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issue 03,15th oct‘10

explored norshingdi boat race
following our previous photographers' association made a trip to narshingdi last month to catch the
assignment on 'nature', excitement of boat race. the trip included a boat ride during the day time and it
this month we'll have our ended up with the closing ceremony. below are some snapshots of the event.
competetion based on
archaeological shots. our
view is to discover as
many archaeological
sites as possible with
your shots. as usual, the
best composed and
most impactful shot will
get featured in our next
issue along with the
photographer. fahmi

upload your shots in our

website‘s gallery album
named “archaeology”
then grab the link and rana rana
share it in ‘on going com-

exploring tanguar haor

petition’ thread, for more
details visit our website this month, photographers' association is going to make a trip to tanguar haor.
the best one chosen by the tour is scheduled to start from the 15th till the 17th of this month.the tour
our judges will be is planned with an optimism of shooting lifestyle and landscapes around tan-
featured in our next issue guar haor and experiencing the enjoyment of autumn festival. the story will be
with his/her biography shared in our next issue.

and some of his/her
favorite shots. so get
ready and share your
best 2 shots and get exhibition: sacrificing lives to debi durga 60 shots season-II
featured date: 14th to 17th october theme: open
location: malni road deadline: october 31, 2010
netrakona, bangladesh

afzal nazim

playing with rules youaskweanswer
"there are no rules for good photographs, there can i clean my lenses myself?
are only good photographs", quoted by the -tanmay shahriar
famous photographer ansell adams (1902-1984). cleaning your lenses is not a tough job at all.
nevertheless, many of us are eager to know if the common problems regarding the health
there are any rules, which can enhance the pho- of our lenses is dust, scratches and fungus.
tograph. the only rule in photography is that amongst these factors, dust is the most
there are no rules. however, there are many com- common one. for removing dust from the
position guidelines that can be applied. in our outer element of our lens we can use clean
every coming issue we are going to discuss a dry clothes. the softer the cloth the better the
result will be. there are also lens cleaning
composition guideline that can be used to
brushes available in the market that can
enhance the photograph. in this issue we are
come quite handy in cleaning your lenses.
going to discuss one of the most widely used rule,
the “rule-of-third”. this is the oldest compositional can we do fish photography?
trick in the book, and one that is used by both -md. manzoorul kibria
painters and photographers to create a visually taking under-water photography is a tricky
balanced picture. imagine that your image is and expensive issue. there are special equip-
divided into nine equal segments by two vertical ments available for taking fish or under-water
and two horizontal lines. Try to position the most photographs and usually these equipments
important elements in your scene along these come for a huge expense. these are water
lines, or at the points where they intersect. yes resistant and specially built for watery and
that is it. isn’t it simple? doing so will add balance humid conditions. there are some weather
and interest to your photo. resistant body and lenses available in the
imagine you are about to shoot a landscape and market for a comparatively cheaper price but
there is an isolated boat or tree in the middle of these are made with a view of providing
the field, which is acting as the main focal point. it minor protection from water and dust only
is very obvious that most of the beginners would but these are nowhere near suitable for the
place this subject in the centre of the frame,
specialized prupose you have mentioned.
which definitely can work in some situations. but,
3.where can we get camera equipments for rent?
in such situation if you generally practice rule-of-
-syed ayon
third then you might be able to get more pleas-
there are some shops available in the bait-ul-
ant sense of balancing in your photograph. mukarram and stadium market who rent
camera equipments.
4.tell me about ‘hdr'
-abdullah al mamun
while producing hdr photographs you have
to take 3 or more photographs with the same
instead of placing the boat in the centre you can frame. one of those should be under-
place it on the intersecting points of the virtual exposed, another one properly exposed and
the rest will be over exposed saiketto
kumar poddar
catch the
grid lines. on the contrary, you should never force
a picture to comply with the rule-of-third, but whole dynamic range of a scene with proper
when used with care it can work well and after a highlight and shadow details. then you can
while you will find yourself naturally dividing the merge those photographs in photomatix pro
scene into thirds to aid the position of important or photoshop. photomatix pro is quite largely
elements. in our next issue we will be discussing used all around the world.
about “symmetry and patterns” in photographs. ehsanul kabir
Hemonto Kumar
featuring: munem wasif
born in 1983 in bangladesh. he is a graduate of pathshala.
munem wasif started his photographic career as a feature photographer for the
daily star, a leading english daily in bangladesh. his photographs have been
published in numerous national and international publications including Le Monde,
Himal Southasian, Asian Geographic, Photo District News, Zonezero, and PDFX12. in
2007, he was selected for the World Press Photo Joop Swart Master Class in the neth-
erlands. he won an honourable mention in the National Geographic Society’s All
Roads Photography Program for his extensive work on old dhaka. his work is exhib-
ited worldwide including Anchor photo festival in Cambodia, International Photog-
raphy Biennial of the Islamic World in Iran, Fotofreo- festival of photography in
Australia, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography in Japan and Getty Image
Gallery in England. recently he was elected as one of the 30 emerging photogra-
phers by Photo District News, USA.
in 2008 he received the F25 Prize from La Fabrica and the City of Perpignan Young
Reporter Award at the occasion of Visa pour l’Image festival. he also won the PrixPic-
tet commission to document a water project in Bangladesh.

exhibition at whitechapel gallery,london 2010

focus: competition winner

sumon mallick, born in 20.08.1988, living in khulna.
studying at khulna university, architecture discipline. his
basic interests are in architecture, photography, travlling
and hiking. he started photography from his college life
with cellphone without any formal education.the notion
of his work is to express how he’s seeing the world! his
current gear is nikon d3000 with 18-55mm and 70-
300mm lens.

focus: macro tipsofthemonth
a. track your subject:
while you're out with
your camera, the world
more than often seems
enormous and it
becomes quite confusing
about what to shoot. in

flash fired and diffused by home made flash bouncer

such a case, think again
about what your primary
intension is. why you've
brought the camera out

shutter: 1/180, Aperture: f/8, ISO: 100

and what you were antici-
pating before going out.
thus you'll be able to

reversed 35mm f/2.8 MF lens.

track your subject and it
might end up being
another successful day
with your camera.
b. before buying a piece
of equipment: ask your-
raiyan ahmed self why you want to buy
it. what would be the pur-
as promised in the previous issue we will be discussing some basic pose and how often are
facts about reversed lens macro here. reversed lens macro has you likely to take it with
you? if the answer is
opened up a lot of doors for making the cost of macro photogra- merely because of your
phy affordable. the concept of this method is to get the advantage hobby then its ok. but if
of optical crop which gives more magnification than normal its not your hobby and
you don't need it that
macro lenses and gives more superior image quality than digital much then don't buy it.
crop. you'll just need to hold your lens or attach it to your camera rather figure out what
your absolute necessity is
body in the reversed important thing to remember in and then invest your
this case is that, the wider the focal length of the lens, the more money wisely.
magnification you'll get.for instance, if you're reversing your kit
c. can you see a bit of
lens (18-55mm), you'll get more magnification hemonto
Kudrat-E-Khuda nadira nasim chaity
at the 18mm end
fungus over there in the
than that of the 55mm end. in our next issue we'll discuss about corner of your lens? well,
you must have not been
the optical crop and digital crop. till then, have a great clicking careful enough to take
month with your lens reversed. proper care. to prevent
your priceless
pieces of glasses being
spoilt by those tiny crea-
tures always try to store
your lenses carefully in a
moisture and dust proof
area. use a pouch of silica
gel to prevent moisture
from occuring and your
assets will be safe.

newsletter, a regular publication of photographer’s association. for advertisement,
please contact foisal 01711 932398
.editorial panel_afzal nazim,raiyan ahmed .design_tamim or contact us @

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