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Spelling Virtues and values.


1. Affection
2. Bravery
3. Compassion
4. Courtesy
5. Charity
6. Diligence
7. Discipline
8. Enthusiasm
9. Forgiveness
10. Friendliness
11. Generosity
12. Gratitude
13. Honesty
14. Humility
15. Integrity
16. Justice
17. Kindness
18. Loyalty
19. Mercy
20. Virtue


1. My affection for my parents grows day by day.

2. The soldier won a medal for his bravery.
3. The king shows compassion with his enemies.
4. You are not a courties person, you lack courtesy.
5. The church depends on our charity.
6. Diligence will always be the way to success.
7. There is a lot of discipline in the army.
8. We don’t always go to school with a lot of enthusiasm.
9. Forgiveness is the mark of a catholic.
10. Friendliness is something we all want from others.
11. I am counting on your generosity so please give me
12. If you can help me, you will always have my gratitude.
13. Honesty is not a common virtue in men.
14. He is a very intelligent man but he needs a bit of humility.
15. My integrity is under judgement.
16. The justice system of today has many problems.
17. You should always show kindness to others.
18. Is your loyalty to God or to gold?
19. A good governor will always show mercy.
20. Mercy is an important virtue.


1. Affection:
a feeling of liking for a person or place:
2. Bravery:
brave behaviour or actions:
3. Compassion:
a strong feeling of sympathy and sadness for
the suffering or bad luck of others and a wish to
help them:
4. Courtesy:
polite behaviour, or a polite action or remark:
5. Charity:
giving money, food, or help to those who are in need
6. Diligence:
the quality of working carefully and with a lot of
7. Discipline:
the ability to control yourself or other people,
even in difficult situations:
8. Enthusiasm:
a feeling of energetic interest in a particular subject or

9. Forgiveness:
the act of forgiving
10. Friendliness:
the quality of being friendly
11. Generosity:
the quality or condition of being generous
12. Gratitude:
the feeling or quality of being grateful
13. Honesty:
the quality of being honest
14. Humility:
the quality of not being proud
15. Integrity:
the quality of being honest
16. Justice:
fairness in the way people are dealt with
17. Kindness:
the quality of being kind
18. Loyalty:
the quality of being loyal
19. Mercy:
kindness that makes you forgive someone
20. Virtue:
a good moral quality in a person

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