6 - 6 - 21 IELTSUp Sample Diagram

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The diagram explains the way in which steel rods are produced for the furniture industry.


The diagram shows the process of metal rods production for the furniture industry.

Unlike line graphs, pie charts and bar charts, diagrams have no general trends or key changes to
identify. So, in the overview paragraph you need to write:

1. how the process begins and ends

2. the number of stages

If the diagram has loops or repeating stages, or your process is cyclic - write that in your overview

Here is a good way to write a general overview:

Overall, the process consists of eleven stages, beginning with the raw material and ending up with
the product’s inspection.
First of all, iron ore, yellow ore and carbon are collected to serve as a raw material for steel rods
manufacturing. After that, the raw material is melted in a melting slit, where it is heated to a
temperature in range of 1300-1500 °C. The melted mass is then transferred to a smelting cabin to
undergo refinement. Next, the candescent metal is put in a pouring machine and poured into ingots.

In the next stage, the ingots are connected to a cooling reservoir, where the temperature falls to 60-
100 °C. Metal goes through special nozzles and cools down, forming strands. Following this, the metal
strands proceed to rollers that change their shape. Next, the products are put into a heating machine,
where they undergo heat treatment. Subsequently, a measuring automaton completes a surface
check of the products.

After that, the metal rods are sized by special cutters and get ID stamping. Finally, the products
undergo inspection and are ready for use.

 first of all
 firstly
 to begin
 after that
 then
 next
 in the next stage
 following this
 subsequently
 finally

 sometimes you may see that some stage lacks information for description. For example, we
only know that the third stage of our process is called refinement and it happens in a smelting
cabin. But we don't know what exactly happens during this stage.

 In this case, you can use a verb to undergo. To undergo = to experience. For example, you
can write: "the material undergoes refinement in a smelting cabin".

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