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A Research Proposal Presented to

Faculty of Accountancy Department of

Tomas Del Rosario College

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirement for
Research I

Presented by:

Layug, Layne Shannen M.

Manalaotao, Fatima P.

Manuel, Princess M.

Plaza, Nerish M.

Reyes, Iesha Riezl B.

2020 – 2021
Statement of the Problem

The general purpose of this study is to identify the effect of online market to the traditional


Specifically, it will seek to answer the following questions:

1. Profile of the seller in terms of:

1.1 age,

1.2 years in the business industry,

1.3 way of selling and

1.4 products they sell

2. How online market affect traditional market in terms of:

2.1 number of customers,

2.2 sales,

2.3 product quality,

2.4 price and

2.5 pricing strategies

3. Is online market have an effect towards the number of customers in the traditional market?

4. Is online market have an effect towards the sales of traditional market?

5. Is online market have an effect towards the product quality in the traditional market?

6. Is online market have an effect towards the price in the traditional market?

7. Is online market have an effect towards the pricing strategies of traditional market?
Conceptual Framework of the Study

The conceptual framework of the study is stated below:



Seller’s Profile: Online market factors

that influence the
traditional market
• age
• years in business
• way of selling • number of Effects of Online
• products they sell customers Market to the
• sales Traditional Market
• product quality
• price
• pricing strategies

Figure 1. Paradigm of the Study

The study’s paradigm adopted the Independent Variable (IV) – Independent

Variable/Dependent Variable (IV/DV) – Dependent Variable (DV) model to present the

conceptual model used to analyze the influence of online market to traditional market in Orion

Public Market.

The record in the study includes the seller’s profile, online market factors that influence

the traditional market and the effects of online market to the traditional market. The first frame

contains the seller’s profile specifically referring to their age, years in business, way of selling and

products they sell. The second frame includes the online market factors that influence the

traditional market. The third frame refers to the effects of online market to the traditional market.
The three frames contain the seller’s profile as the Independent Variables (IV) and the

online market factors that influence the traditional market as the Independent/Dependent Variables

(IV/DV) and the effects of online market to the traditional market as the Dependent Variable (DV).

The line connecting the three boxes proposes that the Independent Variables influence

Independent/Dependent Variables as it influences the Dependent Variable.

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