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BASIC INTRO Worksheet 08

Activity 1:

Complete the narration with the appropriate verb:

go take watch take

wake up go leave arrive
arrive go go have
get up have have be

Every day I at 7 am. At 7:10 I

, a shower, breakfast and
to work. I always to work by subway
so I never late. I always on time, at 9 am.
At 12:30 I lunch. I
work at 5 pm and back home. When I
home, I a shower, dinner,
TV and at 11 pm I to sleep.

Activity 2:

Describe your daily routine:

Activity 3:

Put the sentences below in the negative and interrogative:

a) I live in an apartment.

b) They watch TV at night.


BASIC INTRO - Worksheet 

Worksheet 08

c) I go to school by subway.

d) You are a dedicated mother.


Activity 4:

What time is it?

a) 2.30

b) 3.25

c) 11.05

d) 4.45

e) 9.33

f) 6.17

g) 5.10

h) 7.14

i) 0.20

j) 12.35

BASIC INTRO - Worksheet 

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