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22%. 1 a SPOKEN CHINESE 900 by Zhang Yajun Chen Kemiao Xun Chunsheng Translated by Zhang Wei Book Two Joint Publishing Co. (HK) hy 2% This edition is published with the permission of the Shanghai Education Publishing House Copyright ©1985 Joint Publishing Co. (HK) All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Published by Joint Publishing Co. (HK) 9 Queen Victoria Street, Hongkong First Published October 1985 Printed in Hongkong by C&C Joint Printing Co. (H.K.) Ltd. 75 Pau Chung St., Kowloon, Hongkong Paperback ISBN 962-04-0381-9 RBOBARA (RANM) FREER MT WARM RE Si SE BE AE 1 AE RR BR AT Frits ita S ATU BRA Ge EB (HEHE) AVR Brie HM LT Be 1985-410 F) Grit HEA — CEL ISBN 962 - 04 - 0381 - 9 aDRED 459. 460. Zai Youdianja 7 of i At the Post and Telecommunications Office Posting a Letter Qingwan, jidao Nénjing de xin yao tié dudshao aA, Fs] HR 4 fe HM FY qian youpiao? KR MEO? What's the postage on a letter to Nanjing, please? Pingxin ba fén, hdngkéng yi mao. A ND, ME — 4 Eight fen for ordinary mail and ten fen for air mail. +215- 461. 462. 463. 464. 465. 466. 2%. Nin jt pingxtn héishi quahdoxin? SF FE BL aFE Do you wish to send it as an ordinary or registered mail? W6 yao ji héngkéng guahdoxin. RSF ME UGG, I want to send this letter by registered air mail. Zhé feng hngkéngxin jIddo Lindin tie yi kudi x H MEE Fe KH B-— kK qian yéupido gdu ma? RB Me Bb Be Is one yuan enough for the postage on this air mail letter to London? Qing ba xtn ndlai chéng yixia. hh te FR f —-TF, Let me weigh your letter, please. Zh’ feng xin chdozhdng wii k&, ydo tié yi kudi xk Ye BE £RE,FU-R st mo qidn de yéupido. ae Kay MR, This letter is five grams overweight. The postage will be one yuan and forty fen. Qing géi wd nd ke RE ie lidng tao jinian Ye A €F RE yéupido. 4H, Can you show me two sets of commemorative stamps, please? 467. 468. 469. z Nin xihuan n@ tao, ging ziji tido ba. & kM E, HACM e, Which do you prefer? Choose what you like. Zhé jT zhéng ySupido wd méi yang yao lidng gL MR RR HK A tao. ze, I'd like two sets of each of these, W6 zai mai wi zhang mingxinpian, RRA KR WEHO, I'd like five postcards too, please. Notes © FUMRHREMSLABR The certain structure [v.+2)+n.(place)] indicates a place that a person or thing has reached through an action ([iid+ 41+ BiG ] RAR MARGATE DARTH), €.8. ro) (2) (3) «4 (6) RHASARRE-T EM, This letter shall take a week to reach Tokyo. PAG SAARSAE, Could you please take the letter to the information desk? RANE, SLSBS iE. I'll write you as soon as I’m back in Beijing. VA LAE E51 JLB T 2 How far have you gone in this book? PERE RLS, +217- 2%. Please take me to the Jinjiang Hotel. © semme ape € i Conversations refers to “every one (of 2 or more) separately”. When “#” is used, there must be a word denoting quantity (1) : REF -HMESHAMK, : RAB RE SR? 2 MEE SS EMS 1) MBER? : RAR-F, ORI EARLE? : MOB ROK, BES, HRA. or unit between “” andthe noun it qualifies ( “4” & AAPOR —T, ARRAS. HAS WORT, ER ‘A’ TRB EMEA WAM, Hil RA—Paa), es. QD + RMA. Every country has its capital. Q) + MABRHES. Everyone has his own hobby. QO) FKRRF BREE, Every table is clean. (2) 4) SAE LAB AT A. pre ro A; RET AILLEMR, Every car is full. B. HEXREEMMELHT ©) EMER TEX, A, ROURT, WSS abe I eat two loaves of steamed bread for each B, oF00, iA RAGE YE, a A: RILERERE-E, @ REXDKAAH B, LER 2 “#” here indicates a repetition or continuation of A: BT, Behe the action after it has been completed (“A 7ExXBR TERT, RAB RAGA), eB. D REAR ie. %& 3) Exercises A eee ee Etec ie 1, #4245) Substitution drills): rer @ Beate () RBs Bea, You may go and talk to him again. or : ) DURABLE AK. HHS LE, I'll come again if I have time. hk, BARA, —at, +218 + 219+ 3 Res 2M andarinChineseSchool. com CORR TR wD Q) BYE, aK4E A shOuxinrén recipient; addressee 14. FSA fixinrén sender; addressor 15. Ki bénshT local 16. sp ae waibd outport STF (Answer the following questions): 11. Ri flanghe paste () Fp mp 02 18. RK Jidoshut glue 2) MEMBAE, BE? 3) MRS FMAM SS? A) Peet es Es BBL? Ji Baoguo (6) BMS 4k HY ABR? = # @ 8 (8) RAVER T A? Posting a Parcel CD RAYE Cet eae BL? (8) ABSA Hise SPS T we Téngzhi, wd yao |i baogué. ® RT NE? 470. We, & & F AR, (10) SAR EE RE HOD Comrade, I want to send a parcel. Qing ba baogud dakai kan yixid. i Vocabul 4 oa sl, ih de OR F&F, a youja post office Please open the parcel and let me have a look. “Ae pingxin ordinary mail 454% gudhdoxin registered mail Duibugi, génja guiding, zh8 zhéng Zhéngydo ba MBA hOngkngxin air mail 472, ttRde, RE MS, KH PH OR We A mingxtnpian postcard hun. wong: guowOl |i. %# — youpido stamp # & Bt F, = beasea i Sorry, according to our regulations, it is BHR xinzh] stationery prohibited to send this kind of Chinese medi- teat xinféng envelope cine out of China. 46H xinxidng mailbox FRAME — bdojidxtn insured letter Hén baogian, wo bi zhidao. *P Rue yinshudpin printed matter 473, ik RO, K HR foi, WR = yuchud postmark I'm sorry. I didn't know, + 220+ + 221+ 474. 475, 476. 478. 479. +222 2% Zhe lei sha wang guéwai j7, xayao Zhengmingxtn. RAH EH BP F FR we, You must have a permit if you want to send these books abroad. Zhali yu zhén hé xian, ging nin fénghdo. kL HR H fe KR, w Hm BIO, Here is a needle and some thread. Please sew it up. Zhéydngde baozhuéng bi xing, limian de déngxi Hi @R RH, 2h HAH y&o posuT de. RH 44, You can’t pack it that way. It will break. Baoguéshang de diming, rénming ydng Fawén GRE 6) SZ. AR MX xié kéyT ma? BTA 4? May I address it in French? Déngrén kéyt. Shdujidnrén. bé jijianrén de SR THO, KA fo FHA Hy dizht, xingming ging wibi xié qingchu. wi, He th He BS HR, Certainly, but be sure to write the names and addresses of the recipient and the sender legibly. Gén nin dating yixla, zhar banlT gu6jt diane RR aH FO, EL AR OR & bao ma? WR BP Can I send a telegram abroad here? 480. 481. 482. 483. 484. 485. D& gudjT didnb3o ging déo didnbaojé. ar fe eh tH SF] GRA, You should go to the Telegraph Office. Da Dianbao =i 8 & Sending a Telegram L6oji3, 48 guéjT dianbao shibush? zdi zhar? #3, tr DR BR RATA Aik IL? Excuse me, can I send a telegram abroad here? Bd. ging dao st hdo chudngkdu. Ae HES Fo. No, go to the counter marked No.4, please. Wé yao da yige dianbio déo Déngjing qu. Qing KR Sah UH Ho RR i géi wo yi zhang didnbao géozhi. wR KR Vk HMR I want to send a telegram to Tokyo. Please give me a telegram form. Shi dé piiténg dianb&o mo? Att $i VR A? Do you want to send an ordinary telegram? Bu, wd ydu yaojin shi, ydo da yige jidjf KR & H SEF, Rar hme didnbao. Wike No, I’m in a hurry. I want to send an urgent telegram. + 223+ 2% Qingwén, zhé fén daddo Dédngjing qu de jiaji 486. A, kM ATS] ORR HK Of we dianbao ydo dudshao qién? Vik £ FY KR? Could you tell me how much this urgent telegram to Tokyo is? W6 suan yfxia. Nin hdiyéu shénme shi mo? 47. AOL EC RH OA ¥ BP T'll have a look. Did you want anything else? Qingwén, zhé fén didnbao shénme shihou néng 488, HA, 3 CR HA WR dao Déngjing? a) How long will it take to reach Tokyo, please? 3— =F Notes © ROK “qkazae” is a common expression used to show one’s regret to others. It has the same meaning as “Tam sorry” CURA #&” EMAAR RM BAI, NAR REF), es (CD RRBT, Bik. I'm sorry, I'm late, Ae, RFGTRET. Sorry to have come to trouble you again. 3) BRK, RRR, I'm sorry, 1 didn’t know this. RK, STHIMRAEEE, I'm sorry, I can’t explain it clearly. 2 4 + 224- @ ineneess The structure [v.+4¢] indicates the action is completed or is in good form (( ahi tit] BARR ARGUE SERBIA HT BIE), ©-8, CD BARB, Please take your seats. Q) BHAT, RIERA. The wind is rising. Shut the windows, G) RAWFRBDT. All the travelling formalities have been finished. 4) ROCKERS H. I haven’t finished my paper yet. ©) BAER HTS? Is everything ready? © SaHRARRRH “#)”, a modal particle, is used here at the end of a sentence to stress affirmation. “#” or “#” is often used before the verb or adjective in the sentence (“f” ERBRBA, KA-DEORE, RHEIN. AT HEAR’. “AMEND, eg. D FRE, RHSRAG, Don’t worry. It will be found. Q BS—-Z)L, thaKe, Wait a little longer. He'll come. (3) BIER RAR 4, He'll be very pleased to see you. G) KRARREG, Certainly. I’will go. ® 4Rmv = 225+ 2 “3 ®” expresses “as it should be” and a tone of affirmation (“3/k” RAMSAR, FAM, BATS AE), eg. C1) — PRA? Are you going? Surely. (2) — RATERS? May I come in? — SATU. Certainly. @ STRARH, 5 ABA, You’ve eaten food that isn’t clean. It certainly will make you sick. “3 9” can also be used by itself (“4 A” ATL TERRA), e.g. 4 —HRUAMIS TERS ae! Don’t forget to write me when you get back home. —a3Rm. No, I won't. © 3K, REESARCMRAMN, Of course, I agree with you. © ReT-T The function of “sk” here is to introduce the participant who is related to the action, It has the same meaning as “#)”, “FI” (*SR" ZEikK BAUER S| WA BERAOMA. fh", “A” MRE—-H), cg. (1) KARA ERE HN? Whom did you borrow this book from? + 226+ wo rw p> wo > w > oro rw > vw > 2) RREMET AER, I borrowed a dictionary from my teacher. (8) ORT ZR RR T Come to me if you are short of something. A) AEBBRERK. I have something to talk with you. 3% Conversations q1) : RRR ARE MINS? : MitReae. : KRAPHASE, BARA. : RERAMEA, TUR ARAT. BALE, K ARREM. : BRK EZIME? : HETKR, RAM. : ARGRYT. : RH. BRE, BARE, TURRET, (2) : A, RETR. : EMR ILIT? : FOBT. : HMR, RRMA RR? : RAS, RITMAHiR. 2 TASS TRU. : REARS? 1 ARK, RX ERTL + 2276 w > w > _ 2%. : MARRS ART? 2 TT. WHEL RMAS. + UGE —S, ky BART ZB RAE Bl? : SRLE+—AU A. 3) Exercises WAS (Substitution drills): 4aTy, 2) RABRE, Eth ds ein. ATP KE RE FURERGE RLeRQte TRIKE 3) FAA, az ak a OF A 2H PRRELBIE. eR Fs Be MAS (Fill the blanks with proper word denoting quantity or unit): RE, HH, + 228+ 10. 11. 12. 13. 15. 16. 17. 18. C) ___ TB IR ABR A HEB)? 2) P__#WSMF—HAIL__? SYR? 3) FX RELA eS? A) RC _ XBR E, 6) X__faBRTRA? iL Vocabulary WHA didnbaojd LA 24K guénéi didnbdo inland telegram Fk BIR guéjt didnbso international telegram $3 @4R pitdng diénbéo ordinary telegram 2% 84k jidjf didmbao urgent telegram ef @4R chudnzhen dianbéo BIKA didnbao gdoz7hi telegram form WIRES didnbao gua- cable address telegraph office phototelegram hao BIRR — didnbaofai telegram charge ete didnchudén telex @2# — baoguddan parcel slip AEA, shdujidnrén recipient; addressee FHA — jTianrén sender; addressor EB ER dGojid jin'é insured fee a8 ydujidn postal matter ax bacgué parcel Be kéngytn air-freight ee hdiyon sea-freiztht +229 2% Yiban Yongyt - —- *% AB Common Expressions Dou shiér didn le, gai chifan le. 489. a +o & 70, Ke “EMT, It’s twelve now. It’s time for lunch, K&ébushi, wd zhén ydu didnr é le. 490. THAO, AK ff A RURT. That’s right. I’m really quite hungry. Ni zhidoo n@ jid fanguan hdo? 491. tk 40 OR RK ie 477 Do you know of a good restaurant? + 230+ 492, 493, 494, 495. 496. 497, 498. Zénmen gi chéngchang difang féengwéi ba. an & BF wy Mk CO, Let's go and try some local food. SichuGnedi ySu shénme tédidn? Wk A HA HARD What's typical Sichuan food? Tingshud Béijing xidocht hén yduming, z6nmen Hi ae bet AR Ah, AIT qi changchang bo. & €¢ I hear that Beijing refreshments are very famous. Let’s go and try some. Ni xiang chi Zhéngcan héishi xican? *# # % PE ER GE What would you like to have: Chinese food or western food? W6 yao chi Zhdngean. Rt PE I'd like Chinese food. W8 jintian waikdu ba tai hdo, ging bié didn & SR AO RK HH A tdi yduni de cdi. K ibm H RO, I have no appetite today, not too greasy, please. Qing ba cdidan géi wd kankan. th tRH BK RA, May I have the menu? + 231+ 2% Women ydu jish?, xiwdng kudi didnr shang cai. 4199. A] ASF, HB OR AL Lk RK, We are in a hurry. Please rush our order. Waidoo zhén bicud, gudérdn ming ba xtichuén. 500. Ai A TH, RA 2K ERS, It’s delicious, It really lives up to its reputation. 3 F Notes ® BtIaT The structure [4f--- 7] has the same meaning as ‘already” ([an--- 7 x Mast“ ES? ah FE), €-8. CD anperee 7, thts Aik RR? It’s almost noon now. Why hasn’t he come yet? RAT, RAUL! The food's getting cold. We mustn’t wait. S SEAR, MART. I haven’t been speaking Chinese for years. I’ve almost forgotten it. A) PACTS T, SERRA. He’s already 70 years old, but he’s still in good health. @ W5R “TA” expresses agreement to someone’s remarks. It is often followed by a sentence in which a further statement is given. It may be said as “7%” or “THR AW CURR REAM ENTE, BHBAB—B ib FRARRHVF. BTM TAR TAS"), eB. + 232+ Q) —rakAZT. We should leave now. TERA, KBRT. Really! It’s already dark. Q) —FARBRBEREAR. How’s Anna? TKR, WHEERRAT. Oh, she hasn’t written to us for six months. @) —S°UNBABEA. One should often practise if he wants to master a foreign language. —TKA, FRRRBI. Right. If he doesn’t, he will forget it easily. © san eA RORIE “A {)", an expression mostly used in spoken Chi- nese, includes both the speaker and the person or persons he is talking to (“A 4” @iEMISR APT IE AAW, SACI, cg. CD) Aine me, Let’s go and take a walk. (2) AER, RET. Let's have our dinner now. We won't wait for him. There's a difference between “#4]” and “#41”, “4&4” is sometimes used only to refer to the speaker CHAVA AV EE ARS, “a? FD eR aay NA, BYUTOM, eg. 8) AMET, ABS ILI, + 233+ 2%. We'll go first. You may stay a bit longer. © ARIA RAM “g]” indicates dissuasion of prohibition. It has the same meaning as “don’t” (“s]" # aT Aleit, #0 ‘EE HREM), eg. (1) ABBA ER, RAE. It's dangerous. Don’t go there. @) BRAGA, WRAER You’re among friends, so make yourself at home. RRA, FARO. This medicine is for external use. Don’t take @) it orally. @ TAT BRAK RA! Don’t forget to say hello to everyone for me. ® RREA RE “SR” indicates that the result is just what is expected “(RA RRERNWARM MAM ELAA), cg. D) RARRSKAN, RATT. Just as the weather forecast said, it’s raining now. 2) RARHES RK, RAMKT. He has come just as I expected. @) SHR Rant. It’s just as we expected. @ @ Conversation A: R—-RRT EL B, YR, B-AST. ° 2346 wruer wep : WN-BES Sw RR, : CRASH, RARE, 2 BARR ne SILA. : AME PRE Lic RE? : ABT, aR AU, : RAMKAOFAH, MEAST. 3 Exercises #4245) (Substitution drills): () BraaT, Bete. Ady ER SEM, AME %, LE £2R, BE (2) INKS SAAR, #4, ae Ret kik, as AMER, AEBS 3) RGRAB, RRS THE. SEMPRE (Complete the following dialogues): , —LBAKMEARS! —— THA, $uT! C) — fhR ey Sah —_ ! (2) —4SRRAM, ORI! + 235+ a 2M andarinChineseSchool. com @) — REA ha 4) —#R-AT, Bit 6) ACHE Rte! iC Vocabulary Efi xiBochidian AG léngyindién BREA ri-yé cénting #A Zhordu $A yangrdu +H nidrou £ ya ity it a ya HE; KIF xiGOxid; doxid Aas nidndi Kid hudngyéu Th ndildo RFR — gudzijiang & doufu x yan ein jidngyéu & co nF daozi RF chazi + 236+ snack bar cold drink shop a round-the-clock rest- aurant pork mutton beef fish chicken duck shrimp; prawn milk butter cheese jam bean curd salt soya sauce vinegar knife fork 22 23, 24, 25. 26. 27. 501. 502. 503. 504. kudizl chopsticks : + shéozl spoon, Rt belzi cup Ep canjin serviette; napkin LF panal plate FH —_kBipingg? bottle-opener FB ydqian toothpick Zai Fanguan =— £ & # In the Restaurant Nin |4i le. Qing zh&bianr zud. SAT. HH kM #, Welcome. This way please. Here is a table for you, Nin iv wi xiang cht didnr shénme? Le ® PL AIL H2O0? What would you like to have, please? Lai yi zhi Béijing kdoya ba. ROR eR HB ve, A Beijing roast duck for us, please. Z&i yao yige qingzhéng liya hé yi pan Mps HS HR woefo — & RK doufu. 2B Then, [’ll also take the steamed carp and Mapo bean curd (bean curd with mincemeat and red pepper sauce), + 237+ 2%. Qing nin bang women dién JT ge cdl xing ma? Wé alngk’, wo 161 10 qlén. KR HE, KA MTRO, It's my treat. Let me pay, Shéngxiade qidn, ging nimen shduxia ba. ATH KR, ih thi] IF ve, Please keep the change. Xiéxie, women ba shdu xidofél. HH, a Bok ob, No, thank you. We don’t accept tips. Yuding Yanxi ERTS & Making a Reservation for a Banquet 505. ik HO A A LAK H 3027 513. Could you please recommend some dishes to us? Nin ydo hé shénme Ja? 514. 506. & FB it2 i? What would you like to drink? L6i san ping pijid bo. oe 507, RZ ft RiGee, : Three bottles of beer, please. Zhiisht cht shénme? 508. £8 "& fH 4? What about staple food? Ba liang mifan, st ge hudjudn. 509. NH AK, HA, Eight liang of rice and four steamed rolls. 516 Ydobuydo tang? 510. AR ih? Would you like to have some soup? Lai yi wan xihéngsht jidan tang, bdyao tal Sll. A —-— KR Gt BE H, FH KR xidn, 517. Bho A bowl of tomato-egg soup and not too salty, please. Qing sudnzhang ba. 518 512, ik Hk e, ; May I have the bill? + 238- Canting ma? W6 yao yading mingtiaén wanshang RA APR HR Mit MK KE de jiuxi. AR, Is this the dining hall? I would like to reserve a table for tomorrow evening. Nin y&o ding dudshao qgidn yi zhud de? & ek iT By R- RH? How much would you like to pay for the banquet? Ding yib&di wish? yuén zudydu yi zhud de. 7 -Bat A 4G — R MH, We'd like to have a banquet at 150 yuan. + 239+ 2% APRRRENEE), eg. Wemen y3o ding yige quényaxi. 519. 1 & IT Ph SOR, We want to book an all-duck banquet. Yao shénme jid? Shi MGotdijid hdishi weishijT? 520. & 4 BR FGH CR RG? What kind of wine do you prefer, Maotai or whiskey? Liang yang dou zhiinbai jt ping bo. 521, ® HM LE LK ve, We'd like to have a few bottles of both. Pijid hé jGzishuT g& yao yt xiang. 522. Pil fo HFK Se — Hh, One case of beer and one case of orangeade. it #& Notes OD BAB AIHA “#8 1L4z” is the polite form for “tk4]”. This ex- pression is only used in spoken Chinese and “(i 4] 142” may be used instead (“i 42” FE “441” KO—#RRLAR BE i, RAZEGIBR, way tri Lie”), eg. CQ) SLE AIR TEE? Are you the members of the touring party? (2) BARBRA, Please come and sit over here, 3) BLEBR HA? What would you like to have? @ BBRNALIRAS “3.” here means “choose” (“3.” EiX#EMESH + 240+ ® () Bitte 42 What shall we have? —— EE, ABATE, Just order what you like. Anything is all right with me. 2) RAMA. MEE, I'll put in a request and ask Xiao Wang to sing a song. 3) SLE ATS AO. Now we'll broadcast the songs requested by the audience. BRA The structure [&+¥.] means “to be about to do something”. “A” can be omitted and the meaning of the sentence is still the same ([A+Hid] RR BRE SHH. SAW, BERD, eg, > D RANB-F, Let me introduce you. 2 ERDARR. Let me have a try, too, ) PRA BEL ADE, You say a few words, too. AD RNFTSRAA- FE, Let’s sit down and have a discussion. i Conversations (1) +2416 prweProrwerror oe Pure rer>e 2% +2426 » RNA A, RAL ILA RI, 2) HEBAMNALAR AG? » BRAGS EL? : HFA, BACKERS, BART. : EARS, 7S? : K-HZAG, FARMART. 2. LEAS Fill the blanks with the proper 58 SIL 203? words indicating the amount or unit): HP SHAT. HHAPRARAS. OD RUSTE ___ Se, SWZ, ARR. 2) 40? Is this your first visit? Wo shi diyi ci Idi. & RFOK KR, Yes, it’s my first time here. Qing jido lidng kudi gién guahdofél. # 2 A tk KR UGH. Two yuan for the registration fee, please. 27+ 2%. Wé 283i JT hdo zhénsht kénbing? 541. A AUG HE HA? Which room do I go to? QIng ddo ba hdo zhénshi. 542, if HAE ihe, Go to Room 8, please. it K Notes ® “AT “sca.” means a person is unable to eat, either because he has eaten too much, the food is not appea- ling, or he is sick (“CRP RERHRHMEB, RA AMER AE), ©. CD) RABRRT, HARB ERT. My stomach trouble has recurred. I don’t feel like eating anything. @) REBT, RELKFT. I’m full. I really can’t eat any more. ® SHetrhAs The structure [v.+it] stresses that something happened in the past ((sid+it] KHBRRREW BRENRANBW, cs. GD RLS I have been to China before. HORA, He’s been to the United States before. 3) KALRAB, I have read this book. In the negative form, it is [&(#)+v.tit], @ +248 + CSRALK) +HiA+t), eg. 4) ROD HLA. He’s never been to the United States, (6) RRA) SLB. I’ve never studied Chinese before. (8) RMARL A) MERA, I've never seen this man before. © s2ne5 The structure [%+--"4?] indicates that the speaker has doubt about his or her own judgement of a certain situation and wants someone to verify it. The answer to the question is “(#3)” or “RA” ((A-+-°4?) RHRRATRENABRN AES A CHAM. DAA RASA (HH) RRA”), C08. CL) RG AAAS? Is this the book which you just bought? —AM, HERE, Yes, it was bought yesterday. 2) —RAB-KEES? Is this the first time you’ve come to China? —FA, PBRR=EKT. No. This is the third time, i Conversation 2 DE, ROKR, 2 UREBILA BEAR? : KREGKE, WFR, : PRREADE? : RA, RRO AAKIT. > we pw > ND + 249+ Pore rere 2% : LAB RRA? : Lit-K. HATE. : PRR TRA? : RA, R-AULIETE. : RAL, RRA MER. ¥ BRITT SY AE, : RRRE, MEB-P. : AF. BAER SUL, 3) Exercises $4245) (Substitution drills): CD) RAR, (2) BRERE-BERG? @ REAM, SEARPIAF (Complete the following sentences): WW: HFA (#8, —SPHATAD, ZASRORTF, + 250+ 11. 12. 13. 14. CwrAearwe ne G) BREAD A, #) 2) XBAKD (ERA, QQ) XBAKD CH, 4) RAS (RHA, Od A‘it’RS TAF (Rewrite the following sen- tences with “it”): ol, ACMA T. Ona) SA MUFC. ) RERRT. (ai al) 2) HERAT. CR ik) 3) (ARAM T. CLF AD) 4) ecKT. Cie RD $C. Vocabulary 2A ifxingbing acute disease RELA méanxingbing chronic disease Lt késou cough Sa ganmao flu BF la dazi diarrhoea; loose bowels aR shimldn. insomnia ah gaoxueyd hypertension RR weaiydn gastritis +=48M shi’érzhichGng- duodenal ulcer th kulydng BR shényan nephritis & ai cancer RR ganydn hepatitis RR guzhé bone fracture RH shdoshéng burn + 251+ 2% 15. RF ba ya extraction of a tooth 18. abt bir yé filling a tooth Zai Zhénshi =“ £ ¢@ 28 In a Consulting Room Nin juéde zénmeyang? 543, & ER EAH? How are you feeling? Nin nar bi shifu? 544, ABIL A OAR AR? What’s bothering you? Wé6 hiinshén faléng, ba xiGng chi déngxi. 545. & FF RAR B mt AS, I’m shivering all over with cold and don't feel like eating anything. You dud chang shijian le? 546. AF K HA T? How long haye you been like this? + 252+ 547. 548. 549. 550. 551, 552. 553. 554. H&ojT tian le. HL R TO, For several days. Xian liGng yixia tiwen ba. 4 € -THE €, Let me take your temperature first. Sanshi ba di &r, ni fashdo le. Sr AN R=, te RH T. You are running a temperature. It’s 38.2°. Qing ba shétou shénchulai géi wd kankan. th GK HER B&R AR, Show me your tongue, please. Qing jiékai shangy7 rang wo tingting. ak RF LR bk KR FF. Please unbutton your coat and let me listen to your chest. Qing zud shén haxi. tk fh OR FR. Breathe deeply, please. Zar téngbuténg? IL ARR? Does it hurt here? Qing ni qi yan yixia xié bo. ik thé & TF m ve, You need to have a blood test. + 253+ 555. 558 559. 560. 561. 2% Qing dao X guangshi zud feibd toushT. th MX AB mS BR, Please go to the X-ray room and have your chest X-rayed. Ni yao zud yige xindianté. ik & te -* Sew, You'll have to make an electrocardiogram. Kanlai, ni déi zht: yudn jiénchd. BRO, RG ER HS, It seems you have to be hospitalized to have a thorough examination. Daifu, wd dé de shénme bing? KKK HH A A? Doctor, what's wrong with me? Nr kdngpd dé de shT chéngydn. te Ble Hae HR. I’m afraid it is the enteritis. Yao ddng shdushi ma? £m FR Do I need to have an operation? BG ydojin. Chi didnr yéo, d& jt zhén, gud jt REEOE RIL HB, UH, tL tian jid hdo je. KR nk FT, Nothing serious, just take some medicine and have some injections, You'll be all right ina few days. + 254+ Daifu, nin kan wd yinggai zhayt xié shénme? 562, kk, & AK HR BEX 1202 Doctor, is there anything special I should look after? Yao zhiyt xidxi, bié tdi Id0léi le. 563. & ZEKL, KGET. Take a good rest. Don’t get weary. Zui héo géi wd kal yidiénr Zhdngyéo. 564. £ HHA F-AL PH. Could you give me some traditional Chinese medicine, please? Zh shi ydofing, ging déo ydofang qi aii yao. 565. ik 2 HF, Hh s) HA KH, Here is the prescription. Please go and get it filled at the dispensary. Ydoshi ba jiénhdo, nin zai 1di. 566. £2 KR Ri, & AH RO. Please come back if it doesn’t help. it FH Notes © LRT “+7” , preceding “/L” or “—”, stresses a large quantity or long duration of time (“4}” Ze“ LU’ RA ‘—” MAT, BARESRAM IK), eg. CD the TH LAERIE. He has learned Chinese for several years. Q REA LAH. I have been to China quite a few times. + 255° 2% (3) PR RAH LA ARR IR, Quite a few people came to see you yesterday. A) fit — SLR AH, For quite a while he didn’t say anything. 6) WET H-RE THE, It rained for quite a while. @ B® “f &” indicates that the speaker makes an estimate according to the objective situation (“4 A" #HRBIEA TBAT), e.g. CG) A&A, ORR LRT It seems that you know a lot about China. Q) BTIAT, AA, HKERT. It's already 12. It looks as if he won't come. @ KRRKH, 4%, BPET. The sky is overcast. It looks like it'll snow. @ FRR “A&R” means “don't take the matter so seriously” ChE MEEE TEEN RASBLEE), eg. (D HAR, MBAST. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. REE, That's all right, 2) —KkRRUA AIT. I've filled in the wrong date on this form, FES, BAKE, Don’t worry. Try another one. 3) — RNR B19? Am I seriously ill? + 256 » — FEE, MAULBRSHM. No, it’s nothing serious. Just take some medicine, and you'll be all right, @ BRRNKEEAHS “f°” here means “to think”. When we ask for someone’s suggestions, we often use “M4” or “{r#” CHEXER WA WV HRE. EERNANEAN, BARAT RA"), C8. QD SAE LINE? What do you think we should do? 2) BARAMTAA? Do you think we should do it this way? G) RARER, % AE? I think this is not so bad. What do you think? A) RAMRERT. I don’t think he will come. @ BRTLF, EK The meaning of “4. R47” is that we don’t see any improvement in a patient’s health (“7 247” HEBE BADBRKRNH), c8 CD RAT—FST, Bh RH. T’ve been sick for more than a year, but I’m still no better. Q) ETHS A, WER RILBA RAF, He’s taken quite a lot of medicine, but it’s had not effect whatsoever. @ RAVKHER-ABT Lt. There hasn't been any improvement in my cough, + 257+ Perera r>e rw > ND 2% % Conversation : BA, ERE LH? : RESRWL, MAPRB Been? AAUL. : ART? : DERI. : OR, MA LRAT, : KX, RANRASS RA, : DERAEEMREA, BAT i, : RERRHU? AR. 3) Exercises #42H5) (Substitution drills): () AHLAT. WL Kat ER 2) BERMRESH HA? MEA SRE FEHR Lee ee a EAM EZRA + 258+ Sana ws FSwemnaannwnn (8) AK, eb ries, PLE FAI 4) (Correct the following sentences): QD REREAD RT. 2) RB —AILER. ) RAR, HKEA-MARE, A HRA BER E? ©) AMER PUR ILRE— AL, (8) PRELRGAE TH Aa? 3 Vocabulary + shdu hand vd jido foot we tut leg B xléng chest eS tou head Lo fei lung 5 wei stomach ia gan liver Bw yt pancreas pi spleen AF bizl nose Wak yanjing eye x ya tooth ER shétou tongue AF sdngzi throat oS xin heart + 259+ 1. 18. 19. 567. 568. 569. 570. 571. 2%. KF guanjié joint AahtA& bidntéoxlan tonsil rs xié blood Qiu Ydo hé Dazhén ZR B A HT tH Filling the Prescription and Having an Injection q1) Téngzht, wd yao gi yao. As &AFRH, Comrade, I'd like to have this prescription filled. Nin jido f8i le méiydu? & RET RA? Have you paid for it? Zhéxié ydo zénme chifa? RE HEL LAO? How do I take the medicine? Yaoshut mai tian he san cl, mai ct yt a6. HK £ RBSK FF K-*H, Take one dose of this mixture three times a day. Name ydopian ne? M2 HA K? How about the tablets? 572. 573. 574, 575. 576. 577. 578. Yaopian méi tlan chi Ildng eT, zo wan ga yi HA # KR HR, FRE ci, méi ci lidng pian. a a Take two of these tablets twice a day, morning and evening. Nin jinliang bGya chi yéuntde déngxi. & RE RFK % OKH RH, Please don’t eat any greasy food. Nin zut ho bay8o he jit. & RH RE HHO, You should not drink wine. Zhé shi waiydngydo, qidnwan binéng kédufd. zx 2 HMB, FF Aik CMO, This medicine is for external use, not to be taken orally. (2) Daifu, wd yao dazhén. KA, KR SX AH. I'd like to have an injection, doctor. Nin zutjIn d&guo qingméisi. méiydu? & mi tit *Ek AA? Have you taken penicillin recently? Méiydu, ban nién gién daguo yi ci. aA, F HF tt drt —K, No, I had one six months ago. + 261° 2%. Na d&i xian zud ge shlyan. 579. MH A MD AG Then you should have a test first. Nin d& qingméisi gudmin, binéng da. 580. & 4 HER WH, Kit dre You are allergic to penicillin. You can’t have the injection. Na wd gai zénme ban ne? 581. MRK EA HR What should I do then? Na zhinéng huan biéde yao le. 582. A Re wR 514 HOTO, Take some other medicine instead. Mingtian xiawi qing 1 583. WR FH if AM zai lai zhashe yc. BE Spee BA EHR Please come for another shot tomorrow afternoon. 3 FF Notes © BHBEAME The structure [v.+i%] indicates how an action takes place. “eLik” means “how to eat”. “*:2(4s)” is often added to form a question ((Z)id+ ik] Ast H ROMDAHE, tk RAAT. AAT , WHHASE ZY"), eB + 262° CQ) RABE ZOD ee? How do you cook this sort of fish? Q) ERRMEZ AD iE? How do we get to Tian’anmen Square? WHENADE ZB? What’s your opinion of it? URI ARR. Your statement it is wrong. (5) KAT HAIR Ae His way of handling it made everyone dis- (3) 4 satisfied. @ eReT EER “347” means the best choice or the greatest hope CR RARE HRERRANAD, cB QQ) RRR E—M. You'd better go yourself. 2) RRL RT RAR. Tomorrow you'd better come at 10a.m. @) RHA, You'd better write it in Chinese. @ RAH. FHRROR “£7” means “must” or “be sure to” and is used to remind or urge someone not to do something sin- cerely (“FAR —e", “SWE, FIER BH RRRTRE A, eg. C) i kt 7 BERS, Be very careful when you're travelling. Q Hilt 7 BRLAK, You must come back a little earlier. @ BRUaT7 BRA. + 263+ 2M andarinChineseSchool, com Be sure to write us when you get back home. A) RAT BAT HBBE. On no account shall you tell him about this. © MAKER T “She” indicates that one has to do so without any choice because of limitations or changes in a situation “RR RAHA RMR RAIL, RA FURTETE, AERO, ©.8. wre ror D SRABT, BIIR RBRET. It’s too late today, we’ll have to go tomorrow. 2) BAA, IR REAT. There’s no bus here. We'll haye to walk. ) RARMDE, RRAZMT. There’s no alternative. We'll have to do it this way. 4 Conversations q1) : AR, RHKEAH tek? K, BKM, RAR AIBA LL PRL AR IE? : BRBIC—H. : ROMAN? > BR, FARE, ARBAB. (2) : AS, REN. : SRLTLARERA? + 264+ op > oo | : APART. : ADR? : GA, —AULHRAL : HI, REL EH, : BAHT AH RIT? : WAKER. 3) Exercises #44245 (Substitution drills): (D ik HEAD Oh, F KLAF, F AE, kA WHR, dy 2) FAA DM, Phi mK A KGET 85 Rober MAE FAS ANH 5 MR MIA (Complete the following dialogues by using the words given in the brac- kets): A: —— RAE i HR BB? —>— REFS LARHRS, (REN) QD) —RALET ESR? — FAR) — HREM IRAE? = 2 RIA) 8) —SARERNTHH, BREET? ——_______. ®&£® (2 + 265+ 2%. Lifa hé Xi Yifu { BAM HK AR At the Barber’s and iC Vocabulary EE — lianméisa HMw —pitactang 5] Lik Gsiptiin tk Jidjing eB dianjia $2 3}%K —-hongydoshut 4h fo chou xué ie shoxué tel 7ik zhénci lidofa eH dianlido ap shutlido Lt IliG@o + 266° streptomycin glucose aspirin alcohol iodine tincture mercurochrome blood drawing blood transfusion acupuncture therapy electrical therapy hydrotherapy physiotherapy 584. 585. 586. 587. 588. the Cleaner’s Zai Lifaguan - £ 2a At the Barber’s q1) Xlansheng, nin ydo lifa ma? AL, HB EBKD?I Do you want to have a hair-cut, sir? Xianzai rén dud, ging shdo déng ythulr. RE AS, th th F—-Sn. There is no vacancy. Please wait a moment. Zh8 wei xiansheng, gai nin IT le. at AL, HART, Sir, it’s your turn. Qing zhabianr zud. ik WL #, Sit here, please. Nin IT shénme shtyang? Bw tA Ai? What can I do for you? + 267+ 589. 590. 591. 592. 593. 594, 595. 596. 597. 2% Qing zhdo yuényang IT. * Bm Ri BO, Same as before. Qing jidnde dudn yididnr. ik WH Bw AIL. Cut it a bit shorter, please. Qing bié jidnde tai dud. i a) MEK F. Not too much off, please. Guabugua 1ién? s|R8] 7 Would you like a shave? Zhé ci bd gud le, xiéxie. zk AR 817,84. Not this time, thanks. Gua hdzi me? 8] AF 4B? Do you want a shave? Qing shdowei xia yixid jid kéyi le. zk tik % -—F &TuTO, Just a trim, please. Qing géi wo xiaxiu shdngbion de hizi. hk % & HE bi AT. I'd like my moustache trimmed, please. XT tou bu xi? wR RR? Would you like a shampoo? + 468+ 598. 599. 600. 601. Chuiféng ma? KM 7 Would you like your hair dried? Yaobuydo ché y6u? ERS H iv? Shall I put some hairoil on? Bd, wd bi xiang chG, chuigan jid xing Ie. RAK MR, KF RH TS No, I don’t think so, but I'd like my hair dried. (2) Xidojie, nin sh? ydo zud téufa, hdishi yo jidn i, BRE MARCA KF toufa? KR? Would you like to have a hair-do or hair-cut? W6 ydo zud téufa. RS MER I want to have a hair-do. + 269+ 603. 604. 605. 606. 607. 608. 609. 610. 2% Ydobuydo xido bao yixie? KKH NH HE? Do you want me to thin it out? Nin kanzhe ji3n bo, bié tdi dudn le. & he F COs) K TO, Just do as you think fit, but not too short. W6 yao tang téufa. RF RRR, I want to have a perm, Nin xthuan n& zhdng faxing? % Bak MS fF RAG What style would you like? Zhé zhdng faxing bacud, j7 méiguan ydu dafang. ko Hf RM RRR AM DKF, This style is very good. It looks beautiful and natural. Nin de téufa yo ranchéng shénme yGnsé? Bm RK RR 1A Me? What colour do you want your hair tinted? W6 yao ba téufa ranchéng héisé. AR FteKK RH BE I'd like my hair dyed black. Sd didnr xidngshut hdo ma? ® RIL Fk HF BP Would you like some scent? + 270+ Qlng dig&l wd yf mlan jtngzi. 6ll. ik #4 R— Hh RF, Give me a mirror, please. Nin qiGo zénmeyang? 612, & Mh BAH? How do you like it? i & Notes © Rm “ag” here means “according to” and is mostly used in spoken Chinese (“8 X22 “(RR RR’ MRE, FEDER), e.g. D RRB ROE, I'll do as you say. (2) TEM RB MAE, Follow the route I’ve marked for you. 3) REBRTRY RHA, I want to have a shirt this size made. . A REMPMBREH, This was bought as you had requested. @ BRE—TRAWT “TWAT” indicates that it is sufficient to do something to such an extent (“TAT HMA READ), eg. D LRGSRERILAT AT, Just put the luggage here. 2) RRAULTAT, AOR, Just a shampoo. G) —FH, HARM ELIE? +271 2% Excuse me. How do I get to the Beijing Railway Station from here? —RHERTAT. Just go straight ahead. © seen The structure [4 #+y.] means “to do something without much deliberation in advance, or to act according to the specific conditions” ((4 4+ HW] RA BATTLE, MBAAHRELD, es. CQ) BEAR, MA aK, Buy whatever you need. 2) ERA A DE, Handle this matter as you see fit. @) BAMA HABE, Handle this problem as you see fit. @ WART “%” here means “to exceed the limit” and when it is used in this sense it usually indicates that something is out of accord with one’s wishes (“A 7E BERRY T MAME, SAETMERMBL, es. CD) AREANT. This pair of shoes is too small. (2) IRAE AR. Please don’t speak so fast. @) FEDBART. These formalities take too much time. +272 = wr wp o> a aa a a a i Conversations qt) AS, MEARE TS? 2 TEAR, ET st? : BARBRA RE, oH. : BRAK, WRAL. > BURNS? : RRAAT. : ROKR? : BGR AULIA. : IRE AR? : OB, ar. iba. (2) : /MA, Wikis. : BRA, REN, : SRAS, HAS-AIL. : UII, XBR RS ea? : AE. BUR, RA. : KRAKRR, PRAKIC. 3) Exercises #4 (Substitution drills): D BRT, 2) BAHAR? @) ABSR-GRT. SEMPRA (Complete the following () —fKHARAKT. EE, BR 2M andarinChineseSchool. com RAR HER AR ARAL SB (2) —WKRULEEARIL? —FAMAT, BI (3) —RMRLARE, MBE? — ABR REY $C. Vocabulary BRE LAF KM ole ag KS at RF at At at +2746 l1fdian [fash chuiféng gualian faxing téuld jidnzi shizi Jingzi shuazi tuizi barber’s shop barber dry shave style (of hair) parting scissors comb mirror brush clippers HE jk IKARIA At dialogues): 613. 614. 615. $112 guallandao razor *K RL chuiféngii hair-dryer ARK xifashul shampoo Rik fayéu hair oil 4 ~~ xiGngshuT perfume; scent Téngzhi, wo yao xt jt jian yifu. AS, & HAL tH RMR, Comrade, I want to have some of my clothes laundered. Nin xt shénme yifu? BA HA RAR? What kind of clothes? Wé xi lidng Jian shangyi, y? tido kizi. RA A Ht Lh, — RAF. Two jackets and a pair of trousers. +2756 616. 617. 618. 619. 620. 622. 2% Nimen dian méolido yifu néng ganxt ma? eI A 44 RARE Fie BP? Can woollen clothes be dry-cleaned in your shop? Qing ba zh8 kudi yduzT qudido. hh tei hk mi HR, Please remove the grease spot. W6 de dayi kduzi dido le, ging shinbian gél KR HART RT, H MR & dingshang. 4TLO, The button has come off my overcoat, could you sew it on for me, please? Qing b& zhé jidn yifu yin yixid, kéyt mo? th eR RMR KF, TH? Is it possible to get this pressed? Qingwén shénme shihou kéyT qi? wi +2 HR TAR? When can I have them, please? Ni qi tian ythdu Iéi qi ba. he R UG RR eC, You can pick them up in seven days. Néngbunéng zdo yididnr? Wé yao qu lOxing. RR F-RLIKR SH RE Is it possible for me to have them sooner? You see, I’m leaving on a trip. + 276+ Qing zai zhér qidnshang nin de mingzi. 623. ik AKL FE HH SFO, Please sign your name here. Zhé shi shduji, ging shduhdo. 624, & R kde, ie KAT. Here is the receipt. Please don't lose it. Qii yifu de shthou, yao ping shéuja. 625. RAM MH HR, B CE Ke You'll need it to get your clothes back. Xidnzdi shGubushdu fei? 626. Re MAK HP Do I have to pay for it right now? Ba shou, qi yifu de shihou zai fa ba. 627. Kk, RRM HR A HCO, No, not now. You can pay when you come to pick them up, 3 F Notes D WRESTLE The word “#%? , when placed before a verb, does not convey, anything more than a word for emphasis CH REAED MME, RATHEX, RAMBIED, eB. (1) 353, WAR -PERA Excuse me. Could you have a look for Mr. Wang? (2) (RPA READ EIB, Please see if you can help, + 277+ 2%. @) WERE, MT LARBLER, You can take it and use it now. If something goes wrong, I’ll repair it again. A KRBRDALE, Ree stB—-Pe. This is our first meeting. Let me introduce you to one another. @ HEBLELRHAF The structure [v.+£] can be used to indicate that a person or thing is in existence or is put some- where through an action ((apid+ L]RARAA UA ARM BLDEAEREIMERTHAD, ©-8. () WERILS LAB. Please write the date here. HUNT, RRPPBMLTRR, Spring Festival is coming up. Every family has pasted couplets on the front door. @) MH, MLTR. It’s cold outside. Put on your hat before you go out. @ RREANRBA “#” here means an action is going to take place under certain conditions in the future (“#” EXBRR — A EFER— TERT RAD, €.8- D SRARAT, BAAR, We have no time today. Let’s talk about it again tomorrow. Q) BMAAEE, RARE, Shall we go on Sunday? I don’t have much free time during the week. ) RAR RERRAT, Wa ABLE, +278» wre rw > we > > MD This problem can’t be solved right now. Let’s discuss it some other time. i Conversation : FAL RR, : RPREE AH? 2 ULF HE, ABIL A KEE. : RRBTRT, Bethy? : FY, APRARERA-ALR, PAERR-P. : WU, Al, PPLE ARS RA LR RR? : ARIE, : AER RULIG? RAPE. : FE, PASE RUL, CARRE, 3) Exercises #425] Gubstitution drills): CD AMSAT. (2) HELA RRR-F, ALIS? ROT, RAR, RET, RUWKK, iKkLAH, Si Bee Raaraents Cer emanmo ne 3) HERLELS HSS, SER TEFIAF (Complete the following sentences): CD ROL RINT TAR (2) AER URAET , RSE. 2%. (3) DERIK, RAR ) EE, WER. iL Vocabulary aR Rt ® RRM HRS Ro “py, xirdndian yindou rén xIyiji zhénzhipin méozhipin sizhipin huddéni haijGnni duanzi fichéu wéintléng diquélidng ntléng rénzaomién midnhua yangméo cleaners and dyers iron dyeing washing machine knitwear woolen fabric silk fabric gabardine navy (admiralty) cloth satin poplin vinylon dacron nylon artificial cotton cotton wool 628, 629. 630. Zai Zhaoxiangguan € 8 if At the Photo Studio Zhaoxiang - Having Photos Taken Téngzhi, wd yao zhaoxidng. Ae, RX Mia, Comrade, I’d like to have my photo taken. Nin zhdo ji cin de? Banshén héishl quénshén? & mM Lt 47 tH ER FH? How large? Half-length or full-length? W6 Zhao ér ciin zhéngmidnxidng. & Bot Lh, I want to have a 2 inch-full-face photo. + 281+ 631. 632. 633. 634. 635. 636. 2% Zh8 zhdopién w6 jizhe ydng, mingtian néng z& MA KAA MO, AR ft qi ma? FRAP Tm in a hurry, Will it be ready tomorrow? Zu 20 yé dél mingtian xidwi st didn. RPRe WMA FFE A, Not until 4:00 p.m. tomorrow. Qing dao sh&yingsh? qu ba. i 2 BYE bee, Please step into the studio, Chong JiGojuan = Rs Having Films Developed QIngwan zhér chong jidojudn ma? HE RIL Hh MA BP Can I have my films developed here, please? Shénme jiGojudn? Shi cdiséde hdishi héi-béide? TA Mer AHEM CR R047 What kind of film is it, colour or black-and- white? Quén shi c&isde, lidng juan yi sén wi, yt & 2H#EHO,H £13 5, - juan yi ér ling. x12 0, They are all colour films, two 135’s and one 120. + 282+ Nin chdngde jidojutn yaobuyao yin xiangpian? 637. & Fh MA RRS Op WA? Do you want to have prints made? Yin yi zhang yao dudshco qlén? 638. fF — hk £ Sy RP How much does it cost to have one printed? Méi zhang dipidn ging gé yin sGn zhang. 639. & K RA th SoS RK, Three prints for each, please. Ydobuydo fangda? 640, ERK HK? Would you like to have them enlarged? Zhdode héo de jid 641, RAR OG YL fang, bd hdo de jit aks AF oH) HL suén le. # 7, Sure, if they come out well. 3 & Notes © SR RARA In the structure [v.,+.4+v..], v.. indicates the state or manner of v.2 ([Hid. + 4+ Hi] MEAH, (D BRM ER 4 Fit, We've been busy with our exams lately, 2) RARRETRRAR? REAR, + 283+ 2%. Could you clean this coat a little more quickly? I'm waiting to wear it. (3) (RR A POEM, Follow me. ) BATA ABT ERT. I want to take my children with me on the trip. @ 28van “%” implies the same meaning as “4p” here, and indicates that there’s no exception within certain limits (“SERB REM EMEA RAPISD, Fa” MEEERD, eg. CD ROTESAAT. All my luggage has arrived. Q) SERRSERM. All these things are mine. @) BREASHE? How is your family? @ WHORAT “3i 5.7” means that one has decided not to do anything about something (“#7 RARE AM BAER, RETHERAR, SURRHITHD, es CD BARA RAAUILH. MRARTARE T, I wonder if you can help me. If you have’t got the time, then forget it. Q) MELFBRERET. If you don’t want to go, it’s all right. “$7” can be used alone to mean “do not fuss about it” (“HT" PALMA, RAAT ROBE), eg. @) #1, WAREEBKT. + 284+ 2 > were >w > D> o> we > wo > Forget it. You needn’t apologize. G HT, RARRT. That’s all right. Keep the change. i Conversations qd) : FART. : RULY 8? mets. : SHORES A? : &Saore, : WB, : RBRRE. : fT, BMAP FORRRE, (2) : Ae, RRR. : EBENERSAM? : SRVEN, : 135 AIS? 2h, SRN SHOR, : HULL : Dostey. 3) Exercises 4A] (Substitution drills): () £2484, + 285+ Bi A Oanmenn 2M andarinChinese School. com 2) Kit ORBT. ®@ RRRA, MAM? KE THAF (Rewrite the following sentences): Wl: BAAR AF HS ak. EAE AAT HA ak, SMP MS AL ak, THAT. GQ) RAW. HWE. 2) RRTHE. WRATH TE. G) FER. KARMA. jC Vocabulary BAA RK RR wR a” FRB WERK + 286 « ZhaoxiangjT Jingtéu dipian xiangpian kudimén gdnguang gudngjido jing- téu shéyuGn jing- tou camera lens negative photograph shutter to expose; exposure wide-angle lens telephoto lens 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 1, Sie KORE PERE WA mi LR RB KAM UR sdnjidojia héi-bai jido- Juan eGisé Jidojudn shdngudngdéng xidangzht xianyingyé dingyingyé fangdajT ying|i tripod black-and-white film colour film flash sensitized paper developer fixing solution enlarger album + 287+ 2% Xinzhao Shiwi 3k RFD Lost and Found Zai Luguanli —- © Ree In the Hotel FGwayudn téngzhi, nimen Jidndo yige shdutibée 642, MAR PS, Hi #2] —h FRE méiydu? LA? Comrade, did you happen to find a handbag? Nin de shdutibao sh? shénme shthou did de? 643. & Hh FRE A HA UR F 647 When did you lose your handbag? + 288+ 644, 645. 646. 647. 648 649. 650. Nin b&@ shdutibao diGzdi nar le? & de FRO ZA MULTI? Where did you lose your handbag? Wé gangcdi zdi c&nting he kafei, kénéng didzdi & At A&A RT Boe, TH ZA nar le. MIL TO, I was drinking coffee in the dining hall. Perhaps I lost it there. Wé de shdutibaoli you wS de mingpian, wd AH FROEZ ARH BA, K jido Malt. *| Iii, There’s my card in the handbag. My first name is Mary, Nin kan, zh shibushT nin de shdutibao? & &,t 2RZ HH FRO? Is this yours? Méi cud! Zhé jidsht wS de shdutibao. R le RA AH FRE, That’s it! It’s my handbag. Qing nin chdyichd déngxi déu zai ma? hk eee RH mM AB? Please check if everything is there, Dau zai. Yi yang yé bd sho. Hh AK HH LR OY, Yes. Everything is here. + 289. 651. 652. 653. 655. 656. 2% Zhén bi zhidao zénme ganxié nimen cai hao. kK to £2 SH I T HH I don’t know how to thank you enough. Méi shénme, zh& shi women yinggal zud de. kh 4+20,% 2 AN BH Hh He I was only doing my job. It was nothing. Zai Dajiéshang = #£ KE In the Street Wang xidnsheng, w6 de shdutfbao dia le. Zz A£2, &H FRE ZT. Mr. Wang, I’ve lost my bag. Nin de shdutibao shi zénme dia de? BH #RO 2 £24 4 42 How did it happen? W6 ba shdutibao wangzai génggdng qiché shang Rd FRE EA BA KF L le. Te I left my bag on the bus. W6 zudde shi shiwi ld qiché, yinwéi rén tal R&R #H R15 BAF, AA AK ji, xia che de shfhou, wangji n@ te. HO,F £4 WR, Bit FT. I took bus No.15. I forgot to take it when I got off because there were too many people. + 290+ 657. 658. 659. 660. 661, 662. 663. Nin de shdutibdo ydu shénme tézhéng? & FRO A A HAE? What does your bag look like? Hudng yGnsé, shangmian ydu “Shanghai” lidng % Me, LH HR “bh” A ge zt. » Fe It’s yellow and there are two characters “Shanghai” on it. Shdutibdo Mmian ydu shénme déngxi? FRE PHF tA ROT What’s in it? Yi ji@ Ribén “Jianéng” pdi zhdoxiangji, sanbdl —R® AA “RE” MR dah, SF Méiyudn, ndiydu hizhdo shénme de. Kr, £H PM HA HO, A “Cannon” camera, three hundred U.S. dollars, a passport and some other things. Nin de hizhdo héoma shT dudshao? & 0 Pe FRR FHP What’s your passport number? W6 jibude le. KR2RHTO, I can’t remember it. Qing nin baydo zhdojf, wd mashang géi qiché kh & RE HS, KR BE BRE géngsi da ge dianhua wénwen ba. BAliath tig MA CO, Don’t worry, I’ll call the bus company right away. + 291+ 2M andarinCiineseSchool. com 3% = Notes © FRAEBILT “J 4” here shows the estimate of the speaker CTR ERBERATR GAMA, ©. CD) TRAE. He might not come. Q) FET RATA. It might rain this afternoon. CB) Te RICA RAB, Perhaps you still remember this book. A RTRAKLERAT. I may not come tomorrow morning. @ BHA “%{+2” is a common expression used in reply to someone’s thanks. It has the meaning: “It’s nothing. It’s not worth mentioning.” (“ik 2" BASH AR aT WHA, MEA“CATZ, Hee Rin”), eg. (1) — iti (rao Bh. Thank you for your help. — HZ You're welcome, @) —A7RMET. Sorry to have troubled you. — hte It’s nothing. Sometimes “ii4+ 2” is used to answer someone's apologies, meaning “Don’t fuss about it.” and it means the same as “TAK” “RKA” (RPA AR HARA + 292+ SRAMEM, RATHK, BEM FRE “RAR FP, ©. @) —HAE,MBAST. Sorry to have kept you waiting so long. — hit, That’s all right. @ —HATSRSNIA, Hiaw. I'm very sorry to have taken so much of your time. — kira, That's all right. © BAAR “ma” expresses an excuse or a reason (“B) 4” 7ARARABED, e.g. D BARR RRS MBAS, I didn’t take part in the sports meet because I was ill. Q) BAHAI, BA uP RR, He’s made great progress with his studies because he’s been working very hard. ©) HART, DAREAH, He won’t come because he has something to do at home. “B® #” is often used with the word “ff v2” indicating the result (“Ba HAMAR “ORAS BD, e.g. 4) HH APR ERIK, Fr IRR, He's very healthy because he exercises regular- ly. ©) BABDEA, MAERT. + 293+ 2M andarinCltinese School, com He’s in the hospital for an operation. @ EAPRHAZH “424%” has the same meaning as ‘and so on’, and is only used in spoken Chinese (“4+ 2 0)” #1“ ” MRE—-#, RADIA), eg. CD) SRMMAAIA KH AH, ARTSER, Tonight’s program is quite varied, there will be acrobatics, singing, dancing and so on. Q) FEXTSA, READ, AM 2H I have some guests at home. I want to buy some fish, meat and so on. © Benet “i@ REE” means “cannot recall” or “forget” (“iZ% EKER” “RIL HBB, eg. CD) HH BBS RCE ET. I can’t remember his telephone number. Q) RPHRHR— ALB. I don’t remember anything about this story. Q) RZRBAEAT. 1 don’t remember this person. 4) RFR MAARDA, iE MS ET. I seem to have seen this person before, but I can’t remember his name. © RILSAZASNT BAe The function of “!%” here is to introduce the receiver of an action. In the sentence “#j4 424) 47 eis”, “HA” is the one that receives the tele- phone call (“#" EX BAAR SMA RSBHERE, “RED Dat eis", “AED REED, RE RA), €8. + 294 + wD a Poe ) RES hS TU. I’ve already written back to him, (2) Opes BUTE HAS IE, Could you please tell us something about China? (3) Ree thi TS ia, I have given him a call, i Conversations qi) : SAE, MERA? : RERRORAL, NITEM. : SEM ILEM? : THRERSA, REAMILE LMR, : BORTBATCR eM? : BRALEH. : WARS ABR-TRTE. : AN? : BARRA? : BRE! MG, BARBT, ABT. WH-T, RBAFEBE? 8, RA, PR, we AAD. (2) SEAS, RHKRBET. HAR REM? mlz. : ERLE? + 295+ Drm rermrws > a o : ESHAZE, Wh : BRROHARH? : APR, Rt, ARMHZAH. : BRRBBA Mtoe? : BURIEBLA, msiAR, (EACH 8517 I : RELESAEAAIT BE. : MART, 1S ba. : HH. —#S bas. : ART. : BHA, FHI RE HY 3) Exercises #425] (Substitution drills): CD Be, BRL ARAYA FRE FM RTE BH Maa | Aa 2) PRS ORBRAT. ARF ATL IE tei RE Q) BMOFROAT AE? FA‘BQA’ SEMPTIAF (Complete the following with “5 4”): D RSARKRT, BA. + 296 + CHOABRr ew 2) AOR, BA QQ) SRRLRAREME, BA @ RABERR, BH. FAA" Za” RL” the following dialogues with “{t % “RHA: CQ) —&B TRA, ABT. 2) —#SRBETHARBT? —ETHSKR, AS 3) — fr RUST BH? —KNRAST, FHS 4) — iW ERM ABERT. Se THI His (Complete ”, “4265” or (©) —fKeRBBA_ RH? — kta ___ . iL Vocabulary K44B4R_— shiwd Zhdoling Lost and Found (prop erty) notice * WER sh€ngming zud- notice to declare some- fei thing invalid i& XB yishishéngming Lost property notice ae qiénbao purse; wallet L4eiz — gdngzudzhéng I. D.. card i — xuéshengzhéng student card AGE — chirdzhéng at bai tou tke béi qido pass (card) to be stolen to be broken in + 297+ 664. 665. + 298 + #2 MandarinChineseS Youlan He OE Sightseeing Yiban Yongya ® FA ® Common Expressions qa) Nin néng gi women dang déoyéu moa? Bf % RS FH BP Would you like to be our guide? de di- aye Qing nin géi wd Jiéshdo jige yéulén wh EB eR LN OR fong, hdo ma? Hs HF BP? Could you recommend some interesting places for me to see, please? 666. 667. 668. 669. 670. 671. Qlngwén, zhé difang n&r zui hdowGnr? HA, A MIL KR HHI What are the best places to visit here, please? Yéuldn Nénjing hud liéng sén tidn shfjian gdu HL Ae @ HB ZAHM F ma? BO? Could you see all of Nanjing in two or three days? Liéng san tian shfjian zhinéng yéuldn jtge A 2 KR Hil Rie BH LA thiiyGode difang. ZX WF, It is only possible to see the high lights in two or three days. Wamen xian lidlan yixi& shTréng ba. AM A HT FE ve, Let’s have a look around the city first. Bowiigudn xidnzai kaifang mo? Hints RA He 4? Is the museum open now? Nér kéyt maiddo déoyéutd? MIL Tk KS] FARO? Where can I buy a tourist map? + 299+ 672, 673. 674. 675. 676. 677. 2%. (2) Qing nin ba zhé zud giichéng de ITshT qingkuang ww Bee BR ER HAL HA xiGngxi jiéshdo yixid. ifin 442 — TF, Could you give me a detailed account of the history of this ancient city, please? Qa Zhédngshanling ldshang ydo zu dudshao & PL %E FR SY shijian? By 1? How long will it take to get to Zhongshan Tomb? Zh€ge gdngyudn jido shénme mingzi? ze AM YM TA BF? What's the name of this park? Ménpido duéshoo gidn? Ne Fy Re How much is the admission fee? Nin zhége jinianzhang shi zai nar mai de? & th REF ARAMLE th2 Where did you get this badge? Zhé zud géngdidn shi gan shénme ydng de? & A BR ARF HA M 657 What was this palace used for? + 300+ 678. 679. 680. 681. 682. iE Zhé shi ndge chéodai de jianzha? AMS WR HH ERT In what dynasty was this built? Zh8 zud t& shi shénme shihou JidnzGo de? qk RBA HL HR RE Hh? When was this pagoda built? Zh8 zud td sh? yi wi lid san nidn jidnzGo de, KR ABR-AAL BR tH, If xidnzdi stbai dud nian le. HMA OHS FT. It was built around 1563, more than 400 years ago. Zhér kéyT Zhdoxidng ma? IL THA Big AP Can I take photographs here? Zénmen zai zhér zhdo zhang xiang, IiG ge jT At] AKL KR wm, BH nidn ba. & tO, Let’s take a photo here as a souvenir. % Notes O HRERERSAH SD When two adjacent numerals are used together, they are to show an approximate number (EPI 4PiE HRARSE-H, VWRRAMARE), eg. ) REPRASTAT. I’ve been in China for two or three months. + 301+ ® 2% MandarinC 2) EAA TAS BIALGOR, He'll come to Beijing on the 17th or 18th of this month. @ RPI H20F A, There are three or four thousand people in this factory. A) BET WREATYT. He looks 50 or 60 years old. PILATATASHA The structure [y. +4]] indicates that a certain aim has been achieved or a result has been attained through an action ((m)id + #1]ik AAA RABE BIRWRATHR, eg. D RSA. I received a letter today. 2) AR EARSAT. The key has already been found, ) RIL ERAT 3? Have you seen Mr. Wang? @ FRREATHT. I’ve already bought the dictionary. @ ANE RIL, Beene “Mi ikia” means “#8—%kin”; “G42 4” means “F —* 424", In such a case, if the word ‘“—’ is not at the beginning of a sentence, it may be omitted 60, An” BEIL 98 — HK AN"; “ANA EG — hia”, ERKAF B, RE EDFA MTU ES), cB. CL) RRR AB. I bought a book yesterday. Q LRT yee, + 302+ worm > bw > PPoP Pr er > o> 1 saw a film this morning. (3) BABS EAL, 1 want to make a suggestion to you, GG) PR PAT TIB A LIE, How about singing us a song? i& Conversations @) PRR RUA PL? THRERCRT IE. AUR FE UE KS TROT. FAR, EAHMGLRAY. BRR-KRRBE, GRA E LiF SH? URES HEX BR ILR? RATA rey Sa, HER. BABS? AAG. RERHLAR, FRMMATST. + MBSR EL RH FUE RED TE. Fa EmBIL? : ABER ET HA. (2) : BRAM? : RAEAAVSR, : ASDERLT? : KOA/\GSALT. : FARR MARA : BRA. + 303 + # > o> we > 2% MandarinC : WRMDER AME, Bebe RE. : NAKTIES H + RAE, ATR, SRM ATK, + ABOBAT TE BAR UKM 2 Se, 3) Exercises RG (Substitution drills): () &£REREF IMA? BREA BPRG ik A IRA 2) FEARS LAR MHF, ANS BEE NLABEFH @) HL ARAASAM AG? HH (1B. SERTAIRIG (Complete the following dialogues, by adding the missing questions), Cee ee — PAM MABE, (2) — —? — KREWE. @g) —. sash —IVRBK-BK, + 304+ ewe gneesreronNeT- ij 4) — —hLEE-T4 jC. Vocabulary RK RAE . ka » ke . BF «AE ARAS » ER - Awa » Hid B » MRR + Mes » HLF M youldn shducé lafei shan shut hai ha hé pénquén paba mido dian tingzi zhéng!éu shuixié changléng lingyuén sha cdoping hudting yéuchuén jinianbai dongwiyuén zhiwiyudn héhudchi Jidshan guidebook travelling expenses mountain water sea lake river fountain waterfall temple palace pavilion bell tower waterside pavilion the long corridor cemetery tree Jawn row boat pleasure-boat monument Z00 botanical garden lotus pond tockery + 305+ 26. & 27. 14h 683. 684. + 306 hudléng gallery $8 = béwigudn museum Youlan Beijing = # HR dk oe W6 dasudn zai Béijing dai san tin, nin kan Rak A RE HF 2K BA richéng yinggai z8nyang Gnpdi? At BR EH RAE? I’ve planned to stay in Beijing for three days. What do you think should be our schedule? Zhéydng bo, —diy7_ tian nin xian youldn Chdng- aH CO,$- RBA BR chéng hé Shisanling dixia géngdian. Kh fo TERK FEF SR, On the first day, you'll visit the Great Wall and the underground palace of the Ming Tombs. 685. 686. 687. 688. 689. Chéngchéng shi shijié wénmingde Zhanggud giidai KR AER WASH FH EK iji,. wd dangrén yao qi. Fe, KR GR RH, The Great Wall is a miracle of ancient China well-known all over the world. I certainly want to see it. Qingwén, dixid gdngdidn sh? zénme hus shi nA, ®F SR R44 O F ne? RO? What is the underground palace, please? Dixid géngdian shi Mingchdo yige huéngd? de uF SR AR MH —-h Le H lingmd. Zai ndli, nin kéyi kanddo xiidué zhén- RE AML, TA AS HS guide chaté: wénwa. Hy kt Th, The underground palace is the tomb of an emperor of the Ming Dynasty. There you can see a lot of precious unearthed relics, Zhéme shud, zh8 lidng ge difang shi fei qd 4 HO, A PF RE biké de le. RT 4 T, So it seems we must go to see both. Di'ér tian shéngwi, wd Jidny? nin qd cdnguan FoR Lt, ARRHE KA Giagéng. xe, On the second morning, I suggest you visit the Palace Museum, + 307+ 690. 691. 692, 693. 694. 2% MandarinC Youl&n hudngdi zhdguo de difong, na tai you ee gb Bit ee, Mm RO yisi te. #2 7, It must be very interesting to visit the place where the emperors lived. Nin kéyi gi Béihdi Gongyuan de Fdngshan Fén- ATA he SR 4 GR OR Zhuang, chéngchang gdngting fengwei de fancdi. BO, BE Se Mk Hh MR, You can go to the Beihai Park and try some of the imperial dishes at the Fangshan restaurant. Disan tian nin kéyt gi Ythéyudn. Nali you $2 RB TAL MA, ME FH shén yOu shui, féngjing youméi jf le. b Ak, ME RKEUAT. On the third day, you can go to the Summer Palace where the mountain and water scenery is very beautiful. Chile zhaxié difang, Béijing héiydu ndxié ming- RT ke UF, LE CH MH Z me Esk? Are there any other scenic spots and histori- cal sites in Beijing besides these? Héiyou Xidngshén. Tidntén. Yénghégong ER fh, RL he Haowdnde difang ké dud le. HRY XF TF TO, There are the Fragrant Hills, the Temple of Heaven, the Yonghegong Lamasery.... There are really many other places worth visiting. +308 + 695. 696. 697. 698. Zhén de? Zhaxié difong wd ddu xiang gi zhudn= Bo? LHF A Mt yizhudn, kandi yao dud dai jf tian le. i, BRE F HULAT. Really? I want to have a look of all these places, It seems I’ll have to stay a few more days. Wo tabié xihuon Zhdnggud de giwén zihud, KR kK PH Hh SH FS, nin kin dao nér qi mai hao? AS MILE RK HF? I like Chinese antique, calligraghy and pain- tings very much. Could you recommend me the best shop to get them? LiGlichéng shi Béijing chuéntdng de wénhuajié, RT RK HR Hh KA, nali de Réngbsozhai hé wénwii shdngdidn, zhugn- M20 REG fo th Hh, + Mén jingying giwén zthud. 1 BS GK FH, Liulichang has traditionally been Beijing's street of culture. There one can find Rong- baozhai — the studio of Glorious Treasures and other antique shops dealing in antique, calli- graphy and paintings. N@ jit m&fan nin choukéng péi wd gd yi tang MH RM E He BRE ba. "2, Will you be kind enough to spare some time to take me there? + 309+ 2% MandarinC Zhayang Gnpdi richéng nin juéde zénmeyang? 699. ky RH HH BRE EHH What do you think of the schedule? Is it all right? Béljing sht Zhénggué ySumingde glda, dud dai 700. XR HR Teh EH, Fe & jt tian hdishi hén zhide de. LK £A hk AH HO, Beijing is one of the most famous ancient capitals of China. So it’s worth spending some more time visiting it. i = Notes © mH When put at the beginning of a sentence, “ik # ve” indicates a suggestion, a choice, or a decision that has been made after consideration. It is a tactful way of making a comment (‘ix #fre” KEDTHA, RRB SLSR MRE, RARE. ARAM. c-8. CD ikifre, RRA EM. OK, you go yourself tomorrow. (2) ike, MERLERR, OK, come and collect it tomorrow morning. @) zie, ME, BRK. OK, you go first, I’ll come soon. @ HTEREELARR When one does not know much about a certain situation or the reason for the existing situation, one may use “4:4” to make an inquiry (EX RMH + 310+ RRRBAT BH, TA AZOF RIED, eg. CQ) XEEZOF? KEAHAHET? What’s the matter? Why has the train stop- ped? 2) AMARTH BA REE EZ? Please tell me something about the Opium War. @) FREE ZA¥? What's the matter with you? ® Rai “ix Zi” is a connective that helps to fix the meaning of what comes before and after it. It indi- cates that an inference has been made or a result has been obtained from the preceding statement (“ik 2 it” BERL T ROA, RAE, RAB MMH ICMAR), eg. (1) —BRRA SHE. I’m busy tomorrow. ELK, AROSE MT? You mean you can’t attend the meeting tomorrow? 2 —REP RETO RE, I lived in China for four or five years. Tk Aik, PRA OUR TART. So you must have known a lot about China. —— KS LAAKAR WIE. I've written several papers on Lu Xun’s works, — Zit, MHSRER-ERARRT. Then you must have done a lot of re- (3) +311 2% MandarinC search into Lu Xun’s works. © BAYA ABN RE “v4” here means something is worth doing. Sometimes it can be used in making a suggestion as to how a certain thing should be done (“7 vA” 7E3X BH TMA BR, BHA MEARE BRAN EE, e.8. CQ) KAR, PRT RIK. This book is very good, you can read it. 2) RRUEIRT ARE, BOT REREA Hb, You can take a walk after breakfast, it will be good for you. @ RAPRWHS, KTM LeHES, This is a product native to China. You can buy some and take them back with you. © FRMBATST The structute [T---7] expresses admiration and exclamation ((T-+ 7] KHBARARRABRND, e.8. QD) BeRBTARET. That film is very interesting. 2) KBMTHT. Mr. Zhang (teacher) is very nice. Q) HHBLT sa. The Zoo is a great place to go. In addition to “J”, some other particle like“, “#” or “42” is often used to wind up the statement CARPET “T"L1Sb, AA “”, “e”, “” IBA) e.8. A) XTEAB ST This really is a happy event! + 312+ ©) RAT BR! The scenery is really beautiful. 8) THRO It scared the wits out of me. © SHARZA RASH The structure [i£ £---#] indicates that one retains his original conclusion after consideration and compa- tison of different situations ([i&2---09] k/ME&RER NAAM RBS SMR, TRAE EID, €.8. () BARES, (ESIC 2 BEER A, Although there will be many difficulties, we must complete the task. 2) RERSAKRAM, RTL ABE, IT haven’t been well lately, but I'll still go on the trip. G) EERRAARH, HRWKEL ATH, Although we are not so well-off, life on the whole is quite good. i Conversation 2 PREZ Bt eR BA RAY? : ERT, + MX ILABRT LHW? REMEEAAOLRO A, MHWATST. : KRSM? : SRET, RAGS SR, : Beth—-ZEM+=RT? AM, TERAKRTE, PP Pre ror » + 313+ CP ee BP Se 2% MandarinC PRB RIA AHI? EEGARN, KE, Bl, HM PR TE EAR ALIAS TS? PEAK. AMEN RABRRT. . RARE ATH? : RRTREGR HH. : RA, MPR MERE RRX : BM. MANERA? 3) Exercises PWS) (Substitution drills): (CD PREF RENESAS, aM fe SARE ates 2) RENT RAMA RS? BALMER FELT iG ik 3) PB BBILA RH? 4) RITREARADR, MR AURMKEARH AMA AE RAE NIA, RA, NFA, 6 + 314+ neseS choot, com SM TEI IF (Complete the following sentences): () #FAREEAES, in @ Ritz, ROMA. 3) RAS, ALS » 4 XRRHAY, RB #4] i Vocabulary 1. AH —Fichéng schedule 2. HSA youldn loxidn itinerary; the route of a journey 3. RAR — IGyouché tourist coach 4. BBR gdokdng sudddo aerial cableways 5. ARB — fénglingga scenic spot 6. ® kK — shongyéqa business district T. Ps shT Zhdngxin the centre of a city 8. TER jidoga suburbs; outskirts 9. 4K XG linyin dadao boulevard; avenue 10. #32) jiéxin géngyudn street-side park 11. AH 1Ohua greening 12. xa dajié main street 13. 4A hGtdng Jane; alley 14. GSR — sThéyuan @ compound with houses around a courtyard 16. MAIR gdocéng jidnzhy high buildings 16. #4 pingfdng one-storyed house 1T. wa4ifE — jidshGdian second-hand bookstore 18. Rt Zhanlanguan exhibition hall 19. 4H 4% — tlydchdng stadium + 315+ 20. 21. 22. 23. 24, 25. 26. 27. 28. AAG Hh A ROL LAGE He oR Be wth PRT + 316° 2% MandarinC méishdguan liGliwa yo han! wénfang st bao shard hudzhén shibéi chat: wénwi hiichénghé art gallery glazed tile white marble the four treasures of the study (writing brush, ink stick, ink stone and paper) calligraphy exhibition of paintings stone tablet; stele (stela) unearthed relics moat Wénya Huédong XR BD Entertainments and Recreation (1) Nin du? Jingja gan xinggi ma? 701. & et FB) KR AM BO? Are you interested in Beijing opera? W6 méi kanguo, ZhT Jianguo yixié jazhdo. 702, & R Ait, R Mit He Bee, I’ve never seen it before. I’ve only seen some of its stage photos. +3176 703. 704. 705. 706. 707. 708. 709. 2% MandarinC Jintian wanshang wémen qi kén Jingji, zénrne- SR Hh AN tA RE, ES yang? HO? Let's go to see a Beijing opera tonight, shall we? H&o ji le. Jintian yén shénme xi? Fmt SRR A BR? It sounds wonderful! What is it we are going to see? Jintian yén "N30 Tigngéng”, sht yt chi shén= AR HR “iA Se", Rk huax?. IER, “Havoc in Heaven’’ is on today. It’s a my- thical play. Zi n&ge Juchéng yan? MS Bl IR? Which theatre will it be in? Zai Rénmin Jichdng. & AR Bl, At the People’s Theatre. Qingwén, j1 didn kaiyan? #A, LR Fiz? When will it start, please? Qi didn zhang. Women bian zdu bian tén ba. ce £ Ail @ A DW KE, At seven sharp. Let’s talk on the way. +318 + 710. 711. 712. 713. ineseS Jingjd jlisht B&ijing de dtfangxt ba? BA UR MR HH sey R vez Beijing opera is the local opera of Beijing, isn’t it? Ba, Jingjd shi yu xiidud zhdng difengx? zai RNR OY HS H RAR A Béijing rénghé ydnbidn chéng de quéngudxing ae Re RR & 4 SH jdzhéng. Blt, No, Beijing Opera is a national operatic form merged, blended and developed in Beijing from quite a few local operatic forms. Nin kéyT géi wd jidngliong Jingjd de bidoyan WTA i RA AR yishi. ma? cK 4? Could you tell me something about the acting technique of Beijing opera? (2) Chén xianzai hai méi kdiydn, nT ba jiging géi a RA LR AR, thie th 4 wo ji&sh3o yixid, hdo mo? HIME —T, HF AO? Will you please tell me something about the story of this opera before it begins? +319

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