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Land Forces Academy Review

Vol. XXIII, No 4(92), 2018

Joint Logistics Command, Braşov, Romania

“Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, Romania

Permanent communication between bidders and consumers, who are usually
spatially and temporarily separated, is a necessity, because prompt and correct
information stimulates demand, directs it towards certain products and influences
rational consumption, causes changes in the mentalities and attitudes of potential
buyers, which will be reflected in the increase in the volume of sold goods and
implicitely of the profit, as the sole purpose of the producer. The marketing
communication system is the general framework in which promotion takes the form
of the promotional mix, based on the four promotional tools: advertising, personal
sales, promotion sales and public relations, aimed at presenting the organization, its
products and services, at raising awareness of potential customers, and of course, at
increasing sales to get more profit.

KEYWORDS: promotion, communication, organization, marketing strategy

1. Introduction whether to communicate or not, and how

Communication is at the center of much to spend for communication.
everything the organization does and is The main communication activity of
present in all its activities. In a broad sense, the company is the promotional mix – the
communication targets all the variables of marketing communications program –
the marketing mix together with all the which consists of the “specific combination
business activities (Delozier, 1976, p. 32). of advertising tools, personal sales, sales
In a narrow sense, marketing promotion and public relations used to
communication is considered to be a fulfill its marketing and advertising
promotional activity related to personal and objectives”. Nowadays, when both the
mass sale, which includes publicity, complexity of the offers and of the bidders,
advertisements, and sales promotion as well as the volume and the structure of
(McCarthy & Perreault, 1994, p. 13). the need grow at an alert pace, it is very
For Ph. Kotler, the effective important for the producer to communicate
communication of the organization depends to potential customers the necessary data so
on how it solves the following issues: that they know on the one hand the benefits
DOI: 10.2478/raft-2018-0033
© 2017. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 3.0 License.

the producers offer and, on the other hand, The essential features of promotion are:
to receive their reactions, which are sources ‒ the direct, immediate, concrete
of information for future reference. character;
As a form of communication used to ‒ the presence of an advantage,
inform, convince or remind the public about addition, supplement, etc;
the goods, services, image, and community ‒ the ephemeral character;
involvement of a person or organization, ‒ the exceptional and unusual character;
promotion often has a decisive role in ‒ its connection with a defined product;
achieving the set goals. Traditionally, the ‒ its origin (manufacturer, distributor,
promotion was aimed at attracting new professional organization) and its
customers. Nowadsays it is equally various targets (consumers);
important, if not even more important, to ‒ its link to the marketing mix as a
remind customers of the benefits of the sold whole.
products as compared to those of the The essence of these attributes can be
competitors and to convince them of this. traced back to Y. Castagnol’s work, which
Therefore, modern promotion will stimulate, defines promotion as “a marketing practice
develop and direct the needs of consumers. consisting of the temporary addition of
Today, nobody questions the need of value to the product or service, which gives
promoting products, a fact reflected in the a specific advantage to the buyers targeted
structure of the marketing mix, whose most by a precise and measurable objective”
important variable is promotion is (one of (Castagnol, p. 1972).
the four classical elements). The more In modern terms, promotion is a
flexible and innovative the promotional
complex concept because:
activity, the greater its impact on a market
‒ it is a form of communication that
saturated with advertising.
focuses on the promotional mix with
Hence, in a broad sense, promotion is
a wider sphere than advertising;
synonymous with “business dynamics” and
‒ it aims at an immediate and direct
designates all research that can drive sales
change of demand (acceleration,
growth. The Anglo-Saxon term “promotion”
growth, regulation);
designates the broad meaning of promotion,
which is one of the four components of the ‒ it targets an immediate change in the
marketing mix (“product”, “price”, “place”, behavior of the client, distributor, etc.;
“promotion”). ‒ it seeks a positive and temporary
change in consumer supply, terms of
2. Promotion – Means of Informing intervention, distributors, etc;
and Attracting Potential Customers ‒ the effect of promotion is direct, when
In a narrow sense, promotion is the it addresses directly to consumers and
expression of the specific techniques whose indirectly to intermediaries.
common characters are presented below If we take into account the way
and which distinguish it from advertising. promotions are conducted, we distinguish:
Promotion is considered the set of ‒ promotional actions performed through
marketing techniques or practices, marketing the media (e.g. advertising);
action, form of communication, aiming at ‒ promotional actions at the point of sale
overcoming a sales level by capturing the (e.g. direct promotion).
attention and by attracting potential buyers, Furthermore, if we consider the
through points of sale, information, belief, initator of promotional activities, we can
training and maintaining a customer distinguish:
interested in the product and the ‒ active promotion – when the
manufacturing company. manufacturer is the one who assumes

the responsibility for promotion, which There are two types of promotional
they directly exert on final consumers, strategies:
in order to create and stimulate the ‒ the push strategy – aims at passing the
preference for their products; product through distribution channels,
‒ passive promotion – when the forcing the dealer to find solutions to
distributor, the intermediary takes sell the product faster. It is mainly used
responsibility for the methods and for industrial goods, with the
techniques that they use for promotion. promotional effort especially supported
The role of promotion lies in the by the distributor, towards which the
complex content of the concept of manufacturer pushes their goods.
promotion, which reveals the fact that the The producer uses predominantly
general aim is to influence the behavior of personal sales and commercial
people so as to increase the volume of sales promotion, while the intermediary
of the goods of the respective producer. employs advertising, sales promotion,
That is why promotion carries out a series personal sale.
of economic and social functions that ‒ the attraction strategy – directly targets
highlight its usefulness, such as: the end consumer who needs to be
‒ providing information to both the attracted, causing them to make the
buyer and the seller; purchase. It is used predominantly for
‒ neutralizing unfavorable information consumer goods, for which advertising
that spreads mainly through rumors; is widely used. If the product is sold,
‒ stimulating demand, which is the consumers will demand the product
immediate direct goal; through the distribution channel, who
‒ mitigating demand fluctuations, will ask the manufacturer, and in this
especially for seasonal products; way consumer demand attracts the
‒ product differentiation, especially of product to the distribution channels.
‒ recalling the benefits of products to 3. The Promotional Mix
loyal consumers; The promotional mix is represented
‒ counteracting competitors; by the combination of the methods and
‒ influencing decision-makers at techniques used in the promotion and
government level; coordination of activities in order to achieve
‒ influencing public behavior; the proposed marketing objectives, in
‒ forming an image; conditions of great efficiency.
‒ justifying the prices of goods and E. Hill and T. O’Sullivan structure
services; these promotional activities in the form of a
‒ raising public awareness of new pyramid based on public relations, with
products and services created. personal sales at the top. There is a close
The manager is able to define the interdependence between the two within the
promotional goals each time and to promotional strategy.
determine the promotional techniques that
will be used to achieve the proposed goals. 3.1. Promotion Sales
Achieving the established goals can Promotion sales are intended to
only be done if an appropriate strategy in increase the speed or volume of sales, with
the promotional field is developed in the a faster and stronger reaction from
context of the marketing strategy. consumers because:
‒ it captures the consumer’s attention
with clear and precise information;

‒ it generates interest and emotions, Only a part of public relations is
providing convincing elements; directly related to sales that generate
‒ it allows access to the market for advertising and are reflected in: press
products for which other forms of relations, company communications, support
promotion (e.g. cigarettes) are not for noble causes, sponsorships, public
allowed. services.
Promotion sales have gained a lot of
momentum lately also due to their 3.3. Personal Sales
advantages – attracting customers by As part of the marketing mix, many
offering something, maintaining loyalty, businesses attach a leading role to the
creating interest, attracting intermediaries, salesperson through which the personal sale
short-term effectiveness, flexibility. is carried out, which is based on direct
Promotion sales also have some interpersonal communication and enables
inconveniences – their effects are direct feed-back.
temporary, continuity sometimes lacks. Personal sales offer specific
The choice of promotion sales tools is motivations which the other elements of the
of great importance, all the more so as their marketing mix cannot offer specifically. It is
range has been greatly diversified. The complementary to advertising, but its relative
most commonly used are: test samples, importance depends on the nature of the
promotional gifts, fidelity prizes, contests, product and the behavior of the consumer.
games, raffle games, lotteries, low price Generally, personal sales are the most
offers, coupons, etc. expensive method of contacting the
The marketing specialist is the one potential customer, but it leads to a large
who will conceive the whole action, number of customers because salespeople
developing a program that will allow interact face to face with the potential
correlation between the use of the most customers, forwarding them useful
efficient tools in time and space. information. Customers can see the product,
try it and find its advantages directly.
3.2. Public Relations Support, i.e. support for sales force,
Public relations represent a set of overlaps with human resources management
activities used to create, maintain, and and aims at: recruiting, preparing,
influence a favorable activity for the remunerating, motivating and evaluating the
organization. According to the UK Institute activity of commercial agents.
of Public Relation, they are “a deliberate, Personal sales are the promotional
planned and sustained effort to establish form that can be best quantified using
and maintain a mutual understanding statistical data.
between the organization and its public”
(Hill & O’Sullivan, 1998). 3.4. Publicity
This form of promotion is informative, As the main form of promotion, both
and is actually a personalized tailored quantitatively and qualitatively – through the
communication with a unique and credible impact achieved – publicity continues to be
message. It carries information through: confused with communication, promotion or
spokespersons, press conferences, advertising advertising. Publicity is that form of
materials, special events associated with promotion represented by a complex of
sponsorship involvement, donations. activities designed to make products or
The disadvantages of using public services known or appreciated by consumers/
relations are that the life of the message is users, or to form favorable attitudes towards
limited, and they are not controllable. an idea, action, theory, etc.

Briefly, the American Marketing ‒ reducing buyers fears;
Association (AMA) defines advertising as ‒ creating the company image.
“any non-personal paid form for the ● persuasion objectives, directed at:
presentation and promotion of ideas, goods ‒ attracting consumers’ preferences
and services by an identified sponsor”. towards a brand;
Consequently, advertising is exclusively ‒ encouraging their orientation;
commercial, representing a commercial ‒ changing the way the attributes of the
transaction, and the publicity message, products are perceived;
whether visual, verbal or written, is directed to ‒ convicing purchase;
the general public rather than to an individual. ‒ convincing to accept a commercial visit.
Unlike advertising, publicity is ● reminder objectives, targeted at:
widely known, changes the image of the ‒ recalling a future need;
brand, is abstract, but aims to make the ‒ reminding of the place of purchase;
product desirable, attracting the consumer. ‒ keeping the product in the attention of
Therefore, advertising is just a the buyers;
component of promotion and ‒ maintainig the buyer well-informed
communication, with a narrower sphere. about the product.
Adverstisements are only a Publicity formulas can be applied by
component of pubicity, no doubt the most means of specific tools, that have become
important in all aspects (quantitative, techniques and means of advertising, with a
qualitative and structural), but it is not the wide diversity, the most frequent being:
only one. advertisements, posters, catalogs, packaging,
As a result, publicity has a broader press, radio, television, cinema, exhibitions,
scope, alongside advertising, and includes fairs, etc.
free advertising that is delivered through the The means by which paid and
dissemination of information that increases impersonal communication is made to
attract attention to a product or service to
consumer confidence in the product as
influence buyers for buying and using it is
wella as the prestige of the company
called advertising.
through: conferences, articles, reports,
It is the main form of paid publicity, a
posters, etc.
classic method of promoting products,
Several Anglo-Saxon or Latin terms
which takes the form of a “message paid by
are used in the marketing literature. Thus,
a sponsor, in most cases mediated by means
we associate with those who differentiate
of mass communication and has the
between publicity and advertising, because
function of convincing a certain audience”
these distinctions can be made and operated
(Moldoveanu & Miron, 1995, p. 17).
The ad has the immediate goal of
There are several objectives of
attracting attention, determining and
advertising and, depending on their triggering the purchase decision as quickly
purpose, they can be systematized in: as possible and changing customer
● information objectives – aimed at: attitudes.
‒ informing the market about the It has several functions, the most
existence of a new product; important being:
‒ suggesting new uses of the product; ‒ raising awarenss about the existence
‒ communicating the price change; of the product;
‒ explaining the functionality of the ‒ disseminating credible information
product; about the product or service in
‒ describing the available services; question;
‒ correcting false impressions;

‒ waking up interest in a product; for which it is used, depends largely on its
‒ influencing consumer preferences to message and its channels of transmission.
achieve their loyalty; The effectiveness of advertising
‒ stimulating purchase decision. depends on the extent to which the
The ad is used on a very large scale commercial attracts and retains attention,
because it has proven its usefulness since can be memorized, is persuasive, surprises
launching a new product – when the by its content and form, captures through
familiarizing instrument was built, with the utility or solutions offered, etc.
aim of sensitizing and stimulating curiosity Experience has shown that running
and desire, so that the consumer’s attention advertising campaigns in which the
be maintained through loyalty, sympathy advertisement occupies the central spot
and finally repositioning the product image, leads to better results.
moving to other qualities, improving the
product, etc. 4. Conclusions
Several types of advertising are used, The marketing communications system
their classification being based on a number is the general framework for promotion,
of criteria. The most important criteria are: aiming to present the organization, its
● the information channels and products and services, to raise awareness of
technical means of realization that potential customers and, of course, to increase
distinguish advertising: graphics – by sales to obtain a higher profit.
printing; by light effects; live rado – Promotion is one of the action areas of
radio; combined – television, cinema; marketing, being expressed through a set of
by displaying products – showcases, activities and means of informing and
exhibitions; through services and attracting potential buyers to points of sale in
bonuses offered to the buyer; order to meet their needs and desires and,
● the receptor sensory organ – implicitly, to increase the economic efficiency
differentiates advertisements: visual – of the activity of the producing entity.
newspapers, catalogs, prospectuses, As a form of communication used to
calendars, parades, demonstrations, inform, convince or remind the public of
fairs, exhibitions, panels, packaging; the goods, services, image, community
auditory – radio; audiovisual – involvement of a person or organization,
televisions, movies; promotion often has a decisive role in
● the geographical area – differentiates achieving the established marketing
between: local, regional, national, objectives.
global; The four components of the
● the sponsor – differentiates the ad promotional mix: advertising, personal
sponsored by: manufacturer, sales, promotion sales, and public relations
intermediary, other agents. are used by organizations according to their
The advertisers are also of great specific situation. It is not necessary to use
diversity, according to: the nature of the all components simultaneously, but a
products, the receiver and their degree of combination of those tools that bring great
culture, etc. The most commonly used benefits at low costs is advisable.
advertisers are: shops, exhibitions, fairs, Even though many variants of the
buildings, constructions, means of transport, promotional mix appear in practice, in fact,
sports halls, stadiums, newspapers, all promotion methods and techniques are
magazines, radio, television, cinema, etc. grouped into four categories: advertising,
The quality of advertising, materialized sales promotion, public relations, and
in the degree of fulfillment of the objectives personal sales.


Castagnol, Y. (1972). Selling promotion principles and practices. Delmas et Cie

Publishing House.
Delozier, M. W. (1976). The Marketing Communications Process. New York: Met-Raw-
Hill Book Company.
Hill, E., & O'Sullivan, T. (1998). Marketing. Bucharest: Antet Publishing House.
McCarthy, E.J., & Perreault jr, W.D. (1994). Basic Marketing. Irwin.
Moldoveanu, M., & Miron, D. (1995) Advertising Psychology. Bucharest: Libra
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