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Bioethanol production from pistachio (pistacia

vera L.) shells applying ozone pretreatment and
subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis

Betül Göncü, Hakki Gülşen & Emir Zafer Hoşgün

To cite this article: Betül Göncü, Hakki Gülşen & Emir Zafer Hoşgün (2021): Bioethanol production
from pistachio (pistacia�vera L.) shells applying ozone pretreatment and subsequent enzymatic
hydrolysis, Environmental Technology, DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2021.1903565

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Published online: 25 Mar 2021.

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Bioethanol production from pistachio (pistacia vera L.) shells applying ozone
pretreatment and subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis
a a b
Betül Göncü , Hakki Gülşen and Emir Zafer Hoşgün
Department of Environmental Engineering, Harran University, Şanlıurfa, Turkey; bDepartment of Chemical Engineering, Eskişehir Technical
University, Eskişehir, Turkey


Pistachio (pistacia vera L.) is a lignocellulosic raw material. One of the most pistachio produced Received 7 January 2021
three countries in the World is Turkey and Şanlıurfa is the city that most pistachio production in Accepted 6 March 2021
Turkey. As a result of this production, a large amount of pistachio waste is generated. Therefore,
this study was conducted considering the abundant pistachio waste and furthermore, the Lignocellulosic biomass;
effects of ozone and combined (ozone and hot water) pretreatments for bioethanol production pistachio shells;
from pistachio shells were investigated. Initially, the ozone and combined pretreatments were fermentation; ozone
applied to the pistachio shells. It has been observed that applying the combined pretreatment pretreatment; bioethanol
provides better lignin removal than only ozone pretreatment and on the other hand, the ozone
pretreatment provides better lignin removal than the hot water pretreatment. Scanning
electron microscopy (SEM) images of pretreated and untreated pistachio shells were compared.
Enzyme activity was measured, and 30–60 FPU enzyme loading was applied in an enzymatic
hydrolysis. The enzymatic hydrolysis was applied to obtain fermentable sugar from the pistachio
shells after pretreatments. As a result of enzymatic hydrolysis, 2.34–8.24 g/L reducing sugar was
obtained. On the other hand, 1.21–2.33 g/L ethanol concentration was obtained end of the
fermentation process. Fermentation efficiency was calculated between 42% and 55%. As a
result, this study showed that combined pretreatment was more effective than the single
pretreatment in the ethanol production process.

Introduction fuels are not enough to meet this growing energy

demand. In addition to being non-renewable, fossil
Fossil fuels are the main source of energy used in the fuels are not sustainable and have many environ-
world [1]. The world’s energy demand is increasing by mental hazards, including greenhouse gas (GHG)
30% per year and the reserves of non-renewable fossil and carcinogenic exhaust emissions [2]. For these

CONTACT Betül Göncü Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Harran University, Şanlıurfa,
This article has been corrected with minor changes. These changes do not impact the academic content of the article.
© 2021 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

reasons, the energy researches start to focus on the Ozone and hot water pretreatments applied to ligno-
renewable energy sources that can be used instead cellulosic wastes were used in this study. The main
of fossil fuels [3]. The increasing world population, advantage of the ozone is that it is a powerful oxidant
global warming, economic issues, and disadvantages and can dissolve easily in water [18]. The ozone pretreat-
arising from the use of fossil fuels have encouraged ment causes a high amount of lignin removal by increas-
a roadmap for biofuel production in an environmen- ing the reaction rate of ozone. It also does not create
tally friendly manner [4,5]. Biofuels such as bioetha- toxic materials and can be carried out at room tempera-
nol, biodiesel, biomethane and bio-oil are alternative ture, which is a significant advantage as it reduces the
clean energy sources to the fossil fuels. Currently, bio- pretreatment cost [19]. Since the hot water pretreatment
fuels contribute ∼ 50 EJ to the world’s energy does not require the use of expensive chemicals, it
demand [6]. reduces the cost of pretreatment and does not create
Bioethanol is the most important biofuel, accounting environmental pollution. In this respect, it is an impor-
for ∼65% of the world’s biofuel production to date [7]. tant alternative method [20].
Basically, bioethanol has a high octane number, so it Season 2019/2020 was an ‘off year’ for US and Turkish
can be used both as an octane enhancer and a fuel in pistachios, while Iran experienced an ‘on year’ after over-
gasoline-powered vehicles [8]. Bioethanol can be pro- coming the short crop of the prior season. Consequently,
duced from inedible sources such as agro-industrial world production added up to 655,200 metric tons
and wood-cellulosic waste [9]. Most of bioethanol pro- (inshell basis), 15% down from the previous year, yet
duced is obtained from food products such as corn, 12% above 2017/18, the last predominantly offseason.
sugar beet and potatoes [10]. The use of food raw The U.S.A. and Iran led global production, accounting
materials and agricultural land to obtain biofuels has for 51% and 31% of the world share, respectively.
increased the food prices and led to a much larger Along with Turkey, they represent 93% of the pistachio
problem in developing countries, namely the food world supply [21]. Recent statistics showed that one of
crisis [11]. Therefore, lignocellulosic raw material the three countries with the highest pistachio pro-
obtained from agricultural, industrial and forestry resi- duction in the world is Turkey as 2,40,000 tons. Şanlıurfa
dues has become an important source for the biofuel is the city where highest pistachio production with
production by making a high contribution to the 1,00,107 tons, and also 55,686 tons of pistachio waste
concept of circular economy and is saved from being is occurred in Turkey and it shows that 42% of Turkey
waste [12]. The main components of lignocellulosic pistachio production made in Şanlıurfa [22,23]. Free
biomass are cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin, which and abundant raw material, easy supply, sustainable,
provides structural integrity [13]. Lignocellulosic raw minimum transport cost, etc. are reasons for using pista-
materials are highly resistant to enzymatic and biological chio shell in this study in Şanlıurfa. In addition, there is
processes; therefore, a pretreatment process is required no study on the bioethanol production of the pistachio
to break down the complex structure and release cellu- shell. All these reasons inspired bioethanol production
lose fibres for hydrolysis and fermentation [14]. Physical, using the pistachio shell in this study.
chemical and biological pretreatment methods or a
combination of two or more pretreatment processes
can be used to produce bioethanol from the lignocellu- Materials and methods
losic materials [15]. However, bad reaction conditions Materials
and eliminate the possibility of inhibitor formation can
lead to high costs in pretreatment processes. Hence, Cellic Ctec2, an enzyme mixture of cellulase, hemicellu-
using the minimum amount of energy and chemicals, lase and ß-glucosidase, was used. All chemicals and
preventing the formation of degradation products and enzymes used in the study were procured from Sigma-
toxic substances during the process will reduce pretreat- Aldrich (U.S.A.).
ment costs [16]. The hydrolysis process is carried out
after the pretreatment stage. The conversion of lignocel-
lulosic raw material to monomeric sugar by hydrolysis is
currently the most challenging stage in bioethanol pro- Pistachio shell was collected in Şanlıurfa province,
duction. The difficulty in the hydrolysis phase of ligno- Turkey. It was dried at 105°C before using in the study
cellulosic biomass is that it is desired to obtain a and was grinded in a mill to reduce particle size. A par-
higher amount of alcohol at a lower investment cost ticle size smaller than 2 mm was used. It was stored at
by reducing the use of chemicals and energy in the pre- room temperature in a sealed glass bottle. The compo-
treatment process [17]. sition of feedstock (lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose)

was determined using NREL methods. During this study, 0.3 g (c1) of pistachio shell and 3 mL H2SO4 (72%) sol-
analyses were repeated two times and an average value ution was added to the bottle. The bottle was stirred
was used. Lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose content of for one minute and incubated at 30°C for 60 min.
the pistachio shell were determined as 32.34%, 20.74% About 84 mL water was added for diluting the solution
and 36.92% on a dry basis, respectively. to 4% and the bottle was autoclaved at 121°C for
In literature, Hesam et al. determined on a dry basis 60 min. The solution was filtered with a crucible after
that lignin, cellulose, hemicellulose, and ash contents the solution has cooled down. The crucible was dried
of pistachio shell as 20.77 ± 1.10%, 31.13 ± 0.42%, for a minimum of 6 h at 105°C and was put in a desicca-
42.27 ± 1.62% and 0.89 ± 0.02%, respectively [24]. On tor. The crucible was weighed out after it has cooled
the other hand, Çelik et al. determined on a dry basis down (c2). At the end of these processes, the crucible
that lignin, cellulose, hemicellulose, and ash contents was put in a furnace for minimum 24 h at 600°C. The cru-
of pistachio shell as 37%, 21.41%, 14.31% and 3.52%, cible was taken from the furnace and was weighed out
respectively [25]. It is thought that the content of the pis- (c3) [26]. Percentage of lignin was calculated according
tachio shell differs due to different environment con- to Equation (1) [27]:
ditions in which raw material is grown, harvest time  
c2 − c3
and analytical method. Lignin(%) = × 100. (1)

Delignification was calculated according to Equation

(2) [27]:
Pistachio shells were pretreated using an ozone genera-
Delignification(%) =
tor (Ozoneks, TR) that produces ozone using oxygen
⎛Lignin of untreated biomass ⎞
from the air. Four pretreatment times (5, 15, 30 and
60 min), 8 mg/min ozone dosage concentration and 1/ ⎜ − Lignin of pretreated biomass⎟
⎝ ⎠ × 100.
10 solid/liquid ratio (S/L) were applied at room tempera- Lignin of untreated biomass
ture. During the pretreatment period, there was no need
for extra mixing as ozone gas would form bubbles in the (2)
water and provide mixing by itself. After pretreatment,
the samples were filtered. The solid fraction was col-
lected and dried for use in the lignin and enzymatic Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
hydrolysis step.
Zeiss Evo 50 system SEM was used to observe the surface
Ozone and liquid hot water sequential pretreatments
morphology of the pistachio shells. This device that
were with an ozone generator followed by the hot water
including EDX spectrometer was set at 20 kV to use
pretreatment in an autoclave. First, pistachio shells, 1/10
the SEM analysis. A maximum delignification condition
S/L ratio in a screwed borosilicate glass bottle, were
was selected to observe on the pistachio shell.
treated with 8 mg/min ozone concentration at a room
temperature for 5, 15, 30 and 60 min, respectively. After-
wards, the bottles were closed, and pretreatment of hot
Measurement of enzyme activities and enzymatic
water was applied at 100°C in the autoclave for 5, 15, 30
and 60 min, respectively. The effects of these two
different combined pretreatments on the lignin The NREL (NREL/TP-510-42628) method was used for the
removal, reducing sugar concentration and bioethanol determination of enzyme activity. The enzyme activity of
production compared to single ozone pretreatment Cellic CTec2 which is used in the enzymatic hydrolysis
were investigated. As a result of these pretreatments, was determined. About 1416 mL of deionized water,
the samples were filtered. The solid fractions were col- 10.6 g of 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid (C7H4N2O7), 19.8 g of
lected and were dried using lignin analyses and enzy- sodium hydroxide (NaOH), 306 g of potassium sodium
matic hydrolysis process. tartrate (KNaC4H4O6·4H2O), 7.6 mL of phenol (C6H5OH)
and 8.3 g of sodium metabisulphite (Na2S2O5) were
added to prepare DNS (dinitrosalicylic acid) solution.
Determination of lignin amount
10 mg/mL glucose stock solution and a citrate buffer sol-
Lignin content of the pistachio shell was determined ution were used to prepare four different glucose
using a NREL method. First, gooch crucible was dried dilution solutions. Glucose solutions at different concen-
for a minimum of six hours at 105°C and was put in a trations were prepared by adding 0.5, 1, 2 and 4 mL of
desiccator. After cooling the crucible was weighed out. buffer solution separately to 1 mL of glucose stock

solution in different tubes. Then 0.5 mL of each solution Yeast growth was carried out before fermentation. 3 g/L
was taken, and 1 mL of buffer solution was added to yeast extract, 3.5 g/L peptone, 1 g/L ammonium sul-
them. A 1.5 mL citrate buffer solution was added to phate ((NH4)2SO4), 0.5 g/L calcium chloride (CaCl2), 2 g/
the control tube, 0.5 mL of the enzyme solution was pre- L potassium phosphate (KH2PO4), 1 g/L magnesium sul-
pared at different concentrations and 1 mL of the buffer phate tetrahydrate (MgSO4·7H2O), were used for it. The
solution was added to each one. Different concen- prepared solution and glasswares were sterilized at
trations of 0.5 mL enzyme solution, 1 mL of buffer sol- 121°C in autoclave for 15 min. The yeast was growth at
ution and 50 mg of Whatman No. 1 filter paper were 30°C and 100 rpm for 24 h. 10% (v/v) S. cerevisiae and
placed in enzyme control tubes. All glucose standard the hydrolyzate were mixed and fermentation was
tubes, control tubes and enzyme determination tubes carried out at pH 4.8 for 48 h. HPLC (Agilent 1100,
were incubated at 50°C for 60 min. Then 3 mL of DNS Germany) was used to determine ethanol concentration.
solution was added to all tubes and were boiled for Refractive index detector and Bio-Rad Aminex HPX-87H
exactly 5 min and suddenly cooled in cold water bath. (U.S.A.) column (300 mm × 7.8 mm) were used in a
UV–vis Spectrophotometer measurement were carried HPLC system. The column was operated at 60°C,
out at 540 nm. The glucose solutions were diluted by 0.005M H2SO4 solution was used as the mobile phase
adjusting the absorbance values to be between 0.1 at a flow rate of 0.6 mL/min. The fermentation
and 1. A glucose calibration curve was obtained. The efficiency was calculated using Equation (3) [32]:
amount of glucose in the enzyme tubes was calculated
Fermentation efficiency (%)
after subtracting the absorbance in the control tube  
from each enzyme ratio absorbance using the cali- ethanol produced
= × 100 . (3)
bration curve. The enzyme concentration that will theoritic ethanol
produce 2 mg of glucose was determined. A filter Theoretical ethanol assumes that all initial glucose is
paper unit was determined according to the amount converted to ethanol during fermentation and that
of enzyme that produced 2 mg of reducing sugar in conversion results in 0.51 g ethanol/g glucose. The
60min from 50 mg of filter paper [26,27]. productivity of ethanol was determined to using
Enzymatic hydrolysis processes were carried out Equation (4) [32]:
using a citrate buffer and an enzyme to ozone and com-
bined (ozone + hot water) pretreated pistachio shells. 30 Ethanol productivity
and 60 FPU enzyme were applied for the processes.  
production of ethanol (g/L)
About 5% (w/v) substrate was loaded using the citrate = . (4)
buffer. An orbital shaker incubator was used to keep time (h)
the temperature of reactors at 50°C, for 72 h [28,29].

Results and discussion

Reducing sugar concentration
Dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) method was used to deter-
mine reducing sugar concentration. About 1 mL 0.05 M Ozone pretreatment applied that 1/10 (w/v) solid/liquid
of buffer solution (pH = 4.8) and 0.5 mL hydrolyzate ratio, pretreatment time of 5, 15, 30 and 60 min and at
were put into each tube. Blank was selected as 1.5 mL room temperature, for delignification of the pistachio
buffer solution. Incubator was used to keep the temp- shells. Applying ozone pretreatment was showed that
erature of tubes at 50°C for 60 min. 3 mL DNS was the delignification yield was ranged from 23.28% to
added to the tubes and boiled for 5 min. Then suddenly 37.43%. Combined (ozone + hot water) pretreatment
cooled in an ice bath and absorbance was measured at applied that 1/10 (w/v) solid/liquid ratio, pretreatment
540 nm. The amount of reducing sugar was calculated time of 5 min ozone + 5 min hot water, 15 min ozone
using the absorbance values [30,31]. + 15 min hot water, 30 min ozone + 30 min hot water,
60 min ozone + 60 min hot water, for the delignification
of the pistachio shells. Hot water pretreatment was
Fermentation of pistachio shells
applied at 100°C, although ozone pretreatment was
The hydrolyzates obtained end of the enzymatic applied at room temperature for combined pretreat-
hydrolysis were filtered and were centrifuged (4°C, ment. Applying combined pretreatment showed that
10000 rpm, 5 min) to remove the unhydrolyzed the delignification yield ranged from 26.22% to
residue. Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the most widely 41.22%. These results showed that maximum lignin
used and cheapest yeast, was used as a microorganism. removal obtained by 60 min ozone + 60 min hot water

pretreatment and combined pretreatment provided As seen in this study that the ozone pretreatment has
approximately 4% more lignin removal than ozone pre- a high lignin removal rate. Conversely, hot water pre-
treatment. The delignification of ozone and combined treatment provided low lignin removal in this study.
pretreatments are shown in Figure 1. However, as can be seen from other studies, the
Garcia-Cubero et al. studied ozone pretreatment at applied temperature in hot water pretreatment is an
ozonation time of 2.5 h and reported that the important factor. For this reason, it is foreseed that
maximum lignin removal as 44% for grain straw [33]. better lignin removal can be obtained if a higher temp-
Ortega et al. studied ozone pretreatment at an ozona- erature is applied for the hot water pretreatment.
tion time of 60 min and reported that the maximum Looking at the combined pretreatment, it was seen
lignin removal as 47% for sugarcane straw [34]. that it provided better lignin removal than single
Wobiwo et al. studied the hot water pretreatment pretreatment.
between 100°C and 120°C and reported that the
maximum lignin removal as 16% for banana bulb [20].
SEM analysis
Xia et al. studied the hot water pretreatment between
130°C and 170°C and reported that the maximum Morphological differences of untreated and ozone hot
lignin removal was 10% for reed [35]. These studies water pretreated the pistachio shell was assessed by
showed that lignin removal by ozone pretreatment using SEM. The pistachio shell was coated with gold. In
may differ depending on the lignin content of the raw addition, an SEM image was used to observe the struc-
material and the pretreatment time. On the other tural change that occurred after pretreatment. SEM
hand, hot water pretreatment has no strong effect on images are presented in Figure 2. The first image
lignin removal.

Figure 1. Effect of ozone and combined pretreatment (1/10 S/L). Figure 2. SEM images (a) untreated and (b) pretreated.

showed that fibrils have a continuous structure. In case ozone and combined pretreated pistachio shell.
pretreatment was applied, the structures were signifi- Maximum reducing sugar obtained from enzymatic
cantly deformed or fragmented. Depolymerization of hydrolysis of ozone pretreated pistachio shell and com-
lignin after ozone and hot water pretreatment can be bined pretreated pistachio shell was 5.83 and 6.48 g/L
seen by the conversion of long structured fibres into for 30 FPU enzyme loading, respectively.
short and closed individual fibres. Figure 4 shows the obtained reducing sugar concen-
tration after enzymatic hydrolysis (60 FPU per 1 g
enzyme loading) of the ozone and combined pretreated
Enzymatic hydrolysis pistachio shell. Maximum reducing sugar was obtained
Pistachio shells were subjected to enzymatic hydrolysis as 7.31 and 8.24 g/L from enzymatic hydrolysis of
to produce reducing sugar. All enzymatic hydrolysis ozone pretreated pistachio shell and combined pre-
process was realized 5% (w/v) substrate loading, using treated pistachio shell for 60 FPU enzyme loading,
citrate buffer, 50°C temperature, 30 or 60 FPU enzyme respectively. As a result, combined pretreatment led to
loading per 1 g substrate, for 72 h. Enzyme activity of an increase in reducing sugar obtained after enzymatic
Cellic Ctec2 was measured as 308 FPU/mL. Figure 3 hydrolysis for 30 and 60 FPU.
shows the results of 30 FPU of enzyme loading of Subhedar et al. applied alkali and ultrasonic-assisted
alkali pretreatment to pistachio shell and obtained 8.1,
18.4 g/L reducing sugar, respectively [36]. In another

Figure 3. Enzymatic hydrolysis of ozone and combined pre- Figure 4. Enzymatic hydrolysis of ozone and combined pre-
treated pistachio shells (30 FPU). treated pistachio shells (60 FPU).

study, Göncü et al. applied alkali pretreatment to pista-

chio shell and obtained 6.98 g/L reducing sugar [27].
These results show that the combined pretreatment is
more effective to produce reducing sugar than single

Fermentation of pistachio shells

Enzymatic hydrolysis process was applied to pistachio
shells for 72 h after ozone and combined pretreatment.
End of these processes, hydrolysates were obtained to
use in fermentation. Fermentation was carried out
using S. cerevisiae yeast at 30°C for 48 h to obtain
bioethanol from hydrolyzates. Ethanol results were
showed in Figure 5. Ethanol concentration was

Figure 6. Fermentation efficiency of ozone and combined pre-

treated pistachio shells (60 FPU).

calculated as 1.21, 1.36, 1.54 and 2.08 g/L, and ethanol

productivity was calculated as 0.05, 0.057, 0.064 and
0.086 from 5, 15, 30 and 60 min ozone pretreated hydro-
lyzate after fermentation, respectively. On the other
hand, 1.32, 1.49, 1.71 and 2.33 g/L ethanol was obtained,
and ethanol productivity was calculated as 0.055, 0.062,
0.071 and 0.097 from 10, 30, 60 and 120 min combined
pretreated hydrolyzate, respectively. Fermentation
efficiencies were showed in Figure 6. The fermentation
efficiency of ozone pretreated hydrolyzate was calcu-
lated between 42% and 52% and furthermore, fermenta-
tion efficiency of combined pretreated hydrolyzate was
calculated between 44% and 55%.

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tachio shells (60 FPU). 60 min. The maximum lignin removal was obtained as

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