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Guest Editorial/

Intensive Use of Ground Water and Sustainability

by Emilio Custodio1

Intensive ground water development, especially for does not define it since reference may be made to differ-
agricultural purposes, has been occurring worldwide for ent conditions that may exist in the future and must in-
more than half-a-century, particularly in arid and semiar- clude consideration of economic and social conditions as
id areas. While intensive development of ground water well as hydrogeological processes.
produces many benefits, there is concern over the nonin- In many countries, especially in arid and semiarid re-
ternalized side effects. gions, sustainability assessment of water resources must
Ground water use becomes intensive when, as a con- take into account the fact that users (e.g., farmers) are re-
sequence of abstraction, flow and/or quality patterns are sponsible for intensive development of ground water,
notably modified. The resulting changes may be benefi- seemingly an unstoppable phenomenon under currently
cial, negative, or neutral, depending on the scientific, existing institutional, economic, social, and political con-
technical, economic, environmental, social, and/or politi- ditions. The reason for this bottom-up evolution in the use
cal criteria behind the assessment. of ground water is that, in many cases, there are immedi-
Overexploitation is a widely used but poorly defined ate benefits to individuals due to the relatively low invest-
term that mainly singles out the negative aspects of ground ment required, ease in drilling wells, and widespread
water development. The often shadowy connotations that availability of pumps and drainage devices driven by rela-
accompany the term may result in neglect or downplaying tively cheap energy. The rapidly expanding ground water
of the intrinsically favorable characteristics of ground development in arid and semiarid areas has been called
water and the valuable and positive aspects/benefits of de- ‘‘the silent revolution’’ by M.R. Llamas, who recently re-
velopment. This includes providing fresh water not only ceived the NGWA Lifetime Membership Award. This is
for drinking but also for improving health conditions, eco- true even in countries where the government strictly im-
nomic and social development, and irrigation for allevia- poses top-down policies. Consequently, traditional man-
tion of poverty. Emphasizing negative aspects may lead agement of water resources fails due to an inability to
laymen and nonspecialist decision makers to the erroneous cope with the new circumstances. Regulations, institu-
conclusion that ground water development is essentially tions, and users’ participation in management are urgently
negative and nonsustainable, while in reality, under control needed within an integrated water resource framework to
and sound management, benefits may often largely exceed safeguard benefits and to minimize and compensate social
direct and indirect costs. and environmental costs. This is especially true in arid
Sustainability refers to the use of natural resources and semiarid countries, and particularly, poor areas where
without jeopardizing their use by future generations. This uncontrolled evolution may destroy the benefits associ-
goes along with the concept of human beings living in ated with intensive ground water development.
peace and harmony with the environment, both now and In this respect, it is shocking that the Kyoto’s 3rd
in the future. In reality, scientific, technical, and social as World Water Forum Ministerial Declaration (March
well as space and time frameworks, under which sustain- 2003) does not include any explicit reference to ground
ability is evaluated, are continuously changing. This water and its rapidly evolving role, in spite of efforts by
means that what may be sustainable now may not be in public and private organizations and the endorsement of
the future, and what may appear unsustainable today may ground water use by UNESCO-IHP, the International As-
be sustainable in the future. Present-day decisions must sociation of Hydrogeologists and other concerned groups.
take the future into consideration. The influence given to Unfortunately, ground water is still not recognized by
the future, however, depends on the credibility of scenar- most politicians as key to ensuring human rights to fresh
ios considered and the weight given by society and politi- water, urgent health-improvement goals, and the need to
cians. Analysis of intensive ground water use is a basic alleviate poverty. The hope is that the 4th World Water Fo-
step in evaluating sustainability of development, but it rum in Mexico, 2006, will convey to social, political, and
media representatives the urgent need to consider the key
1Geotechnical Engineering Department, Civil Engineering
role of ground water within the water cycle and under the
School, Technical University of Catalonia, c/. Gran Capità s/n, Ed.
umbrella of a widely accepted ministerial declaration of
D-2. 08034 Barcelona, Spain; principles directed to the preservation and wise use of
Copyright ª 2005 National Ground Water Association. ground water resources and reserves.
Vol. 43, No. 3—GROUND WATER—May-June 2005 291

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