S Q Q Q Q U D Q C B Tetraquarks in The Chiral Quar

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PHYSICAL REVIEW D 103, 074011 (2021)

sQq̄ q̄ (q = u, d; Q = c, b) tetraquarks in the chiral quark model

Gang Yang ,1,* Jialun Ping,2,† and Jorge Segovia 3,‡
Department of Physics, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua 321004, China
Department of Physics and Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Numerical Simulation of Large Scale Complex
Systems, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210023, China
Departamento de Sistemas Físicos, Químicos y Naturales,
Universidad Pablo de Olavide, E-41013 Sevilla, Spain

(Received 15 January 2021; accepted 23 March 2021; published 19 April 2021)

The low-lying sQq̄ q̄ (q ¼ u, d, Q ¼ c, b) tetraquark states with J P ¼ 0þ , 1þ , and 2þ , and in the

isoscalar and isovector sectors, are systematically investigated in the framework of the real- and complex-
scaling range of a chiral quark model, whose parameters are fixed in advance describing hadron, hadron-
hadron, and multiquark phenomenology, and thus, all results presented here are pure predictions. Each
tetraquark configuration compatible with the quantum numbers studied is taken into account; this includes
meson-meson, diquark-antidiquark, and K-type arrangements of quarks with all possible color wave
functions in the four-body sector. Among the different numerical techniques to solve the Schrödinger-like
four-body bound-state equation, we use a variational method in which the trial wave function is expanded
in complex-range Gaussian basis functions because of its simplicity and flexibility. Several compact bound
states and narrow resonances are found in both charm-strange csq̄ q̄ and bottom-strange bsq̄ q̄ tetraquark
sectors, most of them as a product of the strong coupling between the different channels. In regard to the so-
called X 0;1 ð2900Þ structures recently discovered with good statistical significance by the LHCb
Collaboration, whose properties point out to be csū d̄ tetraquarks, we find that they are unstable in
our formalism with several candidates in the single-channel computations. We distinguish four cases with
IðJ P Þ ¼ 0ð0þ Þ quantum numbers: three K-type configurations with masses at 2.89, 2.96, and 2.97 GeV,
and one hidden-color coupled-channel calculation delivering a mass 2.86 GeV. With quantum numbers
IðJ P Þ ¼ 0ð1þ Þ, only one candidate can be found in the hidden-color coupled-channel calculation with
mass 2.94 GeV.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.103.074011

I. INTRODUCTION X0 ð2900Þ∶ M ¼ ð2866  7Þ MeV;

The LHCb p Collaboration
ffiffiffi using proton-proton collision Γ ¼ ð57  13Þ MeV;
data taken at s ¼ 7, 8, and 13 TeV, with an integrated
X1 ð2900Þ∶ M ¼ ð2904  5Þ MeV;
luminosity of 9 fb−1 , has recently performed an amplitude
analysis [1] and a model-independent study of structure [2] Γ ¼ ð110  12Þ MeV:
in Bþ → Dþ D− K þ decays. In both research works, in
order to obtain good agreement with the data, it is found to
be necessary to include new spin-0 and spin-1 charm- With an overwhelming significance, these signals consti-
strange resonances in the D− K þ channel with Breit-Wigner tute the first clear observation of exotic hadrons that do not
parameters [1]: contain a heavy-quark-antiquark pair; even more, they
might be the first experimental detection of tetraquark
candidates with four different flavors of quarks: uds̄ c̄. It is
worth mentioning that alternative models incorporating
additional hadronic effects such as rescattering may also be

jlping@njnu.edu.cn able to accommodate these D− K þ structures (see, for

jsegovia@upo.es instance, the nice review [3]). More detailed experimental
investigations will require larger data samples and studies
Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of of additional decay modes.
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to The announcement of the LHCb Collaboration triggers
the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, many theoretical works using a wide variety of approaches.
and DOI. Funded by SCOAP3. Before going through a brief review of them, it is fair to

2470-0010=2021=103(7)=074011(19) 074011-1 Published by the American Physical Society


highlight that a couple of theoretical works indicating the doubly charm pentaquarks [33], and doubly heavy tetra-
possible existence of uds̄ c̄ structures were available in the quarks QQq̄ q̄ ðq ¼ u; d; s; Q ¼ c; bÞ [34,35]. Moreover,
literature before the release of the LHCb findings. At least, the formulation in the real- and complex-scaling method of
the lowest-lying state at a mass of 2.85 GeV was identified the theoretical formalism has been discussed in detail in
using a color-magnetic interaction model [4] and a coupled- Ref. [36]. The complex-scaling method (CSM) allows us to
channel unitary approach [5]. distinguish three kinds of poles—bound, resonance, and
Concerning the X0 ð2900Þ, many theoretical studies scattering—and thus perform a complete analysis of
assign to this state total spin and parity quantum numbers the scattering singularities within the same formalism.
JP ¼ 0þ . Within this assignment, an S-wave D̄ K  ðD K̄  Þ Furthermore, the meson-meson, diquark-antidiquark, and
molecular interpretation is shared by QCD sum rules [6,7], K-type configurations plus their couplings shall be consid-
one-boson-exchange models [8,9], a quark delocalization ered for the scq̄ q̄ tetraquark system. Finally, as a natural
color screening model [10], an effective field theory extension, the bottom-strange tetraquarks are also studied
approach [11], and by analyzing strong decay processes herein.
[12]. However, some other theoretical studies explore the The manuscript is arranged as follows. In Sec. II the
possibility of having a more compact tetraquark configu- theoretical framework is presented; we briefly present the
ration for the X0 ð2900Þ state with either a dimeson or complex-range method applied to a chiral quark model and
diquark-antidiquark configuration. For instance, Ref. [13] the sQq̄ q̄ (q ¼ u, d; Q ¼ c, b) tetraquark wave functions.
uses two-body chromomagnetic interactions to find that Section III is devoted to the analysis and discussion of the
X0 ð2900Þ can be interpreted as a radial excited 0þ uds̄ c̄ obtained low-lying sQq̄ q̄ (q ¼ u, d, Q ¼ c, b) tetraquark
tetraquark. Other examples are QCD sum rules [14–16] and states with J P ¼ 0þ , 1þ , and 2þ , and isospin I ¼ 0 and 1.
nonrelativistic and relativized quark models [17–19]. All Finally, we summarize and give some prospects in Sec. IV.
mentioned theoretical works have also delivered interpre-
tations of the X1 ð2900Þ. For instance, Ref. [13] concludes
that the X1 ð2900Þ state is an orbitally excited compact II. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK
tetraquark with JP ¼ 1− , whereas a molecular interpreta- A thorough review of the theoretical formalism used
tion within a chiral quark model is delivered in Ref. [20]. herein has been recently published in Ref. [36]. We shall,
In any case, most theoretical works support the JP ¼ 1− however, focus on the most relevant features of the chiral
assignment [9,21,22]. quark model and the numerical method concerning the
Note, however, that debates on the nature of the charm- (bottom-) strange tetraquarks, viz., the sQq̄ q̄
X0 ð2900Þ and X1 ð2900Þ exotic states are still intense, with system with Q denoting either a c or b quark, the strange
other alternative interpretations not yet discarded. In an quark written as an s quark and q denotes the light u and d
extended relativized quark model [23], the X0 ð2900Þ signal quarks, isospin symmetry is assumed.
cannot be identified as a compact uds̄ c̄ tetraquark state Within the so-called complex-range studies, the relative
with JP ¼ 0þ . By solving the Lippmann-Schwinger equa- coordinate of a two-body interaction is rotated in the complex
tion [24], X0 ð2900Þ can be interpreted as a D̄ K  hadronic plane by an angle θ, i.e., r⃗ ij → r⃗ ij eiθ . Therefore, the general
molecule state but with quantum numbers IðJP Þ ¼ 0ð1þ Þ. form of the four-body Hamiltonian reads [37,38]
Within an effective field theory approach [25], the
X1 ð2900Þ cannot be explained as a bound state of D̄1 K, X4   X4
whereas a DK 1 bound state is possible at around 3.1 GeV. HðθÞ ¼ mi þ i − T CM þ Vð⃗rij eiθ Þ; ð1Þ
2m i j>i¼1
Moreover, these exotic states can also be induced by
triangle singularities [26,27].
Additionally, decay and production properties have also where mi is the quark mass, ⃗pi is the quark’s momentum, and
been studied theoretically. Within the assumption that T CM is the center-of-mass kinetic energy. According to the
X0 ð2900Þ is an S-wave D̄ K  molecular state, its decay so-called ABC theorem [39,40], the complex scaled
properties have been analyzed by using an effective field Schrödinger equation
theory approach in Ref. [28]. The production of X0;1 ð2900Þ
via weak decays of a B meson [29,30] and the hadronic ½HðθÞ − EðθÞΨJM ðθÞ ¼ 0 ð2Þ
effects on X0;1 ð2900Þ in heavy-ion collisions [31] have
been also released. has (complex) eigenvalues which can be classified into three
The goal of the present manuscript is to study the charm- types, namely, the bound, resonance, and scattering states. In
strange tetraquark candidates seen by the LHCb Col- particular, bound states and resonances are independent of
laboration using a QCD-inspired chiral quark model which the rotated angle θ, with the first ones always fixed on the
has already been successfully applied in the description of coordinate axis (there is no imaginary part of the eigenvalue)
other multiquark systems, e.g., hidden-charm pentaquarks and the second ones located above the continuum threshold
Pþ þ þ
c ð4312Þ, Pc ð4380Þ, Pc ð4440Þ, and Pc ð4457Þ
[32], with a total decay width Γ ¼ −2ImðEÞ.

sQq̄ q̄ (q ¼ u, d; Q ¼ c, b) TETRAQUARKS IN … PHYS. REV. D 103, 074011 (2021)

The dynamics of the sQq̄ q̄ tetraquark system is driven g2ch 9 g2πNN m2u;d
by a two-body potential ¼ ; ð9Þ
4π 25 4π m2N

Vð⃗rij Þ ¼ V χ ð⃗rij Þ þ V CON ð⃗rij Þ þ V OGE ð⃗rij Þ; ð3Þ which assumes that flavor SU(3) is an exact symmetry only
broken by the different mass of the strange quark.
which takes into account the most relevant features of QCD Color confinement should be encoded in the non-
at its low energy regime: dynamical chiral symmetry Abelian character of QCD. It has been demonstrated by
breaking, confinement, and the perturbative one-gluon lattice-regularized QCD that multigluon exchanges pro-
exchange (OGE) interaction. Herein, the low-lying S-wave duce an attractive linearly rising potential proportional to
positive parity sQq̄ q̄ tetraquark states shall be investigated, the distance between infinite-heavy quarks [43]. However,
and thus, the central and spin-spin terms of the potential are the spontaneous creation of light-quark pairs from the QCD
the only ones needed. vacuum may give rise at the same scale to a breakup of the
One consequence of the dynamical breaking of chiral created color flux tube [43]. These two observations can be
symmetry is that Goldstone-boson-exchange interactions described phenomenologically by
appear between constituent light quarks u, d, and s.
Therefore, the chiral interaction can be written as [41] V CON ð⃗rij Þ ¼ ½−ac ð1 − e−μc rij Þ þ Δðλci · λcj Þ; ð10Þ

V χ ð⃗rij Þ ¼ V π ð⃗rij Þ þ V σ ð⃗rij Þ þ V K ð⃗rij Þ þ V η ð⃗rij Þ ð4Þ where ac , μc , and Δ are model parameters,1 and the SU(3)
color Gell-Mann matrices are denoted as λc . One can see in
given by Eq. (10) that the potential is linear at short interquark
distances with an effective confinement strength σ ¼

g2ch m2π Λ2π −ac μc ðλci · λcj Þ, while it becomes constant at large distances,
V π ð⃗rij Þ ¼ m Yðmπ rij Þ V thr ¼ ðΔ − ac Þðλci · λcj Þ.
4π 12mi mj Λ2π − m2π π
 X3 Beyond the chiral symmetry breaking scale, one expects
Λ3π the dynamics to be governed by QCD perturbative effects.
− 3 YðΛπ rij Þ ð⃗σ i · σ⃗ j Þ ðλai · λaj Þ; ð5Þ
mπ a¼1 In particular, the one-gluon exchange potential, which
includes the so-called Coulomb and color-magnetism
g2ch Λ2σ Λσ interactions, is the leading order contribution:
V σ ð⃗rij Þ ¼ − m Yðm r Þ − YðΛ Þ
σ ij ;
4π Λ2σ − m2σ σ σ ij
1 1 1 e−rij =r0 ðμij Þ
ð6Þ V OGE ð⃗rij Þ ¼ αs ðλi · λj Þ
c c
− ð ⃗σ · ⃗σ Þ ;
4 rij 6mi mj i j rij r20 ðμij Þ
g2ch m2K Λ2K
V K ð⃗rij Þ ¼ m YðmK rij Þ
4π 12mi mj Λ2K − m2K K
where r0 ðμij Þ ¼ r̂0 =μij is a regulator which depends on the
Λ3K reduced mass of the qq̄ pair, the Pauli matrices are denoted
− 3 YðΛK rij Þ ð⃗σ i · σ⃗ j Þ ðλai · λaj Þ; ð7Þ by σ⃗ , and the contact term has been regularized as
mK a¼4

 1 e−rij =r0 ðμij Þ

g2ch m2η Λ2η δð⃗rij Þ ∼ : ð12Þ
V η ð⃗rij Þ ¼ m Yðmη rij Þ 4πr20 ðμij Þ rij
4π 12mi mj Λ2η − m2η η

Λ3η An effective scale-dependent strong coupling constant
− 3 YðΛη rij Þ ð⃗σ i · σ⃗ j Þ½cos θp ðλ8i · λ8j Þ − sin θp ; αs ðμij Þ provides a consistent description of mesons and

baryons from the light- to heavy-quark sectors. We use the
ð8Þ frozen coupling constant of, for instance, Ref. [46]

where YðxÞ ¼ e−x =x is the standard Yukawa function. The α0

αs ðμij Þ ¼ μ2ij þμ20
; ð13Þ
physical η meson, instead of the octet one, is considered by lnð Λ2 Þ
introducing the angle θp . The λa are the SU(3) flavor Gell- 0

Mann matrices. Taken from their experimental values, mπ ,

in which α0 , μ0 , and Λ0 are parameters of the model.
mK , and mη are the masses of the SU(3) Goldstone bosons.
The value of mσ is determined through the partial con- 1
servation of axial-vector current relation m2σ ≃ m2π þ 4m2u;d It is widely believed that confinement is flavor independent,
and thus, it should be constrained by the light hadron spectra,
[42]. Finally, the chiral coupling constant gch is determined despite our aim to determine the energy states in heavier quark
from the πNN coupling constant through sectors [44,45].


TABLE I. Model parameters. 2 s Q 4 2 s Q 4

Quark masses mq ðq ¼ u; dÞ (MeV) 313
ms (MeV) 555
mc (MeV) 1752
mb (MeV) 5100 q q 3 q q 3
1 1
Goldstone bosons Λπ ¼ Λσ (fm−1 ) 4.20
Λη ¼ ΛK (fm−1 ) 5.20 (a)
g2ch =ð4πÞ 0.54
θP ð∘ Þ −15 2 s Q 4 2 s Q 4
Confinement ac (MeV) 430
μc (fm−1 Þ 0.70
Δ (MeV) 181.10
OGE α0 2.118
Λ0 (fm−1 ) 0.113 q q 3 q q 3
1 1
μ0 (MeV) 36.976 (d)
r̂0 (MeV fm) 28.170 (c)
2 s Q 4 2 s Q 4
The model parameters are listed in Table I. They have
been fixed in advance, reproducing hadron [47–51],
hadron-hadron [52–56], and multiquark [32,57–60] phe-
nomenology. Additionally, for later concern, Table II lists q q 3 q q 3
the theoretical and experimental (if available) masses of the
1 1
(e) (f)
1S and 2S states of the K ðÞ , DðÞ , and BðÞ mesons.
Figure 1 shows six kinds of configurations for the sQq̄ q̄
FIG. 1. Six types of configurations in sQq̄ q̄ (q ¼ u, d, Q ¼ c,
tetraquark system. In particular, Fig. 1(a) is the meson- b) tetraquarks. Panel (a) is the meson-meson structure, panel
meson structure, Fig. 1(b) is the diquark-antidiquark one, (b) is the diquark-antidiquark one, and the other K-type structures
and the other K-type configurations are from Figs 1(c)–1(f). are panels (c)–(f).
All of them, and their couplings, are considered in our
investigation. However, for the purpose of solving a
manageable four-body problem, the K-type configurations The multiquark system’s wave function at the quark level
are sometimes restricted. It is important to note that herein is an internal product of color, spin, flavor, and space terms.
just one configuration would be enough for the calculation if Concerning the color degree of freedom, the colorless wave
all radial and orbital excited states were taken into account; function of a four-quark system in meson-meson configu-
however, this is obviously much less efficient, and thus, an ration, as illustrated in Fig. 1(a), can be obtained by either
economical way is to combine the different configurations in two coupled color-singlet clusters 1 ⊗ 1,
the ground state to perform the calculation.
χ c1 ¼ ðr̄r þ ḡg þ b̄bÞ × ðr̄r þ ḡg þ b̄bÞ; ð14Þ
TABLE II. Theoretical and experimental (if available) masses
of nL ¼ 1S and 2S states of K ðÞ , DðÞ , and BðÞ mesons. or two coupled color-octet clusters 8 ⊗ 8,
Meson nL MThe (MeV) MExp (MeV)
K 1S 481 494 2
2S 1468  χ c2 ¼ ð3b̄rr̄b þ 3ḡrr̄g þ 3b̄gḡb þ 3ḡbb̄g þ 3r̄gḡr
K 1S 907 892
2S 1621  þ 3r̄bb̄r þ 2r̄rr̄r þ 2ḡgḡg þ 2b̄bb̄b − r̄rḡg
D 1S 1897 1870 − ḡgr̄r − b̄bḡg − b̄br̄r − ḡgb̄b − r̄rb̄bÞ: ð15Þ
2S 2648 
D 1S 2017 2007
2S 2704  The first color state is the so-called color-singlet channel
B 1S 5278 5280 and the second one is the named hidden-color case.
2S 5984  The color wave functions associated with the diquark-
B 1S 5319 5325
antidiquark structure shown in Fig. 1(b) are the coupled
2S 6005 
color triplet-antitriplet clusters 3 ⊗ 3̄,

sQq̄ q̄ (q ¼ u, d; Q ¼ c, b) TETRAQUARKS IN … PHYS. REV. D 103, 074011 (2021)
3 χ c12 ¼ −χ c10 : ð25Þ
χ c3 ¼ ðr̄rḡg − ḡrr̄g þ ḡgr̄r − r̄gḡr þ r̄rb̄b
As for the flavor degree of freedom, since the quark
− b̄rr̄b þ b̄br̄r − r̄bb̄r þ ḡgb̄b − b̄gḡb
content of the investigated four-quark system is sQq̄ q̄,
þ b̄bḡg − ḡbb̄gÞ; ð16Þ both the isoscalar I ¼ 0 and isovector I ¼ 1 sectors will be
discussed. Note also that if the flavor wave function is
and the coupled color sextet-antisextet clusters 6 ⊗ 6̄, denoted as χ fi
I;MI , the superscript i ¼ 1 and 2 will refer to the
pffiffiffi scq̄ q̄ and sbq̄ q̄ systems, respectively. The specific wave
6 functions read as
χ c4 ¼ ð2r̄rr̄r þ 2ḡgḡg þ 2b̄bb̄b þ r̄rḡg þ ḡrr̄g
þ ḡgr̄r þ r̄gḡr þ r̄rb̄b þ b̄rr̄b þ b̄br̄r 1
0;0 ¼ pffiffiffi ðūsd̄Q − d̄sūQÞ;
χ fi ð26Þ
þ r̄bb̄r þ ḡgb̄b þ b̄gḡb þ b̄bḡg þ ḡbb̄gÞ: ð17Þ
Meanwhile, the colorless wave functions of the K-type 1;0 ¼ pffiffiffi ðūsd̄Q þ d̄sūQÞ;
χ fi ð27Þ
structures shown in Figs. 1(c)–1(f) are
where the third component of the isospin M I is fixed to be
1 zero for simplicity since the Hamiltonian does not have a
χ c5 ¼ pffiffiffi ðr̄rr̄r þ ḡgḡg − 2b̄bb̄bÞ
6 2 flavor-dependent interaction which can distinguish the third
1 component of the isospin quantum number.
þ pffiffiffi ðr̄bb̄r þ r̄gḡr þ ḡbb̄g þ ḡrr̄g þ b̄gḡb þ b̄rr̄bÞ We are going to consider S-wave ground states with spin
2 2
ranging from S ¼ 0 to 2. Therefore, the spin wave
1 functions χ σS;M
− pffiffiffi ðḡgr̄r þ r̄rḡgÞ
are given by (M S can be set to equal S
3 2
without loss of generality)
þ pffiffiffi ðb̄br̄r þ b̄bḡg þ r̄rb̄b þ ḡgb̄bÞ; ð18Þ σu
6 2 χ 0;01 ð4Þ ¼ χ σ00 χ σ00 ; ð28Þ

σu 1
χ c6 ¼ χ c1 ; ð19Þ χ 0;02 ð4Þ ¼ pffiffiffi ðχ σ11 χ σ1;−1 − χ σ10 χ σ10 þ χ σ1;−1 χ σ11 Þ; ð29Þ
χ c7 ¼ χ c1 ; ð20Þ rffiffiffi rffiffiffi 
σ u3 1 2 σ σ 1 σ σ
χ 0;0 ð4Þ ¼ pffiffiffi χ χ1 1 − χ χ 1 1 χ σ1 1
    2 3 11 2;−2 3 10 2;2 2;−2
1 1 1 1 1 rffiffiffi rffiffiffi  
χ c8 ¼ 1 − pffiffiffi r̄rḡg − 1 þ pffiffiffi ḡgḡg − pffiffiffi r̄gḡr 1 σ σ 2 σ
4 6 4 6 4 3 − χ χ1 1 − χ χ 1 1 χ σ1 1 ;
3 10 2;−2 3 1;−1 2;2 2;2
þ pffiffiffi ðr̄bb̄r þ ḡbb̄g þ b̄gḡb þ ḡrr̄g þ b̄rr̄bÞ
2 2 σu 1
χ 0;04 ð4Þ ¼ pffiffiffi ðχ σ00 χ σ1;1 χ σ1;−1 − χ σ00 χ σ1;−1 χ σ1;1 Þ; ð31Þ
1 2 22 2 2 2 2 22
þ pffiffiffi ðr̄rb̄b − ḡgb̄b þ b̄bḡg þ ḡgr̄r − b̄br̄rÞ; ð21Þ
2 6 σw
χ 1;11 ð4Þ ¼ χ σ00 χ σ11 ; ð32Þ
1 σw
χ c9 ¼ pffiffiffi ðr̄bb̄r þ r̄rb̄b þ ḡbb̄g þ ḡgb̄b þ r̄gḡr þ r̄rḡg χ 1;12 ð4Þ ¼ χ σ11 χ σ00 ; ð33Þ
2 6
þ b̄bḡg þ b̄gḡb þ ḡgr̄r þ ḡrr̄g þ b̄br̄r þ b̄rr̄bÞ σw 1
χ 1;13 ð4Þ ¼ pffiffiffi ðχ σ11 χ σ10 − χ σ10 χ σ11 Þ; ð34Þ
1 2
þ pffiffiffi ðr̄rr̄r þ ḡgḡg þ b̄bb̄bÞ; ð22Þ
6 rffiffiffi rffiffiffiffiffi rffiffiffi
σ w4 3 σ σ σ 1 σ σ σ 1 σ σ σ
χ 1;1 ð4Þ ¼ χ 11 χ 1;1 χ 1;−1 − χ 11 χ 1;−1 χ 1;1 − χ χ1 1χ1 1;
1 4 22 2 2 12 2 2 22 6 10 2;2 2;2
χ c10 ¼ pffiffiffi ðr̄bb̄r − r̄rb̄b þ ḡbb̄g − ḡgb̄b þ r̄gḡr − r̄rḡg
2 3 ð35Þ
− b̄bḡg þ b̄gḡb − ḡgr̄r þ ḡrr̄g − b̄br̄r þ b̄rr̄bÞ; ð23Þ rffiffiffi rffiffiffi 
σw 2 σ σ 1 σ σ
χ 1;15 ð4Þ ¼ χ χ1 1 − χ χ 1 1 χ σ1 1 ; ð36Þ
χ c11 ¼ χ c9 ; ð24Þ 3 11 2;−2 3 10 2;2 2;2


TABLE III. The values of the superscripts u1 ; …; u4 and

w1 ; …; w6 that determine the spin wave function for each ⃗ ¼ m1 x⃗ 1 þ m2 x⃗ 2 − m3 x⃗ 3 þ m4 x⃗ 4
R ð46Þ
configuration of the sQq̄ q̄ tetraquark system. m1 þ m2 m3 þ m4

Dimeson Diquark-antidiquark K1 K2 K3 K4 for the meson-meson configuration of Fig. 1(a) and as

u1 1 3
u2 2 4 ρ⃗ ¼ x⃗ 1 − x⃗ 3 ; ð47Þ
u3 5 7 9 11
u4 6 8 10 12 λ⃗ ¼ x⃗ 2 − x⃗ 4 ; ð48Þ
w1 1 4
w2 2 5
w3 3 6 ⃗ ¼ m1 x⃗ 1 þ m3 x⃗ 3 − m2 x⃗ 2 þ m4 x⃗ 4
R ð49Þ
w4 7 10 13 16 m1 þ m3 m2 þ m4
w5 8 11 14 17
w6 9 12 15 18 for the diquark-antidiquark structure of Fig. 1(b). The
remaining K-type configurations shown in Figs. 1(c)–1(f)
are [i, j, k, l take values according Figs. 1(c)–1(f)]
χ 1;16 ð4Þ ¼ χ σ00 χ σ1;1 χ σ1;1 ; ð37Þ
22 22
ρ⃗ ¼ x⃗ i − x⃗ j ; ð50Þ
χ σ2;2
ð4Þ ¼ χ σ11 χ σ11 : ð38Þ
mi x⃗ i þ mj x⃗ j
λ⃗ ¼ x⃗ k − ; ð51Þ
The superscripts u1 ; …; u4 and w1 ; …; w6 determine the mi þ mj
spin wave function for each configuration of the sQq̄ q̄
tetraquark system, and their specific values are shown in mi x⃗ i þ mj x⃗ j þ mk x⃗ k
⃗ ¼ x⃗ l −
R : ð52Þ
Table III. Furthermore, the expressions above are obtained mi þ mj þ mk
by considering the coupling of two subclusters whose spin
wave functions are given by trivial SU(2) algebra, and the It becomes obvious now that the center-of-mass kinetic term
necessary basis reads as T CM can be completely eliminated for a nonrelativistic system
defined in any of the above sets of relative coordinates.
χ σ11 ¼ χ σ1;1 χ σ1;1 ; ð39Þ A crucial aspect of the Rayleigh-Ritz variational method
22 22
is the basis expansion of the trial wave function. We are
χ σ1;−1 ¼ χ σ1;−1 χ σ1;−1 ; ð40Þ going to use the Gaussian expansion method [61] in which
2 2 2 2
each relative coordinate is expanded in terms of Gaussian
1 basis functions whose sizes are taken in geometric pro-
χ σ10 ¼ pffiffiffi ðχ σ1;1 χ σ1;−1 þ χ σ1;−1 χ σ1;1 Þ; ð41Þ gression. This method has proven to be very efficient in
2 22 2 2 2 2 22
solving the bound-state problem of multiquark systems
1 [32–34,59], and the details on how the geometric pro-
χ σ00 ¼ pffiffiffi ðχ σ1;1 χ σ1;−1 − χ σ1;−1 χ σ1;1 Þ: ð42Þ gression is fixed can be found in, e.g., Ref. [32]. Therefore,
2 22 2 2 2 2 22
the form of the orbital wave functions ϕ’s in Eq. (43) is
iθ Þ2
Among the different methods to solve the Schrödinger- ϕnlm ð⃗reiθ Þ ¼ N nl ðreiθ Þl e−νn ðre Y lm ðr̂Þ: ð53Þ
like four-body bound-state equation, we use the Rayleigh-
Ritz variational principle which is one of the most extended Since only S-wave states of charm- (bottom-) strange
tools to solve eigenvalue problems because of its simplicity tetraquarks are investigated in this work, no laborious
and flexibility. Moreover, we use the complex-range Racah algebra is needed while computing the matrix
method, and thus, the spatial wave function is written as elements. In this case, the value of the spherical
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi harmonic
follows: function is just a constant, viz., Y 00 ¼ 1=4π .
Finally, the complete wave function that fulfills the Pauli
⃗ iθ Þ ϕn l ðRe
ψ LML ðθÞ ¼ ½½ϕn1 l1 ð⃗ρeiθ Þϕn2 l2 ðλe ⃗ iθ Þ ; ð43Þ principle is written as
l 33 LM L

where the internal Jacobi coordinates are defined as ΨJMJ ;I;i;j;k ðθÞ ¼ A½½ψ L ðθÞχ σSi ð4ÞJMJ χ I j χ ck ;
ρ⃗ ¼ x⃗ 1 − x⃗ 2 ; ð44Þ
where A is the antisymmetry operator of sQq̄ q̄ tetraquarks
which takes into account the fact of having two identical
λ⃗ ¼ x⃗ 3 − x⃗ 4 ; ð45Þ light antiquarks, ðq̄ q̄Þ. Its definition according to Fig. 1 is

sQq̄ q̄ (q ¼ u, d; Q ¼ c, b) TETRAQUARKS IN … PHYS. REV. D 103, 074011 (2021)

A ¼ 1 − ð13Þ: ð55Þ 0
D(1S) (1S) (1S) D(2S) (1S)

This is necessary since the complete wave function
of the four-quark system is constructed from two sub-
clusters: meson-meson, diquark-antidiquark, and K-type -6

configurations. -8

In the present calculation, we investigate all possible S- -14
wave charm- (bottom-) strange tetraquarks by taking into 0°
account dimeson, diquark-antidiquark, and K-type con- 2°
figurations. In our approach, an sQq̄ q̄ tetraquark state has -18 4°

positive parity assuming that the angular momenta l1 , l2 , -20
2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 3100 3200 3300
and l3 in Eq. (43) are all equal to zero. Accordingly, the
total angular momentum J coincides with the total spin S
and can take the values of 0, 1, and 2. In addition, the value FIG. 2. The complete coupled-channel calculation of the scq̄ q̄
of isospin I can be either 0 or 1 considering the quark tetraquark system with IðJ P Þ ¼ 0ð0þ Þ quantum numbers. We use
content of the sQq̄ q̄ system. the complex-scaling method of the chiral quark model varying θ
Tables IV–XXIII list our calculated results of the lowest- from 0° to 6°.
lying scq̄ q̄ and sbq̄ q̄ tetraquark states. The allowed
meson-meson, diquark-antidiquark, and K-type configura-
tions are listed in the first column; when possible, the diquark-antidiquark channels ðscÞðq̄ q̄Þ and ðscÞ ðq̄ q̄Þ ,
experimental value of the noninteracting meson-meson along with K-type configurations are individually studied
threshold is labeled in parentheses. Each channel is in Table IV. One can see that the formation of a bound state
assigned an index in the second column; it reflects a is not possible in each single-channel calculation. The two
particular combination of spin (χ σJ i ), flavor (χ I j ), and color
f singlet-color meson-meson states are located above their
(χ ck ) wave functions that are shown explicitly in the third respective thresholds with masses at 2.38 and 2.92 GeV,
column. The theoretical mass obtained in each channel is respectively. The other tetraquark configurations—hidden-
shown in the fourth column, and the coupled result for each color meson-meson, diquark-antidiquark, and K-type chan-
kind of configuration is presented in the fifth column. When nels—present states in an energy region which ranges from
a complete coupled-channel calculation is performed, the 2.7 to 3.7 GeV. If a coupled-channel calculation among
last row of the table indicates the lowest-lying mass and each type of configuration is performed, a loosely bound
binding energy; moreover, their dominant components and state is found in the singlet-color meson-meson channel
the distances between any two quarks of the system are also with a mass of 2374 MeVand a binding energy of −4 MeV.
discussed. When the CSM is used in the complete coupled- Furthermore, we observe a strong coupling effect in the
channel calculation, we show in Figs. 2–13 the distribution complete coupled-channel calculation which helps in
of complex eigenenergies, and, therein, the obtained bound obtaining a tightly bound state whose mass and binding
and resonance states are indicated inside circles. energy are 2342 and −36 MeV, respectively.
Let us proceed now to describe in detail our theoretical We have investigated the composition of this state in
findings for each sector of sQq̄ q̄ tetraquarks, with Q either Table V. The dominant structure is of K-type contributing
a c or a b quark. 55% to the total wave function, but traces of singlet-color
DK (14%) and D K  (10%) components are also found.
A. The scq̄ q̄ tetraquarks Table VI indicates that all quark-quark (antiquark-quark)
pairs are separated about the same distance with a value of
There are two bound states with quantum numbers around 1 fm. All of these features indicate that this state
IðJP Þ ¼ 0ð0þ Þ and 0ð1þ Þ, respectively. Moreover, several might be a compact scq̄ q̄ tetraquark.
narrow resonances whose masses cluster around 3.1 and In a further step, the complete coupled-channel calculation
3.5 GeV are found in the remaining IðJP Þ channels studied is performed using the complex-range method, and its output
herein. Each isoscalar and vector sectors with total spin and is shown in Fig. 2. Therein, with a rotated angle ranging from
parity JP ¼ 0þ, 1þ , and 2þ shall be discussed individu- 0° to 6°, the bound state is fixed at 2342 MeVof the real axis,
ally below. and we mark it with an orange circle. One can also
see in Fig. 2 that the scattering states of Dð1SÞKð1SÞ,
1. The IðJ P Þ = 0ð0 + Þ sector D ð1SÞK  ð1SÞ, and Dð2SÞKð1SÞ are well presented within
Two meson-meson channels DK and D K  in both an interval of 2.3–3.3 GeV. No resonance pole is found
color-singlet and hidden-color configurations, two around 2.9 GeV within the complete coupled-channel


TABLE IV. Lowest-lying scq̄ q̄ tetraquark states with IðJ P Þ ¼ TABLE VI. The distance, in fm, between any two quarks of the
0ð0þ Þ calculated within the real-range formulation of the chiral IðJ P Þ ¼ 0ð0þ Þ scq̄ q̄ tetraquark bound state obtained when a
quark model. The allowed meson-meson, diquark-antidiquark, complete coupled-channel calculation is performed.
and K-type configurations are listed in the first column. When
possible, the experimental value of the noninteracting meson- rq̄ q̄ rq̄s rq̄c rsc
meson threshold is labeled in parentheses. Each channel is 1.08 0.84 0.82 0.98
assigned an index in the second column; it reflects a particular
combination of spin (χ σJi ), flavor (χ I j ), and color (χ ck ) wave

functions that are shown explicitly in the third column. The 2.97 GeV in K 3 , and the hidden-color coupled-channel
theoretical mass obtained in each channel is shown in the fourth
calculation with a tentative mass of 2.86 GeV.
column, and the coupled result for each kind of configuration is
presented in the fifth column. When a complete coupled-channel
calculation is performed, the last row of the table indicates the 2. The IðJ P Þ = 0ð1 + Þ sector
lowest-lying mass and binding energy (unit: MeV). There are 30 channels in this case which include three
color-singlet meson-meson configurations, another three in
χ σJ i ;
χI j ; χ ck
the hidden-color meson-meson ones, three more in the
Channel Index ½i; j; k M Mixed
diquark-antidiquark arrangement, and 21 K-type configu-
ðDKÞ1 ð2364Þ 1 [1; 1; 3] 2378 rations. Table VII shows the obtained masses in each
ðD K  Þ1 ð2899Þ 2 [2; 1; 3] 2924 2374 channel which are always above the lowest meson-meson
ðDKÞ8 3 [1; 1; 4] 3198 threshold. The three dimeson structures in color-singlet
ðD K  Þ8 4 [2; 1; 4] 3014 2861 configuration have masses at 2.50, 2.80, and 2.92 GeV,
ðscÞðq̄ q̄Þ 5 [3; 1; 1] 2735 respectively. Furthermore, the masses of the hidden-color
ðscÞ ðq̄ q̄Þ 6 [4; 1; 2] 2997 2632
meson-meson configurations are ∼3.2 GeV, diquark-anti-
K1 7 [5; 1; 5] 2899
8 [5; 1; 6] 3048
diquark channels are characterized with masses around
9 [6; 1; 5] 3163 3.1 GeV, except for the ðscÞðq̄ q̄Þ channel with a mass of
10 [6; 1; 6] 2630 2561 2.77 GeV, and, for the K-type configurations, each calcu-
K2 11 [7; 1; 7] 2964 lated channel presents a mass lying in an interval of
12 [7; 1; 8] 3011 2.5–3.3 GeV.
13 [8; 1; 7] 2491 If one considers the coupling between channels of the
14 [8; 1; 8] 3183 2460 same kind of tetraquark configuration, the lowest masses
K3 15 [9; 1; 9] 2978 are located at 2497, 2935, 2697, 2636, 2554, 2815, and
16 [9; 1; 10] 3755 2668 MeV, respectively. Particularly interesting is the
17 [10; 1; 9] 3777 weakly bound state of the color-singlet dimeson configu-
18 [10; 1; 10] 2871 2722
K4 19 [11; 1; 11] 2988
ration. This result is quite similar to the one obtained in
20 [12; 1; 12] 2739 2611 the IðJ P Þ ¼ 0ð0þ Þ csq̄ q̄ tetraquark sector. Meanwhile, a
Complete coupled channels: 2342 deeper binding energy EB ¼ −31 MeV is obtained when a
EB ¼ −36 complete coupled-channel calculation is performed; the
predicted bound state has a mass M ¼ 2467 MeV.
We have investigated the composition of the last state in
calculation; nevertheless, several good candidates for the Table VIII. The overwhelming dominant structure is of
X0 ð2900Þ signal reported by the LHCb Collaboration are K-type contributing approximately 85% to the total wave
found in, for instance, single-channel calculations of K-type function. Table IX indicates that all quark-quark (quark-
configurations: 2.89 GeV in K 1 , 2.96 GeV in K 2 , and antiquark) pairs are separated about the same distance with
a value of around 1 fm. All of these features indicate that
this state might be a compact scq̄ q̄ tetraquark.
TABLE V. Relative strengths of various meson-meson, di- In a further step, the complete coupled-channel calculation
quark-antidiquark, and K-type components in the wave function is performed using the complex-range method, and its output
of the IðJ P Þ ¼ 0ð0þ Þ scq̄ q̄ tetraquark bound state obtained when is shown in Fig. 3. Therein, with a rotated angle ranging from
a complete coupled-channel calculation is performed. The super- 0° to 6°, the bound state is fixed at 2467 MeVof the real axis,
scripts 1 and 8 are for singlet-color and hidden-color channels, and we mark it with an orange circle. One can also see
respectively. in Fig. 3 that the scattering states of D ð1SÞKð1SÞ,
ðDKÞ1 ðD K  Þ1 ðDKÞ8 ðD K  Þ8 ðscÞðq̄ q̄Þ Dð1SÞK  ð1SÞ, D ð1SÞK  ð1SÞ, and D ð2SÞKð1SÞ are well
presented within an interval of 2.4–3.4 GeV. No resonance
13.5% 9.9% 2.8% 2.6% 4.7% pole is found around 2.9 GeV within the complete coupled-
ðscÞ ðq̄ q̄Þ K1 K2 K3 K4
channel calculation; nevertheless, a good candidate for the
0.8% 19.4% 35.0% 6.7% 4.6%
X1 ð2900Þ signal reported by the LHCb Collaboration is

sQq̄ q̄ (q ¼ u, d; Q ¼ c, b) TETRAQUARKS IN … PHYS. REV. D 103, 074011 (2021)

TABLE VII. Lowest-lying scq̄ q̄ tetraquark states with IðJ P Þ ¼ TABLE VIII. Relative strengths of various meson-meson,
0ð1þ Þ calculated within the real-range formulation of the chiral diquark-antidiquark, and K-type components in the wave func-
quark model. The allowed meson-meson, diquark-antidiquark, tion of the IðJ P Þ ¼ 0ð1þ Þ scq̄ q̄ tetraquark bound state obtained
and K-type configurations are listed in the first column. When when a complete coupled-channel calculation is performed. The
possible, the experimental value of the noninteracting meson- superscripts 1 and 8 are for singlet-color and hidden-color
meson threshold is labeled in parentheses. Each channel is channels, respectively.
assigned an index in the second column; it reflects a particular
ðD KÞ1 ðDK  Þ1 ðD K  Þ1 ðD KÞ8 ðDK  Þ8
combination of spin (χ σJi ), flavor (χ I j ), and color (χ ck ) wave

functions that are shown explicitly in the third column. The 2.9% 0.8% 0.7% 3.4% 2.6%
theoretical mass obtained in each channel is shown in the fourth ðD K  Þ8 ðscÞðq̄ q̄Þ ðscÞ ðq̄ q̄Þ ðscÞ ðq̄ q̄Þ K1
column, and the coupled result for each kind of configuration is 2.2% 1.3% 0.2% 0.6% 21.7%
presented in the fifth column. When a complete coupled-channel K2 K3 K4
calculation is performed, the last row of the table indicates the 12.4% 49.7% 1.5%
lowest-lying mass and binding energy (unit: MeV).

χ σJ i ; χ I j ; χ ck

Channel Index ½i; j; k M Mixed

TABLE IX. The distance, in fm, between any two quarks of the
ðD KÞ1 ð2501Þ 1 [1; 1; 3] 2498
IðJ P Þ ¼ 0ð1þ Þ scq̄ q̄ tetraquark bound state obtained when a
ðDK  Þ1 ð2762Þ 2 [2; 1; 3] 2804
complete coupled-channel calculation is performed.
ðD K  Þ1 ð2899Þ 3 [3; 1; 3] 2924 2497
ðD KÞ8 4 [1; 1; 4] 3224 rq̄ q̄ rq̄s rq̄c rsc
ðDK  Þ8 5 [2; 1; 4] 3269
1.15 0.89 0.90 1.06
ðD K  Þ8 6 [3; 1; 4] 3232 2935
ðscÞðq̄ q̄Þ 7 [4; 1; 1] 2766
ðscÞ ðq̄ q̄Þ 8 [5; 1; 2] 3180
ðscÞ ðq̄ q̄Þ 9 [6; 1; 2] 3068 2697 and seven K-type configurations contribute to the IðJP Þ ¼
K1 10 [7; 1; 5] 3275 0ð2þ Þ scq̄ q̄ tetraquark state. First, for this highest spin
11 [7; 1; 6] 3158 state, no bound state is found in either each single-channel
12 [8; 1; 5] 2971 calculation or in any coupled-channel ones. The mass of the
13 [8; 1; 6] 3049 color-singlet D K  channel is 2924 MeV, which is just at
14 [9; 1; 5] 3184 the theoretical noninteracting meson-meson threshold
15 [9; 1; 6] 2689 2636
value. The other exotic configurations—hidden-color
K2 16 [10; 1; 7] 2932
17 [10; 1; 8] 2659 dimeson, diquark-antidiquark, and K-type—are all located
18 [11; 1; 7] 3016 above 3.0 GeV. Even when a complete coupled-channel
19 [11; 1; 8] 3269
20 [12; 1; 7] 2571
21 [12; 1; 8] 3209 2554
D*(1S) (1S) D(1S) *
(1S) D*(1S) (1S) D*(2S) (1S)
K3 22 [13; 1; 9] 3069 0
23 [13; 1; 10] 2945
24 [14; 1; 9] 3062
25 [14; 1; 10] 2951 -4
26 [15; 1; 9] 3171 -6
27 [15; 1; 10] 3788 2815

K4 28 [16; 1; 11] 3188

29 [17; 1; 11] 3037 -10
30 [18; 1; 12] 2762 2668
Complete coupled channels: 2467
EB ¼ −31 -14


-18 4°
found in the hidden-color coupled-channel calculation with a 6°
tentative mass of 2.94 GeV. 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400
3. The IðJ P Þ = 0ð2 + Þ state
FIG. 3. The complete coupled-channel calculation of the scq̄ q̄
Table X shows that only one D K  meson-meson tetraquark system with IðJ P Þ ¼ 0ð1þ Þ quantum numbers. We use
structure (in both color-singlet and hidden-color configu- the complex-scaling method of the chiral quark model varying θ
rations), one ðscÞ ðq̄ q̄Þ diquark-antidiquark arrangement, from 0° to 6°.


TABLE X. Lowest-lying scq̄ q̄ tetraquark states with IðJ P Þ ¼ complex energies in the complete coupled-channel calcu-
0ð2þ Þ calculated within the real-range formulation of the chiral lation; the scattering nature of the D ð1SÞK  ð1SÞ,
quark model. The allowed meson-meson, diquark-antidiquark, D ð2SÞK  ð1SÞ, and D ð1SÞK  ð2SÞ states can be clearly
and K-type configurations are listed in the first column. When identified. Moreover, the D ð2SÞK  ð1SÞð3611Þ and
possible, the experimental value of the noninteracting meson- D ð1SÞK  ð2SÞð3638Þ structures are almost degenerated.
meson threshold is labeled in parentheses. Each channel is
In the complex plane of Fig. 4, a fixed dot is found at
assigned an index in the second column; it reflects a particular
3493 MeV with a width of 2.6 MeV, indicating the
combination of spin (χ σJi ), flavor (χ I j ), and color (χ ck ) wave
existence of a D ð1SÞK  ð1SÞ molecular state.
functions that are shown explicitly in the third column. The
theoretical mass obtained in each channel is shown in the fourth
column, and the coupled result for each kind of configuration is 4. The IðJ P Þ = 1ð0 + Þ sector
presented in the fifth column. When a complete coupled-channel Table XI lists our results for the isovector scq̄ q̄
calculation is performed, the last row of the table indicates the
tetraquark with quantum numbers JP ¼ 0þ . As in the case
lowest-lying mass and binding energy (unit: MeV).
of the IðJP Þ ¼ 0ð0þ Þ state, 20 channels are under inves-
χ σJ i ; χ I j ; χ ck tigation, and not one shows a bound state. The masses of

Channel Index ½i; j; k M the color-singlet meson-meson configurations are 2378 and
2924 MeV, respectively. The other channels are generally in
ðD K  Þ1 ð2899Þ 1 [1; 1; 3] 2924
a mass region between 3.0 and 3.7 GeV, except for two
ðD K  Þ8 2 [1; 1; 3] 3308
ðscÞ ðq̄ q̄Þ 3 [1; 1; 3] 3182
K1 4 [1; 1; 3] 3295 TABLE XI. Lowest-lying scq̄ q̄ tetraquark states with IðJ P Þ ¼
5 [1; 1; 3] 3182 1ð0þ Þ calculated within the real-range formulation of the chiral
K2 6 [1; 1; 3] 3041 quark model. The allowed meson-meson, diquark-antidiquark,
7 [1; 1; 3] 3295 and K-type configurations are listed in the first column. When
K3 8 [1; 1; 3] 3175 possible, the experimental value of the noninteracting meson-
9 [1; 1; 3] 3800 meson threshold is labeled in parentheses. Each channel is
K4 10 [1; 1; 3] 3216 assigned an index in the second column; it reflects a particular
Complete coupled channels: 2924 combination of spin (χ σJi ), flavor (χ I j ), and color (χ ck ) wave

functions that are shown explicitly in the third column. The

theoretical mass obtained in each channel is shown in the fourth
computation is performed, the scattering nature of states column, and the coupled result for each kind of configuration is
remains unchanged. presented in the fifth column. When a complete coupled-channel
We can also notice that the nature of the IðJP Þ ¼ 0ð2þ Þ calculation is performed, the last row of the table indicates the
scq̄ q̄ tetraquark seems different with respect to the 0ð0þ Þ lowest-lying mass and binding energy (unit: MeV).
and 0ð1þ Þ cases. Figure 4 shows the distribution of
χ σJi ; χ I j ; χ ck

Channel Index ½i; j; k M Mixed

D (1S) (1S) D*(2S) (1S) D*(1S) (2S) ðDKÞ1 ð2364Þ 1 [1; 1; 3] 2378
ðD K  Þ1 ð2899Þ 2 [2; 1; 3] 2924 2378
ðDKÞ8 3 [1; 1; 4] 3314
-4 ðD K  Þ8 4 [2; 1; 4] 3294 3014
ðscÞðq̄ q̄Þ 5 [3; 1; 1] 3214
ðscÞ ðq̄ q̄Þ 6 [4; 1; 2] 3086 3035
-8 K1 7 [5; 1; 5] 3257

-10 8 [5; 1; 6] 3219

9 [6; 1; 5] 3288
10 [6; 1; 6] 2785 2773
-14 K2 11 [7; 1; 7] 3076
-16 0°
12 [7; 1; 8] 3279
2° 13 [8; 1; 7] 2617
-18 4° 14 [8; 1; 8] 3322 2604

-20 K3 15 [9; 1; 9] 3666
2900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 16 [9; 1; 10] 3085
17 [10; 1; 9] 3207
18 [10; 1; 10] 3781 3012
FIG. 4. The complete coupled-channel calculation of the scq̄ q̄
K4 19 [11; 1; 11] 3072
tetraquark system with IðJ P Þ ¼ 0ð2þ Þ quantum numbers. We use
20 [12; 1; 12] 3253 3016
the complex-scaling method of the chiral quark model varying θ
Complete coupled channels: 2378
from 0° to 6°.

sQq̄ q̄ (q ¼ u, d; Q ¼ c, b) TETRAQUARKS IN … PHYS. REV. D 103, 074011 (2021)

D(1S) (1S) D*(1S) (1S) D(2S) (1S)

0 TABLE XII. Lowest-lying scq̄ q̄ tetraquark states with IðJ P Þ ¼
1ð1þ Þ calculated within the real-range formulation of the chiral
quark model. The allowed meson-meson, diquark-antidiquark,
-4 and K-type configurations are listed in the first column. When
-6 possible, the experimental value of the noninteracting meson-
meson threshold is labeled in parentheses. Each channel is

assigned an index in the second column; it reflects a particular

combination of spin (χ σJi ), flavor (χ I j ), and color (χ ck ) wave
-10 f

-12 functions that are shown explicitly in the third column. The
theoretical mass obtained in each channel is shown in the fourth
column, and the coupled result for each kind of configuration is


presented in the fifth column. When a complete coupled-channel
-18 4° calculation is performed, the last row of the table indicates the
6° lowest-lying mass and binding energy (unit: MeV).
2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 3100 3200 3300
χ σJi ; χ I j ; χ ck
Channel Index ½i; j; k M Mixed
FIG. 5. The complete coupled-channel calculation of the scq̄ q̄
ðD KÞ1 ð2501Þ 1 [1; 1; 3] 2498
tetraquark system with IðJ P Þ ¼ 1ð0þ Þ quantum numbers. We use
ðDK  Þ1 ð2762Þ 2 [2; 1; 3] 2804
the complex-scaling method of the chiral quark model varying θ
ðD K  Þ1 ð2899Þ 3 [3; 1; 3] 2924 2498
from 0° to 6°.
ðD KÞ8 4 [1; 1; 4] 3288
ðDK  Þ8 5 [2; 1; 4] 3271
channels, K 1 and K 2 configurations, which present masses ðD K  Þ8 6 [3; 1; 4] 3279 3043
of 2785 and 2617 MeV. Additionally, this output is not ðscÞðq̄ q̄Þ 7 [4; 1; 1] 3210
changed when we perform coupled-channel calculations in ðscÞ ðq̄ q̄Þ 8 [5; 1; 2] 3154
either configuration’s sector and considering all channels. ðscÞ ðq̄ q̄Þ 9 [6; 1; 2] 3112 3068
The complete coupled-channel calculation has been K1 10 [7; 1; 5] 3122
11 [7; 1; 6] 3124
extended to the complex range. Although bound states
12 [8; 1; 5] 3260
are unavailable, one narrow resonance is found. Figure 5 13 [8; 1; 6] 3200
shows the distribution of complex energies within the 14 [9; 1; 5] 3267
energy range of 2.3–3.3 GeV. The Dð1SÞKð1SÞ, 15 [9; 1; 6] 2806 2793
D ð1SÞK  ð1SÞ, and Dð2SÞKð1SÞ scattering states are K2 16 [10; 1; 7] 3042
clearly shown. Moreover, one can find an unchanged pole 17 [10; 1; 8] 3288
which lies between the D ð1SÞK  ð1SÞ and Dð2SÞKð1SÞ 18 [11; 1; 7] 3047
threshold lines, and it is extremely close to the real axis. 19 [11; 1; 8] 3174
The calculated mass and width are 3089 and 0.3 MeV, 20 [12; 1; 7] 2666
respectively. The dominant channel is D ð1SÞK  ð1SÞ for 21 [12; 1; 8] 3295 2644
this resonance pole, and it is far from the Dð1SÞKð1SÞ K3 22 [13; 1; 9] 3191
23 [13; 1; 10] 3128
threshold. In addition, due to the quite narrow width, this
24 [14; 1; 9] 3183
resonance state should be stable against two-meson strong 25 [14; 1; 10] 3129
decay processes. 26 [15; 1; 9] 3779
27 [15; 1; 10] 3156 3051
5. The IðJ P Þ = 1ð1 + Þ sector K4 28 [16; 1; 11] 3126
The numerical analysis of this case is as tedious as the 29 [17; 1; 11] 3082
30 [18; 1; 12] 3245 3046
IðJP Þ ¼ 0ð1þ Þ case because 30 channels must still be Complete coupled channels: 2498
explored. From Table XII, we could conclude that no bound
state is obtained when the three kinds of real-range
calculations (single-channel analysis, coupled-channel In a complex-range investigation of the complete coupled-
computation in each configuration of quarks, and complete channel calculation, where the angle θ is varied from 0° to 6°,
coupled-channel investigation) are performed. Theoretical the energy dots are presented in Fig. 6. Four scattering
masses of D K, DK  , and D K  in color-singlet channels states D ð1SÞKð1SÞ, Dð1SÞK  ð1SÞ, D ð1SÞK  ð1SÞ, and
are located at 2498, 2804, and 2924 MeV, respectively. The D ð2SÞKð1SÞ are well shown within an energy interval of
remaining channels—hidden color, diquark-antidiquark, 2.4–3.4 GeV. An extremely narrow resonance pole is found
and K-types—are generally at around 3.2 GeV, except at 3091 MeV, and its width is just 0.5 MeV. This state should
for several channels of K-types that can be found at about also be stable against two-meson strong decays, and the
2.7 and 3.7 GeV. dominant channel is D ð1SÞK  ð1SÞ.


D*(1S) (1S) D(1S) (1S) D*(1S) (1S) D*(2S) (1S)

0 TABLE XIII. Lowest-lying scq̄ q̄ tetraquark states with
IðJ P Þ ¼ 1ð2þ Þ calculated within the real-range formulation of
the chiral quark model. The allowed meson-meson, diquark-
-4 antidiquark, and K-type configurations are listed in the first
-6 column. When possible, the experimental value of the non-
interacting meson-meson threshold is labeled in parentheses.

Each channel is assigned an index in the second column; it

reflects a particular combination of spin (χ σJi ), flavor (χ I j ), and
-10 f

-12 color (χ k ) wave functions that are shown explicitly in the third
column. The theoretical mass obtained in each channel is shown
in the fourth column, and the coupled result for each kind of
-16 0°

configuration is presented in the fifth column. When a complete
-18 4° coupled-channel calculation is performed, the last row of the table
6° indicates the lowest-lying mass and binding energy (unit: MeV).
2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400
χ σJ i ; χ I j ; χ ck
Channel Index ½i; j; k M
FIG. 6. The complete coupled-channel calculation of the scq̄ q̄
tetraquark system with IðJ P Þ ¼ 1ð1þ Þ quantum numbers. We use ðD K  Þ1 ð2899Þ 1 [1; 1; 3] 2924
the complex-scaling method of the chiral quark model varying θ ðD K  Þ8 2 [1; 1; 3] 3139
from 0° to 6°. ðscÞ ðq̄ q̄Þ 3 [1; 1; 3] 3160
K1 4 [1; 1; 3] 3149
5 [1; 1; 3] 3151
6. The IðJ P Þ = 1ð2 + Þ sector K2 6 [1; 1; 3] 3057
7 [1; 1; 3] 3161
The real- and complex-range results for the highest spin K3 8 [1; 1; 3] 3782
and isospin scq̄ q̄ state are shown in Table XIII and Fig. 7, 9 [1; 1; 3] 3162
respectively. The only dimeson channel is the D K  one, K4 10 [1; 1; 3] 3156
and it is a scattering state with a theoretical mass of Complete coupled channels: 2924
2924 MeV. The states of the hidden-color, diquark-anti-
diquark, and K-type configurations are all above 3.0 GeV.
Moreover, the scattering nature of the D K  channel −2 MeV. The color-singlet B K  channel is a scattering
remains in a complete coupled-channel calculation. state with a mass just located at the value of theoretical
The D ð1SÞK  ð1SÞ scattering state along with two almost threshold, 6223 MeV. In addition, the remaining channels
degenerate radial excited states D ð2SÞK  ð1SÞð3611Þ and of the diquark-antidiquark and K-type configurations are
D ð1SÞK  ð2SÞð3638Þ are well presented in Fig. 7. Therein, a generally located in the interval of 6.0–7.0 GeV.
resonance pole is found, and its mass and width are 3511 and
2.1 MeV, respectively. Notice herein that a state of similar
nature is found in the 0ð2þ Þ scq̄ q̄ tetraquark sector. D*(1S) (1S) D*(2S)
(1S) D (1S) (2S)

B. The sbq̄ q̄ tetraquarks
A natural continuation of the investigation performed
above is the analysis of the sbq̄ q̄ bound-state problem with -6

spin parity JP ¼ 0þ, 1þ , and 2þ , and isospin I ¼ 0 and 1. A -8


similar situation to the one discussed in the charm-strange -10

sector is found for the bottom-strange tetraquark system.
There are two bound states with quantum numbers IðJP Þ ¼ -12

0ð0þ Þ and 0ð1þ Þ. In addition, resonances are also found in -14

the former channels but also in the IðJP Þ ¼ 0ð2þ Þ, 1ð0þ Þ, -16 0°

and 1ð2þ Þ ones. Further details can be found below. -18

1. The IðJ P Þ = 0ð0 + Þ sector 2900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900
Table XIV summarizes all contributing channels; there
are 20 and include meson-meson, diquark-antidiquark, and FIG. 7. The complete coupled-channel calculation of the scq̄ q̄
K-type structures. A loosely bound state of BK is obtained tetraquark system with IðJ P Þ ¼ 1ð2þ Þ quantum numbers. We use
in the color-singlet channel calculation, and the predicted the complex-scaling method of the chiral quark model varying θ
mass is 5755 MeV, which means a binding energy of from 0° to 6°.

sQq̄ q̄ (q ¼ u, d; Q ¼ c, b) TETRAQUARKS IN … PHYS. REV. D 103, 074011 (2021)

If a coupled-channel calculation is performed in each TABLE XV. Relative strengths of various meson-meson, di-
individual quark configuration, the bound state of BK is quark-antidiquark, and K-type components in the wave function
further pushed down and its coupled mass is 5752 MeV. of the IðJ P Þ ¼ 0ð0þ Þ sbq̄ q̄ tetraquark bound state obtained when
When all 20 channels listed in Table XIV are considered in a complete coupled-channel calculation is performed. The super-
a coupled-channel calculation in the real range, the lowest scripts 1 and 8 are for singlet-color and hidden-color channels,
mass at 5710 MeV indicates a binding energy of −49 MeV.
Therefore, a strong coupling effect is confirmed in the ðBKÞ1 ðB K  Þ1 ðBKÞ8 ðB K  Þ8 ðsbÞðq̄ q̄Þ
IðJP Þ ¼ 0ð0þ Þ scq̄ q̄ tetraquark sector, as it is the case in
22.7% 18.0% 1.4% 4.0% 5.6%
the scq̄ q̄ one. We have investigated the composition of this ðsbÞ ðq̄ q̄Þ K1 K2 K3 K4
state in Table XV. The dominant structure is of K-type 2.3% 9.9% 20.9% 12.7% 2.5%
contributing 44% to the total wave function, but singlet-
color BK (23%) and B K  (18%) components are, when
combined, equally important. Table XVI indicates that all
quark-quark (quark-antiquark) pairs are separated about the TABLE XVI. The distance, in fm, between any two quarks of
same distance with a value below 1 fm. Our interpretation is the IðJ P Þ ¼ 0ð0þ Þ sbq̄ q̄ tetraquark bound state obtained when a
that this state looks like a compact tetraquark structure. complete coupled-channel calculation is performed.

rq̄ q̄ rq̄s rq̄b rsb

0.97 0.78 0.75 0.85
TABLE XIV. Lowest-lying sbq̄ q̄ tetraquark states with
IðJ P Þ ¼ 0ð0þ Þ calculated within the real-range formulation of
the chiral quark model. The allowed meson-meson, diquark-
antidiquark, and K-type configurations are listed in the first Figure 8 shows the distribution of complex energies
column. When possible, the experimental value of the non- when the complete coupled-channel calculation is
interacting meson-meson threshold is labeled in parentheses. extended to the complex plane. Six scattering states, i.e.,
Each channel is assigned an index in the second column; it Bð1SÞKð1SÞ, B ð1SÞK  ð1SÞ, Bð2SÞKð1SÞ, Bð1SÞKð2SÞ,
reflects a particular combination of spin (χ σJi ), flavor (χ I j ), and
B ð2SÞK  ð1SÞ, and B ð1SÞK  ð2SÞ, are well identified in
color (χ k ) wave functions that are shown explicitly in the third the energy interval of 5.7–7.0 GeV; there is a degeneration
column. The theoretical mass obtained in each channel is shown between B ð2SÞK  ð1SÞð6912Þ and B ð1SÞK  ð2SÞð6940Þ.
in the fourth column, and the coupled result for each kind of Two singularities deserve to be highlighted in Fig. 8: the
configuration is presented in the fifth column. When a complete bound state at a real-axis fixed mass of 5710 MeV and a
coupled-channel calculation is performed, the last row of the table narrow resonance whose parameters are M ¼ 6850 MeV
indicates the lowest-lying mass and binding energy (unit: MeV).
and Γ ¼ 2.0 MeV. The last one is independent of the
χ σJi ; χ I j ; χ ck
f rotated angle θ, which is varied from 0° to 6°, and it can be
Channel Index ½i; j; k M Mixed identified as a Bð1SÞKð2SÞ resonance state because its
ðBKÞ ð5774Þ 1 [1; 1; 3] 5755
ðB K  Þ1 ð6217Þ 2 [2; 1; 3] 6223 5752
B*(1S) (1S) B(2S) (1S) B(1S) (2S)
B*(2S) (1S)
B(1S) (1S) B*(1S)
3 [1; 1; 4] 6519 0

ðB K  Þ8 4 [2; 1; 4] 6378 6217 -2

ðsbÞðq̄ q̄Þ 5 [3; 1; 1] 6044 -4
ðsbÞ ðq̄ q̄Þ 6 [4; 1; 2] 6367 5965
K1 7 [5; 1; 5] 6228 -6

8 [5; 1; 6] 6341 -8

9 [6; 1; 5] 6475 -10

10 [6; 1; 6] 5957 5890
K2 11 [7; 1; 7] 6235 -12

12 [7; 1; 8] 6375 -14

13 [8; 1; 7] 5784
-16 0°
14 [8; 1; 8] 6511 5773 2°
K3 15 [9; 1; 9] 6351 -18 4°

16 [9; 1; 10] 7049 -20
5700 5800 5900 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 7000
17 [10; 1; 9] 7093
18 [10; 1; 10] 6185 6076
K4 19 [11; 1; 11] 6306
FIG. 8. The complete coupled-channel calculation of the sbq̄ q̄
20 [12; 1; 12] 6036 5925
tetraquark system with IðJ P Þ ¼ 0ð0þ Þ quantum numbers. We use
Complete coupled channels: 5710
the complex-scaling method of the chiral quark model varying θ
EB ¼ −49
from 0° to 6°.


location is far from the Bð1SÞKð1SÞ, B ð1SÞK  ð1SÞ, and diquark-antidiquark structures, and 21 K-type arrangements.
Bð2SÞKð1SÞ threshold lines. In the single-channel calculation, we obtain a bound state
with binding energy −3 MeV and total mass 5797 MeV. The
2. The IðJ P Þ = 0ð1 + Þ sector other channels are generally above 6.0 GeV, except for two
cases, a K 1 channel (5980 MeV) and a K 2 one (5820 MeV).
Thirty channels shown in Table XVII are under inves-
The coupled-channel calculation of color-singlet meson-
tigation, namely, three meson-meson channels in both
meson structures delivers a slightly deeper bound state with
color-singlet and hidden-color configurations, three
a mass 5795 MeV and EB ¼ −5 MeV. When the complete
coupled-channel computation is performed in the real
TABLE XVII. Lowest-lying sbq̄ q̄ tetraquark states with range, the binding energy changes to −46 MeV, and thus,
IðJ P Þ ¼ 0ð1þ Þ calculated within the real-range formulation of a deeply bound state with mass equal to 5754 MeV is
the chiral quark model. The allowed meson-meson, diquark- obtained. It appears that the increase in binding energy is
antidiquark, and K-type configurations are listed in the first due to a strong coupling effect between channels. We have
column. When possible, the experimental value of the non- investigated the composition of this state in Table XVIII.
interacting meson-meson threshold is labeled in parentheses.
The dominant structure is of K-type contributing 74% to
Each channel is assigned an index in the second column; it
the total wave function, but traces of singlet-color BðÞ K ðÞ
reflects a particular combination of spin (χ σJi ), flavor (χ I j ), and

color (χ ck ) wave functions that are shown explicitly in the third

(12%) can be found. Table XIX indicates that all quark-
column. The theoretical mass obtained in each channel is shown quark (antiquark-quark) pairs are separated about the same
in the fourth column, and the coupled result for each kind of distance with a value below 1 fm. Our interpretation is that
configuration is presented in the fifth column. When a complete this state looks like a compact tetraquark structure.
coupled-channel calculation is performed, the last row of the table Figure 9 shows our findings using the complex-range
indicates the lowest-lying mass and binding energy (unit: MeV). method to the complete coupled-channel calculation.
The scattering states of B ð1SÞKð1SÞ, Bð1SÞK  ð1SÞ,
χ σJi ; χ I j ; χ ck
B ð1SÞK  ð1SÞ, B ð2SÞKð1SÞ, and B ð1SÞKð2SÞ are clearly
Channel Index ½i; j; k M Mixed identified in the energy region of 5.7–6.9 GeV, and there
ðB KÞ ð5819Þ 1 [1; 1; 3] 5797 are two almost degenerate states: Bð1SÞK  ð1SÞð6185Þ and
ðBK  Þ1 ð6172Þ 2 [2; 1; 3] 6185 B ð1SÞK  ð1SÞð6226Þ. The tightly bound state at 5754 MeV
ðB K  Þ1 ð6217Þ 3 [3; 1; 3] 6226 5795 is independent of the rotated angle, which is varied from
ðB KÞ8 4 [1; 1; 4] 6530 0° to 6°. Two resonances are found whose parameters are
ðBK  Þ8 5 [2; 1; 4] 6587 (6313,12.5) MeV and (6754,1.2) MeV, respectively; they
ðB K  Þ8 6 [3; 1; 4] 6547 6246
ðsbÞðq̄ q̄Þ 7 [4; 1; 1] 6057
ðsbÞ ðq̄ q̄Þ 8 [5; 1; 2] 6511
ðsbÞ ðq̄ q̄Þ 9 [6; 1; 2] 6419 5989 TABLE XVIII. Relative strengths of various meson-meson,
K1 10 [7; 1; 5] 6588 diquark-antidiquark, and K-type components in the wave func-
11 [7; 1; 6] 6471 tion of the IðJ P Þ ¼ 0ð0þ Þ sbq̄ q̄ tetraquark bound state obtained
12 [8; 1; 5] 6256 when a complete coupled-channel calculation is performed. The
13 [8; 1; 6] 6341 superscripts 1 and 8 are for singlet-color and hidden-color
14 [9; 1; 5] 6483 channels, respectively.
15 [9; 1; 6] 5980 5919
K2 16 [10; 1; 7] 6221 ðB KÞ1 ðBK  Þ1 ðB K  Þ1 ðB KÞ8 ðBK  Þ8
17 [10; 1; 8] 6470
18 [11; 1; 7] 6255 4.4% 2.7% 3.0% 0.4% 0.5%
19 [11; 1; 8] 6592 ðB K  Þ8 ðscÞðq̄ q̄Þ ðscÞ ðq̄ q̄Þ ðscÞ ðq̄ q̄Þ K1
20 [12; 1; 7] 5820 0.7% 1.1% 0.2% 0.2% 2.6%
21 [12; 1; 8] 6522 5812 K2 K3 K4
K3 22 [13; 1; 9] 6413 5.6% 78.0% 0.5%
23 [13; 1; 10] 6252
24 [14; 1; 9] 6412
25 [14; 1; 10] 6254
26 [15; 1; 9] 6501
27 [15; 1; 10] 7092 6109 TABLE XIX. The distance, in fm, between any two quarks of
K4 28 [16; 1; 11] 6499 the IðJ P Þ ¼ 0ð1þ Þ sbq̄ q̄ tetraquark bound state obtained when a
29 [17; 1; 11] 6325 complete coupled-channel calculation is performed.
30 [18; 1; 12] 6046 5947
rq̄ q̄ rq̄s rq̄b rsb
Complete coupled channels: 5754
EB ¼ −46 0.99 0.79 0.77 0.87

sQq̄ q̄ (q ¼ u, d; Q ¼ c, b) TETRAQUARKS IN … PHYS. REV. D 103, 074011 (2021)

B(1S) (1S) B*(1S) (1S) B*(2S) (1S) B*(1S) (2S)

B*(1S) (1S) B*(1S) (1S) B*(2S) (1S) B*(1S) (2S) 0



-16 0°
-16 2°

-18 4°
-18 4°

6° -20
-20 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 7000 7100 7200
5700 5800 5900 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900

FIG. 9. The complete coupled-channel calculation of the sbq̄ q̄ FIG. 10. The complete coupled-channel calculation of the
tetraquark system with IðJ P Þ ¼ 0ð1þ Þ quantum numbers. We use sbq̄ q̄ tetraquark system with IðJ P Þ ¼ 0ð2þ Þ quantum numbers.
the complex-scaling method of the chiral quark model varying θ We use the complex-scaling method of the chiral quark model
from 0° to 6°. varying θ from 0° to 6°.

can be identified as B ð1SÞK  ð1SÞ and B ð2SÞKð1SÞ

resonances. 6226 MeV, which is just the theoretical value of the B K 
threshold. Moreover, this fact is not changed when a
complete coupled-channel calculation is performed in the
3. The IðJ P Þ = 0ð2 + Þ sector
real range.
From Table XX, we can see that the ten contributing In the complex-scaling investigation, the scattering states
channels are all above 6.2 GeV, and the lowest mass is of B ð1SÞK  ð1SÞ, B ð2SÞK  ð1SÞ, and B ð1SÞK  ð2SÞ are
well identified when the rotated angle is varied from 0° to
TABLE XX. Lowest-lying sbq̄ q̄ tetraquark states with IðJ P Þ ¼ 6°. They are located within an energy interval of 6.2–
0ð2þ Þ calculated within the real-range formulation of the chiral 7.2 GeV (see Fig. 10). It is worth highlighting that a pole is
quark model. The allowed meson-meson, diquark-antidiquark, obtained between the threshold lines of B ð1SÞK  ð1SÞ and
and K-type configurations are listed in the first column. When
the two almost degenerate B ð2SÞK  ð1SÞð6912Þ and
possible, the experimental value of the noninteracting meson-
meson threshold is labeled in parentheses. Each channel is B ð1SÞK  ð2SÞð6940Þ. Accordingly, it can be identified
assigned an index in the second column; it reflects a particular as a B ð1SÞK  ð1SÞ resonance with mass and width 6754
and 1.2 MeV, respectively.
combination of spin (χ σJi ), flavor (χ I j ), and color (χ ck ) wave

functions that are shown explicitly in the third column. The

theoretical mass obtained in each channel is shown in the fourth 4. The IðJ P Þ = 1ð0 + Þ sector
column, and the coupled result for each kind of configuration is
presented in the fifth column. When a complete coupled-channel Table XXI lists the calculated masses of the 1ð0þ Þ sbq̄ q̄
calculation is performed, the last row of the table indicates the tetraquark state. As in the charm-strange sector, no bound
lowest-lying mass and binding energy (unit: MeV). state is found in each single channel and in the different
variants of the coupled-channel calculations. The lowest
χ σJi ; χ I j ; χ ck
mass obtained is 5759 MeV, which is just the theoretical
Channel Index ½i; j; k M value of the BK threshold. The remaining channels are
ðB K  Þ1 ð6217Þ 1 [1; 1; 3] 6226 generally located within the energy interval of 6.1–7.0 GeV,
ðB K  Þ8 2 [1; 1; 3] 6611 except for one K 2 channel which presents a mass of
ðsbÞ ðq̄ q̄Þ 3 [1; 1; 3] 6505 5850 MeV.
K1 4 [1; 1; 3] 6596 When the complete coupled-channel calculation is per-
5 [1; 1; 3] 6481 formed using the complex-range method, the scattering
K2 6 [1; 1; 3] 6267 nature of Bð1SÞKð1SÞ, B ð1SÞK  ð1SÞ, Bð2SÞKð1SÞ,
7 [1; 1; 3] 6604 Bð1SÞKð2SÞ, B ð2SÞK  ð1SÞ, and B ð1SÞK  ð2SÞ is clearly
K3 8 [1; 1; 3] 6497 shown in Fig. 11. There is a dense distribution of complex
9 [1; 1; 3] 7086 energies in a region between 6.9 and 7.0 GeV. One fixed
K4 10 [1; 1; 3] 6510
resonance pole obviously emerges therein; its resonance
Complete coupled channels: 6226
parameters are M ¼ 6876 MeV and Γ ¼ 4.2 MeV.


B*(2S) (1S)
TABLE XXI. Lowest-lying sbq̄ q̄ tetraquark states with B(1S) (1S) B*(1S) (1S) B(2S) (1S) B(1S) (2S) B*(1S) (2S)
IðJ P Þ ¼ 1ð0þ Þ calculated within the real-range formulation of
the chiral quark model. The allowed meson-meson, diquark- -2

antidiquark, and K-type configurations are listed in the first -4

column. When possible, the experimental value of the non-
interacting meson-meson threshold is labeled in parentheses.
Each channel is assigned an index in the second column; it -8

reflects a particular combination of spin (χ σJi ), flavor (χ I j ), and
color (χ k ) wave functions that are shown explicitly in the third -12
column. The theoretical mass obtained in each channel is shown
in the fourth column, and the coupled result for each kind of
configuration is presented in the fifth column. When a complete -16 0°

coupled-channel calculation is performed, the last row of the table -18 4°
indicates the lowest-lying mass and binding energy (unit: MeV). 6°
5700 5800 5900 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 7000
χ σJi ;
χI j ; χ ck M(MeV)
Channel Index ½i; j; k M Mixed
FIG. 11. The complete coupled-channel calculation of the
ðBKÞ1 ð5774Þ 1 [1; 1; 3] 5759
sbq̄ q̄ tetraquark system with IðJ P Þ ¼ 1ð0þ Þ quantum numbers.
ðB K  Þ1 ð6217Þ 2 [2; 1; 3] 6226 5759
We use the complex-scaling method of the chiral quark model
ðBKÞ8 3 [1; 1; 4] 6622
varying θ from 0° to 6°.
ðB K  Þ8 4 [2; 1; 4] 6606 6353
ðsbÞðq̄ q̄Þ 5 [3; 1; 1] 6548
ðsbÞ ðq̄ q̄Þ 6 [4; 1; 2] 6390 6362
B(1S) (1S)
K1 7 [5; 1; 5] 6563 B*(1S) (1S) B*(1S) (1S) B*(2S) (1S) B*(1S) (2S)
8 [5; 1; 6] 6514
9 [6; 1; 5] 6581 -2
10 [6; 1; 6] 6096 6084
K2 11 [7; 1; 7] 6290
12 [7; 1; 8] 6598 -6
13 [8; 1; 7] 5850

14 [8; 1; 8] 6625 5848
K3 15 [9; 1; 9] 7011
16 [9; 1; 10] 6390 -12
17 [10; 1; 9] 6540
18 [10; 1; 10] 7085 6340 0°
K4 19 [11; 1; 11] 6365 -16 2°
20 [12; 1; 12] 6551 6321 -18 4°
Complete coupled channels: 5759 6°
5700 5800 5900 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900
The dominant channel of this narrow resonance state
is Bð1SÞKð2SÞ. FIG. 12. The complete coupled-channel calculation of the
sbq̄ q̄ tetraquark system with IðJ P Þ ¼ 1ð1þ Þ quantum numbers.
We use the complex-scaling method of the chiral quark model
5. The IðJ P Þ = 1ð1 + Þ sector varying θ from 0° to 6°.
Thirty channels contribute to the sbq̄ q̄ tetraquark system
with 1ð1þ Þ quantum numbers. The three meson-meson
channels B K, BK  , and B K  are all scattering states,
and the lowest mass 5.8 GeV is just the value of the 6. The IðJP Þ = 1ð2 + Þ sector
noninteracting B K threshold. The other exotic quark Table XXIII shows all the channels that can contribute to
arrangements are generally above 6.2 GeV, except for one the mass of the highest spin and isospin state of the sbq̄ q̄
K 2 channel at 5.88 GeV. In a further step, when coupled- tetraquark. Again, no bound state is found in the single- and
channel calculations are performed within the real and each-sector-coupled-channel calculations, with the lowest
complex range, neither bound nor resonance states are mass indicating the value of the B K  threshold,
available. In particular, five scattering states B ð1SÞKð1SÞ, 6226 MeV. Our results of the complete coupled-channel
Bð1SÞK  ð1SÞ, B ð1SÞK  ð1SÞ, B ð2SÞKð1SÞ, and calculation in the complex range are shown in Fig. 13. One
B ð1SÞKð2SÞ are presented in Fig. 12, and one can see that can see that a B ð1SÞK  ð2SÞ resonance state with mass
bound and resonance poles do not emerge. 7175 MeV and width 8.1 MeV is obtained.

sQq̄ q̄ (q ¼ u, d; Q ¼ c, b) TETRAQUARKS IN … PHYS. REV. D 103, 074011 (2021)

B*(1S) (1S) B*(2S) (1S) B*(1S) (2S) TABLE XXII. (Continued)

χ σJi ; χ I j ; χ ck
-2 f

-4 Channel Index ½i; j; k M Mixed

-6 14 [9; 1; 5] 6573
-8 15 [9; 1; 6] 6104 6092

K2 16 [10; 1; 7] 6273
17 [10; 1; 8] 6603
-12 18 [11; 1; 7] 6290
19 [11; 1; 8] 6507
20 [12; 1; 7] 5877
-16 0° 21 [12; 1; 8] 6614 5876

-18 4°
K3 22 [13; 1; 9] 6517
6° 23 [13; 1; 10] 6434
6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 7000 7100 7200 24 [14; 1; 9] 6515
M(MeV) 25 [14; 1; 10] 6434
26 [15; 1; 9] 7096
FIG. 13. The complete coupled-channel calculation of the 27 [15; 1; 10] 6469 6360
sbq̄ q̄ tetraquark system with IðJ P Þ ¼ 1ð2þ Þ quantum numbers. K4 28 [16; 1; 11] 6429
We use the complex-scaling method of the chiral quark model 29 [17; 1; 11] 6369
varying θ from 0° to 6°. 30 [18; 1; 12] 6548 6333
Complete coupled channels: 5800

TABLE XXII. Lowest-lying sbq̄ q̄ tetraquark states with

IðJ P Þ ¼ 1ð1þ Þ calculated within the real-range formulation of
the chiral quark model. The allowed meson-meson, diquark-
antidiquark, and K-type configurations are listed in the first TABLE XXIII. Lowest-lying sbq̄ q̄ tetraquark states with
column. When possible, the experimental value of the non- IðJ P Þ ¼ 1ð2þ Þ calculated within the real-range formulation of
interacting meson-meson threshold is labeled in parentheses. the chiral quark model. The allowed meson-meson, diquark-
Each channel is assigned an index in the second column; it antidiquark, and K-type configurations are listed in the first
reflects a particular combination of spin (χ σJi ), flavor (χ I j ), and
column. When possible, the experimental value of the non-
color (χ ck ) wave functions that are shown explicitly in the third interacting meson-meson threshold is labeled in parentheses.
column. The theoretical mass obtained in each channel is shown Each channel is assigned an index in the second column; it
reflects a particular combination of spin (χ σJi ), flavor (χ I j ), and
in the fourth column, and the coupled result for each kind of
configuration is presented in the fifth column. When a complete c
color (χ k ) wave functions that are shown explicitly in the third
coupled-channel calculation is performed, the last row of the table column. The theoretical mass obtained in each channel is shown
indicates the lowest-lying mass and binding energy (unit: MeV). in the fourth column, and the coupled result for each kind of
configuration is presented in the fifth column. When a complete
χ σJi ; χ I j ; χ ck
coupled-channel calculation is performed, the last row of the table
Channel Index ½i; j; k M Mixed indicates the lowest-lying mass and binding energy (unit: MeV).
ðB KÞ ð5819Þ 1 [1; 1; 3] 5800
χ σJi ; χ I j ; χ ck
ðBK  Þ1 ð6172Þ 2 [2; 1; 3] 6185
Channel Index ½i; j; k M
ðB K  Þ1 ð6217Þ 3 [3; 1; 3] 6226 5800
ðB KÞ8 4 [1; 1; 4] 6611 ðB K  Þ1 ð6217Þ 1 [1; 1; 3] 6226
ðBK  Þ8 5 [2; 1; 4] 6583 ðB K  Þ8 2 [1; 1; 3] 6449
ðB K  Þ8 6 [3; 1; 4] 6601 6363 ðsbÞ ðq̄ q̄Þ 3 [1; 1; 3] 6450
ðsbÞðq̄ q̄Þ 7 [4; 1; 1] 6546 K1 4 [1; 1; 3] 6437
ðsbÞ ðq̄ q̄Þ 8 [5; 1; 2] 6465 5 [1; 1; 3] 6439
ðsbÞ ðq̄ q̄Þ 9 [6; 1; 2] 6411 6374 K2 6 [1; 1; 3] 6298
K1 10 [7; 1; 5] 6426 7 [1; 1; 3] 6458
11 [7; 1; 6] 6428 K3 8 [1; 1; 3] 7093
12 [8; 1; 5] 6564 9 [1; 1; 3] 6454
13 [8; 1; 6] 6507 K4 10 [1; 1; 3] 6441
Complete coupled channel:s 6226
(Table continued)


TABLE XXIV. Summary of the bound states and resonance and sextet-antisextet wave functions, and four K-type
structures found in the sQq̄ q̄ (q ¼ u, d, Q ¼ c, b) tetraquark structures.
sectors. The first column shows the isospin, total spin, and parity Several bound states and resonance structures are found
quantum numbers of each singularity. The second column refers in both charm-strange csq̄ q̄ and bottom-strange bsq̄ q̄
to the dominant configuration; the obtained poles are presented tetraquark sectors. Table XXIV summarizes our theoretical
with the following notation: E ¼ M þ iΓ in the last column, and
findings. We collect quantum numbers, dominant configu-
binding energy EB is given in parentheses for the bound states
(unit: MeV). ration, and pole position in the complex plane for each
singularity. We provide below a brief review of them.
IðJ P Þ Dominant channel Pole Tightly bound charm- and bottom-strange tetraquarks
0ð0þ Þ scq̄ q̄ 2342ðEB ¼ −36Þ are found in the IðJ P Þ ¼ 0ð0þ Þ and 0ð1þ Þ sectors. Their
sbq̄ q̄ 5710ðEB ¼ −49Þ binding energies are around −40 MeV, and they are
Bð1SÞKð2SÞ 6850 þ i2.0 interpreted as compact structures with all interquark dis-
0ð1þ Þ scq̄ q̄ 2467ðEB ¼ −31Þ tances ≲1 fm. Resonances of charm-strange tetraquarks are
sbq̄ q̄ 5754ðEB ¼ −46Þ located within the energy interval of 3.1–3.5 GeV; their
B ð1SÞK  ð1SÞ 6313 þ i12.5 total decay widths are usually less than 3 MeV, and thus
B ð2SÞKð1SÞ 6754 þ i1.2 they are extremely narrow. Resonances of bottom-strange
0ð2þ Þ D ð1SÞK  ð1SÞ 3493 þ i2.6 tetraquarks are located in the energy region of 6.3–7.1 GeV
B ð1SÞK  ð1SÞ 6754 þ i1.2 with decay widths smaller than 13 MeV.
1ð0þ Þ D ð1SÞK  ð1SÞ 3089 þ i0.3 The development of this work is motivated by the recent
Bð1SÞKð2SÞ 6876 þ i4.2
LHCb Collaboration observation of two charmed-strange
1ð1þ Þ D ð1SÞK  ð1SÞ 3091 þ i0.5
1ð2þ Þ D ð1SÞK  ð1SÞ 3511 þ i2.1 structures whose properties point out to be udc̄ s̄ tetra-
B ð1SÞK  ð2SÞ 7175 þ i8.1 quarks. They were named X0;1 ð2900Þ and, within our
formalism, are unstable with several candidates in the
single-channel computations. We find four cases with
IV. SUMMARY IðJP Þ ¼ 0ð0þ Þ quantum numbers: K 1 with mass at
2.89 GeV, K 2 at 2.96 GeV, K 3 at 2.97 GeV, and the
The sQq̄ q̄ (q ¼ u, d, Q ¼ c, b) tetraquarks with spin hidden-color coupled-channel calculation delivering a mass
parity JP ¼ 0þ, 1þ , and 2þ and in the isoscalar and of 2.86 GeV. With quantum numbers IðJP Þ ¼ 0ð1þ Þ, only
isovector sectors are systemically investigated by means one candidate can be found in the hidden-color coupled-
of the real- and complex-scaling range of the chiral quark channel calculation with mass of 2.94 GeV.
model, along with a high-efficiency numerical approach,
Gaussian expansion method. The model, which contains
one-gluon exchange, linear-screened confining, and
Goldstone-boson exchanges between light-quark inter- This work was partially financed by the National Natural
actions, is successfully applied to the description of hadron, Science Foundation of China under Grants No. 11535005
hadron-hadron, and multiquark phenomenology. We con- and No. 11775118, the Ministerio Español de Ciencia e
sider in our calculations all possible tetraquark arrange- Innovación under Grant No. FIS2017-84114-C2-2-P, and
ments allowed by quantum numbers: singlet- and hidden- the Junta de Andalucía under Contracts No. Operativo
color meson-meson configurations, diquark-antidiquark FEDER Andalucía 2014-2020 UHU-1264517 and PAIDI
arrangements with their allowed color triplet-antitriplet FQM-370.

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