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Journal of Food Engineering 261 (2019) 32–39

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Comparing structuring potential of pea and soy protein with gluten for meat T
analogue preparation
Floor K.G. Schreudersa, Birgit L. Dekkersa, Igor Bodnárb, Philipp Ernib, Remko M. Booma,
Atze Jan van der Goota,∗
Food Process Engineering, Wageningen University, Bornse Weilanden 9, PO Box 17, 6700 AA, Wageningen, the Netherlands
Firmenich S.A., Rue de La Bergère 7, CH-1217 Meyrin 2, Geneva, Switzerland


Keywords: Pea protein isolate can be combined with wheat gluten into materials with a fibrous morphology using shear
Plant protein induced structuring combined with heating. Results are partly in-line with soy protein isolate-wheat gluten
Shear-induced structuring blends, but the latter yields anisotropic materials in a much broader temperature range. Both blends also have
Shear cell processing the ability to include air. Air bubbles were aligned and deformed at process conditions that gave the most
Food processing
pronounce fibrous products. Mechanically, the pea protein-gluten materials processed at 140 °C had a similar
Fibrous structures
strength as soy protein blends. At 110 and 120 °C, the pea protein blends had a strength that was comparable to a
chicken meat reference (50–100 kPa) but weaker than their counterparts with soy (220–300 kPa). Blends of pea
protein-gluten show potential for preparing structured plant protein materials, but the application area might be
different compared with potential applications of soy protein-gluten blends.

1. Introduction and on the processing conditions (Grabowska et al., 2016, 2014). For a
fibrous structure, the two phases should have a sufficiently high visc-
The awareness of our overexploitation of natural resources has osity to allow deformation and alignment upon shearing, and structure
given rise to a quest for plant basedprotein foods that mimic the fibrous entrapment during cooling.
texture of meat (Elzerman et al., 2015; Hoek et al., 2011). These foods Pea proteins are increasingly used as an alternative for soy protein
can be created from plant-based proteins by extrusion cooking, by so- since the pea plants may be grown in more moderate climates than soy.
lidifying proteins with a mixture of hydrocolloids and divalent cations, In addition, pea proteins are less connected to GMO questions, and are
or by using the newly emerging shear cell technology (Cheftel et al., not listed as allergenic (Lam et al., 2018). Structuring of pea protein
1992; Grabowska et al., 2014; Kweldam, 2003; Osen et al., 2014). This however remains a challenge because it has a much lower gelling ca-
latter technique was used previously for studying structure formation pacity than soy protein (Bildstein et al., 2008). In addition, heat in-
processes with soy protein and gluten (Grabowska et al., 2014) and duced gels of soy protein isolate (SPI) are stronger than heat induced
later extended to soy protein – pectin blends and soy protein con- gels of pea protein isolate (PPI) (Hsu et al., 1982; O’Kane et al., 2005;
centrate (Grabowska et al., 2016). Recently it was found that air held Shand et al., 2007; Sosulski et al., 1976). Only a few studies reported
up in the materials influences the mechanical anisotropy of these ma- success in structuring pea protein isolates with low moisture extrusion
terials (Dekkers, et al. 2018b; Dekkers et al., 2016). (Beck et al., 2017; Wang et al., 1999) and high moisture extrusion
Currently, mostly soy proteins are used to mimic animal proteins (Osen et al., 2014). In this study, it was decided to include gluten next
because of their favorable gelling properties and the resulting creation to PPI and SPI in the blend, since the gluten network can contribute to
of an interlaced, fibrous matrix (Banerjee and Bhattacharya, 2012; Day the viscosity, elasticity and strength (Ng and McKinley, 2008; Pietsch
and Swanson, 2013). Soy proteins combined with wheat gluten (WG) or et al., 2016). Gluten acts as structurant in these blends and renders
pectin could be used to create a range of fibrous structures. This anisotropy due to elongation of the domains according Grabowska et al.
structure formation was based on the fact that the biopolymers formed (2014).
two separate phases of which the rheological properties are dependent Here, we report on the morphologies obtained by blending PPI and
on the moisture content, the ratio between the different biopolymers WG relative to those obtained with SPI and WG. We postulate that the

Corresponding author. Bornse Weilanden 9, 6708WG Wageningen, PO Box 17, 6700 AA, Wageningen, the Netherlands.
E-mail address: (A.J. van der Goot).
Received 29 January 2019; Received in revised form 17 April 2019; Accepted 30 April 2019
Available online 13 May 2019
0260-8774/ © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
F.K.G. Schreuders, et al. Journal of Food Engineering 261 (2019) 32–39

use of gluten with pea protein may result in solidified protein materials 2.2. Analysis
by heating, which may become anisotropic when they are sheared
concurrently. However the exact processing conditions will have to be 2.2.1. Confocal laser scanning microscopy
adjusted to the different type of materials. We expect that the inclusion The morphologies of the SPI-WG and PPI-WG products were vi-
of air will play a similar role for structure formation as found earlier sualized with a confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM). Samples of
with soy and pectin. the SPI-WG and PPI-WG materials were cut into samples with dimen-
sions 3 by 8 by 10 mm and rapidly frozen with liquid nitrogen. A cryo-
2. Materials and methods microtome (Micron CR50-H, ADAMAS-instruments Corp., Rhenen, The
Netherlands) was used to create slices with approximately 40 μm
2.1. Materials thickness at a temperature of −20 °C. A solution of 0.2 mg/mL
Rhodamine B was used to stain the specimens (Sigma-Aldrich Chemie
Pea protein isolate (PPI) (NUTRALYS® F85G) and vital wheat gluten Gmbh, Steinheim, Germany). A Confocal Scanning Laser Microscope
(WG) (VITENS ® CWS) were both obtained from Roquette Frères S.A., type 510 (Zeiss AG, Oberkochen, Germany) using a 543 nm HeNe laser
(St. Louis, Missouri, USA). Soy protein isolate (SPI) (SUPRO® EX 37 IP) with a 405 nm Blue/Violet diode laser was used with A 20x EC Plan-
was obtained from Solae (Europe S.A.). PPI was composed of 78.6 wt% Neofluar/0.5. A lens. The images were analyzed with the software ZEN,
protein (N x 5.7), WG was composed of 72.4 wt% protein (N x 5.7), SPI the blue edition (Carl Zeiss Microscopy).
was composed of 80.0 wt% protein (N x 5.7) (Breese Jones, 1931) on a
dry basis, according to Dumas measurements. The manufacturer's spe- 2.2.2. X-ray microtomography
cification indicated that the PPI contained 1% dietary fiber, 9% lipids, An X-ray microtomographer, GE Phoenix v|tome|x m (General
4% ash. The manufacturer's specification indicated that the SPI con- Electric Go., Wunstorf, Germany), was used to study the inclusion of air
tained ≤1% lipids, ≤5% ash. PPI, SPI and WG had an average dry in the SPI-WG and PPI-WG materials. A 240 kV microfocus tube with
matter content of 93.2 wt%, 92.8 wt%, and 92.3 wt%, respectively. tungsten target was employed. X-rays were produced with a voltage of
Sodium chloride and Rhodamine B were both obtained from Sigma- 80 kV and a current of 90 mA. The images were recorded by a GE DXR
Aldrich Co., LLC. (Zwijndrecht, the Netherlands). The mechanical detector array with 2024 × 2024 pixels (pixel size 200 μm). The de-
properties of the processed SPI-WG and PPI-WG mixture were com- tector was located 815 mm from the X-ray source. A sample was cut to a
pared to chicken fillet as a reference more specifically the breast of a dimension of 3 by 4 by 20 mm and placed in a closed Eppendorf tube to
chicken (Jumbo, Wageningen, The Netherlands), composed of 74.7 wt avoid moisture loss. The sample was placed 28.55 mm from the X-ray
% water, 23.6 wt% protein, 1.6 wt% fat and 0.1 wt% salt. source, which resulted in a spatial resolution of 7.00 μm. The sample
was placed on a rotary stage to allow a full scan consisting of 1500
2.1.1. Protein mixtures projections over 360°, with a step ratio of 0.24°. The first image was
Two protein mixtures (SPI-WG and PPI-WG) were prepared at 40 wt skipped. The saved projection was the average of three images where
% concentration. The SPI-WG and PPI-WG mixtures were prepared with every image is obtained over 250 ms exposure time. GE image re-
a combination of 19.5 wt% protein isolate (SPI or PPI), 19.5 wt% WG, construction software (Wunstorf, Germany) was used to calculate the
1 wt% sodium chloride and 60 wt% demineralized water. Firstly, the 3D structure via back projection. The 3D images, obtained using the
sodium chloride was dissolved in distilled water. Then SPI or PPI was v|tome|x XRT, were analyzed using Avizo imaging software version
added and mixed with a spatula. The protein mixture was hydrated 9.4.0. The measurements were performed in duplicate.
with the saline solution for 30 min. After hydration, WG was mixed
with a spatula to the protein mixture and added directly before pro- 2.2.3. Tensile strength analysis
cessing. Tensile strength analyses were performed with a Texture Analyzer
(Instron Corp. 5564, USA) using a static load cell of 100 N. A uniaxial
2.1.2. High-temperature and shear-induced structure formation of protein tensile test was performed at room temperature with a displacement
mixtures rate of 1 mm/s. Tensile bars were taken from the materials with a dog
A high-temperature conical shear cell (HTSC) (Wageningen bone-shaped mold in two directions: i) parallel, and ii) perpendicular to
University, the Netherlands), which was developed in house the direction of shearing. The bone-shaped mold was used to cut the
(Grabowska et al., 2016), was used to process the SPI-WG and PPI-WG samples, the dimensions (thickness and width) of the cut sample varied.
mixtures. The HTSC is a cone-in-cone device, of which the bottom cone Therefore, the dimensions were measured and accounted for in the
rotates. The cavity between the two cones is closed, preventing escape tensile strength determination. The ends of the tensile bars were placed
of steam during heating. The protein mixtures were processed in the into the two clamps such that 15.5 mm was the initial length of the
pre-heated shear cell of different processing temperatures (95–140 °C) sample. The results obtained from these tensile test analyses were de-
at 39 s−1 (controlled by a Haake Polylab QC drive, Germany). After picted as force-displacement curves. The true stress (σ , Pa) and frac-
15 min constant shearing and heating, the HTSC was cooled down to ture strain (ε, −) were defined as
25 °C within 5 min. The products were left at room temperature in a
closed plastic bag for at least 1 h before further measurements were h (t )
εh = ln [−]
performed. Each product was prepared and analyzed three times in- h0 (1)
A (t ) = ·A0 [m2]
h (t ) (2)
2.1.3. Chicken
Chicken fillet was used a reference for the mechanical properties to F (t )
the SPI-WG and PPI-WG materials. First, the fillet was vacuum sealed in σ (t ) = [Pa]
A (t ) (3)
a plastic bag and frozen overnight. Then it was partly defrosted to fa-
cilitate cutting parallel and perpendicular to the fibers to a specimen of where h 0 is defined as the length of the sample of the tensile bar
approximately 7 mm thick, 7 mm width, 45 mm length. Each specimen (15.5 mm), h (t ) defined as the length all time t, A (t ) is defined as the
was again vacuum sealed in a plastic bag and heated in a water bath at contact surface area A of the tensile bar all time t, A0 is the initial
65 °C for 20 min. The heated chicken had an average dry matter content contact surface area of the tensile bar and F (t ) is the force per unit of
of 28.6%. Mechanical measurements were conducted with the samples area A (t ) . It was assumed that the volume of the tensile bar did not
at room temperature. change during stretching and the shape was retained. The point

F.K.G. Schreuders, et al. Journal of Food Engineering 261 (2019) 32–39

following a dramatically decrease in stress in the stress-strain curve was than the PPI-WG blends for most process conditions. The PPI-WG
taken as the fracture point. Young's modulus was calculated from the blends were often darker in color than the SPI-WG blends.
slope of the tensile stress-strain curve of the first 1.5 mm. For the SPI- The processing temperature was much more critical for the PPI-WG
WG and PPI-WG materials, three samples were prepared per condition. blend than for the SPI-WG blend. The PPI-WG blend gave a fragile and
For every sample, three parallel and three perpendicular specimens weak dough product when processed at 95 °C. At higher temperature,
were taken. Therefore, in total nine parallel and nine perpendicular 110 °C resulted in a weak gel with small fibers, while a fibrous product
specimens per conditions were tested. The results of the three speci- was obtained at 120 °C. A brittle product was formed upon processing at
mens for every sample were averaged and the standard deviations were 130 °C, and a layered product at 140 °C. Shearing of the SPI-WG blends
determined based on the variation between the average values of those yielded a distinct fibrous morphology at all temperatures, even though
three samples. For the chicken, three different chicken breasts were shearing at 130 °C resulted in a more brittle product, in which we ob-
tested, and four parallel and four perpendicular samples (chicken strips) served larger holes (Fig. 1).
were taken. In total 12 parallel and 12 perpendicular chicken strips
were tested. The four chicken strips were averaged and the standard
deviations were determined based on the variation between the three 3.2. Microstructure
The shape and orientation of protein domains in the direction of the
shear flow was examined with CLSM. The effect of shearing on those
2.2.4. Statistics
domains was revealed by comparing a sheared and a non-sheared PPI-
The experiments were performed in duplicate unless stated other-
WG product heated at 120 °C (Fig. 2). Previous studies (Dekkers et al.,
wise. Duncan's test was performed to evaluate the statistical sig-
2018a; Peters et al., 2017) showed that WG typically takes up much less
nificance between samples at a significant level of 95% (P < 0.05)
water than soy proteins. Given the similar water holding properties of
analyzed using SPPS statistics Version 25.0 (IBM, Armonk, NY).
PPI, we may therefore assume that WG also absorbs less water than PPI
in PPI-WG blends (Peters et al., 2017). After staining with Rhodamine
3. Results and discussion B, both the SPI/PPI and WG showed fluorescence. The WG phase is
expected to exhibit higher fluorescence intensity due to its higher
The morphologies of sheared and heated mixtures of pea protein- protein concentration. Indeed, we observe high intensity red domains in
gluten were explored and compared with the morphology obtained the non-sheared PPI-WG blend. After shearing the PPI-WG blend at
from mixtures of soy protein-gluten. 120 °C, those high-intensity domains were aligned in the shear flow
direction. The latter observation coincides with the fibrous product
3.1. Macrostructure observed visually.
Shearing may deform and orient the dispersed domains in the ma-
The morphologies of sheared and heated mixtures of pea protein terials, but the extent of the effect depended on process temperature.
isolate (PPI) and wheat gluten (WG) processed at different temperatures CLSM images of the PPI-WG and SPI-WG product at several processing
were analyzed by manually deforming the samples and then visually temperatures are shown in Fig. 3. As a reference, we also measured non-
inspecting the fibrousness (Fig. 1). It was observed the soy protein heated and sheared PPI-WG and SPI-WG blends that showed no align-
isolate (SPI)-WG blends yielded stronger and more fibrous materials ment of protein domains. Shear induced structuring at 120 and 140 °C

Fig. 1. Visual observation of shear-induced structuring (15 min, 39 s−1) of pea protein isolate (PPI) – wheat gluten (WG) blends and soy protein isolate (SPI) – wheat
gluten (WG) blends at different temperatures, which were deformed manually. The surfaces of the SPI-WG products were depicting at a specific temperature range
(120–140 °C), demonstrating holes at 130 °C.

F.K.G. Schreuders, et al. Journal of Food Engineering 261 (2019) 32–39

Fig. 2. CLSM images of the fluorescence channel of the 40 wt% PPI-WG (50/50 by weight) product at 120 °C at 0 and 39 s−1 stained with Rhodamine B. High-
intensity red – WG. Low-intensity red – PPI. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

for SPI-WG mixtures and at 120 °C for PPI-WG mixture resulted in images of both blends are used for the quantification of the void frac-
elongated protein domains along the direction of the shear flow, which tion as well as the void geometry in the blends after processing (Fig. 5).
appeared as aligned fibers in the product. However, shearing at other As a reference, we also measure non-heated and sheared SPI-WG and
processing temperatures gave no alignment of the protein domains; PPI-WG blends (25 °C, 40 wt%, 50/50 by weight, at 39 s−1), yielded a
instead these proteins domains (both in PPI-WG and SPI-WG blends) void fraction of 6–11 vol%. In case of PPI, the shearing process resulted
were randomly oriented after processing at 95, 110 and 130 °C. At in a decrease of air inclusion. The SPI-WG was able to keep air inside up
higher processing temperatures (e.g. at 140 °C for PPI-WG), the PPI and to a process temperature of 120 °C. Nevertheless, the heating tem-
WG domains became less evident. Hardly any differences in intensities perature was found to be an important parameter in both the PPI-WG
could be observed anymore. A possible explanation is that the PPI and and SPI-WG products, and a higher temperature during shearing re-
WG become more compatible or associate due to interactions between sulted in a reduced void fraction of air (Figs. 4 and 5). The use of a
both phases while shearing. temperature of 110 °C gave a void fraction of 6–7 vol%, while proces-
sing at 140 °C led to an air fraction of only 0.2 to 0.1 vol%, meaning that
processing at 140 °C did leave hardly any air in the product. The coa-
3.3. Entrapment of air
lescence of air bubbles to larger bubbles and even holes is observed,
which is probably the first step in air escaping at higher processing
Previous research revealed the importance of air inclusion in those
dense protein blend used for making fibrous materials. X-ray micro-
The SPI-WG blends specifically shows extensive deformation of the
tomography (XRT) was therefore used to quantify the air void fraction
air bubbles when sheared and heated at 120 to 140 °C; we do not see this
in the protein blends.
with the PPI-WG blends, which does not show any significantly dif-
The reconstructed 3D X-ray tomography image showed that almost
ferent deformation of the air bubbles (Fig. 5). Deformation of air bub-
all blends contained air to a certain extent, and the exact amount de-
bles shows this with the average ratio of the longest (l ) over the shortest
pended on the processing temperature (Fig. 4). The reconstructed 3D

Fig. 3. CLSM images of the fluorescence channel of the 40 wt% SPI-WG (50/50 by weight) and PPI-WG (50/50 by weight) product at 25, 95, 110, 120, 130 and
140 °C at 39 s−1 stained with Rhodamine B. High-intensity red – WG. Low-intensity red – SPI/PPI. N.A. – not available. (For interpretation of the references to color
in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

F.K.G. Schreuders, et al. Journal of Food Engineering 261 (2019) 32–39

Fig. 4. X-ray microtomography images of a reconstructed trimetric image of the solid (in yellow) of SPI-WG and PPI-WG products at 25, 110, 120, 130 and 140 °C
(where a structure without large fractures and holes was chosen and the small line on top was formed by the curves of the cone in the shear cell and a smaller
reconstructed trimetric image was shown for 25 °C since the weak products gave difficulties during cutting) and a reconstructed trimeric image of the air (in blue) in
SPI-WG and PPI-WG products at 25, 110, 120, 130 and 140 °C. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web
version of this article.)

Fig. 5. X-ray microtomography analysis of

air cavities when heating the SPI-WG (♦)
and PPI-WG (■) products at 110, 120, 130
and 140 °C: void fraction, deformation of the
air cavities (l/w = length of the deformed
air cavities in the shear flow direction (de-
fined as l) and the diameter of the deformed
air cavity in the velocity gradient direction
(defined as w)). Please note: Means with the
same lower-case letter within a column
(sample) were not significantly different
(p < 0.05). Means with the same capital
letter within a row (temperature) were not
significantly different (p < 0.05). The un-
derlined letters are related to PPI-WG and
the others to SPI-WG.

F.K.G. Schreuders, et al. Journal of Food Engineering 261 (2019) 32–39

Fig. 6. A) Young's modulus, B) tensile stress, C) tensile strain of SPI-WG product (♦) and PPI-WG product (■) at different temperatures (15 min, 39 s−1) and chicken
(●). (parallel (darker color) and perpendicular direction (lighter color) to the direction of shearing, mean value ± absolute deviation). Please note: Statistical
analysis in appendix Table A.1. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

(w ) dimension of the bubbles. perpendicular direction to the shear flow. As a reference fibrous pro-
duct, a cooked piece of chicken was taken.
As Fig. 6 shows, the Young's modulus of the SPI-WG blend increased
3.4. Mechanical properties after processing at 95 °C (statistical analysis in Table A 1). It was ob-
served that the Young's modulus was hardly affected by the shearing
On microscale, we observed alignment of the protein domains and temperature, except for a brief, but reproducible decrease at 130 °C. In
air bubbles in the direction of the shear flow for the SPI-WG blend when addition, it is found that Young's moduli were hardly different when
sheared at 120 and 140 °C, and for PPI-WG when sheared at 120 °C. It is measured in both directions. The tensile stress at 120 and 140 °C shows
expected that this structure will influence the macroscopic mechanical stronger anisotropy. The SPI-WG blends exhibit an increasing tensile
properties. Therefore, the resulting materials were subjected to a tensile stress (parallel to direction to shear flow) after 95 °C and a similar
strength analysis parallel and perpendicular to the direction of shearing tensile stress and strain value irrespective of the shearing temperature
during processing. The ratio between the tensile strengths (stress and employed, and once more show a lower value at 130 °C .
strain) parallel and perpendicular to the direction of shearing was used The Young's modulus for PPI-WG blends increased with increasing
as a measure for the anisotropy of the product. Fig. 6 shows the Young's temperature. A decrease at 130 °C can also be seen in the tensile strain
modulus, the tensile stress and tensile strain of the SPI-WG and PPI-WG (parallel to the direction of shear flow). The PPI-WG blends also show
materials sheared at different temperatures in parallel and

F.K.G. Schreuders, et al. Journal of Food Engineering 261 (2019) 32–39

increasing tensile stress- and strain values at a shearing temperature of decrease in strength in both the soy and the pea blends, when processed
140 °C, indicative of the gradual solidification of the PPI-WG blend at at 130 °C .
higher temperatures. At high shearing temperatures (i.e. 140 °C) the Comparison with chicken meat reveals that the soy blends were
PPI-WG products showed similar strength to the SPI-WG products, ex- clearly stronger (larger tensile strength) at 110 and 120 °C, while the
cept for the tensile stress perpendicular to the shear flow direction. pea based blends were in the same range as the chicken meat. While the
Young's modulus (parallel to the shear flow direction) of the chicken anisotropy index based on Young's modulus of chicken strips is still
strips was comparable to the values of the SPI-WG blend at 110 °C and considerably larger compared to the values that can be attained with
to the values of PPI-WG blend at 120, 130, 140 °C. Young's modulus either soy or pea protein isolate currently. We may conclude that blends
(perpendicular to the shear flow direction) of the chicken strips was of pea protein isolate and wheat gluten offer opportunities for fibrous
comparable to the values of PPI-WG blend at 110 °C, and therefore meat analogues with a matrix strength that is similar to that of cooked
lower than those for the SPI-WG and PPI-WG blends measured at the chicken meat.
other processing temperatures. The anisotropy in Young's moduli was
limited in all materials, except the chicken meat. Comparison to the Acknowledgement
chicken shows that especially the stress of the SPI-WG blends at 110
and 120 °C is higher than the chicken, while the PPI-WG blends are in The authors would like to thank Firmenich for their financial sup-
the same range. port of this research and Remco Hamoen for X-ray microtomography.
We therefore hypothesize that the PPI gel forms a weaker phase
during processing as well compared with the SPI gel, which could im- Appendix A. Supplementary data
pact the deformation and alignment of the protein domains in the di-
rection of the shear. Our earlier observation (Fig. 5) that deformed air Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://
bubbles can be retained in their anisotropic state in the SPI-WG system,
but not in the weaker PPI-WG system, appears to support this hypoth-
esis. A low viscous PPI phase is less capable of retaining the air bubbles. References
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