Session 4:: Classification of Offenses

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Criminal Law
Department of Criminal Law SESSION 4 :
Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia
January 2011
To be used exclusively at the Faculty of Law,
University of Indonesia
HPI 10102

1.Serious crime/ felony vs minor 1. Delik Kejahatan vs Delik pelanggaran

1.Serious crime/misdrijf 1. Misdemeanor/overtredingen
crime/ misdemeanor
MvT : even before the statute is enacted, MvT: only deemed as an offence, after it
2. Material vs Formal crimes 2. Delik Materiil vs Delik Formil the conduct has already considered as a is proscribed by a Statute (wet delicten)
crime (recht-delicten)
3. Crime by Commission vs Crime by 3. Delik Komisi vs Delik Omisi
Omission Hazewinkel-Suringa : there is no
qualitative differences, only
4. Crime with Intention vs Crime with 4. Delik Dolus vs Delik Culpa quantitative differences.
Stipulated in Book II KUHP Stipulated in Book III KUHP
5. Regular vs Litigated crime 5. Delik Biasa vs Delik Aduan
The Differences
6. Independent vs Continued Offense 6. Delik yg Berdiri sendiri vs Delik Berlanjut
a) Attempt to commit an offense is a) Attempt to commit misdemeanor
7. Completed vs Sustained offence 7. Delik Selesai vs Delik yg diteruskan is not punishable
8. Single vs serial Consecutive 8. Delik Tunggal vs Delik Berangkai b) Aiding an offense is punishable b) Aiding a misdemeanor is not
offence c) Statute of Limitation is longer punishable
d) Could constitute an litigated c) Statute of Limitation is shorter
9. Simple vs Complicated offence 9. Delik Sederhana vs Delik Berkualifikasi; offence d) No litigated misdemeanor
Delik Berprivilege e) Rules on Joinder of Offenses is e) Rules on Joinder of Offenses is
harsher more lenient
10. Political vs Common offence 10. Delik Politik vs Delik Komun (umum)
11. Propria vs Common offence 11. Delik Propria vs Delik Komun (umum)

2. Material Crimes 2. Formal Crime:

only formulating the result of an 5. Regular Crime: 5. Litigated Crime :
offence (the conduct is not Only formulating the conduct (and not
formulated) itsresult) , e.g.  Art icle 362, 263, etc The complaint from a person (usually The complaint from certain person is a
e.g.  Art icles 338, 368, 187, etc the victim) is not a requirement for requirement for prosecution. e.g. Art
prosecution. e.g. Art 340, 285 310, 284, 367 (2)
3. Crime by Ommission : commiting
3. Crime by Commission : violates a an offence in a passive manner The process may start with a report The criteria if an eligible complainant
prohibition by an active deed/
conduct a) Pure ommission : violates an (not a complaint) from anyone who is defined in the specific article in the
obligation by not doing anything, witness or has knowledge on the statute
e.g. Articles 164, 224 KUHP commission of a crime
b) Quasi: violates a prohibition by
not doing anything, e.g. Art 194
4. Crime with Intention/Dolus : the 4. Culpa or Negligence offence : tyhe
offence is committed intentionally . offence is committed by negligence ,
e.g. Articles 338, 310, and 368
e.g. Art 205, art 359

Pro Parte Dolus Pro Parte Culpa =

A crime which is formulated in such manner that it covers both elements of intention and
e.g. Articles 287, 480


Litigated Offense
There are two clasifications of this type of crime: Independent offense Continued offence

• 1. Absolute litigated offense (Delik Aduan Absolut) • Consist of only one single • Consists of two or more
• The offence which certainly requires a complaint for prosecution offense offenses, which due to very
• e.g. Art 284, 351 connected each others; the
convicted offender only receive
• There is no need to use rules one criminal penalty.
• 2. Relative litigated offense (Delik Aduan Relatif): on Joinder of Offenses
• Normaly, the offence clasified as regular crime (no need of a (gabungan delik); instead,
complaint) we simply find out what is • The punishment should refer to
• However due to a specific relation between the offender and the the punishment for every rules on Joinder of offenses
victim (aggrieved party), the offense turned into a litigated provision (gabungan delik) as provided in
offense. article 64 KUHP
• e.g. Art 367 (2)

Continued Offense
• There is still a debate wheter or not Continued offence Completed offense Sustained offense
(voortgezette delict) is similar with continuing deed (voortgezette
• According to some scholars (including Utrecht) voortgezette delict • One or more conducts of • One or more conducts of
is similar with voortgezette handeling; accordingly its punishment crime which are crime which remains
should refer to article 64 KUHP. The conditions are: continued to be conducted
completed in one short
1. All deeds/ conducts resulted from one single will period of time by the offender
2. All conducts are of the same nature
3. There is short duration between one offense to another • E.g. : Article 362, 338 • E.g. : Article 221, 261, 333

Single offense (delik Consecutive offense (delik

tunggal) berangkai) Simple offense/main
• There is only one offense Complicated/Qualified offense
• There are more than one
offense committed offense committed by the
offender (s) within a specific • The formulation of the • Based on a simple/main
• example: Art 362, 338 time, one connected to the offense consists only of its offense, but with additional
other main elements element/ elements
• As such there is more severe
• example: Art 296, 481 criminal penalty,
• E.g. : art 351 (2), 363, 365(4)
• Example: Art 362, 351 (1) • On the other hand, due to
certain qualification, the
punishment could become
lighter (privilege), example:
308, 364.


Common Offence
Propria Offense
Political Offence Common Offence
• The offence which can • The offence which can
• The offence which does only be committed by a committed by any one
• The offence which
not contain political particular subject or (not specific person)
contains political element
element person (such as civil
(such as revolt or coup d’
servant) • See the element : “Any
etat againts the state)
• such as murder a common • Art. 308, 346, 449 one/ whoever”
• E.g. art 107, makar or
crime to assasinate the person (art 338 or 340), • example: theft (art 362),
head of state (art 104) theft (art 362) murder (art 338/ 340)

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