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I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson students should be able to:
a. Identify the Contemporary Dance
b. Enumerate the different Genres of Contemporary Dance
c. Execute the different Genres of Contemporary

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Contemporary Dance
Materials: Power point Presentation
Values Integration: Patience and Gracefulness

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer
Everybody stand, and let’s pray. ( The whole class will stand and start the

b. Checking of attendance
Say present if your name was called.
Yes Ma’am.

c. Classroom Regulation/Policy
1. Raise your hand if you want to recite or
say something.
2. Stay active.

a. Recall/Review
Do you remember our lesson yesterday,
class? It’s about the history of Contemporary Dance
ma’am that its origin in the mid 20th Century.
What else, class?
It gained popularity in the US and Europe
Very good! quickly.

B. Motivation
Before we start our lesson, I will show you
a video clip that connected to our lesson for
(Presents a video clip)

What did you observe from this video?

Ma’am they are dancing.
Yes. Guess what kind of this dance?
(one student will answer)
Yes, very good!

C. Lesson Proper
So our lesson for today is about
Contemporary dance. (one student will read)
Contemporary dance is a style of
expressive dance that combines elements of
several dance genres including Jazz, Modern
dance, Lyrical hip hop and Classical Ballet. These
are the dance styles that influenced
Known as an “abstract painting”. It is
important to note that there are no established
movement patterns in Contemporary or there is
no defined movement it is important to
understand its purpose.
Contemporary dance are lighter and more
fluid, as opposed to heavy. Gravity is an
important element in this dance, pulling dancers
down to the level of the floor.
Contemporary dance is a concert without any
choreography. It’s about expressing emotion
and bringing how you feel into the dance.
It wasn’t long before Contemporary became
a dominant genre for formally trained dancers.
Contemporary dance become like therapy. In
order to expand your range of movement, focus
on relaxation and freedom. The preparation of
the mind and body is specifically important.
Improvisation is key in the contemporary.
Because dancer tend to use whatever they feel
in the moment for inspiration.
These are the pioneers of Contemporary
Dance include Isadora Duncan, Martha Graham
and Merce Cunningham.
Pioneers of Contemporary Dance
Angela Isadora Duncan

 May 27, 1878 – September 14, 1927

 Isadora rejected classical dance training,
using new types of inspiration.
 These inspirations focused on emotion,
poetry, philosophy, freedom o movement,
and bare feet.
 Known as the “Mother of Contemporary

Martha Graham
 May 11, 1894 – April 1, 1991
 Martha is considered to be a legend in
dance history, just like Picasso is
considered to be in art history.
 Martha earned the honor of being the
first dancer to perform at the White (one student will read
 She even received a Medal of Freedom.
Merce Cunningham
 April 16, 1919 – July 26, 2009
 Father of Contemporary Dance
 Merce developed an attitude to his style
of dance.
 Merce used chance, unconventional
spaces and unpredictability.
Genres of Contemporary Dance
Jazz - jazz dancing is form of dance that Yes ma’am!
showcases dancer’s individual style and
Modern - modern dance is a dance style
that centers on a dancer’s own interpretations
instead of structured steps, as in traditional
ballet dancing.
Classical Ballet - focuses on legwork,
precision and rhythm.
Lyrical hip hop - is a fusion of techniques
with choreography that follows not only the beat
of the music, but also the rhythms of the lyrics
in a song to express emotion.

Do you understand, class?

D. Generalization:
To sum up our lesson, Contemporary
dance is a style of expressive dance that
combines elements of several dance genres
including Jazz, Modern dance, Lyrical hip hop
and Classical Ballet.
The 3 pioneers of Contemporary Dance are
Angela Isadora Duncan, Martha Graham and
Merce Cunningham.
And the 4 genres of Contemporary Dance
Jazz Dance, Modern Dance, Lyrical Hip-hop and
Classical Ballet

E. Application:
Choose 1 genre of Contemporary Dance
and perform. (5 members in each group)

IV. Evaluation:

Quiz. (15 items)

A. Fill in Blank (4 Genres)

B. Enumerate the following, who are the pioneers of Contemporary Dance?
C. Write essay about what is the importance of Contemporary Dance?

V. Assignments:
Create video presentation showing at least 1 genre of Contemporary Dance (Individual)

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