Newsletter 11 June 2021

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Advice. Ideas.


Anita’s Garden
Volume 3, Issue 47 11 June 2021

Useful Links Editorial


Blog Welcome to the forty seventh issue sunflowers. Once these have finished
of my newsletter for Volume 3. by December, I will remove the spent
Newsletter back issues blooms and plant zinnia seedlings I in-
I hope you have had a good week. We tend to propagate from seed. At least
Facebook started off with quite a bit of rain that is my plan if everything goes well.
Instagram here in Auckland, so I spent some
time indoors wiping the writing off my While it was raining, I have also spent
old plant labels so I can reuse them in many an hour dreaming about dahlias.
spring. They are getting expensive to This is driven by the fact that I am cur-
Linkedin purchase from China and it is taking rently reading Erin Benzakein’s book
a lot longer for things to arrive due to Discovering Dahlias, which I got out
Pinterest from the library. It is filled with so
Covid. It’s also important that I recy-
cle more around the garden and do much good advice about growing dahl-
what I can to protect the environ- ias and lots of beautiful images of dif-
Contact me ment. I have found that the most ef- ferent varieties. My wishlist has grown
fective way of doing this is by rubbing immensely. I am thinking of taking a
 Feedback the writing on the labels with some summer off the garden and devoting the
jiff squirted on old rags. I like to use spare beds to growing dahlias. Awhile
 Newsletter input socks as I can put my hand through ago I wrote about how seasoned garden-
(tips, recipes, gar- them and it’s easier to work that way. ers might want to consider taking a
den photos etc) break from gardening if it gets too
Now that the rain has subsided, it’s much for them. I absolutely love gar-
 To be added to my time to pot up some more rhubarb. At dening and it’s pretty much my whole
mailing list the moment my seedlings are in six- life but I am exhausted. I have been on cell punnets but they have outgrown the trot for nine years now and feel re-
them so I am moving them into 10cm ally burnt out. While there is obviously
pots. As you may have noticed if work involved with raising and growing
you’re a regular reader of my newslet- flowers, it is much less than veggie gar-
ter, I have been doing this for awhile dening. I might keep the veggie garden
Inside this issue: but it seems to be a never-ending pro- to a minimum and stick to growing easy
cess. There are so many plants! The things like silverbeet and beans. It is
ones I raised from seed and planted in just a thought at this stage and I will
P ot te r ing aro u nd 2 early autumn are positively thriving probably be so tempted when the seed
Anita’s Garden and it won’t be long until we are har- catalogues are released in July that I
vesting fresh stalks. We are currently end up ordering and growing tons of
enjoying rhubarb from the plants we veggies!
Top 5 gardening tasks 2 purchased from the garden centre
for the week that we planted in the garden a few Useful links
years ago. They were in the garden  Italian Seeds Pronto
bed alongside our driveway but I lift-
Collaboration news 2 ed them and temporarily potted them  Awapuni
in large containers because I wanted
to clear that area so I can dedicate it  Bulbs Direct
to growing annuals. At the moment,
Growing Italian tomatoes 3 we have Iceland poppies growing in Kind regards,
that bed and in late spring when they Anita Kundu
have finished flowering I will remove
them and sow quick-maturing early
PAGE 2 A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N V O LU M E 3 , I S S U E 4 7

Pottering around Anita’s Garden

As mentioned below, I planted

Isn’t this pansy beautiful? I filled some lettuce seedlings in a round
the plastic troughs at the back of bowl which we are keeping in our
our house with them. Pansies are patio. Lettuce is very good for you
one of my favourite winter annu- and is an essential ingredient in
als. If you’re after some pansy We are continuing to enjoy winter salads. In winter, we just enjoy
plants, don’t forget that Awapuni veggies from our garden. The cel- green salads because accompani-
stock them and deliver direct to ery and leeks went into a veggie ments such as tomato and cucum-
your door. Their plants are very soup while we have been having ber are too expensive to buy out of
eco-friendly and come wrapped in the broccoli and cauliflower season.
newspaper. steamed. The cabbage is stir-fried.

Top 5 gardening tasks for the week

4. Plant garlic
1. Prune roses In winter, there is only one spray I
use on roses and fruit trees and Now is the perfect time to plant
It is still a bit early but I don’t that is lime sulphur. I cannot rec- garlic.
think there’s much harm in prun- ommend it highly enough for pre-
ing your roses now. Our garden venting fungal diseases. 5. Plant more lettuce
bins needed filling so we thought
we may as well prune them and 3. Plant strawberries I recently planted some more let-
dispose of the clippings. tuce seedlings in a large round
You can start planting strawber- container as I found them on spe-
2. Spray roses and fruit ries now. It gives them enough cial at the garden centre. Or you
trees with lime sulphur time to establish strong roots be- can order some plants from
fore flowering and fruiting. Awapuni.

Collaboration news
Italian Seeds Pronto stock celeriac. Bulbs Direct now have Kakanui In love with the pictures of the
There is a lovely variety called seed garlic in stock! Be quick to pansies from our garden that I
Bianco del Veneto. The plant is get your hands on some as it won’t have been sharing lately? Now
medium size with ample leaves last long. If that doesn’t take your you can have your own! Awapuni
that can be used in soup. You can fancy, there is also regular Printa- has a great promotion this week
sow seeds in spring. It does take a nor. Don’t forget to plant some for you. Grab a regular bundle (9
long time for them to germinate, so shallots on the shortest day. We seedlings) of pansies for just $4.
be patient. Even after then, it love having them on toasted The price has already been dis-
takes a long time for the seedlings cheese and onion sandwiches. counted on the online shop. This
to grow and bulbs to form but it is Bulbs Direct stock the variety deal is valid until 9 am 14 June
well worth the wait. French Red. 2021 or while stocks last.
V O LU M E 3 , I S S U E 4 7 PAGE 3
A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N

Growing Italian tomatoes

Following on from last week’s arti- Seeds Pronto range. We are very are plenty of seeds to share with
cle about growing an Italian herb lucky that it made its way back family, friends, colleagues and
garden, this week I decided to into the catalogue. This is a mid- neighbours who are keen garden-
write about the perfect accompani- late small egg-shaped vine tomato. ers. Also they store well so you
ment, Italian tomatoes. The lovely It is aesthetically pleasing, not don’t have to sow them all in one
Gillian Hurley-Gordon at Italian that any tomato plant is unattrac- season.
Seeds Pronto has a wonderful tive, in my opinion. Principe Bor-
Cuor di Bue
range of tomatoes on her website, ghese is a prolific producer. The
many of which are in the famous tomatoes are in clusters of 7-10 This is the one variety in the Fran-
Franchi range of Italian heirloom fruits that hold on well to the vine. chi range that Gillian offers that I
seeds. I have grown some of these It is good for eating fresh, drying haven’t grown. That is because it
varieties over the years and want- and roasting. This variety will is a fairly recent addition to Italian
ed to share just how good they are grow just about anywhere. Again, Seeds Pronto. Cuor di Bue (or
with you. Spring may seem a long out of fairness to all customers, it “Heart of the Cow”) is a pinky-red
way off but there’s no better time is limited to just one packet per heart-shaped heirloom tomato.
to start thinking about what you order but with an extremely gener- There are few seeds and it is low
might like to grow in the summer ous seed count of 200, I can’t see acid. It is incredibly sweet and at
garden and start jotting down a why you would need more than its best when not too ripe. This is
shopping list of seeds. It certainly that anyway. a very large and vigorous plant
pays to get in quick because stock which produces early. It will grow
is limited and sourcing seeds from Red Pear
well in most provinces in New Zea-
overseas in Covid times has proven I grew this variety for the first land. This is an indeterminate
difficult in the past year. time last year, after Gillian kindly variety. As with the other tomato
gave me a packet of seeds. We had varieties in Italian Seeds Pronto’s
Below I will set out a bit of infor-
three of these tomatoes last year range, there is a limit of one pack-
mation about some of the varieties
and they were all brilliantly pro- et per order but once again the
in Italian Seeds Pronto’s range.
ductive. Red Pear is a pear- seed count of 200 is extremely gen-
Costoluto Fiorentino shaped tomato, as the name sug- erous.
gests. It is not to be confused with
This is the ultimate beefsteak to- Beeline Tuscan Red
the other Red Pear variety which
mato and is a must-have in the is a small cherry This variety isn’t in
garden this summer. This variety tomato, and is also “Spring may seem a the Franchi Seeds
comes from the fabulous Florence pear-shaped. Ital- long way off but there’s range and is part of
in the Tuscany region of Italy. ian Seeds Pronto’s no better time to start the reputable Bee-
Even though a trip there won’t be Red Pear variety is thinking about what line range, which
on the cards anytime soon, isn’t large and meaty. you might like to grow Italian Seeds Pronto
this a great way to bring a bit of Although it is juicy, in the summer garden also stocks. I haven’t
Tuscan flavour to your home! This it is not a wet toma- and start jotting down grown it before, but
tomato is rich and meaty, with lots to. It is ideal for a shopping list of that isn’t to say that
of juice. It is perfect for using in s t u ff i n g. In seeds” it isn’t a good varie-
salads and of course making sand- Gillian’s opinion, ty. After all, there is
wiches. One slice is all you need to this is one of the best tasting Ital- only so much space in the garden
fit on a piece of bread. There is a ian tomatoes out there and I would and the seed count of Italian Seeds
limit of one packet per order but have to say I agree. She has spent Pronto’s tomato packets are so
with an extremely generous seed a lot more time in Italy, whereas I generous that I end up only grow-
count of 300, I can’t see how you used to live in France so I am more ing a few varieties but have a lot of
would need to buy multiple pack- familiar with what was sold at the plants. Tuscan Red is a large beef-
ets, even if you were planning to Parisian farmers’ markets, which steak variety from Florence in
germinate seeds en masse and sell was mostly French produce. Like Tuscany. This plant is vigorous
seedlings commercially, as I have Costoluto Fiorentino and Principe and productive. It has sweet tast-
done in the past through my Borghese, there is a limit of one ing thick semi-scalloped fruit that
nursery Anita’s Garden. packet per order, but the overall grows consistently well throughout
Principe Borghese seed count is 180 so I don’t think all NZ provinces. The seed count
you’ll need more than that. Indeed is 40. Note the limit of one packet
This is hands down my absolute one of the things I love about the per order.
favourite tomato variety, both Franchi Seeds range is how gener-
within and outside the Italian ous the packet sizes are. There Good luck with your tomatoes this

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