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Evolution of Portraiture II

📑 Unit information
Statement of Inquiry Representation of self identity goes far beyond the mere depiction of
physical information.

Key Concept Identity

Related Concept Representation

Global Context Identities and Relationships

Exploration Identity Formation

🖍 Rough Draft
This link will redirect you to my formative which has all my original ideas that I
adapted and modified for the summative. This will include my artistic intention,
connection to Elements of Art and Principles of Design, and a rough idea of my
Creative Process
󰡆 Symbolism Used
1. Potato
If I were a vegetable I would be a potato. It is round, asymmetrical, and imperfect like me. Many of my
close friends also tell me that I look like one. But in a deeper view, nobody likes to eat raw potatoes
right? That's me. I’m the raw potato. Sometimes I find myself in places where I have to change myself
to fit into the situation. If I were to be myself, people would not be impressed (maybe most might just
be in my head). Or simply, I care about people's’ judgments and sometimes it worries me. To adapt I
change myself to be more “likable,” similar to how a potato can have many variations of itself. For
instance, french fries, sweet potato, mashed potatoes, baked potatoes, and more. Because the raw
potato is only liked by a few, the potato needs to be change to fit other likings.

2. Colored background, grey potato

In the different situations I want to emphasize on the background more than on me, the potato. This
illustrates that I sometimes feel lost, empty, and insecure being myself making me feel invisible or grey
in places where my surroundings are more colorful than me. Meaning everyone else around me is also
going through something that might be similar or different making them radiate different colors. But
even though we struggle, life does not wait but just goes on. In my perspective, the changing world I
live in is like a giant mix of colors jumbled together that cause me to feel confused and lost not
knowing what to do.
4. Comic strip similar to a coming-of-age film
Since I am still very young and have lots to learn, I want to reflect that on to my artwork. The comic strip
style art gives a sense of youth which is literally what I’m going through right now. Similarly to an
coming-of-age film where the protagonist goes through a series of events throughout their youth to
become a better or worse person. From how to drew and organized it, audiences will be able to assume that
I am young that I am just going through some sort of normal phase in life.

5. Repetition of flowers in a vase (one is not in a vase)

In the artwork, I wanted to add a little easter egg in it. The repetition of flowers in a vase (one is not in a
vase) reveals that some things just does not change about me. Even if I try to change myself to be a
different kind of potato, there would always be somethings that stays original. Or it could be the fact that it
is really just a phase I will learn to adapt out of. Not to sound cliché, but it is like a sign of hope or
motivation for change in the future. And for the flowers, I want them to show the trapped box of unhealthy
thoughts I’m in that is hard to break out of. Flowers are picked by greedy human hands to sit and look pretty
in a vase. But they still thrive to survive as long as they can to grow to their full potential situated in a
confined space. I want to grow to be an amazing person, but the problem is that I’m confined in the trapped
feeling of the vase. Thus, I want to learn how to grow out of that vase to become bigger and better.
🌐 Relation to the Unit
★ SOI Representation of self identity goes far beyond the mere depiction of physical information.

In my artwork, I hid many hints of my identity in meaningful signs and symbols which is more than bare
physical information. Most of the signs and symbols I worked with might sound simple but have deep
meanings that relates to my identity as a person. Such as potatoes that no one would think it would
represent my identity. When you look at the artwork as a whole, you will need time and effort to look into all
the representations to find information about my identity.

★ Key Concept Identity

The whole artwork represents my identity. Through the different signs and symbols, it illustrates parts of my personality that
shapes my identity. For instance the repetition of flowers shows the consistency of my identity and how I like to do things the
same because I’m scared of people’s judgements if I changed. Or how I colored the background different colors to show my
perspective on life. All of the different components of the artwork works together to represent my identity.
🌐 Relation to the Unit
★ Related Concept Representation
Through the different signs and symbols I used, it is all a representation of my identity. Each of the signs and symbols represent
a part of me that audiences can see and understand me as a person. For instance, the potato I use to identity myself represent
my struggles and fears that influences how I think and act. And could potentially influence my identity in a long run. Therefore,
together, the representations I used works cooperatively to create great meaning to show a glimpse to my identity.

★ Global Context + Exploration Identities and Relationships, Identity Formation

If I could put my artwork in a category, it would be the global context and exploration of the unit: identities
and relationships and identity formation. Since this artwork is based on the struggle I face, coming from a
teenage perspective I am still forming my identity with struggles and uncertainties. Which influences my
identity in the future that will benefit me when finding comfort in life through forming relationships with
A: Knowing and Understanding B: Developing Skills
During this unit I have learned about self portraiture For this summative assessment I have chosen to
and how symbols can be used to creatively to draw, which is not what I usually do. Comparing the
communicate meaning and represent identity. I process to the end product I have struggled through
have used my knowledge on self portraits in my many difficulties that made me erase and try again
artwork by using symbols to represent my identity many times. But at the end, I could see that my
in a non-traditional self portrait way. drawing skills slightly improved over the course of
trying multiple times.
C: Thinking Creatively D: Responding

During this unit, I feel like I have used a lot of my With the use of many signs and symbols, I could
connect them to others ideas that represents me.
creativity to show my identity in signs symbols.
Like, connecting the bare minimum things, such as
When I decided to used signs and symbols and not the comic strip style drawing to a coming-of-age
my own face in the artwork, I knew that I need to film that reflects onto my age, is proven to be that I
think creatively to express myself. From changing have met the requirements of criterion D,
the signs and symbols multiple times to the facial responding. Together, at the end the artwork is still
a self portrait and I strongly feel that I have taken a
expressions of the characters. Through this unit I
twist on your traditional self portraits to create
have learned the many ways to think outside of the something more personal that still represent my
box and creatively express myself. identity.
🎨 Artistic Intention
Through the comic strip, I want to illustrate a story that represent me at the moment. Sometimes I
find myself in situations where I am not comfortable being myself. The pressure of others and
society bothers me a lot, making me feel confused and insecure. Or maybe I’m just going through a
phase during youth and I will soon grow out of it. As seen in the artwork, I represented myself as
many kinds of potatoes to emphasize how I can slightly change myself according to the situation.
However I colored it grey to show the mixture of weird and random feelings and thoughts I have,
making me feel lost, confused, and insecure. Even if someone say, “think positively.” it’s difficult to
just change to have a healthier mindset. If it were easy I wouldn’t have even struggle.

Looking the artwork as a whole, it emphasizes on how the struggles I currently face influences my
identity. I became insecure and confused at myself from the uncertainty I struggle with. Soon, it will
merge into my personality to shape my identity.
Final Artwork

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