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• Module list:


o TMR17 - ADVANCED METHODS IN RISK ANALYSIS (Not lectured fall 2021)

Please note regarding the exams: Oral exams can be changed to written exams if the number of
students in a course exceeds 25.
Norwegian title: Dynamisk analyse av marine konstruksjoner

Teacher: Professor Svein Sævik

Evaluation: Oral exam

Objective: Learn the basic theory for dynamic analysis of structures by use of the finite element
method, and in particular to apply the method on marine structures.
Pre-qualifications: Basic understanding of dynamics and the finite element method. The courses
TMR4182 Marine Dynamics and TMR4190 Finite Element Methods in Structural
Analysis are considered mandatory for students that follow the ordinary MSc
Course content: d'Alemberts principle and principle of virtual work for dynamic systems. Dynamic
equilibrium by the finite element method. The mass matrix. Undamped, free
oscillations and the eigenvalue problem. Reduction of number of degrees of freedom
in dynamic analysis. Calculation of dynamic response in frequency and time domain.
Damping models. Selected topics relevant for marine structures.
Lecture form: Lectures (2 hours per week), exercises by use of Matlab. Selected exercises are
Course material: Langen og Sigbjørnsson: "Dynamisk analyse av konstruksjoner", Norwegian edition
and unofficial English edition, some lecture notes may also be distributed on special

Learning outcome: After completing the course the student should be able to:
• understand methods for eigenvalue computation and dynamic response analysis
and hence be able to make simple computer programs, and thereby develop a good
basis for the use of commercial computer program
• understand the importance of reducing the number degrees of freedom in relation
to the element models for static analysis, and how the reduction can be
implemented without significant loss of accuracy
• define damping effects in a dynamic response model, and describe how different
damping mechanisms can be formulated in a element model
• select an element model and calculation method for the analysis of practical
problems so that the results are sufficiently accurate
• know how hydrodynamic effects influence the mass, damping and driving forces
of slender marine structures.
Norwegian title: Konstruksjonsanalyse, VK

Teacher: Professor Svein Sævik

Evaluation: Oral exam

Objective: Extend the basis for finite element analysis of nonlinear and dynamic response of
marine structures
Pre-qualifications: TMR4167 Marine technology 2 – structures, TMR4190 Finite element methods,
TMR4195 Design of offshore structures.
Course content: Basic theory and finite element formulations for plates and shells; modelling of
marine structures; introduction to analysis of nonlinear geometrical, contact and
material behavior; overview of error sources due to discretization and numerical
operations; quality control of the analysis.
Lecture form: Lectures (2 hours a week) and exercises. Selected exercises may be mandatory.
Application of finite element method software in computer code development and
practical analysis of marine structures.
Course material: Moan: Finite Element Modelling and Analysis of Marine Structures. Lecture notes are
available at the department, additional handout material.

Learning outcome: After completing the course the student should be able to:
• perform deformation and stress analyses of complex structures using the finite
element method, taking into account nonlinear behaviour
• conduct a critical assessment of the results
• understand the theoretical basis of the finite element method applied on non-linear
and dynamic analysis
• explain the derivation of the stiffness relationship of elements for the analysis of
stiffened plate and shell structures based on energy principles and interpolation of
the displacement pattern
• understand the mathematical basis for the description of the behavior of stiffened
plates (prismatic shell) and curved shell structures (equilibrium, kinematic
compatibility, stress - strain - relation)
• understand the available methods for describing contact between structural
• explain the derivation of the incremental stiffness relation for rod and beam
elements taking into account the nonlinear behaviour due to large deformation and
material behaviour
• explain the criteria that must be fulfilled by a finite element model for certain
structure types in order to converge to the exact solution when the element size is
• understand how the prismatic and curved shell structures behave and what
element types and boundary conditions must be selected in order to achieve a
given accuracy
• understand how a ship - considered as a prismatic shell - behave and how various
elements models and corresponding boundary conditions should be selected to
determine the deformations and stresses with a given accuracy.
• carry out simple element analysis of prismatic shell and frame structures using
ABAQUS, or similar software
Norwegian title: Integrert dynamisk analyse av vindturbiner

Teacher: Professor Erin Bachynski and Professor Zhen Gao

Evaluation: Group project and oral exam (with exam questions related to lectures and project

Objective: The purpose of this subject is to provide the theoretical basis and application of the
methodology for integrated dynamic analysis of offshore wind turbines in operational
and survival conditions. Relevant loads from waves and wind as well as relevant
internal wind turbine faults in the mechanical or electrical system are taken into
account. Structural models are based on the finite element method. State-of-the-art
models of aerodynamics and hydrodynamics will be presented and their coupled
effect on dynamic responses of both bottom-fixed and floating wind turbines will be
emphasized. Both steady-state and transient loads and load effects will be discussed.
The focus in this subject is to give the theoretical basis for key software, such as
SIMA, FAST, or HAWC2, in this area and to apply these concepts through project
work. Additional topics in wind turbine analysis, such as operations and maintenance,
drivetrain mechanics, and experimental testing will also be discussed.
Pre-qualifications: TMR4190 Finite Element Methods in Structural Analysis, TMR4182 Marine
Dynamics and TMR4215 Sea Loads or equivalent background.
Course content: Overview of bottom-fixed and floating wind turbines as well as installation
procedures. Brief overview of design standards and limit state criteria. Modeling of
joint environmental conditions of wind and waves. Simulation of random waves and
wind fields. Modelling of aerodynamic and hydrodynamic loads, finite element and
multi-body modelling of structures. Modelling of aerodynamic, hydrodynamic, soil
and structural damping. Time-domain dynamic analysis. Steady-state and transient
load and response analyses. Effect of automatic control. Determination of extreme
responses and fatigue load effects. Introduction and use of existing software such as
Lecture form: Lectures. Project work in groups.
Course material: The required reading consists of parts of the following textbooks: Twidell, J. and
Gaudiosi, G. “Offshore Wind Power”, Multiscience Publishing, Brentwood, UK,
2009. Moan, T. “Finite Element Modelling and Analysis of Marine Structures”,
September 2003, Dept. of Marine Technology, NTNU. Hansen, M.O.L.
“Aerodynamics of Wind Turbines”, Earthscan, London, 2008. Faltinsen, O.M. “Sea
Loads on Ships and Offshore Structures”, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1990. Næss, A and
Moan, T. “Stochastic Dynamics of Marine Structures”, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2013.
Lecture Notes and presentations.

Learning Objectives: After completing the course, students should:

• understand the basic BEM theory, airfoil theory, and relevant engineering
corrections for aerodynamic load calculation
• understand important wave loads for different types of substructures and how
these are estimated numerically
• understand the objectives and basic concepts of wind turbine control
• be able to set up the equation of motion and explain how it is solved numerical
• be able to explain the different loading sources and their coupled effects on
dynamic responses of bottom-fixed and floating wind turbines, including
interpretation of response spectra
• understand transient load effects from fault situations and their consequences
• be able to explain concepts of high-speed, medium-speed, and low-speed
gearboxes, and which loads are important for these components
• understand the challenges and numerical modelling of marine operations for wind
turbine installation
• be able to explain the challenges in scaling experimental models and some
possible approaches
• understand the concepts of theoretical upscaling and their limitations
• be able to carry out numerical simulations of wind turbines in SIMA and interpret
the results
Norwegian title: Eksperimentelle metoder i marin hydrodynamikk

Teacher: Adjunct Professor Chittiappa Muthanna

Evaluation: Lab reports

Objective: Give knowledge and practical experience with the most common types of experiments
in marine hydrodynamics. Provide a better understanding of important hydrodynamic
phenomena like cavitation and seakeeping through laboratory work. Teach basic
principles of experimental methods. Give knowledge of typical instrumentation and
measurement methods.
Pre-qualifications: Basic knowledge of marine hydrodynamics, similar to TMR4247 Marine Technology
3 – Hydrodynamics is a requirement. Students will get more benefit from the course if
they have a deeper background in hydrodynamics, including courses such as
TMR4217 Sea Loads, TMR4235 Stochastic Theory of Sealoads, and TMR4220 Naval
Course content: Basic instrumentation and measurement principles, measurement using strain gauges,
equipment and methods for data acquisition. Introduction to advanced measurement
techniques like Particle Image Velocimetry. Calibration of measurement sensors.
Techniques for construction of models. Typical model tests and techniques, including
ship resistance, propulsion, propeller open water test, cavitation tests, seakeeping,
experiments with slender structures. Uncertainty analysis. Error sources in
experiments and calculations. Special considerations about full scale measurements.
Lecture form: Lectures and mandatory laboratory exercises performed in groups
Course material: Lecture Note: Steen “Experimental Methods in Marine Hydrodynamics”, IMT 2014
Norwegian title: Numeriske metoder i marin hydrodynamikk

Teacher: Professor Bjørnar Pettersen, Associate Professor Håvard Holm

Evaluation: Reports based on numerical simulation projects

Objective: Get knowledge and experience on modelling aspects and numerical issues relevant for
simulation of potential and viscous flow. Support to TMR 4520 Marine
Hydrodynamics, Specialization Project for those students who choose CFD-related
Pre-qualifications: All compulsatory courses from the Hydrodynamic specialization study, or equivalent.
Course content: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software for potential flow (panel methods)
and viscous flow (Navier-Stokes solvers) used in marine hydrodynamics. Grid
generation methods and visualisation. Analysis of viscous flow around marine
structures. Turbulence.
Learning outcome:
• To know panel methods (potential flow) and their applications.
• To experience the numerically related challenges using panel methods.
• To get to know limitations of panel methods
• To get to know where CFD can be used in the marine industry.
• To get experience with grid generation, boundary conditions and how choice of
parameters fort he
• computational domain and time step influence the results.
• To be able to visualize simulation results and evaluate them against knowledge of
marine hydrodynamics.
• Validation of EFD and CFD
• To write laboratory reports
Lecture form: Lectures and exercises
Course material: Lecture notes. Relevant articles
Norwegian title: Autonome marine systemer

Teacher: Professor Øyvind Smogeli and Asgeir J. Sørensen

Evaluation: Written report in the format of a scientific paper (50%) and oral exam (50%)

Objective: To give insight and knowledge on autonomous marine control systems including
analysis, control system design, testing and assurance. The student shall apply the
theory on a selected marine application in a project assignment and document the
work in a written paper.
Pre-qualifications: TTK4105 Control systems or similar is a prerequisite. In addition, the students shall
have completed one of the following courses TMR4240 Marine control systems;
TMR4275 Modeling, simulation, and analysis of dynamical systems; TMR4290
Marine Electric power and propulsion systems; TTK4190 Guidance and control of
Course content: Introduction to autonomous systems and their relationship to automatic systems,
including motivation for use of autonomy. An overview of control architectures and
methods applied on autonomous ships and marine robotics (surface and underwater
vehicles) will be given. Methods for design and analysis of high-level autonomy using
formal methods such as temporal logics and task-based formulations will be studied.
This includes methods for incorporation of operational risk and system constraints as
input to mission control. Machine learning methods based on Gaussian processes for
planning and re-planning will be introduced. Finally, assurance of autonomous
systems will be addressed using various methods including informal testing and
verification methods based on simulator technology.
Lecture form: Lectures and project.
Course material: Lecture slides, international textbooks and scientific articles.

Learning outcome: After completing the course, students should:

• be able to explain the terminology, taxonomy and main drivers for autonomous
marine systems including autonomous ships and marine robotics (surface and
underwater vehicles).
• be able to formulate risk types and classification of risk levels for autonomous
marine systems.
• be able to design control architectures and formulate control objectives and
methods for supervisory-risk control of autonomous marine systems.
• have a basic understanding of key Machine Learning (ML) methods: supervised
learning, unsupervised learning and reinforcement learning, with relevance for
marine applications.
• have a more comprehensive understanding of one ML method, either supervised
learning, unsupervised learning or reinforcement learning, and apply this on a
project case.
• understand the principles of assurance of autonomous marine systems, including
formal methods (linear temporal logics - LTL, signal temporal logics - STL) and
informal methods (simulators) for design, testing and verification.
• be able to apply ML or supervisory risk control to an autonomous marine system.
• be able to document the project work in the format of a scientific paper.
Norwegian title: Flerfaglig designoptimering

Teacher: Professor Erin Bachynski, Prof. J.R.R.A. Martins (University of Michigan)

Evaluation: Exercises and oral exam

Objective: The purpose of this course is to provide an understanding of the applications,

algorithms, and methods for multidisciplinary design optimization. Analytic problems
and applications to hydrodynamics, structures and other disciplines are explored
through computational assignments.
Pre-qualifications: Previous experience in programming in Python or Matlab, TMA4110 or equivalent.
TMR4190 Finite Element Methods in Structural Analysis and TMR4215 Sea Loads
or equivalent background are also recommended.
Course content: Introduction to design optimization, formulating the problem statement. Single
variable minimization (root finding, line searches). Sensitivity analysis (finite
differences, complex step, algorithmic differentiation). Gradient-based optimization
(optimality, general algorithm for smooth functions, steepest descent, conjugate
gradient, Newton’s method, quasi-Newton methods). Constraints (types, penalty
functions, sequential quadratic programming). Gradient-free optimization (Nelder-
Mead, DIRECT, genetic algorithms, particle swarm). MDO architectures.
Lecture form: Lectures. Exercises (solved in groups or individually)
Course material: Engineering Design Optimization, J.R.R.A. Martins and A. Ning, 2020.

Learning Objectives: After completing the course, students should:

• be able to explain the terminology of multidisciplinary design optimization, and
the classification of optimization problems
• be able to formulate the objective function, design variables, and constraints for
relevant design problems
• understand and be able to implement root-finding methods for single variable
minimization and line search techniques
• understand and be able to implement and interpret results from selected methods
of gradient-based optimization
• be able to formulate and apply nonlinear equality and inequality constraints
• understand and be able to implement finite difference and complex step methods
for derivatives
• understand and be able to implement several different gradient-free optimization
• be able to explain advantages and disadvantages of gradient-based and gradient-
free optimization methods for different types of problems
Norwegian title: Fiskeri og redskapsteknikk

Teacher: Professor Pål Lader, Senior Scientist Manu Sistiaga (Institute of Marine Research).
Evaluation: The grade will be entirely based on the performance at the oral exam.

Objective: To gain knowledge of and insight in fisheries, fishing gear and fisheries technology.
TMR4115 “Design Methods” or equivalent.
Course content: This course gives the students an introduction to fisheries and gear technology. The
lectures cover the most common fishing gear used in Norway and around the world
(Longlines, trawls, gillnets, pots, handlines, purse seines and demersal seins among
others) and explain in detail how these work and their implications for vessel
construction and stability. Through the lectures the student also get insight on state-
of-the-art techniques for fishing gear research, experimental design and data analysis.
The course has also invited guest lecturers from SINTEF and NTNU that provide with
a view on important fishing gear related issues like fisheries management, smart
technologies and occupational health and safety issues in fisheries. Finally, a short
excursion on the research vessel R/V Gunnerus provides
Learning outcome: After the course, the students should be able to:
• Describe the working principles and construction of active fishing gear.
• Describe the working principles and construction of passive fishing gear.
• Identify differences in vessel construction relative to fishing gear.
• Propose a basic experimental design and data collection approach to test trawl
fishing gear.
• Name and describe some of the most common types of fisheries in Norway and
around the world including some of their challenges.
• Understand the functioning and application of acoustic gear used in fisheries.
• Understand how fisheries management works in general and have a basic notion
on HMS challenges in Fisheries and aquaculture.
• Identify the different parts of an experimental trawl and have some basic
knowledge on its operation (Excursion onboard R/V Gunnerus).

Lecture form: Lectures, exercises, field work with R/V “Gunnerus”.

Course materials: L. Karlsen: Fishing gear technology (lecture book), lecture notes.
Norwegian title: Flåtedisponering og forsyningskjeder

Teacher: Adjunct professor Kjetil Fagerholt

Evaluation: Oral examination

Objective: Be able to formulate mathematically some important routing and scheduling problems
in maritime transportation, understand their complexity, and to learn some solution
methods for solving these problems.
Pre-qualifications: Basic knowledge in Operations Research.
Course content: The course introduces basic routing and scheduling problems, such as the Traveling
Salesman Problem and the Vehicle Routing Problem, and shows various applications
for planning of transport and supply chains, as well as for design of transport systems.
The course focuses on mathematically formulating such problems as well as some
simple (heuristic) methods for solving these. Practical applications in maritime
transportation, as well as being able to consider shipping as an integrated part of a
supply chain, are emphasized.
Lecture form: Lectures.
Course material: Course material consists of a compendium, book chapters and scientific papers that
will be announced at start of the course.

Learning outcome: After completing the course the student should be able to:
• Present a taxonomy over different problem categories and specific problem types
in maritime transport with operations research-based formulation and solution
• Formulate mathematically a set of important routing and scheduling problems in
maritime transportation
• Understand the complexity of the problems as a basis for selecting exact or
heuristic solution methods
• Describe the modelling and solution procedure of the solution methods
• Solve the problems by use of a set of solution methods
• Describe the use of the methods in enabling improved design for and use of
maritime transport in multi-modal transport chains
Norwegian title: Bruk av simulering i marin prosjektering

Teacher: Professor Stein Ove Erikstad and Professor Bjørn Egil Asbjørnslett
Evaluation: Oral exam based on a short public presentation of the term project

Objective: Gain both a theoretical insight and a practical understanding on using simulation
models for the design and analysis of ocean engineering systems.
Pre-qualifications: Basic marine system design, basic competence in programming and statistics
Course content: During the course each student, either individually or as part of a group, will develop
a simulation model to be used for the design and analysis of an ocean system. The
development will follow a predefined, stepwise process, accompanied by weekly
lectures introducing new topics along the way.

Prerequisites and tools: The course will use MATLAB/SimEvents combined with Python/Jupyter as a
simulation platform. The student is expected to have basic knowledge of MATLAB.
Other simulation tools (ExtendSim) will be presented and used in lectures.
Lecture form: Lectures, video lectures, seminars and term project.
Course material: Course material will be announced at start of the course.

Learning outcome: After completing the course the student should be able to:
• Plan and document the scope, system boundaries and basic architecture of the
simulation model
• Model a simple process flow with entity generation, queues, sources and sinks
• Model advanced entity handling, with separate flows, time-based and signal-based
generation, static and dynamic entity attributes
• Handle data input and output from spreadsheets and databases, and exporting data
for posts-processing
• Handle map data and mapping tools, including routing, waypoints and map. Use
this to visualize and analyze AIS data. Apply machine learning models on AIS
• Import and adapt metocean data, and derive statistical models of weather and
seastates to be used in the simulation model
• Analyze the simulation output to be used for design and operational decision
support for ships and other ocean systems
• Visualize and present the results from the simulation study
Norwegian title: Anvendt risikoanalyse

Teacher: Professor Stein Haugen

Evaluation: Oral examination

Objective: The objective of the course is to enable students to define basic requirements, main
processes, basic methods and management strategies related to the design, installation
and operation of complex marine systems in order to achieve a major accident risk
level which is As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP).
Pre-qualifications: TMR4260 Safe operation and maintenance or equivalent.
Content: The course shall provide the students with knowledge and understanding of the
hazards that apply to complex marine systems, mainly offshore installations. The
course focuses on experience from accidents and analytical approaches to the
management of these hazards in the design and operations of marine systems. The
main topics are related to structural hazards, stability and buoyancy, in addition to
other hazards that may cause major accidents.
Learning outcomes: After having completed the course, the students shall be able to define basic
requirements, main processes, basic methods and management strategies for the
design, installation and operation of complex marine systems with a major accident
risk level As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP). More specifically this means
that the students shall be able to:
• Describe the major hazards that are relevant for complex marine systems,
mainly offshore installations
• Give an overview of historical developments, important accidents, and lessons
learned from accidents.
• Outline the main causes of major accidents.
• Outline the risk management process needed in order to decide on the
implementation of risk reducing measures.
• Describe the principles for analysis of the various hazards and the main
parameters relevant in the analysis.
• Give an overview of the potential risk reducing measures for each hazard.
• Describe the main authority requirements to robust design and accidental loads
and the use of national and international standards.
• Explain how to interpret major accident risk results, the regulatory
requirements to risk assessment and the internal control challenges.
• Describe the basic requirements to barrier management and how they apply to
marine hazards.

Lecture form: Lectures and project work

Course material: J. E. Vinnem: Offshore Risk Assessment, Principles, Modelling and Applications of
QRA Studies, 4th Edition, Springer, 2020, Volume I & II.
Norwegian title: Marin mekatronikk

Teacher: Associate Professor Amir Nejad

Evaluation: Oral examination

Objective: The objective is to provide an introduction to advanced dynamic analysis of machines

and mechanisms as well as understanding the fundamentals of automation. The course
includes multi-body (MBS) dynamic analysis and modelling, and hydraulic design
and automation.
Pre-qualification: Basic introduction to engineering dynamics and control.
Course content: Kinematics, kinetics and multi-body dynamics: relative motion, rigid body motion,
flexible body, equation of motion. We will try to answer: How to develop
mechanical/structural/electrical/control elements in MBS? How to build flexible
components/bodies? How to model special elements: bearing, gears, motors,
generator, actuators? How to model environmental loading wind/ wave? How to co-
simulate with other tools? How to measure load effects: position, velocity,
acceleration, forces in given points? How to verify an MBS model? What are the
methods for MBS model verification? How to design hydraulic system components,
control elements, actuators, logic circuit, automation with use of sensors and control
logic and how to size hydraulic components.
Learning outcome: After completing the course the student should be able to:
• Build multi-body dynamic models (rigid, flexible)
• Simulate coupled and de-coupled dynamic analysis by means of MBS (e.g.
• Model environmental loadings (wind / wave)
• Model mechanical/structural/electrical/control elements
• Post-process the load effects (position, velocity, acceleration, forces)
• Design hydraulic systems and components for marine applications
Lecture form: Lectures, modelling exercises through short project work.
Course material: Ginsberg J. H., Advanced Engineering Dynamics, 2nd ed., lecture notes, Power
Hydraulics M. Pinches and J. Ashby, Motion control in offshore dredging P. Albers
Norwegian title: Hybride kraftsystemer og regulering

Teacher: Associate Professor Mehdi Zadeh

Evaluation: Project and oral exam

Objective: To provide the knowledge and practical insight about the hybrid power systems,
electric propulsion and relevant control systems which are of importance for the
design and development of sustainable marine power systems with the main
application area in low- and zero-emission and autonomous marine transport.
The course covers the concepts related to the design, operation and applications of
marine hybrid systems including different system configurations, power system
architecture, control layers, dynamic modeling and simulation, energy storage systems
such as batteries, hydrogen propulsion and emission reduction. Advanced topics will
also be considered such as the economic viability of hybrid power systems,
electrification and digitalization, and the application of modern power systems for
zero-emission and autonomous shipping.
In addition, the students will be introduced to research work in a multi-disciplinary
field where different subject areas are involved from Marine Technology to Electrical
Power Technology and Control.
Learning outcome: As the learning outcome, the students should be able to:
• understand the principle, typical structure, main elements, and different topologies
of hybrid electric power systems for ship propulsion and their application areas.
• understand low-level and high-level controllers, automatic functioning of power
management system (PMS/EMS) for the hybrid power systems and batteries,
know how to design and optimize the control system for reliable operation and
further fuel saving.
• explain the main functions of energy storage systems and how to make a basic
design based on the ship load profile.
• compare different topologies, such as AC- and DC-grid, their applications for
marine vessels, and suggest relevant controllers.
• know how to use computer-based methods for modeling and simulation of hybrid
power systems and controllers.
• understand analytical approaches for the design and of battery and hybrid power
systems for ships.
• write a clear and structured project report with literature review, methodology,
presentation of results, analysis and conclusions.
Pre-qualifications: Basic knowledge of marine power systems, and similar to TMR4335 or TMR4290-
Marine Electric and Hybrid Power and Propulsion Systems would be preferred.
Course content: Principle of hybrid power systems and electric propulsion; overview of control
systems and power and energy management: typical topologies and functions;
practical control optimization; overview of marine batteries and fuel cells; analytical
modeling and simulation; application of digital twin in ship power and propulsion;
emission reduction and green shipping; basic design and feasibility study of hybrid
Lecture form: Lectures, project work and seminars.
Course material: The reading material includes parts of the following textbooks: M.R. Patel,
“Shipboard Propulsion, Power Electronics, and Ocean Energy”, CRC Press, 2012;
M.R. Patel, “Shipboard electrical power systems”, CRC Press, 2011;
Lecture notes; relevant articles will be given during the lectures.
Norwegian title: Hybrid systemteori for marine applikasjoner

Teacher: Associate professor Astrid H. Brodtkorb

Evaluation: Term paper and oral exam

Objective: To give insight and knowledge on mathematical modelling of hybrid systems, to

apply the theory on a selected marine application in a project, and to document the
work in a term paper.
Pre-qualifications: Background in linear systems theory through TTK4115 Linear systems, TMR4240
Marine control systems or similar. Background in nonlinear systems theory through
TTK4150 Nonlinear systems, TMR4243 Marine control systems 2 or similar.
Course description: An introduction to mathematical modelling of hybrid control systems for ships,
underwater vehicles and marine structures, with focus on process insight and physical
Learning outcome: The students should be able to:
- Discuss the components of a hybrid systems model, the notation, solutions,
switching systems, methods for limiting switching, robustness and stability analysis
(Lyapunov’s method)
- Formulate a mathematical model of a hybrid marine system using hybrid systems
theory, discuss modelling choices and simplifications, and set up a stability analysis
of the system.
Lecture form: Lectures, student presentations and group work
Course material: Lecture notes, videos and scientific articles.
Norwegian title: Avanserte metoder i risikoanalyse

Teacher: Prof. Ingrid B. Utne

Evaluation: Oral exam
Objective: The purpose of the module is to learn theory related to risk analysis, and utilize
selected methods for risk modelling on systems and hazards, relevant (if possible) for
the students’ project and master theses.
Pre-qualifications: TMR4335. TMR4130, TPK5160, and TMR4260 are recommended, but not a
Course content: The course covers risk analysis, risk modelling, ESD, ETA, FTA, BBN, HCL.
Lecture form: Lectures, self-study and assignments.
Course material: Lecture notes and book chapters/articles. See Blackboard for more details

Status: Will not be lectured fall 2021.

Norwegian title:

Teacher: Thomas Sauder, Associate Professor

Evaluation: Oral exam and voluntary assignments (20% grade / assignment).
Objective: The purpose of this course is to provide an understanding of cyber-physical testing,
also known as "hybrid testing". Fundamental aspects will be reviewed, and selected
applications in marine technology (and beyond) will be presented:
• Model testing of offshore wind turbines,
• Estimation of nonlinear wave loads,
• Digital assurance of cyber-physical systems such as autonomous ships,
• Testing of ships' power management systems,
Pre-qualifications: Multidisciplinary course welcoming students with background in Marine
Hydrodynamics/Marine Structures, and interest for Marine Cybernetics; and vice-
Course content: The course will alternate sessions on 1) methods used in cyber-physical testing, and 2)
applications of cyber-physical testing as listed above. The former point includes
• general concepts and terminology of cyber-physical testing,
• hardware components, such as instrumentation, cable-driven parallel robots
• software components such as observers, predictors, numerical integrators,
numerical substructures (incl. neural networks), allocation and control methods
for CDPR
• basic stability and fidelity analyses.
Learning Objectives: After completing the course, students should be able to:
• Understand limitations of theoretical and classical empirical methods for selected
applications in marine technology, and explain how cyber-physical testing
alleviates some of these limitations,
• Explain the main concepts in cyber-physical testing, and instantiate them for
various applications in marine technology.
• Have a good understanding of the various software and hardware components
used in cyber-physical hydrodynamic model testing (observers, predictors, etc…)
• Describe the functioning of cable-driven parallel robots, including allocation,
control and optimal actuator placement.
• Understand the concept of artefacts in cyber-physical tests, perform a basic
stability analysis, and understand the principles behind a fidelity analysis
Lecture form: Lectures. Guest lectures. Computational exercises based on Matlab/Simulink.
Course material: Lecture notes and scientific publications.

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