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Prayer Request: Pray for the complete healing of our nation amd
for the people in Beirut, Lebanon.

He who hears my word and believes in him who sent me has everlasting life, and
shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life (John 5:24, NKJV).
We were all ruined by Adam, our first representative. But Christ came as the second
Adam, the second representative of the human race, and he redeemed us all. Legally
it isso. Personally it becomes so as I believe it (1 John 4:17).
Only this can explain those mysterious sections of the Gospel narrative which tell us of
the intensity of Christ’s mental anguish when he sweat great drops of blood and later
cried, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” It was not fear of death that
explains Christ’s agony. It was the awareness that he was suffering for the sins of the
human race. He was forsaken of God, or so it seemed, that we might not be. On the
Cross, Christ cried, “Why?” in order that we might never need to cry it.
The lightning bolts of judgement struck the innocent Son of God in order that the guilty
might find safety at the seared site of Calvary. It is no travesty of justice. The
unchangeable law of God was more honored by the death of the infinite Son than if the
whole guilty human race had perished.
Furthermore, anyone who receives the blood-bought gift of righteousness cannot remain
the same. The forgiveness given to rebel dissolves their spirit of rebellion.
– Des Ford (adapted)
Eli’s Reflection: None of us can thank God enough for the Cross, and all of us have
something of the spirit of rebellion within us. Make time to thank God for Calvary, and ask him
dissolve your spirit of rebellion.


“Dear Father in heaven, we thank you that we may be your children. We thank
you for giving us your Spirit so that we may truly be your children. Gather us into
community with you so that our minds and hearts and all that is in us may realize what
joy can come to us through your gifts. Though the world today is in turmoil, in doubt,
lost in material things, grant us inner quiet to receive from you the power of faith. For
through faith we can learn to know what you are and what you will be to all humankind
one day, through Jesus Christ the Lord. Amen.”


Last module we learned how to analyze situations involving kinematics in 1
dimension and how to solve problems about it. This time we will tackle kinematics in 2
dimensions since most motion occurs like it from a dolphin jumping, shooting a
basketball or even flinging a slingshot around. Review your trigonometry and geometry
classes for we are going to incorporate them to this study.


Performance Standards
Solve, using experimental and theoretical approaches, multiconcept, rich-context
problems involving measurement, vectors, motions in 1D, 2D, and 3D, Newton’s
Laws, work, energy, center of mass, momentum, impulse, and collisions.

Learning Objectives/Competencies
At the end of the lesson, you are expected to be able to:
a. Describe motion using the concept of relative velocities in 1D and 2D
b. Extend the definition of position, velocity, and acceleration to 2D and 3D using
vector representation (STEM_GP12KIN-Ic21)
c. Deduce the consequences of the independence of vertical and horizontal
components of projectile motion (STEM_GP12KIN-Ic22)
d. Calculate range, time of flight, and maximum heights of projectiles
e. Differentiate uniform and non-uniform circular motion STEM_GP12KIN-Ic24
f. Infer quantities associated with circular motion such as tangential velocity,
centripetal acceleration, tangential acceleration, radius of curvature
g. Solve problems involving two dimensional motion in contexts such as, but not
limited to ledge jumping, movie stunts, basketball, safe locations during
firework displays, and Ferris wheels (STEM_GP12KIN-Ic26)
h. Plan and execute an experiment involving projectile motion: Identifying error
sources, minimizing their influence, and estimating the influence of the
identified error sources on final results (STEM_GP12KIN-Id-27)

Kinematics in Two Dimensions
Our world is three‐dimensional. For easier analysis, many motions can be simplified to
two dimensions. For example, an object fired into the air moves in a vertical, two‐
dimensional plane; also, horizontal motion over the earth's surface is two‐dimensional for
short distances. Elementary vector algebra is required to examine the relationships
between vector quantities in two dimensions.
Addition and subtraction of vectors: geometric method
The vector A shown in Figure (a) represents a velocity of 10 m/s northeast, and
vector B represents a velocity of 20 m/s at 30 degrees north of east. (A vector is named
with a letter in boldface, nonitalic type, and its magnitude is named with the same letter
in regular, italic type. You will often see vectors in the figures of the book that are
represented by their magnitudes in the mathematical expressions.) Vectors may be
moved over the plane if the represented length and direction are preserved.

Figure 1 

Graphical addition of vectors, A + B = C.

In Figure (b), the same vectors are positioned to be geometrically added. The tail of one
vector, in this case A, is moved to the head of the other vector ( B). The vector sum ( C)
is the vector that extends from the tail of one vector to the head of the other. To find the
magnitude of C, measure along its length and use the given scale to determine the
velocity represented. To find the direction θ of C, measure the angle to the horizontal
axis at the tail of C. Figure (a) shows that A + B = B + A. The sum of the vectors is
called the resultant and is the diagonal of a parallelogram with sides A and B. Figure (b)
illustrates the construction for adding four vectors. The resultant vector is the vector that
results in the one that completes the polygon.
Figure 2 

(a) A + B = B + A. (b) Graphical addition of several


To subtract vectors, place the tails together. The difference of the two vectors ( D) is the
vector that begins at the head of the subtracted vector ( B) and goes to the head of the
other vector ( A). An alternate method is to add the negative of a vector, which is a
vector with the same length but pointing in the opposite direction. The second method is
demonstrated in Figure .

Figure 3 

Graphical subtraction of vectors, A − B = D.

Addition and subtraction of vectors: Component method

For precision in adding vectors, an analytical method using basic trigonometry is required
because scale drawings do not give accurate values. Consider vector A in the rectangular
coordinate system of Figure . The vector A can be expressed as the sum of two vectors
along the x and y axes, A = A x + A y, where A x and A y are called the components of A.
The direction of A x is parallel to the x axis, and that of A y is parallel to the y axis. The
magnitudes of the components are obtained from the definitions of the sine and cosine of
an angle: cos θ = A x / A and sin θ = A y / A, or
Figure 4

 Components of a vector.

To add vectors numerically, first find the components of all the vectors. The signs of the
components are the same as the signs of the cosine and sine in the given quadrant.
Then, sum the components in the x direction, and sum the components in the y direction.
As shown in Figure , the sum of the x components and the sum of the y components of
the given vectors ( A and B) comprise the x and y components of the resultant vector
( C).

Figure 5 

Component method of vector addition, A + B = C.

These resultant components form the two sides of a right angle with a hypotenuse of the
magnitude of C; thus, the magnitude of the resultant is


The direction of the resultant ( C) is calculated from the tangent because tan θ
= C x / C y . To solve for the angle θ, use θ = tan −1 ( C y / C x ).
The procedure can be summarized as follows:

1. Sketch the vectors on a coordinate system.

2. Find the x and y components of all the vectors, with the appropriate signs.
3. Sum the components in both the x and y directions.
4. Find the magnitude of the resultant vector from the Pythagorean theorem.
5. Find the direction of the resultant vector using the tangent function.

Follow the same procedure to subtract vectors by calculating the appropriate algebraic
sum of the components in Step 3.

Multiplication of vectors

The dot product: There are two different ways in which two vectors may be multiplied
together. The first is the dot product, also called the scalar product, which is
written A · B. This can be evaluated in two ways:

 A · B = A x B x + A y B y
 A · B = AB cos θ, where θ is the angle between the vectors when they are set tail
to tail, and A and B are the lengths of the vectors.

Note that the order of the vectors does not matter and that the result of the dot product
is a scalar rather than a vector. Note that if two vectors are perpendicular, their dot
product is zero according to the second rule above.

Cross product: The second way to multiply vectors is called the cross product or

the vector product. It is written A · B. It can be evaluated in two ways:

 A · B = ( A x B y − A y B x z, when the vectors A and B both are in x–y plane.

The z indicates that the result is a vector that points along the z axis. In general,
the vector resulting from a cross product is always perpendicular to both of the
vectors being multiplied together.
 A · B = AB z sin θ, where θ is the angle between the vectors A and B when they
are placed tail to tail. Again, the result is a vector perpendicular to A and B (and
therefore points along the z axis if A and B are in the x–y plane).

The result of a cross product does depend on the order of the vectors. Note from the first
rule that A · B = − B · A. Also, if A and B are parallel, the second rule implies that their
cross product is zero.

Finally, the cross product give rise to the “right hand rule,” which allows you to easily
determine the direction of the resulting vector. For the general expression A × B = C,
point your thumb in the direction of A. Now point your index finger in the direction of B;
if necessary, flip over your hand. The vector C points outward from your palm.

Velocity and acceleration vectors in two dimensions

For motion in two dimensions, the earlier kinematics equations must be expressed in
vector form. For example, the average velocity vector is v = ( d f − d o )/ t,
where d o and d f are the initial and final displacement vectors and t is the time elapsed.
As noted earlier, the velocity and displacement vectors are shown in bold type, whereas
the scalar (t) is not. In similar fashion, the average acceleration vector is a =
( v f − v o )/ t, where v o and v f are the initial and final velocity vectors. An important
point is that the acceleration can arise from a change in the magnitude of the velocity
(speed) as well as from a change in the direction of the velocity. If an object travels
around a circle at a constant speed, there is an acceleration due to the change in the
direction of the velocity, even though the magnitude of the velocity does not change. A
mass moves in a horizontal circle with a constant speed in Figure . The velocity vectors at
positions 1 and 2 are subtracted to find the average acceleration, which is directed
toward the center of the circle. (Note that the average acceleration vector is placed at the
midpoint of the path in the given time interval.)

Figure 6 

Velocity and acceleration vectors of an object moving in a circle

The following discussion summarizes the four different cases for acceleration in a plane:

 Case 1: Zero acceleration

 Case 2: Acceleration due to changing direction but not speed
 Case 3: Acceleration due to changing speed but not direction
 Case 4: Acceleration due to changing both speed and direction.

Imagine a ball rolling on a horizontal surface that is illuminated by a stroboscopic light.

Figure (a) shows the position of the ball at even intervals of time along a dotted path.
Case 1 is illustrated in positions 1 through 3; the magnitude and direction of the velocity
do not change (the pictures are evenly spaced and in a straight line), and therefore,
there is no acceleration. Case 2 is indicated for positions 3 through 5; the ball has
constant speed but changing direction, and therefore, an acceleration exists. Figure (b)
illustrates the subtraction of v 3 and v 4 and the resulting acceleration toward the center
of the arc. Case 3 occurs from positions 5 to 7; the direction of the velocity is constant,
but the magnitude changes. The acceleration for this portion of the path is along the
direction of motion. The ball curves from position 7 to 9, showing case 4; the velocity
changes both direction and magnitude. In this case, the acceleration is directed nearly
upward between 7 and 8 and has a component toward the center of the arc due to the
change in direction of the velocity and a component along the path due to the change in
the magnitude of the velocity.
Figure 7 

(a) Path of a ball on a table. (b) Acceleration between points 3 and 4.

Projectile motion

Anyone who has observed a tossed object—for example, a baseball in flight—has

observed projectile motion. To analyze this common type of motion, three basic
assumptions are made: (1) acceleration due to gravity is constant and directed
downward, (2) the effect of air resistance is negligible, and (3) the surface of the earth is
a stationary plane (that is, the curvature of the earth's surface and the rotation of the
earth are negligible). To analyze the motion, separate the two‐dimensional motion into
vertical and horizontal components. Vertically, the object undergoes constant
acceleration due to gravity. Horizontally, the object experiences no acceleration and,
therefore, maintains a constant velocity. This velocity is illustrated in Figure where the
velocity components change in the y direction; however, they are all of the same length
in the x direction (constant). Note that the velocity vector changes with time due to the
fact that the vertical component is changing.

Figure 8 
Projectile motion.
In this example, the particle leaves the origin with an initial velocity ( v o ), up at an angle
of θ o. The original x and y components of the velocity are given
by v x0 = v o and v y0 = v o sin θ o .

With the motions separated into components, the quantities in the x and y directions can
be analyzed with the one‐dimensional motion equations subscripted for each direction:
for the horizontal direction, v x = v x0 and x = v x0 t; for vertical direction, v y = v y0 − gt
and y = v y0 − (1/2) gt 2, where x and y represent distances in the horizontal and vertical
directions, respectively, and the acceleration due to gravity ( g) is 9.8 m/s 2. (The
negative sign is already incorporated into the equations.) If the object is fired down at an
angle, the y component of the initial velocity is negative. The speed of the projectile at
any instant can be calculated from the components at that time from the Pythagorean
theorem, and the direction can be found from the inverse tangent on the ratios of the


Other information is useful in solving projectile problems. Consider the example shown in
Figure where the projectile is fired up at an angle from ground level and returns to the
same level. The time for the projectile to reach the ground from its highest point is equal
to the time of fall for a freely falling object that falls straight down from the same height.
This equality of time is because the horizontal component of the initial velocity of the
projectile affects how far the projectile travels horizontally but not the time of flight.
Projectile paths are parabolic and, therefore, symmetric. Also for this case, the object
reaches the top of its rise in half of the total time (T) of flight. At the top of the rise, the
vertical velocity is zero. (The acceleration is always g, even at the top of the flight.)
These facts can be used to derive the range of the projectile, or the distance traveled
horizontally. At maximum height, v y = 0 and t = T/2; therefore, the velocity equation in
the vertical direction becomes 0 = v o sin θ − g T/2 or solving for T, T = (2 v 0 sin θ)/ g.

Substitution into the horizontal distance equation yields R = ( v o cos θ) T. Substitute T in
the range equation and use the trigonometry identity sin 2θ = 2 sin θ cos θ to obtain an
expression for the range in terms of the initial speed and angle of motion, R = ( v o 2/ g)
sin 2θ. As indicated by this expression, the maximum range occurs when θ = 45 degrees
because, at this value of θ, sin 2θ has its maximum value of 1. Figure sketches the
trajectories of projectiles thrown with the same initial speed at differing angles of
Figure 9

 Range of projectiles launched at different angles.

Uniform circular motion

For uniform motion of an object in a horizontal circle of radius (R), the constant speed is
given by v = 2π R/ T, which is the distance of one revolution divided by the time for one
revolution. The time for one revolution (T) is defined as period. During one rotation, the
head of the velocity vector traces a circle of circumference 2π v in one period; thus, the
magnitude of the acceleration is a = 2π v/ T. Combine these two equations to obtain two
additional relationships in other variables: a = v 2/ R and a = (4π 2/ T 2) R.

The displacement vector is directed out from the center of the circle of motion. The
velocity vector is tangent to the path. The acceleration vector directed to the center of
the circle is called centripetal acceleration. Figure shows the displacement, velocity,
and acceleration vectors at different positions as the mass travels in a circle on a
frictionless horizontal plane.

Figure 10 

Uniform circular motion.

What is a Projectile?
In Unit 1 of the Physics Classroom Tutorial, we learned a variety of means to describe the
1-dimensional motion of objects. In Unit 2 of the Physics Classroom Tutorial, we learned
how Newton's laws help to explain the motion (and specifically, the changes in the state
of motion) of objects that are either at rest or moving in 1-dimension. Now in this unit we
will apply both kinematic principles and Newton's laws of motion to understand and
explain the motion of objects moving in two dimensions. The most common example of
an object that is moving in two dimensions is a projectile. Thus, Lesson 2 of this unit is
devoted to understanding the motion of projectiles.

Defining Projectiles
A projectile is an object upon which the only force acting
is gravity. There are a variety of examples of projectiles.
An object dropped from rest is a projectile (provided that
the influence of air resistance is negligible). An object
that is thrown vertically upward is also a projectile (provided that the influence of air
resistance is negligible). And an object which is thrown upward at an angle to the
horizontal is also a projectile (provided that the influence of air resistance is negligible). A
projectile is any object that once projected or dropped continues in motion by its
own inertia and is influenced only by the downward force of gravity.

By definition, a projectile has a single force that acts upon it - the force
of gravity. If there were any other force acting upon an object, then that
object would not be a projectile. Thus, the free-body diagram of a
projectile would show a single force acting downwards and labeled force
of gravity (or simply Fgrav). Regardless of whether a projectile is moving
downwards, upwards, upwards and rightwards, or downwards and
leftwards, the free-body diagram of the projectile is still as depicted in
the diagram at the right. By definition, a projectile is any object upon
which the only force is gravity.

Projectile Motion and Inertia
Many students have difficulty with the concept that the only force
acting upon an upward moving projectile is gravity. Their
conception of motion prompts them to think that if an object is
moving upward, then there must be an upward force. And if an
object is moving upward and rightward, there must be both an
upward and rightward force. Their belief is that forces cause
motion; and if there is an upward motion then there must be an
upward force. They reason, "How in the world can an object be
moving upward if the only force acting upon it is gravity?" Such students do
not believe in Newtonian physics (or at least do not believe strongly in Newtonian
physics). Newton's laws suggest that forces are only required to cause an acceleration
(not a motion). Recall from the Unit 2 that Newton's laws stood in direct opposition to the
common misconception that a force is required to keep an object in motion. This idea is
simply not true! A force is not required to keep an object in motion. A force is only
required to maintain an acceleration. And in the case of a projectile that is moving
upward, there is a downward force and a downward acceleration. That is, the object is
moving upward and slowing down.
To further ponder this concept of the downward force and a downward acceleration for a
projectile, consider a cannonball shot horizontally from a very high cliff at a high speed.
And suppose for a moment that the gravity switch could be turned off such that the
cannonball would travel in the absence of gravity? What would the motion of such a
cannonball be like? How could its motion be described? According to Newton's first law of
motion, such a cannonball would continue in motion in a straight line at constant speed.
If not acted upon by an unbalanced force, "an object in motion will ...". This is Newton's
law of inertia.

Now suppose that the gravity switch is turned on and that the cannonball is projected
horizontally from the top of the same cliff. What effect will gravity have upon the motion
of the cannonball? Will gravity affect the cannonball's horizontal motion? Will the
cannonball travel a greater (or shorter) horizontal distance due to the influence of
gravity? The answer to both of these questions is "No!" Gravity will act downwards upon
the cannonball to affect its vertical motion. Gravity causes a vertical acceleration. The
ball will drop vertically below its otherwise straight-line, inertial path. Gravity is the
downward force upon a projectile that influences its vertical motion and causes the
parabolic trajectory that is characteristic of projectiles.
A projectile is an object upon which the only force is gravity. Gravity acts to influence the
vertical motion of the projectile, thus causing a vertical acceleration. The horizontal
motion of the projectile is the result of the tendency of any object in motion to remain in
motion at constant velocity. Due to the absence of horizontal forces, a projectile remains
in motion with a constant horizontal velocity. Horizontal forces are not required to keep a
projectile moving horizontally. The only force acting upon a projectile is gravity!

Relative Velocity

The relative velocity of an object A with respect to another object B is the velocity that
object A would appear to have to an observer situated on object B moving along with it.

Have you ever been sat in a train at a station, seen another train moving off and felt you
were moving even though you were stopped at the platform? This illusion occurs because
there’s no way to distinguish between motion at constant speed and being stationary –
the physics work the same.

To you, sitting on the stationary train (A), or to a person on the platform the moving
train (B) appears to be travelling at a velocity v,v away. However, to a person on the
moving train the platform and the train sitting stationary at the platform both appear to
be moving in the opposite direction with the same speed, or to put it another way, with
the opposite velocity. Really what we are measuring in all of these cases are the velocity
relative to an observer.
Figure 1: Relative velocities of trains A and B and the platform.
Often in physics problems we describe situations relative to an outside observer, but the
relative velocity measured by an observer “inside the problem” may be useful. One
obvious example of this is to work out how long it will take two objects travelling along a
line at different velocities to collide – like cars on a road.

Imagine two cars A and B travelling along a motorway, with B travelling at 28, m, s, to
the power minus 1 ,28ms−1 and A a distance of 50, m,50m behind it travelling in the
same direction at 30, m, s, to the power minus 1 ,30ms−1. The positive direction has
been defined as the direction in which both cars are driving along the motorway. We can
use the relative velocity of one car relative to the other to find how long it would take for
the faster car to catch up to the slower car.

In order to work out the velocity of one car relative to another, we need to subtract the
velocity of the car we are observing from the velocity of the other car. As both velocities
are in a straight line, we can do this easily without worrying too much about the
directions of the velocities. If we want to find the velocity of the faster car, A, relative to
the slower car, B, we should take 28, m, s, to the power minus 1 ,28ms−1 away
from 30, m, s, to the power minus 1 ,30ms−1, that is start underline, v, end underline,
start subscript, A, end subscript, minus, start underline, v, end underline, start subscript,
B, end subscript, equals, 2, m, s, to the power minus 1 ,vA−vB=2ms−1, which is in the
positive direction – the faster car is moving in the direction of the slower car.

We could equally have found the velocity of the slower car (B) relative to the faster (A)
taking 30, m, s, to the power minus 1 ,30ms−1 away from 28, m, s, to the power minus
1 ,28ms−1, start underline, v, end underline, start subscript, B, end subscript, minus,
start underline, v, end underline, start subscript, A, end subscript, equals, minus, 2, m,
s, to the power minus 1 ,vB−vA=−2ms−1, which is a velocity of 2, m, s, to the power
minus 1 ,2ms−1 in the opposite direction to which the cars are driving. The slower car
appears to be moving towards the faster car.
Figure 2: The reference frames of the road, car A, and car B
We can then work out how long it would take for these two cars to meet. Using s, equals,
u, t, plus, one half, a, t, squared,s=ut+21at2, and zero acceleration, we can rearrange
this to give t, equals, start fraction, s, divided by, u, end fraction,t=us. In the first case,
car A has to travel over a relative displacement of 50, m,50m to catch up to car B, and
the speed we need to use is the relative velocity u, equals, 2, m, s, to the power minus 1
,u=2ms−1. This gives us a time of 25, s,25s. If we were measuring relative to the rear
car (A), the front car (B) actually has to travel over a displacement of minus, 50, m,
−50m, as the displacement from the front car to the rear car is actually in the opposite
direction to the direction in which the cars are moving. This means that t, equals, start
fraction, s, divided by, u, end fraction, equals, start fraction, minus, 50, divided by,
minus, 2, end fraction, equals, 25, s,t=us=−2−50=25s as before.

To confirm this, we can check how far each car has moved along the road in 25, s,25s,
and this is given by s, equals, u, t,s=ut, where this time the values for s,s and u,u are
measured relative to the road. Car A will have travelled s, equals, 30, times, 25, equals,
750, m,s=30×25=750m, while car B will have travelled s, equals, 28, times, 25, equals,
700, m,s=28×25=700m. It’s clear from this that the car B will exactly close the 50,
m,50m gap in this time.

It’s also worth noting that we could have worked out the velocity of the road relative to
each car. This is minus, 28, m, s, to the power minus 1 ,−28ms−1 for the front car
and minus, 30, m, s, to the power minus 1 ,−30ms−1 for the rear car. Calculating the
distance that each car has travelled along the road is equivalent to calculating the
distance that the road has travelled relative to that car.

Of course, the velocities of two objects may not always lie in a line. In this case the same
idea of subtracting one velocity from another applies, but this must be done vectorially.
For more information see the Frames of Reference Concept Page.

Mathematics of Circular Motion

There are three mathematical quantities that will be of primary interest to us as we
analyze the motion of objects in circles. These three quantities are speed, acceleration
and force. The speed of an object moving in a circle is given by the following equation.
The acceleration of an object moving in a circle can be determined by either two of the
following equations.

The equation on the right (above) is derived from the equation on the left by the
substitution of the expression for speed.
The net force (Fnet) acting upon an object moving in circular motion is directed inwards.
While there may by more than one force acting upon the object, the vector sum of all of
them should add up to the net force. In general, the inward force is larger than the
outward force (if any) such that the outward force cancels and the unbalanced force is in
the direction of the center of the circle. The net force is related to the acceleration of the
object (as is always the case) and is thus given by the following three equations:

The equations in the middle (above) and on the right (above) are derived from the
equation on the left by the substitution of the expressions for acceleration.
This set of circular motion equations can be used in two ways:
 as a "recipe" for algebraic problem-solving in order to solve for an unknown
 as a guide to thinking about how an alteration in one quantity would affect a
second quantity.
These two ways are illustrated below.
Equations as a Guide to Thinking
An equation expresses a mathematical relationship between the quantities present in that
equation. For instance, the equation for Newton's second law identifies how acceleration
is related to the net force and the mass of an object.

The relationship expressed by the equation is that the acceleration of an object is directly
proportional to the net force acting upon it. In other words, the bigger the net force value
is, the bigger that the acceleration value will be. As net force increases, the acceleration
increases. In fact, if the net force were increased by a factor of 2, the equation would
predict that the acceleration would increase by a factor of 2. Similarly, if the net force
were decreased by a factor of 2, the equation would predict that the acceleration would
decrease by a factor of 2. Newton's second law equation also reveals the relationship
between acceleration and mass. According to the equation, the acceleration of an object
is inversely proportional to mass of the object. In other words, the bigger the mass value
is, the smaller that the acceleration value will be. As mass increases, the acceleration
decreases. In fact, if the mass were increased by a factor of 2, the equation would
predict that the acceleration would decrease by a factor of 2. Similarly, if the mass were
decreased by a factor of 2, the equation would predict that the acceleration would
increase by a factor of 2. As mentioned previously, equations allow for predictions to be
made about the affect of an alteration of one quantity on a second quantity. Since the
Newton's second law equation shows three quantities, each raised to the first power, the
predictive ability of the equation is rather straightforward. The predictive ability of an
equation becomes more complicated when one of the quantities included in the equation
is raised to a power. For instance, consider the following equation relating the net force
(Fnet) to the speed (v) of an object moving in uniform circular motion.

This equation shows that the net force required for an object to move in a circle is
directly proportional to the square of the speed of the object. For a constant mass and
radius, the Fnet is proportional to the speed2.

The factor by which the net force is altered is the square of the factor by which the speed
is altered. Subsequently, if the speed of the object is doubled, the net force required for
that object's circular motion is quadrupled. And if the speed of the object is halved
(decreased by a factor of 2), the net force required is decreased by a factor of 4.
Equations as a Recipe for Problem-Solving
The mathematical equations presented above for the motion of objects in circles can be
used to solve circular motion problems in which an unknown quantity must be
determined. The process of solving a circular motion problem is much like any other
problem in physics class. The process involves a careful reading of the problem, the
identification of the known and required information in variable form, the selection of the
relevant equation(s), substitution of known values into the equation, and finally algebraic
manipulation of the equation to determine the answer. Consider the application of this
process to the following two circular motion problems.
Sample Problem #1
A 900-kg car moving at 10 m/s takes a turn around a circle with a radius of 25.0
m. Determine the acceleration and the net force acting upon the car.
The solution of this problem begins with the identification of the known and requested
Known Information: Requested Information:
m = 900 kg a = ????
v = 10.0 m/s Fnet = ????
R = 25.0 m

To determine the acceleration of the car, use the equation a = v2 / R. The solution is as
a = v2 / R
a = (10.0 m/s)2 / (25.0 m)
a = (100 m2/s2) / (25.0 m)
a = 4 m/s2
To determine the net force acting upon the car, use the equation Fnet = m•a. The solution
is as follows.
Fnet = m • a
Fnet = (900 kg) • (4 m/s2)
Fnet = 3600 N
Sample Problem #2
A 95-kg halfback makes a turn on the football field. The halfback sweeps out a
path that is a portion of a circle with a radius of 12-meters. The halfback makes
a quarter of a turn around the circle in 2.1 seconds. Determine the speed,
acceleration and net force acting upon the halfback.
The solution of this problem begins with the identification of the known and requested
Known Information: Requested Information:
m = 95.0 kg v = ????
R = 12.0 m a = ????
Traveled 1/4-th of the circumference in 2.1 s Fnet = ????

To determine the speed of the halfback, use the equation v = d / t where the d is one-
fourth of the circumference and the time is 2.1 s. The solution is as follows:
v = (0.25 • 2 • pi • R) / t
v = (0.25 • 2 • 3.14 • 12.0 m) / (2.1 s)
v = 8.97 m/s
To determine the acceleration of the halfback, use the equation a = v2 / R. The solution is
as follows:
a = v2 / R
a = (8.97 m/s)2 / (12.0 m)
a = (80.5 m2/s2) / (12.0 m)
a = 6.71 m/s2
To determine the net force acting upon the halfback, use the equation Fnet = m•a. The
solution is as follows.
Fnet = m*a
Fnet = (95.0 kg)*(6.71 m/s2)
Fnet = 637 N
Choose one of these topics: Projectile Motion, Circular Motion and Relative
Velocity. Record a video of you discussing, and solving a simple problem about the
chosen topic and send it to my fb messenger or gmail account.


Job 26:7 - He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, [and] hangeth the earth
upon nothing.
Just like how motion is brought upon by two even three dimensions, the Bible tells
us how God layed the foundation of the world in all its dimensions. This gives us
confidence that God is in control of everything.

Multiple Choice
1. A football player kicks a ball with an initial velocity of 25 m/s at an angle of 530 above the horizontal. The
vertical component of the initial velocity of the ball
[a] 25 m/s [b] 20. m/s [c] 15 m/s [d] 10. m/s
2. A 0.2 kg ball rotates at a constant speed of 3 m/s on the end of 1.2 m long string. The
string describes a horizontal circle. 8.   What is the centripetal acceleration of the
(A) 1.2 m/s2     (B) 3.0 m/s2     (C) 7.5 m/s2     (D) 3.2 m/s2
3. An airplane is travelling at 200 miles per hour east, and the wind is pushing back west,
moving at 35 miles per hour. What is the velocity of the airplane relative to the
a. 165 miles per hour east c. 235 miles per hour east
b. 165 miles per hour west d. 235 miles per hour west
4. A projectile is launched at an angle of 300 above the horizontal. Neglecting air
resistance, what are the projectile’s horizontal and vertical accelerations when it
reaches its maximum height?
[a] Both the horizontal and vertical accelerations are zero.
[b] The horizontal acceleration is zero and the vertical acceleration is 9.81 m/s2 .
[c] The horizontal acceleration is 9.81 m/s2 and the vertical acceleration is zero.
[d] Both the horizontal and vertical accelerations are 9.81 m/s2 .
5. A child whirls a ball at the end of a rope, in a uniform circular motion. Which of the
statements is NOT true?
(A) The speed of the ball is constant.
(B) The velocity of the ball is constant.
(C) The radius is constant
(D) The magnitude of the ball’s acceleration is constant.
6. The president’s airplane, Air Force One, flies at 250 m/s to the east (compared to the
ground). The president visits the pilots in the cockpit. Then he walks to the back of
the plane at 1 m/s. What is his speed relative to the ground?
a. 249 m/s c. 253 m/s
b. 251 m/s d. 248 m/s





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