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FORMULAS i ALGEBRA I #R Logarithm * Work pomt of work i Naga MN = lage Ms lage 8 Rew | toes AEs tag lege 9 ey i loga mM. nlegy M } fogn M = tent Rep ote cama lege Mz Inm eg 9 Remainder Theorem * Clock Me (Leet? Loe) Denom = X-F 5 XE Renoinder = Flr) Factor Theorem if Plano then (xtalis a fader of () —, iatrices € Determinante *Som of Coefficient of voriables (ax By tCz4 ee Som £ (Ati BON FCC) TD Method t * Proportion i ath i D 11; we aga ' leon proportional = Vob L x saf-de Meon prepot ae i © Properties of Reacts sab-ge if the roots of 0 Binamial Ast Brice Cofoctor : ore Xi coftclr of =| 2 2/61 Som of rook. -B& : aoe sign: | + Product of rexts = 0 ~ . x a : ' + Arithmete Progestin = has 9 common difference ne ] a ent ane ax + d(nes) 5 Ame tamenrin, -Tlelr "6 Operations of Events | Sma (arsvanle Union . U —“er" 4 Intersection... — “and” *Geamehic Pregrestion= common rotio ae : 7 oi a 4 Complenentary Event, % ons oer atte Vitamin 1 alimet foond in “Chat oc in| Sez ote] | Sipe o Motvally Exelocive Evente Ly * Hormenie Progression — reaipracal of AP no common elements — comet to AP, solve for the reqd. © Permofation — orrongement | ond get the reciprocal Linear Permitation — + Cam) the C kon) oF Awl repetition ~— nt inant Neon Dizgrom a Cireclar Permeation — (n-i)! I 8 Ten A oN 0 | oltemade signs B . *# Cambinaticn — greening | BY aanty « le Cass acl + laael a \ if Ors RST Agel a + Probably PCE): _ro of wows Econ _hornen otal ne of powcible aufcomes P(AUB) . PAY. BCBY- PCAN) : + Probability of independent events P. (RIP. e Probebilily of Mutuat Exelacive Exenk con't opcur at the ne Hime Pa PitPar Bree © Condition! Probability PA\B) =. Pane) wa © Amplitude » Periad » Phose Shift ‘Sine ond Cone Wt Ye Asin (Bx-C) 1D VeAcs(Bre) 1D fe Ampitode ‘ Perot = 46a" = Brow Shite g(r & wal Vertial hie Frequency = 1 See a ee Tangent and Cotongent Nave Ane Pie a Be + Compl, Nombets > Imaginory nos a = Algebraic | Recbnaul or a1 bi Form = Trigenometrie | Polar Fle a reise = Exponentia! redlon mode ref os aN = by Clear = Made Complex Ingut ~ shit @- * Roots of Comple + convert to Nes exponents! (rey 2 1 comer! back ta extol or bok uhttton choice A: Catte)” 9 comoare wl giv + Moltisliatin of Comal Nox (ntednied = (rrWered 2 tL Llores) te + Logarithm af Comers Nos log (re) 2 laat 1 loge TRIGONOMETRY eTHaonameiric Tdentities fone = sine ey cot © = 00s “ein seco s abe ecoo= 1. 8 sin’e + cos’® = | sede -Lot® =! exc veal = | Lon tan ont tont fon Cs) = —tons=tanil Vi dons ton ton Gr1¥ = ain ay =Asing cose + 90° = ML rad = 100 gradi = laa mils + Medion of a Wiongle Absow BEA eft) 5 te, 3 wer Sneerter ce bes real gis [re-atsod be 2S fac. s(e-b) Bre a+b © { Tina ain sinc cosine law bis ci - dc cos atte - aces B OM bt + Bab cose * Perpendiculor bisector b o + Ailtudee of a tvonale Area = bh com of squore of Area = 4 aida cin @— ononls eatin som of sayore oF sider + dtrate alate 1 * Rhombus — 0 paralldogrom wl 4 equal sider a la ln * Schericat triangle — from soba cyaon Ay et 3 180 Es epherisal excess Area > ANS +0160" feea = Low af Sines ab adate sina. sind = sine nA an sin® * Troperoid ae nN ee fr i rian casa = cccbeaxt + sinh sinc cos A cos be casa cae tsinasine cos Arcos ACo4b)h cose « cosa cosh *sinasin ca C Area = tpt (done tend. Lona veand slow ef Canines — onales Cosh ~-cosBecl 4 sinBsint cara eoshext + cinain® costs | meas Acar E+ ainAsinB ces c * General Guedriloleral cos 8 cas C PLANE GEOMETRY + Triangle. \ Aakdda sin 6 a S “Veetoth hond feral As Vle-alle-b\Gs-0\ Cod abd et } Aw Vs(s-aNle-b)(s-c) 8: athe 1d — semi- perimeter Seabee Sas AVC] sum ef opposite = 500A = Bil ongles (Soom) Heron's Forma e- ph af + Cirele é Theorems = Peripheral Angle Theorem ee ‘ 7 A DF inscribed angle : * Cycle Gusdriateral ~ its verte ie on | the ee Giambret ‘ot 8 eins «é) na ao = QMierss Ave = 180 Bib. eo = chon: - Chord e = (on) (32) - (oE\lo0\ © = 608+ Ocn Brahmagopts!s Formula 4 i = Ba le-a\lc-els-Vlsd' Se asbstd. = (@a\(58) . (6268) Plolemy/s Theorem ac thd = dids 2 = Baton 1» Palgons My NS 2 exlernol Uwe SEND» infenor tinal aiogonal 4 NL e btal no af line 2 5 ER t att ee Ya) > (BACB) » (oY nC \- = _Ore- Bea 4 (no) . = Torment = Tongent snD = grew gna) : = n€a~ ne : Anales ‘ a. (SB) Eth s (n-a\ lite) fo és) > 0 BT est Zeas $00 \ 6 «28:00. 4 + Ragolor Polgsat + Incirale oo ae x lenath of one side a eo Aaa rs Benimete Sz Orbe " 2 Riz rad of citcomeirelt | rs tad of incircle - | 7 opothem Aros Agen shh eine tn daw -obe aR # Eipse : OR =o eb sc ‘ “ana “Saw” Ene Ares: Tob b a a Pei eam [One x Periz {" alesina «Beale 40 © Eccribed © Segment © Parabolic + Spondrel of a e eo 3 Segroent oirele Ax Acector ~ Attiorale = hte -brsing Ae Ascctor + Atrionle syriGao-elr tyrisne Aeg bh Forabola, Ae bh Pa SOLID GEOMETRY * Relshedrons — solide whose foc ore plone pdygons | = Regolor Tetrahedron (4 faces) = Rewlar Heohedton fo Foor) | Platonic = Rewlar Cetahedrin (@ foc) { Sols = Reger Dadecahilron (la fore) = Regular Taasahetron (a8 far) * Prim } Ve eH LSA» Phase 4 TSAy LSA 4 2B *Troncated Prism hs Ve Ab Hove Hove » -huthsresthe 0 * Pyromid i: | Ved ABH Lae PL | Pe Bioot Pest 2 © Frustrom of Pyramid <-> t Vea, (asete SBR) I * Cylinders | Ju Y | aot. VekAbH Abs Apene Veg Mrener 3 He Veg th Vee Vino when HeD a Aut = PRL * Cone *#* Pombloid a (ey i ran A poy | » _ HW 2[% tebe) Vid ApH Ve dah © Sphericat Lone! Wedge Ace rk Canby of elem = fe an s re a on C \ 1 . + Ftasttum of Cone Et Ete ‘S | NY -7 O Lune lg rs huedoe = 2 (ater L a : ve glaisas se) Aes ae 2) Ae (AL sage wa grte™ Favs ADR \ (Pact a Prumoiial Formula Fudge Hy | = L (avs dams As) : o Shereot NGO ne mrtier of site * Sphere, wwhare cides ore OFS | re OE | py vegre apo Esra! oes 2 2L = fn-aXciso) Aastaee = AMT ne of cides * Senta! Seament Prone KE Ee) L Ve fan -h) Amne = 1rh # Spheraid /Eligsoid v.43 Tobe = Ohlote Soheraid fay MA 4 Veg Tb —Proote Spheroid Ve 4 fab (arene? WasBe \| * Solids of Revelotian = Popes Thastem I. Lea. SPO whew: $= henath of line Pe distance of centroid of line to the onis of relotion © =a for complete rewin = Pospus Theorem IL Va APS Where! As Area P . distora of Cento of area to ont of rotation + Prismotad = Priemoidal —Formola We be (ar Aan As) bee af cross « section © Detonce bin 1 pais Lines Je Angle between fwe intersecting lines i dies sAnde bin 2 plnes . | Ba ByrCae 0 Ag tBR cu .o | ANALYTIC GEOMETRY ate (ant + Cav a adltand + Os ~Gen Eqn Acs By #020 = Paint slene form m (xx) 2 Yo% = Slope - Intercept Yamx th = Intercept Form vee oo ci on | io | corOe Ad BBO | On e-o [pe 2 Wasa ton = —Mactm | Ve mma, 1 | *Didarce bln 9 point & a line —" Ae ty 1020 . - Ags +0 . eS Cy “Oe a if A+ pt ie abate the ior 6-7 ie below th line * Divitian af — Line Segment oh a ey i aan Tom midpoiat (tm Ym) xm? SE ne _. ae ratio eee © Parallel Lines b - La oe “pases theo” + hock sohshitution © Distance bin Parallel lines Li At eB +020 ¥ monipelate gn so Anka & BiB * Bepondioolar Liner mis th The © Conic Sections ~ airsle, parabola » ellipse. hyperbala Ads py 1Crr OyrE=0 - if ALB oo ALBat BCirele Gen Eqn: x'V Ci Dy +E. Sid Farm Gh Gt RY ways we Lesath of Tos banat sna! Tonseot aR! Te + Rodiaal Axis ¢ Radical Center >P O7 See Cx Dv tE 20 Raa a re L £8 ~ a o kas > Sel for radical axes 2 Bgne) 8 ontnouns DQ Borla if Avo a By! BY +CerDy:EsO Se Gen Ean. fa lah) faly-x) * Hay fort + LR a 4a eel hi Giada gb DeWine if ASB) het how some ign Gem Ean? AYY By sO DE 20 Sid Farm: Cent i Gienter EQ oe a bY las cemisminar axe oye = Laie m2 dut of Direct from center UR = 2k 2 length of LR Geo <1 tdet dry tote bre’ 20 4 Hyperbole if AGE hove opparite cians Genel Eqnt tar Biv sla DY 1E.0 TAP) BY Cx DVE LO Sta Form Gt Guat o be 3X ans (+) Bex : Core © Tronelat dredre = 20 at bt D+ a - dats of aitecttx from ombr < Um ean — tagth of LR ergy jon of Anes y (mead Gnd hse pew) ‘ a " : hse on 1 Pat dene a al tee Xe Uease = Vein bo Ma Usin® + Veo ® cose. ton = Gr) Ge) Ys engemetal ue La he a by Coludotor Ra Comal © xeYE © + Dutea bln 2 pdt cotinn law d's ott b'- Dab cosfex-0.) # Spocr Coordinate sy steme = Reetongular C6 ac bina be fats Car Ca = Gylndrieal CC cL. Ptrein) y Gana) to (8.2) cot = 4 x PEO ton = 56 a ton'(%) Baty ames) Mersin a LS lr 4.0) R cs oA VY x faa) te (rhe) MHYiaa* Teind cos wing sine + tor EF eaten ze cere DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS : © Higher Order Derivotives © Bose Differenial — Fermolos : Act Dervotive—a Y.N' 2 dy d(x) =O de als): 9.0" nd Dervatie 9 NPN" ed oe alin. udv + vdu e ae Ord Derivativ—> ¥". ¥", oY di (4), sdey ey log, v= ome. dv nth Derivative (YY) 2 aM (in ve dled) = dp = In v) = df loge0) = de Gor egecraee oe tmphed psi Mecentition dla’) = ao. Inado = if ¥ cant be eprecsed ar 0 Bey ee ine ae, fonction of x Jd Lae e¥ Sed © “Irigo— Fonctions Bade 2 BY'dy + aa due av Lal eat Slope of a Cone — verying G (see v) . gecu-tonu-do Core L- PH is en the cone Yeh i lece 0) =-eseu:cotu-du © Invese “Thgo Funetions oo] : do v d (aio) « pAb slope de @ PLAX) aleoi'e) . de + 18 : eqn of Tonge Line d (tone) = =a slope» VY Sloot) - 84 ~ cots) «= dt ca Dt Yee cone alccu) . de ulotet G lead)» = du Foc fer largest retongle thot t con "be cot from driongle heavy fy : 1 Bink el + Yor smollect ephgre that con toe nseribed in sin = Ya For Length of Wire {otinimen te i. 1 a Looms * Limits ef a Function eh lim GQ) x 2oNsD Si det xe limit acme #0. Fa) Koa 9a. Factoring If fla) = 2 \etssa-o00!| ff S&L! Hagpifal'e Role Pa Fla. ALeN]| gw # Vertico) £ Horizontal — Accymptoter be Be Ee Ve Heh ‘axe = Vertical Assymetote quate denomnata fo 20 4x1a20 xa = Vorzontal Assymotote Me lim) [eGo] Mor oreo of parable heres OMSL, INTEGRAL CALCULUS # Basic Tntegral Formulac Sido tore Su%de «um ye Si'do Sax. nv re Seide wes 0 © Trrapnametrie Funetions Seina.dy s-coeu +0 = sinu +c Sono do » Scot u-dv » Inleine) +€ In lean) +2 © Plone Areas =Vertical strip \ ' Yas 08, Ges i trae = aft) aa ance) de ASC vedde = Horizental Strip sing | urate) tre dh TET aio aot wh - dhe Gia dy ASS On-nlay The aps mt feuch oth com line * Cooks + Centred of Pet Py dusters ef strip From One * Sol'n by Kaltech a. Length of Arc eter “flor memet ot inti 6320s + Cart Calerity Ps fa rz = Unit \weight ate yew. ee ee = Denetly of Floide 4, vane oon oe Pe. m com Xa he in Vv adage 1° ae I a Pe ah - preroe af any pant ae = precure of different tvguide p--B. Plath =p mt lig Peabsolte preswre of gas (KP) © Hydrodlatic | Preecore \ Rogar constont. (| a we ine T= absolute temperature (2K) MF psi | 2760 mtg | Be 11 | = Specific Volume ee ee Vow Equivalent — Heignt 4 v = Specific Grovity 86. Atud . Prod S| na | Bwoter — Pwoter * Viseastty : Chad 1s ba eva al 7 delermines the amt of heating recistance = Dynomic /Absdvte Viccestly a ~—_ (Fe-s or poite) aviay V poise + orl Pave = Kinematic Viscosity ve Urls or store) ° 1 stone = tem /s * Surface Tension O= Bd (Nim rel + aupayeey] a Fae LPs atsan(nle dusoal() ] a Fa TR + du(saille du(scadlve Wa(soSY] A | © Bulk = Models of Elodicity i | 4 4 Work a Nem = Soules ameter of droplet (rm) joge pressure (Po) Wott = Sm + Compression CH wate sarfocr’ ce ~ nected Fe LohePla Ps obsalste prescore Ve vdlome “Ts temperatore Doms wpe —| %ossame Ven atrip Brawwa Ef Sighting Moment= Cow Manent at for Fame Wins + \4/a 8 for lecation of teeth | _Ooveriorning Moment - Cl! Moment ee OMe Yr Un Usd Non or sail tcuere eee |< FS cnainst ahting Ps Fore Re ete Re oq’ Behe Rye Tvs Want -U ‘eH = FS against overturning oe Feo. Fo om + Suoyancy — 1 pe! VY eee de mere! |. Sestiat (h) « ba i ce « Pelotive Veta! oe: Bae Biv ah Equillarion Worizontal acceleration PAY Lor = (metho mug © Ratation vas gh wweangolar velocity (rad) v= linear velecity property af paralclat Fluid Flow = Volume Flaw Rote cay ~ Mass Flow Rote M. PO = Weisht Flow Rate We aa a Feyrcts’s Nomber (for pipes) PeeyD 7 if Re {te Lominar = mean velocity D- pipe diameter V= Kinematic viceosity Ve # for non-einavlar pides Be dradic rodive R.A = S Energy Equation 5 s ret bw ot Kinetic Patent Enegy Eneray + Power. Q2E THR. ae Ww = EO Ibe Cootticient of Diccharve CorCds Ga} Gan can ae = Caettiaient of — Velaciy CueNe 5 Vo Cvve Ve ~ Coefficient af Contraction Con Ais 5 Repinina a: CoA Relationshia of coefficients C« Coc Qn aVe Bax cave y yi hb} x 7 4 ANel sola ra Correct Seth {" -1Conside Aucase beiaht re [ts in miata eal | Area, Keg, = Z (AK) (Ag) eg, = bons fates ae wh Bet Wee, over + Permeobiliy Test in the field Kenn 2d conctont wath Core 1. unconfined — Aapifer = Normal Flew try @ ' TE I tien Foran 5 Coe 2. Contin! Aepifer t * Flow Nets ™ Confined Aqpiter kK. @ in) aflé Chas ho Kt aa as kn Ne Na Hom hao Ne ne ef flow channel = no. of flu line“! Nd ne. = ne of equipotent ite = NE» shope feotor NB oF equipalenial dps se Eptective Stress in St Res Pre Pw = wl or = wl or sa. Pes (deh) wheat wleot Dio— effective = Pt wlin copier Pures: ce abel - he soil (PeP' Io") seepage. copillority = Wwlhed seepoge a Shewe In Saferated Soll ve! Sexpage Coa Upward Sepage th h ore ow sou “ThE LL J eo vale a Pee Pre Po = Wa - wh | a. Coe 1 Dawnword Seepage «[ [TH _ % Pr-Pe Wit wh trace with Casilary Rise _ sion _ wp Seer | Me — / a ux Me. c e@ Do C= capilary concent grain size s Rue Sho he | t } | € wlest capillaty rise | | | | | —Cobesionles soil (e20) failure erwelope, © Settlement = Primary Cantolidation Normally Convalidted Clay (Pe Pa socndl\ He Ce log (B22) Satz Ce tng (Bags Ovecconselidated Cloy (Pe?Pa > OCR) @) When Pot AP ¢ Po So pt ce log (Basse) Hees lea (Bal when Pot AP Re 4 FL) +e loa (B2®)] 8+ SH [ce tol) +e oe Hl] ste minimine cettemett Pon effective eumborden pressore Pe at bir of dructe Ba tod be equ! to Greure Ceute by the strut Pez AP pre-concoidalion BTEEOE = Cohesive asi APA inereose in. preuare Ce comsreron inden Cow C008 fLL-10) Ce Cee wel comprason inden * er Weal excavated ena 5 ae ie Aare CR averconcclidation ral ~ Be Pe Mo senderloin layer cin gv BR ‘ fee 7 tnd og @ Direct Shear Test eos be Core + Cohesive (sit /elov) ® Ta C+ Otong ton @ “ee. ° Case. Cobecionlece soil (sand! graet Ts band sLoteral Earth — Preceore a | + Trowel Tet @ Codemb Earth Prose qo ka Ons chomber —cosfining pretare ie eon eae rae | | wale Je cet prewere! lateral strect | _ i — minmom prinetpal strets ia | Ads deviator tras | plunger shee oe Be woll Friction ©. = mejor (masimum) + principal shee + normal trea “A ge , Bo. Koll + uo = onial shrees Kee leain ¢ ds anal of — fiction , ongle of + hetive arene Couns BR. Ka (a!) - L0SKe ' Y g shearing trex on faibre Koz _tesind t pln af failore ae 1 O = axial Inormal stree on thr ioe cine Pee Xplov') + de lKa : © = ongle that the failure pre Kp = ene ‘ mater wl the horizontal eve Rv 2(B) - e-absne. * Anchored Sheet Pilee lo. Block Faire Mode (Fr) i for tw 1 Zip cali EMaeo Coors = ae = of passive Ford vio eal” rectonee otilzed “Fp pros en {| : Asal _ Tin anche i TFhsO Gr. Pzlact) vsing Fp regs La Pa aorah: E sTerzogh!'s Sail Beoring Copoerty (Shallow Fan) semainey of Grou ef Pile [Crop Efticiney | ~ Long /Continvevs Fasting => Ee almen-2)$ sap que Ne + gy + O5% BN, BE. San ‘TD mo + Rectan = gy eene( oA) + rot BH,(iroaB) om — rome = Squore Feoting ee § 2 centr to- center spony ua IBONe +qNy 104% BN, = a * Do ple diameter = Cireler Fasting qv YSeNe rgNy 103% BN, => Ee Gam Gan \uhere © G+ ehesion Ye effecin ont wei eee eee + Settlement of Pile Greve fer lat cher Riley Nave foctor for omt wet of sol le Aa New» fackr for soil cohecion * Ng focter for ovethorden presaure Qu» cxerborkn prevare 7 y i Per’ *FSe Qu gps aDe i. Bt ak nt = qua De u ine ee shi ¢ Deep Foundation ie Weter tot ie below fla erecta He ea tet whe a delone “" 1 3 = Pile on Clay oa) eee | © Single Pile oe Ope dan coscily | FE Yom = Laud | Sire Stobility bewleday oH 4 Wap eat snin racstore | whee i Mr See “duadesth of i it | " Fee © Asie ane i I ce aD Fea UN = Ww tend 4 wea Bs fone aod tearing conscity | Water toe bx no effet sane earn {nis Qn: @ Ne Asie : ton fy = Lond, Ge a'p, zleecL) 7 & Methed 5 | Aan + esthcal angle of dete lone ao Ou Beds | Cue quncnting t 7 =F Colmes Analisi i 2 Ble Ora shor Shae nad | “Wa we : Smale Pir Fallore Made (3PFm\ Neral shea dewloa!! Ode 3a i Ganem = (ORAL N Bas ‘ Mee Ch Oton ds cde -2 ; tends tend FE 8 Crifieal aah + Her = Ce 2m Stobildy Nember 2 me Gd 7 Stabile Tacor ty, 2H a + Gtohilriy of Infinite Slopes Sree oe ane BHanBeacd | ton Her = e 1 + SF Cae Tcten) ~ Of FS! a “é fs oo dy: dave Spee ce ge whim Waindaar® "Dat" ton? , fe Hycradie Tome | + west seepage = Rectoraulor Sins Analysic = Any shone Ye Paina » toa - Et 100 fi Th 7 ° wh | ~ Bo. ah Ab, 2 5 = Effectin Diameter Due Dem Pomng a = E os . oors at Ps Obiat ar Maly Stat 4 Cat < Ey -Es { ce HE a = Uniformity Coefficient Ce 5 Cos Daa Be = Cac hicent of Bradalion | Corvatore 2 Verfil EPfichie Stree ces De ~\wlest capone Deo‘ De = Gerling Coefficient ¥ soe fas Bee ¢ Group Inder 2 Gt (Freo-38)Loa + o-cos(tt-40)] {Fie ISMEI-i0loo) Sr Pen Z(H) Qa. Bes Pre Pu Pre uN duet) Pedi) | ADDITONAL FORMULAS 2 Three Recerveics pt bus “|| we Pre Deh ab cies B ql Rew | be = Vowors Smpoge qeout os : t Fas ‘ence eroek is Fas Ke Pino-acl¥e = + Retive force Inefore Henle tack cecer Fo 2 Fornfos | a Active Ferre etter tence ercet ocaut Fo = Fon + Peet's Praare Diostom uses pin cooper I re r R, - pm | a Ly broced cot Pet Presuce Pe OG53HKe fo Were FORMULAS ENGINEERING ECONOMY + Simple Interest Le Bin Fs itv in) = Ordinary ST —+ 360 doys | vr a Eat 83 5 05 devs Ye Lit dates ore GG days "ir aie + Compound Interest Fa Pfu gy i nettadioe vole af lea ee Pet Gj = nominal rate of interet = years m ane. af compounding periods * Conimien rater {a r Cree Crea |e” ee! Discount rote / Bonkers discount ae oa. a Anmsly due | — 1a F wdefterat onowity — * Tray? Foture ont of debt. Flore ont of povmats = Sinking Ford Faslar = Fale worth Facke A = a a = Present Worth Factor ~ Copttes Racers Flor Bg A ® e eR ecsetuly > no flee worth Pee A * Copttalized — Cast Ce. Fos Ae bth mast economical tas lest OC Tama ests CO+L ‘= Depreciation = Straight - Line Method a= Fousv Ta corrent fe a Netotal life Bye Fe-dn = Sinking Fond Formule ds_Fo- 8 ay By 2 Fo - On Dred [Lue ‘| = Declining Balan Method By, FCC . kee (8) = Desble Declining Balona Methad Byres Fe (1-1) koa = Service = Cutput Methad reset ota = (Fe-sv) ( ds (Fe-sv) (LE) ‘etal aviaut in machines * Brow enn oralysic Tneome = Gutout = eet a Cilfeete sate i i } | I | t I life ic ENGINEERING MECHANICS 2M.0 © Concurrent Given’ * Nestor es Fa Fa seented bf point: Yas zd force systems » BOY Pali Yaz) + Pals Yaz) dre Vlad YT (2-27 d\n) aT a2 de ellrax) (NY + (2-20 are A) «my BEE ZR: Fs (Ma) + Fe (Me) AR) Bas Fi(-2e)+ Fala) Fs (22) ni((RY (at (ry | | «Friction (static) 12 Coefficien! of Restlction 2 Separoticn veers | Appracct elas | v Fee dN - ae ent of fail | —— | es sTencion @ midepon Mawest nein = cancer halt spon TMs 0 F . ThwtenS | "Le concalated ood tension in cable Analasis = Bynomes | Ral sMaj bank aTredlation = eal ata + 2a Springs | Dot Prodket (6) pons bln a vce | | e Lee | ede ele ee ee cee rem = Croce Predvet (x) *Componite LPilvech Abel) oo tine nod tg Ard. [Al lal sine ribewsleastucsee] for fing baba! | ors Enras ap vaetmict | EC Wark! Whee Set vei > Resuttonts = Abs (Vee Ane) i. A oe * Werk of sptieg : sediean) val “Eneray Meee? a far VAL 2 Abs (Vee AY Potential Enetgy =” mgh _ ee Kina Enmgy 2 £m anid Sif a alere pouas thro hres oles 1 Reteion BOM 2d Wtewi 1 | Pelt Waswit Gane Ba Sn Indeterminate o Stolle Ege zh zm @— cetermtion Fane ial Detbretion Thermal BeGrmaton Anaslar Deformation + Thermal! 6 Deformation are, L~ cod? of thermal expansion L= original length "Thermal Stree Coe I. Ne Yielding af supperte op-8in ATE Cose DW Mielding of” sopport —y — ee vs Baa Se “OeT EL = ¥ «(oro foros hg motnent shearing trees » Torsional a = poor moma oP inertia Ss TR : nee = Solid Ciraslar ShoPt 3-2 (ae Te aot ao - Hollew Circolar at 1.2 (nn) Argelar Deformation / Angle af Twist Oe Th rad 36 Ana of Torque Diogcom 36 Ge niles of rig sant united by a ablng de ee Conder cd cast dete to 4 Angular Distlocement “Sms Om Ox - as : 4) Solin ‘CDi, Ele? Cie =MlL.o D+ (De wie i gaPR | = wire FO Roeder Fe neon ragive 2 Helical Soaring Lh Marne 2 Asie "Mor shor shrece Tras “Vrorion + Taint Toe = IR. at i solid circa er “roy IGPR (oa na? * Spring Defarmotn /Deflecfon 6. G4PRD Ga" ¥ Spring Contant | stiffnas » 1 ae | | "springs in series ae Ke 1G a Bae Bi BeBe waptings in paraller Ke Kir here Kn @ Shearing Stress Ba T+ rae -gectisral one 1! to P (area of bolt) + Beoring Stress SS SS 8 a Oo. 2 Ae a Thin Walled Cylinders 4+ Tongential [Circumferential | Hoom/ Tensle Stress or. 2D 26 4 Lonaitedinal Shes o- PR ae « Sheor and Moment in Home 4. au V EM Biogroas sa. VOM Ean Pa) WER] =m i + aia | At Moe Va * Difterent WOM Eqn for each span + for TR]q od IMole rewre the sign (4 .2-) 38. Formoloe eee] bec e Maj tA Mmore PL ae ae Flewre /Bending Stress foe Mo. ma. x N= movinom Memon, Nem = ditonee of cenitois ibm decirel fTboe . mm Le moment of Inertia » ma" «Radius of Casvatore Psto . Et OT + Section Madu can @ ft | fe Veszontol Shoring Sheet | fe va, mPa | Ih 1 } Me ahear oN ! 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Strece ond Shearing Stree on foilore plone Y Ona (Aas) ZPigy oe y Ta lAnel « SFigg 26 Pauw = Sas (Anew ee THEORY OF STRUCTURES # Delerminoes S\ Formole Beem: Fr? ord Frame: Amir) Ajee sroset mer 2 9g ~ determinate Y> indeterminate where T= no of rin m- novof mbrs i- no: ef ts Ce candant “for ¢ + internal pin! hinge + C= Cane of mits meting at pin -1 = internal raller a = al other connections Cro 2. “Bavla:” Method | Pe ~eans * coiiroene ied et {+ ondeble + determinate Y= Indeterminate On pat cot sctia | esart Lat soporte "6 minded 1* Bea iotenal pin ag load af midepon i cB age < Fore Me | Bie | rie a ano of compe 7 | ue ve PB. e eo Tan * Et eatin Oi ta Te we heen | for the Kress i Fue fe r ar | i: | | © Being Members fo= Me Fos oca Fy if a: campoct ‘ection i abe au a 16%0. 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Pn — fr fae ie | a spiral ratio. Fe lod af Belek Buckling Leos Pos A Mapiral Goo Ca $-De PRESTRESSED CONCRETE S— spocing Sian Convention De~ core aliomel ae Dez Do- Ace = Paine 0-45, Arial Goending a nope 5 Sian ond s00cing off bate ole = Min cleer ditome bin moin bose &18du 2 40 mm = Vertical sgocing of fies oe + £16 Db (mio) 246 db (sie cm & least column dimencien = Te diometer aa oe a = 1Omn ties —32D main bers or uU——_~ anole Doe te pPrestrece dimm fies — 20 amain bass oF fear owpase (AES = Centroid on te or Plostic Centred — resclfont of forees of tension Geometric Centred — reesltem of crea 7 a iP bets are ref symmetia! + Ce = Aalte-O45f2) Additional “Tories Vector Analysis Set posing thre points ACB AQMD» BOMDY Componente of force F Veo AB aVee A 2 (Xa-X Vi CNL) Fors FsVecA + Abs Veed Moment about _o point 1 CODY Vee AC + Vee B= (tax), MN CI-2) (CVecA7Abs Vee A) ¥ Vee B = Abs (Vee And) Perperdisclor distoner bln point C ¢ ine 4 ™ Me Fd a. Me. FE Moment choot the ores Mens dF Nec A eVee AB Nec Bs Vee OB = (x20) Niel. (2-0) Mares Veo x [vee A = Absvec AT * Poroholie Cables Tingt LMe Chinas (aad. oo Tees Me. a we Chet Tena alCn® «Ce “ oem) Coble: Theorem © General fm for Coble wi concentrated HY. Zm leale oe ZINN : < for Nv Ya. *Plaw a unt Lead at © ond then af E | Feo tae Und lead at are Aveo 11 Bem sin@ =O Fee Vat lood af RO Avet FeQain62O — UL no longer Peos ott fin Truss deflection | < ep 86 PL.y 7 Reb. phe 0 ont lead aE fat feint oP detechn 'f troee menber C0 ie removal = leer a anit lod af 0 ¢ : 7 moving overeat it Ary Sabot feu + Sabet Pea. A \ ue Set 2 Product of PeddFeB Thettn ‘for rector Pee th. 4 110 syemelrical : Phehod « © a Feonefer fora Bays Pee + Ady sign’ left or btw na - att or abae na © Baome with camber asst \ etsy / reise of cant P \e lp! ee (es rt x | ag v + Biren ptending —— +84. 8.(2F) wee ee » fegeeme + Patel LF fo Shear center Shear free per an r|k ang. lb es qasaese Ga:90 — flange ave Qe = flamer ub orm -cbrar Flow disarom [ Hed qax —Ane of trional pee: | eee : \v day sheer cmb ve Vid= HO) for RC Beoms | @ Wor ing Stress Decian ly © » S| ca F# _ | ie | ° —S | ve | Temedulor ratio | | eit As is aiven j + Moment of Area = Moment of Aire i Cohae NAY Coclow NAY i bCKA (x4) nAs(d-xd) kde - sLnas Ter Zs . = Bbltal + nac(d- 1d) = Moximwm — sirees few Mind Tne fs. 2 (ders) ‘Ina 2 ik be net gin = by REP strese diogrom) fe. fain Kd dowd fe __felo Kae constant Ke dean da jor gh Vasey | constost oS design M. Ce (id) Te (ya) Cr = Merc concrete 3 | Use (arcade Mer = cracking moment) ele ae (teeta Tas igond of eit pegeting rina Iden | ae bldg 1 de = distor of bottom bor} to ottom fore ot conde Ree Eetonlin Tenain ome df concrete per bot *" + Crook a : Distribution Foeter | oF = Endepon Hinged or rafter | ’ 5 DF 20 = Endo final | OF. KL | Nea ieee 4 Kika Try Lins. | eae ancich Memnt Tstibuhea Teble Toor | A a e |o = @ supports: Negative Mement Mbe JAB | BA’ Be |CB* CD] Oc BF = o As T ren] | | Note? @ ASLaLm go st Det | ly @CiLeLm eee al @ BIL. Lovin tom | a’ glo} Ae 2 | | : |_| oth Dey i = @ midspon! Postiv Moment net | oe) FF + For Dati bulien Det (Onbolaneed MOF Note: 12 a’ Ce} As’ incladed feintee si Hf a Yei Ae neglected Dactan o-fFenaa + ren) A Diston =~ (FEMons FeMac) DFay a Dictoc «- (Petipa: Feviad Fad 1s For com = Stes ; coms Ya LDist of oppask menkt | vAssome d’Xe ! colve for Ae Lif M1 cheen if T-beoml ERR: CetCee Conan = al Didanl a.Cheek if Act As’ yield > if not. reeomput ao ee ope fs or fe'= Goo d-e BCheck Hf As’ inelded (@I8') © © She Fer Mn + Momant Disfribotion Methed BR Pm : oe oe Sa Fited End Momenle Member Stiffous PeMae = * Kae Kon. © FeMan a Femac uc = Kens EE FeMens - is FE Mee s+ Kea «Koc « EE FEMoc 2 - G 4 Maid hw ea eee only 4 [ sroored” aD bo 8 * ang. ; Kno be Comes <'2L Dutsal | CoMac «hE Oteal | *Nlele: for Final Memat (Z), momnk in the soem jt shuld be eghal | ond momente. in hinged! roller fede | be 200 | Mae «Mee 2 — hinge /fotle Mea = Mae i f Mea «Men | Treated € chront fe Fit tn Fa shel wheel ‘Sled Whpa | =‘ennle Sires in tire | ote | (48) s Prawn bn Oo. PD ae = Compressive fin ond Auha! 22)

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