Business Context: 3.1. Stakeholder Profiles

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Business Context

3.1. Stakeholder Profiles

Name Description

Local community Local community will tell the good places to visit
On the location that the tourist wants to visit and
Local community knows better about the place
than any other individual. They are important
stakeholders to know about the place and what
cheap places are there to visit and to live. Local
community can be contacted through their
contact number that would be given on our
application or can be sent a message through our
application, if the tourist want to hire a tour
guide there is nothing better than a local
representative He knows better than anyone

Culture heritage agency representative Culture heritage agency representative

Are also important stakeholders because if the
tourist wants to go to a Cultural heritage so any
information required about the heritage can be
taken by the Culture heritage agency
representative. What are the rules of cultural
heritage, what are the charges to visit the place?
They can be contacted through their contact
number tourist can contact them through just
one call or can be sent a message through our

Tourism organization staff Tourism organization staff are the most

important stakeholders. They are the backbone
of our tour application. They manage everything
they get tour info from the tourist where he
wants to travel and then they manage hotels,
transport etc. It contains our application
developers teams our management team.
Application development teams develop the
application so that tourist can easily interact with
the application Tourist can directly message or
call to our representative and book their tour

Basically local government and police are also

Local government and police representative stake holders to our application because they
tells the road conditions and whether the roads
are clear and is there any terrorism danger to the
place where the tourist is going or it is clear They
can be contacted by their contact number given
in our application or can be sent a message
through our application
Tourist Tourist is also a stake holder to our application.
Basically, tourist find place in our application and
then our application gives them different
suggestions and then they plan their tour
accordingly. When the tourist starts our
applications, he/she should give his contact
number so that our representatives can contact
to the tourist or can be sent a message through
our application
Hotel Management Hotel management are also stakeholder to our
application because if the tourist want different
suggestion for living in the place then they can
contact different hotels they can contact them
through contact numbers or can be sent a
message through our application
Transport representatives Transport representatives are also important
stake holder to our application because some
tourist do not have cars and they want some
transport so they can individually roam around
the place they are visiting and they can also be
contacted through their contact number or can
be sent a message through our application
Environment management agencies This is also an important stakeholder to our
application because if the tourist want to know
how is the weather on the place he want to visit
is there any rain predicted or is there any
prediction of land sliding or flood and they can
also be contacted through their contact number
or can be sent a message through our application
3.2. Deployment Consideration
Basically our system (Tour Assistance) would be used in the conditions when the tourist wants to travel
to some location and he/she do not have information about that place so he/she will use our system
and can find everything about that place that they wanted to visit . And there is a new functionality in
our system that user can tell the place or the interest he likes and our system is capable of generating
different types of location according to the choices that the tourist will make and the tourist may find
them attractive and book a tour . So, this system not only just tells the info about different places, but it
can use AI to get info from user and suggest places according to it

Our system would be reliable there will be privacy protection of our every customer every information
of our user would be private and only in use of the system no one would be given access to any info
outside of our system.

Our system would be available on every platform like windows mac android iOS

For the initial release we are just focusing on local travels so the users would be located geographically

The tour assistance would be assisting to the locations in Pakistan any one from any place can book a
tour in Pakistan. The tours are also accepted from outside Pakistan. Hence the users are in different time

Users in various locations need to access the system because a lot of people don’t know the good
tourism places and if they know the places they do not know what is weather there are the roads safe
what are cheap places to live if you are on a budget , certain people can have security issues so to get
complete information about the place they want to visit user will access the system

Data is generated by the stakeholders that are living in the actual’s tourist places like police, hotel
managers, local peoples, transporters etc. These locations are spread across Pakistan. And data from all
places are combined and placed in our database

User can access our system 24/7 and our system updates when an update is required hence the user will
be interrupted when some update occurs otherwise, they will be no interruption in our application

For data protection we use latest standards of privacy and protection our system is operated by latest
protections like fingerprints face Id recognition etc.

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