Personal Development Module 12

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Activity 3: Making a Career Plan

Personal Passions Right Strengths Challenges Personality Skills Multiple MBTI

(Interests) or Intelligence Results
Core Traits Preferences (if online
Values Brain test was
Family Watch Left Determination. Poor grades/not Being honest and Strong Intrapersonal
Anime Brain studying or taking responsibility communication Intelligence 
reading enough. for my actions. skills

Achievement Read Books Left Enthusiasm. Battling Loyalty is a good Patience with Existential
Brain Depression and quality to possess, others Intelligence
Anxiety alone. making others trust
Self- Edit pictures Right Discipline Poor sleep Courage will help Knowing how Visual-Spatial
Confidence and Videos Brain habits. me do what’s right and when to Intelligence
in tough situations. show empathy
Decision Cosplay Right Creativity. Failing to Being rigid and Active listening Interpersonal
Making Anime Brain manage money selfish, unyielding to skills Intelligence
Characters the needs of others.
Education Listen to Right Respectfulness. Eating right and Being full of The ability to Musical
Pop Punk Brain staying healthy. laziness and keep an open Intelligence
Music excuses. mind.

1. These factors are related to each other because it shows who I am and what I am capable to do in my future career
just by seeing in the Career Plan. They’re Complementary because base on my career plan it is enhancing as I
move forward and grow in the past few years. There are some contradicting factors because some are advantages
and some are disadvantages to my future. Like being full of laziness and excuses on my personal traits is the
disadvantage and Eating right and staying healthy is my advantage.
2. It tells that I need to improve a lot on myself to have a good career in the future. It is an awareness of many things
about me, like my challenges in life is not healthy for me in any circumstances. It also made me know who I
really am and what I should change on myself like my poor sleep habits and failing to manage money.
3. My internal limitations are my believes that I place on myself like being what I want to be when in the future and
achieving those dreams for myself and my family. My External limitations are lack of courage and being lazy
when I get mood swings because of my anxiety attacks, I think this will be the cause of not achieving what I want
in the future. For me the doable part on me is my skills, it shows how good it is and the part that it says strong and
patience is a good skill to have a good job in the future. The not doable is the challenges for me, it is the
disadvantage for me to get a better job in the future.
4. There are 3 career choices I have in mind. It is Professional Chef, Professional Lawyer and a Professional
Cosplayer. Being a Professional Cosplayer is a good decision based on my career plan because I love to watch
anime and I have a great creativity inside of me. But my main goal now is to be a Professional Lawyer, because it
has been my dream to be on in the future. Standing in the court and defending a client that’s in the right side of
the law, protecting people who couldn’t protect themselves in the name of law and being the voice of the people
who couldn’t speak for themselves. I also dreamed of becoming a chef because I really loved cooking with my
family and tasting different kinds of food. I can still change my career plan since I’m still young, this time it will
be perfectly fit to be a Lawyer.
5. There are some inconsistencies because I wanted to be a Lawyer but some of the words, I put in my career plan
are not fit to be one. For examples are my Personality traits which are Being rigid and selfish, being full of
laziness and excuses are not a good start to be the part of law. My passions are also not related since there are no
law related in it, challenges are also not appropriate to become a lawyer since there are a lot of down sides on it.
but it doesn’t mean I can’t change it just because it’s what I put it in now, I can still grow and change a lot of
things to myself. My main goal is to become a Professional Lawyer and it will never change no matter what.

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