Liberal Feminisml

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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
For the Degree of the Sarjana Sastra
in English Letters



Student Number: 144214070





Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
For the Degree of the Sarjana Sastra
in English Letters



Student Number: 144214070




A Sarjana Sastra Undergraduate Thesis





Student Number: 144214070

Approved by

Drn. AB. ~~A' PhD. May 9, 2019


N; L.m ~";,
SS, MHrnn. May 9, 2019


A Sarjana Sastra Undergraduate Thesis





StudentNurnber: 144214070

Defended before the Board of Examiners

on June 10, 2019

and Declared Acceptable

Name Signature
Chairperson : Dra. A.B. Sri Mulyani, M.A., Ph.D
Secretary : Ni Luh Putu Rosiandani, S.S., M.Hurn
Member 1 : Maria Ananta Tri S, S.S., M.Ed
Member 2 : Dra. A.B. 8ri Mulyani, M.A., Ph.D
Member 3 : Ni Luh Putu Rosiandani, 8.8., M.Hum

Yogyakarta, June 28, 2019

Faculty of Letters
8anata Dharma University



I certify that this undergraduate thesis contains no material which has been

previously submitted for the award of any other degree at any university, and that,

to the best of my knowledge, this undergraduate thesis contains no material

previously written by any other person except where due reference is made in the

text of the undergraduate thesis.

Yogyakarta, May 7, 2019

Laudita Kanana Rizki Nareswari




Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma

Nama : Laudita Kanana Rizki Nareswari

Nomor Mahasiswa : 144214070

Derni pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan

Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul



beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan
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Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenamya.

Dibuat di Yogyakarta

Pada 7 Mei 2019

Yang menyatakan,

Laudita Kanana Rizki Nareswari


“The whale takes you.”

- L. M. -


For my parents,

my sister,


and my beautiful sunshine, M.



First of all, I like to express my gratitude and praise to Allah SWT for the

blessings, love, and generosity given to me while finishing my thesis.

My deepest gratitude to all lecturers in English Letters Sanata Dharma

University, especially Dra. A. B. Sri Mulyani, Ph.D., and Ni Luh Putu

Rosiandani, S.S., M.Hum., for guidance, support and patience which help me in

finishing my thesis.

My support system Naoko Lee Lokal, Korban Bias Wrecker, APIMUN

Staff, Pemuja Goyang Shopee and Nadia Agatha Pramesthi for keep me strong

and happy for the last 5 years. Big thanks to Muhammad Fazlurahman Adiputra

and Masterina Sekar who help me finishing this thesis, without both of you maybe

I am still confused and lost. To my seven heroes, Monsta X, who always make me

happy and laugh in my hard day. Thank you for being my sunshine in my gloomy

day. Last, thank you to my parents who support me unconditionally until I

finished my thesis, also my sister and cats that brighten up my day when I am sad.

Laudita Kanana Rizki Nareswari



TITTLE PAGE .................................................................................................... ii

APPROVAL PAGE ........................................................................................... iii
ACCEPTANCE PAGE ...................................................................................... iv
STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ................................................................... v
MOTTO PAGE ................................................................................................. vii
DEDICATION PAGE ...................................................................................... viii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................... ix
TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................... x
ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................... xii
ABSTRAK ........................................................................................................ xiii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION......................................................................... 1
A. Background of the Study .......................................................................... 1
B. Problem Formulation ................................................................................ 4
C. Objectives of the Study ............................................................................. 4
D. Definition of Terms .................................................................................. 5

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE .................................................... 6

A. Review of Related Studies ........................................................................ 6
B. Review of Related Theories ...................................................................... 8
1. Theory of Character and Characterization ............................................ 8
2. Theory of Feminism and Liberal Feminism ....................................... 12
C. Theoretical Framework ........................................................................... 14

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY .................................................................. 15

A. Object of the Study ................................................................................. 15
B. Approach of the Study ............................................................................ 16
C. Method of the Study................................................................................ 17

CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS................................................................................ 19
A. Characteristics of Rita............................................................................. 19
1. Determined ......................................................................................... 19
2. Rebellious ........................................................................................... 22
3. Smart ................................................................................................... 25
4. Hard-working ...................................................................................... 29
5. Independence ...................................................................................... 31
B. Rita’s Characteristics That Portray Liberal Feminism ............................ 32
1. Rita’s Struggle Towards Education .................................................... 32


2. Rita’s Characteristic Portrayed Liberal Feminism .............................. 39

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION .......................................................................... 43
REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 45



NARESWARI, LAUDITA KANANA RIZKI (2019). Liberal Feminism Seen

Through The Main Female Character in Educating Rita Movie. Yogyakarta:
Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University.
Educating Rita (1983) is a movie directed by Lewis Gilbert, for screenplay
script written by Willy Russel. The story about Rita or Susan a working-class
woman who wants to gets higher education. However, Rita’s husband, Denny,
does not like if she gets an education and he tells her that have a baby is more
important. She has to struggle against her environment. This research is about Rita
who fights for her dream to get the higher education she always dreamed since a
long time and also discovered her true self.
There are two objectives in this research. The first to know Rita’s
characteristics against her environment which is higher education is not important
for someone from working-class. The second is how Rita’s characteristics can
portray the liberal feminism.
The method that is used in this research is a library research. Educating
Rita is the primary source of this research. The secondary sources of this research
are several books, journals, and some internet sites related to this research. In
order to find the answer for two objectives, the researcher uses character and
characterization theory and feminism approach, particularly the liberal feminism
The result of the research shows two things. The first one shows Rita’s
characteristics that proves what she did is not useless and the importance of seek
her true identity and gets higher education. From the analysis it determines Rita’s
characteristics, rebel, intelligent, hardworking, and independent person. The
second finding is Rita’s characteristics portray liberal feminism. She is a
determined person, a rebel to her family and her husband, hardworking, learn
from zero to get the perfect score she wants to get after a long time of her study.
Rita proves she can get through all, know herself better, and become educated.
Rita also can enjoy herself more after she finds out about her true self.

Keywords: Characterization, Education, Liberal Feminism, True Identity



NARESWARI, LAUDITA KANANA RIZKI (2019). Liberal Feminism Seen

Through The Main Female Character in Educating Rita Movie. Yogyakarta:
Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Educating Rita (1983) adalah sebuah film yang disutradarai oleh Lewis
Gilbert, sedangkan untuk naskahnya ditulis oleh Willy Russel. Film ini
menceritakan tentang Rita atau Susan, wanita yang berasal dari kelas pekerja yang
ingin mendapatkan pendidikan lebih tinggi. Suami Rita yang bernama Denny,
tidak senang jika Rita mendapatkan pendidikan lebih tinggi. Denny mengatakan
kepada Rita, bahwa memiliki anak merupakan hal lebih penting daripada
mendapatkan pendidikan tinggi. Rita harus berjuang untuk melawan lingkungan
hidupnya. Penelitian ini menunjuk kan perjuangan Rita untuk mimpinya
mendapatkan pendidikan lebih tinggi yang selalu dia impikan selama ini dan
meemukan jati diri Rita.
Ada dua objek dalam penelitian ini, yang pertama adalah mengetahui
karakter dari Rita untuk melawan lingkungannya dimana menurut mereka
mendapatkan pendidikan lebih tinggi tidaklah penting untuk seseorang yang
datang dari kelas pekerja. Objek penelitian yang kedua adalah bagaimana karakter
dari seorang Rita dapat menggambarkan feminisme liberal.
Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian
kepustakaan. Film Educating Rita adalah sumber utama yang digunakan untuk
penelitian ini, lalu sumber pendukung lainnya adalah buku-buku, beberapa jurnal,
dan data dari situs internet yang mendukung penelitian ini. Peneliti menggunakan
teori karakter dan karakterisasi, dan menggunakan pendekatan feminisme,
khususnya liberal feminisme.
Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjuk kan dua hal, yang pertama adalah
karateristik dari Rita. Ia menunjuk kan bahwa apa yang ia lakukan tidak sia-sia
untuk mencari jati dirinya dan mendapatkan pendidikan lebih tinggi. Dari analisis
yang didapatkan karakteristik dari Rita adalah memantapkan diri, pemberontak,
mempunyai kecerdasan akan tetapi tidak didukung oleh pendidikan yang baik,
pekerja keras, dan seorang yang mandiri. Hal kedua adalah, bagaimana
karakteristik Rita dapat menggambarkan feminisme liberal. Ia memantapkan diri
untuk segala hal, menjadi pemberontak di keluarganya, bekerja keras untuk
pendidikannya, seseorang yang mandiri, dan ia berusaha dari nol untuk
mendapatkan nilai sempurna yang ia inginkan selama ini setelah ia belajar. Rita
membuktikan bahwa ia bias melewati segala rintangan, mengetahui banyak
mengenai dirinya sendiri, dan menjadikannya seseorang yang terpelajar. Rita juga
lebih menikmati dirinya sendiri setelah ia menemukan jati diri.

Kata Kunci: Karakterisasi, Pendidikan, Feminisme Liberal, Jati Diri




A. Background of the Study

Equality, freedom, and self-discovery are the right of every human in this

world, and women have the right to for it. The right to know their selves and to be

free for some people, in this case are women, cannot gain. The chance to get the

same opportunity like men for women still cannot get. As stated by Elizabeth

Jameson and Susan Hodge Armitage in Writing the Range: Race, Class, and

Culture in Women’s West, “they said in 1930 the ideologies used to the family

were typically patriarchal” (1994, p. 437).

Feminism is a range of political movements, ideologies, and social

movements which share a common goal that are to define, to establish, and to

achieve political, economic, personal, and social equality of sexes. This includes

seeking to establish educational and professional opportunities for women that are

equal to such opportunities for men. Liberal feminism focuses on equality of men

and women.

Equality about women and men to get the same education background is

an issue from a long time ago. Until now, even though some people know the

equality for women to get knowledge and opportunity like men in working fields,

they think women just stay at home, do house chores, and give birth.


Those things mentioned before are the problems that women have to deal

with, to get the same opportunity like men. Therefore, this feminism movement

appears to fight for women right.

Liberal feminism perspective thought men and women should have the

same opportunity like in education field. Education is not only for men but also

for women. They have none freedom to decide or to speak the idea or thought.

Stated in Wollstonecraft, Feminist Thoughts, “because something not permitted

them to make their own decision, they lacked liberty” (2009, p. 13). It means that

women cannot express what they feel, they also cannot express toward what they

want because the lack of liberty.

In consequence, the feminist struggle for equal rights and opportunities for

women. Women may also choose her live; about what she wanted, about how she

live, and how she express herself.

Mary Wollstonecraft’s, A Vindication of The Rights of Woman, states that

Women should be able to enter the world of medicine and politics.

Women's interest in dressing up and looking pretty is primarily a case of
nurture, rather than nature. If women are shamed for having sex before
marriage, then maybe men should be as well. Women should speak their
minds without worrying about being perceived as "masculine" or other
undesirable traits (1975, p. 2).

Meaning to say women have to get educated to enter the world of work,

same opportunity like men that also get a job and education. Women also have

freedom to express what they want to do, what they like, without worried about

people around them. They have to speak up about themselves with no oppression

from society, for example being educated even though they are from working-

class. They still have the opportunity like other women and men to get an

education in their life.

Meanwhile, in Virginia Woolf A Room of One’s Own stated,” Women

must have money and a room of her own to write fiction” (1929, p. 1). With the

statement of Virginia Woolf in A Room of One’s Own, researcher can see it that

women have their own thought and willingness to discover herself when they

want to get educated or be independent and free to speak about what in their mind.

In Educating Rita, Rita’s or Susan’s problem is her husband. His name is

Denny. Denny does not want her to get an education. For him, gets higher

education and knowledge for working-class person, in this case women, is a waste

of time. Denny just wants Rita to do what she works right now, stop dreaming

about silly things and give birth. Meanwhile, Rita wants to discover about her

true self. To reach that, she joins tutorial class in a university and takes literature

as her focus.

Educating Rita movie reflects the liberal feminism, the struggle of a

woman named Rita to achieve her dream about self-discovery and the equality to

get an education just like other people even though she comes from working-class

people. This movie also reflects the equality between men and women, they have

the same opportunity to get an education.


Educating Rita is a movie that inspires women and makes people open

their eyes toward same opportunity for working-class women to get educated.

Women also have the opportunity to study and learn things they want with no

interfere from other people or even oppression from their own husband.

The story in this movie could inspire people. From this movie, people

think women can be independent when they have the chance to be independent. It

uses liberal feminism values analyzed in this study. It can be seen through the

main female character in movie

B. Problem Formulation

Based on the background of the study above, the formulation problem for

Educating Rita movie in this research are:

1. What are Rita’s characteristics in Educating Rita?

2. How are Rita’s characteristics portrayed in liberal feminism?

C. Objectives of the Study

Based on the background of the study and according to problem

formulation to analyze this research has two aims. The first is to identify the

characteristic of Rita who is the main female character in Educating Rita. The

second is to find out how Rita’s characteristics portrayed in liberal feminism.


D. Definition of Terms

The researcher uses terms in this study to avoid misunderstanding and give

a clear explanation. The first term is Characteristics. Characteristics are features

and traits that form the individual of a person.

Liberal feminism is the second term. According to Maggie Humm liberal

feminism is “theory of individual freedom for women” (1995, p. 105). Tong

stated in Feminist Thoughts, “Our entire system of individual rights is justified

because these rights constitute a framework within which we can all choose our

own separate goods, provided we do not deprive others of theirs.” (2009, p. 11).

Therefore, the aim of liberal feminism is equality and they can free to choose what

they want.



This chapter contains three parts, the first part is the review of related

studies, the second part is the review of related theories, and the third part is the

theoretical framework.

A. Review of Related Studies

There are some studies related with this research. There are three related

studies the researcher pick in this part, the first is from Usa Padgate’s essay

Educating Rita: Society, Education and Self-Reflection that focuses on people

around Rita and their view about Rita’s decision to take literature as her study

even though it does not fit with her background that is working-class woman. In

Usa essay explains, Rita, as a working-class hairdresser, represents the

professionally trained mass. Her subsequent decision on a higher education and

eventual academic achievement stand for individual opportunities accessible to

throughout liberal education.

She is an example of how one mind can improve upon and of the infinite

possibility of human learning ability. If in the end the individual ‘decides’ against

his education as Frank has done, it is because they have a choice on which to

decide. This is what it is worth–liberation from their own disbelief in their self-

worth and a chance to choose what is best for them


The second is from Gender Inequality in Education: accounting for

women's subordination, stated on the study that,

These theories take social class as the main variable of interest and fail to
deal with gender as a major social construct. Feminist perspectives
coincide in considering women as the main referent, but they are
considerably in the role they attribute to the State, the family, and the
school system in the process of change to attain women's equality (1990,
p. 150).

It means focus on gender tenets of liberal, radical, and socialist feminist

perspectives to account for differential gender outcomes in terms of educational

access, attainment, and field of study choices. Classical theories about inequalities

in education are gender-blind and thus of limited usefulness in explaining the

persistent disadvantages of women's education.

The third is from Carlita Dewi’s “The Ideas of Liberal Feminism

Revealed through Christina’s Vahala’s Characters in Coelho’s The Valkyries”. In

her study Dewi explained about liberal feminism, and stated “The idea of liberal

feminism appears since it deals with women’s effort to get quality in all aspects in

life, such as education, human rights, work fields, etc.” (Dewi, 2009, p. 2). It

means that liberal feminism relates to gender equality in which women have a

right to look for their self-discovery about her-self and their freedom to choose

their own life with no interfere from other people. Women have freedom to

choose their option and decision of what they own on their own hand and thought.

In Dewi’s study, she tries to find out liberal feminism through the characters in

The Valkyries, Cristina and Vahala.


Those three studies above are talk about liberal feminism, the three studies

have the same topic. It is about liberal feminism, and talks about gender equality

about women who wants to get education and have freedom to express what they

want, especially in works and education field. One study, have the same topic but

different object, the contrast from this study is that the focus of this study relates

to the liberal feminism values through the main female role, meanwhile the other

two studies aims at women freedom in education field. Therefore, this study will

emphasize liberal feminism values through the characteristic of the main female

role in the movie.

B. Review of Related Theories

This part explains the two theories are uses to find the answer to two

problem formulation. The first is the theory of characterization to analyze the

main female character, and the second is the theory of liberal feminism to find out

the values portrayed through the main female character.

1. Theory of Character and Characterization

Characterization is the way to identify a character. Characterization is the

method that it constructs characters for the audience member. The narrator can

explicitly provide character information or can provide information that implies

thing about a character. Characters are fictive or real persons that think act or are

acted upon in a narrative.


According to Murphy, characterization explains about how the writer tells

the readers about personalities, thought, characters, and behaviors of the people or

characters they write in the story. In Harmon and Haloman also stated that,

“characterization is the representation of characters’ action in in the story,

therefore the readers could understand what the story tells about by analyzing

through the character of the story” (2009, p. 95).

Christopher Russell Reaske in his book says that speak to other characters

also the way to acknowledge the character’s personality. It can see the

characterization of a character through its speech with another character in the

dialogue. Joseph M. Boggs and Dennis W. Petrie (2008, pp. 59-67) stated, there

are eight ways to see the characterization in a movie, there are:

a. Characterization through Appearance

When the characters appears on the screen, the audience can make a

certain assumption about the characters based on their facial features, dress,

physical build, mannerism and the way they move. The characters first visual

impression might make the audience mistaken as the stories goes on, but this is

important for the characters established (2008, p. 61).



b. Characterization through Dialogue

It can reveal characters true thoughts, attitudes, and emotions in a certain

way through word choice, the stress, pitch, and a pause pattern of the way when

they speak. Actors’ use of grammar, sentence structure, vocabulary, and particular

dialects reveals their characters social and economic status, education background,

and mental. Not only to what it say but also how it said (2008, p. 60).

c. Characterization through External Action

Appearance is an important element of the character, but it often makes the

audience misleading. The best reflection of character is a person’s action and the

way the characters in a movie act and how they choose to act can reflect their

character (2008, p. 62).

d. Characterization through Internal Action

An inner world action that remains unseen and unheard by even the most

careful observer or listener. Inner action occurs within characters’ minds and

emotions consist of secret, unspoken thoughts, daydreams, aspiration, memories,

fears, and fantasies. People’s hopes, dreams, and aspirations can be as important

to an understanding of their character as any real achievement, and Their

insecurities and fears can be more terrible to them than any catastrophic failure.

The obvious way that the filmmaker reveals inner reality is by taking the

audiences visually or aurally into the character’s mind (2008, p. 62-63).



e. Characterization through Reactions of Other Characters

The way other characters view a person often serves as an excellent means

of characterization. A great deal information about a character sometimes already

provided through such means before the character first appears on the screen

(2008, p. 64).

f. Characterization through Contrast: Dramatic Foils

One of the most effective techniques of characterization is the use of foils-

contrasting characters whose behavior, attitudes, opinions, lifestyle, physical

appearance, and so on are the opposite of those of the main characters. The effect

is similar to achieved by putting black and white together (2008, p. 64).

g. Characterization through Caricature and Leitmotif

In order to fetch a character quickly and deeply in our minds and

memories, actors often exaggerate or distort one or more dominant features or

personality traits. This device called caricature. Leitmotif is the repetition of

single action, phrase, or idea by character until it becomes almost trademark or

theme song for that character (2008, p. 66).



h. Characterization through Choice of Name

One important method of characterization is the use of names possessing

appropriate qualities of sound, meaning, or connotation. This technique known as

name typing. A screenwriter usually thinks out his or her characters’ names very

carefully (2008, p. 66).

2. Theory of Feminism and Liberal Feminism

According to Bell Hooks, feminism is a struggle to end sexist oppression.

Therefore, it is necessarily a struggle to eradicate the ideology of domination that

permeates Western culture on various levels as well as a commitment to

reorganize society so that the self-development of people can take precedence

over imperialism, economic expansion, and material desires. A commitment to

feminism so defined would demand that each individual participant acquire a

critical political consciousness based on ideas and beliefs. Feminism is the

struggle to end sexist oppression. Its aim is not to benefit solely any specific

group of women, any particular race or class of women. It does not privilege

women over men.

Liberal feminism focuses on women’s ability to maintain their equality

through their own actions and choices, emphasizing that women also equal to

men. Women have the same freedom as men. They can do everything that men

also do without worrying about their own. A just society is a society that allows

individuals to exercise their freedom and fulfill themselves. Emphasis on equality

of opportunity: all persons deserve an equal chance to develop their rational and


moral capacities so they can achieve what they want. The society has the false

belief that women are by nature less intellectual and physically capable than men.

It excludes women from many opportunities and the true potential of women not


Liberal feminists argue that women share the same rational human nature

men do and given the same educational opportunities and civil rights as men. The

goal of women’s liberation is freeing women from oppressive gender roles: sexual

and gender equality. Liberal feminism lead to advances in the economic sphere, in

equal of opportunity and in civil rights.

Tong stated, “Our entire system of individual rights is justify because

these rights constitute a framework within which we can all choose our own

separate goods, provided we do not deprive others of theirs.” (2009, p. 11). It

means people have their own right to choose what they want with no intervention

from others. They can choose anything they want. Like freedom to choose an

education they wanted to take, and other people has none right to stop what the

other people wanted to take. According to Tong (2009), there are some feminism

labels. They are liberal, radical, Marxist/socialist, psychoanalytic, care-focused,

multicultural/global/colonial, ecofeminism, and postmodern feminism (p. 1).



C. Theoretical Framework

This thesis analyzes The Liberal Feminism Seen through The Main

Female Character in Educating Rita Movie. The thesis focuses on Rita’s

experience to struggle for her education equality. The reviews for this study are

get from some sources either printed and internet sources uses to support the

analysis of this study.

To analyzed the liberal feminism through the main female character in

Educating Rita, first problem formulation solve uses the theory of character and

characterizations. It analyzes thought, characters, and behaviors of the people or

characters appear in the movie. The researcher can see character personality

through the way the character speaks towards other character. The second

problem formulation solve uses the theory of liberal feminism to analyze the

liberal feminism that is seen through the main female character of Educating Rita




A. Object of the Study

The object of this study is a movie entitled Educating Rita which was

directed by Lewis Gilbert. For its screenplay and drama script, Willy Russell

wrote it. They voted the screenplay as ‘Best Comedy of the Year’ when

performed by the Royal Shakespeare Company in 1980. In 1983 it rise to be the

fourth most popular play on the British theaters. In the same year it also released

the movie with same title. The duration of the movie is one hour and fifty

minutes. The movie is popular, won BAFTA: Best Film Award and Academy

Award nominations, proved its appeal and popularity like the screenplay.

In summary, this movie is about a woman named Rita. She is married,

childless, and not satisfied with life she has. Born and grow up in working-class

environment, she feels the burden by limited choice in her life. The only thing she

can do is seek an education and try to fix her social status through it. Then she

enrolls at Open University and take a literature course with the hope can get self-

discovery about the things she wanted to do before her husband forced her to have

a baby. Her husband, Denny disapproves of her decision to achieve education in

her life. Denny burns her books after he finds out she takes pregnancy control pill.



After Denny finds out that Rita insists to pursue her dream to get higher

education finally Rita and Denny get divorce and starts a new life by get an

education. Rita learns literature with her professor, Frank, who also leads her

through her self-discovery. In the end of the movie, Rita achieves what she

pursues and can acknowledge the self-discovery she looks for. Now, she gets

educated and now has her own choice.

B. Approach of the Study

This study focuses on the equality and freedom for women. Women also

can pursue their dream and express their freedom about what they want to do in

their lives, even they come from the working-class people. This study uses

feminist approach in analyze and finds out the answers to the problem. Jo

Freeman, in Women: a Feminist Perspective (1975, p. 39)., states “All human

beings, including women, should enjoy the right they have as human beings”.

Women have freedom of argument that maintains them free to choose It means

that human being including woman may express what they feel, they may also

enjoy freedom, and the right to do what they wanted.

One of the feminism theories, liberal feminism deals with gender equality.

Gender equality discusses how women should have the same opportunity as men,

for instance, in working field and studying field. They even discuss their right to

be free in gender equality. In liberal feminism perspective, women are not higher

than men but they are equal.



This research uses feminist approach to analyze and then find out the

values of liberal feminism on the main female character of the movie. This

approach is suitable to analyze the movie because in the movie, it shows how the

main female character struggles about self-discovery and gets an education.

However, Rita’s husband does not allow her to reach her goal and asks her to have

children instead. The study is focuses on liberal feminism. In which the female

main character reflects liberal feminism through her characterization since she

experiences the freedom and equality in her life.

C. Method of the Study

This research uses library research as it method to analyze Educating Rita.

This method aims to find out all the reliable theories from books or online sources

useful to this study. There are two kinds of sources that researcher needs in this

study, these two kinds of sources are primary and secondary sources. The primary

source of this study is the movie entitled Educating Rita, and then the secondary

sources of this study are from some books, journals, some references, and some

internet sources that support this research.

There are several steps that used to analyze this movie. The first step to

analyze is watching the movie in order to gain understanding about the story. The

Second step is re-watching the movie to know Rita’s action and her life

experiences in the story by taking notes and marking the important things related

to feminism in the movie that would be helpful in conducting this study.



The third step is finds out the theories needed in analyze the movie in

order to get the answer to the problem formulation. The first problem formulation

uses the theory of characterization and the second problem formulation uses the

theory of feminism focused on liberal feminism in which uses the theory to

analyze the liberal feminism through main female character in the movie.

The last step is to make a conclusion after the researcher answers the two

problem formulations. The researcher makes the conclusion based on the analysis

found in the research on this study.




This section is the analysis and the answer to the problem formulation that

stated in the first chapter. The first part discussed Rita’s characteristics in

Educating Rita. The second part discussed liberal feminism seen through the main

character of Educating Rita. The analysis focuses on the main character of this

movie, Educating Rita (1983), Rita.

A. Characteristics of Rita

In this part the researcher analyzes the first problem formulation. In Joseph

M. Boggs and Dennis W. Petrie theory, there are eight ways to identify

characterization from the movie. They are characterization through appearance,

dialogue, external action, internal action, reactions of other characters, contrast:

dramatic foils, caricature and leitmotif and through choice of name (2008, pp. 59-

67). In this analysis, the researcher uses Joseph M. Boggs and Dennis W. Petrie

theory to analyze Rita’s characteristics.

1. Determined

In the movie, Rita first appearance in scene (0:04:05-0:04:35), the

audience can see Rita’s hesitation to enter the university entrance. She looks

around her surrounding while walking through the tunnel that leads inside the

university. The audience can see that Rita is not familiar with university’s




Rita’s hesitation in entering the university (ER, 1983: 0:04:05-0:04:35)

In this scene the researcher finds out Rita is determined to meet Dr.

Bryant, use characterization theory by Boggs and James W. Petrie the researcher

can find characterization through appearance in this scene. In the movie, Rita

hesitates to enter the university but then she decided to step on and walk through

university entrance and the journey of Rita to reveal her true identity begins. Rita

applies tutorial class that the university offers. She walks through the tunnel until

she reaches the university yard. It confuses her because she does not know where

Dr. Bryant room is. Rita wants to ask the students that passing by and to the

students who have a conversation around university yard. However, she hesitates

to do it until she finds a guard. She asks him and gets Dr. Bryant’s room location.

Rita finally meets Dr. Bryant, they have a conversation. Dr. Bryant asks

her to call him Frank instead of Dr. Bryant and he asks Rita why she applies for

the tutor class.



FRANK: Tell me, what made you suddenly decided to do this?

RITA : It’s not sudden. I’ve been realizing for ages that I am out of
step. I am 26, I should’ve had a baby by now. Everyone
expects it. But I mean, I don’t want a baby yet. No. I wanna
discover meself first. (Russell, 1983, p. 5)

Based on Boggs and Petrie’s theory about characterization the dialogue

above shows Rita’s determination by hold herself for have a baby and choose to

discover her-self first even though her environment expects her to have a child.

The researcher finds about Rita’s determination by the dialogue above when she

speaks to Frank about why she suddenly decides to take tutor class.

However, Frank rejects Rita. He asks her to find another tutor who is more

suitable for her because he thinks he does not deserve to teach a person like Rita

who is curious to find herself and learns about literature. Frank thinks he is too

horrible to teach her.

Rita’s leaving Frank Room (ER, 1983: 0:12:14)



At (0:12:14) , the audience can see that Rita leave Frank room because of

his rejection to tutor her but then she wait for him until he come out from his

room and Rita persuades Frank to accept and tutor her instead.

2. Rebellious

In the earlier scene (0:12:45), Rita supposed to leave Frank room and get

another tutor. However, Rita insists to wait Frank until he leaves his room. Rita

asks him and persuades to be her tutor. Rita thinks Frank is the only tutor who

understands her character and educates her well.

Rita waiting for Frank (ER, 1983: 0:12:45)



RITA : I don't want another one.

FRANK: For God's sake, woman!
RITA : But you're my tutor!
FRANK: I told you, I do not want to do it. Why pick on me?
RITA : Because you're a crazy mad piss artist who wants to throw his
students through the window. I like ya! Don't you recognize a
compliment? And when I come next week I'll cut your hair.
FRANK: You will not be coming here next week.
RITA : I will be, and you'll be getting a haircut.
FRANK: I will not.
RITA : You wanna walk round looking like that?
FRANK: Like what?
RITA : Like a geriatric hippy. See ya next week. (Russell, 1983, p. 8)

In this conversation, Rita insists to take tutor class with Frank even though

he tell her that he does not want to tutor Rita because there is another tutor that is

more capable than him. The researcher analyze this dialogue uses Boggs and

Petrie’s theory of characterization through dialogue and characterization through

external action, the researcher finds that through this dialogue and the way Rita

act and disobey Frank to get another tutor, Rita characteristic is rebellious.

Another rebellious action the researcher finds is when Rita supposed to

have a baby at her age. Denny does not know Rita secretly takes the pregnancy

pills in order to make her not pregnant. In scene (0:23:58), Rita lies to her husband.

Rita says already not consume the pill since December, but the fact she consumes

the pills in order to prevent her from have a baby. Use the theory of

characterization through external action, the researcher finds another proof of

Rita’s rebellion by her act that hide pregnancy control pills and lie to Denny about

her that stop consume the pills from December.



Rita’s taking pregnancy control pill secretly (ER, 1983: 0:23:58)

On the scene where Rita’s sister gets married, her father asks Rita about

her pregnancy because Rita and Denny have married for six years but they still do

not have a child. Meanwhile, Rita’s sister is already pregnant even before she gets


RITA’S FATHER: Well...that's the last of you lot off me hands.

Mind you, I don't know why some of you
bother getting bloody married.
RITA : What's that supposed to mean?
RITA’S FATHER: You're still not pregnant. (Russell, 1983, p. 25)

In the scene above, the researcher find that Rita’s Father points out about

Rita’s pregnancy. Rita and Denny supposes to have a baby long time ago but she

refuses, because Rita does not want to have a baby and wants to get education

first. Based on Boggs and Petrie’s theory of characterization the researcher finds

another proof of Rita’s rebellion through other characters view, in this case is

Rita’s father.


Rita’s father questioning her pregnancy (ER, 1983: 0:50:28)

3. Smart

As the researcher finds, Rita grows up in working-class society that

according to them get higher education for women is useless, because in the end

they have to be a housewife and have children. When Rita wants to discover her

true identity, her family and husband look down at her dream, but Rita herself

does not want to have a baby and insists to seek her true identity first. It is an

important matter to her now.

In the movie, the researcher finds that Rita is a smart, however she lacks

on her education. In the earlier scene (0:05:47-0:06:48) when Rita meets Frank

from the first time in Frank room, based on Boggs and Petrie’s theory, Rita lack

of education is proof through her appearance by the way she walks around the

room. Rita supposes to talk and behave politely to Frank since he is a lecturer.


After she gets tutorial class from Frank, the researcher sees Rita

development in complete her essay and actually has great intelligence.

Rita’s claim about her right way on doing her essay (ER, 1983: 0:29:24)

In this scene (0:29:24), Frank asks Rita to write an essay about Peer Gynt

and this is her first task on her tutoring class with Frank, because she is

uneducated when she is doing her first task, Rita writes a short essay. Frank thinks

it is not considered as an essay because it is too short. Rita’s work on that essay is

on point but not specific according to Frank. Frank asks her to revise the work and

Rita revises the work even though it is still not perfect.

On scene (0:05:30) Rita visits Frank, she wants to discuss her essay and

Frank told Rita that her essay is getting better but then according to Rita her essay

is not good enough. She burns the essay and starts to write another that is more

acceptable than the previous one, and then she submits it to Frank. After a few

months, Frank asks Rita to attend a summer school he suggested to her.



She hesitates because the tutor in her summer school might be not like Frank who

accepts her personality. Frank persuades her to go.

Rita : What if they realize how thick I am?

Frank: They won’t because you’re not. Rita my dear, you can do it
now. Write the kind of essay you've begun to write and you'll have nothing
to fear. (Russell, 1983, p. 28)

Rita attends the summer school and she get a lot of education about

literature there. She meets a professor who wants to teach her about American

poets because she says she does not know about it. The professor is happy to tell

Rita about American poets.

A professor taught Rita America poetry (ER, 1983: 0:59:08)

Rita even can ask a question in the class. She asks about Chekov and they

ends up talk about Chekov in a week. It makes her know Chekov’s work more

because of her discussion with the professor.



Rita ask about Chekov in her summer school class (ER, 1983: 1:00:09)

Rita even settles arguments when a bunch of students discussion in a bistro

where Rita work later on. They are talking about Shaw who wrote Saint Joan and

discussed whether Shaw wrote it in 1926 or 1936. Rita hears about that while she

is asked someone’s order. Then, she settles an argument and explains to them that

Shaw wrote Saint Joan in 1923 but the first production is in 1924 at New Theater

London. Rita surprises the students there because they do not know that a

working-class person know about literary works.

Rita settles argument among students in a bistro (ER, 1983: 1:09:20)



It turns out that the students are from the university where she gets tutor

class. They ask Rita to settle their arguments about a Lawrence’s early work. The

researcher finds that the students even ask her to settle an argument about a

literary work with her in it. It proves that Rita’s education is getting better and she

gets closer to what she wants, that is to get a proper education. Use the theory of

characterization by Boggs and Petrie, the researcher finds proof about Rita’s

intelligence through her external action, dialogue, and reactions of other

characters with the lecturer and students that want her to settle their arguments.

Rita settles argument among students in a university (ER, 1983: 1:09:50)

4. Hard-working

Rita is a hardworking women, the researcher can find it through how Rita

completes her essay even though her husband annoys her and does not like her to

write in their house. She is even still do the essay in her work place.


Rita : Yeah, well, that’s all I could do in the time. We’ve been dead
busy in the shop.
Frank: You write your essay at work?
Rita : Yes. Denny doesn’t like me to doing this. He gets narked if I
work at home and I can’t be bothered arguing with him. (Russell, 1983, p.

Frank tells to Rita that she needs to fix her essay. She does it right away

and fixes the essay like Frank tells to her. There is a scene where Denny asks her

if she wants to go to bed. She refuses and tells him she go to bed later after

finishes the task. There is also another scene that Rita runs to university just to tell

Frank about Macbeth. She says she comes to a play last night. Rita watches it and

gets captivated by the play. Rita even buys Macbeth book to understand the play


Rita finds out that Macbeth is a tragedy (ER, 1983: 0:38:24)

In this scene, the researcher can find about Rita’s willingness to

understand what Frank teaches to her and know more detail about literature. She

is a hardworking person who wants to learn anything and achieve the goal to

become an educated person.



5. Independent

After Rita gets divorced from her husband, she moves to her mother flat

for a moment. After her summer school finds a flat she shares with a woman.

When Frank picks her up at the train station and gets Rita to her new flat, it

worries him if Rita’s flat mate is not a good person. Frank offers a help to carry

her belongings and accompany her to meet the new flat mate, however Rita says

she is fine and tell Frank that they will meet again at the tutor class. At first Frank

doubt and ask Rita again, but then she insists him to leave and tells Frank that

everything is fine.

Frank hesitate to leave Rita alone at her new flat (ER, 1983: 1:03:43)

After Rita enters the flat she knows that she shares the flat with a woman

who works at a bistro. Her name is Trish. Trish works at a bistro of her friend and

she can support her living cost by works there. Trish asks Rita about her job, at

the moment Rita has already resigned from her job as a hairdresser and still does

not know where to work. Finally, Rita works at the bistro where Trish also works.

After all things that Rita through, from divorce and move to her mother flat, and


then resign from her work as hairdresser, the researcher find Rita is an

independent character through external action.

Rita is working at a bistro of Trish’s friend (ER, 1983: 1:08:49)

B. Liberal Feminism Seen Through The Main Female Character

In the second part of this thesis the researcher analyze the second problem

formulation which is how Rita’s characteristic can portray liberal feminism. The

researcher focuses on Rita’s characteristics, that already explained in the previous

part, and uses the theory of liberal feminism to complete analyze the second part

of this thesis.

1. Rita’s Struggle Towards Education

Liberal feminism means that women and men have equality. It also counts

the equality to get a higher education. In this movie, a character named Susan or

Rita wants to find her true identity starts from getting higher education status. She

thinks her journey to find her true identity starts when she gets education she


wants. With Rita’s courage and high determination, she applies a tutorial class to

get her education. Even though she meets with Frank once a week, she always

comes to the tutorial class.

As the audience knows that Rita’s desire to get higher education is

restricted by her family and husband because she is from working-class person.

As the researcher see in Rita’s environment, getting higher education is a

ridiculous thing. Her family and husband think women should just stay at home,

give a birth and take care of household tasks. In her age reaching twenty six and

her status as a married woman who have been married for six years, she supposed

to have a baby. Rita is oppressed by her environment especially her father and

husband that against dream. However, Rita, as she says to Frank, wants to

discover herself first and rejects to have a baby until she find her true self.

Rita’s desire and determine to get higher education as the researcher finds

is very strong. She even lies to Denny that she stops consuming the pregnancy

control pill for six months ago but the fact is that she still consumes it. At the end,

Denny finds out where Rita puts the pregnancy control pill. He is furious that Rita

lies to him about the pregnancy control pill. Rita already explains that she wants

to discover herself first. However, her husband just keeps silent. He grabs Rita’s

book and burns them all.



Denny finds out Rita pregnancy control pill and burns her books (ER, 1983: 0:31:58-


In this scene, the researcher finds that Denny does not like Rita to

persuade her dream to become an educated person and asks her to have a baby

instead. The scene (0:29:03) is another proof that Denny does not like Rita to get a

higher education. Rita says Denny is angry. Rita is too lazy to argue with him, so

Rita has to do her essay at her work place. Also in the scene (0:50:38-0:51:29),

Rita has an argument with her father about her pregnancy, age, and her status as a

married woman. Rita’s father even says sorry to Denny because of her daughter.

He says if Rita were his wife, he would drown her. As the researcher find Rita is

not comfortable with what her father says to her. She returns her father’s words by

saying she would rather drown herself if she were his father’s wife.

However, Denny supports Rita’s father. He even says she insulted her own

father. From the scene above, the researcher finds that Rita’s family still believes

that women should have a baby instead get a higher education. For them, a higher

education is nothing rather than having a baby.



Tong states “liberal feminists wish to free women from oppressive gender

roles-that is from those roles used as an excuse or justifications for giving women

lesser place, or no place at all, in the academy, the forum and the marketplace,”

(2009, p. 34). Rita has a right to get a higher education. She deserves to find her

true self even though she is from working-class person.

Denny defends Rita’s father (ER, 1983: 0:51:29)

Rita’s rebellion and her determination to find herself by get higher

education lead her to divorce from Denny. At the wedding party of Rita’s little

sister, Rita and Denny dance together and talk about their future. Danny gives her

a choice whether she stops to come to tutor and take the pregnancy control pill or

they are divorce.

Denny: It’s dead easy Susan (Rita), you stop going to that university and
you stop taking the pill or you’re out.
Rita : Why?
Denny: You know why.
Rita : I don’t know Denny. All I’m doing is getting an education.
That’s all, just try to learn. And I love it. It’s not easy, I get it wrong some
time, I’m laughed at half the time, but I love it because it makes me feel


as though I’m in the land of living.

All you try and do is put a rope around me neck and tie to the ground.
(Russell, 1983, p. 26)

From the conversation above, Denny does not like it if Rita keeps going to

pursue her education and he demands a child from Rita. The fact is that Rita

enjoys getting education and says to Denny that she does not want to leave.

Choosing the education makes Denny left her at the party. Rita still loves Denny.

However, she gets from him is she cannot get any freedom to choose what she

wants and Denny does not support her.

Denny leaves Rita at her sister wedding party (ER, 1983: 0:53:11)

In the other side, Frank, who rejects to teach Rita about literature at first

support her to get education. After he teaches Rita how to do her essay and sees

how she determines herself to get an education to find her identity, Frank sees a

potential from Rita. He asks Rita to join his class when she comes across from her

work place just to tell him that Macbeth is a tragedy, fortunately his class topic is

about tragedy literary works.



Rita joins the class until it finishes. She realized that her level is still far

from the other student in the class but Frank just smiles. The researcher finds that

Frank is supporting Rita to get an education and see some potential from her.

However, she needs to work a little hard to figure it out. In the earlier scene

(0:12:45) where Rita wait for Frank to come out from his room and imagine if

Rita gives up and look for another tutor, she might not come this far.

Rita after attend Frank class with other students (ER, 1983: 0:39:56)

From some proofs that mentioned above, the researcher finds that Rita is a

smart woman but uneducated. However, after her tutorial class with Frank, her

knowledge gets better. The researcher sees that Rita’s environment cannot limit

her choices to get a higher education. She fights for the opportunity to study and

get freedom to choose what she wants. Rita gets strong desire to find her true

identity through her literature study.



The evidence that Rita’s education is get better and she can pursue her

dream to study and discover herself is when Frank asks her to go to a summer

school. She goes to her summer school by train. Before the train leaves, she and

Frank have a conversation and she shouts:

RITA: One should always have something sensational to read on the train!
(Russell, 1983, p. 29)

She then proudly says to another person in the compartment about what

she means to and it is about Oscar Wilde work.

Rita feels proud about her knowledge (ER, 1983: 0:57:57)

Other evidences that Rita’s education get better when Rita attends summer

school and a professor tell her about American poet and her discussion about

Chekov with her tutor at the summer school. There are bunch of students talk

about Shawn’s literary work. While Rita takes an order from the table that close to

them, she hears their discussion and ends up settle their arguments. Surprisingly

they are students from the same university she takes tutor class.


Student 1: Hi, Susan (Rita).

Rita : Hiya.
Student 2 : Hi, Susan!
Tyson : Susan!
Rita : What?
Tyson : We want you to settle an argument. (Russell, 1983, p. 35)

From conversation above, Susan already finds her passion which is to get

knowledge she wants all this the time, even the other students even ask her

opinion to settle their arguments of literary works.

2. Rita’s Characteristic Portray Liberal Feminism

As it is discussed above, the researcher realized that Rita is struggled to

get the education and that she always wants from long time ago. Her environment

especially her family oppose her will to get higher education, instead they want

Rita to have a baby. Fortunately Rita wants to fight back and she thinks that she

deserve self-discovery and get education, she already determined to take every

risks that she have to face when she wants to pursue her dream. She has to rebel to

her family in order to get the same opportunity and freedom to get education to

choose what she wants, especially her father and husband that does not like Rita to

pursue her dream. As the researcher find in the movie Rita wants same

opportunity and it is to get educated, because she lack freedom to choose her path

she does not know what to do until open university happened and Rita thinks that

it is the only way for her to get higher education.



Even though she already get job, she wants more than that. She wants to

get higher education and for her it is the only way to find the true identity that she

always looking for. As Rita is from working-class person and in her environment

people with higher education is hard to find, as the researcher find in her

characteristic she is a smart and has great intelligence. Even though her first essay

task is not really satisfied Frank but her intelligence can be seen when she

explained her essay to Frank and Frank ask her to correct her essay on that day

and the researcher also find that she even can finish it at her work place which is

not suitable place to finish the task. The researcher also finds that her

independence to apply the university without her family support is admirable, and

her rebellious act even though her family openly shows that they do not really like

the idea of Rita self-discovery by she applied the university program.

As the time passed by Rita’s hard work can be seen when she goes to a

summer school Frank suggests to her. At first, she is worried whether she can fit

to the environment there and whether she can catch up with the study. However,

Frank says she is fine, and she can get a lot of new experiences there. When she

arrives at summer school, she cannot believe that she can ride a bike and have a

conversation with new friends there.



Rita rides a bike with her friends (ER, 1983: 0:58:17)

Rita tells Frank about her story at summer school’s lecture hall. She says

there are hundreds of people there. The professor finishes his explanation about

Chekov and asks the students if they have any question about the works. Rita says

she stands up and encourages herself to ask about Chekov. They ends up discuss

about Chekov in a week. It happens on scene (0:59:18-1:00:09).

After divorce with Denny, Rita can express what she feels and be an

independent women. Which means she is fine with herself, even without her

husband. It is hard at first since that she still loves Denny. However, Denny does

not support her choice to get an education. Rita chooses her education more than

Denny because she wants to know herself more. She attends summer school while

Frank at French for works. After she finishes her summer school, she gets flat and

shares with a woman named Trish. Now, Rita fulfills her living cost by herself by

working at a bistro of Trish’s friend to get money.



Rita fights for her education to get better and self-discovery about her true

self, even with a lot of things happen in her life. She still can stand and hold

herself together. What the things go through her life while she gets an education

and self-discovery still makes her a great and independent woman who can choose

what she wants.




In this chapter, the researcher concludes the discussion of the problem

formulation. The first question analyzes the characteristics of Rita in the movie

Educating Rita. The researcher uses the theory of Joseph M. Boggs and Dennis

W. Petrie’s characterization theory and finds that determined, rebellious, smart,

hard-working, and independence are the characteristics of Rita.

Rita’s determination leads her to get education that she wants, even though

Frank does not want to teach her literature on their first meet. Rita’s rebellious act

against her husband and her family, especially father, because Rita’s father wants

her to have a baby instead of getting an education. Rita’s intelligence is very

unique because she has great intelligence to understand Frank tasks, however her

lack of education makes her learn more about it. Frank helps her through her study

and success on make her educated. Rita’s hard work to gain her knowledge from

attend tutorial class that she joins every week and also she joins summer school

while Frank goes to French, she finally can get knowledge and education because

of her hard work towards them. The last is Rita’s independent life, after her

divorce from Denny she has to live by her own because she cut her job as a

hairdresser. Fortunately, she gets another job in a bistro and can make her own

money to live.



The second problem formulation focuses on how Rita’s characteristics can

portray liberal feminism. In this part, the researcher uses liberal feminism theory.

In this part of analysis, the researcher finds that Rita’s characteristics portray

liberal feminism. Rita’s determination and desire to get higher education is strong,

because of this she even lies to her husband about not consume any pregnancy

control pill but in facts she still consumes it because Rita does not want to have a

baby. Rita’s rebel through her family wish, especially her father, about gets a

child. Rita’s hard work and how she studies from zero to get knowledge that she

wants after a long time of her study and her study exchange at summer school.

With Rita’s education get better, she is also able to discover herself little by little.

It is not an easy choice to do what she wants but Rita proves she can get through

all, know herself better, and become educated. Rita also can enjoy herself more

after she finds out about her true self.



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