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Luminus Education - Assignment Brief (RQF)

Higher National Diploma in Business

Language of
assessment Ar En
(Please tick)

Student Name Ibraheem Yousef Awad Learner’s ID


Learner’s ID

Unit Number and Title 17 Understanding and Leading Change

Unit Assessor Name Hadeel Abdallah Academic Year semester

Assignment number & Title 1 Leadership and Change Management

Completion Date (1st
Issue Date (1st Submission) 11/01/2021 25/01/2021

Completion Date (2nd

Issue Date (2nd Submission)

Internal Verifier Name Jamila balqrouk

Internal Verifier Approval Approval Date 09-01-2021

(Signature) Jamila balqrouk

Submission Format:

A document that provides the required information on the organisation or as per the
given scenario. The recommended word limit is 1000–3500 words, although you will not
be penalised for exceeding the total word limit.
Use the font of Times new Roman, font size 12 with the assessment criteria (questions)
is in bold. Please stick to the given format of the answers (paragraph or tables).

Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO1 Compare ways in which change impacts on an organization’s strategy and operations.

LO2 Evaluate the influences that drivers of change have on organizational Behavior

LO3 Determine how barriers to change influence leadership decision-making

LO4 Apply a range of leadership approaches to a change initiative

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Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
Pass Merit Distinction
LO1 Compare ways in which change impacts on an organisation’s LO1 & 2
strategy and operations D1 Draw conclusions and
P1 Compare different M1 Assess the different drivers recommendations with valid
organisational examples where for change in each of the given justifications for planning
there has been an impact of examples and the types of effectively for change and
change on an organisation’s organisational change they have applying change impact analysis.
strategy and operations. affected.

LO2 Evaluate the influences that drivers of change have on

organisational behaviour
P2 Evaluate the ways in which M2 Apply appropriate theories
internal and external drivers of and models to critically evaluate
change affect leadership, team organisational response to
and individual behaviours within change.
an organisation.
P3 Evaluate measures that can
be taken to minimise negative
impacts of change on
organisational behaviour.
LO3 Determine how barriers to change influence leadership decision- D2 Critically evaluate the use of
making force field analysis in the context
P4 Explain different barriers for M3 Use force field analysis to of meeting organisational
change and determine how they analyse the driving and resisting objectives.
influence leadership decision- forces and show how they
making in a given organisational influence decision-making.
LO4 Apply a range of leadership approaches to a change initiative. D3 Critically evaluate the
P5 Apply different leadership M4 Evaluate the extent to which effectiveness of leadership
approaches to dealing with leadership approaches can approaches and models of
change in a range of deliver organisational change change management.
organisational contexts. effectively applying appropriate
models and frameworks.

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break the rules, however innocently, may be penalised. It is your responsibility to ensure that you
understand correct referencing practices. As a university college level student, you are expected to use
appropriate references throughout and keep carefully detailed notes of all your sources of materialsfor
material you have used in your work, including any material downloaded from the Internet.Please
consult the relevant unit teacher if you need any further advice.

Student Declaration

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Student declaration
I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the
consequences of plagiarism. I understand that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student signature: Ibraheem Awad Date: 20-01-2021

Scenario (1): LO1,LO2

This is a Business Report. You should read, understand and analyse the situations in the case study
provided. That is, draw from the information and examples in the case and provide your own
perspectives/ideas to address the tasks.

Carefully read the following two cases and answer the questions below:

Case 1: (

The case of the mixed-up merger sweet chocolate company has just acquired peanutty butter Inc to
expand its customer base and extend its product portfolio now known as nutty chocolate.The new
company is in the midst of urging the two workforces and has some tough decisions to make.

David the director of mergers and acquisition is leading the workforce transformation project ,he sets
up a large white board with a breakdown of nutty chocolates talent and structure each important
role.David invites several key stakeholders to rearrange and remove talent to build the ideal
scenario ,after much thought and consideration David and the stakeholders finalize their scenario and
he has given the green light for what looks like a good plan ;shortly thereafter the problem start,
despite their best efforts oversights have been made a variety of roles are double staff ,while others
are left vacant, although they secured to senior chemists their area of expertise was overlooked

nutty chocolate now has two allergy specialist fortunately that a critical player go the flavor specialist
on the loser front there is a misalignment between managers and their teams . For example : Cates
plans for opening high-end retail chocolate shops aren't working out because her team consists of
peanut butter market experts .

Across the company there is an imbalance of headcount level, some departments are over budget and
over staff while others are dangerously Lacking the manpower necessary for success chaos ensues
enterprise-wide resulting in confusion of roles employee disengagement and lost productivity

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David thought he had all the information he needed to effectively merge the two workforces but
realizes now that he didn't!

David begins the workforce transformation process ,to start he generates a new comprehensive
organizational chart by importing data from each company's ERP system to give the appropriate
attention of all areas of the organization.after that David publishes the new org chart on Metis
chocolates portal giving all employees and easy-to-understand a consolidated view of their new
organization by using the orc modeler capabilities ,duplicate roles and responsibilities have been
avoided ,managers and team members are fully aligned and departments are properly staffed and on

David was able to visualise what matters most to accelerate the merger process, reduce the risk and
uncertainty associated with critical decisions and build a better stronger workforce.

Use this link to view the entire case study and answer the question below

Task 1:
a) Define the meaning of Change management

a) Explain the Types of organizational change (the meaning of each one and give an example): structural,
strategic, people and processes.
b) show some problems face the company in given case study then make an evaluation of how the impact of
change was minimized negative impacts of change on organizational

Guideline : Considering the psychological impact of change on people and How change impacts on team
dynamics and how people are led and managed.

b) Assess the different of organizational change that’s happened (structural, strategic , people and processes)
according to different drivers for change.

Case study 2 -COVID-19: Impacts on business

The COVID-19 crisis has brought about years of change in the way companies in all sectors
and regions do has turned into a global economic crisis, putting at risk the health,
jobs and incomes of millions of people around the world. For that you need to select one
company to show how covid-19 has pushed company to changes by answer the below

1. Apply A PESTEL/SWOT analysis to identify drivers of change in the selected company

2. Evaluate by identifying positive and negative impact of how changes have affected leadership, individuals
and team behaviour.
3. Apply appropriate theories and models to critically evaluate organisational response to change.

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Guideline :you can use
1. systems theory and continuous improvement models to predict and roactively
plan for change
2. Burke-Litwen model to make the change process efficient and effective

Finally Comparing the impacts of change and the effect they have had upon the organization’s strategy
and operation for the above mentioned two Case studies and Give a recommendations with valid
justifications from your opinion for planning effectively for change and applying change impact analysis

Scenario (2): LO3,LO4

This is a Business Report. You should read, understand and analyse the situations in the case study

 im Loving it’ a tagline known to every segment of the market, let it be kids, youngsters or elderly people.
McDonalds is a global food service industry, which began its operations in the 1940’s. The concept
of McDonalds was introduced by brother Dick and Maurice McDonald, by opening a ‘hamburger stall’ in
San Bernardino, California. They introduced an idea of selling their food cheaper than competitors by
saving on the car hops and persuading customers instead to go to a counter to order their food. This
concept helped in faster turnaround of the customers.

Background to change:

It was in the year 1996, when McDonalds experienced declining sales consecutively for four quarters,
which continued till the year 2004.The company was losing its image and was not able to focus on
providing a ‘Great American Meal’. McDonalds was losing its grip of remaining one of the world’s favorite
destinations for fast food lovers across the globe. The company was being targeted for its low quality, and
decreasing customer satisfaction and the association between obesity and McDonald’s food. Different
lawsuits were filed against McDonald’s Big Macs and Happy Meal and the consumers filed a suit against
McDonalds as being a major contributor to ruining the health of Americans and people around the world.

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The company started losing its market shares. The company experienced the high time low volume in its
shares in the year 2003. The company reported its first loss of $343.8 million during the year 2003 in the
first quarter since its inception in 1965. The continuous decrease in sales, loosing market share and
drifting of consumers to other brands such as Burger King and Wendy’s, lead to McDonalds rethinking its
strategy and worked on a turnaround plan in the year 2003 under the leadership of Jim Cantalupo.


The company focused on restructuring and innovation and improving its operations. With implementation
of this the company was able to retrieve its position within the food industry.

McDonalds focused on Innovation, value, cost leadership, and commitment. These are the building blocks
of the company or the pillars of the company which helps in establishing itself and building a competitive
position in the market.

There were a number of barriers to change within Macdonalds. These included low staff morale, a
high turnover of front-line managers, and a limited budget to support the process of change .

1. Explain in each of the cases what might be the root cause of the barriers identified.

2. Identify and explain five (5) specific decisions and actions the leaders might have taken to improve the
situation given these three barriers for change identified in the system

3. Regardless of how well companies manage a change, there is always going to be some resistance. carry out a
Force Field Analysis using Lewin’s Force Field Model. finally critically evaluate by showing the
strengths and weakness with valid justification the use of force field analysis in meeting the
organizational objectives .

Guideline :(Use the force field analysis diagram to identify the drivers and constraints of change by plugging
your answers directly into it. Further, show how these factors influenced the decisions and actions taken by
the leaders in Point 2

Situation 2:

A meeting was held in MacDonald’s Company, inviting all department managers.

the CEO noticed during the discussion that each of the managers acts in a different way to lead and
motivate his employees to introduce new changes.

Hashim sets challenging goals to motivate the employees and shows confidence in their ability to meet
this expectation.

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Ali consults with employees in decision-making and considers their ideas and always ask for team
member input.

Fares telling employees what to do, how to perform a task, and scheduling and coordinating their work,
While Ahmad, (medical department,) focuses on the well-being of the worker by showing concern for them
and by being friendly and wants to be part of the team, She believe that success is team building and
trust also creates high morale.

Task 2 LO4

Depending on the situations above:.

Based on the example above apply different leadership approaches to deal with the situation above
then evaluate the extent to which leadership approaches that have been applied can deliver
organisational change effectively
Guideline: you need to apply different models then evaluate the effectiveness of applying the
different approach, you need to mention the strengths and weaknesses of leadership approaches
then give a valid justification for your evaluation using the same model.

Situational leadership

Style Definition/ Approach to change

name explanation of each initiative

Scenario (1): LO1,LO2

.‫ يجب عليك قراءة وفهم وتحليل المواقف في دراسة الحالة المقدمة‬.‫هذا تقرير أعمال‬
‫ أفكارك‬/ ‫ استفد من المعلومات واألمثلة الموجودة في الحالة وقدم وجهات نظرك‬، ‫بمعنى‬
.‫لمعالجة المهام‬
:‫اقرأ الحالتين التاليتين بعناية وأجب عن األسئلة أدناه‬
)v=7C_z8UuCJ-Y‫؟‬ ( :1 ‫الحالة‬
‫استحوذت قضية شركة الشوكوالتة الحلوة المندمجة المختلطة على شركة زبدة الفول‬
‫السوداني لتوسيع قاعدة عمالئها وتوسيع مجموعة منتجاتها المعروفة اآلن باسم شوكوالتة‬
‫ والشركة الجديدة في خضم حث القوى العاملة ولديها بعض القرارات الصعبة‬، ‫الجوز‬
‫ حيث قام‬، ‫ مشروع تحويل القوى العاملة‬، ‫ مدير عمليات الدمج واالستحواذ‬، ‫يقود ديفيد‬
، ‫بإنشاء لوحة بيضاء كبيرة مع تفصيل لمواهب الشوكوالتة البندق وهيكلة كل دور مهم‬
‫كما دعا ديفيد العديد من أصحاب المصلحة الرئيسيين إلعادة ترتيب المواهب وإزالتها‬
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‫لبناء السيناريو المثالي ‪ ،‬بعد الكثير من التفكير والتفكير ‪ ،‬قام ديفيد وأصحاب‬
‫المصلحة بوضع اللمسات األخيرة على السيناريو الخاص بهم وقد أعطى الضوء األخضر لما‬
‫يبدو أنه خطة جيدة ؛ بعد ذلك بوقت قصير تبدأ المشكلة ‪ ،‬على الرغم من بذل قصارى‬
‫جهدهم ‪ ،‬فقد تم إجراء مجموعة متنوعة من األدوار هي طاقم مزدوج ‪ ،‬بينما البعض اآلخر‬
‫ًا ‪ ،‬على الرغم من تأمينها لكبار الكيميائيين تم التغاضي عن مجال خبرتهم‬ ‫ترك شاغر‬
‫لدى شوكوالتة جوزي اآلن اثنين من المتخصصين في الحساسية لحسن الحظ أن هناك العب‬
‫ًا يذهب إلى أخصائي النكهة في الجبهة الخاسرة هناك اختالل بين المديرين وفرقهم‪.‬‬ ‫حاسم‬
‫على سبيل المثال‪ :‬خطط كيتس الفتتاح متاجر شوكوالتة فاخرة للبيع بالتجزئة ال تعمل ألن‬
‫فريقها يتكون من خبراء سوق زبدة الفول السوداني‪.‬‬
‫في جميع أنحاء الشركة ‪ ،‬هناك عدم توازن في مستوى عدد الموظفين ‪ ،‬وبعض اإلدارات‬
‫تجاوزت الميزانية والموظفين بينما البعض اآلخر يفتقر بشكل خطير إلى القوة العاملة‬
‫الالزمة لنجاح الفوضى على مستوى المؤسسة مما يؤدي إلى ارتباك األدوار وفك ارتباط‬
‫الموظفين وفقدان اإلنتاجية‬

‫اعتقد ديفيد أن لديه كل المعلومات التي يحتاجها لدمج القوى العاملة بشكل فعال‬
‫ولكنه يدرك اآلن أنه لم يفعل ذلك!‬

‫يبدأ ‪ David‬عملية تحويل القوى العاملة ‪ ،‬ليبدأ في إنشاء مخطط تنظيمي شامل جديد عن‬
‫طريق استيراد البيانات من نظام ‪ ERP‬لكل شركة إلعطاء االهتمام المناسب لجميع مجاالت‬
‫المنظمة ‪ ،‬وبعد ذلك ينشر ‪ David‬المخطط التنظيمي الجديد على بوابة ‪ Metis chocolates‬مع‬
‫إعطاء كل شيء الموظفين وسهولة فهم وجهة نظر موحدة لمنظمتهم الجديدة باستخدام‬
‫قدرات مصمم شركة مصفاة نفط عمان ‪ ،‬تم تجنب األدوار والمسؤوليات المكررة ‪،‬‬
‫ما واإلدارات مزودة بالموظفين المناسبين وعلى‬ ‫والمديرون وأعضاء الفريق متوائمون تماً‬
‫ًا على تصور األمور األكثر أهمية لتسريع عملية االندماج وتقليل المخاطر‬ ‫كان ديفيد قادر‬
‫وعدم اليقين المرتبط بالقرارات الحاسمة وبناء قوة عاملة أقوى بشكل أفضل‪.‬‬

‫استخدم هذا الرابط لعرض دراسة الحالة بالكامل واإلجابة على السؤال أدناه‬

‫مهمة ‪:1‬‬
‫أ) تحديد معنى إدارة التغيير‬

‫أ) اشرح أنواع التغيير التنظيمي (معنى كل منها وأعط مثاالً)‪ :‬هيكلي ‪ ،‬إستراتيجي ‪،‬‬
‫أشخاص وعمليات‪.‬‬
‫ب) أظهر بعض المشكالت التي تواجه الشركة في دراسة حالة معينة ‪ ،‬ثم قم بإجراء تقييم‬
‫لكيفية تقليل تأثير التغيير إلى الحد األدنى من اآلثار السلبية للتغيير على المؤسسة‬
‫–مبدأ توجيهي‪ :‬النظر في التأثير النفسي للتغيير على األشخاص وكيف يؤثر التغيير على‬
‫ديناميكيات الفريق وكيفية قيادة الناس وإدارتهم‪.‬‬

‫ب) تقييم التغيير التنظيمي المختلف الذي حدث (هيكلي ‪ ،‬إستراتيجي ‪ ،‬أفراد وعمليات)‬
‫ًا لمحركات مختلفة للتغيير‪- .‬‬

‫دراسة حالة ‪ :COVID-19 - 2‬التأثيرات على األعمال‬

‫أحدثت أزمة فيروس كورونا الجديد (كوفيد ‪ )19-‬سنوات من التغيير في طريقة عمل‬
‫الشركات في جميع القطاعات والمناطق ‪ ،‬فقد تحولت إلى أزمة اقتصادية عالمية ‪ ،‬مما‬
‫عرض للخطر صحة ووظائف ودخل ماليين األشخاص حول العالم‪ .‬لذلك ‪ ،‬تحتاج إلى اختيار‬
‫شركة واحدة إلظهار كيف دفع كوفيد ‪ 19-‬الشركة للتغيير من خالل اإلجابة على األسئلة‬

‫‪ .1‬تطبيق تحليل ‪ PESTEL / SWOT‬لتحديد دوافع التغيير في الشركة المختارة‬

‫‪ .2‬التقييم من خالل تحديد التأثير اإليجابي والسلبي لكيفية تأثير التغييرات على‬
‫القيادة واألفراد وسلوك الفريق‬

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‫‪ .3‬تطبيق النظريات والنماذج المناسبة لتقييم نقدي لالستجابة التنظيمية للتغيير‪- .‬‬
‫لمبدأ التوجيهي‪ :‬يمكنك استخدام‬
‫‪ .1‬نظرية النظم ونماذج التحسين المستمر للتنبؤ والتخطيط الفعال للتغيير‬
‫‪ .2‬نموذج ‪ Burke-Litwen‬لجعل عملية التغيير فعالة وفعالة‬

‫ًا مقارنة تأثيرات التغيير وتأثيرها على استراتيجية المنظمة وعملها لدراستي‬‫أخير‬
‫الحالة المذكورين أعاله وتقديم توصيات مع مبررات صحيحة من رأيك للتخطيط الفعال‬
‫للتغيير وتطبيق تحليل تأثير التغيير‪- .‬‬
‫هذا تقرير أعمال‪ .‬يجب أن تقرأ وتفهم وتحلل المواقف في دراسة الحالة‬

‫‪Scenario (2): LO3,LO4‬‬

‫هذا تقرير أعمال‪ .‬يجب أن تقرأ وتفهم وتحلل المواقف في دراسة الحالة‬
‫قدم وأجب عن المهام أدناه‬

‫ًا أو كبار السن‪.‬‬

‫أنا أحبه "شعار معروف لكل شريحة من السوق ‪ ،‬فليكن أطفااًل أو صغار‬
‫ماكدونالدز هي صناعة خدمات غذائية عالمية بدأت عملياتها في األربعينيات‪ .‬تم تقديم‬
‫مفهوم ماكدونالدز من قبل األخ ديك وموريس ماكدونالد ‪ ،‬من خالل افتتاح "كشك همبرغر"‬
‫في سان برناردينو ‪ ،‬كاليفورنيا‪ .‬لقد قدموا فكرة بيع طعامهم بسعر أرخص من‬
‫المنافسين عن طريق التوفير في قفزات السيارات وإقناع العمالء بدالً من ذلك بالذهاب‬
‫إلى عداد لطلب طعامهم‪ .‬ساعد هذا المفهوم في تحول أسرع للعمالء‪.‬‬
‫خلفية للتغيير‪:‬‬

‫ًا في المبيعات على التوالي‬‫كان ذلك في عام ‪ ، 1996‬عندما شهدت ماكدونالدز انخفاض‬
‫ألربعة أرباع ‪ ،‬والذي استمر حتى عام ‪ ، 2004‬وكانت الشركة تفقد صورتها ولم تكن‬
‫قادرة على التركيز على تقديم "وجبة أمريكية رائعة"‪ .‬كانت ماكدونالدز تفقد قبضتها‬
‫على البقاء كواحدة من الوجهات المفضلة في العالم لمحبي الوجبات السريعة في جميع‬
‫أنحاء العالم‪ .‬تم استهداف الشركة بسبب جودتها المنخفضة ‪ ،‬وتقليل رضا العمالء‬
‫واالرتباط بين السمنة وطعام ماكدونالدز‪ .‬تم رفع دعاوى قضائية مختلفة ضد ماكدونالدز‬
‫ً رئيسيا‬ ‫بيج ماك و هابي ميل ورفع المستهلكون دعوى ضد ماكدونالدز باعتبارها مساهما‬
‫في تدمير صحة األمريكيين والناس في جميع أنحاء العالم‪.‬‬

‫بدأت الشركة تفقد حصتها في السوق‪ .‬شهدت الشركة أدنى مستوى في حجم أسهمها في عام‬
‫‪ .2003‬سجلت الشركة أول خسارة لها قدرها ‪ 343.8‬مليون دوالر خالل عام ‪ 2003‬في الربع‬
‫األول منذ إنشائها في عام ‪ .1965‬االنخفاض المستمر في المبيعات ‪ ،‬وفقدان حصتها في‬
‫السوق واالنجراف من المستهلكين إلى العالمات التجارية األخرى مثل برجر كنج ووينديز ‪،‬‬
‫قاد ماكدونالدز إلى إعادة التفكير في استراتيجيتها وعملت على خطة تحول في عام‬
‫‪ 2003‬تحت قيادة جيم كانتالوبو‪.‬‬


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‫ركزت الشركة على إعادة الهيكلة واالبتكار وتحسين عملياتها‪ .‬وبتنفيذ هذا تمكنت‬
‫الشركة من استعادة مكانتها في صناعة المواد الغذائية‪.‬‬

‫ركزت ماكدونالدز على االبتكار والقيمة وقيادة التكلفة وااللتزام‪ .‬هذه هي اللبنات‬
‫األساسية للشركة أو ركائز الشركة التي تساعد في ترسيخ نفسها وبناء مركز تنافسي في‬

‫كان هناك عدد من العوائق التي تحول دون تغيير داخل ماكدونالدز‪ .‬وشمل ذلك انخفاض‬
‫معنويات الموظفين ‪ ،‬ودوران مرتفع لمديري الخطوط األمامية ‪ ،‬وميزانية محدودة لدعم‬
‫عملية التغيير‪.‬‬

‫‪ .1‬اشرح في كل حالة ما قد يكون السبب الجذري للعوائق التي تم تحديدها‪.‬‬

‫‪ .2‬تحديد وشرح خمسة (‪ )5‬قرارات وإجراءات محددة قد يتخذها القادة لتحسين الوضع‬
‫بالنظر إلى هذه العوائق الثالثة للتغيير التي تم تحديدها في النظام‬

‫ًا بعض المقاومة‪.‬‬‫‪ .3‬بغض النظر عن مدى إدارة الشركات للتغيير ‪ ،‬ستكون هناك دائم‬
‫إجراء تحليل مجال القوة باستخدام نموذج مجال القوة الخاص بـ ‪.Lewin‬‬

‫التوجيه‪( :‬استخدم الرسم التخطيطي لتحليل مجال القوة لتحديد دوافع التغيير وقيوده‬
‫ً‪ .‬عالوة على ذلك ‪ ،‬أظهر كيف أثرت هذه العوامل على‬
‫من خالل إدخال إجاباتك فيه مباشرة‬
‫القرارات واإلجراءات التي اتخذها القادة في النقطة ‪2‬‬

‫المهمة الثالثة ‪ :‬الشرح من خالل تقديم تفاصيل واضحة باستخدام أمثلة عن العوائق‬
‫التي تواجهها من أجل التغيير وتحديد كيفية تأثيرها على صنع القرار القيادي ‪,‬ثم‬
‫تحليل قوى التغيير والمقاومة وإظهار مدى تأثيرها على عملية اتخاذ القرار باستخدام‬
‫"تحليل مجال القوى" تبرير استخدام تحليل مجال القوى في تلبية األهداف التنظيمية‪.‬‬

‫مهمه ‪2‬‬
‫تم عقد اجتماع في شركة ماكدونالدز ‪ ،‬داعيا جميع مديري االقسام‬

‫الحظ المدير التنفيذي خالل المناقشة أن كل من المديرين يتصرف بطريقة مختلفة لقيادة‬
‫وتحفيز موظفيه إلدخال التغيرات الجديده‬

‫ًا صعبة لتحفيز الموظفين ويظهر الثقة في قدرتهم على تلبية هذا‬‫ضع هاشم أهداف‬
‫ًا عن مدخالت‬
‫يتشاور علي مع الموظفين في اتخاذ القرار ويفكر في أفكارهم ويسأل دائم‬
‫أعضاء الفريق‪.‬‬
‫فارس يخبر الموظفين بما يجب عليهم فعله ‪ ،‬وكيفية أداء مهمة ‪ ،‬وجدولة عملهم‬
‫وتنسيقه ‪ ،‬بينما يركز أحمد (القسم الطبي) على رفاهية العامل من خالل إظهار االهتمام‬
‫دا ويريد أن يكون جزء من الفريق ‪ ،‬فهي تعتقد أن النجاح هو بناء‬ ‫بهم وبأن يكون ودوً‬
‫ًا معنويات عالية‬
‫الفريق والثقة تخلق أيض‬

‫دا إلى المثال أعاله ‪ ،‬قم بتطبيق أساليب القيادة المختلفة للتعامل مع الوضع‬
‫أعاله ‪ ،‬ثم تقييم مدى تطبيق النهج القيادية التي تم تطبيقها الذي يمكن أن يحقق‬
‫التغيير التنظيمي على نحو فعال‬
‫توجيات ‪ :‬تحتاج إلى تطبيق نماذج مختلفة ثم تقييم فعالية تطبيق النهج المختلفة ‪،‬‬
‫فأنت بحاجة إلى ذكر نقاط القوة والضعف في أساليب القيادة ثم إعطاء تبرير صحيح‬
‫لتقييمك باستخدام نفس النموذج‬

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Task (1) :
Change Management Definition: Change management is the process, tools and
techniques to manage the people side of change to achieve the required business
outcome. Change management incorporates the organizational tools that can be
utilized to help individuals make successful personal transitions resulting in the
adoption and realization of change.

Task (2) :

Types of Organizational Change:

 Strategic: Sometimes in the course of normal business operation it is necessary for

management to adjust the firm's strategy to achieve the goals of the company, or even
to change the mission statement of the organization in response to demands of the
external environments. Adjusting a company's strategy may involve changing its
fundamental approach to doing business: the markets it will target, the kinds of
products it will sell, how they will be sold, its overall strategic orientation, the level of
global activity, and its various partnerships and other joint‐business arrangements.

An organization might arrive at the perfect day of the five-year plan, but the next
day something might happen that changes everything. That is why management
has to manage all those plans and change them when needed. This is essential if
you want to stay relevant in your industry.Every industry will have new
opportunities, and it is important that the strategic plan is flexible enough to take
advantage of them. A key part of this is identifying new opportunities, as well as
threats. Then they have to initiate a change plan. Below we’ve listed some tools
that can help support these processes.
 Structural: Organizations often find it necessary to redesign the structure of the
company due to influences from the external environment. Structural changes involve
the hierarchy of authority, goals, structural characteristics, administrative procedures,
and management systems. Almost all change in how an organization is managed falls
under the category of structural change. A structural change may be as simple as
implementing a no‐smoking policy, or as involved as restructuring the company to
meet the customer needs more effectively.

For example, let's say that Catelyn's Communications decided to merge with
Cory's Communications. As a part of that merger, duplicate departments needed
to be eliminated, employees from both companies needed to be reassigned to
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new positions or terminated, managers acquired new employees, duplicate
management positions were eliminated, new policies and procedures needed to
be created (and old ones retired) and job functions needed to be realigned to fit
the new company structure. Likewise, if the merger was a result of changes in
the marketplace, structural changes might also need to be made to respond to
the market shift, such as creating new departments that can produce whatever
the market is demanding from communication providers.

 Processes: Organizations may need to reengineer processes to achieve optimum

workflow and productivity. Process change is often related to an organization's
production process or how the organization assembles products or delivers services.
The adoption of robotics in a manufacturing plant or of laser‐scanning checkout
systems at supermarkets are examples of process changes.
 Example: The creation of new teams or departments, Structural change can also
apply to smaller adjustments, such as creating a new team. If you notice that some
employees have more of a Knack for analytics, you might decide to create a separate
team dedicated to reporting. The necessary shifting of personnel and duties could
create some tension. Justify the change with clear reasoning and explain the benefits.
Highlight the positives. Its not about taking away responsibilities -its about playing to
each individuals strength.

 People: This type of change alters the attitudes, behaviors, skills, or performance of
employees in the company. Changing people processes involves communicating,
motivating, leading, and interacting within groups. This focus may entail changing
how problems are solved, the way employees learn new skills, and even the very
nature of how employees perceive themselves, their jobs, and the organization.

New hires, bringing on new team members requires onboarding and training, which can affect both
the new hires and the established employees. Start with communication. Explain the reason for
hiring new people. Are they going to lighten the workload? Will they fill in skills gaps? How will
they integrate with the current team? Be ready to answer the WIIFM and WDIMTM questions and
have a solid plan to avoid negative reactions. Get ahead of concerns like the extra time it will take
to rain the new employees on existing tools. If you explain that the what fix Digital Adoption
platform will quickly get employees up to speed on current software, you will show your team that
you anticipated their concerns and planned ahead. You’ll be introducing change as a solution
instead of an obstacle.

Task (3) :
a) sweet chocolate company and peanutty butter inc want to merge their costumer base, to get
the nutty chocolate company, so they merge their workforces.
David planner the director of mergers and acquisition invite some stakeholders from the two
companies in order to distribute the tasks. after that when employees start working, they
encountered problem such as; confusion roles, employee disengagement, and lost productivity.

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b) David assigns different divisions of the four global maps to the relevant manager by safe
online access to their areas of responsibility administrators will build their own scenarios of
insight into accurate job profiles and vital indicators that can quickly pull and drop people
and instantly see the effect of their actions on wages and head counts of budgets Aven
guarantees , He selects all the scenarios, from the department managers and merges them
into a fresh global picture , in order to allow them all to easily see the right scenario to
maximize employee efficiency and mitigate uncertainty and ensure sustainable market
results from the department managers and integrate them into a new global image. David
releases the latest org map on the portal of Metis chocolates, offering all employees a
consolidated view of their new organization and easy-to-understand by using Nikitha's
redundant tasks and duties have escaped the orc simulation capacities of si P talent
visualization managers and team members are well integrated and divisions are adequately
staffed. David was able to imagine what matters most to speed up the acquisition process
and minimize the risk and confusion associated.

c) Strategic: When sweet chocolate company and neanutty butter decided to merge they use
the Strategic to increase the percentage of profits and the quantity of production for both
parties, they had to do a lot of change in their strategic to get their aim.

Structural: In order to get to the aim that they want to achieve, they saw that they must do a
restructure to their ways and methods so that each employee can work in their field.

David planner the director of mergers and acquisition realized that he didn’t assign tasks well
because what he planned for was not achieved, therefor He decided to make some changes.

Process: And for changes to take place, David started a transformation process to get all the critical
data from both companies’ EPR system, and then sent the collected data to the managers through
secure online access to their area of responsibility creating different scenarios and predicting the
possible outcomes of each scenario thus choosing the scenario that would guarantee success.

People: David published the new org chart on Metis chocolate portal for the employees to
understand their new role using the orc modeler capabilities of si P talent visualization by Nikitha.

As a result, duplicate roles were avoided, managers and team members were fully aligned and
departments got staffed properly and on budget.

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1) Apply SWOT analysis to identify drivers of change in the company

 Mecca Clearing & Transportation  Company

The Corona pandemic affected many sectors, which led to rapid and decisive measures being taken
to improve the situation of work and workers after the quarantine period, which lasted for three
months, causing great damage to all sectors.
 One of the changes which happened with Mecca company employees during the coronavirus
(covid-19) pandemic is that according to the (Governmental actions (Which allow a Limit
number of employees to work in the felid in Customs and the port of Aqaba observe public
safety measures, and the rest of the team worker will follow up on them through the ASCODA
system which used in clearance.

1) Strength point:
1- Mecca Online Company work system
2- Macce Company operates in the import and export sector, which is considered one of the
most important sectors in the country

2) Weaknesses:
1- The limitation of imported shipments due to the total ban that was imposed
2- Lack of liquidity for clients

3) Threats:
1- The lack of staff in the field due to the number of permits authorized
2- Obstructing some work procedures due to the ban

4) Opportunities:
1- Giving employees courses to increase work efficiency

(2 Evaluation by identifying positive and negative impact of how change will have affected
leadership, individuals and team behavior.

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Positive Impact Negative Impact
Leadership Business continuity Lack of liquidity for clients
without difference from
Individual Nothing changed Only Lack of authorized
doing fewer working hours working hours leading to
pressure to complete the
Team Behavior Continuity of work as well After communication,
as cooperation from the employees may encounter
whole team and the problems and potentially
division of work in an incomplete work
organized manner to avoid
any mistakes

3) show some problems face the company then make an evaluation of how the impact of
change was minimized and the application of appropriate models/theories applied to plan
for and process change efficiently.


According to Bunnar and Arnold as "identifying the potential consequences of a change or
estimating what needs modification to make a change", they focus on impact analysis in terms of
defining the scope of changes in the details of a design. In contrast, Fleger and Atlee focus on the
risks associated with the change and say that an impact analysis is: "An assessment of the many
risks associated with change, including estimates of the impacts on resources, efforts, and
timelines." Both the design details and the risks related to modifications are important for
conducting impact analysis within the change management processes.

APPLING: The company's framework for change occurred due to the existing circumstances, to
avoid the occurrence of consequences, it developed a plan based on motivating and rewarding
employees, strengthening work ties between them and following up with managers.


By looking at change as a process with distinct stages, you can prepare yourself for what is coming
and make a plan to manage the transition – looking before you leap, so to speak. All too often,
people go into change blindly, causing much unnecessary turmoil and chaos. To begin any
successful change process, you must first start by understanding why the change must take place.
As Lewin put it, "Motivation for change must be generated before change can occur. One must be
helped to re-examine many cherished assumptions about oneself and one's relations to others." This
is the unfreezing stage from which change begins.

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APPLING: In the annual meeting, emergency plans are drawn up according to the progress of
work for the past year to ensure that the work is progressing according to the set plan, and among
these plans is to reduce the number of employees to avoid the company falling into any financial
hardship. As a result of the conditions that the world went through (the occurrence of the Corona
virus and the stone imposed on everyone) leading to a deterioration in the world economy and
affecting everyone, the company decided to use the plan due to the lack of material liquidity among
customers to avoid any inconvenience that may occur to the company.

A. Comparing the impacts of change and the effect they have had upon the organization’s
strategy and operations.

CASE STIDY 1 (VIDEO) Merge each corporation Increase production
and build new visibility services and services
structure amendment through re-engineering
management and let the processes to achieve
name of company rather workflow.
than (sweet chocolate,
nutty company).
Taking precautionary Achieving goals despite the
precautions and keeping circumstances occurring to
pace with changes to ensure the progress of the
ensure the progress of company's line of work
work to obtain the largest without any losses.
number of satisfactory

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1.Explain in each of the cases what might be the root cause of the barriers

a. Lack of employee performance and Lack of management

b. Employee fearing the unknown
c. Lack of communication and trust
d. Lifestyle change and technology use

2.Identify and explain five (5) specific decisions and actions the leaders might have
taken to improve the situation given these three barriers for change identified in the

a. Lack of employee performance and Lack of management

The lack of performance of the employees occurred due to the lack of clarification of the
change plan to them also the lack of training that must be provided by the management.
1. Holding training courses for employees that fit the change plan to increase productivity.
2. The administration shall explain the change plan in detail to the employees to achieve the
desired goals.
3. Hiring managers to develop new business plans in the company to reach the goals.

b. Employee fearing the unknown

Ignorance of the change plan, lack of communication, and the receipt of sufficient
information about the new strategy by the administration leads to employees ’fear of losing
the job due to lack of performance.
1. Holding periodic meetings aimed at a detailed explanation of the change plan.
2. Clarifying the fate of employees in the new change plan and training them to obtain
better skills that fit the new change plan.
3. Discussing the change plan with the employees and hearing their opinions about the
new plan

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c. Lack of communication and trust.
Lack of communication and trust between managers and employees occurs when
managers ignore employees, do not constantly follow up, and do not create a link between
1. Assigning a number of employees to be a link between managers and employees and
providing a detailed report on the performance of each employee.
2. Appreciate, respect and reward employees' efforts.
3. Provide a quick communication tool between managers and employees

d. Lifestyle change and technology use.

With changing lifestyles and the world’s trend towards using technology in everyday life,
this change forces all companies to keep pace with it to achieve their goals and provide it
within their services to attract the largest possible number of customers.

1. Providing an electronic customer service system and providing a dedicated place for
customers to allow them to post their comments about the product and in case they
have any wishes.
2. Providing healthy products for people who follow a healthy lifestyle, providing an
opportunity to satisfy all customers.
3. Keeping up with technological progress and making use of it in marketing new

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Style name Definition/ Approach to change initiative

explanation of
each style
Hashem Achievement Achievement- Positive Negative
 . Goals are  It reduces
leadership is
characterized by
communicated opportunities for
a leader who clearly with employee feedback.
challenges this leadership
subordinates to style.  There tends to be high
perform work at turnover rates.
the highest level  It helps team
possible. This members  This leadership style can
leader manage their be tough on the manager
establishes a time better. too.
high standard of
excellence for   Results are
subordinates and easier to
seeks continuou
achieve with
s improvement. 
this leadership
Ali Participative Participative  Increase in  Decision making
leadership is a Productivity. slows down.
style of
leadership in
which all  Collective  High cost
members of the thinking
organization work
together to make .
decisions.  Social pressure
Participative  Independence
leadership is also
known as
leadership, as
everyone is
encouraged to
Fares Directive The leader  It reduces  It increases the work
educates her issues with de- burden for the
motivated supervisor.
adherents on
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what is workers.
anticipated  It avoids the use of
 It provides collaboration.
from them, for
structure to
example, unstructured  It reduces overall
instructing tasks morale for most teams.
them, how to
play out an
errand, and  It creates clarity
within role
booking and expectations.
planning work.
It is best when
individuals are
uncertain about
the undertaking
or when there
is a ton of
inside nature.
Ahmad Supportive The leader Good for Less control by the manager
makes work people who generally over what is happening and will
know what they are involve a certain level of
lovely for the doing and who may trust in the person’s ability to
laborers by need some assistance complete the task. This style
demonstrating from time to time. A can be challenging when the
worry for them much more hands off employee has lost the
and by being approach and it motivation held previously.
enables More effort will be needed on
amicable and
people to get on with the manager’s part but the
agreeable. It is the job. People feel longer term rewards are
best in more trusted and generally worth it.
circumstances therefore motivated.
in which
connections are
genuinely or

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