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THANH HÓA Năm học 2019-2020

ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Môn thi: Tiếng Anh 9- THCS
Thời gian: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề
(Đề thi có 5 phần, gồm 06 trang) Ngày thi: …. tháng 03 năm 2020)

PART A: LISTENING (15 points)

* Bài nghe gồm 3 phần, mỗi phần được nghe 2 lần, mỗi lần cách nhau khoảng 15 giây, mở đầu và kết
thúc mỗi phần nghe có tín hiệu.
* Mở đầu và kết thúc bài nghe có tín hiệu nhạc. Thí sinh có 3 phút để hoàn chỉnh bài trước tín hiệu nhạc
kết thúc bài nghe.
* Mọi hướng dẫn cho thí sinh (bằng tiếng Anh) đã có trong bài nghe.
Part 1: You will hear a recorded message about an arts festival. Choose the correct answer from A, B
or C for each of the following questions.
1. The festival takes place from ________.
A. 12 to 18 May. B. 12 to 20 May. C. 12 to 28 May.
2. What is on at the Theatre Royal on 19May?
A. jazz. B. opera. C. classical music.
3. During lunchtime jazz concerts at the Corn Exchange they sell ________.
A. soft drinks and sandwiches B. wine and sandwiches C. soft drinks and light meals
4. What is on at the cathedral?
A. music B. poetry C. films
5. What does the festival programme offer at Ickworth?
A. a walk and a book reading B. a concert and a meal C. a walk and a concert
6. You can't use a credit card if you book ________.
A. by post B. by fax C. by telephone
Part 2: Listen to the recording twice. Complete the notes below. Write no more than two words or
numbers for each answer.
Type of event: Dragon Boat Race
Race details
Day & date: Sunday (7) …………………..………
Place: Brighton (8) …………………..………
Registration time: (9) …………………..………
- aim to raise over (10) …………………..………pounds (£) as a team and get a free t-shirt
- free Prize Draw for trip to Hong Kong
Team details
- must have crew of 20 and elect a team (11) …………………..………
- under 18s need to have parents' (12) …………………..……… to enter
- need to hire 20 (13) …………………..………
- advised to bring extra set of (14) …………………..………

- must choose a (15) …………………..……… for the team
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced different from that of the others in the same
line and write A, B, C o D on your answer sheet. (3 points)
16. A. deceive B. perceive C. caffeine D. leisure
17. A. dilemma B. salmon C. calve D. halve
18. A. excursion B. further C. surgery D. surprise
II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others in the same line and write
A, B, C or D on your answer sheet. (2 points)
19. A. dinosaur B. entertain C. signature D. crocodile
20. A. empire B. inspire C. desire D. expire
I. Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Write the answers on your answer sheet. (7 points)
21. Well, I thought the food was awful. It (be) ___________________ the same restaurant you went to.
22. Scientists are predicting that the volcano might erupt, so people (evacuate) _____________________
from the area.
23. It is very important that we (notify) as soon as there’s a change in the patient’s condition.
24. (Award) a scholarship, I entered the unknown territory of private education.
25. The government has decided that the old houses (knock down) .
26. Whenever we meet, we stop (talk) .
27. It rained every day on my holiday in France, so I (not take) the suntan lotion after all.
II. Supply the correct form of the words in capital. Write the answers on your answer sheet. (8 points)
28. The children listened (attention) to the story because it was so interesting.
29. Environmental pollution brings extreme (ugly) to man’s naturally beautiful world.
30. The boy was very violent and his parents found him (manage) .
31. I want to study (engineer) at university.
32. The monument was erected in (remember) of the soldiers who fell for posterity.
33. You mustn’t leave your luggage (attend) for even a moment on the train.
34. The film is entertaining but full of historical (accurate) .
35. A (break) has been made in AIDS research.
III. The passage below contains 5 mistakes (from questions 36-40). Find out the mistakes and write the
correct answers on your answer sheet. (5 pts)
Example: Line 1: where whose
1 Aylesbury is a bustling market town where modern shopping facilities include the recently
2 opened Friars Square shopping centre. The market has been an essential part of Aylesbury life
3 for the early 13th century. Nowadays, regular markets are held on Wednesdays, Fridays and
4 Saturdays. The town has a rich and vary history, many clues to which can be seen in the
5 conversation are to the north of the market square. In this area stands the 15th century King's
6 Head Public House which over the years played host to many famous names. These have
7 included King Henry Will, who regularly visited the Inn whilst courting Anne Boleyn and
8 Oliver Cromwell, in his visit to Aylesbury in 1651. Now a National Trust property, the King's
9 Head is at present undergoing extensive refurbishments to restore the building to their former
10 glory and is expected to re-open in the autumn. Other notable buildings in the conversation
11 area include the Saxon Church of St Mary and the Buckinghamshire County Museum.
IV. Choose the word/ phrase that best fits the gap in each of the following sentences and write A, B, C
or D on your answer sheet. (10 points)
41. _________ anything suspicious arise, please let me know at once.
A. Did B. Were C. May D. Should
42. You have tricked me many times. _____ you say now, I don’t believe in your words any more, Ben.
A. No matter how B. No matter what
C. Despite of what D. In spite of the fact that
43. In order to avoid boredom, the most important thing is to keep oneself _________.
A. occupying B. occupied C. occupant D. occupational
44. If you want a flat in the center of the city, you have to pay through the _________ for it.
A. teeth B. forehead C. nose D. arm
45. Two of the boys in the art class were doing self-portraits by looking at _________ in the mirror.
A. each other B. themselves C. oneself D. one another
46. The completion of the new Town Hall has been held up _________ a strike.
A. with a view to B. according to C. owing to D. in relation to
47. Beneath the streets of a modern city _________ of walls, columns, cables, pipes and tunnels required
to satisfy the needs of its inhabitants.
A. the existing network B. exists the network
C. the network’s existence D. where exists
48. The trouble with Ann is that she is _________ with sports.
A. obsessed B. packed C. matched D. dealt
49. White phosphorus, a substance _________ in matches, is so flammable that it bursts into flame upon
contact with the air.
A. is common B. which being common
C. common D. which common
50. _________ that distinguish human beings from other primates are related to the ability of people to
stand upright mid walk on two legs.
A. Many of the physical characteristics B. Of the many physical characteristics
C. The physical characteristics are many D. There are many physical characteristics
PART D: READING (30 points)
I. Read the following passage then fill in each gap with ONE suitable word. Write the answers on your
answer sheet. (10 points)
Natural disasters are often frightening and difficult for us to understand, because we have no
control (51) when and where they happen. What we can control is how prepared we are.
Places that are 52) likely to have natural disasters, such as the earthquake-prone Pacific Ring
of Fire, or coastal (53) vulnerable to hurricanes, require accurate methods of predicting
disasters and warning the (54) quickly. Once people have been (55) ,
evacuation routes must be provided so that they can all (56) quickly and safely, even if they
travel (57) foot. People need to be educated on the risks in their area, and what to do when a
disaster strikes. After a disaster, even if no one has died, there is a lot of (58) to people
homes, farms and workplaces that must be repaired. This (59) a lot of time and money to fix,
and a country damaged by a disaster usually needs a large amount of international (60) to
get better.

II. Read the text and choose the most suitable word from the ones given below to fill in each gap. Write
A, B, C or D on your answer sheet. (10 points)
Recent research has (61)________ that a third of people in Britain have not met their (62) _______
neighbors, and those who know each other (63)_______ speak. Neighbors gossiping over garden fences
and in the street was a common (64)________in the 1950s, says Dr. Carl Chinn, an expert on local
communities. Now, however, longer hours spent working at the office, together with the Internet and
satellite television, are eroding neighborhood (65)_________. "Poor neighborhoods once had strong
kinship, but now prosperity buys privacy," said Chinn.
Professor John Locke, a social scientist at Cambridge University, has analyzed a large
(66)________ of surveys. He found that in America and Britain the amount of time spent in social
activity is decreasing. A third of people said they never spoke to their neighbors at (67)________.
Andrew Mayer, 25, a strategy consultant, rents a large apartment in West London, with two flat mates,
who work in e – commerce. "We have a family of teachers upstairs and lawyers below, but our contact
comes via letters (68)________ to the communal facilities or complaints that we've not put out our bin
bags properly," said Mayer.
The (69)________ of communities can have serious effects. Concerned at the rise in burglaries
and (70)_______ of vandalism, the police have relaunched crime prevention schemes such as
Neighborhood Watch, call on people who live in the same are to keep an eye on each others' houses and
report everything they see which is unusual.
61. A. exhibited B. conducted C. displayed D. revealed
62. A. side-on B. next-door C. close-up D. nearside
63. A. barely B. roughly C. nearly D. virtually
64. A. outlook B. view C. vision D. sight
65. A. ties B. joins C. strings D. laces
66. A. deal B. amount C. number D. measure
67. A. least B. once C. all D. most
68. A. concerning B. regarding C. applying D. relating
69. A. breakout B. breakup C. breakdown D. breakaway
70. A. acts B. shows C. counts D. works
III. Read the text and choose the best answer to each question that follows. Write A, B, C or D on your
answer sheet. (10 points)
The Beatles became the most popular group in rock music history. This quartet of extraordinary
talented musicians generated a phenomenal number of pieces that won gold records. They inspired a
frenzy that transcended countries and economic strata. While all of them sang, John Lennon and Paul
McCartney wrote the majority of their songs. Originally Lennon and five others formed a group called
the Quarrymen in 1956, with McCartney joining them later that year. George Harrison, John Lennon and
Paul McCartney, together with Stuart Sutcliffe, who played the bass guitar and Pete best on the drums,
performed together in several bands for a few years, until they finally settle on the Silver Beatles in 1960.
American rock musicians, such as Chuck Berry and Elvis Presley, influenced Lennon's and McCartney's
music, whose first hits consisted of simple tunes and lyrics about young love, "Love Me Do" and "Please,
Please me". The Beatles' US tour propelled them to stardom and led to two movies A Hard Day's Night
and Help!, filmed in 1964 and 1965. The so – called British invasion of the United States was in full
swing when they took the top five spots on the singles chart, followed by the release of their first film.
During the 1960s, their music matured and acquired a sense of melody. The lyrics of their songs
became deeper and gained in both imagination and meaning. Their popularity continued to grow as the
Beatles turned their attention to social problems and political issues in "Nowhere Man" and "Eleanor
Rigby". Loneliness and nostalgia come through in their ballads "Michelle" and "Yesterday" which fully
displayed the group's professional development and sophistication. Lennon's sardonic music with lyrics
written in the first person, and McCartney's songs that created scenarios with off beat individuals,
contributed to the character of the music produced by the group. In addition to their music, the Beatles set
a social trend that popularized long hair, Indian music, and mod dress.
For a variety of reasons, the musicians began to drift apart, and their last concert took place in San
Francisco in 1966. The newspapers and tabloids publicized their quarrels and lawsuits, and the much
idolized group finally disbanded in 1970. However, their albums had outsold those of any other band in
history. Although all of the Beatles continued to perform solo or form new rock groups, alone, none
could achieve the recognition and success that they had been able to win together.
71. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. The history and music of the Beatles B. The history and milestones of rock music
C. The fashion and music popular in the 1960s D. The creation and history of a music group
72. According to the passage, how many members were in the band, formed in 1956?
A. Four B. Five C. Six D. Seven
73. According to the passage, which of the Beatles had the greatest musical talent?
A. John Lennon and Paul McCartney B. George Harrison and John Lennon
C. Stuart Sutcliffe and Pete Best D. John Lennon, Paul McCartney and George Harrison
74. The author of the passage implies that the Beatles
A. competed with American musicians B. wrote their music as a group
C. became popular relatively quickly D. were active in social movements
75. According to the passage, the Beatles' fame grew as a result of
A. Chuck Berry's involvement B. their American tour
C. two movies made in the U.S D. their first two hits
76. The author of the passage implies that over time, the music and lyrics by the Beatles
A. became more complex than at the beginning of their career
B. declined in quality and political significance
C. were dedicated to women named Eleanor and Michelle
D. made them the richest musicians in the world
77. The word "acquired" is closet in meaning to
A. imparted B. attached C. imprinted D. attained
78. According to the passage, when did the Beatles experience their greatest success?
A. In the late 1950s B. After their break-up in 1970
C. During the early and mid-1960s D. Throughout their lifetimes
79. The word "scenarios" is closet in meaning to
A. sceneries B. situations C. life stories D. love themes
80. According to the passage, how did Lennon and McCartney enhance the music of the group?
A. They struggled to reach stardom in the United States
B. They composed lyrics to scornful songs and ballads
C. Their music added distinctiveness to the Beatles' repertoire
D. Their loneliness and sadness made their music popular
PART E: WRITING (20 points)
I. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same. Write the answers
on your answer sheet. (10 points)
81. Laura was so disappointed that she couldn’t keep on working
 Such …………….. ………………………………………………………………………….
82. He said: “I wish I were a famous film star.”
He said ……………………………………………………………………………………….

83. I would like someone to take me out to dinner.
 What I would ..……………………………………………………………………………….
84. The patient recovered more rapidly than he had expected.
The patient made ..…………………………………………………………………………….
85. I wasn’t surprised to hear that Mary had failed her driving test.
It came………………………………………………………………………………………..
II. Rewrite each of the following sentences using the given word so that it keeps the same meaning.
Write the answers on your answer sheet. (5 points)
86. This train should have left an hour ago. MEANT
This train ………………………………………………………………... off an hour ago.
87. I will support you whatever you decide to do. MATTER
→ I will support you…………………………………………………………………you take.
88. It was the film’s music that impressed me most. IMPRESSION
→ The film’s music was…………………………………………………………..………me.
89. People say that, if you run, you burn calories efficiently. SUPPOSED
→ Running……………………………………………………………..way of burning calories.
90. I don’t think we will see Simon before he goes to New York. LIKELIHOOD
→ There’s …………………………………………………… Simon before he goes to New York.
III. Write a paragraph on the following topic:
Some schools now offer their courses on the Internet so that people can study online. Is this a
positive or negative trend?
Use specific reasons and any relevant examples to support your view in about 120-150 words. (10


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