A1.contemporary Arts Handout Weeks 1 2 1

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Core Subject Description:

The subject covers various contemporary arts practices of the

region where the school is located. It aims to provide students with an
appreciation of a broad range of styles in the various disciplines with
consideration of their elements and principle, and engage them to an
integrative approach in studying arts. Through this subject, students will
broaden and acquire the necessary creative tools that open opportunities
in pursuing their individual career goals and aspirations.

WEEKS: 1 - 2

CONTENT: Contemporary Arts in the Philippines

CONTENT STANDARD: Understanding of the significant roles of artists from the regions.

PERFORMANCE STANDARD: Researches on various art forms, techniques and performance


Written Works Performance Task Quarterly Assessment
25% 45% 30%

This handout will be delivered in your respective barangay every Monday.

Answers of the exercises/activities will be written in a separate sheet and will be

submitted every Friday.

Quarterly Assessment will be given separately on a specified date.



o Describe the various art forms.

o Classify various art forms in the Philippines.
o Appreciate the art forms famous in different regions.


o comes from the word “AR” where the Greek word Artiziein means “to prepare”
o It is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form
such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or
emotional power.
o It is in its broadest sense, is a form of communication. It means whatever the artist intends it to
mean, and this meaning is shaped by the materials, techniques, and forms it makes use of, as
well as the ideas and feelings it creates in its viewers.
o It is an act of expressing feelings, thoughts, and observations.
o It is a diverse range of human activities in creating visual, auditory or performing artifacts
(artworks), expressing the author's imaginative, conceptual ideas, or technical skill, intended to
be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.

Looking Back at Philippine Art

Philippines refer to the various forms of the arts that have developed and accumulated in
the Philippines from the beginning of civilization in the country up to the present era. They reflect the
range of artistic influences on the country's culture, including indigenous forms of the arts, and how these
influences have honed the country's arts. These arts are divided into two distinct branches, namely,
traditional arts and non-traditional arts. Each branch is further divided into various categories with
Arts in the Philippines refer to the various forms of the arts that have developed and
accumulated in the Philippines from the beginning of civilization in the country up to the present era. They
reflect the range of artistic influences on the country's culture, including indigenous forms of the arts, and
how these influences have honed the country's arts. These arts are divided into two distinct branches,
namely, traditional arts[1] and non-traditional arts. Each branch is further divided into various categories
with subcategories.


Ethnic Art Integral to life

Spanish Period Faith and Catechism

American Era Secular Form of Art

Japanese Era Orientalizing

Modern National Identity

Contemporary Social Realism


Literary Arts
o It is an integrative discipline of literary appreciation and creative writing. They will learn the
conventions, form and techniques of each forms apply them in creating their original written
works. May refer to creative writing or literature, poetry, drama, short stories,

1. Performing Arts
o Forms or creative activity that are performed in front of the audience.
o Performing Arts are form of art in which artist use their voices or bodies. Often in relation to
other objects, to convey artistic expression. It is different from visual arts, which is when artist

use paint. canvas or various materials to create physical or static art object, performing arts
includes several disciplines, each performed in front of a live audience.

2. Visual Arts
o Arts created primarily for visual perception, as drawing, graphics, painting, sculpture, printmaking,
design, crafts photography, video, film making and architecture. Many artistic disciplines
(performing arts), conceptual arts, textile arts) involve the artist of the visual arts as well as the
arts of other types.

3. Applied Arts
o The applied arts are the application of design and decoration to everyday objects to make them to
make them aesthetically pleasing. The fields of industrial designs graphic design, fashion design,
interior design and decorative arts are considered applied arts in a creative and abstract context,
the fields of architecture and photography are also considered applied arts.


A. Painting and Sculpture
o Artistic paintings were introduced to the Filipinos in the 16th century when the Spaniards arrived
in the Philippines. The use of watercolor paintings increased and the subject matter of paintings
began to include landscapes, Filipino inhabitants, Philippine fashion, and government officials.
Portrait paintings featured the painter themselves, Filipino jewelry, and native furniture. The
subject of landscape paintings featured artists' names painted ornately as well as day-to-day
seems of average Filipinos partaking in their daily tasks. These paintings were done on canvas,
wood, and a variety of metals. (“Art of the Philippines,” 2016) The first art was established by
Damian Domingo in 1820.

B. Weaving
o Philippine weaving involves many threads being measured, cut and mounted on a wooden
platform. The threads are dyed and weaved on a loom (“Art of the Philippines,” 2016). Weaved
using fibers from abaca, pineapple, hats were weaved. Baskets were also weaved and used as
vessels of transport and storage, and for hunting. . They also used weaving to make just about
all of the clothing that was worn. (“Art of the Philippines,” 2016).

C. Architecture

o The basic forms of architecture in the Philippines before the Spanish came was governed by the
building’s functional uses as shelter and by the materials available. Bahay Kubo, or nipa hut-
architectural form made of impermanent materials, has a style that has lasted through the years.
Spanish. Churches, forts, and some government buildings and plazas remain as historical spot
and fine examples of architecture.

D. Archeology
o The Calatagan excavations alone represent a milestone in the history of Philippine archeology,
other parts of the country have yielded as many treasures and well-preserved artifacts, like iron
tools and household articles. Ceramic vessels of Kalinga are divided into three types: rice cooking
(ittoyom), vegetable/meat cooking (oppaya), and water storage (immosso) pots.

F. Music
o Rondalla A type of contemporary music that relates to the tribal music with its stringed
instruments, and to Western music as well.
o Great Philippine Classics is a collection of Philippine classical music published by the National

G. Literature and Theater

o Philippine literature includes the legends of prehistory and the colonial legacy of the Philippines.
Literature and Theater. Pre-Hispanic Philippine literature were actually epics passed on from
generation to generation originally through oral tradition.
o Darangen, epic of the Maranaos of Lake Lanao. Most of the epics were known during the Spanish
o Florante at Laura - a metrical romance was written by Francisco Balagtas who earned the title
Prince of Philippine poets.
o On 1863, the Spanish government introduced a system of free public education that increased
the population's ability to read Spanish and thereby furthered the rise of an educated class called
the llustrado (meaning, well-informed). Spanish became the social language of urban places and
the true lingua franca of the archipelago. A good number of Spanish newspapers were:

o La Esperanza, the first daily newspaper was published in the country on December 1,
o La Estrella (1847),
o Diario de Manila (1848)
o Boletin Oficial de Filipinas (1852)
o Noli Me Tangere El Filibusterismo- José Rizal two famous novels in Spanish:
("Philippine Literature," 2016)
o Tanaga - Short poems consisting of four lines with seven syllables each that rhyme at the
end of each line.
o Ladino Poems— Were natives of first Tagalog versifiers who saw print: highly literate in
both Spanish and the vernacular.
o Corridos — Were widely read during the Spanish period that filled the populace's need
for entertainment as well as edifying reading matter in their leisure moments.
o Awit— like corridos, these were also widely read during the Spanish period as entertaining

H. Dramas
o Moriones —island of Marinduque, it is down during Holy Week, culminating in a Passion play that
adds the scene of Saint Longinus' conversion and martyrdom.
o Senakulo — Essentially a Passion play, which depicts the passion and death of Jesus Christ. It is
customarily performed during Holy Week, and bears similarities to Mystery plays popular in
medieval Europe.
o Karagatan — comes from the legendary practice of testing the mettle of young men vying for a
maiden’s hand. The maidens ring would be dropped into the sea and whoever retrieves it would
have the girls’ hand in marriage (“Philippine Literature”, 2016).

I. Dance
o There are many different types of Filipino dances varying in influence and region. Types of Filipino
dance include Cordillera; Muslim, tribal, rural, and Spanish style dances Art of the Philippines,"

1. The Banga dance illustrates the grace and strength of women in the Kalinga tribe. Women performing
the Banga balance heavy pots on their heads while dancing to the beat of wind chimes.
2. Lumagen or Tachok, is performed to celebrate happy occasions performed to symbolize flying birds
and is musically-paired to the beat of gongs.
3. Art in the Past
o Darangen - meaning literally “to narrate in song” is an ancient epic song that encompasses a
wealth of knowledge encodes customary law, standards of social and ethical behavior, notions of
aesthetic beauty, and social values of the Maranao people who live in the Lake Lanao region of
o Spoliarium – is a Latin word referring to the basement of the Roman Colosseum where the fallen
and dying gladiators are dumped and, devoid of their worldly possessions. The painting of Juan
Luna’s spoliarium features a glimpse of Roman history centered on the bloody carnage brought
by gladiatorial matches.
4. Philippine Museums
o The National Museum of the Philippines (Pambansang Museo ng Pilipinas). Museum has
been the regulatory and enforcement agency of the National Government in the. Restoring and
safeguarding of important guttural properties, sites, and reservations throughout the Philippines.

5. Significant Contemporary Visual arts from The Region

o Tribal Costumes of B'laan, Kalinga, T'boli, and Bagobo

o The B'laans — are one of the indigenous peoples of Southern Mindanao in The Philippines. They
are famous for their brassworks, beadwork, and t'nalak weave.
o The Kalinga — means enemy, a name that the bordering inhabitants called this tribe because of
headhunting attacks. They are called the "peacocks of the north" because of their attention
appearance' and dressing.

o T'boli distinguish themselves from other Tribal Groups by their colorful cl bracelets, and earrings,
this tribe is famous for their complicated beadwork, wonderful fabrics, and beautiful brass
o Bagobo are proud people with proto-Malayan features. They have ornate trading weaponry and
other metal arts. These people also weave-abacca cloths that are trimmed with beads, fibers, and
horse's hair.
o Pagbuburda or Philippine Embroidery is an art of decorating textiles which was brought to the
Philippines by the Spaniards. Needlework was considered an important accomplishment for
woman and was part of the curriculum and girls' schools throughout Spanish times.

6. Philippine Music Scene

o Lagi Kitang Mamahalin: A Musical Tribute to the National Artists presented by the Cultural Center
of the Philippines is such a theatrical halo-halo treat.
o Maestro Josefino“Chino”- Toledo conducted the Philippines Philharmonic Orchestra in an
account of Pedro’s Jubilate, after which the excitement in the hall mounted with the entrance of
Regine Velasquez.
7. Traditional Folk Dances of the Philippines
o The Philippines has many popular folk dances which have evolved and changed as they have
been passed down from generation to generation.
o Surigao Itik-itik is a mimetic folk dance in The Philippines. 'It originated in the province of Surigao
in Mindanao. In Itikitik—from the Tagalog word for "duck" — the dance steps imitate the
movements of duck among rice paddies and swamplands, such as wading, flying, and short,
choppy steps, as well as the way it splashes water on its back to attract a mate.
o Sayaw sa Bangko or Sayaw ed Tapew na Bangko (dance on top of a bench), is a dance which
originates from Pangasinan. Performers dance on top of a narrow bench that is normally six
inches wide, inching and hopping from one end to another. Dancers need good balance as they
go through a series of movements that include some impressive acrobatics. Dancer show skill in
staying up the bench as they exchange places by moving their way around or the girl thrown in
the air while boy moves to the other end. They do not compete but rather complement each other
so that no one falls. This dance traces its roots back to the areas of Pangapisan, Lingayen,
Pangasinan. It is usually performed during town fiestas. from Pangasinan.
o The Binasuan from Pangasinan. Dancers carefully balance three half-filled glasses of rice wine
on their heads and hands as they gracefully spin and roll on the ground. The arms are rotated
over and under the shoulder in order to keep the palms facing up so as not to spill the liquid.
o Binan, Laguna -The Maglalatik also known as Magbabao is a mock-war dance that depicts a
fight over coconut meat, a highly prized food. Coconut shell halves are secured onto the dancers'
hands and on vests upon which are hung four or six more coconut shell halves. The dancers—all
male—perform the dance by hitting one coconut shell with the other—sometimes the ones the
hands, sometimes, the ones on the body, and sometimes the shells worn by another performer,
all in time to a fast drumbeat. The dance is broken into four parts: two devoted to the battle and
two devoted to reconciling. The men of the dance wear coconut shells as part of their costumes,
and they slap them in rhythm with the music. The name of the dance comes from the Filipino word
"Latik,"which means "fried coconut milk curd," a coconut product that is used in Filipino cooking,
particularly in snacks.

Visayas Regions
o The Spanish-influenced Kuratsa or Curacha is described as a dance of courtship and is often
performed at weddings and other social occasions. The dance has three parts. The couple first
performs a waltz. In the second part, the music sets a faster pace as the man pursues the woman
around the dance floor in a chase. To finish, the music becomes even faster as the man wins over
the woman with his mating dance.

Activity 1.

Write the form of art mentioned. Name the place famous for the given art

Arts Form Art Forms Places

1. Awit Pottery
2. Maglalatik Darangen
3. Bahay Kubo T’nalak
4. Binasuan Philippine embroidery
5. Calatagan excavation Ceramic Vessel

Activity 2.
Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.
__________ 1. It is a Latin word referring to the basement of the Roman Colosseum where the
fallen and dying gladiators painting by Juan Luna .
__________ 2. Film won the Golden Pyramid at the 1995 Cairo International Film Festival.
__________ 3. Movie starring Vice Ganda’s P332M in the box office and became the highest
grossing local film.
__________ 4. It is metrical romance was written by Francisco Balagtas who earned the title
Prince of Philippine poets
__________ 5. It is a Musical Tribute to the National Artists presented by the Cultural Center of
the Philippines.
Activity 3
Explore and Evaluate.
1. Choose at least 5 of the various forms of nearby places. Explain the role of the art forms
in the process of development.

2. Point out progress of these art forms. What is its implication?

( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arts_in_the_Philippines)
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