D. Has Constructed

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1. The company ___ a new customer

service center to handle


a. Has constructing

b. Constructing

c. Construct

d. Has constructed

2. I ______ the agreement signed

before I meet the bank manager.

a. Have get

b. Have to get

c. Have to got

d. Have getting

3. The chief director ___ for the

report for all afternoon.

a. Is waiting

b. Waits

c. Has been waiting

d. Will waiting

4. I ___ something very odd now, like

burning cables.

a. Am smelling

b. Smell

c. Smelling

d. Had smelled

5. Unless my superintendent ___ me

to work late, I’ll be home by 6:00


a. Will ask

b. Is asking

c. Asks
d. Asked

6. The company guarantees that the

maker will ___ defective parts.

a. Repaired

b. Repairs

c. Repairing

d. Repair

7. Extreme climate changes ___

contributed to the scarcity of fresh

oxygen in the air.

a. Have

b. Has

c. Were

d. Have been

8. The board of trustees regularly ___

the performance of all workers.

a. Analyzing

b. Analyzes

c. Analyze

d. Analyzed

9. For the past three years, new

diseases ___.

a. Have been identified

b. Are identifying

c. Identify

d. Will identify

10. If Jane ___ where the missing cat is,

we can stop looking for it.

a. Knew

b. Would know

c. Had known

d. Knows

11. The download may take some time,

it ___ on your internet connection


a. Depends

b. Depending

c. Depend

d. Depended

12. I will bring that book back to the

library, unless Derek ___ it before


a. Does

b. Will do

c. Is doing

d. Has done

13. The Prime Minister ___ many new

ideas into practice since taking over

in this year.

a. Putting

b. Was putting

c. Has put

d. Puts

14. The manager of production always

___ on time to work.

a. Is arriving

b. Arrives

c. Has been arriving

d. Arrive

15. We’ll have to stay late tonight if we

___ by 8:30.

a. Did not finish

b. Do not finish

c. Had not finished

d. Will not finished

16. Ms. Richmonds makes sure she

______ the mortgage agreement

thoroughly twice.

a. Reads

b. Read

c. Have read

d. Has read

17. The older stock computers ______

by up to 30%.

a. Have discounted

b. Are discounted

c. Discount

d. Discounted

18. Our teacher is a brilliant woman

who ___ a strong sense of teaching


a. Was

b. Is

c. Have

d. Has

19. We are ___ 20,000 new game

consoles a month right now.

a. Manufacturing

b. Manufacture

c. Manufactured

d. Manufactures

20. The grocery store is unable ___ the

customer’s regulation.

a. Changing

b. Changed

c. Change

d. Changes

21. Please fill out the income tax forms

and ___ them down to the local tax

office before the end of this month.

a. Bring

b. Brought

c. Brings

d. Bringing

22. The press conference will begin as

soon as the reporters ___.

a. Arrive

b. Arriving

c. Arrival

d. Arrives

23. I’ll be there at your place by 7:00

pm unless my boss ___ me to work


a. Will ask

b. Is asking

c. Asks

d. Asked

24. Make sure everyone ___ that

anything other than punctuality will

not be tolerated.

a. Is understanding

b. Understand

c. Will understand

d. Understands

25. Visitors to the hospital are ___ to

refrain from using cameras.

a. Asked

b. Ask

c. Asks

d. Asking

26. The company ____ the launching of

their new product since February.

a. Postpone

b. Postponed

c. Postpones

d. Postponing

27. The boss thinks his performance

___ enough to warrant promotion.

a. Is good

b. Was good

c. Good

d. Has been good

28. Most SUV’s ___ at least 40 gallons

of gasoline per week.

a. Have consumed

b. Consume

c. Have been consuming

d. Consumed

29. Low interest rates ___ allowed

more young couples to buy homes.

a. Has

b. Have

c. Are

d. Is

30. The mail delivery service ___ more

reliable in the last six month.

a. Is becoming

b. Has been becoming

c. Has become

d. Becomes

31. According to the passport office, I

have to ___ my passport at least 2

weeks before my trip.

a. Renew

b. To renew
c. Renewed

d. Renewing

32. John’s meeting with the lawyer ___

scheduled for 9:00 Wednesday


a. Has

b. Has been

c. Have been

d. Have

33. A few policemen ___ to my school

every month to check the security


a. Comes

b. Come

c. Came

d. Cames

34. My little sister ___ every night in

her room.

a. Doesn’t cries

b. Doesn't cry

c. Wasn’t cry

d. Weren’t cry

35. The sons of Mr. Whiteman ….

football in the afternoon.

a. Playing

b. Plays

c. Play

d. Was

36. Can you go downtown with me

right now?

a. No, I'm waiting for a phone call

b. No, I eat lunch

c. No, I take care of my son

d. No, I do

37. What are you doing now?

a. I'm tasting the soup to see if it

needs more salt

b. I taste the spaghetti to see if it

needs more salt

c. The spaghetti is tasting good

d. The spaghetti is tasted good

38. Our company gives all employees


a. Never

b. Always

c. Still

d. Annually

39. The earth ___ usually represented

by a Sphere.

a. Does

b. Has

c. Are

d. Is

40. Although he ___ no formal

education, he is a shrewd machine


a. Have

b. Has

c. Is

d. Having

41. Look! the clown ______ in the

amusement park.

a. Dance

b. Is dancing

c. Danced

d. Was dancing
42. Because the ocean lever ______

steadily since 1990, the researchers

have tried to find ways to stop climate


a. Is rising

b. Rose

c. Has been rising

d. Had risen

43. They have been studying Economics

since they ______ in High School.

a. Had studied

b. Studied

c. Have been studying

d. Study

44. Rano is going to return to Italy as soon

as he ______ his university degree.

a. Gets

b. Get

c. Will get

d. Would get

45. At this moment, the Secretary Defense

______ the military operation in Fort


a. Legalizes

b. Is legalizing

c. Has legalized

d. Has been legalizing

46. What ............................. for lunch?

a. do you usually have

b. are you usually having

c. have you usually

d. do usually you have

47. My husband ....................... very

hard at the moment, because

some of his fellow workers are on


a. works

b. work

c. is working

d. working

48. What ................... ?

a. mean this word

b. means this word

c. is this word meaning

d. does this word mean

49. Ow! ................ on my foot!

a. You stand

b. You're standing

c. You are stand

d. You stood

50. What ....................... this Saturday?

a. are you doing

b. do you do

c. are you do

d. did you do

51. What .............. at the weekend?

a. are you normally do

b. are you normally doing

c. do you normally do

d. do you normally doing

52. A: What ............................ ?

B: She's an interior designer.

a. is your sister doing

b. does your sister do

c. does your sister

d. is your sister do
53. A: How's your brother?

B: He's fine. He ........................ hard

at the moment, because he's got

his final exams next month.

a. studies

b. is studying

c. is study

d. studys

54. I ................. your new coat!

a. like

b. am liking

c. liked

d. likes

55. I ........................ this film very

much. Can we leave?

a. don't enjoy

b. not enjoying

c. Didn’t enjoy

d. Doesn’t enjoy

56. A: Where are my keys? Have you

seen them?

B: No. You ............................. your

keys! Why don't you keep them in a

safe place?

a. always lose

b. are always losing

c. were always losing

d. always lost

57. A: The coffee machine

.....................now so we'll have to

go to a bar.

B: Haven't they fixed it yet?

a. isn't working
b. doesn't work

c. don’t work

d. aren’t working

58. A: Rachel's a vegetarian so we'll

have to ask the restaurant to

provide a vegetarian menu.

B: .................. fish?

A: I don't think so.

a. Does she eat

b. Is she eating

c. Is she eat

d. Eats she

59. A: ..................... a tie to work?

B: No, but we've got an inspection

from Head Office today!

a. Are you always wearing

b. Do you always wear

c. Wear you always

d. Did you always wear

60. ................... a coffee?

a. Do you want

b. Are you want

c. Are you wanting

d. Does you want

61. Kelly ...... that she'll go with us.

a. doubt

b. doubted

c. doubts

d. doubting

62. She ...... each summer in the


a. spending

b. is spent
c. spends

d. spent

63. Emma always ......... things without

knowing all the facts.

A. decide

B. decided

C. is decided

D. decides

64. My mother always ......... excuses

when I feel like going to the


A. made

B. is making

C. makes

D. make

65. Rossa ........ she is not going to

Singapore this year.

A. assume

B. assumes

C. assumed

D. assuming

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