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Kuwait University

College Engineering and Petroleum

Computer Engineering Department

CpE-<Course No.>: <Course Name>

Semester: <Fall / Spring / Summer>
Section No. <No.>

Assignment No. <No.>

Student Name: <Name>

Student Id: <Id No.>
Instructor Name: <Name>
TA Name: <Name>

Date: <Date>

Computer Engineering Department, Kuwait University, 2021

1.Giving reasons for your answer based on the type of system being developed, suggest the
most appropriate generic software process model that might be used as a basis for
managing the development of the following systems:

a) A system to control anti-lock braking in a car:

Embedded Control System: The anti-lock braking system (ABS) is designed and embedded in
the regular car braking system. ABS is designed to help you maintain control of the vehicle
during emergency braking situations, not make the vehicle stop more quickly, but to help the
driver maintain control of the vehicle during an emergency.

b) A virtual reality system to support software maintenance:

System for modelling and simulations: The virtual reality system model and simulates the
physical processes or situation of a system to support software maintenance.

Interactive transaction-based applications: The maintenance of software is executed from a

remote server through the virtual reality system, which runs simulations on the software by

troubleshooting the system and debugging the system.

Systems of Systems: The Virtual Reality system is composed of several other software systems
to manage the Software.

c) A university accounting system that replaces an existing system

 Batch processing System: The University accounting system processing the finances of the
institution and sends the billing of fees in batches and also the payment of contract-based

 Information System: The institution preserves records of all transactions received and sent, not
only for record-keeping but for auditing of its records periodically.

d) An interactive travel planning system that helps users plan journeys with the lowest
environmental impact

 Interactive transaction-based application The system is executed from a server which the client
accesses the data from their terminal or computer.

 System for modelling and simulation The system runs a simulation on the location chosen and
finds the simplest path to the destination and sends the data to the user terminal.

Computer Engineering Department, Kuwait University, 2021

2. For each of the below software risk categories, mention at least two risks. Determine the
probability of each risk, and its effects.

• Software Requirements Risks

• Software Cost Risks
• Software Scheduling Risks
• Software Quality Risks

The probability of risks and their effects have been determined for the given owner of risk in
the company. ( on risk manager, contractor, activity owner, risk manager, management, board
and CEO)

so the probability scores in scale are depicted as below:

Very High

Category Risk Probability Effects

1- Ambiguous Requirements may be
requirements High poorly defined that can
easily lead to
misinterpretation. The
misinterpreting of client’s
requirements can be very
problematic in the long
run because developer
will feel confused for
what is required in the

Software Requirements
Risks 2- Unverifiable Low These requirements might
requirements be beyond the capability
of the organization or the
system to which it is to be
applied. There is no way
to check whether these
requirements are feasible
or not.

Computer Engineering Department, Kuwait University, 2021

1- Expansion of Medium If the client has changed
project scope his requirements, it might
effect the budget defined
for the project by the
developers. Developing
more modules of the
project will require more
cost as well as resources.
Software Cost Risks
This will lead to
2- Wrong cost High inaccurate financial
estimation information that can lead
to inaccurate decision-
making in the
organization. Some of
modules of project that
cost more than defined in
the budget may get
delayed. Some of the
required items might not
be covered in the costs.

1- Wrong time Very High Time estimation depends

estimation upon the complexity of
the task. If it is estimated
inaccurately, it can lead
to unmet expectations and
unsatisfactory clients.

Software Scheduling Risks

2- Inaccurate Low Unavailability of suitable

tracking of staff members or other
resources essential resources to
develop a particular
project will lead to
excessive time for
completion. There might
be the need to upgrade
the existing resources that
might cost more.

Computer Engineering Department, Kuwait University, 2021

1. Product risk Low It includes factors related
to what is produced by
the final project. The final
outcomes might be
negative or
unsatisfactory. The
software might be
unreliable or do not work
as expected.
Software Quality Risks

It includes factors related

2. Project risk High to way the work is carried
out. There can be
problems related to
availability of resources
or delays in fixing the
issues found during the

Computer Engineering Department, Kuwait University, 2021

3. Consider a web application for managing high school or college homework and assignments
called “Student Assignment Tracker”. It can be used by school children and college students to
take control of the various deadlines and assignments that need to be submitted. Users are able
to manage their school projects and collaborate with each other. The application enables its
users to add assignments directly from email or their phones via text messaging, track
deadlines, and receive due date notifications via email or text messaging. This can help ensure
that students do not miss deadlines anymore. Students can organize their work, upload files,
check off tasks when they are complete, write notes and even work with partners by adding
them to the same account. Partners can add notes, assign tasks, and share documents. The
application should have a mobile version to keep users updated on the go

1. Determine at least 6 needs (user requirements) of the customer from the description
(A need is a general goal that a product should achieve. E.g., a social networking app can have
two needs: secure and easy to find friends)

1. The web application should have simplified user interface (UI) and good level of security.

2. It shall allow several data cost optimization of network.

3. It shall be available in several languages and easy to use by all students.

4. It should synchronize the data with mobile app and website, and be able to update the
database for more than 1200 students.

5. It should either fully or at least semi-interactive in the sense that produce an email for the
concerned students to get updated about the new assignments and works done by patners.

6. It should be reasonably high in response.

2. Identify some “system requirements” for the system. Use the following table to organize your
answer. Consider performance, safety, and usability requirements, as well as any others that
are applicable to the problem. Provide at least 5 functional requirements and 3 non-functional
requirements. Be sure that the requirements you provide are unambiguous, verifiable, and

The System Requirement of the application:

1. Server (responds to the different cliens (mobile app and website))

2. Windows Server® 2008 SP2

3. 1GB RAM

4. 1GB ethernet

5. Hardware Virtualization

Computer Engineering Department, Kuwait University, 2021

6. Microsoft Virtual PC

7. Microsoft Virtual Server

Requirements Rationale (Justification) Traceable to Need #

It should allow collaborative it should have a the ability to 8
work add/club one or more student
accounts into one, for selected
assignments by a students,
providing a common work area
and grades.

It should have text area for So that doubts can be cleared 4

posting notes and queries and new updates can be
provided by the teachers

Flexibility to extend deadlines So that teachers can allow extra 4

time on students request.

Automatic time-out an assignment gets locked, once 5

the assignment due date and
time expires

It should allow students to It should have facilities to 3

upload files. upload text files, image files,
from emails as well as mobile

Computer Engineering Department, Kuwait University, 2021

The system should be
It should have a moderate level moderately fast enough to
of performance(non-functional respond within acceptable limit, 7
requirement ) which means a response time of
less than 3 seconds. It need not
be a real-time application where
we need instant messaging/chat

It should have moderate security Since this app doesn't contain
features(non-functional information which are critical to
requirement) the School, it is ok if it has a
moderate level of security
features good enough to
disallow students from logging
into peer accounts and steeling

It should have a simple layout
and a user friendly interface.
It should be easy to use(non-
functional requirement)

Computer Engineering Department, Kuwait University, 2021

4.Consider the following non-functional requirements for a Patient Data Management System
and determine which of them can be verified and which cannot. If a statement is unverifiable,
rewrite it so that it is verifiable.

Non-Verifiable That because some systems

takes about 5 mins to
completely boot, and then the
user should accept input in


After proper training the user

must be able to use it.

The user input answer should be

in (seconds)


 By checking the Replica

Management of the system in
next day of backup.


As the finite downtime of 2

hours is given in requirement, it
can be verified easily.
The system shall use maximum
Non-Verifiable up to 200MB of disk space, and
The disk efficiency is not
verifiable in given requirement,
thus rewritten so that the
requirement can be verified.
so the system must utilize the
local CPU resources to
optimize the speed.

Computer Engineering Department, Kuwait University, 2021

Computer Engineering Department, Kuwait University, 2021

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