GSR Synapse - Temp DB Alert

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GSR Synapse Alerts ( GSR Synapse Temp DB Limit Alert Rule)

1. Go to the respective database section in Azure for QA Environment.Here the name of the
database is gsruatsqlpool.Click on Alerts under Monitoring Section as seen below.Click on the
New alert rule (+) button as per the below screenshot

2. On the Create Alert Rule page Click under the condition section and Click on Select Condition
.Choose Select condition option

3. After choosing the Select Condition option then choose Local Tempdb percentage as the Signal
4. After choosing Local tempdb percentage as the signal type then choose the below mentioned
alert logic as the threshold condition.Once selected click on the done button.

5. In the next step click on Select Action Group choose gsr_dev_synapse as the action group name
per the screenshot mentioned below
6. In the next section Click on the Alert Rule name and define the name as GSR UAT Synapse Temp
DB Limit Greater Than Seventy Percent. Fill the respective sections similar to mentioned in the
below screenshot.And finally click on the Create Alert Rule button.

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