30 min to room temperature, and then the final weights of the samples were measured by an

analytical balance (Ohaus Analytical Plus, Ohaus Corporation, Florham Park, NJ, USA). The experiment

was conducted twice with 3 samples per batch, and water contents (wet basis) were calculated.

To prepare samples of higher moisture contents, pre-determined weights of deionized water were

added into the commercial peanut butter samples and mixed by a hand mixer (Durabrand 5-speed hand

mixer, Funai Electric Co., Ltd., Osaka, Japan) in a beaker (1 L) for 1 min to bring the moisture content of

the peanut butter to 4%, 10%, 16% and 22% (w.b.), respectively. The minimal strength and time for

blending were chosen to avoid generating heat and introducing air into the samples. The processed peanut

butter samples were stored in air-tight glass containers at 4 °C for 24 h to allow the moisture to equilibrate,

and mixed again at room temperature before taking measurements (AOAC 935.52, 2010). The moisture

content of the conditioned samples was determined again by sampling from three random locations in the

sample container to guarantee sample uniformity. The standard deviation of the tested moisture content was

less than 0.5 %.

2.3.2. Physical properties

The density of the original peanut butter sample was measured by the gravimetric method. An

open-end metal cylinder tube with a known mass and volume (d = 5.0 cm, h = 1.0 cm) was used as a

container for the volume measurement. Because of the high viscosity of the peanut butter, samples were

heated up to 60 °C in a water bath (above melting point), and then filled into the metal cylinder tube.

Precaution was taken to avoid air bubbles in the material during transfer. After the sample was cooled down

to room temperature, both ends of the tube were scratched flat carefully. The total weight of the tube and

sample were measured. The average density was calculated by dividing sample mass by sample volume.

Measurements were made in three replicates.

Because of the difficulty in sample loading caused by the high viscosity of samples with higher

water contents, the density of the peanut butter samples with water content 4%, 10%, 16% and 22% (w.b.)

and temperature 20–90 °C were all obtained from Costherm® software (Aberdeen, UK). The prediction

method in Costherm® is based on properties of composition of food materials and their change with

temperature. It can be used for accurate predictions of most physical properties of food including initial

freezing point, thermal conductivity, and heat capacity and enthalpy models to fat-containing foods with

good accuracy and over an extended temperature range (Allen et al., 1997). The basic composition of food

materials and the original density of peanut butter were also input as a reference for obtaining sample

porosity for the determination of density with other moisture contents.

Heat capacity cp (kJ/kg K) of peanut butter samples at different water contents was determined

using a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC Q2000, TA Instruments, New Castle, DE, USA). An empty

sealed aluminum pan was used as a reference and a 10–20 mg peanut butter sample was sealed in another

aluminum pan (30 µl). The procedure included cooling the sample from room temperature to 0 °C at a

ramping rate of 10 °C/min, equilibrating for 5 min, and then heating up to 80 °C. The measurements were

made in three replicates.

Dielectric properties were measured using the same equipment and procedure as for the salt

solution at 10–1800 MHz and 20–80 ºC.

2.3.3. RF heating tests

The RF heater, temperature sensor and data logger used in this test were the same as for the salt

solution test (Section 2.2.3). Rectangular polymeric trays (14.2  10.0  3.0 cm3) were selected as the

containers for peanut butter samples. Each individual peanut butter sample at different moisture contents

was loaded into a polymeric tray with a thickness of 2 cm. The gap between the two electrodes was fixed

at 10 cm to allow comparison for all samples, and the temperature sensor was kept in the center of the

peanut butter tray to satisfy the one dimensional model. Each peanut butter sample was subjected to RF

heating for 4 min for comparison.

To determine the temperature dependence, a peanut butter sample with 22% (w.b.) moisture content

was placed into the same rectangular tray as mentioned and tested in the RF unit with an electrode gap of

13 cm and heating time of 48 min. The heating profile for each test was recorded by a data logger connected

to the fiber optical temperature sensor (FOT-L, FISO, Quebec, Canada). This experiment was replicated


3. Results and discussions

3.1. Salt solution – salt concentration dependence

The mean values of salt solution dielectric properties are summarized in Table 4.1. The thermal

properties and density of all solutions were assumed to be the same as water since they were relatively

stable with concentration change (cp = 4.2 kJ/kg K, ρ = 1,000 kg/m3). The anode current showing on the RF

operating panel was constant for every solution at I = 0.42 A. The temperature‒time profiles of the salt

solutions during RF heating are shown in Fig. 4.4. It can be seen for all the tested solutions that the heating

rate of the one with electric conductivity of 0.1 S/m was the highest (displayed by the dashed line). The

heating rate of the solutions increased when the electric conductivity of the solution increased from 0.03 to

0.1 S/m. But then the heating rate decreased as the concentration increased from 0.1 to 3 S/m. Also, the

temperature curves for the 0.03 and 0.05 S/m solutions are slightly non-linear, which is perhaps due to the

temperature dependence of the dielectric properties. The heating rates of solutions with electrical

conductivity higher than 0.1 S/m are relatively constant (not temperature sensitive).

By putting various properties into Eq. (8) and (9), the heating rate and final temperature for 27.12

MHz were calculated. The top electrode voltage used in the prediction was 17,000 V according to the

estimating equation (Birla et al., 2008a). The final temperature obtained from both Eq. (9) and experiment

was shown in Fig. 4.5, in which the two curves correlated well. The discrepancy may come from the error

of voltage estimation and the linear temperature increase assumption in Eq. (9). The error may also be

caused by the limitation of the one dimensional assumption in the theoretical model since the actual sample

surface area was not as big as the electrodes. Although the tube had a relatively small diameter, the predicted

trend still agreed well with experiment. This is because the discrepancy from the one-dimensional

assumption only caused the fringe field at the corners but would not influence the center temperature much.

3.2. Peanut butter

3.2.1. Moisture dependence

All the measured properties of peanut butter with various moisture contents are summarized in

Table 4.2. The loss factor increased with increasing moisture content. This is possibly due to the

fact that the salt dissolved more in the water as moisture content increased and formed more freely

conductive ions. The electric current indicated on the RF machine operating panel varied from 0.52 to 0.60

A. Referring to the dielectric properties of peanut butter samples in Table 4.2, the loss factor ε˝ was much

smaller than the dielectric constant ε’ at moisture content 1.3 and 4 %, and ε˝ was larger than ε’ when

moisture content was 22 %. Thus, based on our earlier discussion, an approximate conclusion can be made

that the maximum heating rate may happen in either 10 % or 16 % samples because the value of ε’ and ε˝

for those samples are more comparable.

The heating profile of peanut butter samples at various moisture contents is shown in Fig. 4.6.

Within the 4 min heating period, all five heating curves were relatively linear, and the 10 % sample had the

highest heating rate (7.3 ºC/min). Assuming the voltage at the upper electrode was 8500 V (Birla et al.,

2008a; Tiwari et al., 2011b), the final temperatures obtained by both experimental and predicted methods

are presented in Fig. 4.7. The estimated and experimental results agreed well, and the variation between the

calculated and experimental values was less than 5 ºC.

3.2.2. Temperature dependence

From the dielectric properties for the 22 % (w.b.) moisture content peanut butter sample in Table

4.2, it can be observed that ε˝ > ε’ at room temperature, and ε˝ increased faster than ε’ as the temperature

increased. This trend may lead to a decreasing heating rate as discussed previously in the calculation in

Section 2.1. The temperature‒time curve for the peanut butter sample with 22 % (w.b.) moisture content

over a 48 min heating period in RF system is shown in Fig. 4.8. As the temperature increased with time,

the heating rate decreased, which supported the theoretical prediction.

To further analyze the trend, the heating rate versus temperature is plotted in Fig. 4.9 (a). The

 
coefficient " c p [( ' d0  d m )2  ( " d0 )2 ] is calculated and plotted versus temperature in Fig. 4.9 (b).

Comparing (a) and (b), the trends correlate well. Similar trends can also be found in Wang et al. (2003a)

for the heating rate of codling moth slurry and gellan gel, which has a loss factor larger than the dielectric

constant, and increases much faster than dielectric constant.

3.3. Determination of heating rate from dielectric properties plot

According to the calculation discussed above (Section 2.1), a method to estimate the heating rate

of samples in this study is to plot the dielectric constant versus loss factor (Fig. 4.10). A y = x is also plotted

as a reference for the comparison of dielectric constant and loss factor. The closer the data points

approached y = x, the higher heating rate that can be achieved based on the theoretical calculations.

For peanut butter samples except the one with 22% (w.b.) moisture content, it is difficult to tell

which one may have a higher heating rate from the graph since they are all close to the y = x curve. In this

situation, a specific analysis needs to be conducted as mentioned in the results section. The temperature

dependent dielectric properties of the 22 % (w.b.) sample showed that the data point was leaving the y = x

as temperature increased. This trend agreed with the experiment results in Fig. 4.9. For salt solution samples,

the data points showed the highest heating rate occurred between 0.1 and 0.15 S/m, which approximately

agreed with Fig. 4.4. The specific heating rate comparison can be found through the mathematical model.

4. Conclusions

A mathematical equation was deduced to better understand the heating behavior of food products

in RF heating. Dielectric properties were found as the major factor affecting the heating rate in RF systems

with a fixed electrode gap. The properties of salt solutions and peanut butter samples were obtained as the

input parameters for the mathematical model to predict the RF heating behavior. It was found from the

model that with a certain air gap and material thickness, the closer ε˝ approaches ε’, the higher heating rate

that can be obtained. The experimental results showed that dielectric properties influenced the heating

behavior in a free-running oscillator RF system in a predictable manner. The results from two food samples,

salt solution and peanut butter with adjusted moisture contents, indicated that the heating rate can be

predicted by the mathematical model with a large range of dielectric properties and various RF heating

conditions. That is, when the value of ε’ was closer to ε˝, the heating rate was the highest. This conclusion

may contribute to a better understanding as to how heating rate is influenced by food properties in a RF

system with a free-running oscillator.


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Table 4.1 Dielectric properties (mean ± SD of two replicates) of NaCl solutions with 10 electric

conductivities at 22 ºC and 27.12 MHz

Electrical conductivity (S/m) Dielectric properties (-)

ε’ ε”
0.03 77.33±0.12 18.12±0.62

0.05 78.21±0.93 30.47±1.32

0.10 78.95±0.57 36.18±3.58

0.15 80.17±0.81 64.93±7.53

0.2 79.29±0.13 119.24±9.31

0.3 80.65±1.03 155.99±10.06

0.5 80.63±0.27 277.99±19.28

1 83.08±0.84 573.45±17.73

2 87.03±0.43 1080.15±23.41

3 91.56±2.59 1577.03±36.52

Table 4.2 Properties of peanut butter with 5 selected moisture content levels at temperature 20–80

ºC and 27.12 MHz (dielectric properties presented in mean ±SD of two replicates)

Moisture content (w.b.)

1.3 4 10 16 22
Density (kg/m3) 1115.1 1111.9 1104.8 1097.7 1090.6
Heat capacity (kJ/kg·K) 2.03 2.17 2.45 2.67 2.91

20 ºC 3.26±0.01 3.40±0.28 6.77±0.17 13.12±1.79 18.25±1.24

30 ºC 3.32±0.03 3.51±0.32 6.92±0.08 14.12±1.06 20.01±0.78

40 ºC 3.39±0.02 3.62±0.32 7.26±0.18 15.02±0.81 23.66±0.46

Dielectric constant (ε’) 50 ºC 3.43±0.01 3.74±0.35 7.52±0.64 16.74±1.89 26.20±0.93

60 ºC 3.48±0.01 3.81±0.54 8.01±1.11 20.86±0.45 30.89±3.54

70 ºC 3.52±0.01 3.87±0.69 8.12±2.36 24.95±2.11 39.52±1.70

80 ºC 3.58±0.01 3.95±0.87 8.85±2.01 29.26±3.74 54.22±3.60

20 ºC 0.09±0.03 0.10±0.02 1.72±0.16 8.30±2.62 27.51±1.82

30 ºC 0.08±0.02 0.10±0.02 1.89±0.12 9.25±1.50 36.35±4.20

40 ºC 0.07±0.01 0.12±0.02 2.15±0.05 10.51±1.27 65.77±0.08

Loss factor (ε”) 50 ºC 0.07±0.02 0.14±0.02 2.37±0.38 11.96±0.78 83.23±4.87

60 ºC 0.06±0.02 0.14±0.01 2.97±0.54 20.40±4.65 114.68±9.88

70 ºC 0.05±0.01 0.15±0.04 3.51±1.08 29.81±10.82 172.10±42.63

80 ºC 0.04±0.01 0.18±0.06 4.14±0.52 40.03±17.35 278.67±63.73

Upper electrode

V E d Air
V E d Food
Bottom electrode

Figure 4.1 Scheme of RF heating system with parallel plate electrodes

Electric conductivity (S/m)
2 y = 0.1762x
R²= 0.9972
0 5 10 15 20 25
Concentration (g/l)

Figure 4.2 Electrical conductivity regression curve for NaCl solutions with various salt


Fiber optical sensor

Data logger Computer

Figure 4.3 Experimental setup for foods with a temperature measurement system in radio frequency



Temperature (deg C)

50 1,500
30 5,000

10 30,000
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time (min)

Figure 4.4 Temperature-time histories for NaCl solutions with different electrical conductivity

levels of 0.03 (◊), 0.05 (□), 0.1 (Δ), 0.15 (×), 0.2 (♦), 0.3 (○), 0.5 (●), 1 (▲), 2 (+) and 3 (■) S/m (dash for

0.03–0.1and bold for 0.15–3) subjected to RF heating at 27.12 MHz for 3 min (mean of 2 replicates)


Temperature (ºC)
0.03 0.3 3
Electric conductivity (S/m)

Figure 4.5 Final temperatures after 3 min RF treatment of salt solutions with 10 different electric

conductivities at 27.12 MHz obtained by experiments (○) and theoretical prediction (Δ).


Temperature (ºC)




0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Time (min)

Figure 4.6 Temperature-time histories for peanut butter with 5 moisture contents, 1.3% (×), 4% (○),

10% (□), 16% (Δ) and 22% (◊) w.b. during 4 min RF heating at 27.12 MHz



Temperature (ºC)




0 5 10 15 20 25
Moisture content (w.b.) (%)

Figure 4.7 Final temperature comparison of peanut butter samples with five water contents after 4

min RF heating at 27.12 MHz between experiments (○) and prediction (Δ)


Temperature (ºC)
0 10 20 30 40 50
Time (min)

Figure 4.8 Time-temperature curve for peanut butter with 22% (w.b.) moisture content with 48 min

27.12 MHz RF heating (mean of 2 replicates)

3 0.0024
Heating rate dT/dt

Heating coefficient
2.5 0.0020

1.5 0.0012
1 0.0008
0.5 0.0004
0 0.0000
20 30 40 50 60 20 30 40 50 60
Temperature (ºC)
Temperature (ºC)

(a) (b)

Figure 4.9 Tendency comparison between heating rate for a 48 min RF heating at 27.12 MHz (a)

𝜀 " / 𝜌𝑐𝑝 𝜀 ′ 𝑑0 + 𝑑𝑚 2
+ 𝜀 ′′ 𝑑0 2
and heating rate coefficient (b) calculated from the dielectric properties of

peanut butter with 22% (w.b.) moisture content

10 y=x
Dielectric constant (-) 5
0 5 10 15

0.03 S/m 0.05 S/m 0.1 S/m 0.15 S/m 0.2 S/m
Effect of temperature increase

0 40 80 120 160 200
Dielectric loss factor (-)

Figure 4.10 Dielectric properties of peanut butter samples (pb 1.3% (◊), 4% (□), 10% (Δ), 16% (×)

at room temperature, 22% (●) at 20–70 °C) and salt water (electric conductivity 0.03–0.2 S/m (○) at room

temperature) with a function curve of y = x at 27.12 MHz for estimating the maximum heating rate





Multistate Salmonella outbreaks in low moisture foods have created food safety concerns in recent

years. Radio frequency (RF) heating could be applied to eliminate pathogens and reduce the damage to

food quality. However, non-uniform heating in RF treatment is still a major problem for developing a food

pasteurization process. In this study, commercial peanut butter in a cylindrical jar was used as a model of

low moisture food for studying the RF heating uniformity. Polyetherimide (PEI) was placed around peanut

butter samples to provide better heating uniformity. A computer simulation model was established with

COMSOL Multiphysics®, and experiments with a RF machine (27.12 MHz, 6 kW) were performed to

validate the effectiveness of the PEI assisting method. Top surface and vertical cross-sectional temperature

distributions of peanut butter in a cylindrical container were obtained with an infrared camera, and

temperatures at 18 locations inside the container were measured with T type thermocouples. The results

showed that PEI assistance reduced the difference between the maximum and minimum temperature of the

top surface from 13 to 7 ºC and the cross-sectional surface temperatures from 28 to 18 ºC. The same strategy

was used on wheat flour and heating uniformity was improved. The computer model was then used with a

group of 9 jars of peanut butter for RF processing, and PEI assistance was also found to be effective in

improving heating uniformity. Thus, PEI assisted RF heating has potential as a pasteurization intervention

for low moisture foods after optimization of this process by the food industry.

Keywords: Radio frequency heating; low moisture foods; heating uniformity; dielectric properties;

computer simulation.

1. Introduction

Low moisture food is a large category of foodstuffs, including tree nuts, dried spices, wheat flour,

legumes, grains, and butter among others. Peanut butter is a popular food due to its appealing taste, smooth

mouth feel, high protein content and a moisture content below 2% (aw < 0.3 at room temperature). It is

normally considered a shelf stable food since its low moisture environment usually prevents bacterial

growth and multiplication (Beuchat, 1981). Salmonella, however, was found to survive in a low moisture

environment for several months, and even 1 cfu/ml can result in human illness or even death (Gelosa, 1984;

Kapperud et al., 1990; Burnett et al., 2000). Several cases of peanut butter contamination with Salmonella

have been reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in recent years (CDC, 2012). The

main source of Salmonella implicated in the reported outbreaks was found to be the cross contamination

occurring during the multiple steps involved in processing peanut butter. To ensure sufficient elimination

of Salmonella in peanut butter products, a pasteurization step could be added after packaging. However,

peanut butter has a relatively low thermal diffusivity, which makes traditional heating technologies

insufficient for inactivating Salmonella without causing severe food quality degradation (Shachar and

Yaron, 2006; Ma et al., 2009). Therefore, novel heating technologies need to be developed in order to

explore their effectiveness in pathogen control for peanut butter.

Radio frequency (RF) heating involves utilizing electromagnetic energy at a frequency range of 3

kHz–300 MHz. This electromagnetic energy can be converted into heat in foods. The volumetric heating

usually provides a much faster heating rate than traditional hot air or hot water heating, which saves

processing time and potentially improves product quality. A parallel plate RF heater with a free-running

oscillator is a popular design, which has been widely used in the food industry, e.g. drying (Jumah, 2005),

thawing (Farag et al., 2011), and post-baking (Palazoglu et al., 2012). The thermal effect of RF was also

found to be effective in food pasteurization (Geveke and Brunkhorst, 2004; Gao et al., 2011) and

sterilization (Luechapattanaporn et al., 2005; Kim et al., 2012; Wang et al., 2012).

Although the relatively longer wavelength of RF (compare to microwave) usually results in more

predictable temperature distributions in foods, edge over-heating is still a problem for foods heated inside

of containers (Tiwari et al., 2011a,b). This is caused by the different dielectric properties of food and the

surrounding medium (usually air), which results in an unevenly distributed electric field (Birla et al., 2004).

Severe non-uniform heating may result in a loss of quality at high temperatures, e.g., oil rancidity in nuts

(Wang et al., 2005; Wang et al., 2007) or thermal damage in fruits (Birla et al., 2004). Several methods

have been reported to improve uniformity in RF heating of fruits and nuts. These methods include: rotation

and water immersion for apples (Birla et al., 2004), intermittent stirring for walnuts (Wang et al., 2005),

hot water preheating for apples (Wang et al., 2006) and persimmons (Tiwari et al., 2008), and hot air

assistance for almonds and white bread (Gao et al., 2011; Liu et al., 2011). Tiwari et al. (2011b) used

computer simulation to comprehensively study the effect of shape, size, position, dielectric properties of

low moisture foods, and the shape of a bent upper electrode in RF cavities on heating uniformity. Their

results showed that when the dielectric constant and loss factor of the load are relatively close, the shape of

the load is spherical and the food sample is placed in the middle of the electrodes, the sample may achieve

good heating uniformity. The upper electrode bent to a certain angle also helped improve heating uniformity.

However, these methods all have some limitations when applied to peanut butter processing. Firstly, the

water immersion method is only effective for high moisture foods. Secondly, intermittent stirring and hot

air assisting methods work well for porous materials or particles, such as grains or nuts, but would not be

practical and effective for pre-packaged paste foods, such as peanut butter. Moreover, not many food

containers can be made in a spherical shape. Also, bending the electrode to suit the geometry of a specific

food cannot be performed in all cases.

To reduce the edge over-heating and obtain a relatively uniform temperature distribution in foods,

a uniform electric field needs to be generated throughout the treated food sample. Theoretically, the

dielectric constant determines the electric field distribution when the loss factor is far smaller than the

dielectric constant (Metaxas, 1996; Jiao et al., 2014). The uniformity of the electric field in the food could

be improved by minimizing the difference between the dielectric constant of the food and the surrounding


The objectives of this study were to (1) conduct computer simulation studies on the effectiveness

of using a plastic material – polyetherimide (PEI) – to assist improvement of RF heating uniformity in

peanut butter in cylindrical plastic jars; (2) conduct experiments in a pilot scale RF unit to validate

simulation results; (3) use the validated model to further analyze the heating uniformity of different spatial

arrangements of multiple peanut butter jars with and without PEI sheets for potential high-throughput

industrial processes; and (4) conduct further experiments with wheat flour to assess possibilities of

extending the method to other food products.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Sample preparation

Commercial creamy peanut butter was purchased from a local grocery store (IGA Inc., Pullman,

WA). The compositions of peanut butter as reported by the manufacturer were: 50 g/ 100 g fat, 25 g/ 100 g

protein, 1.19 g/ 100 g salt, and 21.9 g/ 100 g carbohydrates (including 6.3 g/ 100 g fiber and 9.4/ 100 g

sugar). Moisture content of the peanut butter sample was 1.3 g/ 100 g sample. Peanut butter was filled into

a plastic cylindrical container (made of polypropylene, inner-diameter d = 10 cm, height h = 5 cm, wall

thickness l = 1 mm) and covered with a lid for all treatments.

Wheat flour (Gold Medal, General Mills, Minneapolis, MN, USA) with a moisture content of 11.0%

(w.b.) was purchased from a local grocery store (IGA Inc., Pullman, WA). The same plastic cylindrical

container and lid used for the peanut butter samples was used for the wheat flour samples in RF heating


2.2. Physical properties of food material

Dielectric properties of peanut butter were determined with an open ended coaxial probe connected

to a network analyzer (Agilent E5071C, Agilent Technologies, Inc., Santa Clara, USA). Before

measurement, the network analyzer was warmed up for 30 min and calibrated with open/short/low lossy

capacitance/50 Ω load in sequence. The probe was then calibrated with air/short block/25 ºC deionized

water following standard procedures. Agilent software 85070D (Agilent Technologies, Inc., Santa Clara,

CA, USA) was used to trigger measurement and record data. The peanut butter sample was placed into a

cylinder sample holder (d = 20 mm, h = 94 mm), with oil circulating through the jacket of the sample holder.

The sample temperature was then raised up to the target temperature by the heated oil. The detailed design

of the measurement system and procedure can be found elsewhere (Wang et al., 2003). Triplicate

measurements were performed at 20–80 ºC with10 ºC intervals at frequencies of 1–1800 MHz. The density

and thermal properties of peanut butter were from Jiao et al. (2014).

2.3. Surrounding material selection

Plastic materials were chosen based on their similarity in dielectric properties to peanut butter.

Dielectric properties of common plastic materials at a frequency of 1 MHz, which is close to the RF heating

frequency, were taken from the literature (Table 5.1). Comparing all the listed materials, Polyetherimide

(PEI) has the closest dielectric constant to that of peanut butter (Table 5.2) and a lower dielectric loss factor.

PEI is an amorphous plastic material with high heat resistance, high mechanical strength, high electric

strength and known dielectric properties, which meets all the requirements of this study (Karasz, 1972).

Therefore, PEI was chosen as the surrounding material for heating uniformity improvement of peanut butter

in RF heating.

2.4. Temperature profiles of peanut butter in hot water and RF heating

A 6 kW 27.12 MHz free-running oscillator RF machine with parallel-plate electrodes (COMBI 6-

S, Strayfield International, Wokingham, U.K.) was used for RF treatments. The scheme and dimensions of

the RF machine can be found in Fig. 5.1. Peanut butter (460 g) was fed into a plastic container (d = 10 cm,

h = 5 cm). Two PEI sheets (l = 45 cm, w = 25 cm, h = 2.5 cm) were stacked together as one piece, and a

hole with a slightly larger diameter (d = 10.4 cm) than that of the peanut butter container was cut in the

center of the PEI sheets. The sample container was inserted into the PEI sheets which were in turn placed

between the two electrodes of the RF system. Only the side surface of the food sample was covered by PEI

sheets, with the top and bottom left uncovered and exposed to air (Fig. 5.1a). The peanut butter sample

underwent RF heating with an electrode gap of 9 cm. The gap was selected based on preliminary

experiments to obtain an appropriate heating rate. RF treatments were conducted individually for peanut

butter with and without PEI assistance.

For hot water treatments, another peanut butter sample in an equally sized container was prepared

and placed in a preheated water bath (Humboldt deluxe water baths H-1390, Humboldt Mfg. Co., Schiller

Park, IL, USA). The water temperature of the water bath was set as 72 ºC.

In all treatments, a fiber optical sensor (UMI, FISO Technologies, Inc., Saint-Foy, Quebec, Canada)

with an accuracy of ± 1 ºC was calibrated and placed in the center of the sample to monitor temperature

change versus time. The time-temperature history was recorded by the connected data logger (FOT-L, FISO,

Quebec, Canada). The initial sample temperature for both RF and hot water treatments was 23 ±1 ºC.

2.5. Computer simulation

2.5.1. Physical model

The RF system with a free-running oscillator included a generator and an applicator. The generator

provided electromagnetic energy to the applicator. The applicator had two parallel metal plate electrodes

and the space between the two electrodes formed a cavity filled with an electromagnetic field when the

system was in operation. The food material in the cavity was heated through conversion from

electromagnetic energy to thermal energy.

The amount of power conversion from electromagnetic energy to thermal energy is related to the

dielectric properties of the food, the working frequency, and the electric field intensity in the food (Metaxas,


P  2f 0" E (1)

where P is the power conversion in foods per unit volume (W m-3), f is the working frequency of the RF

equipment (Hz), ε0 is the permittivity of electromagnetic waves in free space (8.854 ×10 -12 F m-1), ε″ is the

loss factor of food material, and E is the electric field intensity in the food material (V m-1).

2.5.2. Governing equations

The electric field intensity in the electromagnetic field can be obtained by solving the Maxwell’s

equations. The RF field is a time-harmonic field so the Maxwell’s equation can be simplified to the Laplace

equation with a quasi-static assumption (Choi and Konrad, 1991; Birla et al., 2008):

     j 20' V   0 (2)

where σ is the electrical conductivity of the food material (S m-1), j   1 , ε′ is the dielectric constant of

food material, and V is the electric potential across the electrode gap (V).

The heat transfer inside the food material is described by Fourier’s equation:

T P
  2T  (3)
t c p

where T t is the instant heating rate in food material, (ºC s-1); α is the thermal diffusivity (m2 s-1); ρ is

the density (kg m-3); and cp is the specific heat (J kg-1K-1).

By simultaneously solving Eqs. (1)‒(3), the temperature profile in a peanut butter jar within a

certain time period can be obtained.

2.5.3. Initial and boundary conditions

The initial temperature was set at room temperature (23 ºC). In the case of peanut butter surrounded

by PEI, the outer surface of the peanut butter container was in direct contact with the vertical, cylindrical

surface of the PEI sheets (Fig. 5.1b). The other surfaces of the PEI sheets were exposed to still air and the

convective heat transfer coefficient (h) was assumed to be 15 W m-2 ºC-1 for natural convection (Romano

and Marra, 2008). In the case of peanut butter without PEI surrounding it, a convective heat transfer

boundary condition (h = 15 W m-2 ºC-1) was used at the outer surface of the peanut butter container. The

metal enclosure boundary of the RF machine was considered as thermal insulation, T  0 . The top

electrode was set as the electromagnetic source since it introduced high frequency electromagnetic energy

from the generator to the heating cavity. It was difficult to measure the actual voltage during processing

without disturbing the electric field (Marshall and Metaxas, 1998), thus, the voltage of the top electrode

was estimated by the following equation (Birla et al., 2008):

 c p dT 
V   d air ' 2  " 2  d mat   (4)
  f 0 ' dt 
 

where dair is the air gap between the electrodes and food sample (m), dmat is the thickness of the food material

(m), and ε′ and ε″ are the dielectric constant and loss factor of food materials, respectively.

Because of the different heating rates, the estimated voltages are 6,350 and 11,000 V for simulation

without and with PEI sheets, respectively. All the metal shielding parts except the top electrode were

grounded, and considered as electrical insulation,   E  0 .

2.5.4. Simulation procedure

A commercial finite element method (FEM) based software COMSOL Multiphysics (V4.2a

COMSOL Multiphysics, Burlington, MA, USA) was used to simulate the RF heating process. The joule

heating module used in this study was a conjugation module of electromagnetic heating and heat transfer,

which can solve the electromagnetic equations and heat transfer equations simultaneously. In the food

sample and on the top electrode, extremely fine tetrahedral mesh was incorporated in to guarantee the

accuracy of temperature distribution predictions. Other parts of the system were meshed with normal size

tetrahedral mesh. The mesh size was chosen based on the convergence study of when the difference of the

maximum temperature between successive calculations was less than 0.1%. The final meshes contained

115,231 domain elements, 20,104 boundary elements, 997 edge elements and 64 vertex elements. The time

step used in this study was 0.1 s. The computer simulation was conducted on a Dell workstation with two

Dual Core 2.80 GHz Xeon processors, 12 GB RAM on a Windows 7 64 bit operating system. Each

simulation case took around 20 minutes to complete.

2.6. Model validation - RF experiments

The 6 kW free-running oscillator RF heating machine with a working frequency of 27.12 MHz was

used in experiments to validate the computer simulation model. The cold spot location in the container was

determined by both experimental and computer simulation methods. In a cylinder container, the temperature

distribution at every vertical cross-sectional surface across the central axis of the container should ideally

be the same. Therefore, the temperature distribution of the top surface and one such vertical cross-sectional

surface could represent the whole geometry for determining the cold spot location (Fig. 5.2). In the

experiment, thermal images of the top and a vertical cross-sectional surface of the food were taken after RF

treatments, and the lowest temperature location of the two surfaces was identified as the cold spot of the

food sample. In the computer simulation, the cold spot location was found from the volumetric temperature

map with the software. In RF heating experiments, when the cold spot temperature of the food sample

reached 70 ºC, the sample container was removed from the heating cavity. Then the surface temperatures

of the top surface or cross-sectional surface were immediately measured with an infrared camera to an

accuracy of ±2 ºC (ThermaCAMTM Researcher 2001, FLIR Systems, Portland, OR, USA). The camera was

calibrated by comparing the output temperature with the actual temperature measured with a calibrated

thermocouple. The emissivity of the food, plastic film and container was 0.99.

To obtain the temperature profile at a vertical cross-sectional surface, a cylindrical container was

cut into half along the axis (Fig. 5.3), and each half was sealed with a 0.1 mm thick plastic film using super

glue. The assumption behind using a thin plastic film was that the film and the peanut butter adjacent to it

had equivalent temperatures. The two halves were reassembled forming a cylinder, and then filled with a

peanut butter sample for RF treatment. A thermal image of the cross-sectional surface after treatment was

also taken with the infrared camera. The target temperature was chosen based on normal food pasteurization


A board fixed with 18 thermocouple sensors (Type-T, Omega Engineering Ltd, CT, accuracy ±0.5

ºC) was used to obtain the temperature distribution in the peanut butter samples after RF heating (Fig. 5.4a).

The board was made from a plastic block (d = 10 cm, h = 2 cm) glued to the top of the container lid. Nine

holes (d = 2 mm) were drilled through the lid and glued block. Nine threaded rods (d = 2 mm, h = 9 cm)

were inserted through the block and extended beyond the base of the board by 5 cm to allow for the

attachment of thermocouples. All the rods were fastened with nuts on both sides. Another 9 holes with

diameters double those of the thermocouple wires’ (d = 1 mm) were drilled next to the rods to allow sensor

wires to pass through. Two thermocouple wires were fixed through each hole, and fastened with thread at

two different vertical positions (h1 = 3 cm, h2 = 1 cm measured from the container bottom). All together,

the board had 18 thermocouple wires labeled as shown in Fig. 5.4b. It was then used to determine the sample

temperature distribution of the two layers.

Immediately after infrared pictures of the surfaces were taken, sensors were inserted into the peanut

butter, and temperatures at all 18 spots were recorded. The entire temperature measurement procedure was

completed within 15 s. These experiments were replicated three times.

2.7. Heating uniformity of wheat flour

The same RF treatment used for the peanut butter samples was applied to the wheat flour samples

in a cylinder container with and without surrounding PEI. The target heating temperature was selected as

60 ºC due to product quality limitations. A thermal image was taken of the top surface of the wheat flour.

The effectiveness of the PEI surrounding method on improving the heating uniformity was evaluated by

comparing the temperature distributions at the top surface of the wheat flour.

2.8. Heating uniformity of multiple containers under RF treatment

After the computer simulation model was validated, the model was used to study heating uniformity

of multiple containers in a single RF cavity to simulate possible industrial RF heating processes. The model

considered nine containers arranged in two different spatial patterns heated in RF systems with and without

PEI assistance (Fig. 5.5). The heating uniformity of treated samples was evaluated by the uniformity index

(UI) (Alfaifi et al., 2014) below. In RF treatments, a smaller index corresponds to better heating uniformity.

UI 

T  Tav dVvol
Tav  Tinitial Vvol

where T is the local temperature of the food (ºC), Tinitial is the initial temperature of the food (ºC), Tav is the

average temperature of the food volume (ºC), and Vvol is the volume of food (m3).

In this study, we compared the UI of all 9 samples and also the centrally located sample in Fig. 5.5.

The centrally located sample was selected to represent the samples in industrial large scale processing

without the influence of edge over-heating.

2.9. Statistical analysis

The mean values of three replicates of the temperature measured by the thermocouples were

analyzed by Microsoft Excel®. All the statistically significant comparisons were made at a significance

level of P = 0.05.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Dielectric and thermal properties of peanut butter

The properties of peanut butter, PEI and air at room temperature were used in the computer

simulation (Table 5.2). Dielectric properties of peanut butter had a non-linear relationship with temperature,

so only average values at all temperatures were used in the simulation. The low dielectric constant and loss

factor of peanut butter were due to the high fat content (around 50%) and low moisture content (1.3% w.b.)

of the composition. The dielectric properties of peanut butter are close to those of vegetable oil (Kent, 1987).

3.2. Heating rate comparison among peanut butter in hot water in RF treatments

Fig. 5.6 (a) shows the temperature histories of the peanut butter samples during RF heating with an

electrode gap of 9 cm and hot water heating from a starting temperature of 23 ºC. In both cases, processing

times were selected to ensure that the cold spot in the food reached 70 ºC for a fair comparison. The heating

time of the hot water treatment was around 220 min. This was reduced to 6.5 min with RF heating. With a

more linear heating rate, RF heating was about 34 times faster than hot water heating. The rapid heating

rate of RF suggests that RF technology could prevent unnecessary quality degradation of food samples by

reducing excess heating time.

Typical experimental temperature–time profiles at the center of the peanut butter sample when

subjected to RF heating with an electrode gap of 9 cm with and without PEI assistance are shown in Fig.

5.6 (b). Heating rates were relatively constant under both conditions. After adding PEI sheets, the heating

rate at the center of the peanut butter sample increased from 6.8 to 20.8 ºC min -1 while the heating time

required to reach 70 ºC was reduced from 10.0 to 2.8 min. The corresponding anode current also increased

from 0.52 to 1.20 A. This is because increased dielectric material volume provided a better impedance

match between the load circuit and the tank circuit, which resulted in increased input power. The power

conversion in the food sample was automatically adjusted by the free-running oscillator RF system based

on the impedance match. During RF treatment, the temperature of the PEI plates increased from

approximately 23 ºC to 28 ºC, which was only about 10% of the temperature increase in the food sample

with the same treatment.

3.3. Determination of cold spot location in a sample container

The voltage used in computer simulation was 8,800 and 12,100 V for peanut butter under RF

treatment without and with PEI plates, respectively. The voltages were obtained by sweeping a voltage

range around the estimated value in computer simulation to match the heating profiles of the experiments

(Birla et al., 2008). The difference between the estimation and actual value used (around 2000–2500 V)

was due to the limitation of using only the heating rate at the center of the sample to represent the sample


Based on both experimentation and computer simulation results, the cold spot location was found

to be at the center of top and bottom surfaces for samples with or without PEI sheets (Figs. 5.7 and 5.9).

The selection of the RF treatment period was based on confirmation that the cold spot location reached the

target pasteurizing temperature, which was 70 ºC in this study.

3.4. Model validation

Surface and contour plots of the top surface of peanut butter with and without PEI sheets assistance

after RF treatment for 2.8 and 10.0 min are shown in Fig. 5.7. The low temperatures measured at the outer

edge of the food in the experiments were attributed to the heat loss that occurred during the time when the

samples were being transferred from the RF equipment to the camera. The computer simulation result in

Fig 5.8a illustrates how the electric field pattern between two RF electrodes was distorted in the presence

of the peanut butter jar which causes severe edge heating. The electric field distortion was reduced when

placing a PEI material around the sample jar (Fig. 5.8b). Similar results were reported by Tiwari (2011a)

and Alfaifi (2014) for wheat flour and dry fruits. Judging from the heating patterns presented in Figs 5.7,

the simulation and experimental results agreed well, which validated the simulation model. The

experimental results showed that when the lowest temperature reached 70 °C, the highest temperature had

reached 83 °C with no PEI sheets surrounding the sample. After adding PEI, the highest temperature was

reduced to 77 °C. The computer simulation indicated that the temperature range was from 70 to 80 °C

without PEI, and 70 to 73 °C when using PEI. The reduced temperature differential between the hot and

cold spot validated the effectiveness of using PEI to surround the sample to improve RF heating uniformity.

Fig. 5.9 shows surface and contour plots of temperature distributions obtained from experiments and

the computer simulation for the central cross-sectional surface of a peanut butter container following RF

treatment with and without PEI as the surrounding medium. The low temperatures at the edge of the

temperature profile from the experiments were, again, caused by a time delay for the temperature

measurement after RF treatment was finished. The temperature pattern is symmetric both horizontally and

in parallel since the sample is located at the center of the RF cavity. The experimental contour plot shows

that the highest temperature on the cross-sectional surface was 95 °C without PEI, but was reduced to 85 °C

with PEI. This comparison indicated that the hot spot temperature was sharply reduced using the PEI

assisted method. Both computer simulation and experimentation showed similar results, which again

validated the effectiveness of the mathematical model.

3.5. Overall heating uniformity improvement evaluation

The maximum, minimum, average temperature and standard deviation of the top surface and central

cross-section of peanut butter are summarized in Table 5.3. For the top surface, the difference between

maximum and minimum temperatures with PEI assistance was reduced from 13 to 7 ºC. The standard

deviation was reduced from 4 to 2 °C, which also implies a better heating uniformity. The heating

uniformity improvement for the central cross-sectional area was also obvious. The difference between

maximum and minimum temperature was reduced from 28 to 18 °C, and the standard deviation was reduced

from 6 to 4 °C.

The internal temperature distribution in the peanut butter jar obtained from the thermocouples is

shown in Fig. 5.10. The average temperature and standard deviation of all 18 locations without and with

PEI assistance was 86.7 ± 1.0 and 78.6 ± 0.7 ºC, respectively. Thus, the smaller scatter range showed that

temperature uniformity improved volumetrically with PEI assistance.

3.6. Heating uniformity of wheat flour

The top surface temperature distribution of wheat flour after 8.0 min of RF treatment (electrode

gap of 9 cm) without PEI assistance and 4.3 min RF treatment with PEI assistance are shown in Fig. 5.11.

The cold spot location was the same as that of peanut butter, which was at the center of the top surface. It

is clear from Figure 5.11 that the high temperature zone (white color) vanished after adding PEI sheets.

Without PEI assistance, the edge temperature reached 80 ºC when the center temperature reached 60 ºC.

When PEI sheets were added, the edge temperature decreased to 67 ºC, which indicated that heating

uniformity improved. This demonstrates that the PEI assistance method could possibly be applied to other

low moisture food products.

3.7. Heating uniformity of multiple peanut butter samples

The simulated temperature profiles of the middle layer of 9 peanut butter samples in two different

spatial arrangements are shown in Fig. 5.12. For both arrangements, heating uniformity was largely

improved by adding PEI sheets around the samples, causing the maximum temperature to be reduced from

120 ºC to 99 ºC while minimum temperature stayed the same (70 ºC). Overheating was observed at the

outside layer of samples not surrounded with PEI, but was found to be reduced when PEI sheets were added.

Overheating problems remaining after applying PEI sheets can be explained by the difference in dielectric

properties of PEI sheets and peanut butter samples.

The uniformity indexes (UI) were calculated volumetrically for all 9 samples and for the central

sample with and without PEI (Table 5.4). For all 9 samples, the UI was clearly reduced after adding PEI

sheets. Also, edge heating was effectively reduced by utilizing PEI assistance. There was little difference

between the two designs in terms of average temperature and UI.

If we only consider the heating uniformity of the centrally located peanut butter container, which

represents food samples in industrial processing, design 2 was better than design 1. The average temperature

was lowered from 94.1 to 88.7 °C in design 1 and 93.0 to 89.4 °C in design 2. Also, the UI decreased from

0.0576 and 0.0499 to 0.0440 and 0.0336, respectively. This was because the spaces filled with PEI between

containers were smaller, resulting in a better heating uniformity.

4. Conclusion

A computer model was developed to explore the effectiveness of a PEI assistance method to

improve the heating uniformity of peanut butter subjected to RF heating in a 6 kW, 27.12 MHz RF system.

Results from computer simulation and experimental methods showed good agreement for the temperature

distribution of both the top and cross-sectional surfaces of peanut butter samples. For peanut butter samples

heated from room temperature to 70 ºC, the maximum temperature difference in the peanut butter was

reduced from 28 to 18 ºC after adding PEI. The same treatment was applied to wheat flour with samples

that were heated from room temperature to 60 ºC, which resulted in a reduction in the maximum temperature

difference at the top surface from 20 to 7 ºC after adding PEI. The validated computer simulation model

was then used to test the PEI addition method in 9 peanut butter jars with two different spatial arrangements.

All the results indicated that the use of the PEI addition method has the potential to improve the heating

uniformity of low moisture foods heated in RF systems. The heating uniformity of multiple jars can also be

improved by putting the jars as close together as possible. Furthermore, the model can be used to optimize

the parameters in heating uniformity improvement methods, for example, adjusting the dielectric properties

of the surrounding material to explore the best material for a specific food sample.


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Table 5.1 Dielectric properties of common plastic materials at 1 MHz and room temperature

Plastic material Dielectric constant ε' Dielectric loss factor ε"

Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) 2.1 0.00063a

Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) 3.0 0.048b

Polypropylene (PP) 2.1 0.0001a

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) 3.1 0.017b

Polyvinylidene chloride (PVDC) 3.0 0.15b

Polyetherimide (PEI) 3.2 0.003c

Polycaprolactam (Nylon) 3.0 0.108b

a b c
Mark (1999) Modern Plastics Encyclopedia (1991) Zhu et al. (2011)

Table 5.2 Properties of peanut butter, polyetherimide and air for mathematical modeling (dielectric

properties of peanut butter averaged at temperature 20–80 ºC at 27.12 MHz)

Peanut butter Airc

Density (kg/m3) 1115a 1270 1.2

Heat capacity (J/kg·K) 2030a 2000 1000

Thermal conductivity (W/m·K) 0.209a 0.122 0.026

Dielectric constant 4.03 3.15 1

Dielectric loss factor 0.4 0.0025 0

Jiao et al. (2014) b Kelly and Zweben (2000) c
COMSOL material library (2012)

Table 5.3 Infrared picture analysis of top and side surfaces of a peanut butter jar with and without

PEI assistance after RF treatment

Temperature (ºC)

Min Max Max-Min Average Stdev

Top surface without PEI 70 83 13 76 4

with PEI 70 77 7 73 2

Central cross-sectional without PEI 70 98 28 87 6

with PEI 70 88 18 79 4

Table 5.4 Uniformity index (UI) comparisons between two spatial arrangements of 9 peanut butter

samples and the centrally located sample under RF treatment with and without PEI assistance

Design 1 Design 2
9 samples
without PEI with PEI without PEI with PEI
Average temperature (ºC) 98.6 89.8 99.6 90.6
Uniformity Index (UI) 0.0887 0.0541 0.0948 0.0393
Design 1 Design 2
Centrally located sample
without PEI with PEI without PEI with PEI
Average temperature (ºC) 94.1 88.7 93.0 89.4
Uniformity Index (UI) 0.0576 0.0499 0.0440 0.0336



Figure 5.1 3-D Scheme (a) and dimensions (b) of the 6 kW 27.12 MHz RF system and a food load

(peanut butter) with PEI sheets (dimensions are in mm)

Figure 5.2 Cold spot location determination method: comparison of top surface and cross sectional

surface temperature distribution.

Plastic film

Figure 5.3 Cutting a cylindrical container in half for temperature distribution measurement at the cross-

sectional surface

(a) (b)

Figure 5.4 Eighteen thermocouples (with labeled locations) connected to data logger for measuring

temperature distribution inside the food container after RF treatment

(a) (b)

Figure 5.5 Two spatial arrangements of 9 peanut butter jars for RF treatment (top view): Arrangement

1 (a) and Arrangement 2 (b)

100 100

80 80

Temperature (ºC)
Tempearture (ºC)

60 60 70 °C

40 40
Hotwater RF without PEI
20 20
RF RF with PEI
0 0
0 100 200 300 0 5 10
Time (min) Time (min)

(a) (b)

Figure 5.6 A typical measured temperature-time curve of peanut butter in a cylindrical container (a)

subjected to hot water heating and RF heating and (b) subjected to RF heating with and without PEI

assistance with an electrode gap 9 cm (temperature at the center of peanut butter)

Without PEI With PEI



75 75
70 80 70 70 75 70
80 75 75 75
Experiment 80 75 70
80 70 75
Top 80 70 75
contour 75
80 75 75
75 75 70 70
70 80 70
75 75 75





Figure 5.7 Comparison of simulated and experimental results for top surface temperature

distributions of peanut butter without and with PEI assistance after 10.0 and 2.8 min RF heating with an

electrode gap of 9 cm

Top electrode


Peanut butter

Bottom electrode


Top electrode


PEI Peanut butter PEI

Bottom electrode


Figure 5.8 Simulated electric field (arrow) and electric potential (contour) plot for peanut butter (a) without

PEI and (b) with PEI assistance after 10.0 and 2.8 min RF treatment (electrode gap 9 cm)

Without PEI With PEI









Figure 5.9 Comparison of simulated and experimental results for cross-sectional surface temperature

distributions of peanut butter without and with PEI assistance after 10.0 and 2.8 min RF heating with an

electrode gap of 9 cm

Temperature (ºC)

30 with PEI

20 without PEI
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Thermocouple location number

Figure 5.10 Experimentally measured temperature at18 locations in peanut butter container after 10.0

min RF treatment without PEI and 2.8 min with PEI

Without PEI With PEI

Figure 5.11 Thermal images of surface temperature distribution of wheat flour after 8.0 and 4.3

min RF treatment without and with PEI sheets (electrode gap = 9 cm)

Design 1

Design 2

Without PEI With PEI

Figure 5.12 Simulated temperature distribution (middle layer) of two spatial arrangements of 9 peanut

butter samples with and without PEI assistance under 6 min RF treatment with an electrode gap of 9 cm





Radio frequency (RF) heating is rapid and volumetric, and is thus suited for in-packaged food

pasteurization applications. However, the non-uniform heating problem needs to be resolved. In this study,

a method of adding Polyetherimide (PEI) cylindrical blocks on top of and at the bottom of a bottle of peanut

butter samples (d = 10 cm, h = 5 cm) was evaluated to improve RF heating uniformity. A computer

simulation model built with COMSOL Multiphysics® was used for heating pattern prediction, and a new

heating uniformity index was proposed to suitably evaluate pasteurization process heating uniformity.

Results showed a pair of PEI blocks with a diameter of 8 cm among all five diameters (2, 4, 6, 8, 10 cm)

added to the cold spots of a given peanut butter sample could make the sample reach the best heating

uniformity. Using the computer model, the optimized height of PEI blocks was found to be 1.4 cm after

sweeping from 0.1 to 2.3 cm with a step of 0.1 cm. Simulation results also showed that the combination of

PEI surrounding and the addition of 8 cm diameter PEI blocks could further control the temperature

distribution range in peanut butter within 7.1 ºC when the peanut butter was heated from 23 to 70 ºC. The

newly developed heating uniformity index provided a more reasonable evaluation on heating uniformity of

pasteurization process than the traditional uniformity index.

Keywords: Radio frequency; heating uniformity; computer modeling; cold spot.

1. Introduction

Salmonella, a foodborne pathogen, is one of the most common causes of food poisoning in the U.S.

and Europe. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Salmonella causes 1.2 million illness

cases in the U.S. every year (CDC, 2012). The source of Salmonella is usually animal products, e.g. raw

poultry meat, egg, milk and excreta. Cross-contaminations due to unclean processing conditions or

inappropriate storage may bring the pathogen from animal products to shelf stale foods and cause serious

poisoning to people. Most of the low moisture foods, e.g. beef jerky, milk powder, chocolate, peanut butter,

and pet food, are shelf stable. However, many of those have been reported as being contaminated by

Salmonella in the last decade (Vought, 1998; Matsui et al., 2004). To eliminate the pathogen, a post-

packaging pasteurization process for shelf stable foods would be important.

Thermal inactivation is the most common pasteurization method for foods. By elevating the

temperature of foods, the optimum living environment of the pathogen is disrupted, resulting in the

inactivation of pathogens. Traditional thermal inactivation utilize hot air and hot water as a heat medium.

However, low moisture food products are difficult to heat due to the low thermal conduction rate. This will

result in a longer heating period, and consequently, a lower food quality (Wang et al., 2001; 2007b; Birla

et al., 2005; Gao et al., 2010). Furthermore, the slow heating rate may increase the heat resistance of bacteria

since the generation of heat shock protein made the bacteria adapt to their environment quickly (Xavier,

1997; Chung et al., 2007).

Radio frequency (RF) technology uses electromagnetic waves with a frequency range of 3 kHz to

300 MHz to heat target foods. It has been applied to drying, thawing and pest control in the food industry

(Jumah, 2005; Lagunas-Solar et al., 2007; Gao et al., 2010; Wang et al., 2010; 2014; Alberti et al., 2011;

Farag et al., 2011; Kocadagli et al., 2012; Alfaifi et al., 2014). Studies also showed that RF has the potential

for packaged food pasteurization/sterilization (Houben, 1991; Luechapattanaporn et al., 2004; 2005). RF

over-heating at the edges and corners of food samples remains an important challenge. Non-uniform RF

heating is mainly caused by the difference between the dielectric properties of food and its surrounding

medium (Birla et al., 2004; Jiao et al., 2014a). Studies have been reported to improve the heating uniformity

in a food matrix in RF treatments. For high water content food, like fruits, researchers used water

surrounding combined with a moving or rotating method (Ikediala et al., 2002; Birla et al., 2004; 2005;

2008; Hansen et al., 2005; Wang et al., 2006); for intermediate/low moisture foods, scientists developed

hot air assistance, intermittent stirring, movement, electrode modification, and plastic sheets surrounding

methods to enhance the heating uniformity(Wang et al., 2005; 2007a; Gao et al., 2011; Liu et al., 2011;

2012; Pan et al., 2012; Alfaifi, 2013; Jiao et al., 2014a).

In this study, we propose a method to improve the heating uniformity by strategically increasing

the amount of energy delivered to the cold spot of a sample. In a free-running oscillator RF system, the

energy delivered into the load is auto-adjusted by the matching circuit. When a food sample with a non-

uniform thickness is placed between the electrodes, the thicker portion of the sample would normally absorb

a larger amount of energy and would be heated faster eventually (Mehdizadeh, 2009). Therefore, for a

product with a uniform thickness, increasing the thickness at the cold spot location will help localize the

electric field and bring up the local temperature, which will result in a better heating uniformity. Therefore,

we chose to place cylindrical dielectric blocks at the cold spots of the peanut butter sample in a cylindrical

container during RF treatment.

The objectives of this study were to: (1) establish a computer simulation model to predict the

electric field intensity and temperature distribution with PEI blocks adjacent to the cold spots of peanut

butter in a cylindrical container; (2) conduct experiments with peanut butter and various diameters of PEI

blocks in a RF system to verify the simulation results; (3) use the validated computer model to find the

optimum height of the PEI blocks; and (4) use the computer model to predict the effectiveness of a

combination method of PEI sheets surrounding and PEI blocks addition and compare the effectiveness.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Sample preparation

Peanut butter (IGA brand) was purchased from a local grocery store (IGA, Pullman, WA). It is a

homogeneous paste without peanut chunks and oil separation. Peanut butter (460 g) was fed into a

cylindrical plastic container (polypropylene, d = 10 cm, h = 5 cm) for RF treatments. The physical, thermal

and dielectric properties of the peanut butter were reported by Jiao et al. (2014a).

2.2. Block material and size selection

PEI was selected as the material for the dielectric blocks because of its high heat resistance and

electric strength. The dielectric properties of PEI material limited its heat absorbance during RF treatment,

which could make the heat focus more on foods (Jiao et al., 2014a). Since the peanut butter was in a

cylindrical container, the PEI blocks were also cut into cylinders to match the shape of the cold areas in the

experiments and simulations. The height of PEI blocks for experiments was selected to be 0.6 cm, which

was determined from preliminary experiments results to better fit in the RF cavity and provide a reasonable

heating rate to the food sample. Five diameters of PEI blocks were selected for testing: 2 cm, 4 cm, 6 cm,

8 cm, and 10 cm.

A combination method for enhancing heating uniformity was to add a pair of PEI blocks with an

optimum diameter at the cold spots and a PEI sheet (60 ×20 ×5 cm3) surrounding the peanut butter sample.

The details of the PEI surrounding method could be found in Jiao et al. (2014a).

2.3. Sequence of the study

The studies were carried out in the following sequence: firstly built up a computer simulation model

to test the effectiveness of adding PEI blocks in the RF heating uniformity improvement by plotting the

electric field of peanut butter with and without PEI blocks. Then a set of experiments were conducted to

obtain the top surface temperature distribution of the peanut butter in a cylindrical container with a different

sized the PEI block to validate the established model. Once the model was validated, the temperature

profiles at a cross-sectional surface of peanut butter were plotted, and the heating uniformity index of each

case was calculated. After finding the optimum diameter of the PEI blocks, computer simulations were run

to compare the sample heating uniformity index of the PEI surrounding method, PEI blocks addition

method and a combination of both, and also to find the optimized height of PEI blocks. The optimum height

of PEI blocks was also obtained by computer simulation.

2.4. Computer simulation

2.4.1. Physical model

The physical model was built for a 6 kW, 27.12 MHz RF heating system with free-running

oscillator and a pair of parallel-plate electrodes (COMBI 6-S, Strayfield International, Wokingham, U.K.).

The waves with electromagnetic energy from the RF generator was transferred to the RF cavity and

eventually converted to heat in the food load. To simplify the modeling procedure, only the RF cavity and

food load were described as the physical model. The dimensions of the RF system can be found in Jiao et

al. (2014a), and the scheme of the peanut butter sample size and position in the RF cavity was shown in

Fig. 6.1.

2.4.2. Governing equations

The conversion from electromagnetic energy to heat energy depends on the following equation:

P  2f 0  " E (1)

where P is the power conversion in foods per unit volume (W m-3), f is the working frequency of the RF

system (Hz), ε0 is the permittivity of electromagnetic waves in free space (8.854 × 10 -12
F m-1), ε″ is the

loss factor of food material, and E is the electric field intensity in the food (V m-1).

Maxwell’s equations describe the electromagnetic field. The RF field can be seen as a time

harmonic field since the variation time of radio frequency is far smaller than the time needed for heat

transfer. Therefore, the Maxwell’s equations can be simplified to the Laplace’s equation (Eq. 2) based on

a quasi-static assumption. By solving the Laplace’s equation, the electric field intensity can be obtained and

the temperature distribution in the food can be found based on their thermal properties. It takes less time

and effort solving the Laplace’s equation than Maxwell’s equations.

     j 2 0 'V   0 (2)

where σ is the electrical conductivity of the food material (S m-1), j 1 , ε′ is the dielectric constant of

food material, and V is the electric potential across the electrode gap (V).

The absorbed RF power raises the temperature of the food sample, so heat transfer takes place

inside the food and between the food and the outside. The heat transfer process can be described in Fourier’s


T P
  2T  (3)
t c p

where T t is the instant heating rate in food material, (ºC s-1); α is the thermal diffusivity (m2 s-1); ρ is

the density (kg m-3); and cp is specific heat of the food sample (J kg-1K-1).

The temperature distribution in the food can be obtained by simultaneously solving Eqs. (1)-(3).

2.4.3. Initial and boundary conditions

The initial temperature of all cases of simulation was set as 23 ºC. The boundary conditions at

surfaces of PEI in contact with the peanut butter container were set as heat conduction, and all other surfaces

exposed to air were set as natural convection with a heat transfer coefficient of 15 W m-2 ºC-1 (Jiao et al.,

2014a). Properties of the peanut butter, PEI blocks and air used in simulations were listed in Table 6.1.

The top electrode of the RF system was set as the electromagnetic source. In order to obtain the

voltage on the top electrode, an estimation equation was employed as an alternative way to calculate the

voltage (Eq. 4). This estimation equation was based on a 1-D assumption of the heating system, which

assumes the electric field distribution in the food volume is uniform (Birla et al., 2004).

 c p dT 
V   d air  '2   "2  d mat   (4)
  f 0 ' dt 
 

where dair is the total air gap between the electrodes and food sample (m), dmat is the thickness of the food

material (m), and ε′ and ε″ are the dielectric constant and loss factor of food materials, respectively. The

voltage used in computer simulation was determined by trial and error until the heating rate in the food

matched with the experimental results.

The bottom electrode and the metal shield of the RF system were set as electric insulation.

2.5. Simulation procedure

The commercial finite element method (FEM) software, COMSOL Multiphysics® (V4.2a

COMSOL Multiphysics, Burlington, MA, USA), is commonly used to provide numerical solutions to the

electromagnetic heating problem. The joule heating module, which conjugates the electric current and heat

transfer models, was employed in this study to achieve a reliable and fast prediction of the heating pattern

in foods.

After drawing the geometry based on the food sample and the RF system, all domains were meshed

to obtain a numerical solution to the problem. The convergence criteria of meshing was to ensure the

difference of the maximum temperature was less than 0.1% before and after the number of mesh elements

was doubled. Based on preliminary simulation studies, default extremely fine tetrahedral meshes were

generated in the food sample and on the top electrode, and normal size meshes were generated in all other

domains. Numbers of elements in the whole geometry after meshing were shown in Table 6.2.

2.6. RF experiments

All RF experiments were conducted at a room temperature of 23 ºC with a fixed gap between

electrodes of 10.1 cm. Peanut butter in cylinder containers was prepared and capped with its original lid.

PEI blocks were manufactured from PEI sheets with a thickness of 0.6 cm. A hole (d = 2 mm) was drilled

at the center of all PEI blocks and the container lid along its axis to allow temperature sensors to go through.

In experiments, the food sample was sandwiched by two PEI blocks and positioned coaxially in the

center of the RF cavity. The food samples were elevated to the middle between the two electrodes to achieve

a symmetric heating pattern. For all cases with different sizes of PEI blocks, cold spot locations were

determined by finding the lowest temperature from thermal images of a top surface and a cross sectional

surface taken by an infrared camera (ThermaCAMTM Researcher 2001, FLIR Systems, Portland, OR, USA).

The detailed procedure could be found in Jiao et al., (2014a). All RF experiments in this study were

conducted based on the cold spot reached target pasteurization temperature (70 ºC). A fiber optical sensor

(UMI, FISO Technologies, Inc., Saint-Foy, Quebec, Canada) was inserted through the PEI blocks and the

container lid to the center of the food to obtain the temperature-time history and calculate the heating rate.

When the cold spot reached 70 ºC, the sample was taken out immediately in order to take a thermal image.

2.7. Heating uniformity evaluation of different uniformity improvement methods

The effectiveness of several heating uniformity improvement methods were compared by obtaining

a heating uniformity index from computer simulation results. The methods were: PEI blocks addition

method (this study), PEI surrounding method (Jiao et al., 2014a) and a combination of both.

The heating uniformity of heated samples was evaluated by two heating uniformity indices. The

first heating uniformity index (TUI) was developed by Alfaifi et al. (2014).

UI 

T  Tave dVvol
Tave  Tinitial Vvol

where T is the local temperature in the food (ºC), Tinitial is the initial temperature of the food (ºC), Tave is the

average temperature of the volume (ºC), and Vvol is the volume of food (m3). In addition, a new heating

uniformity index (HUI) (Eq. 6) was developed based on Alfaifi’s UI by replacing the ‘average temperature

(Tave)’ with the ‘target temperature (Tt)’.


T  Tt dVvol
Tt  Tinitial Vvol
where Tt is the target heating temperature (ºC). A smaller index corresponds to better heating uniformity.

The new HUI might be more suitable for describing the heating uniformity of a

pasteurization/sterilization process which requires the cold spot location to reach a certain target

temperature. It would reflect the degree to which temperature in the volume deviated from the target

temperature. Peanut butter samples treated with three methods in RF systems were simulated under the

same electrode gap (10.1 cm) and were heated until the cold spot location reached 70 ºC for pair comparison.

The combined method used the 8 cm diameter PEI block with PEI sheets surrounding. Both UI and TUI

were calculated and compared.

2.8. Height optimization of PEI blocks

To further improve the heating uniformity, the optimum height of the PEI blocks was determined

using computer simulation. With a fixed diameter (d = 8 cm), the height of the PEI blocks was swept from

0.1 to 2.3 cm with an interval of 0.1 cm. All the simulation cases were run under an electrode gap of 10.1

cm, electrode voltage 6100 V and heating time 600 s for comparison. Uniformity indexes were calculated

and the heating pattern at cross-sectional surfaces of the peanut butter were compared.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Predicted electric field distribution

Typical electric field directions, electric field intensities and electric potentials in the RF cavity and

peanut butter with and without PEI blocks are shown in Fig. 6.2. When the peanut butter sample was treated

without PEI blocks, the center of the top and bottom portraits of the sample had the lowest electric field

intensity (light blue color). However, when PEI blocks were attached to the center of the top and bottom of

the sample, the electric field intensity increased and turned to a yellow color. The electric field intensity

looked more uniform after adding PEI blocks, which indicates that increasing the thickness of a portion of

the sample did help increase the local electric intensity, and had the potential of elevating the local


3.2. Heating rate of peanut butter with different size of PEI blocks

The temperature-time history at the center of the peanut butter with various sizes of PEI blocks

treated in RF systems is shown in Fig. 6.3. All heating curves were relatively linear, and the heating rates

were obtained by calculating the slope of the curves and prepared for estimating the voltage as the

electromagnetic source in computer simulation. The heating rate increased with increases in PEI block

diameter. The peanut butter sample with a 10 cm diameter of PEI blocks had the highest heating rate, and

the sample without PEI blocks had the lowest. This is due to the automatic adjustment of the RF matching

circuit. A larger volume of sample usually results in a higher heating rate under the same RF treatment

condition (Mehdizadeh, 2009).

3.3. Voltage estimation

The estimated and actual simulation voltage used in the computer simulation are listed in Table 6.3.

Both the estimated and simulation voltage were in a range of 4500–6200 V. The difference between the

two was because the voltage estimation was based on an assumption which neglected the fringing field and

non-uniform temperature distribution in the food load (Birla et al., 2004). The reason for the unclear trend

of simulation voltage is due to the shift of the cold spot after adding PEI blocks during computer simulations,

the simulation voltage was changed in order to control the lowest temperature at 70 ºC.

3.4. Computer model validation

The top surface temperature of peanut butter samples obtained from both the experiment and the

simulation, and the cross-sectional surface temperature distribution from the computer simulation are

shown in Fig. 6.4. The differences between maximum and minimum temperature and the standard deviation

of the sample’s top surface are summarized in Table 6.4. From the top surface temperature comparison,

computer simulation results had a similar heating pattern as the experiment results, showing the smallest

temperature deviation was achieved by adding a pair of 8 cm PEI blocks. From the experiment plots, when

the center reached 70 ºC, the hot spot reached around 85 ºC without PEI blocks. After adding PEI blocks,

the hot spot temperature on the surface was reduced gradually from 85 ºC to 79 ºC as the diameter of PEI

blocks increased from 2 to 8 cm. When the PEI block diameter was continually increased to 10 cm, the hot

spot temperature increased to 81 ºC.

From the cross-sectional surface plots, the highest temperature of RF treated peanut butter without

PEI blocks reached 95.7 °C. After adding PEI blocks, the highest temperature of the cross-sectional surface,

which represented the temperature of the whole volume, reduced to 92.8, 92.2, 91.0, and 89.5 ºC with PEI

blocks of diameter 2, 4, 6, and 8 cm, respectively. The maximum temperature with 10 cm PEI blocks

reached the highest value of 101.4 ºC. The 8 cm PEI block improved the heating uniformity most

significantly, reducing the difference between maximum and minimum temperature in the volume from

25.7 to 19.5 °C. Two heating uniformity indexes of peanut butter with different sizes of PEI blocks after

RF treatment were presented in Table 6.5. The uniformity index (UI) calculated from the validated computer

model decreased from 0.0839 to 0.0624 when diameter of PEI blocks increased from 0 cm to 6 cm, and

then started increasing gradually to 0.0832 when diameter of PEI blocks increased to 10 cm. But the new

temperature uniformity index (TUI) showed the smallest value was found when the diameter of PEI blocks

was 8 cm. The results from 6 cm and 8 cm blocks were relatively close. This is due to the edge heating

effect that usually happens within 1-2 cm near the edges in this study. The 8 cm diameter PEI blocks were

selected for further testing as indicated by the TUI because it is more reasonable for describing the

temperature distribution around 70 ºC for pasteurization purposes. When the diameter increased to 10 cm,

the HUI was even higher than that of the peanut butter without PEI blocks.

3.5. PEI blocks height optimization

The uniformity indexes of peanut butter sandwiched by a pair of PEI blocks with various heights

are shown in Fig. 6.5. The UI firstly decreased as the height of PEI blocks increased until the block height

reached 1.4 cm, and started to increase afterward. The cross-sectional surface temperature plot of peanut

butter treated with 0.1, 1.4 and 2.3 cm height of PEI blocks in RF were presented in Fig. 6.6. Although the

minimum temperature was not controlled in the geometry, it could still be found that the uniformity

increased when the height of blocks increased from 0.1 to 1.4 cm, judging from the heating pattern. During

the height increase from 0.1 to 1.4 cm (Fig 6.6 a to b), the hot spot stays at the same location, but the

temperature distribution was more uniform from the radius direction. When the height increased to 2.3 cm,

the heating pattern changed as the hot spot switched to locations between the sample center and the PEI

blocks. This is probably because a longer PEI block can aggregate more electric energy and result in a

higher temperature. Although the 2.3 cm PEI blocks did not provide the best heating uniformity among all

heights, the resulted heating pattern made it more suitable for a combination with traditional hot air or hot

water heating since the outside layer of the sample had a lower temperature.

3.6. Heating uniformity comparison of uniformity improvement methods

The cross-sectional surface temperature distribution of peanut butter that was treated by PEI

surrounding method, PEI addition method and a combination method is shown in Fig. 6.7. The highest

temperature reached 89.5, 89.4 and 77.1 ºC in PEI surrounding, PEI addition and combination method,

respectively. With the PEI surrounding method, the cold spot locations were still at the top and bottom

surfaces, which suggested that the heating uniformity could be improved by combining the PEI blocks

addition method. The computer simulation conditions and the calculated uniformity indexes for three

heating uniformity improvement method are shown in Table 6.6. Comparing with the UI, the PEI sheets

surrounding method is the highest, 0.0859, then comes the combination method, 0.0715, and the PEI blocks

addition method is the lowest, 0.0635. However, the HUI showed the combined method has the lowest TUI,

0.0715, and PEI surrounding method is in-between, and the PEI blocks addition method has the highest

TUI, 0.2546. The reason for UI showing the PEI blocks addition method has the best heating uniformity is

probably due to the average temperature of the food volume being higher than that of the other two methods.

The TUI comparison results is in accordance with the cross-sectional plot since the combination method

provides the lowest maximum temperature.

4. Conclusion

A method of adding cylindrical PEI blocks onto the cold spots of peanut butter in a cylindrical jar

was evaluated to improve its heating uniformity in RF treatment. Computer simulation results showed that

after adding PEI blocks, the electric field distribution was more uniform and the temperature distribution

was more even, which indicated that the heating uniformity can be effectively improved by increasing the

thickness of the blocks material in RF treatment. Among five diameters of PEI blocks, 8 cm was found to

be the optimum one which leads to the best heating uniformity. An optimized height (1.4 cm) of PEI block

further improved the uniformity. Although the computer simulation might not provide an accurate

estimation, the trend of the heating uniformity index influenced by the PEI block height indicated there was

an optimized height in-between the minimum and maximum height, which could be the direction of further

exploration. A modified heating uniformity index was evaluated by comparing it with traditional uniformity

index and was found to be more effective. In a pasteurization process or other heating process which

requires a minimum heating temperature, the modified TUI would be more suitable in evaluating the

heating uniformity. The combination of the PEI blocks addition method and the PEI surrounding method

could reach a better heating uniformity than any single method applied. The computer simulation model

can be used to explore the effectiveness of combining the PEI blocks addition with other methods for

heating uniformity improvement.


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Table 6.1 Properties of peanut butter, polyetherimide and air for mathematical modeling (adapted

from Jiao et al., 2014b)

Peanut butter Airc

Density (kg/m3) 1115a 1270 1.2

Heat capacity (J/kg·K) 2030a 2000 1000

Thermal conductivity 0.209a 0.122 0.026


Dielectric constant 4.03 3.15 1

Dielectric loss factor 0.4 0.0025 0

a b c
Jiao et al. (2014b) Kelly and Zweben (2000) COMSOL material library (2012)

Table 6.2 Number of different type of mesh generated in all domains in computer simulation

Diameter of PEI blocks

No PEI 2 cm 4 cm 6 cm 8 cm 10 cm

Tetrahedral 14658 15779 18470 23344 26583 33743

Triangular 2113 2298 2542 3125 3314 4312

Edge 300 320 336 356 356 413

Vertex 44 60 60 60 60 60

Table 6.3 The heating conditions and voltages for peanut butter with various size of PEI blocks in

a 6 kW 27.12 MHz RF system

Diameter of PEI blocks

No PEI 2 cm 4 cm 6 cm 8 cm 10 cm

Heating time (min) 10'00" 10'00" 9'00'' 8'26" 8'00" 7'30"

Heating rate, dT/dt (ºC/s) 0.042 0.047 0.057 0.064 0.070 0.078

Estimated voltage (V) 4510 4755 5243 5552 5815 6150

Simulation voltage (V) 6100 5950 6000 5800 5700 5700

Table 6.4 Temperature distribution analysis on the top surface of peanut butter from experiment

with various size of PEI blocks (T, °C)

Diameter of PEI blocks

No PEI 2 cm 4 cm 6 cm 8 cm 10 cm

Minimum temperature 70 70 70 70 70 70

Maximum temperature 87 84 81 80 79 81

Maximum-Minimum 17 16 11 10 9 11
Average temperature 78 74 74 73 72 73

Standard deviation 5 5 3 2 2 3

Table 6.5 Uniformity index of peanut butter with various size of PEI blocks in RF treatment in

computer simulation

No PEI 2 cm 4 cm 6 cm 8 cm 10 cm

Average temperature (ºC) 85.1 82.8 89.0 94.4 101.0 113.9

Maximum-Minimum 25.7 22.8 22.2 19.5 19.8 31.4

temperature (ºC)
UI (Alfaifi's) 0.0839 0.0706 0.0649 0.0624 0.0694 0.0832

TUI (modified) 0.3649 0.3198 0.3011 0.2572 0.2243 0.4207

Table 6.6 Simulation conditions and uniformity comparison of peanut butter treated with PEI

surrounding, PEI blocks addition and a combination methods

PEI surrounding +
PEI surrounding PEI blocks addition
Voltage(V) 12100 5700 12100
Heating time (s) 165 525 140
Maximum – Minimum
19.5 19.8 7.1
temperature (ºC)
UI (Alfaifi's) 0.0859 0.0694 0.0715
TUI (modified) 0.1634 0.2243 0.0715

Figure 6.1 Scheme of a peanut butter sample in a cylindrical container with PEI blocks in a 6 kW

27.12 MHz RF cavity

Figure 6.2 Electric field direction (arrow), electric field intensity (surface), and electrode potential

(streamline) of peanut butter treated by RF with and without PEI blocks

Temperature (°C)

No PEI 2cm 4cm 6cm 8cm 10cm
0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (min)

Figure 6.3 Temperature-time history of peanut butter at the container center with different sizes of

PEI blocks in a 6 kW 27.12 MHz RF system having an electrode gap of 10.1 cm (mean of three replicates)

Experiment Simulation Simulation
Top surface Top surface Cross-sectional surface
PEI blocks


2 cm

4 cm

6 cm

8 cm

10 cm

Figure 6.4 Temperature distribution on the top surface of peanut butter from experiment and

computer simulation and cross-sectional surface from simulation with various size of PEI blocks in RF

treatment (upper temperature scale: experiment; lower temperature scale: simulation)


Uniformity index






0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Height of PEI blocks (cm)

Figure 6.5 Uniformity index of peanut butter with various height and 8 cm diameter of PEI blocks

in RF




Figure 6.6 Heating pattern of peanut butter with PEI blocks (a: height 0.1 cm, b: height 1.4 cm, c:

height 2.3 cm) and diameter of 8 cm in RF treatments

PEI surroudning

PEI blocks addition

PEI surroudning +

Figure 6.7 Cross-sectional surface temperature distribution of peanut butter treated in RF with three

different methods (electrode gap is 10.1 cm)



1. Conclusions

This research was conducted to investigate the possible reason of non-uniformity in RF heating and

explore new methods for RF heating uniformity improvement especially for low moisture foods. Peanut

butter was selected as a model of low moisture foods in this research. The thermal and dielectric properties

of peanut butter with various moisture contents were measured at the frequency range of 10–1800 MHz. A

mathematical model of food heated in RF systems was first established for heating rate prediction, and

validated by saline water with different concentrations and peanut butter with various moisture contents. A

computer simulation model was built up with COMSOL Multiphysics® software for a 27.12 MHz, 6 kW

RF system to investigate the heating uniformity in peanut butter in a cylindrical container. The model was

validated by experiments and then used to explore solutions for heating uniformity improvement. A

Polyetherimide (PEI) sheets surrounding method was initially evaluated to minimize the dielectric

properties difference between the food sample and air to improve the heating uniformity. Another method

that adds PEI cylindrical blocks to the cold spot locations of food sample was developed to increase the

heating uniformity. The major findings of this research are summarized as follows:

· The heating rate cannot be simply predicted by watching the loss factor. Both the dielectric

constant and loss factor of samples influenced the RF heating rate. With a certain air gap and

material thickness, when the value of ε˝ and ε’ of the food load equals to each other, the highest

can be reached.

· Differential heating was found between the edges and center of peanut butter in a cylindrical

plastic container (d = 10 cm, h = 5 cm). The maximum temperature difference was 28 °C from

both experiments and computer simulation results when the peanut butter sample was heated from

room temperature to 70 ºC. The dielectric properties difference between food and the surrounding

medium, which is air in most of the RF heating cases, was the main cause of non-uniformity in

RF heating.

· Using PEI sheets to surround the peanut butter sample, the difference of dielectric constant

between peanut butter and the surrounding medium decreased, so the edge heating was reduced.

The temperature difference between the hot and cold spot was reduced to 18 °C when heating

peanut butter from 23 to 70 ºC. Applying this method to a group of samples to simulate industrial

processing, computer simulation results showed that the method is effective. The PEI sheets

surrounding method was also found could potentially be applied to other low moisture foods, e.g.

wheat flour.

· Adding PEI blocks to the cold spots could increase the local electric field intensity. A pair of 8

cm diameter PEI blocks added to the cold spots of the peanut butter could significantly improve

the heating uniformity by reducing the maximum and minimum temperature difference to 19.8 ºC

when peanut butter was heated from 23 to 70 ºC.

· Combining the PEI sheets surrounding and the PEI blocks addition method may provide a better

heating uniformity than any single method could from computer modeling results. The

temperature difference from hot and cold spot could be reduced to 7.1 ºC when peanut butter was

heated from 23 to 70 ºC.

2. Contributions to knowledge

The relationship between dielectric properties and heating rate would help people estimate the

heating behavior of a certain material in dielectric heating. By bringing out two heating uniformity

improvement methods, the results showed both methods could effectively improve the heating uniformity

either by reducing edge heating or enhancing cold spot heating. A combination of both methods may

ultimately solve the non-uniform heating problem in low moisture foods.

3. Recommendations

The RF pasteurization step could be applied to packaged low moisture foods processing to ensure

food safety. For example, in a peanut butter processing line, raw peanuts will normally go through hulling,

roasting, blanching, grinding, mixing and jarring. Although the high-temperature long-time roasting period

would kill all bacteria in peanuts at the beginning, there might be microbial contamination during the

following processing steps due to poor hygiene which may cause safety problems. A RF pasteurization step

could be added right after jarring to inactivate pathogens and avoid further contaminations (Fig. 7.1).

In order to scale up the RF pasteurization process for industrial use, the following research could

be conducted for further RF heating uniformity improvement:

· The uniformity improvement methods developed in this study could also be tested for

intermediate/high moisture foods based on their particular needs in pasteurization or disinfestation.

· The material of PEI blocks can be optimized to focus the energy more efficiently.

· The PEI blocks addition method could be applied on containers in other shapes to compare their


· Combination methods could be developed for further heating uniformity improvement, e.g. the top

electrode bending method combined with the PEI sheets surrounding method, the PEI sheets

surrounding method combined with moving and etc. The corresponding computer modeling

strategies also need to be developed.

· Computer simulation techniques could be improved to avoid relying on experimental values. This

could be done by providing a more accurate voltage as electromagnetic source through developing

a more accurate estimation equation or designing a direct measurement circuit.

Raw peanut receiving Hulling, screening, sizing (160-240 ºC Cooling
40-60 min)

Cooling down Mixing with other ingredients Grinding Blanching

Jarring, sealing, labeling Storing

RF pasteurization

Figure 7.1 An option for placement of RF pasteurization (in dash) in peanut butter industrial



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