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Some questions to improve your speaking ability.

Please, answer them

with long responses.

1. Hello, good morning.

2. Come in, please.
3. Are you coming here alone? (Yes Sir)
4. How are you today? (I’m Fine. And you sir?)
5. May I know what your name is? (Yes sir, I’m Caroline Helen Elizabeth)
6. How do I call you? (You can call me caroline or helen)
7. Where are you from? (I’m come from in Jakarta)
8. Where do you live now? (Now, I’m live in the great commission university
9. Do you live with your family? (No, sir)
10.How many siblings do you have? (I have five siblings and I am the second of five
11.Where do you study now? (Now, I’m study at AKI university)
12.What’s your major? (My Major is accounting)
13.Can you describe shortly your campus, please? (My campus has four faculties,
namely the faculty of economics, language and culture, psychology, and the faculty of
engineering and informatics. Then Unaki has eight departments, namely accounting,
taxation, management, English literature, infomatics engineering, infomatics systems,
psychology, multimedia and network engineering. AKI University has a five-story
building, several computer labs and a library)
14.How long does it take from your home to your campus? (Very close)
15.What semester are you in? (I am now in third semester)

16.How many students are in your class? (I think 5 until 7 people)

17.Is there any garden in your campus? how many? (There is one park in the
dormitory area)
18.Do you have any partner/close friend in your campus? (Yes, I Have)
19.What do you do in your spare time? (Contact
family to tell stories, watch movies with friends in the dorm)
20.What’s your hobby? (I have hobbies swimming, shopping, read a comic, eat,
sleeping, and watching movie)
21.Have you ever met a foreign people in your life? (Ever sir)
22.Where he/she came from? (I forgot the name of the city where they live
only the country and it is Holland, Australia, America (Texas) actually there are
some others but I forgot because I met them a few years ago)
23.And what were you talking about? (We share stories about life experiences
because as a child I also lived in a dormitory and not only told stories we sang lots of
songs, played and learned many things. And had a poor family background)
24.What do you usually do in your spare time at campus? (Maybe for sure I played
on the cell phone and read a little material that will be discussed later)
25.What makes you happy at campus?
26.What make you bored at campus?
27.What’s your spirit in studying English? (If calculated by the percentage of eighty
five percent)
28.What’s your plan for 3 years later? (Graduated with a degree in economics and
worked at a finance company in Indonesia)
29.What do you want to be in the future? (I want to be an interior designer because I
like the arrangement of things, this is an old dream that I really want but it is very far
from the major I took maybe I could become a manager in a finance company
30.Three words for your campus, please. (I love you or Is the best)
31. Well, that would be nice.
32. Glad to see you again.

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