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Unit Tests: and Communication Page 1 of 8 feosect 3 Cwm ed) | fowir a | Name: lass: Date: Mark: 2 Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Grammar:Past simple:be 1. Complete the sentences. Write was or were (Yes), or wasn’t or weren't (No). 1. Tim_at school yesterday. (No) 2. Gina and Marcus_in the kitchen. (Yes) 3. |___ onthe beach all day. (Yes) 4. You__in the park on Saturday. (No) 5. Dad at home last Saturday. (No) 6. 1t___a very cold day on Sunday. (Yes) 7. We ___very happy. Yes) 8. My teacher_in class on Monday. (No) 2. Match words 1-8 with the pictures A-G. 1, teas a fantastic skiing holiday. 2. They were at the ‘cinema. 3. He was In bea 4. They were at a football maten, 5. They were at ome ‘They were at a wedging, 7. He the swimming pool Pho 3. wie 4 file:/C:>Documents and Setings\PROPIETARNDatos de programa\ProjectFourthEdit,,. 12/11/2013 > Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Page 2 of § Grammar:Past simple:regular and irregular verbs 3. Complete the sentences. Use the past simple form of the verbs in brackets. PRodeer 2 Uwir 4 file:/C\Documents and Settings\PROPIETARNDatos de programa\ProjectFourthEdit. 013 Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Page 3 of & uly {an old tennis racket. have) 1 ‘on my computer. (switch) The cat_on the back ofthe chair. (sit) Paosont a- unite a file1/C:\Documents and Settings\PROPIETARNDatos de programa\ProjectFourthEdit... 12/11/2013, Unit Tests Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Page 4 of8 we {a big salad for lunch. (make) He two hamburgers for lunch. (eat) 4. Complete the sentences. Choose A or B. 1. They didn’t __ to any music last night. A, Dllistenes 8. ODlisten 2. Luke his irfriend at university last year A. Dmest 8, met 3, Karen's sister the competition & won 8. Owin too much chocolate and now ! don't fee! wel. ’&. Cinot eat 8. Date Nina a new coat last week |, Dbought 8, Didn't bought 6 We alot of Christmas cards last year A, Didn't not send 8. sent 7. Sorry. dida’t my coffee, &. Darank 8. Carink Parseet 2. Unie t files#}CADocuments and Settings\PROPIETARI Datos de programa\ProjectFourhEdit.. 12/11/2013 Unit Tests: Grama, Vocabulary nel Conmunivation Page 5 of at tennis for two hours yesterday. ‘A Gplayed B. Claidn't playea Grammar:Past simple:questions 5. Clrele the mistake in the sentence. Write the sentence correctly. 1. Did you finished your homework after dinner? 2. What time did the flim starts? 3. Walked you to the bus? 4. Where you see Mandy? 5. Did you found the hotel? 6, Did Charl rode his bike to school? 7. Went you to France last year? 8. When did they arrived? 6, Put the words in the correct order to mal 1, get / when / train / the / you / aid 2. to//they / Australia did / 90 3. time / you / tennis / what / play / aia feosecr umn filev/CADocuments and Settings\PROPIETARNDatos de programal\ProjectFourthEdit... 12/11/2013 (S) Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication 4. 60/ you Fdid what 5. the J enjoy Jai / ir they 6. she / di / plaza /how J make / that 7. yesterday / where /you / did! 90 8. time / they / did / good / have / a Vocabulary:Life stages 7. Underline the odd word out. 1. move house / orange / grew up / was born 2. swimming pool / got married | get a job / go to university 3. sleep / play / grow up / eat 4 leave school start school / be born / write an email 5. moved house / eat pizza / had children / dled 6. die / pencil man / dog 7. went to university / gota job / left school / exciting 8 hhave children / woman / move house / grow up 8. Complete the words. 1. Geta 2, Start s 3. Have c, 5. Move h_ Page 6 of & Phosger 2. vir 4 file #C:Documents and Settings\PROPIETARNDatos de programs\ProjectFourthEdt. 12m1A013, ¢ Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Page 7 of © 6. Gotou Vocabulary:Families 9. Choose the odd one out. A. Giniece 8. Cgrandratner ¢. D sister 0. aaa E, Deousin F. Ghusbang G. Dteacher H. D brother 10. Match words 1-8 with words A-H. 1. My mum’s mum is my A. brother 2! My grandfather's son is my 8. father 3. My aunt's daugnter 's my € wite 4. My uncle's daughter is my dad's... nephew 5. My mother is my dad's © aunt 6 My sister's brother is my F. grandmother 7. My uncle's son is my parents’ G. tiece 8 My dad's sister is my H. cousin ‘Communication 11, Complete the sentences. Sam |(2) to the Temples concert on Saturday. It (2) ‘reat Emma Really? | was there too. But | (3) see you. ‘sam We (4) at the front. (5) were you? Emma We (6) ‘seats atthe back ‘Sam Oh.1(7) their CD after the concert. Have you got it? & ‘Sam I's great. [can Tend it to you Emma Thanks, Sam. 12, Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1, going / you /lke /to / do / cinema /:he |? 2. dost tyes faoseer s-uvit a file:#}CADocumens and Settings\PROPIETARNDatos de programa\ProjeetFourthEdit.. 12/11/2013 (J) Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Page 8 of © 3. you / doing do what / lke /? 4. my /shepping / ke tends /1/ with 5. shopping / don't /1/ like 6. you /do/ like / sport / playing /? 7. basketball /1/ playing ke 8. playing Ike /1/ dont / football Project Fourth Editon Test Builder 3 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 201% PRosecr Q_ unr ‘ile/C\Documents and Setings PROPIETARNDatos de prograralProjecFourhEdit.. 12112013 (2) Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary snd Communication Pape tof Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Answer Key 1 wasn't werent wasn't ‘wasn't Paar y-veirt filei!C:\Documents and Setings\PROPIETARNDatos de programa\ProjectFourhEit... 112013 ¢ ‘Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Page 2 of 3 Butisten Bimet won Bate A bought Bisent Bidrink 3. A. played Did you finish your homework after dinner? ‘what time did the film start? Dis you walk to the bus? where did you see Mandy? Did you find the hotel? Did Charlie rie his bike to school? Did you go to France last year? When did they arrive? When aia you get the train? Did they go to Australia? What time did you play tennis? wnat did you dar Peoseer t-te 4 (2) files:\Documents and Settings\PROPIETARNDatos de programa\ProjectPourthEdit... 12/11/2013 7 Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary end Communication Page 3 of - Did they enjoy the film? How did she make that 212237 Where did you go yeste-day? Did they have a good time? orange swimming poo! grow up ‘Write an email eat pizza die exciting 8. Suggested Answers: job Schoo! children married house University 9. G.teacher 10. F. grandmother B, father G.niece Cite A brother nephew E aunt 11. Lwent 2 was 3 didn't 4 were 5 Where 6 had 7 bought 8 haven't 2 1. Do you like going to the cinema? Yes, do, What do you ike doing? Hike shopping with my fiends, | don’t like shopping. Do you lke playing sport? ‘ike playing basketball. | dont lke playing footbal. Jer Bue Project Fourth tltion Test Builder 3Pretacoplable © Oxford Unversity Press 2023 Peosece 2 yur 4 Se Page | of 7 Cm) [pele 2) class: Date: Mark: 130 Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Grammar: Will for the future 1. Complete the text with the correct form of these words. not live - study - not stay - make travel- leave live - go 9 2014, 1 (a) school and 1(b) to university. 1(e) ‘at home with my family. wil ive in student accommodation at University and (@)____lots of new friends. | love plants ang the natural world so (e) __ Biology at university. After university, | (9) in England. | (9) to Australia because | want to study desert flowers. | (h) Inthe desert and study desert flowers. 2. Circle the correct words. (ves) More people will / won't explore space. HF. People will / won't build cities on the planet Saturn ‘There will / won't be lots of satellites in space. Posse a. uwir Se:CADocamens and SetngsPROPIETARNDaos de programi\PrejeatFourhEdt.. 12/2013 CP) Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Page 2067 (Wo) 5. (res) Robots will / won't fly rockets, 6. (ves) ‘Ourplanet will / won't be more crowded. Nehyy AAI 4 4 ¥ \ 7 (Wo Peonle will / won't lve on the Sun 8 yes) Peoale will / won't live on the Moon. Grammar: Will for decisions 3, Complete the sentences. Choose from these words with will. One word Is used twice. buy- go-do- wash - get- switch - make 1, Vm sired. think 1 to bed. Paoseur 9- vir fileviCADocuments and Settings\PROPIETARNDatos de programa\ProjeetFourthEdit.. 12/11/2013 ‘Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Page tof? 2, W's cold in here. 1 (on the heating. 43. Ihaven't got any money. 1 tothe bank 4. We need some bread. some at the shops. 5. t's 12.30 and Muny’s hungry. 1 her a sandwich. 6. These jeans are diy. them, 7. Dad can't drve me into town. t the bus. Itnow. £8, | must finish my homework. 4, Rewrite as negative sentences. 1. I think rl meve to Maar. 2. I think Fil have an orange juice. 3. {think study French, 4.1 think tt workin TV. 5. 1think Pl uy a magazine. Paosect 3. voir ‘iledICADocuments and SetingsPROPIETARNDatos de programs\ProjctFourhEait... 12/11/2013 () Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Com Paye 4 of 7 6. I think Vl go online, 7. think I get the bus. 8. [think I take my dog for a walk Vocabulary: Space 5. Write the words under the correct heading. aspacesnip the Sun the Earth a rocket a satelite the Moon a star Natural places in space Man-made objects in spaces 6, Complete the sentence. Choose A or B. 1 have to wear special space suits in space, ‘A Dastronauts Paosece 4 univ & file:/CADocuments and Setings\PROPIETARNDatos de programs\ProjectFourthEdit... 12/11/2013 (Tp {Unit Teste: Grammar, Vacabolary and Comms 8. CPlonets 2A {is 2 place in space. ‘a. Drocket 8. Clspace station 3 Is the name of the planet where we live, ‘A. Moon 8. Ceartn 4, There are lots of ___in our galaxy. a. Ostars 8. Drockets 5. The Earth goes around the. ‘. DMoon 8. Osun 6. Astronauts travel into space in A. Drackets 8. Cisatetites 7. People don't tive on ‘A. Othe Moon 8. Cl space stations 8 orbit the Earth. A. Astronauts 8. Cl satetites Vocabulary: Places 7. Match definitions 1-8 with places A-H. Page § of 7 1. People live here. A Mars, 2. Doctors and nurses work here. B. city 3. This is the name of a planet. Afar 4. You can buy things rere DA. 5. This is tne name of ur planet. hospital 6. When people work here, they usually sit at desks. A shop ‘and use computers. F. An office 7. This place has lots cf buildings, people and trafic. G. A flat, 8, There are usually cews or sheep here. H. earth 8, Complete the sentences. Choose from these words. hospital - Mars - Spain. shop - Tokyo - TV- space - radio 1. | think one day people wil travel to In super-spaceship. 2 (sa fantastic city in Japan, feoseu J vate f:1CADoemens an Seing\PROPIETARNDaos depron PojsouthE. 12112013. (S) Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Page 6 0f7 3. Usten to this great song on the. 44. Ldon’t want to be an astronaut. '¢ hate to travel in 5. My friend works in a__in town. She sells shoes. 6, want to be a doctor and work in a 7. Melanie appeared on last year and now she's famous, 8, David traveled through Europe and now he lives in ‘Communication 9. Correct the mistakes in the sentenc Joe (1) Are you wanting a snack? ‘Anna Yes, please. (2) | have a chicken sandwich, Joe (3) Ok. 1make you one ‘Anna Thanks. (4) Would you want a érink? 4398 (5) No, thank ‘Anna Vd like a drink, (6)! get some orange juee 4306 OK. (7) You want salad in your sandwich? ‘Anna (8) Yes, I'm please. Parsee I-veviy ee aoe tee nian ) Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Page 7 of 7 10, Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1. you /to/ want / what / eat / do 7 2. burger /2/l/ chips, / have / please / and 3. drink / you / what / want / do /to/? 4. a/ tl) coayhave 5. think / "pizza / have / 6. want / you tof drink / do what 1? 7. think /an/F/orange / have /1 juice 1. order / our give I'l / waitress / the rjoct Fourth Eaton Test Buller 3 Photacoplable © Oxford Unversity Press 2013 Pore 7. ypir z iles#CADocuments and Setings!PROPIETARNDatos de programa\ProjectFourthEdit... 12112013 (+}) Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication 2 (4m ay) FLOJsEct Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication ‘Answer Key Page | of 2 Juwir bf Sete T00/s 5 1. a) wil leave b) will go c) won't lve d) will hake e) wil study ) won't stay (9) wil travel h) wil ive 2 2. wt 2: Won't 3. wil 4, Woot 5 é 7 a 3 fur 2 3 buy 5. sl make 6. ‘wash 7. get 8 1d0 4 1. I don’t think rit move to Madrid 2) I don't think il have an orange juice 53. 1 dont think I study French 4. I don’t think Fl work in TV. 5. I don't think il buy a magazine 6. 1 don’t think rl go online. 7. I don't think rl get the bus. 8. I don't think Il take my dog for a wak 5. Natural places in space the Earth, the Moon, the Sun, a star Man-made objects in spaces a spaceship, a satelite, a rocket Astronauts space station Earth stars Sun rockets the Moon Satellites Bpperoar Attat ‘A hospital Mars ‘A shop mpoo files/C\Documents and Settings|PROPIETARNDstos de programa\ProjectFourthE Paosecr 3 nie 2 ramia013 7) Page2 of Unit Tests: Gammar, Vocabulary aod Com Hearth Fran office Badly C.Afarm Mars Tokyo radio space shop. hospital Ww Spain 9. 1.00 you want a snack? 2 I'l have a chicken sanduich. 3 OK.'l make you fone. 4 Would you lke drink? / De you want a drink? 5 No, thanks. / No, thank you. 6 ii get some orange juice. 7 Do you want salad in your ‘sandwich? 8 Yes, please. 10. 1. What do you want to eat? 2. [think Pithave a burger and chips, please. 53. what do you want to drink? 4: Iilhave a cola 5. [think it have pizza, 6. What do you want to drink? 7: Ithink Fiphave an orange juice. 8. rilgive the waitress our order. Project Fourth Eton Test Bullder 3 Photacopiable © Oxford University Press 2013, Paover i yvie& fe ADocumens nd SetingsPROPIETARDats de programaProjeaFourhtai. 1tva013 (2) Unit Tess: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication PRU dect % C4thea) Name: Date: Mark: Page 1 of 6 vair 3) class Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Grammar: Past continuous: affirmative, negative and questions and short answers 1, Match questions 1-8 with answers AH. Where were you playing tennis? Were you getting ready for bed? as jill having a shower? ‘Were they sitting at the back of the room? when were you going out? What was George eating? What was Mum making for lunch? Was Robbie doing his homework? s. K 2. Write questions with the past continuous. 1. what /your sister / do where / yous g0 wien /the bus /leave what Janie / read you / walt /a tong time where / David j sit she / shop / at the supermarket who / they / meet file1/C:\Documents an¢ Setings\PROPIETARNDatos de programa\ProjectFouthEdit No, they weren’. ‘She was making chicken soup. He was eating some chocolate. ‘We were playing in the park. No, he wasn't. We were going cut at 8.00 p.m, Yes, she was. Yes, Iwas, Poder 9- Vite 3 28/11/2013 Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Page 206 Grammar: Past continuous and past simple 3. Complete the sentences. Choose A or 1. While |___ the road, @ man ran past me. ‘A. Dcrossed 8. was crossing 2. He was biting an apple when he__a tooth, ‘A. Cleracked 8. Chwas cracking 3. They were driving up the hill when the cer _ A. Cistopped 8, Diwas stopping 44. Henry __ his homework when the lights went out. 4 Gaia 8. Clas doing 5, Bella and Andrew ___ at the sky when they saw a plane. A. Cl were looking 8. Cooked 6, Jim was riding his bike inthe park when he __ is friend Dan. ‘8. Dhwas meeting 8. met 7. Jessy was preparing the vegetables wher she __her finger. A. Cwas cutting B. cut 8. Edward __ the ball when he hurt his arm. ‘A. Qwas throwing 8. Othrew 4, Match sentence halves 1-8 with A-H. 1. They were running forthe A. when the water stopped, bus. B. when it started to rain 2. Iwas having a shower. CC. when it stopped at the bus 3. Weiwere taking our dog fora stop. walk , when he kicked the ball through 4. Chris was playing football 2 window. 5. Sarah was cycling through’ €, when she fell off her bike the park. F. when a cat ran infront of the 6. We were sitting in the car, garden, . when he dropped the bread on 7, Jake was making 3 the for Sandwich, H. when it ran away. Peoeer g-umie ‘ilex/CADocuments and Settings\PROPIETARNDatos de programa\ProjectFourthEdit... 28/11/2013 (2) Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Paye3 of 8. They were driving down the road, Vocabulary: Collocations 5. Complete the sentences. Choose A or B. 1. Teas raining sot put on my A, Dcoat 8. Cllunch 2. My lite sister has to get ready at 7.30 am, ‘A. fer school 8. Cifor bea 3. Ian throw {long way. A Dab 8, Ch my hair 4. 1'm thirsty. Let's have a A. Daring 8. O photograph 5. Iscanned today. 8. O my pyiamas. 8B. Clsome pictures 6. Did you send me an 2 ‘A, Demai 8. Da shower 7. took a of the Eiffel Tower when | was F Paris. A. Dbath 8. Ci photograph 8. | was scared when | heard a downstairs last night. A. Onoise 8. Cloud 6. Circle the correct words. 1. Do you brush / take your teeth after lunch? | usually put on / send emails in the evening Gabi threw / sent the ball to me but | dropped it. ‘what time do you get ready / put on for schocl? 2. 3 44, We took / had dinner really late last night. 5 6. Daniela puts on / brushes her hair all the time! 1 Hove taking / having photographs. PRoseer J-voiir 3 ‘leCADocument and SetingsPROPIETARNDatos de progamiProjectFourbat. 28112013 (9) Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Page 4 of 8, We got ready / had a drink after the football match, Vocabulary: Natural disasters 7. Circle the correct word. 1. There was lots of rain but no lightning / avalanche in the storm. 2. Did you hear the explosion / flood? 3. Sometimes there are avalanches / forest fires in Australia during the summer. 4, We saw smoke coming out of the mountain during the tsunamt / volcanic eruption. ‘The roof of our house blew away during the earthquake / tornado, ‘There was an avalanche / a hurricane on the French ski resort. ‘There was a flood / an explosion because it rained for two weeks. ‘The earthquake / forest fire destroyed 8,500 trees, 8, Write the words under the correct heading. ‘avalanche flood tsunami hurricane earthquake tornado wing Water earth Snow thosect 9- Ui 2 files(C\Documens and Settings PROPIETARNDatos de progrma\ProjectFourthEat. 28/1/2013 (4) ‘Unit Tess: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Page Sof Communication 9. Complete the sentences. Use the past continuous or past simple form of the verbs in brackets. officer what (2) {you / 60) last nigh at 6.00 pm? ike 12) ‘ovaten etewsion with my sister Betn, Officer And what (3) (your family 0)? Mike Wel, Mur was in the ktchen. She (4) (make) dinner. Dad asin his office. think he (5) (work). And my brother Liam was Upstairs in his room. Officer Did you hear anything unusual? ‘Mike Yes, did. While we (6) (wateh) TV. 1(7) (hear) an alarm. | thought it was a car alarm. Officer What time was this? ‘Mike Well, the programme frshed at 7.30, 0 think (8) (near) the alarm at about quarter past seven ‘Officer Thank you for your help, Mike 10. Complete the sentences. Choose from these words. feeding - flew - started - playing - saw - chasing ~ doing - jumped hay ‘you and your litle sister in the park yesterday, What were you (2) 2 Vieky we were (3) the ducks. We often go to the park on Saturday. While we were feeding the ducks, a dog (4) ___into the feos 8-Uuie3 ‘e:/CADbeuments nd SetngsPROPIETARNDstos de programsProjstf oui. 2812013 (S) Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Page 6 of 6 pond. tt was (5) the ducks, but they (6) ‘away. It was really funny. What about you? Who were you with? Phil | was with Sam and Shaun. We were (7) _feotball. While we were playing, it (8) {0 rain, so we had to go home early. But it was 2 good day, ere puter Project Fourth Eatin Test Bulder 3 Photacopiable © Oxford University Press 2013, faoseer3- wir file/AC\Documents and Setings\PROPIETARNDatos de programs\ProjetFourhEit... 28/11/2013 / Unit ‘Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Page | of PRosect a (whos) [wir a) (Sovoriony) Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communicati Answer Key 1 file/C\Documents and Settings\PROPIETARI Datos de programa\ProjeetFourhFdit . We were playing in the park. H: Yes, Twos. G.Yes, she was, No, they weren't F We were going out at 8.00 p.m, . He was eating some chocolate, BB. She was making chicken soup. E.No, he wasn't. What was your sister doing? mere were you going? ‘When was the bus leaving? ‘What wes Janie reading? ‘Were you waiting along time? Where was David siting? Was she shopping at the supermarket? Who were they meeting? was crossing cracked stopped ‘as doing were looking met cut 1Wa5 throwing pepper when it stopped at the bus stop, when the water stopped. ‘when it ran away. ‘when he Kicked the ball through a window. when she fell off her bike. when it started to ra) when he dropped the bread on the floor. when a at ran infront ofthe car. ragsmozeo coat for schoo! a bal rink some pictures email photograph popm>pr> brush send threw Peoder 2 - vwir 2 281172013, @ Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Page 2 of 2 hag get ready brushes ng had lightning explosion forest fires voleanic eruption tornado an avalanche ood : forest fre 8. Wind tornado, hurricane Water flood, tsunami earth earthquake Snow avalanche 9. Suggested Answer: 1 were you doing 2 was watching 3 was your family doing 4 was making 5 was working 6 were watching 7 heard 8 heard 10. 1 saw 2 doing 3 feeding 4 jumped 5 chasing 6 flew 7 playing 8 started Project Fourth Eatin Test Buller 3 Photacopiable © Oxford Unversity Press 2013 Teosget 3-vmir 3 a file:/CADocumens and Settings\PROPIETARNDatos de programatProjectPourthBdit.. 28/112013 (D> Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communi Page | of 7 PRosect Cath ea)| JOwie U ammeter Sea eae Dita secures Marie eer p0, Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Grammar: The definite article (the) 1. Write complete sentences. 1. Its / tallest building /in London. 2. we saw / Billy Ellot on Saturday 13. our bus / went past / Trafalgar Square 4. they took / train to / London 5. [didn't see / Nelson's Column 66. we want / vist / London Eye 7, the Queen / lives / at / Buckingham Palace 8. there are / lots of shops / on / Oxford Street 2. Complete the sentences with the or - for no article 1, My parents saw Statue of Liberty when they visited New York. 2. I thought Natural History Museum was fantastic. Prose 9-wwir files#CADocuments and Settings\PROPIETARNDatos de programa\ProjectFourthEit.. 28/11/2013, ‘Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Page 20f7 3. We didn’t have tme to vist__ Edinburgh Castle last year. 4, ___Fitewiiam Museum isin Cambridge 5. Would you lke to see __We Will Rock You in London? {6 Ibought this T-shirt in__ Oxford Street. 7. dove to vist__touvre in Pars, 8, jane took lots of photos of _ ig Ben. Grammar: The, a/ an 3. Complete the questions and answers. 1. A Excuse me. Hew do I get to the bus station? Go across road and it’s opposite the bank 2, Excuse me. is there bank near here? B Yes, it's just there on the right 3. AExcuse me. Where's the sports shop? Bison comer. 4, AExcuse me. Is there art gallery near here? Yes, i's next tothe museum. 5. AExcuse me. How do | get to the museum? B Go across the bridge and it's on eft. Paoseur S-vote 4 ‘iley/CADocuments and Setting’\PROPIETARNDatos de programa\ProjectFourthEdit... 28/11/2013, Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Page 3 of 7 6. A Excuse me, Where's the italian restaurant? B Go past bus stop and it's on the right. 7, WExcuse me. Where's 52 Silver Street? B Take the fist left and you'll come to bridge. Go across the bridge and its the fist on your right 8, AExcuse me. Is there ‘café near here? B Yes, go across the road and it's next to the book shop, 4, Write the words under the correct heading. ‘comer park café otherside bank left art exhibition the Peoseem I~ uuir 4 filesIC:\Documents and Settings\PROPIETARNDatos de proprama\ProjectFourthBdit... 28/11/2013 )) Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Page 4 of 7 Vocabulary: Places in a city 5, Clrele the correct word. 1 2 The theatre / statue where we saw the show was very beautiful ‘Tomorrow we're going to visit the tower / palace where the Queen les. My parents had a coffee in the bridge / square and watched people walking by. Martha and Liz had to climb 320 steps to reach the top of the tower / museum ‘The water in the stadium / fountain froze during the winter of 2010. ‘There were a lot of bats on the river / bridge during the summer 17. Jake watched Chelsea win at Wembley Park / Stadium, ‘The statue / clock of Dovid is Michelangelo's most famous sculpture. 6. Complete the sentences with these words. clock - park - river square - stadium - palace - tower museum 1 file//CADocuments and Settings\PROPIETARNDatos de programa\ProjectFourthEdit.. 28/11/2013 (4) | walk our dog inthe every morning. Do the Spanish royal family lve in that 7 Big Ben is the most famous in Britain “There are lots of shops and cafés in the in town, . Have you ever been in a boat trip along the ? ‘There was a fantastic exhibition of vintage costumes at the fashion “The view from the top of the was amazing. Peoser 1 -vwie 4 Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Page S of 7 8, I've never watched a famous football match in a big Vocabulary: Somebody, anybody, everybody, etc 7. Complete the sentences. Choose A or 1. Would you like to drink? 8, Deverything 8, Cisomething 2. ve finished my book and now I've got toread, ‘&. Clanything 8. Cinothing 3. Did you see ‘you know In town? A. Danyone B. Cleveryone 4. His room was a total mess. There were clothes and shoes ‘A Danywhere 8. Ceverynnere 5. I think there's In my eye. | can't see. A. Ci something 8. Ghnothing 6. Have you packed you need for your holiday? ‘A. D something B. everything 7. Have you ever met, famous? ‘A. Dlanybody 8. nobody 8. She said bbut | knew that she was real A, Deverything 8. Gnothing ‘nary. the correct word. 1. He couldn't see anyone / everybody / no-one he knew. 2. Katy bought everywhere / everything / nothing she needed at the market, 3. We stayed at home all weekend. We didn't go newhere / anywhere / somewhere, 4. There was no-one / everywhere / nothing Inthe fridge 5. | thought | saw everything / someone / anyone standing outside the window. Moser 3+ unin files1CDocuments and SetingsPROPIETARNDatos de programalProjecFourhEait...24/1172013 ( S) Usit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Page 6 0f 7 6. We've looked somewhere / anyone / everywhere but we can't find the TV remote control. 7. thas to stop walking because there was nothing / something / anything in my shoe, 8, | arrived late and everybody / nothing / somewhere stared at ‘Communication 9. Correct the mistakes In the sentences. Mr G (1) What can we see when we go to sightseeing? Mrs G (2) Wel, there's a old caste Me (3) Great. Where's i? Mrs (4) I's on left past the museum: Mr G (5) Good. And I'd like to goto park Mrs 6 (6) Well there's a park in centre of town. ‘Me G (7) I there a fountain In a park? Mrs 6 (8) Yes, and there's the statue and a nice café. 30. Complete the sentences. ‘Alex Where do you lve. Tom? ‘Tom | lve in Gold Road. There's (1)____park next to my house. We play football there after school ‘Alex How do you get there from here? ‘Tom Go to the end of (2) street and take the first turing on the Le feNc\Doaumens and Seting\PROPIETARNDate de propamsijetfomeat. 287110013 (6) ‘Unit Tests: Gammar, Vocabulary and Communication Page 7 of 7 right. Walk past (3) iorary. There's (4), supermarket on your left. Go pest (5) supermarket and there's (6) ole hotel on your left, Go past (7) hotel and it's the second road on (@)__ right. Fe uitser Project Fourth Eton Test Builder 3 Photocopable © Oxford University Press 2023 PRosetr3- vwiry file/C:\Documents and Settings\PROPIETARNDatos de programa\ProjectFourthEdit... 28/11/2013 ( ) Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Paye 1 of 2 | Peo seer 2.CYth et) [awir a\C & fotiony Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and ‘Communication Answer Key 1 's the tallest bullding in London, \We saw Billy Eliot on Saturday. Our bus went past Trafalgar Square. ‘They took the train to Londen. I didn’t see Nelson's Colum, ‘We want to visit the London Eye. ‘The Queen lives at Buckingham Palace ‘There are lots of shops on Oxford Street. the the The the the the the the bank, café, park {art exhibition the comer, other side, left theatre palace Square tower Tounvain fiver’ Stadum stane park palace lock square Paoseer 3- wir 4 ‘ile:#/CADocuments and SoingsPROPIETARNDatos de programa\ProjxtFourhdit...28/112013. ¢ Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Page 2 of 2 tower stadium something rething anyone everywhere something everything anybody ppp>aree anyone everything anywhere rothing everywhere something everybody 9. 1 What can we see when we go sightseeing? 2 Well, there's an old castle. 13 Great. where is it? 4 t's on the left past the museum. 5 Good. And I'd like to go to a park. 6 Well, there's a park in the centre of town. 71s there 2 fountain in the park? 8 Yes, and there's a statue and a nice café. 10, La 2the 3the 425 the Gan 7 the 8 the Project Fourth Eaton Test Builder 3 Pretacopiable © Oxford Unversity Press 2013, Paosect 2 - Unity files¥C\Documents and Settings\PROPIETARNDatos de programalProjectourthEdit... 28/11/2013 / Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Page 1of 11 PROSecT 3 (uth ed) Cowir s Name: class: Date: Mark: 1 Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Grammar: Present perfect 1. Complete the sentences. Use the present perfect form of the Verbs in brackets, 1. Maria and Jacky ___to schoo! today. nt go} 2. Dad__an enormous fish catch 3. They the new James Bond film. [not see} 4. 1___an email from my sister in Australia, have] 5. Elsie___her homework. [not done! 6. Carta me a birthday present. [give] My cousins Ina plane forthe first time this year. [fy] 8. Ourneighbours Usa postcard from Rome. (send) 2, Choose the odd one out. Griaden Dwatked Deen Trallen gave i spoken sent Daskea EOnmonw> Prosecr 2- ywir s filey/C:\Documents and Settings\PROPIETARNDatos de programa\ProjectFourthEdit... 28/11/2013 A) Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Page 2 of 11 Grammar: Present perfect questions 3. Complete the short answer. 1, Have you been to Sweden? No, | 2. Has Meg finished her History project? Yes, she __. 3. Have they cleaned their room? Yes, they __ 4, Has Max phoned his mum? No, he__. ‘5, Have you brought your phone into class? No, 1 6. Have we done this correctly? Yes, you. 7. Has Anna gone to the shops? No, she___. {8 Has Phil cleaned his car? Yes, he 4, Cirele the mistake In the questions. Write the questions correctly. 1, Has she few to Spain six times? 2, Have he been to the USA? 3. Has he swam in a lake? 4, Have you make a ham omelette? 5. Do they have seen a dangerous animal? 6. Has Jerry collect lots of stamps? baose ct 3- wir s file!/C:\Documents and Settings\PROPIETARNDatos de programa\ProjectFourthEalt.. 28/11/2013 Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Page3 of IL 7. Have | pass my English exam? 8. You have made a cup of coffee for me? Grammar: Present perfect with ever and never 5. Complete the questions. Choose A or 1. Has Tommy. picked up rubbish in the park? a Dever 8, Cinever 2. weve played ice hockey. ‘A. Onever 8. Clever 3, Have your parents a ghost? ‘A. Cseen ever 8. Dleverseen 4. Have slept in a tent? ‘A. Dyou ever 8. Clever 5. Your uncle has. been ina play. A. Clever 8. never 6. Has our granddad had a holiday in a caravan? a. Clever 8. Chnever 7. Those people ridden an elephant: ‘A. Dhave never 2. Cinever 8 seen a snake? ‘A, DiHlas you never 8. ChHave you ever 6. Write complete sentene: or questions Paoddect J- wir © fe:NCADocuments and SetingsPROPIETARNDaos de propama\ProjectFourtidt.. 28/1/2013 (9) Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Page 4 of 11 1. Have your friends (ever / fy) In a pl 1? 2. Has Michael (ever / win) 2 competition? 3. Our family have (never / have) a Christmas holiday. 4, Jake has (never / play) tennis for the school ‘5. Has Edward (ever / climb) a mountain? 6. Linda and Bridget have (never / cook) dinner for their parents 7. Have they (ever /be) in hospital? 8, George has (never / sleep) in 2 caravan Vocabulary: Experiences 7. Complete the phrast 1. Idlove to A Obe ina film. Ploseur 3 - owir r fles/CADocuments and Setings\PROPIETARNDatos de programa\ProjetFounhEdit... 28/11/2013 (<> Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Page Sof IE 8. Dgo 2. My grandma has never abike. ‘A Driden 8. Cariven 3. Usa the 100m race yesterday. a Owon 2. Owas 4. Have you ever ‘a rugby match? A, Dvisites 8. Oseen ‘5. When did your cousins Buckingham Palace? a Odo 8. Ovisit 6. Adam ‘a go-kart on his birthday. ‘A, Darove 8. ais 7. They've never karate. ‘A. O been 8. Cdone 8, We think we've just euro! a. Diseen 8, Darven 8. Complete the words. faasecr J weir § ‘le/ICDocuments and Settngs\PROPIETARNDatos de programalProjeetFourhEdit..28/112013 (S) Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Page 6 of 11 Drivear_¢_ Ss Clim’ a mu Poodett 3 Yori S file:/C:\Documents and Settings\PROPIETARNDatos de programa\ProjectFourthEdit... 28/11/2013 (@) Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Page 7 of 11 Sleep inat__t ‘Swim with d__. 1. a bottle top 2 & cardboard box ao 5: a plastic bag ax & a babstyrene cup 3 5. a paste bowtie 8. 3 danks con 4 peso packet j 8 a forteay 4 Prodeer \ - wie S files ?CADocuments and Settings PROPIETARNDatos de programa\ProjectFourthEdit... 28/112013 (J) Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Page 8 of 1 «. D, e f —— a ee s. Paovere 3- dole 5 file:}CADocuments and Setings\PROPIETARNDatos de programalProjectFourthEdit... 28/11/2013 ¢—) Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Page9 of 11 4 10. Choose the correct alternative. 1 ‘are small and round. A O Plastic bags 8 Dottie tops CG Paper tissues 2. We bought two coffees in__ ‘A D polystyrene cups 8 Da plastic tag CC Dacrisp packet 3. TheIndian takeaway food was in a A. plastic bottle 8. Cisweet wrapper ¢. Otoiltray 4, Have you ever eaten__? ‘A. O food packaging 8, Dchewing gum c. Da foil tray 5. The fruit and vegetables are in a A. O plastic bag 8. Gdrinks can , Crisp packet 6, Glass botties usually have metal ‘A. O bottle tops 8. O polystyrene cups C. Clsweet wrappers ike the diferent coloured on these sweets. ‘A. CI paper tissues 8. Cearaboard boxes C. Ci sweet wrappers evar = oles ‘eC Document and Stings PROPIETARNDato e progama\PjetFouthEa.. 28112013 (0) Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Page 10 0f 1t 8. | think food companies and supermarkets put too much on fast food! ‘A. D wrappers 8. D packaging . Chtops ‘Communication 11. Complete the sentence: Mo Hi, Alice. Where have you (1) 2 [Alice I've been to the cinema. I've (2) the latest annes Bond fie. mo (3) you tke it? Alice Yes, it(4) fantastic. | relly ike Daniel Craig. tve seen all his fms. Mo Yes, he's great, but (5) seen Skyfall, Maybe llgo at the weekend. Alice Have you (6)____been toa 3D cinema? There's one in London. it's called IMAX ‘Mo No, 1(7) Alice Linda (8) bbeen to IMAX. 'd like to go one day. 12, Complete the sentences. ),), PRoseur g-unit © files/(C\Documents and Settings\PROPIETARI\Datos de programs\ProjectFourthEdit... 28/11/2013 (2) Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Page 11 of 11 Mel Have you (1). done a bungee jump? Pete No, I haven't. And I don't want to elther! ‘Mel 1d love to do something exciting. ve (2) done anything excting Pete Well you've (3) with dolphins. Thats exciting ‘Mel ob, yes. | cis that on holiday (4) year. Pete And you've (5) ina tent. Mel Oh, but that wasnt exciting. I rained and it (6) freezing cold! Pete Well, ve (7)__slept in a tent. 've slept in a caravan but that isn't exciting. | suppose I'd lke to ride an elephant one day, Mel oh, yes. 've never (8) ‘an elephant. That would be der 3 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2013, Project Fourth Elton Test Paddext Y- vw © ‘e/(C\Documents and SeringsPROPIETARDaos de programa\PojectFourhit.. 28112013 (7) Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Page 1 of 3 ee, Treosect a (4K ed) \ | feo Gelntios) pehonecs Ath gs be — Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Commu Answer Key 1 haven't gone has caught haven't seen have ha hasn't done has given have flown have sent 2. &. gave haven't has ave hasn't haven't have hasnt has Has she flown to Spain six times? Has he been to the USA? Has he swum in a lake? Have you made a ham omelette? Have they ssen a dangerous animal? Has jerry colected lots of stamps? Havel passed my English exam? Have you made a cup of coffee for me? you ever have never Have you ever, gested Answers: ‘ever flown never nad ever playes fever climbed ever cookes ever been ever slept B>rerar> 6s evovavnrg exegeune Abe Paostecr 3- veins file:/C:1Documents and Setings\PROPIETARIDatos de programa\ProjectFounhEait.. 28112013 7), Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Page 2 of 5 bungee jump balloon horse racing car mountain tent . dolphins host Prosec: J- mrs filev/CADocuments and Settings\PROPIETARNDatos de programa\ProjectFourthEdit... 28/11/2013 { Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Page 3 of 3 10. Eottle tops polystyrene cups foi tray. chewing gum Plastic bag Ett tops sweet wrappers packaging, 11, Suggested Answer I been 2 seen 3 019-4 was 5 haven't 6 ever 7 haven't 8 has 12, 1 ever 2 never 3 swum 4 last 5 slept 6 was 7 never 8 rdden BOPPeore Project Fourt Edition Test Builder 3 Photocopable © Oxtord Unversity Press 2013. Prosar Q-unit S file:/C:\Documents and Setings\PROPIETARNDatos de programa\ProjectFourhEait.. 28/1/2013 Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Page 1 of ® [feosecr 3 cui of)| Tori c\ Name: Class: Date: Mark wz Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Grammar: Stould / shouldn't 1. Crete the correct words. 4 Joe should / shouldn't eat any more food Martha should / shouldn't go to bed because she's very tirec. Sally should / shouldn't stop writing Paosetr 3- Unis {iles/CDDocuments and Settings\PROPIETARNDatos de programa\ProjectFourthEdit,.. 28/11/2013 (4) Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Page 2 0f9 4 Phil should / shouldn't go to schoo! :oday. Winston should / shouldn't drink some water 6 = ‘Max should / sho n't go to the doctor. 2. Complete the sentences. Use should or shouldn’t and the correct form of the verbs In brackets. 2. Children {ata lot of fruit and vegetables. 2. You {g0) to bed late. 3. When Its cold you _ (wear) a warm coat. 4. We (et a taxi because we'e late. 5. You (spend) al day at the computer. 61 (visit) the dentist every six months. Paoser 2- ynité filezCADocuments and Settings\PROPIETARIDatos de programa\ProjectFourthEdit... 28/11/2013 Unit Tests: Grammar, Voeabutary and Communication Page 3 of 7. Paul (do) some exercise. 8. You (swim) inthe sea in December. It's too cold! Grammar: Must / mustn't 3. Complete the sentences with must or mustn't. 2. |__do. my homework tonight. 2. We___eat or drinkin cass, 3, We____be late for school. 4, We___be quiet during lessons. 5. You____help your brother with his homework, He's stuck! 6. You___ touch that switch. t's dangerous. 7. 1__90 to bed early. m tied 8. We___ chew chewing gum In class 4, Complete the sentences. Choose A or 1, We ___wear a uniform at our schoo! a. Ci mustn't 8. Ch must 2 1__ mate anoge n le. 7 Omust Bist eee A O must ©. mst Se ‘A imi, PRosecr 3- wire ‘e/C:Docaments and Stings PROPIETARNDatos de progamaPrjecFounhFt,. 281172013 (2) Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication 8. mustn't 5, We__ show our passport at the airport A.D must 8, mustn't 6. We __ stand up when a teacher walks into class. AD must 8. O mustn't 7. You __ talk in the brary AO must 8. Ci mustnt 8. We __ stop the car. The light is red. &. Omust 8. Omustn't Grammar: Must / mustn't / don’t have to 5. Complete the questions. Choose A or B or C. 1, You __ wear a coat in the summer. AO must 8. Ci mustn't . Didon't have to 2. You___clean your teeth every day. A, Dmust 8, mustn't €. Didomt have to 3. You___play computer games all day. A Omust 8. mustn't . Ddorrt have to 4, You___to go shopping every day. A O must 8. Di mustee . Ci don't have to 5. You__be late for schoo! a, Ci must 8. mustn't C. Cidon't have to 6. You __ work hard for your exams. A. Omust 8, mustn't . Didorrt have to files/CADocuments and Settings\PROPIETARNDatos de programa\ProjectFourthEdit Page 4 of 9 unir aentianis (4) Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Pag: 5 of 9 7. My cousin _get a bus to school. He rides is bike. ‘A Dmust B. Cimustr't . Didoesn't have to 8. You__throw your rubbish out of your car window. A. Crust 8, Omustn't C. Didn't have to 6. Complete the sentence. Choose from these words. One word is used twice. stay - do- wear get- shout - switch - off - go 2. You must inside when i rains 2. We don't have to to school on Sundays. 3. t must homework every day. 4. You mustn't at people. it’s rude. 5. We mustn't Jeans to schoo! 6, My sster and I don't have to the washing-up. 7. We must ‘our mobile phones at school 8. We must the bus to schoo Vocabulary: Something's wrong 7. Choose the odd one out. Daca | Ta spet . sore ayes toothache Da broken leg bores headache anmooee peosea I- uit © ‘e/CADocunents and SetingsPROPIETARNDats de progana\ProjetFouthEat. 2817218. (5) Page 6 0f9 Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communi H, Da sore throat 8, Match words 1-6 with pictures A-F. 1, Fm bored. 2) bm thirsty. 3. hm thea 4: feel col. 5. My wrist hurts. 6. Ifeel sick Peover 9. uvirg file:/CADocuments and Settings\PROPIETARNDatos de programa\ProjectFourthedit... 28/11/2013 (6) Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Page 7 of 9 F Vocabulary: Phrasal verbs 9. Complete the sentence. Choose A or B. 1. Good morning, children. Please ‘A Dsuiteh on 8. Dsit down 2. Tom please &. Opick up B. Ollook for your clothes, They're all on the floor. 3. Come and this website. ‘A. Ditake out 8. Diook at 4. 1'm going to my new MP3 player. A. Oty out 8. Cisit down 5. Can you help me A. Oiook at 8. Cook for ‘my schoolbag. | can't find it. 6. the bus at the library. ‘A, Ciswiteh on 8. Cet otf 7. em going to these shoes. They're great. ‘A. Dtryon 8. Cget on 8. What time do you (on Sundays? A. Opick up 8. Ooet up 10. Complete the sentences. 1, Are you going to try ‘your new mobile phone? 2. Can you turn the radio? hate that music, tooster 2 -Uwir & filesICADocuments and Setings\PROPIETARNDatos de programa\ProjectFourhEait. 28/11/2013 ( ) Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Page 8 of 9 3. We're here! We have to get the bus now. 4. Dad forgot to pick. his bag when he left the house. 5. Harry took his mobile phone and called his friend. 6. Can you st 7 cant see, 7. What time are we going tonight? 8. I'm looking my coat but | can’t find it ‘Communication 11. Complete the sentences. Choose from these words. have’ should = headache - matter = sick feel- shouldn't - a al ‘Tom Mum, | don't (2) Mum What's the (2) 7 Tom | fee! (2) and ve gota (4) ‘Mum well you (5) cat anything. think you (6)__ drink some water ‘Tom Have we got any (7) ? Paddeut I~ wird ‘ile:/IC:\Documents and Settings\PROPIETARNDatos de programa\ProjectFourthEdit... 28/1 1/201368) Unit Tests: Grammar, Voeabulary end Communication Page 9 of Mum Yes, we (8) Here, take two. ‘Tom Thanks, Mum, 12, Complete the sentences with must, mustn't, should, shouldn't or don’t have to. Dad You're tired, Eve. You (2) 90 to bed Eve No, I can't (2) finish my homework frst. Dad You (3) __ finish it tonight: t's Wednesday and you (4) _ hand it in uni Friday, Eve know, but | want to 30 out tomorrow night ad OK. But you (5)_stay up later than 9.30. | think you (6) _____try and finish it before 9.00 and then go to bed Eve OK, Dad Dad snd perhaps you (7)___eat something. You (8) __ work so hard and not eat anything. get you some bisculs. Eve Thanks, Dad. Project Fourth Eltion Test Buller 3 Phetacopiable © Oxford University Press 2013 Paogecrd. Uni 6 ‘ile:1CADocuments and Setings\PROPIETARNDatos de programa ProjecFourhEai.. 281172013 9) Unit Fes: Grammar, Vesta and Communication Page 1 of 3 ([thove or a (yn) [ice \G ( Seteckoos Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Commu: ‘Answer Key 1 shouldn't should should shouldn't shoula should should eat shouldn't go. should wear should get shouldn't spend should visit should do Should swim must musta’ musta’ must must mustn't ‘must ‘mustn't must mustn't rust rrustn’t must must musta. ‘must perreroe don't have to A must B mustnt C.don't have to 8 mustn't A. must Ci doesn't haveto 5 mustn't Proreet J. Unit 6 filevC\Documents and Settings\PROPIETARTDatos de programa\ProjectFourthEdit... 28/11/2013 (7 Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Page 2 of 3 6. do 7. Switch off 8. get 7. F. bores parseer )-umiré file::\Documents and Setings\PROPIETARNDatos de programa\ProjecourthEait... 28/11/2013 (L Unit Tests: Grammar, Vocabulary and Communication Page3 of 3 ot a 2. sit down A pick sp 8. look at Atty out B.laok for B. Get off A.try on B. get up 10. Suggested Answers: ‘out off off up out sown for 11. 1 feel 2 matter 3 sick 4 headache 5 shouldn't 6 should 7 painkillers 8 have 12, 1 should 2 must 3 don’t have to 4 don’t have to 5 mustn't 6 should 7 Should @ shouldn't Tose outder Project Fourth Eaton Test Builder 3 Photacoplable © Oxford University Press 2013 Po sgects-UnTr 6 file//C\Documents and Settings\PROPIETARNDatos de programa\ProjecFourthEdit... 28/11/2013 (“>

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