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2 Applications
3.2.2 Base Excitation
„ Sensitive equipment placed on a vibrating foundation
„ Building subjected to earthquakes
„ Car’s suspension

Notes: This is different than harmonic force excitation because this case
„ the excitation is at the base not the mass and
„ the excitation is given in terms of displacement not force

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3.2 Applications
3.2.2 Base Excitation
Consider a system attached to the base via a spring and a
damper. The base is excited and moved by the
displacement input function y(t). We need to determine
how the mass moves x(t).

= output (need to find)

= input (given by the problem)

EOM is m&x& + cx& + kx = cy& + ky

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3.2 Applications
3.2.2 Base Excitation
m&x& + cx& + kx = cy& + ky ←EOM

&x& + 2ζω n x& + ω 2n x = 2ζω n y& + ω 2n y

x(t ) = Re[ z (t )] y (t ) = Y cos(ωt ) = Y Re(e iωt )

d (Yeiωt )
&z& + 2ζω n z& + ω z = 2ζω n
n + ω2nYeiωt
z (t ) = Ze iωt
ωn2 + 2ζωω ni 1 + 2ζri
Z= Y = Y
− ω + ωn + 2ζωω n i
2 2
1 − r + 2ζri

1 + 2ζri
x = Y H (ω) cos(ωt + θ) H (ω) =
1 − r 2 + 2ζri

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3.2 Applications
3.2.2 Base Excitation
Displacement transmissibility:
output displacement Z 1 + 2ζri
H (ω) = = =
input displacement Y 1 − r 2 + 2ζri

Z 1 + (2ζr ) 2
H (ω) =
(1 − r 2 ) 2 + (2ζr ) 2
tells how motion is
transmitted from the base
to the mass at various
Increasing ζ driving frequencies

Increasing ζ

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3.2 Applications
3.2.2 Base Excitation
Increasing ζ
Displacement transmissibility:

Increasing ζ

1. The value of |H | is unity at r = 0 and close to unity for small values
of r.
2. For an undamped system (ζ = 0), |H | →∞ at resonance (r = 1).
3. The value of |H | is less than unity (|H | < 1) for values of r >√2 (for
any amount of damping ζ ).
4. The value of |H | = 1 for all values of ζ at r =√2.
5. For r <√2, smaller damping ratios lead to larger values of |H |. On
the other hand, for r >√2, smaller values of damping ratio lead to
smaller values of |H |.2141263 Dynamics and Vibrations NAV 5
3.2 Applications
3.2.2 Base Excitation
Force transmissibility:

F = k ( x − y ) + c( x& − y& ) = −m&x&

F = mω2 X cos(ωt + θ) = mω2Y H (ω) cos(ωt + θ) = FT cos(ωt + θ)

FT 1 + ( 2ζ r ) 2 ←Force
=r 2

kY (1 − r 2 ) 2 + (2ζr ) 2
tells how much force is
transmitted from the base
to the mass at various
driving frequencies

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3.2 Applications
3.2.2 Base Excitation
Example: Vehicle Moving on a Rough Road
The figure shows a simple model of a motor vehicle that
can vibrate in the vertical direction while traveling over a
rough road. The vehicle has a mass of 1200 kg. The
suspension system has a spring constant of 400 kN/m
and a damping ratio of ζ = 0.5. If the vehicle speed is 20
km/hr, determine the displacement amplitude of the
vehicle. The road surface varies sinusoidally with an
amplitude of Y = 0.05 m and a wavelength of 6 m.

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3.2 Applications
3.2.2 Base Excitation
The frequency can be found by
⎛ v × 1000 ⎞ 1
ω = 2πf = 2π⎜ ⎟ = 0.291v rad/s
⎝ 3600 ⎠ 6

For v = 20 km/hr, ω = 5.82 rad/s.

The natural frequency is given by,
1/ 2
k ⎛ 400 ×103 ⎞
ωn = = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ = 18.3 rad/s
m ⎝ 1200 ⎠

Hence, the frequency ratio is

ω 5.81778
r= = = 0.319
ωn 18.2574

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3.2 Applications
3.2.2 Base Excitation
The amplitude ratio:
1/ 2 1/ 2
X ⎧ 1 + (2ζr ) 2 ⎫ ⎧ 1 + (2 × 0.5 × 0.318653) 2 ⎫
=⎨ 2⎬
=⎨ 2⎬
Y ⎩ (1 − r ) + (2ζr ) ⎭ ⎩ (1 − 0.318653 ) + (2 × 0.5 × 0.318653) ⎭
2 2 2 2

= 1.10
Thus, the displacement amplitude of the vehicle is given by
X = 1.10Y = 1.10(0.05) = 0.055 m
This indicates that a 5 cm bump in the road is transmitted
as a 5.5 cm bump to the chassis and the passengers of
the car.

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