Quiz Lesson 4 Grade 10B

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Grade: 10 ( ) Teacher: Mansour Mahmoud

Name: Date:
Exercise 1: (4)

Exercise 2: (6 points)
In the given circuit

 The voltage supplied by the battery is 12V.

 The resistance of the resistors are R1= 3Ω, R2 = 2Ω,
R3 = 3Ω and R of unknown resistance.

1. Draw the circuit in the case both switches S1 and S2

are open. (remove totally the switches) (0.5 pt.)
2. Show that the equivalent resistance of the circuit is
Req=8Ω. (0.5 pt.)
3. Determine the current given by the battery. (1 pt.)
4. Both switches are now closed.
4.1.Draw the circuit in this case. (0.5 pt.)
4.2.Specify the value of the voltage UBD. (0.5pt.)
4.3. The new value of the current given by the
battery is I= 2.25 A.
4.3.1. Calculate the voltages UAC and show that UCD=5.25V (1.5 pt.)
4.3.2. Calculate the current passing through the resistor R3. (0.5 pt.)
4.3.3. Show that the resistance R=10.5Ω. (1 pt.)
Exercise 3: (5 points)
Karim builds up an electric circuit by connecting a variable DC power supply, a wire resistor (D) and an
ammeter in series. He then connects a voltmeter across (D). Karim adjusts the voltage of the power supply to
its lowest value. He then starts increasing the voltage gradually.

1. Karim records the reading of the ammeter and the voltmeter,

then he sketches the graph of the adjacent figure.
1.1.Draw the circuit diagram of the experimental setup. (1 pt.)
1.2.Determine the resistance R of the resistor. (1 pt.)
1.3.Deduce the voltage across the resistor when it carries a
current I=42.5mA. (0.5 pt.)
2. The maximum voltage the resistor can withstand is 16V, but
Karim increases the voltage of the power supply to 20V to
observe what will happen to (D).
2.1.Out of the following two possibilities to the resistor (D)
A. The resistor wire functions normally and it is not
affected by the increasing of voltage.
B. The resistor wire melts and acts as an open switch.
Indicate which one corresponds to this case. (0.5 pt.)
2.2.Specify the value of the current flowing in the resistor when the voltage across (D) exceeds the maximum
voltage that it can withstand. (1 pt.)
2.3.Deduce the maximum electric power that can be consumed by the resistor (D). (1 pt.)

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