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Ramos Samuel Paul B.

BSME 4 – A


41. The mass of an outside air at 50°C in an air conditioning unit is 60 kg. Find the temperature of
outside air mixed with 40 kg with recirculated air at 35°C.

A. 44°C C. 52°C

B. 39°C D. 42°C


By energy balance:

m1DBT1 + m2DBT2 = m3DBT3

By mass balance:

m1 + m 2 = m 3

60 kg + 40 kg = m3

m3 = 100 kg

From energy balance:

DBT3 =

DBT3 = 44°C
43. How many tons of refrigeration are required to produce 10 metric tons of ice per day at -10° C
from raw water at 22° C if miscellaneous losses are 15% of the chilling and freezing load.
A. 17 TOR C. 15 TOR
B. 20 TOR D. 24 TOR

m = 10 metric tons =

Losses = 15%

Qt = Q1 + Q2 + Q3 + Qloss
Q1 = mcp (22 - 0)

= (4.187 KJ/kg k) (22 – 0) K

= 10.66 KW
Q2 = mLf

= (335 KJ/kg)

= 38.77 KW
Q3 = mcp[0 – (-10)]

= (2.098 KJ/kg k) [0 – (-10)] K

= 2.428 KW
Qloss = 0.15(Q1 + Q2 + Q3)
= 0.15(10.66 KW + 38.77 KW + 2.428 KW)
= 7.78 KW
Qt = Q1 + Q2 + Q3 + Qloss
= (10.66 KW + 38.77 KW + 2.428 KW + 7.78 KW)(1 TOR/3.516 KW)
= 16.96 TOR or 17 TOR
Qt = 17 TOR
44. Five hundred kilograms of poultry enter a chiller at 8°C and are frozen and chilled to final
temperature of -18°C for storage in 15 hours. The specific heat above and below freezing point
are 3.18 KJ/kg°C and 1.55 KJ/kg°C respectively. The latent heat is 246 KJ/kg and the freezing
temperature is -5°C. Compute the Product load.
A. 2.75 kW C. 2.95 kW
B. 2.85 kW D. 3.15 kW

m= =

cp1 = 3.18 KJ/kg°C

cp2 = 1.55 KJ/kg°C
Lf = 246 kj/kg

Qt = Q1 + Q2 + Q3
Q1 = mcp1[8 – (-5)]

= (3.18 KJ/kg°C ) [8 – (-5)] °C

Q2 = mLf

= (246 KJ/kg)

Q3 = mcp2[-5– (-18)]

= (1.55 KJ/kg°C) [-5– (-18)] °C

Qt = Q1 + Q2 + Q3

=( + + )

Qt = 2.85 KW
21. A .30 x .0.40 m branch ducts leaves a 0.30 x 0.60 main duct at an angle of 60°C. The air
temperature is 20°C. The dimensions of the main duct remain constant following branch. The
flow rate upstream is 2.7 m3/s. What is the pressure downstream in the main duct. Note : at
20°C, = 1.204 kg/m3.
A. 346 Pa C. 634 Pa
B. 436 Pa D. 643 Pa

Ploss =
Solving for Vd and Vu:
mu = m d + m b
Qu = Qd + Qb
2.7 = Qd + 1.3
Qd = 1.4 m3/s
Vd =

Vd= 7.78 m/s
Vu =

Vu = 15 m/s
Vb =

Vb = 10.43 m/s

Ploss =
Ploss = 3.38
From Bernoulli equation:
+ = + +

= +

= +
Pd = 345.64 Pa or 346 Pa
22. A sudden enlargement in a circular duct measures 0.20 m diameter upstream and 0.40 m
downstream. The upstream pressure is 150 Pa, downstream pressure is 200 Pa. What is the
flow rate of 20C air through the fitting? Use = 1.02041 kg/m3.

A. 0.49 m3/s C. 0.38 m3/s

B. 0.83 m3/s D. 0.94 m3/s


Q = AuVu

Solving for Vu:

Ploss =


= = 0.25


(200 – 150) =

Vu = 12.15 m/s



Q = 0.38 m
6. A gear having 60 teeth is being driven by 12 – tooth gear running at 800 rpm. Determine the
speed of the driven gear if 24 – tooth idler is placed between the driving and driven gear.

A. 154 rpm C. 172 rpm

B. 160 rpm D. 175 rpm


T1 = 12 teeth N1 = 800 rpm

T2 = 24 teeth

T3 = 60 teeth


N2 = 400 rpm

N3 = 160 rpm

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