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I. Objectives: At the end of 40-minute class discussion, the pupils should be able to:
A .Identify ways that water is wasted and conserved;
B. Appreciate the importance of water in everyday life; and
C. Sort pictures classify them into two categories.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Water Conservation
B. Materials: Scissor, Sheet of paper, Glue, sort of game cards and sorting mats
C. References: K12 Health Curriculum Guide pp. 15
D. Values Integration: Using one’s discipline to save water
LC Code: H1FH-IIIde-4
III. Learning Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity

A. Preliminary Activity
1. Prayer
Before we start our activity today, let’s all stand
and feel the presence of the Lord.
Aica kindly lead the prayer. ( Jaspher will lead the prayer)

2. Greetings
Good morning class! Good morning Ma’am!
Good morning Classmates!
Before you take your seats, see to it that your chairs
are properly arranged. Yes Ma’am!

3. Motivation
I prepared a song for you. This song is entitled
“ Water Song” to the tune “The Itsy Bitsy Spider” I. Water in the Garden
Water in the Sea
Water in the Air
Water is all around us
II. Water is a gift from nature
So be thankful for water
Let’s save water together (2x)

III. Water high in the sky

Rain of the green grass
Water is what flowers drink
And fish breathe!

Repeat stanza II

Save water, Save life!


Repeat Stanza II
B. Development of the lesson
1. Presentation
Before we start our discussion, let’s first
identify the uses of water in the wheel
based form the song we sang.

Before we start the activity, what was our Keep quiet and cooperate Ma’am

That’s right! Is it clear class? Yes Ma’am!


2. Discussion
Our activity a while back has something
connection to our topic today. Our topic today
is all about water conservation.

What is our lesson for today? Ma’am our lesson for today is all about
water conservation.
Very good! Kindly give 3 claps for Ana!
(Pupils do the clap.)
Who among you saw an oceans that’s dirty?
What are some ways why the oceans gets Ma’am the oceans gets dirty because
dirty? people throwing trash in it.

That’s great! Oceans gets dirty because people

are throwing trash in it.

What can we do to help keep it clean? Throwing trash away ma’am

What else? Not pouring things into the water

That’s right! To make the oceans clean, we must
throw our trash away and not pouring things into
the water.

Who among you leaving the water hose for too Ana Ma’am
Is it good to leave the water hose for too long? No Ma’am, because leaving the water
Why? hose for too long can waste water

Very good! It can waste water

What about leaving the tap on while brushing It’s not good also ma’am

Why? Leaving the tap on while brushing teeth

is not good because it can waste water
also ma’am
Very right! It can waste water also

What are some ways that you can help save to

water? Telling a parent about a leaky faucet
That’s great! Tell it to the parent about a leaky
faucet or we can off it too

What else! Turning off water while brushing teeth

That’s right! Turn off the water while brushing
our teeth

Kindly give 5 claps to yourselves! (Pupils will do the clap)

3 .Generalization

Why it’s important to conserve water? Conserving water is important ma’am

because it keeps water pure and clean
while protecting our environment.
That’s right! What else?
It’s important to conserve water
because water is used every day of our
lives. We need water to drink, we need
water to cook, we need water to stay
clean and food cannot grow without
Very good! water.

In everyday living, we use water in every day of

our lives that’s why we need to conserve and don’t
waste it if it’s not necessary.

How we can conserve water? Don’t waste water ma’am

Use water if it’s necessary ma’am

4. Application

Now it’s your turn to explore, I will group you

into three. Each group will work as a team, and
will be given a set of sorting game cards, set of
sorting mats, scissor, glue and crayons.

Direction: Divide the cards using the scissor

according to whether the pictures show water
being save or waste. Glue the cards onto the
appropriate “waste” or “save” mat then color the
pictures with crayons.

Before we start our activity, what was our rule? Keep quiet and cooperate Ma’am!

Very good!
IV. Evaluation
Direction: Put a / (check) if the statement below save water and put X (wrong) if it’s waste.

___1. Washing dishes with running water.

___2. Taking baths and long showers.
___3. Turn off the water while brushing your teeth.
___4. If you wash dishes by hand, don’t leave the water running for rinsing.
___5. Don’t let the faucet run while you clean vegetables.

V. Assignment
Sing the song at home with parents. Then draw a picture on the assignment notebook that
shows how we can save water at home!

Prepared by:

Espiritu, Angel B.
Aradanas, Trisha Mae A.
Lacaste, Vanessa P.
Ortiz, Grace Ann C.
Padua, Kate Jamaica Y.
BEEd 3-1

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