Microstrip Patch Antennas Using Metamaterialsand Characteristics Mode Theoryfor 5 GWireless Communication

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Design of Microstrip Antennas Using Metamaterials and Characteristics

Modes Theory for 5G Wireless Communications

Thesis · February 2019

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24159.41127


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1 author:

Ahmed Abdalaziz
Luxor Higher Institute of Engineering & Technology, Luxor, Egypt


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Microstrip Antennas Using Metamaterials and Metasurfaces for 5G Wireless communication based on characteristics mode theory View project

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Faculty of Engineering Aswan University

Design of Microstrip Antennas Using Metamaterials

and Characteristics Mode Theory for 5G Wireless

Ahmed Abdelaziz Taha Hassan
B.Sc., Electronics and Communication Engineering, Arab Academy
for science, Technology & maritime Transport, 2014

A Thesis Submitted to the Department of Electrical

Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Aswan University,
Aswan, Egypt

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Master of Science
Electrical Engineering
February, 2019
Faculty of Engineering Aswan University

Design of Microstrip Patch Antennas Using

Metamaterials and Characteristics Mode Theory for
5G Wireless Communication
Submitted by
Ahmed Abdelaziz Taha Hassan
B.Sc., Electronics and Communication Engineering, Arab Academy
for science, Technology & maritime Transport, 2014

For the degree of

Master of Science
Electrical Engineering (Electronics and Communications)

Supervision Committee
1. Assoc. Prof. Ehab Khalaf Ibrahim Hamad ………………..…………
Electrical Eng. Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Aswan Univ.
2. Dr. Hamada Ahmed Hamada Esmaiel ………………..…………..
Electrical Eng. Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Aswan Univ.

Examination Committee
1. Prof. Adel Bedar A. Abdel-Rahman, External ………......…....
Electronics & Comm. Dept., E-Just, Alexandria
2. Prof. Moataz Mohamed Salaheldin Taha Salem External ………......……
Electronics & Comm. Dept., Arab Academy for
Science & Tech., South Valley Branch, Aswan
3. Assoc. Prof. Ehab Khalaf Ibrahim Hamad Supervisor ………....…….

February, 2019
To all who have been a great support for me,
I dedicate this work


Declaration and Certificate of Originality

I certify that in the preparation of this thesis, I have observed the provisions of the scientific
code of ethics. Further; I certify that this work is free of plagiarism and all materials
appearing in this thesis have been properly quoted and attributed.

I certify that all copyrighted material incorporated into this thesis is incompliance with the
international copyright law and that I have received written permission from the copyright
owners for my use of their work, which is beyond the scope of the law.

I agree to indemnify and save harmless the Faculty of Engineering, Aswan University,
Aswan, Egypt from any and all claims that may be asserted or that may arise from any
copyright violation.

I hereby certify that the research work in this thesis is my original work and it does not
include any copied parts without the appropriate citation.

Ahmed Abdelaziz Taha Hassan

Aswan, January, 2019



First and the foremost, I would like to thank Almighty Allah for bestowing His blessings upon
me and giving me the strength to carry out and complete this work.

I am extremely grateful to my supervisors Dr. Ehab Khalaf and Dr. Hamada Esmaiel for
their valuable advice, guidance, beneficial discussions and encouragement throughout my
research. Apart from their valuable academic advice and guidelines, they have been
extremely kind, friendly, and helpful. I am also very grateful to my thesis examination
committee members: Prof. Adel Bedar Abdel-Rahman; Electronics & Comm. Dept., E-Just,
Alexandria and Prof. Moataz Mohamed Salah; Electronics & Comm. Dept., Arab Academy
for Science & Tech., South Valley Branch, Aswan

Special thanks to Eng. Mohamed Zakaria for his encouragements and various help that
they provided throughout my master thesis.

I would like to give my special thanks to my parents, brothers, sister and my fiance for
their support, patience and love. Without their encouragement, motivation and understanding,
it would have been impossible for me to complete this work. Finally, my sincere thanks are
due to all people who supported me to complete this work.

Finally, I thank everybody who was important to the successful realization of this thesis.

Ahmed Abdelaziz
Aswan, January, 2019


The mobile and wireless communications industry has seen rapid expansion in the recent
decade, progressing from an analog 1G to digital systems like 2G, and then advancing to high
data rate wireless communication as 3G. Evolution of the communication did not stop there,
but kept its pace of development to 3.5G then to 4G. Today, 5G pilot studies are in progress
and the platform is predicted for release in the 2020s. The next generation of wireless mobile
communication (5G) is expected to achieve requirements never achieved by a previous type
of communication systems. With today’s increasing applications and demands, spectrum
scarcity is increasing. Hence, the usage of frequency bands beyond what is used today is
required in near future. The 5G is coming with higher performance, higher data rate, lower
latency and much more.
One of the most used types of antennas in 5G communications is the microstrip antenna,
which plays a vital role in the fastest growing wireless communications. To establish
communication between wireless devices on higher frequency bands such as the mm-wave
band, we need an antenna which is conformal, compact, cheap, and easy to fabricate. Hence,
printed antennas are preferred owing to their advantages over other types of antennas.
However, it suffers of lower gain and bandwidth. These features are being extensively
improved upon through several approaches, for instance by the incorporation of
metamaterials (MTMs). The metamaterial has unique properties such as negative values of
permittivity and permeability, negative refractive index, backward wave propagation, and etc.
Among its many applications, MTM is employed extensively to significantly improve the
microstrip antenna's performance and characteristics.
One of the major problems in designing the microstrip antenna is the time consumed to
optimize the design. One of the new methodologies to save optimization time as well as to
expect the antenna performance early is to use the characteristic modes theory. The theory of
characteristic modes (TCM) provides a physical insight to the radiating nature of the
microstrip antennas and hence reduces the design optimization time. It can offer valuable
information for antenna design such as the expected resonant frequencies and the right feed
position to excite a particular characteristic mode.
In this dissertation, three designs of microstrip antennas are designed and implemented for
the 5G wireless communications. The metamaterial techniques were used to significantly
improve the performance of the proposed antennas, while the theory of characteristic modes
is used to provide useful insights into an understanding of the antennas operating
mechanisms. The following is a quick summary of the three proposed designs in this study:


The first design is a tri-band microstrip-line-fed low profile microstrip patch antenna for
future multi-band 5G wireless communication applications. The proposed antenna is printed
on a compact Rogers RT5880 substrate of dimensions 20×16.5×0.508 mm3 with relative
permittivity of 2.2 and loss tangent of 0.0009. The proposed antenna operates at 10 GHz, 28
GHz and 38 GHz, three of the selected frequencies which are allocated by the International
Telecommunication Union (ITU) for 5G mobile communications. The proposed design
provides a gain of 5.67 dB at 10 GHz, 9.33 dB at 28 GHz and 9.57 dB at 38 GHz; the
radiation pattern is mostly directional.
The second design is a dual band microstrip antenna based on characteristic mode analysis
(CMA) using MTM superstrate for 5G wireless communications. The proposed antenna is
printed on a compact Rogers RT5880 substrate of dimensions 20×20×1.575 mm3 with
relative permittivity of 2.2 and loss tangent of 0.0009. The antenna structure consists of a
microstrip feed line connected to a rectangular patch. Then triangular split ring resonator unit
cell is inserted on the ground of a traditional patch antenna that resonates at 15 GHz to
produce additional resonance at 10 GHz. A planer array of 2×3 triangle MTM unit cells is
used as superstrate to improve the gain and bandwidth at both resonances simultaneously.
The gain patterns and radiation efficiencies were measured using the SATIMO Starlab
anechoic chamber. The CMA is used for the modeling, analysis and optimization of the
proposed antenna to examine the underlying modal behavior of the MTM unit cell and to
guide mode excitation optimal distance between MTM superstrate and the antenna patch is
determined using the Fabry-Perot cavity theory to maximize power directivity and efficiency
of the proposed antenna.
The third design is a two-element microstrip antenna array with five HSRR MTM unit cells
etched on the ground plane for 5G wireless communications. The substrate material used in
this design is the low cost FR4 substrate of 35×28×1.575 mm3 size. Suppression of higher
harmonics and reduction in mutual coupling between the elements of the array as a result of
MTM loading was also investigated using TCM. CMA has been shown to be an effective
approach to modeling and designing the proposed antenna. The mode contributing to
coupling was identified and blocked by introducing the HSRR MTM unit cells at the position
of that mode. The proposed antenna enriches the gain of the conventional patch antenna by
about 50 % and also extends its bandwidth by about 50 %. The performance comparison of
the antenna array with and without HSRR MTM provides verification that MTMs have good
potential to improve significantly the performance of the MPA. The gain patterns and
radiation efficiencies were measured using the SATIMO Starlab anechoic chamber.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................................ VIII

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................... 2

1.2 BACKGROUND ........................................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 5G COMMUNICATION ................................................................................................................................. 4
1.3.1 Frequency bands under study for 5G ................................................................................................ 6
1.4 LITERATURE REVIEW.................................................................................................................................... 7
1.5 MOTIVATION ............................................................................................................................................ 9
1.6 THESIS OBJECTIVES ..................................................................................................................................... 9
1.7 THESIS ORGANIZATION .............................................................................................................................. 10
CHAPTER 2 METAMATERIALS .............................................................................................................. 12
2.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 13
2.1.1 Progress on Metamaterials ............................................................................................................. 13
2.2 LEFT HANDED MATERIALS (LHMS) ............................................................................................................. 14
2.2.1 Classification of Metamaterials ...................................................................................................... 15
2.2.2 Snell’s Law....................................................................................................................................... 16
2.3 LHMS REALIZATION ................................................................................................................................. 17
2.4 APPLICATION OF METAMATERIAL ................................................................................................................. 17
2.4.1 Metamaterial as antenna ............................................................................................................... 17
2.4.2 Metamaterial as superlens ............................................................................................................. 18
2.4.3 Metamaterial as Absorber .............................................................................................................. 19
2.4.4 Metamaterial as cloaks .................................................................................................................. 20
2.4.5 Metamaterial as sensor .................................................................................................................. 20
2.5 METAMATERIAL PARAMETERS EXTRACTION METHODS .................................................................................... 20
2.5.1 Nicolson–Ross–Weir (NRW) ............................................................................................................ 21
2.5.2 Robust Method ............................................................................................................................... 22
2.6 LITERATURE REVIEW.................................................................................................................................. 24
2.7 CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................................... 28
CHAPTER 3 THE THEORY OF CHARACTERISTIC MODES .............................................................. 29
3.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................... 30
3.2 THE THEORY OF CHARACTERISTICS MODES ..................................................................................................... 30
3.3 MODAL SIGNIFICANCE (MSN)..................................................................................................................... 33
3.4 CHARACTERISTIC ANGLE (ΒN)....................................................................................................................... 35
3.5 EXAMPLE OF CHARACTERISTIC MODES ANALYSIS ............................................................................................. 36
3.5.1 eigenvalue result ............................................................................................................................. 36
3.5.2 Modal Significance Result ............................................................................................................... 37
3.5.3 Characteristic angle ........................................................................................................................ 37
3.6 LITERATURE REVIEW.................................................................................................................................. 38
3.7 CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................................... 40
BAND 5 G WIRELESS COMMUNICATION ............................................................................................ 41
4.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 42
4.2 ANTENNA DESIGN .................................................................................................................................... 42
4.3 SIMULATION RESULTS ............................................................................................................................... 44
4.4 PARAMETRIC STUDY .................................................................................................................................. 49


4.5 FABRICATION AND MEASUREMENTS ............................................................................................................. 50

4.6 CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................................... 52
COMMUNICATION BASED ON THE THEORY OF CHARACTERISTIC MODES...................................................... 54
5.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 55
5.2 ANTENNA AND MTM SUPERSTRATE DESIGN ................................................................................................. 56
5.2.1 Conventional microstrip patch antenna.......................................................................................... 56
5.2.2 TSRR unit cell design and extraction of its effective parameters .................................................... 56
5.2.3 Metamaterial Superstrate Analysis ................................................................................................ 59
5.3 CHARACTERISTICS MODE ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................. 61
5.3.1 Theory of Characteristic Mode ........................................................................................................ 61
5.3.2 CMA of the Proposed Antenna Elements and TSRR unit cell........................................................... 62
5.4 PARAMETRIC STUDY ................................................................................................................................. 66
5.5 FABRICATED SUPERSTRATE ANTENNA AND RESULTS ........................................................................................ 68
5.6 CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................................... 72
MODE ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................................................... 73
6.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 74
6.2 ANTENNA DESIGN AND MTM UNIT-CELL ANALYSIS ......................................................................................... 75
6.2.1 Single element MPA ........................................................................................................................ 75
6.2.2 1×2 element MPA array .................................................................................................................. 76
6.2.3 HSRR unit cell design and extraction of its effective parameters ................................................... 77
6.3 CMA OF PROPOSED ANTENNA ELEMENTS AND CHSRR UNIT CELL .................................................................... 80
6.3.1 1×2 element MPA array without CHSRR MTM ............................................................................... 81
6.3.2 1×2 element MPA array with CHSRRs MTM ................................................................................... 83
6.4 MEASUREMENTS AND DISCUSSIONS............................................................................................................. 84
6.5 CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................................... 87

CHAPTER 7 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK .......................................................................................... 88

7.1 CONCLUSIONS ......................................................................................................................................... 89
7.2 FUTURE WORK ......................................................................................................................................... 90


List of Figures
Figure 1. 1: Evolution of mobile communications .................................................................................................. 3
Figure 1. 2: Internet of Things (IoT). ....................................................................................................................... 5
Figure 1. 3: Spectrum relevant for 5G wireless access. .......................................................................................... 6
Figure 1. 4: Air attenuation at different frequency bands [12]. ............................................................................. 7
Figure 2. 1: Wave Propagation in Right Handed Medium ................................................................................... 14
Figure 2. 2: Wave Propagation in Left Handed Medium ...................................................................................... 15
Figure 2. 3: Electromagnetic wave propagation in materials with various values of ε and μ .............................. 16
Figure 2. 4: (a) represents the positive index media of a refractive wave that passes through the opposite
medium and Figure. 2.2 (b) exhibits the index media where the angle of refraction becomes negative in the
opposite medium ................................................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 2. 5: A superlens with a refractive index of -1 bends light entering it backwards, producing an image
[42]........................................................................................................................................................................ 19
Figure 2. 6: Electric resonator, magnetic resonator, unit cell and results of a metamaterial perfect absorber
[44] ....................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 2. 7: Cloaking [45]...................................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 2. 8: Schematic of antennas: (a) top and (b) bottom view of normal antenna and (c) top and(d) bottom
view of MTM antenna (dimensions in mm) [52]. .................................................................................................. 25
Figure 2. 9: (a) Top and bottom views of the fabricated antenna,(b) Measured and simulated Return loss [54].26
Figure 2. 10: Top and bottom photographs of the proposed antenna with FR4 substrate [55]............................ 26
Figure 2. 11: Photograph of a fabricated CP-MPA with MRS cover [56]. .......................................................... 27
Figure 2. 12: Photos of the three-unit-cell resonator patch antennas. a) The passive antenna designs. b) Using
one NR-CRLH unit cell in the antenna [57]. ........................................................................................................ 27
Figure 2. 13: The fabricated antenna photo [58]. ................................................................................................ 28
Figure 3. 1: The system for characteristic mode calculations of a conducting body in free space [60] .............. 31
Figure 3. 2: Eigenvalues of 60x60 mm2 patch antenna radiating surface. ........................................................... 36
Figure 3.3: Modal significance of 6060 mm2 patch antenna radiating surface. ................................................. 37
Figure 3. 4: Characteristic angle of 60x60 mm2 patch antenna radiating surface. ............................................... 38
Figure 4. 1: Geometrical configuration of the proposed tri-band 5G antenna ..................................................... 43
Figure 4. 2(a-d): The evolution of the antenna design .......................................................................................... 44
Figure 4. 3: Simulated reflection coefficient of the antenna in the different stages of the design development.... 45
Figure 4. 4: Simulated reflection coefficient of proposed tri-band 5G antenna. .................................................. 45
Figure 4. 5: Simulated VSWR versus frequency of the proposed tri-band 5G antenna. ....................................... 46
Figure 4. 6: CST simulated 3D gain (IEEE) of the proposed antenna at, (a) 10 GHz (b) 28 GHz, and (c) 38 GHz.
.............................................................................................................................................................................. 47
Figure 4. 7: Simulated radiation patterns, (a) E-plane at 10 GHz, (b) H plane at 10 GHz, (c) E-plane at 28 GHz,
(d) H-plane at 28 GHz, (e) E plane at 38 GHz, (f) H-plane at 38 GHz. ............................................................... 48
Figure 4. 8: Radiation efficiency of proposed tri-band 5 G. ................................................................................. 49
Figure 4. 9: Return loss curves for different width of ground plane. .................................................................... 50
Figure 4. 10: Measurement setup. ........................................................................................................................ 50
Figure 4. 11: Top and bottom views of the fabricated model................................................................................ 51
Figure 4. 12: Simulated and measured reflection coefficients of the proposed tri-band antenna. ....................... 51
Figure 4. 13: Simulated and measured VSWR of the proposed antenna. .............................................................. 52
Figure 5. 1: Traditional microstrip patch antenna (a) Schematic diagram, (b) S11 resonates at 15 GHz. .......... 56
Figure 5. 2: Equilateral TSRR unit cell operates at 10 GHz (a) Schematic diagram, (b) S-parameters .............. 57
Figure 5. 3: TSRR MTM unit cell parameters: (a) effective permittivity, (b) effective permeability, (c) refractive
index ..................................................................................................................................................................... 58
Figure 5. 4: The microstrip antenna with incorporating CTSRR in the ground plane to operate at dual band of
10 and15 GHz, (a) Schematic diagram, (b) S11 ................................................................................................... 59
Figure 5. 5: (a) Geometrical structure of MTM superstrate. (b) Perspective view, (c) Side view of the proposed
antenna................................................................................................................................................................. 60
Figure 5. 6: Expected modal significance of the first three most pertinent CMs of the patch antenna ................. 62
Figure 5. 7: Expected characteristics angle (βn) of the first three most pertinent CMs of the patch antenna...... 63

Figure 5. 8: Expected current distributions of the first two modes of patch element .......................................... 63
Figure 5. 9: Predicted modal significances of the first three most relevant CMs of ground plane ....................... 64
Figure 5. 10: Predicted modal significances of the first three most relevant CMs of TSRR unit cell. .................. 64
Figure 5. 11: Predicted current distribution of the first mode. ............................................................................. 64
Figure 5. 12: Electric and magnetic fields on the ground plane in the near field at 10 GHz: (a) E-field, (b) H-
field ....................................................................................................................................................................... 65
Figure 5. 13: Electric and magnetic fields on the ground plane in the near field at 15 GHz: (a) E-field, (b) H-
field ....................................................................................................................................................................... 65
Figure 5. 14: Parametric study of the spacing between the patch and TSRR superstrate of the proposed antenna,
(a) S11, (b) Gain ................................................................................................................................................... 66
Figure 5. 15: Gain parametric study for different (a) vertical spacing (Sy) and (b) horizontal spacing (Sx)
between each two adjacent TSRR unit cells .......................................................................................................... 67
Figure 5. 16: Prototype of (a) fabricated unloaded antenna, (b) TSRR MTM superstrate, (c) perspective view . 68
Figure 5. 17: S11 characteristics of the proposed antenna (a) With and without superstrate (b) measured and
simulated with superstrate .................................................................................................................................... 69
Figure 5. 18: Simulated and measured radiation patterns, (a) E-plane at 10 GHz, (b) H-plane at 10 GHz, (c) E-
plane at 15 GHz, (d) H-plane at 15 GHz .............................................................................................................. 70
Figure 5. 19: Comparison between the measurement and EM simulation gains of the proposed antenna with and
without MTM superstrate ..................................................................................................................................... 71
Figure 5. 20: Comparison between the measurement and EM simulation radiation efficiency of the proposed
antenna with and without MTM superstrate ......................................................................................................... 71
Figure 5. 21: Measurement setup in the Satimo StarLab ...................................................................................... 72
Figure 6. 1: Reference single element MPA operating at 10 GHz, (a) Top view, (b) S 11 return loss.................... 76
Figure 6. 2: 2-element patch antenna array operating at 10 GHz, (a) schematic diagram, (b) S 11 return loss.... 77
Figure 6. 3: CHSRRs, (a) Schematic diagram, (b) modeling setup and boundary conditions, (c) S-parameters,
(d) Extracted permittivity ...................................................................................................................................... 78
Figure 6. 4: Proposed antenna incorporating 5 HCSRR MTM unit cells in the ground plane, (a) Schematic
diagram and (b) S11 parameters ........................................................................................................................... 79
Figure 6. 5: Characteristic angle curves of the ground plane. .............................................................................. 80
Figure 6. 6: Current distribution of the first four modes on the ground plane at 10 GHz, (a) Mode 1 (b) Mode 2
(c) Mode 3 (d) Mode 4 .......................................................................................................................................... 81
Figure 6. 7: Characteristics angle curves of the 1×2 array patch antenna in the presence of the FR4 substrate. 82
Figure 6. 8: Current distribution of the first four modes of the 1×2 patch array at 10 GHz, (a) Mode 1 (b) Mode 2
(c) Mode 3 (d) Mode 4 .......................................................................................................................................... 82
Figure 6. 9: Characteristic angle curves of the 1×2 array patch with CHSRR S ...................................................... 83
Figure 6. 10: Current distributions of the first four modes of the 1×2 array patch at 10 GHz, where (a) Mode 1
(b) Mode 2 (c) Mode 3 (d) Mode 4 ........................................................................................................................ 84
Figure 6. 11: Fabricated model, (a) top and (b) bottom views ............................................................................. 85
Figure 6. 12: Return loss characteristics of (a) Reference antenna and array antenna without and with MTM
(simulated) (b) Proposed array antenna with MTM (measured and simulated). ................................................. 85
Figure 6. 13: Measurement setup in the Satimo StarLab ................................................................................... 86
Figure 6. 14: Simulated and measured radiation patterns at 10 GHz, (a) E-plane, (b) H-plane ......................... 87


‫‪List of Tables‬‬
‫‪Table 4. 1: Optimal values of the proposed antenna dimensions ......................................................................... 43‬‬
‫‪Table 4. 2: Comparison between CST and HFSS Simulation results. .................................................................. 49‬‬
‫‪Table 4. 3: Comparison between the proposed Antenna with previous models.................................................... 52‬‬
‫‪Table 5.1: Dimensions of the proposed antenna .................................................................................................. 60‬‬
‫‪Table 6. 1:Optimal values of the proposed antenna ............................................................................................. 79‬‬


‫‪List of Abbreviations‬‬

‫‪CMA‬‬ ‫‪Characteristics mode analysis‬‬

‫‪CRLH‬‬ ‫‪composite right/left handed‬‬

‫‪CSRRs‬‬ ‫‪Complementary split-ring‬‬

‫‪DNGs‬‬ ‫‪Double Negative Materials‬‬

‫‪EM‬‬ ‫‪Electromagnetic‬‬

‫‪LHMs‬‬ ‫‪Left Handed Materials‬‬

‫‪MOM‬‬ ‫‪method of moments‬‬

‫‪MSA‬‬ ‫‪Microstrip antennas‬‬

‫‪MSn‬‬ ‫‪Modal significance‬‬

‫‪MTM‬‬ ‫‪Metamaterials‬‬

‫‪RL‬‬ ‫‪Return loss‬‬

‫‪PEC‬‬ ‫‪Perfect electric conductor‬‬

‫‪PMC‬‬ ‫‪perfect magnetic conductor‬‬


‫‪List of symbols‬‬

‫)‪A(J‬‬ ‫‪magnetic vector potential due to surface current J‬‬

‫‪λn‬‬ ‫‪Eigen value of nth mode‬‬

‫‪µ‬‬ ‫‪Permeability‬‬

‫‪ɛ‬‬ ‫‪Permittivity‬‬

‫‪tan δ‬‬ ‫‪Loss tangent‬‬

‫‪N‬‬ ‫‪Refractive index‬‬

‫‪ꞵn‬‬ ‫‪characteristic angle values of n-th characteristic mode‬‬

‫𝑛𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑓𝑊𝐵‬ ‫‪fractional bandwidth of n-th characteristic mode‬‬

‫‪En‬‬ ‫‪characteristic electric field of n-th characteristic mode‬‬

‫)‪Φ(J‬‬ ‫‪scalar potential due to surface current‬‬

‫‪Chapter 1‬‬ ‫‪Introduction‬‬

‫‪Chapter 1‬‬

‫‪1.1 Introduction‬‬
‫‪1.2 Background‬‬
‫‪1.3 5G Communications‬‬
‫‪1.4 Literature review‬‬
‫‪1.5 Motivation‬‬
‫‪1.6 Thesis Objectives‬‬
‫‪1.7 Thesis Organization‬‬

Chapter 1 Introduction

Chapter 1


The last few years have witnessed a phenomenal growth in the wireless industry, both in
terms of mobile technology and its subscribers. Mobile wireless technologies have experience
4 or 5 generations of technology revolution and evolution, namely from 0G to 4G. The
cellular concept was introduced in the 1G technology which made the large scale mobile
wireless communication possible. Digital communication has replaced the analogy
technology in the 2G which significantly improved the wireless communication quality. Data
communication, in addition to the voice communication, has been the main focus in the 3G
technologies and a converged network for both voice and data communication is emerging.
The 4G wireless communication systems have already been initiated in some of the countries
and is going to be in others soon. However, 4G still cannot accommodate some challenges
like spectrum crisis, high energy consumption, poor coverage, bad interconnectivity, poor
Quality of Service (QoS) and flexibility [1]. To address all these demands 5G wireless system
are expected to be deployed in the future by 2020 [2]. That is why the world focuses on the
To fulfill all the needs of fifth generation (5G) wireless system to facilitate higher data
rate, better reliability, more connectivity, lower latency and improved security features,
wireless system designers need a new concept and design approach [3].

1.2 Background

Mobile phone network has been historically divided into four generations as shown in Figure
1.1, each generation has specific characteristics that distinguish it from other, each generation
is different from the other in terms of frequency, data rate, maximum number of users and the
geographical area covered by the network.

The first technologies conceived for mobile telephony were analog and only allowed voice
transmissions. The standards for this first generation of wireless communications (1G) were
deployed in the 1980s and technologies and protocols were significantly different in each
country. The Total Access Communication System (TACs) were able to transmit voice in an

Chapter 1 Introduction

analog format using FDMA (Frequency Division Multiple Access), in which each user
occupies all the channel bandwidth, which limits to a great extent the number of users in the

The second generation of wireless communications (2G) was launched in Europe under
the GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) standard. It basically differed from the
previous technologies in the transmission format, which was now digital, facilitating more
efficient user allocation through time-frequency multiplexing (TDMA/FDMA) and allowing
the first basic data services. GSM technology evolved over time to GPRS (General Packet
Radio System) and EDGE (Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution), that were
denominated 2.5G and allowed faster data rates [4].

Figure 1.1: Evolution of mobile communications

The third mobile generation (3G), in Europe the UMTS (Universal Mobile
Telecommunications System) standard, meant a major technological change, since a new
radio access approach was proposed: CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access). This
technology offered a theoretical download speed in optimal conditions of up to 2Mbps, which
allowed Internet access, roaming and interoperability between different 3G networks. UMTS
also suffered different evolutions, namely HSDPA (High Speed Downlink Packet Access)
and HSUPA (High Speed Uplink Packet Access), which reached tens of Mbps in downlink
speed [4].
Chapter 1 Introduction

The fourth mobile generation (4G) was introduced with LTE (Long Term Evolution),
which is a standard for high-speed wireless communication for mobile devices and data
terminals. This standard evolved from GSM/EDGE and UMTS/HSPA towards an extremely
flexible structure based on the use of OFDMA (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple
Access) which improved rate efficiency thanks to the dynamic and adaptive allocation of
time-frequency resources and MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple- Output) techniques. It offers
300Mbps of downlink data rate in ideal conditions, reduces the latency with respect to 3G
and it offers all the services over IP (Internet Protocol). LTE-A (LTE Advanced) is an
evolution of LTE and it offers improvements in term of downlink and uplink data rates and
resource efficiency. LTE-A is compliant with the ITU specifications for the fourth generation
of mobile communications and its deployment has been progressive [5].

1.3 5G Communication

5G (5th generation mobile networks or 5th generation wireless systems) is a term used in
some research papers and projects to denote the next major phase of mobile
telecommunications standards beyond the current 4G. 5G is considered as beyond 2020
mobile communications technologies [6].

The fifth mobile generation will bring new unique service capabilities for consumers but also
for new industrial stakeholders (e.g. vertical industries, novel forms of service providers or
infrastructure owners and providers). All evolutions point us to 5G within a few years
according to the frequency of evolution. An evolution that offers higher binary rates than
LTE-A that is around 1 Gbps. However, market requirements are not only limited to this
aspect, but this fifth generation is required to converge all the connected elements increasing
in number to a single common network. This network would have a high density of
connected terminals very different from each other, offering capacity, coverage and electrical
consumption content [7]- [8].

Firstly, it will ensure user experience continuity in challenging situations. High definition
(HD) video or teleworking will be common place and available any where, regardless of if
the user is in a dense area like a stadium or a city center, or in a village, a high-speed train or
an airplane. 5G Systems will provide user access anywhere and will transparently select the
best performance 5G access for the user among heterogeneous technologies like Wi-Fi, 4G
and new radio interfaces. The choice of the best performing access will not only be based on

Chapter 1 Introduction

throughput but also on the most relevant metrics depending on the nature of the service (e.g.
latency …)

In addition, 5G will be a key enabler for the Internet of Things (IoT) by providing internet
connection to a massive number of objects as shown in Figure 1.2. Sensors and actuators will
spread everywhere. Since sensors and actuators require very low energy consumption to save
battery lifetime, the network will have to support this effectively. Objects, users and their
personal network, whether body-worn or in a household, will be producers and consumers of
data. Future smart phones, drones, robots, wearable devices and other smart objects will
create local networks, using a multitude of different access methods. 5G will allow all these
objects to connect independently from a specific available network infrastructure [9].

Figure 1.2: Internet of Things (IoT).

Furthermore, some mission critical services will become feasible natively on the 5G
infrastructure thanks to the unprecedented performance achievable on demand. It will cover
services which were handled by specific networks for reliability reasons such as public
safety. It will also cover new services requiring a real responsiveness such as Vehicle-to-
Vehicle or Vehicle-to-Road services paving the way towards the self-driving car, factory
automation or remote health services [10].

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.3.1 Frequency bands under study for 5G

Recently, considerable research has been carried out by various organizations on a global
scale on feasibility of IMT (International Mobile Telecommunications-Advanced) in
spectrum above 6 GHz. The corresponding results have been presented at various workshops
and conferences. In particular, several presentations were made during the workshop on
research views of IMT beyond 2020’ hosted by the ITU in February 2014. During this
workshop, most research organizations expressed their interest in utilizing higher frequencies
for IMT and mobile broadband usage. It is expected that usage of higher frequencies will be
one of the key enabling components of future IMT [11].

Specific candidate spectrum for mobile communication in higher frequency bands is yet to be
identified by the ITU-R or by individual regulatory bodies. The mobile industry remains
agnostic about particular choices, and the entire frequency range up to approximately 100
GHz is under consideration at this stage, although there is significant interest in large
contiguous allocations that can provide dedicated and licensed spectrum for use by multiple
competing network providers [11]. Spectral bands relevant for 5G wireless access therefore
ranges from below 1GHz up to approximately 100GHz, as Figure 1.3 shows.

Lower frequencies, below 30 GHz, are preferred from the point of view of propagation
properties as shown in Figure 1.4. At the same time, very large amounts of spectrum and the
possibility of wide transmission frequency bands of the order of 1 GHz or more are more
abundant above 30 GHz [12].

Figure 1.3: Spectrum relevant for 5G wireless access.

Chapter 1 Introduction

Figure 1.4: Air attenuation at different frequency bands [12].

1.4 Literature review

Several mm-wave planar antenna configurations have been studied and designed for 5G
communication systems:

Ali et al. (2016)

In this work, Ali et al. proposed a small antenna with coplanar feeding built on the Rogers
RT5880 substrate of 5×5 mm2 and 0.254 mm in thickness. They achieved a gain of 6.6 dB at
28 GHz, and 5.6 dB at 38 GHz with directional radiation pattern at both resonances [13].

Haraz et al. (2016)

In [13] a dual-band printed slot antenna on Rogers RT5880 substrate 5×5×0.127 mm3
provided a gain of 3.6 dB at 28 GHz, and 4.4 dB at 38 GHz with almost Omni-directional
patterns is introduced [3].

Verma et al. (2016)

Verma et al. in [14] presented a patch slotted antenna with FR4 substrate 20×20×1.6 mm3 to
provide a gain of 4.46 dB at 10.15 GHz with a radiation pattern that is nearly Omni-

Chapter 1 Introduction

Tu et al. (2017)

Tu et al. introduced in [15] a dual-band MIMO antenna with a fairly low mutual coupling
using a novel round patch EBG cell with an antenna of 19.25×26×0.79 mm3. They succeeded
in obtaining a gain of 7.58 dB and 5.72 dB at 28 GHz and 38 GHz, respectively. Radiation
efficiencies of more than 86% at both frequency bands were achieved.

Hong et al. (2014)

A 28 GHz mesh-grid antenna array is presented in [16]. The array offers a fan-beam like
radiation pattern with the main radiating structure composed of an array of vias within a 10-
layer FR4 PCB. The proposed array offers a -10 dB S11 bandwidth of > 3 GHz with 3.5 dB
single element simulated gain with > 10.9 dB gain of a 16-element array.

Alreshaid et al. (2015)

A 28 GHz slot antenna array with ~5% bandwidth with gain equal to 13dB was presented in
[17]. The occupied size of the presented 8 element array was only 29.9×28.7×0.13 mm3. A
good bandwidth in this paper, but large size relatively, this study achieved 12.2dB gain in
smaller size.

Sebak et al. (2014)

A new dense dielectric (DD) patch array antenna prototype operating at 28 GHz for future
fifth generation (5G) is presented in [18]. The proposed structure employs four circular-
shaped DD patch radiator antenna elements fed by a 1-to-4Wilkinson power divider. The
measured impedance bandwidth of the proposed array antenna ranges from 27 to beyond 32
GHz for a reflection coefficient (S11) of less than 10 dB with a total realized gain more than
16 dB.

Amin et al. (2017)

Another significant suggestion appearing in the literature is that proposed by Amin et al. [19]
where they proposed a dual band slotted patch antenna with proximity-coupled feed. The
antenna was built into a multilayer substrate construct of a 10-layer low- temperature co-fiber
ceramics of 5 mils thickness each. This arrangement provided a gain of 8.63 dB and 8.62 dB,
and bandwidth of 5.95 GHz and 4.95 GHz at 28 GHz and 38 GHz, respectively.

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.5 Motivation

During last decades wireless communications have been developing significantly.

Consequently, there has been great interest towards antenna design and analysis. In wireless
communications there is significant interest in small size, compact, low profile, flexible, and
light weight antennas. In addition, antenna design criteria become stricter. As a result, very
often antennas are expected to work in multiple bands or to have broad bandwidth (BW) to
satisfy several wireless communication standards. Patch antennas can satisfy many antenna
design criteria and nowadays they are used widely.

However, as requirements increase, design and analysis of antennas becomes more difficult.
As a result, numerical methods require more calculation power. In addition, computer-based
programs like CST, HFSS and FEKO help designers to test antennas before physical
implementation. Nevertheless, the success of the final design is highly dependent on
designer’s experience and intuition. The design process often includes trial and error to meet
the given design criteria. In industry antennas have to be designed within strict period of time
and with respect to high standards. So, the above-mentioned simulation programs are
therefore gaining popularity.

Characteristic mode (CM) has become a popular tool for analyzing and designing antennas,
mainly due to the physical insight gained by modal decomposition without a particular
feeding considered. In this thesis, CM decomposition yields a set of real valued currents
which form an orthonormal basis with respect to their radiation patterns and the useful
properties of the CMs render this technique appealing for antenna designers. Consequently,
CM decomposition has been the subject of implementation into commercial tools, such as
FEKO, WIPL-D, and CST, and there also exist a plethora of academic tools, employed
primarily for research related to the CM. Therefore, in this thesis, this theory was used to
study, describe and analyze metamaterial microstrip patch antennas for 5G wireless

1.6 Thesis Objectives

This thesis focuses on the theory of characteristic mode (TCM) analysis of a metamaterial
microstrip patch antennas. As a result, the following problems and aims were stated for this

Chapter 1 Introduction

• Gather and analyze previous studies of TCM in antenna design and analysis.
• Describe and analyze theoretical and physical behavior of eigenvalues of
characteristic modes.
• Relate TCM studies to antennas in general
• Analysis of antennas using TCM
• Design and implement metamaterial patch antenna for 5G wireless communication
and analyze its behavior using TCM
• Design and implementation of metamaterial 2-element array antenna, study and
reduce the coupling between the 2-element patch

1.7 Thesis Organization

The thesis consists of seven chapters:

Chapter one is an introduction about 5G communications, and its frequency band. Several
antennas design for 5G antenna are introduced in the literature review.

Chapter 2 presents theory background of the metamaterial unit cell. Theories for
metamaterials realization such as the theories of Epsilon Negative Material (ENG)
realization, Mu-Negative material (MNG) realization and Double Negative Material (DNG)
realization with the main applications of these materials are overviewed in this chapter.
Metamaterial utilization techniques are included in this chapter. The algorithms and the
methodologies used for extracting the effective parameters of various metasurface and
metamaterial structures also included in this chapter. The algorithms used are the Nicolson–
Ross–Weir (NRW) algorithm, and the robust retrieval method. Also, the equivalent circuit of
the loaded and unloaded unit cell is presented.

Chapter 3 introduces the characteristics mode theory as the main focus of this master work, as
well as the formulations used to perform simulations on a microstrip patch antenna. this
chapter provides a historical introduction into TCM. The eigenvalue and modal significance
and characteristic angle are very useful parameters as provide resonance and radiation
information of the CM have been introduced in this chapter. Several antennas design based
on characteristics mode analysis are introduced in the literature review.

Chapter 4, introduces a tri-band microstrip antenna is introduced for 5G devices. A partial

ground technique has been used to improve the bandwidth and return loss parameters. A pair

Chapter 1 Introduction

of inverted-T shape slots are etched within the radiating element to reject the unwanted
frequency bands to reduce the interference between the 5G systems and other systems.

Chapter 5 introduces, a MTM superstrate loaded on to a patch antenna is developed for 5G

wireless communications based on the theory of characteristic mode. Characteristic Mode
Analysis (CMA) has been shown to be an effective approach to modeling and designing the
proposed antenna.

Chapter 6 introduces a two-element MPA array with five HSRR MTM unit cells etched on
the ground plane is proposed for 5G wireless communications based on the theory of
characteristic mode. CMA has been shown to be an effective approach to modeling and
designing the proposed antenna.

Chapter 7 presents the conclusions drawn from the current work and also future work.

‫‪Chapter 2‬‬ ‫‪Metamaterials‬‬

‫‪Chapter 2‬‬

‫‪2.1 Introduction‬‬
‫‪2.2 LHMs Realization‬‬
‫‪2.3 Application of metamaterial‬‬
‫‪2.4 Literature review‬‬
‫‪2.5 Conclusion‬‬

Chapter 2 Metamaterials

Chapter 2

2.1 Introduction

Metamaterials are recently developed artificial materials. It’s the only material in the nature
having negative permittivity, negative permeability and negative refractive index
simultaneously [20]. Due to having these three negative properties it exhibits unusual
properties compared to readily available materials. In Greek Meta means
above/after/beyond/superior, Metamaterials are named so as these exhibit properties beyond
the properties of naturally available materials. It was developed in 1967 by Russian theorist
Victor Veselago. These are artificial metallic structures that have dimensions much smaller
than the wavelength of incident radiation. It gains its properties from structure rather than
composition. It is counted as one of the, ten interesting futuristic material of the world due to
its superior properties.

Metamaterial is not a special type of material, if an array of structures of any metal will
be able to change the electric and magnetic property of the wave passing through it and leads
to negative permittivity and refractive index simultaneously, that metallic structure can be
called as metamaterial [21], [22].

2.1.1 Progress on Metamaterials

1967- Theoretically proposed by Vesalogo
1999- First negative Mu material by Pendry
2000- First Metamaterial by Smith
2003- Transmission approach by Caloz, Oliner, Eleftheriades
2005-New structures
2009-Miniaturized structures for optical frequencies

Chapter 2 Metamaterials

2.2 Left Handed Materials (LHMs)

The idea of Left-Handed Materials (LHMs) dates back to 1967, when Veselago considered
theoretically electromagnetic plane wave propagation in a lossless medium with
simultaneously negative real permittivity and permeability at a given frequency [20], [23]. In
order to describe a Left-Handed Material (LHM), we need to start with a description of a
Right-Handed Material (RHM) first. In general, materials have two unique parameters,
permeability and permittivity that determine how the material will interact with
electromagnetic radiation, which includes light, microwaves, radio waves, even x-rays. A
Right-handed material is a material whose permeability and permittivity are simultaneously
positive. Right handed materials are also called Double Positive Material (DPS) in the
literature. If the direction of the electric field (E) and the magmatic field (H) are represented
by the thumb and the index finger of the right hand respectively, then the middle finger gives
the direction of propagation of the wave, if it is placed normal to both fingers. Additionally,
in RHMs wave propagation or the energy flow represented by Poynting vector 𝑃𝑎𝑣 =
0.5 𝑅𝑒 [𝐸 × 𝐻 ∗ ] and the phase changes represented by phase constant 𝑘 = 𝝎√𝜺 ∗ √𝜇 are
in the same direction [24], as shown in Figure 2.1. Electromagnetic Waves propagation in all
known natural materials follows the Right-Hand Rule, with positive refractive indices [25].

Figure 2.1: Wave Propagation in Right Handed Medium

On the other hand, a Left-handed material (LHM) is a material whose permeability and
permittivity are simultaneously negative. Left handed materials also called Double Negative
Materials (DNGs). LHM as defined by Sihvola, is an engineered material that does not exist
in nature which gains its material properties from its structure rather than inheriting them
directly from the material that it is composed of [22]. In such a medium, (LHM), if the
direction of the electric field (E) and the magmatic field (H) are represented by the thumb and
the index finger of the left hand respectively, then the middle finger gives the direction of
Chapter 2 Metamaterials

phase changes of the wave 𝑘 = 𝝎√𝜺 ∗ √𝜇 if it is placed normal to both fingers. In a LHM
medium the energy flow 𝑃𝑎𝑣 = 0.5 𝑅𝑒 [𝐸 × 𝐻 ∗ ] and the phase changes represented by
phase constant (k) are in opposite directions (anti-parallel) as shown in Figure 2.2.
Propagation of type is called backward propagation.

Figure 2.2: Wave Propagation in Left Handed Medium

Considering the effect that the LHM has on the refractive index (n) defined by equations (2.1)
to (2.4):
𝑛 = √𝜀𝑟 * √𝜇𝑟 (2.1)
𝜀𝑟 = relative permeability of material
𝜇𝑟 =relative permittivity of material
When both permittivity and permeability are negative, thus equation (2.1) takes the following
𝑛 = √−𝜀𝑟 * √−𝜇𝑟 (2.2)
Which reduces to
𝑛 = j√𝜀𝑟 * 𝑗√𝜇𝑟 (2.3)
Hence the refractive index becomes negative and is given by the following
𝑛 = −√𝜀𝑟 ∗ 𝜇𝑟 (2.4)

2.2.1 Classification of Metamaterials

There are several types of media that behave in different ways in quadrant I, II, III, and
IV[26] , [27] shown in Figure 2.3. It includes a double positive (ɛ > 0, μ > 0) in II quadrant,
single negative electric (ɛ < 0) in quadrant I, single negative magnetic (μ < 0) in quadrant IV
and double negative (ɛ < 0, μ < 0) in quadrant III. However, materials in quadrant III are not
found in nature and therefore researchers create these artificially.

Chapter 2 Metamaterials

Figure 2.3: Electromagnetic wave propagation in materials with various values of ε and μ

2.2.2 Snell’s Law

Snell’s law is primarily used to describe the relationship between the angle of incidence and
the angle of refraction of a wave when it travels from one medium to another [28]. This law
is suitable for left-handed medium structure. A backward travelling wave this has a negative
angle of refraction. Snell’s law is obtained by applying boundary conditions. The formula of
the law is
𝑛1 sinθ1 = 𝑛2 sinθ2 (2.5)
Here n1 and n2 are shown the different medium refractive indices, while θ1 and θ2 represent
the angle of incidence and angle of refraction, as shown in Figure 2.4.

Figure 2.4: (a) represents the positive index media of a refractive wave that passes through
the opposite medium and Figure. 2.2 (b) exhibits the index media where the angle of
refraction becomes negative in the opposite medium

Chapter 2 Metamaterials

2.3 LHMs Realization

Due to a lack of experimental proof of Vassalage’s theory about LHM materials, his works
were abandoned for 30 years, until Pendry et al demonstrated [29], [30], [31] the
effectiveness of Veselago’s theory. Although, Veselago predicted that it was essential for the
material to have both the permeability and permittivity of the material to be negative or
positive [32], Pendry et al have theoretically proven and experimentally realized a material
with only one of the real parts of these parameters is negative [29]. A material with negative
permeability or permittivity is called Single Negative material (SNG). When the permittivity
(Epsilon) of a material is the only negative parameter then the material is named Epsilon
Negative material (ENG). While, if the permeability (Mu) is the only negative parameter then
it is called Mu-Negative material (MNG).

The recent revival of interest in the DNG medium began when Smith, Schultz and Shelby,
inspired by the work of Pendry et al, [33], [34] constructed such a composite medium for the
microwave regime [35]. Many research groups have been inspired by this work and they are
now exploring various aspects of this class of complex media, and several potential future
applications have been considered [35].

2.4 Application of metamaterial

Using metamaterials, it’s possible to obtain electromagnetic characteristics, such as negative

permittivity, negative permeability, high impedance and an arbitrary propagation constant
which are difficult or impossible to get using ordinary natural materials. Metamaterials are
therefore useful for a wide range of microwave applications [36]. Some examples of these
applications are summarized here.

2.4.1 Metamaterial as antenna

Metamaterial antennas are a class of antennas which use metamaterials to enhance or increase
performance of the antenna system. The metamaterials could enhance the radiated power of
an antenna. Materials which can attain negative magnetic permeability could possibly allow
for properties such as an electrically small antenna size, high directivity, and tunable
operational frequency, including an array system. Furthermore, metamaterial-based antennas
can demonstrate improved efficiency-bandwidth performance [37], [38].

Chapter 2 Metamaterials

Metamaterials are manufactured materials that exhibit properties not found in nature. A
significant improvement in antenna performance is predicted for a class of metamaterials
exhibiting a negative electric permittivity, (ENG), a negative magnetic permeability (MNG),
or both (ENG/MNG). Antennas constructed from metamaterials have revolutionary potential
of overcoming restrictive efficiency-bandwidth limitations for natural or conventionally
constructed electrically small antennas. Metamaterial antennas, if successful, would allow
smaller antenna elements that cover a wider frequency range, thus making better use of
available space for small platforms or spaces [39].

Metamaterials employed in the ground planes surrounding antennas offers improved

isolation between radio frequency or microwave channels of (multiple-input multiple-output)
(MIMO) antenna arrays. Metamaterial, high-impedance ground planes can also be used to
improve the radiation efficiency, and axial radio performance of low-profile antennas located
close to the ground plane surface. Metamaterials have also been used to increase the beam
scanning range by using both the forward and backward waves in leaky wave antennas.
Various metamaterial antenna systems can be employed to support surveillance sensors,
communication links, navigation systems, command and control systems [40].

2.4.2 Metamaterial as superlens

The superlens concept is based on metamaterials in which both electric permittivity and
magnetic permeability are negative at certain wavelengths. That gives them a negative
refractive index, so they can capture evanescent waves that contain information needed to
produce subwavelength images, but are not captured by conventional optics. As shown in
Figure 2.5, a superlens bends light entering it backward, forming an image plane inside it and
another on the opposite side [41].

The most familiar evanescent waves are those that leak through a surface where total internal
reflection occurs [31], [42]. They can be detected very close to the surface, but decay
exponentially with distance from the surface, so they can't carry energy away. Pendry's
superlens can achieve subwavelength resolution by focusing the waves near the surface.
Negative-index materials "can actually amplify evanescent waves and thus restore high-
resolution details which are inaccessible by classical imaging systems," writes Eleftheriades.

Chapter 2 Metamaterials

Figure 2.5: A superlens with a refractive index of -1 bends light entering it

backwards, producing an image [42].

2.4.3 Metamaterial as Absorber

A metamaterial absorber is a type of metamaterial intended to efficiently

absorb electromagnetic radiation such as light. Furthermore, metamaterials are an advance
in materials science. Hence, those metamaterials that are designed to be absorbers offer
benefits over conventional absorbers such as further miniaturization, wider adaptability, and
increased effectiveness. Intended applications for the metamaterial absorber include
emitters, photodetectors, sensors, spatial light modulators, infrared camouflage, wireless
communication, and use in solar photovoltaics and thermophotovoltaics [43].

The first Metamaterial based absorber in [44] utilizes three layers, two metallic layers and
dielectric and shows a simulated absorptivity of 99% at 11.48 GHz as shown in Figure 2.6.
Experimentally, landy was able to achieve an absorptivity of 88%. The difference between
simulated and measured results were due to fabrication errors.

Figure 2.6: Electric resonator, magnetic resonator, unit cell and results of a metamaterial
perfect absorber [44] .
Chapter 2 Metamaterials

2.4.4 Metamaterial as cloaks

Cloaking can be achieved by cancellation of the electric and magnetic field generated by an
object or by guiding the electromagnet wave around the object. Guiding the wave means
transforming the coordinate system in such a way that inside the hollow cloak
electromagnetic field will be zero this makes the region inside the shell disappear.
Metamaterial cloak based on the concept of coordinate transformation is described in [45] .

Figure 2. 7: Cloaking [45].

2.4.5 Metamaterial as sensor

As Metamaterial are artificial media structured on a size scale smaller than wavelength of
external stimuli, and they can exhibit a strong localization and enhancement of fields, which
may provide novel tools to significantly enhance the sensitivity and resolution of sensors, and
open new degrees of freedom in sensing design aspect. There are varieties of metamaterial
sensors which can be used for specific application. These sensors are Biosensor (microwave,
terahertz, plasmonic), Thin-film sensor, Wireless strain sensor, etc [46]. A microwave sensor
based on an artificial transmission line is used for non-invasive blood glucose monitoring.
Corresponding numerical model shows dimensions of the sensor leading to sensitivity
suitable for accurate monitoring of glucose in blood.

2.5 Metamaterial Parameters Extraction Methods

The analytical approaches used for finding the effective medium parameters clarifies the
electromagnetic response of these mediums including that of the metamaterial composite.
When the scattering elements of the medium have a complex geometry, these analytical

Chapter 2 Metamaterials

techniques become increasingly difficult to apply. As an alternative for such composites, a

numerical approach is feasible in which the local electromagnetic fields of a structure are
calculated by direct integration of Maxwell’s equations, and an averaging procedure applied
to define the macroscopic fields and material parameters. Such an approach is feasible for
simulations, but does not extend to experimental measurements, where retrieval techniques
are a major importance for characterization of structures [47]. In this chapter we mentioned
two of these important techniques. One is the Nicolson–Ross–Weir technique and the second
is the robust method.

2.5.1 Nicolson–Ross–Weir (NRW)

Several methods for extracting the effective parameters of metamaterials were proposed as in
[48], [49]. Nicolson–Ross–Weir (NRW) algorithm which is the most popular algorism uses
the S-parameters, calculated from a wave incident normally on a slab of metamaterial, to
calculate the effective refractive index (n) and impedance (Z) consequently the permeability
(𝜇) and permittivity (𝜀). In order to retrieve the effective permittivity and permeability of a
slab of metamaterial, we need to characterize it as an effective homogeneous slab. In this
case, we can retrieve the permittivity and permeability from the reflection S 11 and
transmission S21 data. For a plane wave incident normally on a homogeneous slab of
thickness d with the origin coinciding with the first face of the slab, S11 is equal to the
reflection coefficient, and S21 is related to the transmission coefficient T by S21= T . 𝑒 𝑗𝑛𝑘˳𝑑 ,
where k0 denotes the wavenumber of the incident wave in free space [50]. The S parameters
are related to refractive index n and impedance Z by [47]:

𝑅˳ (1−𝑒 𝑗2𝑛𝑘˳𝑑 )
𝑆11 = (2.6a)
1−𝑅˳2 .𝑒 𝑗2𝑛𝑘˳𝑑
(1−𝑅˳2 )𝑒 𝑗𝑛𝑘˳𝑑
𝑆21 = 1−𝑅˳2 .𝑒 𝑗2𝑛𝑘˳𝑑
Where Ro = Z−1/ Z+1.
According to [31] the refractive index n and the impedance Z are obtained by inverting Eqs.
(2.6a) and (2.6b), yielding

(1+𝑆11 )2 −𝑆21
𝑧 = ± √(1−𝑆 2 −𝑆 2 (2.7a)
11 ) 21

𝑒 𝑖𝑛𝑘˳𝑑 = 𝑋 ± 𝑖√1 − 𝑋 2 (2.7b)

Chapter 2 Metamaterials

Where 𝑋= 2 +𝑆 2 )
2∗𝑆21 (1−𝑆11 21

Since the metamaterial under consideration is a passive medium, the signs in Eqs. (2.7a) and
(2.7b) are determined by the requirement

𝑧˴ ≥ 0 (2.8a)
𝑛˵ ≥ 0 (2.8b)
Where ( ˴) and (˵) denote the real part and imaginary part operators, respectively. The value of
refractive index n can be determined from Eq. (2.7b) as:

𝑛= {[[ ln(𝑒 𝑗𝑛𝑘˳𝑑 )]˵ + 2𝑚𝜋 ] − 𝑗[ ln(𝑒 𝑗𝑛𝑘˳𝑑 )]˴ } (2.9)

Where m is an integer related to the branch index of 𝑛˴ .

As mentioned above, the imaginary part of n is uniquely determined, but the real part is
complicated by the branches of the logarithm function. This method fails when the thickness
of the effective slab (exhibiting bulk properties) is not accurately estimated or when
reflection S11 and transmission S21 data are very small in magnitude [50] so a more accurate
methodology may be used.

2.5.2 Robust Method

This method provides an accurate determination of the effective parameters of metamaterials

by using the same equations used above but with some restrictions. NRW and all the
mentioned methods directly apply equations (2.7a) and (2.7b) to the homogeneous
metamaterial slab for which the boundaries of the slab are well defined and the S parameters
are accurately known. However, since a metamaterial itself is not homogeneous this method
provides the solutions of the defects of NRW. Firstly, the location of the two boundaries of
the effective slab is determined by ensuring a constant impedance for various slab
thicknesses. Second, the S parameters obtained from numerical computation or measurements
are noisy which can cause the retrieval method to fail, especially at those frequencies where Z

Chapter 2 Metamaterials

and n are sensitive to small variations of S11 and S21. These two problems are resolved as
the following.

A. Determination of the first boundary and the thickness of the effective slab

A homogeneous slab of material can be characterized by the fact that its impedance does not
depend on its thickness. The first effective boundary is a plane beyond which the reflected
wave behaves like a plane wave for a plane wave incidence. When a plane wave is incident
on a metamaterial, currents will be induced on the metals creating a scattered field. The field
produced by the induced currents is not uniform: It is strongest around the metal and decay at
a certain distance. The first effective boundary is located where the reflected wave behaves
like a plane wave, and it has to be determined. This technique provides an optimized model to
minimize the mismatch of impedances of different numbers of cells of metamaterial.

B. Determination of n and Z from S11 and S21

It is a common method to determine Z and n from Eqs. (2.7a) and (2.7b) with the requirement
of Eqs. (2.8a) and (2.8b), where Z and n are determined independently. However, this method
may fail in practice when 𝑧 ˴ and 𝑛˵ are close to zero. A little disturbance of S11 and S21, easily
produced in experimental measurements or numerical simulations, may change the sign of 𝑧 ˴
and 𝑛˵ , making it unreliable to apply the requirement of Eqs. (2.8a) and (2.8b), as discussed
in Ref. [51]. In fact, Z and n are related and we should use their relationship to determine the
signs in Eqs. (2.7a) and (2.7b). In order to determine the correct sign of Z, this method used
its own formula for the exponential part as:

𝑒 𝑗𝑛𝑘˳𝑑 = 𝑧−1 (2.10)
1−𝑆11 ∙𝑧+1

C. Determination of the branch of 𝒏˵

The equation presented in the previous section is a method of solving for Z and 𝒏˴ , but 𝒏˵
remains ambiguous because of the branches of logarithm function as seen in Eq. (2.9).
Determine the proper branch of the logarithm function by using the mathematical continuity
of the parameters, with special attention to possible discontinuities due to resonances. The
method is an iterative one: Assuming we have obtained the value of the refractive index

Chapter 2 Metamaterials

𝑛(𝑓˳) at frequency𝑓˳, we obtain 𝑛(𝑓1 ) at the next frequency sample 𝑓1 by expanding the
function 𝑒 𝑗𝑛(𝑓1)𝑘1𝑑 in a Taylor series:

𝑗𝑛(𝑓1 )𝑘1(𝑓1 )𝑑 𝑗𝑛(𝑓˳)𝑘˳(𝑓˳)𝑑 ∆2

𝑒 2
) = 𝑒
(2.11) (1 + ∆ +
Where ∆= 𝑗𝑛(𝑓1 )𝑘1(𝑓1 )𝑑 − 𝑗𝑛(𝑓˳)𝑘˳(𝑓˳)𝑑 , 𝑘˳(𝑓˳) denotes the wave number in free space
at frequency 𝑓˳

In Eq. (2.11), the branch index [m in Eq. (2.9)] of the real part of 𝑛(𝑓1) is the only unknown.
Since the left-hand side of Eq. (2.11) is obtained from Eq. (2.10), Eq. (2.11) is a binomial
function of the unknown 𝑛(𝑓1 ). Out of the two roots, one of them is an approximation of the
true solution. Since we have obtained 𝑛˵ (𝑓1 ), we choose the correct root among the two by
comparing their imaginary parts with 𝑛˵ (𝑓1 ). The root whose imaginary part is closest
to 𝑛˵ (𝑓1 ) is the correct one, and we denote it as 𝑛˳. Since 𝑛˳ is a good approximation of
𝑛(𝑓1 ),we choose the integer m in Eq. (11) so that 𝑛˴ (𝑓1 ) is as close to 𝑛˳˴ as possible. The
branch of 𝑛˴ at the initial frequency is determined as follows: From 𝜇 = 𝑛𝑧 and ϵ = 𝑛/𝑧 , we
have [50]

𝜇 ˵ = 𝑛˴ 𝑧 ˵ + 𝑛˵ 𝑧 ˴ (2.12)
𝜀 ˵ = |𝑧|2 (−𝑛˴ 𝑧 ˵ + 𝑛˵ 𝑧 ˴ ) (2.13)

The above equations are used in a MATLAB code, appendix I, to extract the relative
permeability and permittivity of the unit cell [52].

2.6 Literature review

Studies on antennas have been reported by many researchers who seek to enhance antenna
properties such as bandwidth, gain, efficiency and antenna size.

Tung et al. (2016)

In this work, Tung et al. presented a rectangular patch antenna associated with left-handed
medium was investigated in [53]. The results showed the antenna to be more directive and the
gain to be high, although size reduction remained a major challenge as shown in Figure 2.8.

Chapter 2 Metamaterials


Figure 2.8: Schematic of antennas: (a) top and (b) bottom view of normal antenna and (c) top
and(d) bottom view of MTM antenna (dimensions in mm) [53].

Abdel-Rahman et al. (2016)

In [54] Abdel-Rahman et al. presented . In this work Adel-Rahman et al was proved that
single and multiple layers of omega-shaped MMs that are formed as lenses at a half-wave
distance-oriented MM can improve the gain of a compact microstrip antenna at 10.5 GHz.
The effects of using one- or two-MM layers and distances of MM layers to patch antenna
were also compared.

Hamad et al.(2018)

In [55], Hamad et al. presented a triple band microstrip patch antenna for WLAN/WIMAX
applications based on complementary split ring resonator. In this work A conventional patch
antenna operating at 3.6 GHz, which is operating in the middle WiMAX band (3.2 GHz to
3.8 GHz), is loaded on a ground plane with a rectangular CSRR of suitable dimensions that
enables the excitation of the lower WLAN band (2.4 GHz to 2.484 GHz). Also, two circular
CSRRs of suitable dimensions are loaded on the ground plane in order to resonate at the
upper WiMAX frequency bands (5.25 GHz to 5.85 GHz) as shown in Figure 2.9.
Chapter 2 Metamaterials


Figure 2.9: (a) Top and bottom views of the fabricated antenna,(b) Measured and simulated
Return loss [55].
Wu et al. (2017)

In [56] Wu et al. presented a metamaterial microstrip patch antenna for UWB applications. In
this work, the proposed antenna as shown in Figure 2.10 has patterned upper patch and
periodic structure ground plane to form a coupled capacitive inductive (C-L) circuit of
negative index metamaterial, which is demonstrated to improve the antenna performance in
terms of the bandwidth, high efficiency, low loss, and low voltage standing wave ratio.
Experimental results show that the relative impedance bandwidth (–10 dB) of the proposed
antenna is 168.3% with the ranging from 2.9 to 33.7 GHz, whose relative bandwidth is
improved by 38.9–121.9% than the previously reported wideband ones.

Figure 2.10: Top and bottom photographs of the proposed antenna with FR4 substrate [56].

Chapter 2 Metamaterials

Chaimool et al. (2010)

In [57] chaimool et al. presented a metamaterial reflective surface (MRS) as a superstrate for
a single-feed circularly polarized microstrip patch antenna (SFCP-MPA) as shown in Figure
2.11. In this work a simultaneous enhancement on antenna gain, impedance bandwidth
(ZBW) and axial-ratio bandwidth (ARBW) by adding the MRS atop the SFCP- MPA. The
MRS can enhance the ZBW and ARBW by 3.5 and 9.9 times, respectively, compared to the
circularly polarized patch source.

Figure 2.11: Photograph of a fabricated CP-MPA with MRS cover [57].

Sun et al. (2018)

In [58] Sun et al. presented a miniaturized microstrip resonant antenna (MRA) based on the
active metamaterial resonator is presented in Figure 2.12. In this work Unlike the passive
composite right/left-handed (CRLH) resonators, the presented active metamaterial resonators
are realized using the negative resistance enhanced composite right/left-handed (NR-CRLH)
transmission line (TL) that incorporates active circuits for loss compensation. The active
circuit uses BJT in its inverted common collector (ICC) configuration to provide negative
resistance for the proposed active MRA.


Figure 2.12: Photos of the three-unit-cell resonator patch antennas. a) The passive antenna
designs. b) Using one NR-CRLH unit cell in the antenna [58].
Chapter 2 Metamaterials

El-Hennawy et al. (2016)

In [59] El-Hennawy et al. presented a Complementary Split Ring Resonator (CSRR)-loaded

differential-fed microstrip square patch antenna with monopolar radiation pattern as shown in
Figure 2.13. In this work a differentially-fed patch antenna with planar microstrip feeding is
proposed. the proposed antenna is loaded with two CSRRs. Dual band design is then
proposed by perturbing the TM11 mode and splitting it into two near-degenerate modes.

Figure 2.13: The fabricated antenna photo [59].

2.7 Conclusion

Metamaterials is a new field of research, without any doubt it becomes an extremely exciting
research area. The researchers from multiple disciplines are being attracted towards
metamaterials because of its unique electromagnetic properties. In this chapter, a short review
of the history of metamaterials, a detailed discussion about the theoretical background of
metamaterials, and its classification were presented. We provided theoretical information
about the components of a left-handed materials, negative permittivity, and negative
permeability structures. The metamaterials have resulted in surprising improvements in
electromagnetic response functions that can offer exciting possibilities of future design of
devices, components and salient properties of metamaterial.

Chapter 3 The Theory of Characteristic Modes

Chapter 3
The Theory of Characteristics Modes

3.1 Introduction
3.2 The theory of characteristics modes
3.3 Modal significance (MSn)
3.4 Characteristic angle (ꞵn)
3.5 Example of characteristic analysis
3.6 Literature review
3.7 Conclusion

Chapter 3 The Theory of Characteristic Modes

Chapter 3
The Theory of Characteristic Modes

3.1 Introduction

This chapter reviews theoretical background of characteristic modes. It describes basic

definitions and required derivations of the characteristic mode theory. In addition, theoretical
properties of terms used in the theory of characteristic modes are defined. As a result, the
solution based on TCM for the total surface current on conducting surface is provided.

Furthermore, this chapter relates TCM to radiators and gives a detailed investigation on how
the CMT can be employed to facilitate the design of microstrip antennas. Conclusions about
theoretical backgrounds of TCM are given at the end of this chapter.

3.2 The theory of characteristics modes

The theory of characteristic mode (TCM) was introduced in 1965 [60] , and reformulated for
computing the CMs for perfectly electric conducting bodies in 1971 [61]-[62]. TCM became
an alternative technique to design microstrip antenna because of the physical insight it
brought. It can offer significant data for antenna design, for example expecting resonant
frequencies and the right feed position to excite a particular characteristic mode.
Characteristic modes can be obtained from MoM impedance matrix by solving eigenvalue
equations, as proved in [62]-[63] . Based on the method of electric-field-integral-equation
formulation, initial operator equation should be stated as shown in Eq. (3.1) [64]. This
operator relates the current J on the surface S of a conducting body to the tangential incident
electric field 𝐸 𝑖 .

[ L(J) − 𝐸 𝑖 ]𝑡𝑎𝑛 = 0 (3.1)

The operator L acts on the surface current density J and produces a tangential electric field on
the surface S that precisely cancels the contribution of the tangential impressed field. The
operator L is defined in the following manner for a time-harmonic electromagnetic system

L(J) = jωA(J) + ∇φ(J) (3.2)

Chapter 3 The Theory of Characteristic Modes

The symbol ω refers to radial frequency and the symbol ∇ represents the gradient operator.
The functions A( J ) and Φ(J ) are the magnetic vector and electric scalar potentials
respectively, defined

𝐴(𝐽) = 𝜇 ∯ 𝐽(𝑟 ′ )Ѱ(𝑟, 𝑟 ′ )𝑑𝑠 ′ (3.3)

𝜙(𝐽) =
∯ ∇′ . 𝐽(𝑟 ′ )Ѱ(𝑟, 𝑟 ′ )𝑑𝑠 ′ (3.4)

We consider the variables 𝑟and 𝑟 ′ to be observation and source coordinates, and ε, μ, and k as
the permittivity, permeability and wave number of the supporting medium. The standard
situation for characteristic mode calculation is shown together with the coordinates in Figure

Figure 3.1: The system for characteristic mode calculations of a conducting body in free
space [60]

Furthermore, Ѱ(𝑟, 𝑟 ′ ) is known as the Green’s function of the medium, defined as

𝑒 −𝑖𝑘|𝑟−𝑟 |
Ѱ(𝑟, 𝑟 ′ ) = (3.5)
4𝜋 |𝑟−𝑟 ′ |

The operator L in equation (3.1) transforms a current density J into an electric field quantity,
and hence has units of impedance. We introduce notation for the tangential operator L

𝑍(𝐽) = [ 𝐿( 𝐽 ) ]𝑡𝑎𝑛 = 𝑅(𝐽) + 𝑗𝑋(𝐽) (3.6)

Where 𝑅(𝐽) and 𝑋(𝐽) are defined as

𝑅(𝐽) = [ 𝑍(𝐽) + 𝑍(𝐽)∗ ] (3.7)
Chapter 3 The Theory of Characteristic Modes

𝑋(𝐽) = [ 𝑍(𝐽) − 𝑍(𝐽)∗ ] (3.8)

In addition, 𝑅(𝐽) and 𝑋(𝐽) operator parts of matrix 𝑍(𝐽) are real and symmetric, because
operator is symmetric. Here and further in the text the term “real” will refer to the real set of
numbers. In addition, for simplicity reason, argument (𝐽) will be omitted from expressions
and, for example, R, X, Z will be used. Moreover, R operator is positive, since the power
radiated by current J on a surface S is always equal or larger than zero. Implementation of the
characteristic mode method over conducting surface is carried out using Rao-Wilton-Glisson
[RWG] edge elements [65]. Simulations and practical calculations are commonly composed
by MoM using RWG edge elements.

Theory given in [66] should be used further to find out impedance operator discussed earlier.
The weighted eigenvalue equation has to be used to find out impedance operator Z.
Eigenvalue equation is shown in equation (3.9):

𝑍𝐽 = 𝑣𝑀𝐽 (3.9)

Where 𝑀 is the weight operator and are general eigenvalues. The weight operator 𝑀 should
be chosen such that radiation patterns would be orthogonal to satisfy eigencurrent definition
mentioned earlier. Such conditions can be fulfilled if and only if the weight operator M will
be equal to the real part of impedance matrix shown in equation (3.6). Hence, 𝑀= 𝑅. Finally,
by letting 𝑣 = 1 + 𝑗𝜆 [61] and replacing the weight operator, and by using equations (3.6,
3.8), results in:

(𝑅 + 𝑗𝑋)𝐽 = 𝑅𝐽 + 𝑗𝑋𝐽 = (1 + 𝑗𝜆)𝑅𝐽 = 𝑅𝐽 + 𝑗𝜆𝑅𝐽


∴ 𝑋𝐽 = 𝜆𝑅𝐽 (3.10b)

By solving equation (13) using approach described in [67], it will result in the solution set of
eigencurrents 𝐽𝑛 and eigenvalues 𝜆𝑛 of n-th characteristic mode. As it was proved, operators
R and X of impedance matrix are symmetric and belong to the real set of numbers, and thus,
eigenvalues 𝜆𝑛 and eigencurrents 𝐽𝑛 also will be real. This statement is true also in the
opposite way. To obtain real values of eigenvalues and eigencurrents it is required to have
impedance operator to be symmetrical. In real computation tasks Galerkin’s method [68] is
used to represent equation (3.10a, 3.10b)) as:

[𝑋][𝐼]𝑛 = 𝜆𝑛 [𝑅][𝐼]𝑛 (3.11)

Chapter 3 The Theory of Characteristic Modes

where matrix [𝐼]𝑛 refers to eigencurrents𝜆𝑛 to eigenvalues. From equation (3.11) it is possible
to conclude that eigencurrents [𝐼]𝑛 and corresponding to them eigenvalues 𝜆𝑛 are dependent
on the shape, size and material parameters of a conducting surface S. The term characteristic
current, which is widely used in literature, can be interpreted as the solution set of
eigencurrents of equation (3.11). Physically characteristic currents show various currents,
which can be supported by a conducting structure [61]. Consequently, eigenvalues obtained
from equation (3.11) will have their magnitudes proportional to reactive radiated power. It
means that modes are resonating when eigenvalues are equal to zero. So, when the reactive
component at a certain frequency is zero, corresponding characteristic mode will resonate. In
general, from [69] and from equation (3.11) it comes out that the following conditions hold:

• If 𝜆𝑛 > 0 , the mode is storing magnetic energy

• If 𝜆𝑛 = 0 , the mode is resonating
• If 𝜆𝑛 < 0 , the mode is storing electric energy
These conditions are such, because in polar reactive power vector representation, capacitive
reactive power always has a negative sign, but reactive inductive power always has a positive
sign. As a result, it follows that eigenvalues should have the same sign as a vector reactive
power to satisfy equality conditions of equation (3.11).

3.3 Modal significance (MSn)

Another representation of eigenvalues can be used, called modal significance MSn of nth
characteristic mode [69]. The general equation of modal significance is:

𝑀𝑆𝑛 = | | (3.12)

The term 𝑀𝑆𝑛 physically represents normalized magnitudes of characteristic mode currents.
The magnitude of modal significance is dependent only on the shape and size of a conducting
object, as it comes from equation (3.12). The characteristic mode is resonating if and only if
eigenvalue is approaching to zero. So, in terms of MS it means that equation’s (3.12) right
side should approach to 1. This can be proved by letting eigenvalue, shown in equation
(3.12), to approach to zero:

lim | |= 1 (3.13)
𝜆𝑛 →0 1+𝑗𝜆𝑛

Chapter 3 The Theory of Characteristic Modes

Thus, it is proved that the characteristic mode is resonating if MS is “1”. All in all, modal
significance is another mathematical representation of eigenvalue magnitude. This
representation form provides additional analyzing options for conducting surfaces.

It is possible to define bandwidth of a radiating characteristic mode, since characteristic

modes are represented in terms of parabolic and normalized curves. By definition, bandwidth
is defined within the frequency range where power is changing not more than by half from
maximum [70]. For current representation it would mean reduction by a factor of √2 . This
rule can be applied in equation (3.12). It results in the following border conditions for

1 1
𝑀𝑆𝑛 ℎ𝑎𝑙𝑓−𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 = | |= ≈ 0.707 (3.14)
1+𝑗𝜆𝑛 √2

As a result, it is possible to calculate eigenvalue for which equation (3.14) satisfies equality

1 1 1
| | = |1+𝑗𝜆 | = (3.15a)
1+𝑗𝜆𝑛 𝑛 √2

∴ √1 + 𝜆2𝑛 = √2 → 𝜆𝑛 = ±1 (3.15b)

it is possible to obtain upper 𝑓𝑢𝑛 and lower 𝑓𝑙𝑛 border frequency set for any characteristic

mode. However, this is done only for resonating characteristic modes. It means the
characteristic mode has to have maxima point equal to 1 in MS representation. So, the
frequency range [𝑓𝑢𝑛 ; 𝑓𝑙𝑛 ]defines 𝐵𝑊𝑛 . Moreover, based on equation (3.15b) it follows that

𝐵𝑊𝑛 for eigenvalue representation of a resonating characteristic mode is found by checking

±1 levels. Never-theless, it was found that eigenvalues may have infinite magnitudes, and
hence, precise evaluation of ±1 levels can be problematic. Bandwidth is often expressed as
a fraction of the frequency difference with respect to resonating frequency. It is called
fractional bandwidth of n-th characteristic mode 𝐵𝑊𝑓𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑛 , it can be defined as:

|𝑓𝑢𝑛 − 𝑓𝑙𝑛 |
𝐵𝑊𝑓𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑛 = (3.16)

Where 𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑛 is resonating frequency of n-th characteristic mode. In addition, based on

equation (3.16) it is possible to derive quality factor 𝑄𝑛 measure of n-th characteristic mode.
Quality factor is expressed as:
Chapter 3 The Theory of Characteristic Modes

𝑄𝑛 = (3.17)

Where 𝑄𝑛 is quality factor of a given mode. Since 𝐵𝑊𝑓𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑛 ≪ 1, it should be noted that

quality factor 𝑄𝑛 should be bigger than 1. Quality factor of a given characteristic mode
describes the same as in general radio-frequency applications. Quality factor describes
sharpness of 𝑀𝑆𝑛 curves. So, higher 𝑄𝑛 value is, sharper 𝑀𝑆𝑛 curves will be and vice versa.

3.4 Characteristic angle (βn)

Sometimes both eigenvalue magnitude and MS representation forms are not providing clear
enough results. Thus, another representation form is considered by using characteristic angles
βn [69], which are defined as:

βn = π − tan(𝜆𝑛 ) 𝑜𝑟 βn = 180° − tan(𝜆𝑛 ) (3.18)

where both radial and degree representations are shown. This is mathematical derivation from
magnitude eigenvalue representation form. Characteristic angle representation form gives
different possibilities to analyze conducting structures. From physical point of view,
characteristic angles of characteristic modes describe the phase angle between characteristic
current Jn and characteristic electric field En [69].

In characteristic angle representation form the characteristic mode is resonating when it is

equal to π rad or 180˚-degree level. To describe how to obtain BW of the characteristic mode
in characteristic angle form, the results obtained in equation (3.14) can be substituted into
equation (3.18). By doing so, it is possible to calculate upper- and lower-degree levels to
obtain bandwidth of the resonating characteristic mode. It follows that these border-degree
levels of characteristic mode BW 135˚are 225˚ at and respectively for upper and lower border
frequencies. Based on arctangent function’s nature, it is possible to state that the value range
of characteristic angle coefficients is βn ∈ [90° ; 270° ] . Indeed, there are no values outside
of the obtained characteristic angle range. Finally, quality factor of resonating mode can be
calculated by using formula (3.17), once BW is known.

The characteristic modes can be also categorized using the characteristic angles

• If βn =180°, the associated modes are resonant modes.

• If 90° < βn < 180° , the associated modes are inductive modes.
Chapter 3 The Theory of Characteristic Modes

• If 180° < βn < 270° , the associated modes are capacitive modes.

3.5 Example of characteristic modes analysis

Characteristic mode analysis can be implemented using only one of these programs such as
CST or Cade Feko. This analysis was not used in the HFSS program yet. In this example, a
60×60 mm2 patch was analyzed using CST software. The results are obtained using the
MoM-based CMA tool in commercial simulation software CST MWS (ver. 2018). Due to the
limitation of the integral equation solver, the conventional patch element analyzed here is set
to be PEC with thickness of 0.035 mm without any substrate. There is no feed port placed in
the antenna element for the CMA.

3.5.1 eigenvalue result

The characteristic mode is resonating at a given frequency if eigenvalue is zero, as it was

mentioned in this chapter. Nevertheless, if there are many graphs of eigenvalues on one plot,
it is difficult to distinguish zero-crossing condition. If eigenvalues of a certain radiating
surface in free space are shown in magnitude form as in Figure 3.2, then it is possible to state
two things – what kind of energy was stored in certain characteristic mode at desired
frequency and which characteristic mode is radiating. Radiation of the characteristic mode is
found by checking zero-crossing condition, as it was shown before. Based on this theory, the
fifth characteristic mode is storing magnetic energy. The first and second characteristic
modes are resonating at the same frequency at 2.7, when eigenvalue is zero. The third and
forth characteristic mode are resonating at 3.1 GHz and 3.5 GHz respectively.

Figure 3. 2: Eigenvalues of 60x60 mm2 patch antenna radiating surface.

Chapter 3 The Theory of Characteristic Modes

3.5.2 Modal Significance Result

Using MS representation form in Figure 3.3, it is possible to state that the first and second
characteristic modes are resonating at 3.7 GHz in given frequency range. This was also
discovered above using eigenvalue representation form in Figure 3.2. To discover BW of the
first characteristic mode, 0.707 level should be checked in Figure 3.3. So, the lower border
frequency of the first mode is 1.77 GHz, but the upper is not seen, because the frequency
range is not large enough. It should be taken into account that there can be also no upper
border frequency at all within reasonable increase of the frequency range.

Figure 3.3: Modal significance of 6060 mm2 patch antenna radiating surface.

3.5.3 Characteristic angle

In characteristic angle representation form the characteristic mode is resonating when it is

equal to π rad or 180˚-degree level. it is required to check degree level in Figure 3.4 to see at
which frequency the mode is resonating. We can observe that the first and second
characteristic modes are resonating at 2.7 GHz and the third and fourth characteristic modes
are resonating at 3.1 GHz and 3.5 GHz respectively while mode 5 is an inductive mode.

Chapter 3 The Theory of Characteristic Modes

Figure 3.4: Characteristic angle of 60x60 mm2 patch antenna radiating surface.

3.6 Literature review

General description of theoretical properties for eigenvalues of characteristic modes and their
characteristic radiation patterns was given in the second half of the 20th century by R.F.
Harrington and J.R. Mautz. These authors described and proved theoretical properties of
characteristic modes [61] . Mathematical expressions and proofs provided in [61] show
generalized approach of solving characteristic mode problem.

Fabres (2008)

In [69], Fabres presented a clear and logical analysis of dipole and wire antennas in terms of
TCM. It is shown that TCM provides the same results as other computational methods for
these types of antennas. In addition, [69] contains many other applications related to
systematic antenna design principles using TCM. This work shows that it is possible to use
TCM to study bandwidth properties of an antenna and its input impedance. It also gives
examples of antennas, constructed based on TCM analysis.

Araghi et al. (2012)

In [71], Araghi et al. presented a design and analysis procedure of multiple input multiply
output [MIMO] triangular antenna. It is shown that appropriate modes can be excited by
feeding certain points of an antenna, which are determined based on TCM mode analysis.
Theoretical results provided for antennas designed with TCM are in correspondence to
practical measurements.

Chapter 3 The Theory of Characteristic Modes

Hazdra et al. (2012)

In [67] The characteristic modes are used to design and to predict radiation properties of
fractal antenna. This work is useful, because authors of this scientific paper have used
characteristic mode current distribution information to excite needed modes at certain
frequency band.

Miers et al. (2013)

In [72] using of TCM for antenna design is in bandwidth enhancement of an antenna. The use
of TCM to enhance bandwidth of multiband MIMO antenna is reported. The first 5 modes
were analyzed separately.

Capek et al. (2013)

In [73] It is important that TCM as a method can be implemented in MATLAB. It could give
advantages for antenna designers, such as availability software and the possibility to follow
and understand each computational step in detail.

Li et al. (2018)

In [74] Li et al. proposed a single-layered metasurface is proposed for dual-band millimeter-

wave operations. The theory of characteristic mode is employed for the modal analysis of the
proposed metasurface. Three modes of metasurface are selected to resonate around 28GHz,
33GHz and 36 GHz to cover the bands of 24.3–27.5 GHz and 37–40.5 GHz in 5G

Lin et al. (2018)

In [75] Lin et al. proposed a metasurface-based antenna is proposed for wideband operation
and analyzed using the source-free characteristic mode analysis (CMA) which provides the
insightful physical understanding of the operating mechanisms of the antenna.

Zhao et al. (2018)

In [76] Zhao et al. proposed a design a planar UWB mobile MIMO antenna based on the
TCM. Two different antenna elements are placed on the opposite edges of a rectangular
ground plane. These two antenna elements have different current distributions so as to excite
different CMs in accordance with the TCM.
Chapter 3 The Theory of Characteristic Modes

To conclude, the previous studies show that it is possible to use TCM in wide scope of design
cases related to antennas. Theory of characteristic modes allows thorough analysis on feeding
placements, BW, notches, slots, ground plane effect, radiation pattern shape in antenna
design, and many other properties.

3.7 Conclusion

The Theory of Characteristic Modes provides physical insight to the radiating nature of
microstrip patch antennas and hence reduces the design optimization time. Characteristic
mode analysis (CMA) allows systematic antenna design. This method provides resonant
frequency and current distribution modes of antenna structure. This feature can be utilized
also to analyze the cause of problem of an antenna and to suggest solution to the problem. It
was discovered that eigenvalues have positive values if corresponding characteristic modes
are storing magnetic energy. If eigenvalues have negative values, then characteristic modes
are storing electric energy. Eigenvalues can be represented in magnitude, MS or characteristic
angle forms. Characteristic modes are resonating in the following cases: if eigenvalue
magnitude is zero or if MS is approaching to 1 or if characteristic angle is equal to 180˚. In
addition, bandwidth of the characteristic mode can be obtained by checking the following
levels in different representation forms: ±1 level in eigenvalue magnitude representation or
0.707 level in MS representation or 135˚- and 180˚degree levels in characteristic angle.

Chapter 4 High Gain Tri-Band Antenna for 5G Communication

Chapter 4
Design of a Compact High Gain Microstrip
Patch Antenna for Tri-Band 5 G Wireless

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Antenna Design
4.3 Simulation Results
4.4 Parametric Study
4.5 Fabrication and Measurements
4.6 Conclusion

Chapter 4 High Gain Tri-Band Antenna for 5G Communication

Design of a Compact High Gain Microstrip Patch Antenna
for Tri-Band 5 G Wireless Communication

4.1 Introduction

In this chapter, a Tri-band microstrip-line-fed low profile microstrip patch antenna is

proposed for future multi-band 5 G wireless communication applications. The proposed
antenna is printed on a compact Rogers RT5880 substrate of dimensions 20 × 16.5 × 0.508
mm3 with relative permittivity, εr of 2.2 and loss tangent, tan δ of 0.0009. To improve return
loss and bandwidth of the proposed antenna, a partial ground plane technique is employed.
The proposed antenna operates at 10, 28, and 38 GHz, three of the selected frequencies which
are allocated by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) for 5 G mobile
communications. To reduce interference between the 5 G system and other systems in the
band, a pair of T-shaped slots is etched in the radiating patch to reject unwanted frequency
bands. The proposed design provides a gain of 5.67 dB at 10 GHz, 9.33 dB at 28 GHz and
9.57 dB at 38 GHz; the radiation pattern is mostly directional. The proposed antenna is
designed and optimized using two commercial 3D full-wave soft-ware, viz. CST microwave
studio and Ansoft HFSS. A prototype of the designed antenna that was fabricated and showed
good agreement between the actual measurements of S11 & VSWR and the simulation
results using both software.

The rest of this chapter is organized as follows. In Section 2, the proposed antenna design and
its dimensions are discussed. Section 3 presents the simulated results from both software on
return loss (S11), 2D radiation pattern, 3D gain, and radiation efficiency. In Section 4, the
measured results are discussed in comparison with the simulated results. The conclusion of
this study appears in Section 5.

4.2 Antenna Design

The geometrical configuration of the proposed antenna is shown in Figure 4.1. At the
beginning of this design procedure, the substrate material was carefully selected based on the
factors that affect the performance of the antenna, among them the substrate thickness,
dielectric permittivity, and loss tangent. In the proposed design, Rogers RT Duroid 5880

Chapter 4 High Gain Tri-Band Antenna for 5G Communication

substrate (εr = 2.2, tan δ = 0.0009) of 0.508 mm thickness is selected for the antenna. RT
Duroid is Glass Microfiber Reinforced PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) composite produced
by Roger Corporation. RT Duroid 5880 sub-strate has low loss tangent and low dielectric
constant. They give excellent chemical resistance, including sol-vent and reagents used in
printing and plating, ease of fabrication cutting, shearing, machining, and environ-ment
friendly. It also has characteristics of low water absorption, low electric loss and low
moisture absorp-tion. Roger substrate is the best for mm-Wave. It is most very suitable for
UHF (ultra-high frequencies) because of its low dielectric loss and its low dispersion.

Figure 4.1: Geometrical configuration of the proposed tri-band 5G antenna

First, a rectangular patch of copper is built on the top of the substrate layer and a
conducting partial ground is employed on the other side of the substrate. The inset feed
technique is used to achieve a good impedance matching between the feed line and the patch.
The proposed printed type antenna is constructed on a substrate of area dimensions 9.9 × 9.7
mm2, fed by a 50 Ω microstrip line of 0.7 mm wide and 4.75 mm long. A partial ground
plane is centrally located underneath the patch on the rear surface of the substrate. Table 4.1
shows the optimized dimensions of the proposed tri-band antenna demonstrated in Figure 4.1.

Table 4.1: Optimal values of the proposed antenna dimensions

Parameter Ws Ls = Lg Wg Wp Lp Yo
Value (mm) 20 16.5 13 9.9 9.7 2.4
Parameter Wf Lf W1 L1 W2 L2
Value (mm) 0.7 4.75 0.5 5.3 1.5 0.5

Chapter 4 High Gain Tri-Band Antenna for 5G Communication

4.3 Simulation Results

The antenna analysis was carried out using CST Microwave Studio Ver. 2015 and redesigned
using HFSS Ver. 15.0. The major simulation results of the designed antenna are given in this
section. The configuration of the design steps progression of the proposed triple-band antenna
is illustrated in Figure 4.2(a–d), while Figure 4.3 represents its corresponding reflection
coefficients. Initially in Figure 4.2(a), a conventional microstrip patch antenna was designed
to work at three different operating frequency bands, namely 10 GHz, 28 GHz, and 38 GHz.
There were, however, many unwanted frequency bands near the assigned bands. To remove
those unwanted bands, an inverted-T shaped slot is first created within the radiated element,
Figure 4.2(b), leading to some of the unwanted bands such as those at 23.5 GHz and 44 GHz
being attenuated. Another band-notch characteristic at 34.38–35 GHz is achieved by the
addition of an inverted-T shaped slot etched symmetrically with the first slot around the feed
line within the patch as illustrated in Figure 4.2(c). Finally, the ground plane is removed
partially as shown in Figure 4.2(d) to further improve the bandwidth at each resonance and to
enhance further the return loss for better impedance matching. Figure 4.3 depicts the
reflection coefficient at each step of the design development.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Figure 4.2(a-d): The evolution of the antenna design

Chapter 4 High Gain Tri-Band Antenna for 5G Communication

Figure 4.3: Simulated reflection coefficient of the antenna in the different stages of the
design development

An early simulation of the antenna on CST resulted in a −10 dB criteria bandwidth of about
343 MHz with S11 of −25.8 dB at 10 GHz, 761 MHz with S11 of −24.9 dB at 28 GHz, and
1.5 GHz with S11 of −32.9 dB at 38 GHz. Figure 4.4 demonstrates the final simulation
results using both CST and HFSS software for comparison. Good agreement between
simulation results was observed from both soft-ware. However, there was a small difference
in the band-width and S11 at 38 GHz, the highest resonance.

Figure 4.4: Simulated reflection coefficient of proposed tri-band 5G antenna.

The simulated VSWR as a function of frequency for the proposed antenna was less than
about 1.5 at the working frequencies is shown in Figure 4.5. Hence, it can be concluded that
the designed antenna can be conveniently used for the three frequency bands as planned.

Chapter 4 High Gain Tri-Band Antenna for 5G Communication

The VSWR is basically a measure of the impedance mismatch between the feeding
system and the antenna. The higher the VSWR, the greater is the mismatch. The minimum
possible value of VSWR is unity and this lead to a perfect match. We define VSWR as the
ratio between the maximum voltage and the minimum voltage

VSWR = V max / V min

= (V incident + V reflected) / (V incident – V reflected)

= (1 + V reflected / V incident) / (1 − V reflected / V incident)

= (1 + S11) / (1 − S11)

= (1 + 10 − RL/20)/(1 − 10 − RL/20) (4.1)

where RL = −20 log |S11| is the return loss in dB. For acceptable antenna matching, VSWR
should be less than 2, which corresponds to |S11| greater than 10 dB.

Figure 4.5: Simulated VSWR versus frequency of the proposed tri-band 5G antenna.

For a further understanding of the antenna performance, the simulated 3D gain is

presented in Figure 4.6. It can be seen that the achieved gains are 5.67 dB, 9.33 dB, and 9.57
dB at the frequencies 10 GHz, 28 GHz, and 38 GHz, respectively.

A comparison between simulated CST and HFSS radiation patterns of the proposed triple
band 5 G antenna generated at the three resonant frequencies are investigated here. Figure
4.7(a–f) depict the simulated E-plane and H-plane at 10 GHz, 28 GHz, and 38 GHz,
respectively. Good agreement between simulated CST and HFSS radiation patterns can be
observed in the two planes. They indicate that the radiation patterns are directional radiation

Chapter 4 High Gain Tri-Band Antenna for 5G Communication

at all the frequency bands of interest and this is suitable for point to point (P2P) wireless
communication. The device-to-device (D2D) communication is defined as a P2P radio
technology in which communications between two devices are done without the utilization of
BS or core network. Proximate devices can directly communicate with each other by
establishing direct links. Due to the small distance between the D2D users, it supports power
saving within the network, which is not possible in the case of conventional cellular
communication. Directional antenna is essential to mitigate the effect of multipath fading.
This is acceptable for point-to-point communication link with minimum multipath
interference. As a result, the proposed antenna here has achieved the required criteria to be
good candidate of such applications.

(a) (b)

Figure 4.6: CST simulated 3D gain (IEEE) of the proposed antenna at, (a) 10 GHz (b) 28
GHz, and (c) 38 GHz.

Chapter 4 High Gain Tri-Band Antenna for 5G Communication

The tri-band proposed antenna radiation efficiency is shown in Figure 4.8. It can be seen that
the achieved efficiencies are 74.47 %, 87.2 %, and 92% at 10 GHz, 28 GHz, and 38 GHz,
respectively. A full comparison between simulation results from the two-software used in the
design is summarized in Table 4.2.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)


Figure 4.7: Simulated radiation patterns, (a) E-plane at 10 GHz, (b) H plane at 10 GHz, (c)
E-plane at 28 GHz, (d) H-plane at 28 GHz, (e) E plane at 38 GHz, (f) H-plane at 38 GHz.

Chapter 4 High Gain Tri-Band Antenna for 5G Communication

Figure 4.8: Radiation efficiency of proposed tri-band 5 G.

Table 4.2: Comparison between CST and HFSS Simulation results.

Freq. S11 Gain BW

Simulator VSWR
(GHz) (dB) (dB) (GHz)
10 -25.8 5.67 1.10 0.343
CST 28 -24.9 9.33 1.12 0.761
38 -32.9 9.57 1.03 1.5
10 -25.5 6.88 1.11 0.2931
HFSS 27.8 -26.3 9.29 1.06 0.9772
38 -15 10.5 1.48 0.9284

4.4 Parametric study

A parametric study has been carried out using parameter sweep option in the CST simulator
to obtain a suitable position and width for the ground plane. It is observed that, changing the
ground plane parameters, width and position cause noticeable changes in the antenna entire
performance; especially the bandwidth and impedance matching. The position of ground
plane on the backside effect on the antenna. The performance has been investigated and the
ground plane width, Wg (see Figure 4.1) has been varied from 9 to 17 mm. The resulted
return loss for different values of Wg are shown in Figure 4.9. It can be clearly observed that
the return loss and bandwidth vary a little as Wg varied. The optimized value selected after
intensive simulations for Wg is 13 mm.

Chapter 4 High Gain Tri-Band Antenna for 5G Communication

Figure 4.9: Return loss curves for different width of ground plane.

4.5 Fabrication and measurements

To verify the design, a prototype of the proposed tri-band 5G antenna was fabricated and its
performance was measured. The testing of the antenna hardware was performed on the R&S
ZVA 67 VNA (Vector Network Analyzer) at 10 MHz to 67GHz. Instead of using a normal
SMA connector, a universal substrate test ICM model, the wk-3001 cp, provided a highly
flexible test platform for microstrip substrate is used as shown in Figure 4.10. A photograph
of the fabricated model is shown in Figure 4.11. The simulated and measured return losses of
the proposed triple band antenna are illustrated in Figure 4.12. As it can be observed from the
graph, there is a perfect matching between simulation and measurements at both 10 and
28GHz. On the contrary, at 38GHz, there is a considerable nonconformity. This could be
back to fabrication tolerance or calibration accuracy although the calibration has been done
up to 40GHz. Another reason may have also its impact on the measurement fineness, that we
used the only available connector, at the time of measurement, with maximum operating
frequency of 30GHz.

Figure 4.10: Measurement setup.

Chapter 4 High Gain Tri-Band Antenna for 5G Communication

Top view Bottom view

Figure 4. 11: Top and bottom views of the fabricated model

Figure 4.12: Simulated and measured reflection coefficients of the proposed tri-band

The VSWR was also measured and verified to be less than 2 at the three operating
frequencies, which satisfies an acceptable antenna matching based on eq. (4.1). Figure 4.13
exhibits the measured and simulated VSWR characteristics of the proposed antenna. It can be
observed from Figure 4.13 that the fabricated prototype resonated at 10.04, 27.5, and 37.8
GHz. Although slight disagreement was found between the measured and simulated
reflection coefficients at 38 GHz, measured and simulated results at the other two frequencies
matched very well. The main reasons for the disagreement between the results may be due to
fabrication tolerance or calibration errors or connection.

Chapter 4 High Gain Tri-Band Antenna for 5G Communication

Figure 4.13: Simulated and measured VSWR of the proposed antenna.

Table 4.3 presents a comparison between the proposed antenna and other references in terms
of the overall size and measured values of resonant frequencies, return loss as well as
bandwidth. It is noticeable from this comparison that the pro-posed antenna operating at triple
bands has broader bandwidth when compared with other antennae, but has lower return loss
due to fabrication tolerance or calibration errors that might cause a small degree of mismatch.

Table 4.3: Comparison between the proposed Antenna with previous models.

Size Resonance Return BW

(mm3) (GHz) loss(dB) (GHz)
[16] 20×20×1.6 10.15 -18.27 0.38
28 -40.36 1.2
[17] 19.25×26× 0.79
38 -30 0.37
10.04 -13 0.101
This work 20×16.5× 0.508 27.5 -23.5 0.45
37.8 -10.5 1.48

4.6 Conclusion

In this Chapter, a tri-band slotted microstrip patch antenna is proposed for 5 G wireless
applications. The antenna is a very low-profile structure with dimensions 20 × 16.5 × 0.508
mm3. It can, hence, be easily integrated into devices with space constraints. The antenna
structure is built on low loss Rogers RT5880 substrate of 2.2 relative permittivity. The

Chapter 4 High Gain Tri-Band Antenna for 5G Communication

antenna is designed to work at 10 GHz, 27.5 GHz, and 37.8 GHz with a bandwidth of 101,
450 MHz and 1.48 GHz, respectively. The proposed antenna is a good candidate for future 5
G wireless devices. To reduce interference between the 5 G systems and other systems in the
band, a pair of inverted-T shape slots is etched within the radiating element to reject the
unwanted frequency bands. The bandwidth and return loss parameters are significantly
improved using a partial ground technique. A prototype of the proposed antenna was
fabricated and good agreement between measurement and simulation results of S11 and
VSWR were achieved.

Chapter 5 MTM Superstrate Patch Antenna for 5G based on TCM

Chapter 5
Metamaterial Superstrate Microstrip Patch
Antenna for 5G Wireless Communication
based on the Theory of Characteristic Modes

5.1 Introduction
5.2 Antenna and MTM Superstrate Design
5.3 Characteristics Mode Analysis
5.4 Parametric Study
5.5 Fabricated Superstrate Antenna and Results
5.6 Conclusion

Chapter 5 MTM Superstrate Patch Antenna for 5G based on TCM

Metamaterial Superstrate Microstrip Patch Antenna for
5G Wireless Communication based on the Theory of
Characteristic Modes

5.1 Introduction

Metamaterials (MTMs) have received considerable attention due to their novel

electromagnetic properties. Their applications include enhancing gain and bandwidth in
microstrip antennas. In this article, a dual band microstrip antenna design based on
characteristic mode analysis (CMA) using MTM superstrate is proposed for 5G wireless
communication. The CMA is used for the modeling, analysis and optimization of the
proposed antenna to examine the underlying modal behavior of the MTM unit cell and to
guide mode excitation. The antenna structure consists of a microstrip feed line connected to
a rectangular patch. Then triangular split ring resonator unit cell is inserted on the ground of
a traditional patch antenna that resonates at 15 GHz to produce additional resonance at 10
GHz. A planer array of 2×3 triangle MTM unit cells is used as superstrate to improve the
gain and bandwidth at both resonances simultaneously. The optimal distance between MTM
superstrate and the antenna patch is determined using the Fabry-Perot cavity theory to
maximize power directivity and efficiency of the proposed antenna. The CST microwave
studio software is used to model and optimize the proposed antenna. A prototype of the
designed antenna that was fabricated showed good agreement between measurement and
simulation results.

In this chapter, a metamaterial-based antenna is proposed for 5G wireless communication.

Its application is examined using the source-free characteristic mode analysis (CMA),
which provides useful insights into an understanding of the antenna’s operating
mechanisms. A metamaterial superstrate layer is utilized to accomplish superior gain and
bandwidth simultaneously as compared with a traditional microstrip antenna. Simulation
and optimization of the proposed antenna structure is performed using a FIM-based CST
microwave studio. The antenna design appears in Section 2. In Section 3, the CMA results
are introduced where empirical formulas are derived for the guidelines of the design. A
parametric study based on time-domain analysis is presented in Section 4. The concept is

Chapter 5 MTM Superstrate Patch Antenna for 5G based on TCM

then verified by experiment as detailed in Section 5, followed by the conclusion in Section


5.2 Antenna and MTM Superstrate Design

In this section, the proposed microstrip patch antenna and MTM superstrate are introduced.
The S-parameters of the triangle split ring resonator (TSRR), derived using the effective
medium theory, are also discussed here.

5.2.1 Conventional microstrip patch antenna

A conventional microstrip patch antenna resonating at 15 GHz is designed as shown in Figure
5.1(a). It consists of a rectangular patch on Rogers RT 5880 substrate with its ground plane at
the bottom. The substrate is 1.575 mm thick and has relative permittivity of 2.2 and loss
tangent 0.0009. Inset feeding technique is used to achieve 50-Ω impedance matching. The
return loss of the antenna is -41 dB at 15 GHz as shown in Figure 5.1(b), and the
corresponding gain and bandwidth are around 8.07 dB and 1.3 GHz, respectively.


Figure 5.1: Traditional microstrip patch antenna (a) Schematic diagram, (b) S11 resonates at
15 GHz.

5.2.2 TSRR unit cell design and extraction of its effective parameters
The structure of the TSRR unit cell and its S-parameters are presented in Figures 5.2(a) and
(b), respectively. It can be noted that the TSRR unit cell resonates at 10 GHz with a return
loss of -25 dB. The geometrical dimensions of the TSRR unit cell are as follows: length of
Chapter 5 MTM Superstrate Patch Antenna for 5G based on TCM

outer edge of the TSRR (Lt) = 4.6 mm, width of the slot (W) = 0.3 mm, gap width within the
side arm (g) = 0.3 mm. The effective MTM parameters, permittivity (ɛreff) and permeability
(µreff) are derived from the S-parameters of the TSRR unit cell based on the algorithm
introduced in [20]. The refractive index, relative permittivity and relative permeability of the
TSRR unit cell shown in Figure 5.3 have negative values at the resonance frequency of 10
GHz, as expected. The permittivity of the complementary triangular split ring resonator
(CTSRR) unit cell is negative at the operating frequency, conversely with TSRRs of the same
dimensions for which negative permeability is expected, this being the main feature of
metasurfaces [77]-[78].


Figure 5.2: Equilateral TSRR unit cell operates at 10 GHz (a) Schematic diagram, (b) S-

‫‪Chapter 5‬‬ ‫‪MTM Superstrate Patch Antenna for 5G based on TCM‬‬



‫‪Figure 5.3: TSRR MTM unit cell parameters: (a) effective permittivity, (b) effective‬‬
‫‪permeability, (c) refractive index‬‬

Chapter 5 MTM Superstrate Patch Antenna for 5G based on TCM

This CTSRR is employed in the ground plane underneath the patch as depicted in Figure
5.4(a). The CTSRR’s dimensions and position are optimized to generate additional resonant
frequency at 10 GHz without disturb the original resonance. It can be easily noticed that the
production of new resonance frequency at 10 GHz with return loss of -31 dB and bandwidth
of 307 MHz is shown in Figure 5.4(b).


Figure 5.4: The microstrip antenna with incorporating CTSRR in the ground plane to operate
at dual band of 10 and15 GHz, (a) Schematic diagram, (b) S11

In order to enhance the performance of this antenna for 5G wireless communication in terms
of improved gain, bandwidth, and directivity focusing of the beam, a metamaterial superstrate
is introduced as described in the following sub-section.
5.2.3 Metamaterial Superstrate Analysis
The geometrical structure of metamaterial superstrate consisting of a 2×3 array of the TSRR
unit cell is depicted in Figure 5.5(a). The perspective and side views of the proposed antenna
are illustrated in Figures 5.5 (b) and (c), respectively. The MTM superstrate is utilized to
cover the patch of the traditional antenna without increasing the total area of the suggested
antenna, i.e. the planer areas of loaded and unloaded antennas are almost the same. The
overall size of the MTM superstrate layer is 20×15 mm2. It is placed at a distance (d) of 12.5

Chapter 5 MTM Superstrate Patch Antenna for 5G based on TCM

mm above the patch of the microstrip antenna. The designated dimensions of the proposed
rectangular patch antenna as well as the triangular unit cell are tabulated in Table 5.1.




Figure 5.5: (a) Geometrical structure of MTM superstrate. (b) Perspective view, (c) Side
view of the proposed antenna

Table 5.1: Dimensions of the proposed antenna

Parameter Ws Ls Wp Lp Yo Sx
Value (mm) 20 20 7.8 6.22 1.2 1.2
Parameter Wf Lf Lt g W Sy
Value (mm) 1.565 6.09 4.6 0.3 0.3 4.9

Chapter 5 MTM Superstrate Patch Antenna for 5G based on TCM

The separation distance between the superstrate layer and the patch is obtained in accordance
with the Fabry-Perot cavity theory, following [55]:

𝜑 𝜆
𝑑 = (1 + ) (5.1)
𝜋 4

where 𝜑 is the reflection angle of the superstrate, and the optimal spacing 𝑑 is at around the
focal point of the design which is 12.5 mm for 𝜑 = 120∘ .

The CST microwave studio simulator that is based on the finite integration technique is used
to model this proposed antenna from which measurements are compared to the simulated
results to validate the proposed concept. This approach enables considerable improvement in
the gain of antenna and in its efficiency as discussed later in this paper.

To understand the operating mechanism of the proposed microstrip patch antenna and TSRR
unit cell, the intrinsic characteristic modes (CMs) supported by the TSRR unit cell are
investigated according to the theory of characteristic modes (TCM) as detailed in the next

5.3 Characteristics Mode Analysis

5.3.1 Theory of Characteristic Mode

The theory of characteristic mode (TCM) was introduced in 1965 [60], and reformulated for
computing the CMs for perfectly electric conducting bodies in 1971 [61]–[62]. TCM became
an alternative technique to design microstrip antenna because of the physical insight it
brought. It can offer significant data for antenna design, for example expecting resonant
frequencies and the right feed position to excite a particular characteristic mode. The TCM
derivation and its application in antenna design are introduced in [79]. Characteristics modes
(CM) can be obtained as the eigenfunctions of the particular weighted eigenvalue equation in
the form of 𝑋(𝐽𝑛) = 𝜆𝑛𝑅(𝐽𝑛) where the λn are the eigenvalues, the Jn are the
eigenfunctions or eigencurrents, n is the mode order and 𝑅 and 𝑋 are the real and imaginary
parts of the MOM impedance matrix 𝑍 = 𝑅 + 𝑗𝑋 [25]. The eigenvalue is a very beneficial
parameter as it makes available the resonant frequency and radiation information of the CM.
In practice, however other ways of representation of the eigenvalue may be prioritize.
Another factor called modal significance (MS) is substantially important, which is a
parameter used to find the resonant frequency as well as the bandwidth offered by a mode
and it is determined as MSn = |1/ (1 + j λn)|. The same information can be extracted from
the characteristic angle βn that models the phase angle between a characteristic current Jn and

Chapter 5 MTM Superstrate Patch Antenna for 5G based on TCM

the associated characteristic field En. It can be calculated as 𝛽𝑛 = 180° − 𝑡𝑎𝑛−1 (𝜆𝑛).
When the characteristic angle is close to 180º the mode is considered as a good radiator,
while when the characteristic angle is near 90º or 270º the mode mainly stores energy. When
a CM resonates, it is observed that λn = 0 while MSn = 1 and βn = 180°. The TCM states that
the current patterns can be expressed as an infinite sum of fundamental current modes that are
individually weighted by several factors. It can be expressed as 𝐽 = 𝛴 𝛼𝑛 𝐽𝑛, where αn is
determined by the eigenvalue and the modal-excitation coefficient of the nth mode.
5.3.2 CMA of the Proposed Antenna Elements and TSRR unit cell
To understand the operational mechanism of the antenna elements and TSRR unit cell, the
evolution of modal behavior is investigated. The results are obtained using the CMA tool that
is based on the method of moments in the CST microwave studio (Ver. 2018) commercial
software. Because of the constraint of the integral equation solver, the conventional antenna
elements investigated here are set for perfect electric conductor with a thickness of 0.035
mm, without any substrate or excitation i.e. no feed port utilized in the antenna element for
the CMA.
The expected modal significance (MSn) and characteristic angles (βn) of the three most
pertinent CMs of the patch antenna are presented in Figure 5.6 and Figure 5.7, respectively.
The patch antenna’s three most pertinent CMs operate at 9.95 GHz, 15 GHz and another
frequency is above 20 GHz. The modal significance shows that the trace of mode 1 is sharper
than that of mode 2, indicating that mode 1 has narrower bandwidth than mode 2.

Figure 5.6: Expected modal significance of the first three most pertinent CMs of the patch

Chapter 5 MTM Superstrate Patch Antenna for 5G based on TCM

Figure 5. 7: Expected characteristics angle (βn) of the first three most pertinent CMs of the
patch antenna

The surface current distributions on the patch element are sketched in Figure 5.8, where the
black arrows point to the directions of current. Other than were specified, all the modal
currents and fields shown in this paper are plotted at 10 GHz. The main current of mode 1 is
at 10 GHz, and that of mode 2 at 15 GHz.

Mode 1 at 10 GHz Mode 2 at 15 GHz

Figure 5.8: Expected current distributions of the first two modes of patch element

Here, we explore the relationship between the TSRR unit cell, patch and the ground plane.
The predicted MSn of the ground plane and TSRR unit cell are depicted in Figure 5.9 and
Figure 5.10, respectively. Figure 5.9 demonstrates that the four most pertinent CMs of the
ground plane resonate at 7, 9.4, 10, and 15 GHz. Figure 5.10 indicates that of the three most
pertinent CMs of the TSRR unit cell, two resonate at 10 and 15.1 GHz, while the third has a
resonant frequency above 20 GHz. The surface current distributions of the TSRR element are
demonstrated in Figure 5.11.

Chapter 5 MTM Superstrate Patch Antenna for 5G based on TCM

Figure 5.9: Predicted modal significances of the first three most relevant CMs of ground

Figure 5.10: Predicted modal significances of the first three most relevant CMs of TSRR unit

Mode 1 at 10GHz
Figure 5.11: Predicted current distribution of the first mode.

Figures 5.12 and 5.13 present the simulated electric and magnetic fields on the ground plane
in the near field at 10 and 15 GHz. As can be observed from Figure 5.12, mode 3 has strong

Chapter 5 MTM Superstrate Patch Antenna for 5G based on TCM

magnetic-field and nulls of electric-field in the center of ground plane. In contrast, in Figure
5.13, mode 4 has strong electric-field and nulls of magnetic-field in the center of ground
plane. The CTSRR acts as a magnetic source. The term “magnetic source” in this context
means that the CTSRR unit cell stores at most magnetic energy in the near field. When a
magnetic source is accurately sited at the strong magnetic field point of the CM, it can excite
the CM effectively. Hence, CTSRR is able to excite mode 3 of the ground plane effectively.
The patch element acts as an electric source. The term “electric source” here means that the
patch element stores mainly electric energy in the near field. When an electric source is
accurately sited at the strong electric field point of CM, it can excite the CM effectively.
Hence, the patch element is also capable to excite mode 3 of the ground plane efficiently.

(a) (b)

Figure 5.12: Electric and magnetic fields on the ground plane in the near field at 10 GHz: (a)
E-field, (b) H-field

(a) (b)
Figure 5.13: Electric and magnetic fields on the ground plane in the near field at 15 GHz: (a)
E-field, (b) H-field

Chapter 5 MTM Superstrate Patch Antenna for 5G based on TCM

5.4 Parametric Study

The parametric studies were performed by using the parameter sweep option in CST to obtain
maximum enhancement in gain and bandwidth of the proposed antenna. There is another
important parameter that exerts control in gain and bandwidth, namely the separation (d)
between the MTM superstrate and the main patch of the antenna. Figures 5.14(a) and (b)
illustrate the variation of return loss and gain, respectively, at 10 and 15 GHz of the proposed
antenna with the amendment in the separation d. Maximum gain and bandwidth are obtained
for d = 12.5 mm.


Figure 5.14: Parametric study of the spacing between the patch and TSRR superstrate of the
proposed antenna, (a) S11, (b) Gain

Another two important parameters that can be manipulated to maximize the gain are the
vertical and horizontal spacing (SY and SX) between each two adjacent TSRR unit cells.
Figures 5.15(a) and (b) show the variation of gain with change in SX and SY. Maximum gain
is obtained for SX = 1.2 mm and SY = 4.9 mm.

Placing the MTM superstrate above the patch at a small height gives rise to a parasitic
loading of the traditional patch antenna. Because of this parasitic loading, proximity coupling
Chapter 5 MTM Superstrate Patch Antenna for 5G based on TCM

between the TSRR MTM superstrate and patch take place, consequently forming a two layer
electromagnetically coupled system. This electromagnetic coupling between the patch and
TSRR MTM superstrate produces an enrichment of the bandwidth of the composite system.
The proposed antenna gain improvement can be explained by means of the cavity effect that
arises when the TSRR MTM superstrate placed at a convenient distance above the patch. As
per Snell’s Law of refraction, the medium with low refractive index moves the
electromagnetic waves afar from the main source and in the direction to the normal of this
surface. This feature improves significantly the directivity of the proposed antenna. The
MTM superstrate performs as a highly reflective surface, rendering the antenna highly
directive. The presence of MTM superstrate also makes the field distribution of the antenna
more homogeneous, thus improving overall gain of the proposed antenna.



Figure 5.15: Gain parametric study for different (a) vertical spacing (Sy) and (b) horizontal
spacing (Sx) between each two adjacent TSRR unit cells

Chapter 5 MTM Superstrate Patch Antenna for 5G based on TCM

5.5 Fabricated Superstrate Antenna and Results

To demonstrate the validity of the design, EM simulated results of the proposed superstrate
antenna are compared with actual measurements in this section. Testing of the antenna
hardware was performed on the R&S ZVA 67 VNA (Vector Network Analyzer) at 10 MHz
to 67 GHz. Figures 5.16(a), (b), and (c) are photographs of the front and back views of the
unloaded antenna, enlarged view of MTM superstrate, and perspective view of the fabricated
MTM superstrate antenna, respectively. Figure 5.17 (a) demonstrates the simulated S-
parameters of the dual band patch antenna with and without MTM superstrate, while Figure
5.17 (b) shows the simulated and measured S-parameters of the proposed antenna under
loading conditions.



Figure 5.16: Prototype of (a) fabricated unloaded antenna, (b) TSRR MTM superstrate, (c)
perspective view

Chapter 5 MTM Superstrate Patch Antenna for 5G based on TCM

It can be observed from Figure 5.17 (a) that the antenna without MTM superstrate resonates
at 10 and 15 GHz with a bandwidth of 0.307 and 1.3 GHz, respectively. In comparison, when
the conventional antenna is covered with MTM TSRR superstrate the bandwidth reaches to
0.404 and 1.82 GHz at the same resonant frequencies in sequence. From Figure 5.17(b), it is
observed that the fabricated antenna resonates at 10.05 and 15.4 GHz with a bandwidth of 0.4
and 1.7 GHz, respectively, showing that both results are in good agreement between
simulation and measurement. However, there is a small difference between simulated and
measured return loss of about 0.5% and 2.6%, respectively due to a slight compromise in
precision when fabricating the model.


Figure 5.17: S11 characteristics of the proposed antenna (a) With and without superstrate (b)
measured and simulated with superstrate

A comparison between simulated and measured radiation patterns is shown in Figure

5.18 for the proposed dual band MTM superstrate antenna. As shown in the figure, the
simulated and measured E- and H-planes of radiation pattern at the two frequencies are
mostly directional. There was good agreement between the simulation and measurement
results. Moreover, the radiation beam in both E plane and H-plane became more focused
when the MTM superstrate was positioned on top of the patch. To verify the contention that

Chapter 5 MTM Superstrate Patch Antenna for 5G based on TCM

antenna gain is improved as the beam becomes more focused, the gain versus frequency for
the proposed antenna with and without MTM superstrate is plotted in Figure 5.19. It can be
seen that the simulated gain of the proposed antenna incorporated with an MTM superstrate
improved from 5.78 dB to 8.24 dB, and from 7.87 dB to 9.56 dB at 10 and 15 GHz,



Figure 5.18: Simulated and measured radiation patterns, (a) E-plane at 10 GHz, (b) H-plane
at 10 GHz, (c) E-plane at 15 GHz, (d) H-plane at 15 GHz

The measured and simulated gains of the proposed antenna fell roughly within the antenna
bandwidth, but with some fluctuation in the measured values due to measurement errors and
misalignment in the placement of the MTM lens above the patch. Regarding antenna
efficiency shown in Figure 5.20, it is important to note that the dielectric and the conductor
losses increased as a result of the added MTM superstrate and, consequently, a slight
degradation in antenna overall efficiency is to be expected. However, the directivity of the
antenna increased significantly due to beam focusing of the radiated wave, and this more than
offset the slight loss in radiation efficiency. Consequently, antenna gain was upgraded

Chapter 5 MTM Superstrate Patch Antenna for 5G based on TCM

Figure 5.19: Comparison between the measurement and EM simulation gains of the
proposed antenna with and without MTM superstrate

Figure 5.20: Comparison between the measurement and EM simulation radiation efficiency
of the proposed antenna with and without MTM superstrate

The antenna gain, efficiency, and radiation pattern characteristics were measured using the
Satimo StarLab near-field antenna measurement setup ranging from 800 MHz to 6 GHz, and
from 6 GHz to 18 GHz as shown in Figure 5.21. This system allows measurement of the
antenna’s electric fields within the near-field region for computation of the corresponding far-
field values of the antenna under test (AUT). The AUT was placed on the test board and
positioned in the middle of a circular “arch” that contained 29 measuring probe antennas
divided into 15 probes for the low frequency range, and 14 other probes for the high
frequency range. These probes were placed at equal distance surrounding the circular surface.
The 360° horizontal rotation of the AUT, together with the probes, performed a full 3D scan
of AUT and collected data for radiation patterns. The far-field data were then employed to
compute the gain and efficiency of the antenna model.

Chapter 5 MTM Superstrate Patch Antenna for 5G based on TCM

Figure 5.21: Measurement setup in the Satimo StarLab

5.6 Conclusion

In this chapter, a MTM superstrate loaded on to a patch antenna is developed for 5G wireless
communications. The MTM superstrate, with a total area of 20×15 mm2, comprises a 32
triangular split ring resonator on a 1.575 mm thick Rogers substrate of 2.2 relative
permittivity. The MTM superstrate is positioned 12.5 mm above the patch. The proposed
composite structure enhances the antenna gain and operating bandwidth simultaneously. A
double band characteristic of the antenna is utilized by incorporating a complementary
triangular split ring resonator on the ground plane. Characteristic mode analysis shows this
approach to be effective in the modeling and design of the proposed antenna. A comparison
of the performance of the MTM superstrate-loaded antenna with that of the conventional
unloaded control showed metamaterials to have good potential for improving antenna
performance. A prototype of the proposed antenna was fabricated and good agreement
between measurement and simulation results was achieved.

Chapter 6 MTM based 1×2 Patch Antenna for 5G Examined by CMA

Chapter 6
Performance of a Metamaterial-based 1×2
Microstrip Patch Antenna Array for 5G
Wireless Communications Examined by
Characteristic Mode Analysis

6.1 Introduction
6.2 Antenna design and MTM unit-cell analysis
6.3 CMA of Proposed Antenna Elements and CHSRR unit cell
6.4 Measurements and Discussions
6.5 Conclusion

Chapter 6 MTM based 1×2 Patch Antenna for 5G Examined by CMA

Chapter 6`
Performance of a Metamaterial-based 1×2 Microstrip
Patch Antenna Array for 5G Wireless Communications
Examined by Characteristic Mode Analysis

6.1 Introduction

The theory of characteristic modes (TCM) is used to examine the behavior of hexagonal
split ring resonator (HSRR) unit cells employed in the ground plane of a 2-element
microstrip patch antenna array. With the HSRR unit cells properly designed and positioned,
mutual coupling between the array elements is reduced by currents generated in the
direction opposite to those of the original characteristic mode (CM). A 2-element
microstrip antenna array fed by corporate feed network is proposed in this paper for 5G
wireless communications. The substrate material used in this design is the low cost FR4
substrate of 1.575 mm thickness. Suppression of higher harmonics and reduction in mutual
coupling between the elements of the array as a result of metamaterial loading was also
investigated using TCM. The simulation results showed that the single patch antenna and
the 2-element array antenna achieved gains of 5.36 dB and 8.2 dB as well as bandwidths of
628 MHz and 610 MHz, respectively. The bandwidth of the 2-element array antenna was
enlarged to 906 MHz by loading the ground plane with five HSRR unit cells. Prototypes for
the proposed antennas were fabricated and the experimental outcomes from these showed
good agreement between the actual measurements and the simulation results. The gain
patterns and radiation efficiencies were measured using the SATIMO Starlab anechoic
chamber. The FIT-based CST microwave studio software was used to model, simulate, and
optimize the proposed antennas.

In this chapter, a 1×2 MPA array is proposed for 5G wireless communication and
analyzed using the source-free Characteristic Mode Analysis (CMA) which provides an
insightful physical understanding of the operating mechanisms of the antenna. A
complementary hexagonal split ring resonator (CHSRR) metamaterial is used for bandwidth
enhancement of the 1×2 patch antenna array. Simulation and optimization of the proposed
antenna structure are performed using the 3-D full-wave CST microwave studio software.

The remainder of this chapter is organized as follows: Section 2 describes how the proposed
antenna is designed. The analysis and the behavior of CHSRR as well as a discussion on the
method developed for mutual coupling reduction using TCM are described in Section 3.
Chapter 6 MTM based 1×2 Patch Antenna for 5G Examined by CMA

The concept introduced is then verified by experiment in Section 4, which is followed by

the conclusion in Section 5.

6.2 Antenna design and MTM unit-cell analysis

The configurations of the single element, 1×2 element patch antenna and HSRR MTM are
presented in this section. The scattering parameters of the HSRR extracted using the
effective medium theory are also discussed.

6.2.1 Single element MPA

Figure 6.1(a) shows a conventional single element MPA used here as a reference antenna
with which to compare the attributes of the final proposed antenna. The antenna is designed
using FR4 material with a thickness of h = 1.575 mm, relative permittivity ɛr = 4.3, and loss
tangent of 0.025. The single element MPA is matched to a transmission line of 50 Ω
characteristics impedance using a quarter-wave impedance transformer. The return loss of
the antenna is minimized to reach -25 dB at 10 GHz, as depicted in Figure 6.1(b). The
corresponding gain and bandwidth of this reference antenna are determined to be 5.36 dB
and 620 MHz, respectively.

The main objective here is to enhance the performance of this reference antenna so that
it can be utilized for MTM-based 5G wireless communication using TCM. Enhanced
antenna performance refers to an improvement to the gain, bandwidth, directivity, and other
functions which are difficult to achieve with a single element patch. In the following sub-
sections, the single element antenna is initially transformed to a 1×2 array, following which,
five HSRRs are etched within the ground plane to widen the antenna bandwidth.
Subsequently, a superstrate MTM layer covers the patch to magnify the antenna gain

Chapter 6 MTM based 1×2 Patch Antenna for 5G Examined by CMA


Figure 6.1: Reference single element MPA operating at 10 GHz, (a) Top view, (b) S11 return

6.2.2 1×2 element MPA array

Figure 6.2(a) shows the 1×2 MPA array. The two patches have the same dimensions of the
single patch antenna referred to above, and is constructed on the same kind of substrate. The
spacing between the rectangular patch array elements, about 9 mm, is slightly greater than
λg/2, where λg is the guided wavelength at 10 GHz. A feeding network is used for equal
division of power. Three different widths of 50 Ώ,70.7 Ώ and 100 Ώ microstrip lines are
used for the feeding network. The return loss of the 1×2 rectangular microstrip patch array
is optimized to attain -41 dB at 10 GHz as shown in Figure 6.2(b). The corresponding
antenna gain and bandwidth are accomplished to 8.25 dB and 610 MHz.

Chapter 6 MTM based 1×2 Patch Antenna for 5G Examined by CMA


Figure 6.2: 2-element patch antenna array operating at 10 GHz, (a) schematic diagram, (b)
S11 return loss.

6.2.3 HSRR unit cell design and extraction of its effective parameters
The HSRR structure consists of two nested concentric metallic hexagonal rings with a split
in the opposite sides of each as illustrated in Figure 6.3(a). This single HSRR unit cell is
modeled on the CST microwave studio software where the boundary conditions are set as
shown in Figure 6.3(b). The S-parameters over the frequency range from 7 to 13 GHz are
presented in Figure 6.3(c). It can be observed that the unit cell resonates at 10 GHz with a
return loss of -16 dB. It acts as an electrically small LC resonator with distributed
capacitance and inductance. Based on Babinet’s principle and the duality concept, the
CSRR is the negative image of SRR, but the basic mechanism is the same for both

‫‪Chapter 6‬‬ ‫‪MTM based 1×2 Patch Antenna for 5G Examined by CMA‬‬




‫‪Figure 6.3: CHSRRs, (a) Schematic diagram, (b) modeling setup and boundary conditions,‬‬
‫‪(c) S-parameters, (d) Extracted permittivity‬‬

Chapter 6 MTM based 1×2 Patch Antenna for 5G Examined by CMA

Figure 6.3(d) shows the negative permittivity characteristics of the CHSRR which are
extracted from the scattering parameters using the algorithm presented in [51]. In order to
enhance the bandwidth of the proposed antenna that resonates at 10 GHz, five hexagonal
CSRRs are etched on the ground plane as shown in Figure 6.4(a). It is evident in Figure
6.4(b) that the bandwidth has enlarged significantly up to 906 MHz. All optimal dimensions
of the antenna and the HSRR unit cell are listed in Table 6.1.

Table 6.1:Optimal values of the proposed antenna

Parameter Ws Ls Wp Lp W L
Value (mm) 35 28 9.2 6.5 6 6
Parameter W1 L1 W2 L2 W3 L3
Value (mm) 3.6 6 4.35 o.71 2.1 3.5
Parameter W4 L4 W5 L5 S Lh
Value (mm) 3.6 4.2 0.6 3.6 0.5 1.41
Parameter Wf Lf t Wt Lt g
Value (mm) 3.1 6.9 0.3 0.74 4.3 0.28


Figure 6.4: Proposed antenna incorporating 5 HCSRR MTM unit cells in the ground plane,
(a) Schematic diagram and (b) S11 parameters

Chapter 6 MTM based 1×2 Patch Antenna for 5G Examined by CMA

6.3 CMA of Proposed Antenna Elements and CHSRR unit cell

The theory of Characteristic Mode Analysis is performed here in a series of steps to

investigate how each part of the antenna structure influences the whole antenna
performance. First, we start by examining the ground plane only by TCM. We then analyze
the 1×2 MPA array including the ground plane but without MTM unit cells. Finally, we
investigate the 1×2 MPA array with the five CHSRRs MTM unit cells inserted in the
ground plane. These three analytical steps are performed without involving the feeding
port. The main objective here is to understand how mutual coupling between the patch
elements can be controlled using the MTMs by studying the behavior of the CMs. First, the
modes are identified in the frequency band of interest and then the CHSRRs are
implemented in the ground plane to block the modes that produce high coupling. The
characteristic angles for the first four modes from the TCM analysis of the ground plane are
demonstrated in Figure 6.5, while the current distributions for the same modes are depicted
in Figure 6.6.

From a physical point of view, a characteristic angle models the phase angle between the
characteristic current Jn and the associated characteristic field En. Figure 6.5 presents the
variation of the characteristic angles (𝛽𝑛 ) associated with the current modes versus
frequency. It can be seen that a mode resonates when its characteristic angle 𝛽𝑛 is 180º.
Therefore, when the characteristic angle is close to 180º the mode is a good radiator;
otherwise the mode mainly stores energy. In the case of 90°< βn< 180°, the associated
modes are inductive modes while in the case of 180° < βn < 270°, the associated modes are
capacitive modes. It is observed in Figure 6.5 that only Modes 1 and 2 are contributing in
the band of interest, while Modes 3 and 4 start contributing after 4.1 GHz and after 14 GHz,

Figure 6.5: Characteristic angle curves of the ground plane.

Chapter 6 MTM based 1×2 Patch Antenna for 5G Examined by CMA

It is also observed in Figure 6.6 that the current distribution of Mode 1 is concentrated
around the sides of the ground while there is nearly no current (nulls) in the medial area of
the ground that represents the important region between the two patches that determines
whether the mode is one of coupling or non-coupling. Accordingly, Mode 1 is the non-
coupling mode while Mode 2 represents the coupling mode because there is maximal
current at the center region. We would want to block this mode that is causing high

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Figure 6.6: Current distribution of the first four modes on the ground plane at 10 GHz, (a)
Mode 1 (b) Mode 2 (c) Mode 3 (d) Mode 4

6.3.1 1×2 element MPA array without CHSRR MTM

TCM is applied here to the 1×2 array patch antenna design including its substrate as in
Figure 6.2(a). The characteristic angle curves and the modal current distributions on the
surface of the ground plane at 10 GHz are shown in Figures 6.7 and 6.8, respectively. It is
clearly seen in Figures 6.7 and 6.8 that it is not just the ground that decides the CM
behavior. Modes 1 and 2 are contributing in the desired frequency band, while Mode 3 and
Mode 4 start contributing only after 6.4 GHz and 12.5 GHz, respectively. By using the
current distribution, we can identify any of these desired frequency modes (Mode 1 and
Chapter 6 MTM based 1×2 Patch Antenna for 5G Examined by CMA

Mode 2) which cause high coupling between the two elements of the MPA array that we are
going to block. It is also observed from Figure 6.8 that Mode 2 causes high coupling
between radiating elements because of the high current density in the area between the
radiating elements.

Figure 6.7: Characteristics angle curves of the 1×2 array patch antenna in the presence of the
FR4 substrate.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Figure 6.8: Current distribution of the first four modes of the 1×2 patch array at 10 GHz, (a)
Mode 1 (b) Mode 2 (c) Mode 3 (d) Mode 4

Chapter 6 MTM based 1×2 Patch Antenna for 5G Examined by CMA

6.3.2 1×2 element MPA array with CHSRRs MTM

The 1×2 element patch array incorporating the CHSRR MTM unit cells is analyzed here
using TCM. Figure 6.9 shows that Modes 1 and 2 are contributing to the radiating
bandwidth in the band of interest while Modes 3 and 4 are not contributing in any way.
Moreover, in view of the current directions, it can be seen that Mode 1 is not contributing to
the coupling between the two patch elements due to the presence of current nulls while
Mode 2 produces coupling between them. To reduce the coupling between the two radiating
elements, five hexagonal CSRRS are etched in the ground plane as shown in Figure 6.4(a).
Based on the characteristic mode analysis, the hexagonal CSRRS ought to be placed at a
position such that they are able to block the coupling modes, without influencing or
prohibiting the non-coupling modes. In the event that there are two modes in the coveted
band where one is a coupling mode and the other a non-coupling mode, they can be isolated
in such a way where one can be hindered without influencing the other. It gets more
complicated whenever there is need to deal with additional modes. The characteristic angle
curves and the CM current distribution at 10 GHz are shown in Figures 6.9 and 6.10,
respectively. From these curves, it can be seen that just Mode 1 is available in the desired
bandwidth area while Mode 2 is hindered in the band of interest. We can infer that Mode 1
is responsible for the radiation. The radiating BW of Mode 1 and the impedance BW of the
actual structure stops exactly at a similar point, as shown in Figure 6.9. This implies Mode
1 is assuming the significant role of the desired resonance frequency.

Figure 6.9: Characteristic angle curves of the 1×2 array patch with CHSRRS

Chapter 6 MTM based 1×2 Patch Antenna for 5G Examined by CMA

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Figure 6.10: Current distributions of the first four modes of the 1×2 array patch at 10 GHz,
where (a) Mode 1 (b) Mode 2 (c) Mode 3 (d) Mode 4

6.4 Measurements and Discussions

The proposed 1×2 MPA array based on MTM was fabricated and measured using the R&S
ZVA 67 VNA (Vector Network Analyzer) operating from 10 MHz to 67 GHz. Photographs
of the fabricated prototype are shown in Figure 6.11. Figure 6.12(a) depicts the simulated
return loss characteristics of the reference antenna, 1×2 array MPA without (unloaded) and
with (loaded) HSRR MTM unit cells on the ground plane, whereas Figure 6.12(b) displays
the simulated and measured S11 parameters of the proposed antenna under loaded

Chapter 6 MTM based 1×2 Patch Antenna for 5G Examined by CMA

(a) (b)
Figure 6.11: Fabricated model, (a) top and (b) bottom views



Figure 6.12: Return loss characteristics of (a) Reference antenna and array antenna without
and with MTM (simulated) (b) Proposed array antenna with MTM (measured and simulated).

Chapter 6 MTM based 1×2 Patch Antenna for 5G Examined by CMA

It can be observed from Figure 6.12(a) that the array antenna without MTM resonates at 10
GHz and has a bandwidth of 610 MHz, whereas the bandwidth expands to 906 MHz when
five HSRRs MTM unit cells are incorporated on the ground plane, Figure 6.12(b)
demonstrates the simulation and measurement results which are in good agreement with
each other. However, there is a small shift in the resonant frequency between simulated and
measured return loss (about 2%) due to fabrication tolerance.

The Satimo StarLab near-field antenna measurement system setup with measurement
ranges of 800 MHz to 6 GHz, and 6 GHz to 18 GHz is shown in Figure 6.13. It is used to
measure the antenna gain, radiation efficiency and radiation pattern characteristics. This
system allows measuring the antenna’s electric fields within the near-field region to
compute the corresponding far-field values of the antenna under test (AUT). The AUT is
placed on the test board and positioned in the middle of a circular “arch” which contains 29
measuring probe antennas divided into 15 probes for low frequency range and the other 14
probes for high frequency range. These probes are placed at equal distance surrounding the
circular surface. The AUT is rotated horizontally over 360°, and this rotation and array of
probes together perform a full 3D scan of the AUT and collect data for radiation patterns.
The far-field data is then used to compute the gain and radiation efficiency of the AUT.

Figure 6.13: Measurement setup in the Satimo StarLab

Figure 6.14 compares the simulated and measured radiation patterns in the two principal
planes. It is observed here that simulated patterns matched well with the measurements at
the resonant frequency.

Chapter 6 MTM based 1×2 Patch Antenna for 5G Examined by CMA

(a) (b)

Figure 6.14: Simulated and measured radiation patterns at 10 GHz, (a) E-plane, (b) H-plane

The antenna broadband gain and radiation efficiency are also measured and displayed in
Figure 6.15 and Figure 16.16, respectively. It is clear from Figure 6.15 that the simulated
gain is enriched from 5.38 dB to 8.25 dB when the single element antenna is transformed to
a 1×2 array and a good agreement between simulated and measured gain is achieved. In
Figure 16.16, the measured and simulated total efficiencies of the proposed antenna are
roughly matching within the antenna band of interest.

6.5 Conclusion

A two-element MPA array with five HSRR MTM unit cells etched on the ground plane are
proposed for 5G wireless communications. CMA has been shown to be an effective
approach to modeling and designing the proposed antenna. The mode contributing to
coupling was identified and blocked by introducing the HSRR MTM unit cells at the
position of that mode. The advantage of HSRRs is that they block the mode that produces
coupling without affecting the other modes significantly. Loading of HSRRs does not only
reject the higher harmonics, but also reduces the surface waves and mutual coupling
between the elements of the patch antenna array. The proposed antenna enriches the gain of
the conventional patch antenna by about 50 % and also extends its bandwidth by about 50
%. The performance comparison of the antenna array with and without HSRR MTM
provides verification that MTMs have good potential to improve significantly the
performance of the MPA. TCM is useful and efficient in investigating and analyzing the
performance of the proposed antenna. A prototype of the proposed antenna that was
fabricated showed good agreement between measurement and simulation results.

‫‪Chapter 7‬‬ ‫‪Conclusions and Future Work‬‬

‫‪Chapter 7‬‬
‫‪Conclusion and Future Work‬‬

‫‪7.1 Conclusion‬‬
‫‪7.2 Future work‬‬

Chapter 7 Conclusions and Future Work

Chapter 7
Conclusions and Future Work

This chapter includes a brief summary of the whole work achieved in this dissertation. In
addition, a briefly mention of the possible future work that our results have led.

7.1 Conclusions

In this dissertation, different designs of microstrip antennas based on metamaterials examined

using characteristic mode analysis (CMA) are proposed for 5G future wireless
communications. The first design is a tri-band microstrip antenna introduced for 5G devices.
The antenna structure is built on low loss Rogers RT5880 substrate of 2.2 relative
permittivity. The antenna is a low-profile structure with overall dimensions of
20×16.5×0.508 mm3. It covers frequency bands from 9.922 to 10.265 GHz, from 27.833 to
28.594 GHz, and from 37.241 to 38.741 GHz, which are suggested for use in 5G
communication. The antenna is very compact and is, hence, suitable for devices with space
constraints. The interference between the 5G systems and other systems in the band, has been
reduced using a pair of inverted-T shape slots is etched within the radiating element to reject
the unwanted frequency bands. A partial ground technique has been used to improve the
bandwidth and return loss parameters. A prototype of the proposed antenna was fabricated
and good agreement between measurement and simulation results was achieved.

The second proposed design through this study is a MTM superstrate loaded on to a patch
antenna developed for 5G wireless communications. The MTM superstrate, with a total area
of 20×15 mm2, comprises 2×3 triangular split ring resonators (TSRR) on a 1.575 mm thick
Rogers substrate of 2.2 relative permittivity. The MTM superstrate is positioned 12.5 mm
above the patch and this distance was obtained in accordance with the Fabry-Perot cavity
theory. The proposed composite structure enhances the antenna gain and operating bandwidth
simultaneously. A double band characteristic of the antenna is utilized by incorporating a
complementary TSRR on the ground plane. CMA shows this approach to be effective in the
modeling and design of the proposed antenna. A comparison of the performance of the MTM
superstrate loaded antenna with that of the conventional unloaded control showed
metamaterials to have good potential for improving antenna performance. The results show
Chapter 7 Conclusion and Future Work

that the antenna without MTM superstrate operates at 10 and 15 GHz with a bandwidth of
0.307 and 1.3 GHz, respectively. In comparison, when the traditional patch antenna is
covered with MTM TSRR superstrate the bandwidth reaches to 0.404 and 1.82 GHz at the
same resonant frequencies in sequence. While the gain of the proposed antenna incorporated
with an MTM superstrate improved from 5.78 dB to 8.24 dB, and from 7.87 dB to 9.56 dB at
10 and 15 GHz, respectively.

The third suggested design in this thesis is a two-element MPA array with five hexagonal
split ring resonators (HSRR) MTM unit cells etched on the ground plane proposed for 5G
wireless communications. CMA has been shown to be an effective approach to modeling and
designing the proposed antenna. The mode contributing to coupling was identified and
blocked by introducing the HSRR MTM unit cells at the position of that mode. The proposed
antenna enriches the gain of the conventional patch antenna by about 50 % and also extends
its bandwidth by about 50 %. The performance comparison of the antenna array with and
without HSRR MTM provides verification that MTMs have good potential to improve
significantly the performance of the MPA. TCM is useful and efficient in investigating and
analyzing the performance of the proposed antenna. A prototype of the proposed antenna that
was fabricated showed good agreement between measurement and simulation results.

7.2 Future work

While TCM had its humble beginnings as far back as fifty years ago, there is a growing
consensus that this field is still in its infancy. The number of barriers which previously
existed in TCM analysis has been significantly reduced in recent years. Less than ten years
ago, the first overview paper on how to effectively design antennas using CMs was published
[129], and only a year later TCM was used to develop a compact MIMO terminal [51]. In the
past ten years this field has exploded with interest, as is indicated by the percentage of TCM
articles published before 2012 (< 40%) and after (> 60%) within the IEEE Explorer database.
This interest has propelled considerable advances in both practical and theoretical aspects of
TCM. However, this is just the beginning of a surge in TCM related research, and as such
many more updates to this fields should be expected.

In this thesis, for the first time, the theory of characteristic modes is used to characterize and
analysis of performance of the metamaterial unit cell when it is inserted in the ground plane

Chapter 7 Conclusions and Future Work

of microstrip patch antenna. In future, the proposed work might be further investigated in the
following potential direction

• Frequency reconfigurable antenna can be designed with different types of PIN diodes
and with MEMS switches and analysis its behavior using CMA.
• The metamaterial can be fabricated over a flexible substrate so it could be curved to
perform the beam focusing for the multi beam antennas and analysis their behavior
using CMA.
• Design a MIMO microstrip patch antenna for 5G wireless communication and studying
and enhance the isolation between ports using CMA.
• Studying the behavior of the band notched antennas using CMA


List of Publications

1. Ahmed Abdelaziz and Ehab K. I. Hamad, “Design of a Compact High Gain

Microstrip Patch Antenna for Tri-Band 5G Wireless Communication”. Frequenz,
Vol. 73, Issue 1-2, January 2019, pp. 45-52. Published online: September 7, 2018.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/freq-2018-0058

2. Ehab K. I. Hamad and Ahmed Abdelaziz, “Performance of a Metamaterial-based 1×2

Microstrip Patch Antenna Array for 5G Wireless Communications Examined by
Characteristic Mode Analysis” Submitted to Progress in Electromagnetics Research,
PIER journal on December 6, 2018.

3. Ehab K. I. Hamad and Ahmed Abdelaziz, “Metamaterial Superstrate Microstrip

Patch Antenna for 5G Wireless Communication based on the Theory of
Characteristic Modes” Submitted to “the journal of Electrical Engineering” on
December 20, 2018.

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This appendix provides the MATLAB code used to retrieve the constitutive
parameters from S-parameters as illustrated in Chapter two. The code is written
in MATLAB 16. This code retrieves and plots 𝜇𝑟, 𝜀𝑟, 𝑛, 𝑧 as a function of
frequency respectively.
eta0=sqrt(mu0/eps0); % free space
% variables
d=3.6e-3; % thickness of the sample
f1=1e9; df=19e6; f2=20e9; Nf=floor((f2-f1)/df)+1; %frequency range and
% load raw data
% freqyency loop begin
for it=1:Nf
Z0=eta0; W=2*pi*Fr(it); beta0=W/c;
% combine magnitude and phase of the S11 and S21
% m loop begin
Max=0; % ---------m value set up
for m=-Max:Max
% using formulas from Robust method
if abs(real(Z21(it)))>=0.005 & real(Z21(it))>=0
if abs(real(Z21(it)))>=0.005 & real(Z21(it))<0
if abs(real(Z21(it)))<0.005 & abs(expinkd1(it))<=1

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if abs(real(Z21(it)))<0.005 & abs(expinkd1(it))>1
ni(it)=-1/(beta0*d)*j*real(log(expinkd(it))); % imag of n
nr(it,itt)=1/(beta0*d)*(imag(log(expinkd(it)))+2*m*pi); %real of n
end % end of m loop
end % end of frequency loop
xlabel('Frequency in GHz')
hold on
xlabel('Frequency in GHz')
xlabel('Frequency in GHz')
hold on
xlabel('Frequency in GHz')
xlabel('Frequency in GHz')
hold on
xlabel('Frequency in GHz')
xlabel('Frequency in GHz')
hold on
xlabel('Frequency in GHz')


‫وتكون هذه اإلطروحة من سبعة فصول‪:‬‬

‫الفصل االول هو مقدمة عن اتصاالت اجليل اخلامس ونطاق الرتددات املقرتحة اخلاص هبذا اجليل كما مت شرح‬
‫األجيال السابقة لالتصاالت الالسلكية ملعرفة مدى التحسن الذى يُتوقع أن يقدمة اجليل اخلامس‪ ،‬كما مت يف هذا‬
‫الفصل عرض بعض من التصميمات اخلاصة هبوائيات اجليل اخلامس كدراسات سابقة‪.‬‬

‫الفصل الثاىن وفيه مت عرض وايف ملفهوم تقنية امليتامواد وعرض خلصائص ومزااي تطبيقات امليتا مواد‪ ،‬كما مت‬
‫ختصيص جزء من هذا الفصل لعرض بعض الدراسات السابقة الىت مت نشرها خالل اخلمس سنوات املاضية‬
‫واملتعلقة ابمليتا مواد وكيفية استخدامها يف تصميم وحتسني أداء اهلوائيات الشريطية‪.‬‬
‫الفصل الثالث ويقدم لنظرية خصائص النسق ابعتبارها احملور الرئيسي هلذه الرسالة‪ ،‬وكذلك اجراء احملاكاة‬
‫هلوائيات الرقعة الشريطية ابستخدام خصائص النسق ‪ ،‬كما يعطى هذا الفصل نبذة اترخيية خمتصرة عن نظرية‬
‫خصائص النسق وعرض لبعض التصميمات هلوائيات بناءاً على حتليل خصائص النسق ىف اجلزء املخصص‬
‫للدراسات السابقة‪.‬‬
‫الفصل الرابع يقدم تصميم هلوائى رقعة شريطي ثالثى النطاق ألجهزة اجليل اخلامس‪ ،‬ومت استخدام تقنية األرضي‬
‫اجلزئي (‪ )partial ground‬لتحسني عرض النطاق ومت حفر زوج من الفتحات على شكل حرف ‪T‬‬
‫املعكوسة داخل عنصر اإلشعاع لرفض نطاقات ترددات غري مرغوب فيها للحد من التداخل بني أنظمة هذا اجليل‬
‫واألنظمة األخرى ‪ ،‬يف النهاية مت تصنيع وقياس التصميم املقرتح ومت عرض النتائج اخلاص ابلقياسات وقد تبني أن‬
‫نتائج القياسات العملية ونتائج احملاكاة متقاربة إىل حد كبري‪.‬‬
‫القصل اخلامس يقدم تصميم هلوائى رقعة شريطيه ثنائية النطاق ومت دمج اهلوائى املصمم مع خلية من امليتا مواد‬
‫ىف حماولة إلضافة تردد آخر إىل الرتدد األصلى للهوائى وابلتاىل احلصول على هوائى ذو ترددين على نفس احلجم‬
‫ومت وضع شرحية من هذه امليتامواد ىف مكان مناسب أعلى اهلوائى لتحسني أداء اهلوائى املقرتح ‪ ،‬كما مت استخدام‬
‫نظرية خصائص النسق ىف وصف وحتليل الطبيعة االشعاعية هلذا اهلوائى‪ .‬وقد تبني أن حتليل خصائص النسق‬
‫(‪ )Characteristic mode analysis‬هنج فعال يف منذجة وتصميم اهلوائي املقرتح‪ .‬وأخرياً وبعد التصنيع‬
‫والقياس أظهرت النتائج تقارب بني النتائج العملية و نتائج احملاكاة‪.‬‬
‫الفصل السادس يقدم تصميم هلوائى رقعة شريطي ثنائي العنصر ‪ ،‬مت استخدام مخسة من خالاي امليتا مواد‬
‫سداسية الشكل حمفورة ىف األرضى اخلاص ابهلوائى لتقليل اإلقرتان بني عنصرى اهلوائى لتحسني عرض نطاق هذا‬
‫اهلوائى املقرتح التصاالت اجليل اخلامس ‪ ،‬ومت استخدام نظرية خصائص النسق ىف دراسة هذا التصميم لتوضيح‬
‫طبيعة اإلشعاع‪ .‬و أظهرت النتائج تقارب كبري بني النتائج العملية و نتائج احملاكاة‪.‬‬
‫الفصل السابع يتضمن ملخص عام ملا مت اجنازه خالل البحث وبعض املقرتحات املستقبلية هلذا العمل‪.‬‬

‫ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬

‫امللخص العرىب‬

‫يشهد العامل ىف األونة األخرية سباقاً متسارعاً حنو تطوير شبكات اجليل اخلامس والىت ستاتى خلفاً لشبكة اجليل‬
‫الرابع احلالية‪ .‬فشبكة اجليل األول كانت تقتصر على اجراء مكاملة صوتيه فقط مث ظهرت شبكات اجليل الثاىن ىف‬
‫بداية التسعينيات فأضافت إلىه امكانية إرسال رسائل نصية‪ .‬ويعترب اجليل الثالث بداية الثورة التقنية يف جمال‬
‫االتصال اخللوي عايل السرعة الذي وفر إمكانية إرسال واستقبال خمتلف الوسائط املتعددة‪ ،‬صوت وصورة ونص‬
‫بسرعات عالية مث ظهر اجليل الرابع فأصبحت سرعة نقل البياانت أسرع أبكثر من مثانية مرات مقارنة مع تقنيات‬
‫اجليل الثالث‪ ،‬واليوم ‪ ،‬هناك دراسات جتريبية قيد التنفيذ على اجليل اخلامس ومن املتوقع أن يتم إطالقها يف عام‬
‫من املتوقع أن حيقق اجليل القادم من االتصاالت الالسلكية متطلبات مل يتم حتقيقها من قبل يف األجيال السابقة‬
‫ومع تزايد عدد املستخدمني وعدد األجهزة تزداد ندرة الطيف‪ .‬وابلتايل ‪ ،‬فإن استخدام نطاقات ترددات بديلة‬
‫خبالف ما هو مستخدم اليوم مطلوب يف املستقبل القريب‪ .‬ي ُفرتض أن أييت اجليل اخلامس من الشبكات‬
‫الالسلكية أبداء أعلى ومبعدل نقل بياانت أعلى ووقت استجابة أقل‪ .‬وحيث تعترب اهلوائيات هى حلقه الوصل‬
‫األهم بني االجهزة الالسلكية فقد أنتقل التحدي ليصبح تطوير أداء اهلوائي بكل الطرق املتاحة هدفاً اسرتاتيجياً‬
‫ليمكن استخدامها بكافائة مناسبة ومتوافقه مع التكنولوجيا احلالية والقادمة ويعترب تقنية استخدام امليتامواد من‬
‫أهم هذه الطرق ‪.‬امليتامواد ه ي عبارة عن مواد مصنعة لتحصل على خصائص ال توجد يف املواد الطبيعية حيث‬
‫متتلك معامل إنكسار سالب كما هلا قيم سالبة لكل من النفاذية املغناطيسية والسماحية الكهربية‪ .‬تُصمم هذه‬
‫املواد أبشكال خاصة لكى تعطى اخلصائص سابقة الذكر ويتم استخدام امليتا مواد على نطاق واسع يف هذه‬
‫األايم لتحسني أداء اهلوائي وخصائصه املختلفة‪.‬‬

‫اثبتت نظرية خصائص النسق (‪ ) TCM‬نفسها بشكل جيد يف تصميم اهلوائيات يف السنوات األخرية حيث توفر‬
‫نظرية خصائص النسق رؤيه فيزايئيه للطبيعة االشعاعية للهوائيات الشريطية وابلتايل يقلل من الوقت الالزم يف‬
‫عملية تعدي ل التصميم للحصول على مثالية يف األداء أبقل تكلفة وأقل حجم للهوائي‪ .‬وميكنها أن تقدم معلومات‬
‫قيمة لتصميم اهلوائي مثل ترددات الرنني املتوقعة وموقع التغذية الصحيح إلاثرة منط معني‪.‬‬

‫يف هذه الرسالة ‪ ،‬مت اقرتاح هوائيات مت حتسني أدائها ابستخدام تقنية امليتامواد التصاالت اجليل اخلامس‬
‫الالسلكية كما مت استخدام نظريه خصائص النسق لتوفر رؤية مفيدة حول فهم آليات تشغيل اهلوائي املقرتح‪.‬‬

‫جامعه أسوان‬ ‫كلية الهندسة‬

‫تصميم هوائيات رقعة شريطية باستخدام الميتا مواد ونظرية‬

‫خصائص النسق التصاالت الجيل الخامس الالسلكية‬

‫مـقدمـة من‬

‫المهندس‪ /‬أحمد عبدالعزيز طه حسن‬

‫للحصول علي درجة ماجستير العلوم‬


‫الهندسة الكهربية (إلكترونيات واتصاالت)‬

‫من قسم الهندسة الكهربائية ‪ -‬كلية الهندسة – جامعة أسوان – أسوان – مصر‬

‫لجنة االشراف علي الرسالة‪:‬‬

‫…………‪………......‬‬ ‫دكتور‪ /‬إيهاب خلف ابراهيم حمد‬
‫أستاذ مساعد بقسم الهندسة الكهربائية بكلية الهندسة ‪ -‬جامعة أسوان‬
‫…‪.……... ………......‬‬ ‫دكتور‪ /‬حمادة أحمد حمادة إسماعيل‬
‫مدرس بقسم الهندسة الكهربائية – كلية الهندسة ‪ -‬جامعة أسوان‬

‫لجنة المناقشة والحكم علي الرسالة‪:‬‬

‫……‪………......…………..‬‬ ‫محكم خارجي‬ ‫أستاذ دكتور‪ /‬عادل بدير عبد المعطى عبد الرحمن‬
‫أستاذ ورئيس قسم اإللكترونيات واالتصاالت بالجامعة المصرية‬
‫اليابانية للعلوم والتكنولوجيا‬
‫……‪………......…………..‬‬ ‫محكم خارجي‬ ‫أستاذ دكتور‪ /‬معتز محمد صالح الدين طه سالم‬
‫أستاذ ورئيس قسم اإللكترونيات واإلتصاالت باألكاديمية العربية‬
‫للعلوم والتكنولوجيا والنقل البحري – فرع جنوب الوادي‬
‫……‪………......…………..‬‬ ‫محكم ومشرف‬ ‫دكتور‪ /‬إيهاب خلف إبراهيم حمد‬

‫فبراير ‪2019‬‬
‫جامعه اسوان‬ ‫كلية هندسة‬

‫تصميم هوائيات رقعة شريطية باستخدام الميتا مواد ونظرية‬

‫خصائص النسق التصاالت الجيل الخامس الالسلكية‬

‫رسالة علمية مقدمة الى قسم الهندسة الكهربائية ‪ -‬كلية الهندسة‬

‫جامعة أسوان ‪ ،‬أسوان ‪ ،‬مصر‬

‫كاستيفاء جزئي لمتطلبات الحصول على درجة‬

‫ماجستير العلوم‬


‫الهندسة الكهربية‬

‫مـقدمـة من‬

‫المهندس‪ /‬أحمد عبدالعزيز طه حسن‬

‫بكالوريويـس هندسة االلكترونيات واالتصاالت – كليـة الهندسـة والتكنولوجيا – االكاديمية العربية للعلوم‬
‫والتكنولوجيا والنقل البحري فرع جنوب الوادي بأسوان ‪2014 -‬‬

‫فبراير ‪2019‬‬

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