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Final reflection of capstone

During the past month of dedicating my time and skills to capstone, I learned
more about baking, specifically about how it can give more benefits to us when it is
baked with healthy ingredients. Through this project, I once again realized the
excellency in my baking and how it brings incredible joy to me in a way that I can
possibly pursue my career in baking.

I usually spend my leisure time watching YouTube videos. Filming videos and
posting on YouTube made me feel like I am still connecting this project with my interests
whilst I am providing access to people in the world/community to watch my videos and
enjoy baking. Also, the recipe book will be useful to people around me who are
beginners in baking and are seeking to bake with healthy ingredients. I am optimistic
about giving away the recipe book to any people who want to keep them!

There are six core competencies and for communication, I covered the sharing
and developing ideas which mine engages the use of media. I was creatively thinking
about the different recipes and using substitutions for some ingredients to make the
recipe “healthy”. I believe I covered similar areas for both creative and critical thinking.
However, for critical thinking, I did question myself how the specific healthy ingredient
would affect the result of the baking. I used my personal strengths and abilities into this
project and contributed to this community for a better relationship with people and
sweets. I was immediately determined to proceed with my capstone with this topic as
soon as I was told the descriptions.

As of right now, I showed my recipe book to my family and close friends and they
were fascinated by the designs and the recipes. One of my friends already tried making
one of them and she is interested in healthy baking! I am most proud of my recipe book.
The creativity that I was able to show and the diversity within baking. I faced a difficulty
when I was trying to film, it was my first time filming myself baking so I was very
awkward since I am camera shy. I solved this problem by practicing off camera and to
relax and talk as if I am talking to my friend! I wish I could have thought about baking a
certain recipe and sold it to my neighbours or my friends and donated to a charity. I feel
like that could have been the best thing to give a positive impact to the community.

The two pieces of advice that I want to give to future students who will be
completing capstone next year, is to never procrastinate and be confident with your
topic and process. The source that helped me the most throughout this project was a
blog post from Picklee. She made a post showing a whole list of healthy baking
substitutions. The one thing I wish I could change about my approach is to change my
attitude in the beginning. When I say “attitude”, I mean by I shouldn’t have doubted
myself for choosing this topic because anything I do something good for the society will
pay off anytime in the future.

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