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Prepared by: Jakenson franz Nicole l. Ragonton



At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. define what is hip-hop

2. identify the different basic steps of hip-hop dance

3. Perform basic movement with appropriate quality of hip-hop dance


Topic: hip-hop

Sub-topic: basic dance step of hip-hop


Materials: laptop and phone


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Learning Activities

 Daily Routine

“Good Morning Class…” “Good Morning Sir “

2. Prayer

“ Okay class before we start Let’s us Pray Lord, thank you for being there always for us
First…” and give your love every single day, Lord God
thank you for the Blessing that you’ve gave to
us. Lord give this students a clear mind and
focus in their goal and keep them healthy and
make them a good person.


3. Attendance

“I’m going to check your attendance, say


“Before we start please stand and stretch our “Okay Sir”

body to warm up our joints so we can be

“It’s Good and Happy Sir”

“How’s your day Class?”

 Review

“ Okay Class, What was our last topic?” “Sir our last topic was all about the hip-hop”

B. Developmental Activity

“ okay class this day I will teach you some basic “ YES SIR!”
step of hip-hop”
“okay class can you stand and stretch your
body” “Yes Sir”

.Presentation of the lesson

“Now Class my question is what have you

noticed about the dance step? “Sir the dance step is very fun and it easy to do

“Very Good Class! Because our lesson for

today is all about the hip-hop dance
Discussion of the lesson

“Now class, let us now discuss the History of

hip-hop dance”
“Hip-hop dance began during the late
(Choose a student to read) 1960’s and early 1970’s, originally inspired
by the movements of African dancing, and
flourished as a new style of dance
(Student stand)
performed on the street for the people”
“Very Good take your seat thank you! . When
we talk about hip-hop
Hip-hop dance began during the late
1960’s and early 1970’s, originally inspired
by the movements of African dancing, and
flourished as a new style of dance
performed on the street for the people.
Hip-hop incorporates aspects of modern
dance, tap, and swing, integrating music
and complex movements to form artistry.
The early history and roots of hip-hop
dance are most often associated with its
beginning on the East Coast, specifically
New York City. But the West Coast also
formed its own style of the East Coast hip-
hop dance around the same time.
East Coast hip-hop began with the unique
rhythmic combinations created by Kool DJ
Herc, a Jamaican DJ who moved to
Brooklyn at the age of 12 and quickly
became one of the most popular DJ’s of
New York City. DJ Herc ingeniously
thought to extend dance sections of songs
to create better opportunities to showcase
the breaking movements of dancers.
West Coast hip-hop took the dance style
from the East Coast and made it its own,
transforming some of the frozen moves
and making them more robotic. The West
Coast was also where two of modern hip-
hop’s most iconic styles, popping and
locking, were born

“Sir Bronx in New York City”

“Okay class can someone tell me which country

where hip-hop originated?” “Thank you sir”

“very good students”

“Sir me” (one of the students)”
Hip-hop dance is a fusion dance genre that
“okay class who want to read about hip-hop incorporates elements of popping, locking, breaking,
dance?” jazz, ballet, tap dancing and other styles and is
typically performed to hip-hop, R&B, funk, electronic
or pop music.
“Thank you. Its true ,very good!”
“ Next is the proper steps of performing basic 3
core steps of hip-hop dance, so what is the

“The steps is groove: this type of the steps is

freely to move remember active you knee,
loose in up your body, relax and feel the music]
“ the smurf:- in this step active the groove step
and step side by side while your arms in L-level
while close fist “
“The bounce side by side;” activated the groove
and while doing the step side by side.

“students raising their hands, sir me”

“ Okay class can someone give me one of the “Sir bounce side by side”
steps in hip-hop dance?
“students raising hand, Sir me”
“Very Good. How about another one? “smurf sir.”

“Very good. “

“Class let me know if you really understood our “Sir Hip-hop dance is a fusion dance genre that
discussion a while back. incorporates elements of popping, locking, breaking,
What is hip-hop dance again ?” jazz, ballet, tap dancing and other styles and is
typically performed to hip-hop, R&B, funk, electronic
or pop music

“Very Good now what is the 3 basic steps of “The 3 steps is groove, smurf, bounce side by
dance that I teach ?” side step”

“what you have learned from this lesson? “Sir I learned about the history of hip-hop and
Choose one student” also I also learned some basic dance step of


For our Activity for today you will be group by

four and execute that I teach earlier.


Search a basic dance step of hip-hop and Create a video-clip while performing it.

Answer the following questions.

1. What is hip-hop?
2. What is hip-hop dance style?

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