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~12'end of the Ptve

"The only truth you find in distant lands is the truth

you carry with you."
- The Qatol

Legend of lhe Five Rings, The Five Rings Symbol, The Emerald Empire of Rokugan, FRPG, and Way of the Naga
m trademarks of F'l\'e Rings Publlshln~ Group. Incorporated. Fl\1~ Ring~ Publi$hlng GrOllp, Incorporaled is a sub!iidiary 01 "lzards of tM Coast, Incorporalell
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Kevin Wilson gave Chapter 3 the abomination it needed.

Ken Carpenter marshalled the army in AppendiX VI. and kicked our collective tails with it
Jim scouted out the Shinomen Forest and told us what he found.
eris Domaus drew a map of Nirukti's buildings. and then told us who lived there.
Tess zachary, who sent me lhe Naga, long-distance, just so I wouldn't have to retype. Also, for
funning the single greatest LARP events in the world, and for lelling Naga play at Geneon. even if
we didn't have any rules yet

Special Thanks to...

Nik Olah and Steve Rutledge. for their historic Naga duel al GenCon '97. They played 10 see who
would have the greater force within six rounds. and then refused to harm their brolher. "Conflict is a
human failing.R

Ross Isaacs, for giving a few ideas to Chapler Two, and being an all-around great guy.
Ray Yand, Eli Basquez. and Alex Fox.. for their tireless efforts and long hours in the war room.
thinking up the 0001 stuff thai wound up in Chapler Three. A beller crew of mechanics designers. we
couldn't have hoped for!

era51~ of Cont~nts
Th~ BOU1'CQS Of Wal' 4
Cha£M' EJn~: Th~ f\n~nt N1ga S
Cha£t~l' CfIoo: ~ Hlstol'Y of t~ N1ga 16
Cha£M' Thl'~~: Chal'acM' 4S
Cha£M' nub Who's Who 74
Cha£M' :fJw: Chal'acM' crem£lat~s . . . . . . . . . ~4
ft£~ndlx !: q>h~ Bhmom~n lOS
TI: Hldd~n P~1C~S U4
ft£~ndlx m: Bandl111'Y Of th~ EJutcasts .. us
ft£~ndlx IV: P~aHs of th~ Jak~1 119
f\£~ndlx V: GamemasM1ng th~ Naga 121
Ma£ Of t~ N!l'ukb Rums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
f\£~mhx VI: BhahaM's ugJon 125
Naga Chal'acM' Bh~~ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
day that the Pale Eye opened. and it is said that
his upturned face was the first sight the Atman's
\ \ Pale Eye saw. For a day. he rejoiced in the
Breaking of the Stone, and the birth of the people.

erl1~ watching as one by one they came forth from the

shattered black remnants of the Heavenly Core.

BOU11C~S of And they were all as one, all alike. beneath the
Alman's Eyes.
The mighty Svarbhanu, Golden One. was not
born of egg nor shell, but birthed of the Atman

"'a1 1 himself; a thought brought to life and given form

within the Black Stone that was our maker. In the
mind of the Atman. he was born, and on the land
he was placed, to live within the glory of the
Atman's presence. His people were few, carved
"The voice of the people is the Voice ofAtman" from the Black Stone itself. and their scales shone
- Qato/ in radiance above all others. gold and Silver
beneath the Bright Eye's sight.
My name is unimporlanl But this was not enough for Svarbhanu. He
I am the Kazaq, and that is all I am. I am a saw his people emerge from the Shell of !.he
Speaker of the Akasha, and I am the one to tell Stone, and he saw them turn one upon the other,
this tale. I am an Asp, of the bloodline of the and fight with spear and bow. In those days, all
ancient city of Siska. I have seen mountains Naga were as one and there were no divisions -
move, and the lands burn from the tears of the there were no Asp, no Constrictor or Cobra. no
Alman. The forests which cover the land were Chameleon and Greensnake. All Naga were one
wide then. streaming from mountain to sea and body. and their scales were not green as ours are
from hill through valley. today, but as gold as the summer sky and as
That was the time of our people. before the bright as dew upon the mountain. Yet though
Breaking of the One Stone, when we were as gold they were of one people, the Golden Ones fought
upon the land. and lived as one. It was the days Their arguments grew to flames, many died. and
before coming of the Akasha when the Bright Eye the land was divided among them.
and the Pale walked upon the land. or those days, Around the People, the Atman's Bright Eye
I will tell this tale. brought forth the wonders of the ocean and the
land. From the pores of the earth, creatures
sprang and bowed their heads before Svarbhanu
and his brood, acknowledging them as the true
children of the Alman. Yet, stilL the People fought.
for the smallest differences were as great stones
to their eyes.
Svarbhanu was not content. and let out a great
cry. ~Alman," he said, "You have shown me many
things, and for all these I am grateful. The world
There once was a Naga known 10 his people as prospers, and the people of the Naga live among
the Svarbhanu. first among his race. He was of the land and build cities of great power. But what
those who stepped from the Stone when it fell among them makes them destroy one another?"
from the heavens, and his voice was as thunder to And the Svarbhanu's children died, and the
the wind. serpents of gold fell one by one, to the spears of
The Svarbhanu was a powerful warrior, the Five Cities.
blessed with the gift of the Pale Eye and given The Svarbhanu healed the land, and still the
hair of gold and eyes like the summer corn. People fought. He offered gifts of silver and gold,
Svarbhanu's scales were made of gold, and his beauty and honor. but still, the battles continued.
fingers shone in the Bright Eye's gaze as if they At last. the Svarbhanu turned away, for nothing
were pieces of the sky. He was born on the first he could do would stop the fighting. Still the
People fought one another. and the wars fifth ... ah. the fifth, Svarbhanu." the Pale Eye said.
continued. Darkness fell and the people grew "is to presen'e one's own life:'
weary. and all the green land of Atman was Svarbhanu shook his head. 11lese are not
covered in rivers of blood. enough. great Atman. The dead must be
The Svarbhanu sorrowed. for the Bright Eye appeased:' He placed his golden child upon a
did not answer. The people continued to fight and hilltop benea!.h the Pale Eye, and he spoke over
among them, the Svarbhanu's own son. a the blood of his son.
beautiful child and first among the new race of 11lis thing called War must not be allowed to
golden serpents. He was his father's delight, and a continue. I ask that you remove the sources of
swift warrior, Yet one day, among the fighting of war:'
the people. an arrow struck his heart. and burst The Pale Eye sighed. and considered the
his soul. The son of Svarbhanu. leader of the matter. '"You know not what you ask.. child of the
Golden Ones, died on the plain of dust and woe. People. Once made, this thing cannot be unmade
so easily:'
"Yet J do ask il in the name of the First Blood
shed upon !.his land. and for !.he tears of the
Atman. mother and father to the People:'
'" will do as you ask." said the Pale Eye. and
the Atman's hand raised above all the lands. "But
I will only remo\'e four of war's five sources. Do
what you will with the last"
With thal the Pale Eye spirited away, and the
Svarbhanu was left alone on the hilltop with the
This angered Svarbhanu beyond thought He dead body of his son.
wem to the field, and raised his son from the Below him. the People halted in their fray.
ground, washing his hands with sweet oil and Their weapons fell to the ground. and !.he world
deaning his son's wound with l1is own hair. When ceased its turning. Blood stopped falling from
the body was prepared. the Svarbhanu carried wounds. and all the land was at peace. BUI the
him from that place, to the top of the highest hill peact that was, there had never been before. No
above the forest There he looked down on the voice ventured even a single word in anger. no
fires of the Naga armies. all as one in the gold and Naga raised a hand againsl injustice or slavery.
beauty of the one ract of serpents. The plains One Vedic became the foremost of the People,
beneath him shone witl1 the beauty of their grinding all olhers down beneath his fangs, and
carved yellow features. but the rivers swam with all the others allowed it Their pride was gone,
their blood. and their desire to be free men had vanished as
And there, he called 10 the night, and surely as the tide upon the shore. There was no
demanded an answer. He watched for the Pale strife. and all weallh turned on one Naga's touch,
Eye of Alman to awaken. and when it did, he 10 give or to receive as he commanded.
called oul his question to the Pale Eye's mercy. With the power he had taken. the High Lord
~Look." he cried. ""upon the world you have ruled all the land of the People, from high
created. My kind make war, one upon the other, Shakahnan mountain to the lowlands of Balil. All
and our children are slain on the field. I call to the Golden Naga of Svarbhanu, the Chosen of the
you, Dark Eye of the Atman. and I ask why this is Bright Eye, were called to service and placed in
allowed 10 be.~ He held aloft the body of his son, chains.
slain in batLie. "What are !.he sources of this The People, enslaved, began 10 die.
plague called 'War: and how can I destroy them?"
The Pale Eye, crafty and wise, looked down
upon Ihe Svarbhanu and his people and
answered. "My child. there are five things which
are the source of War, and each of them has been
blessed by Atmalt One is pride, another wealth.
another fights for land The fourth is freedom.
which all creatures of Alman know, and the
When he could stand it no more, Svarbhanu green of grass and leaves, and the brown of dirt
traveled again to the hilltop of the Alman. and and forest And so, the Naga shone no more in
called once more to the Pale Eye. gold and silver, bul were forced to seek out
'ihis cannol continue," the Svarbhanu cried. glittering gems with which 10 make offerings 10
"My people starve and die under the command of the Atman.
an unjust Lord He holds all gold and all title. and 11l.e third woe that I will give 10 you shall
the lands he owns are plundered and destroyed, stand beneath your bodies, and the land itself
their green fields torn 10 sod and ruilt shall come forth in reckoning.~ As the Alman
"We are given peace, bUI it is peace al the cost spoke, the Svarbhanu saw the great forests heave,
of OUf pride and OUf honor - at the cost of our and the world cracked. Mountains rose, and
children, and ourselves.. You promised, Pale Eye." oceans moved, and the borders of great
he said, "'to lake away the demons of War and Shishomen forest shrank behind flat featureless
give us peace. bUI what you ha\"e given is only plains.
butchery of another sort" As the heavens grew grey with the weight of
And the Svarbbanu tore his hair. and he beat day behind it, the Alman's Pale Eye looked once
upon his heart until the Pale Eye stepped once more on Svarbhanu and his people. ilJe fourth
more from the heavens and came to his side. price you must pay is a heavy one, bul you must
Ihis," said the Pale Eye. and the heavens bear it, or your people willli\'e forever as servants
thundered. "is the world you wished All things to another. The cost of freedom is unity. for only
have been done as you asked. and your people when another Naga's life is as important 10 him
live now in the world you would have made for as his own can you be truly free. For this. you will
lhem I have taken strife and anger. I have taken have no sons. and no daughters. and the ties of
away possessions and pride - your world is your blood between you shall all be as one."
own, Svarbhanu. made as your will decreed. U The Svarbhanu saw the people standing
you would have back the four sources of War around the egg·beds. and he saw the Children of
which I look from you, Svarbhanu. you musl the Cities come forth with eyes of wide wonder.
purchase it for your people," and he knew that it was good.
"Here," the Alman lifted a hand, "is the pride ilJe fifth, Svarbhanu,~ the Pale Eye said, "was
that left your people when you called down the the sanctity of life, and that source I never took
power of my Eye. For this, I shall take your from you. Yet it is right that you be rewarded for
payment in the form of self. Your people must be your wisdom - had I taken it, your kind would
individuals before they can be proud of what they surely have perished, and no Naga would move
have done." upon the firmament, nor swim through the sea.
And Svarbhanu looked down upon his people, "That fifth thing which I did not take - life - I
and he saw their shapes twisl and change, and shall give you a hundred fold. Let the life of one
each face became different from the face which Naga be the life of all, and let the world which
looked upon it, and their shapes were moved you embrace, embrace you as well."
until nol one was as his brother. And thus were
the Naga sundered, and the Bloodlines born.
"And in thiS hand," said the many-faced
Atman, "lies the wealth, and greed, that I took
from your people at your command." He raised
the cup high, and it filled the world. "'To repay its
cost. I will take the gold from your scales." said
the Pale Eye of Alman. "and fill the Heavens with
your wealth, that you may see it always bUI never
acquire what you have lost With this. you will That was the day when the Akasha was born,
know that there is more than silver and riches. from the Bright Eye's gift of Wisdom and the Pale
and seek to attain the gold of Nirvana and the Eye's gift of War.
sil\'er of Alman's teachings." But through all the lands of the Naga and their
Beneath them, the scales of the People lost children. may they forever be plentiful never did
their golden shine, and their radiance faded into a Golden Serpent come again. and all the people
dust They became as the earth. gilded with the who have descended from Svarbhanu and the
One Stone have been as green as earth, or brown glimpse into the world as it was before the TIme
as dust Their scales have turned to yellow. and as of the Fall and perhaps learn about the truth of
black as the night sky, but never did they turn to humanity's myths, all from a source as old as time
gold. The firstborn children of Svarbhanu are lost itsell
to us. and their lives are no more than dust You11 see ancient tities. and recover them from
But their legend will live on through the ruins as you stretch from the sleep of a thousand
Akasha and the Vedic of Bright and of Pale who years, and you'll understand the driving force
speak its will behind the Naga Akasha - the Mind of Minds that
May we look upon their brightness. and into holds all the souls of the Naga race, born and
the eyes of the Atman, the imperishable light, unborn. All the rules and guidelines you'll need to
forever. make your own unique Naga characters are
included in this book. as well as new skills,
advantages and disadvantages, and the Great
Lessons, or schools, of the Naga Race. Plus, we've
included information on how to run an all-Naga
campaign, based either before or after the fall of
the Kami, and how to integrate the occasional
awakened Naga in historical Rokugan campaigns.
As the evil in the Shadowlands began to stir, a
few Naga awakened. Their Scouts. ever prepared
Welcome to the eighth book of our Way of the to clear the way for their people, rose from the
Clans series. "~of the Naga is designed to help Great Sleep to find a world that has been
Game Masters understand the mystery and shattered by change, turned from the peaceful
andent secrets of Rokugan's non-human past forests and rolling hills they once knew into a
Many view the Naga with a strange mix of fear civilized land co\'ered in sprawling cities and
and hatred, misunderstanding their intentions towering palaces. A people whose language was
and abhorring their strange features and lore.
foreign and harsh-sounding leveled their shining
Some even whisper that the Naga came before
katana toward them. calling them hideous names.
the TIme of the KamL and seek to return the
world to a pure - non-imperial- state. or worse yet - fell before them, huddled and
The truth about the Naga is that they were crouching. as though them were gods.
once a powerful race, and one which ruled the And. somewhere within all the astonishing
whole of the land now claimed by the Empire. change, the strange and terrifying world into
During the Time of their Great Sleep, their cities which these simple Scouts awakened. something
fell to ruin, and their legend died. Now, as the terrible lay in wait The Akasha stirs. sending a
Empire is threatened by the Evil of the clarion call to its people, whispering of darkness
Shadowlands, the Naga have returned from myth and the Foul.
to fight alongside the brave samurai of Rokugan. Within the great forest, the Naga people rise,
Way of the Naga is nOi the final word on the grasping their ancient spears and holding aloft
ancient Naga. but rather presents cultural and banners unseen for a ten centuries. Are you
historical information which your Game Master prepared to awaken from the dreams of a
may find useful for his or her own campaign. As thousand years ago?
usual the Game Master has final word on the
Naga. from determining their spells and abilities
to a complete exclusion of the race from the
campaign. You may fmd that the Naga in your
realm are different from those presented here,
and that the answers to the antient legends lie
within another set of ruins... or behind a
serpent's mysterious golden eyes.
In this book. you'll find the stories and
histories of the Naga. dating from the time before
the Kami fell from the Heavens. You will take a
During the rains, a group of peasants camped
in a small pass on the far side of the Spine of the
\ \ World mountains, near the lip of lhe Shinomen
forest The cave opening they described was
small, barely enough to give them shelter from
the storm, yet the cave itself was large and open.
Inside the mouth of the cave, they built a small
NAGA AND THE fire from bundled sticks they carried in their
RPG packs.
The Naga race is very When the peasants returned, they spoke of
distinct from the 'normal' strange carvings in the cave, painted with fading
samurai of Rokugan, bUI colors and odd symbols, The peasants, illiterate as
you will soon discover they they are, could not relate the precise symbols they
nol so different from the had seen, and so we do not know what kanji
humans they revile.
graced that cave's walls. Perhaps if we did, the
Although the bloodlines For over a thousand years, the Naga were peasants' story would be more believable.
and oilier information is considered myth, simple stories and allegories Still, the heimin spoke of serpent·men, whose
different, the Naga are written by some ancient librarian, to teach lessons great tails covered the cave's ceiling and walls,
completely compatible with
the L5R RPG system, or to entertain, interrupted by images of kneeling women with
including their abilities. Never in the history of the Empire has a Naga greenish skin. From their crude sketches
skills and experience/insight been seen, though stories of ruined cities and (continued in scroll XXV, within this series) we
levels. ancient magics surfaced from time 10 lime. The have ascertained that the emblem of the Sun
Remember, your GM can following treatises were written by members of Mother was carved into the top of the ceiling.
choose nol to use the Naga the Empire, detailing the myth - the legend - of covered in gold and pearl. A similar emblem of
in his campaign. ThaI's the ancient Naga Although as far as the Emerald the moon pictured in glossy obsidian lay carved
entirely his right But if he Empire is concerned, the Naga do not exist. there inlO the noor.
does, you'll find them
completely compatible. right
are still strange stories and tales of the Shinomen Frightened, the peasants speak of huddling
down to the very last scale. Forest. and even the bravest samurai do not near the cave's mouth, and only slowly. as the fire
venture into the depths of that haunted land. grew bright, did they overcome their fear. Their
Pay close attention to the lessons these stories recollections have been compiled as best as
teach, but remember: within every legend is a possible, and are presented here for the records of
grain of truth, and behind every forests' veiled the Lion.
grove stands a mystery waiting to be The serpents on the walls were long. twisted,
awakened ... and had the faces of men, They carried spears of
strange make, and odd armor which seemed
SCROLL XXIV: OF THE SECOND made of gold and ringed chains. Their green·
YEAR OF THE HORSE, IN THE skinned faces were alien to us, with ugly round
REIGN OF HANTEI KUSADA, THE eyes and pointed teeth, and their leader - so
SIXTH OF HIS LINE described because he was the largest of the
...These scrolls hang heavy in the Ikoma figures. and closest to the Sun·emblem - had a
libraries. and there are those who say they can spear made entirely of pearl.
still hear the rumbles of the earth, far to the I refer interested parties 10 scrolls XVI - XVII,
south, where our Lord Akodo died. This year, we of the Third Year of the Rooster, in the reign of
have been blessed with many rains. and the Hantei Ningi, the third of his line, and to scrolls
plains of the Lion have been swept clear through 111 through VI, of the Celebration of Iris Flowers.
flood and high waters. under that same Emperor's glorious reign, Within
And though the waters have brought peace to those texts, similar patterns of carvings and kanji
our land, and stopped the bandits who raid to the (letters which appear to be one single, twisted
east. it has also brought a strange twist of fortune line) are referenced. It is possible that the figures
that I feel compelled to relate. These scrolls, the on the wall of this cave and the creatures painted
high Histories of the Lion, must be maintained in the ruined city discovered in the first set of
with all information, however ludicrous the scrolls are connected. Certainly close observation
supposition involved. of the peasants' scrawlings reveals the similarities
between the pictures in the cave and those in the that case. it is likely that with the fall of the Kami.
ruined dty near the Shrine of Osano-Wo. These these places were abandoned.
modern peasants have no knowledge of the It is certain that these images are allegorical
andent scrolls. and those who saw the odd for what man was ever bom. in the Kami's earth.
occurrences of lhe Celebration of Iris Flowers who had the body of a serpent? Unless the tales
could not have been within miles of the cave (that on the walls of the ca\'e spoke of Oni (which my
particular festival took place in the northernmost Phoenix friend assured me they did not). the
Crab lands). How, then. can these three inddents figures carved into the walls of the mysterious THE TALE OF Til[
be rerondled? cave ha\'e a deeper meaning than their physical S£RPENT
The mailer was taken up by a Lion Historian, form.
one Ikoma Hatsute, to a traveling Asako FujiyarL Perhaps the 'snake imagery' refers 10 a There is one thing you
and the Phoenix's answer was enlightening. It precursor of the Scorpion. a people who had must understand, brave
seems that we have a cult within our Empire, one hardened their hearts to be almost serpentine in samura~ as you read th-
which has given up the worship of our great Kami their dealings with the other primitive tribes. text The Nap are not
in order to revere the lowliest of creatures - They could have been mistrusted, or seen as human - and they have
never been.
serpents of the field. 11 seems likely thaI they reviled, and embraced the imagery as their own.
place themselves even above the Moon and Sun. In this manner, they could be seen as 'standing The culture of the Nasa
race is nol based on the
great Lord and Lady of the CeleStial Heavens. for between the Sun and the Moon' in imagery, Asian civilization of
all the images carved into the dty ruins and on because they had turned their backs on both Rokugan. They have no
the cave walls are of serpents between the two Gods. place in the Empire, 00
Gods. StilL lhe mystery is unknown. Who were lhese status, and 00 revered Karni.
It may be, explained the revered Phoenix tribesmen. and to whal end did they come? They are outsiders.
magistrate. that these places predate the Empire, Where are the histories of these strange people, if The Nag. culture is a
mudl in the way that the legends of lsawa's City they joined one of the Great Oans al dIe Time of blend of their ancieQl
histories and memories, and
predate the Kami's fall It is known to us that dIe Kami's Fall? the new information that
primitive Rokugani wandered. alone and without has been brought to them
guidance. during these times. It is not The answer may never be known to the by scouts investigating the
unreasonable to think that these beast·men could Emerald Empire. In the Emperor's Name, and for land of the Emerald EmplR.
be a primitive attempt to discern the nature of the the Glory of Rokugan.
universe. Cut off from the Kami's wisdom. Their \1r"3YS are not the
primitive man will believe any superstition. In - {koma Gakki. Second historian of the High ways of Bwhwo.
Histories of the Lion They are not the stori~
of samurai - although the
Empire's innuence has
begun to permeate Naga
culture 10 an incredible
degree. even after only II
few years of wakefulness
(for the scouts - others have
been awake even less tlme~

Read carefully, and you

will see a view of lhe
Emerald Empire as il bas
never been seen before.

From the outside

.. ---_ ...

II is the tenth night of the Horse,

and I am weary. For seven days. the
What do the Rokugani armies marched across the Scorpion
cMos think of the Naga? plains. and when they fought against
ngely enough. they are the Lion, we were destroyed. I saw my
(for the most part) unified younger brother - lshiku - fall his
Ia thar ronfusion. disgust
and fear of the great body speared by Lion pikes.
creatures of the Shinomen. Perhaps we underestimated their
For a lbousand )"etrS. ferocity, in baiting them with our
the Naga culture was a poisoned tricks. They cut us down one
myth. They were Itgtnds, by one, though our numbers were
stories to scare children. three times as great as lheirs. They
aby grandmothers over a slaughtered us. I saw the Bayushi fall
'Warl1l winter's fue.
Lqeods mn"t supposed pierced by knives and swords. I failed.
to rome true. mother.
I ned. and I deserve to lie in
Only the Dragons (and Traitor's grove.
Toturi, the Black Renin) I have fled to lhe great foresl,
have come forvmd publicly screaming. The groves are silenL I have
to speak to the strange let lhe Shosuro armies march on
creatures. Other clans see
the return of the Naga as without me, to face the scourge of lhe
another sign of the Lion Soon, like poor Ishiku, they will
destruction of the Empire all be dead and the Shosuro lands will
caused by the plague whim rest in the Lion's clawed fisL..
hes struck down the Last
...It has been seven days. and the
In those few place of the
Empire that have actually forest is all around me. The kami twist
n the Nagl. the reactions the trees, bending the woodland and
arc mixcd: fear, worship, changing the path. Three limes. I have
and awe. followed the stream, and three limes, I
The Naga speak have found the same shauered rock. by
Rokuganllanguages very the river. Madness. Nothing, nothing.
poorly, and only Mirumoto I have heard them moving in the
Dalnl has mastered any
trasP of their language. It is woods, the spirits of the Shinomen. My
unknown why the Naga men are losl - I thought I had found
hive awakened at this lime, one, but it was only an empty skeleton
but if they prove to be a of armor, with a grinning skull
threat, the Great dans will beneath. The mon was from my
no doub!: destroy them
before they can bring harm father's time...
to the Empire.
Mer all they're only ...There is nothing I can do. and so
snakes. Right? I foUow them. The spirits call Perhaps
they will lead me to Traitor's Grove,
and perhaps I will die there. a Yogo,
alone. Nothing. nothing. I have little
food. less water, and my father's sword
is heavy at my side. Three days ago, I
left my armor near a large rock as I ba!.hed in a and the leaves were a strange purple-red with
small pool. When I returned. it was gone. and !.he sticky sap.
trees would not answer my shouts for aid I am Even the sun appeared dimmer and calmer
alone. lost, and I do not even fear !.he Lions here. It was as if all the lights of the world had
anymore.. gone out and the soil itself had gone 10 sleep. We
camped when it became too dark to search any
...A palace. Apalace in !.he forest. .. further. That nighl my dreams were filled with the
images of snakes burrowing up from the clay and
••.1can stay. and I am glad The visions of my swallowing me whole. I knew that I would need
comrades do not haunt me here. and the screams to sleep with my kimono inside out the next night
of !.he fallen Shosuro do not tear apart my if I was to avoid the nightmares.
dreams. This place is cold. and quiet, and I can
hear the thoughts of the trees. whispering. II is We woke. and had walked an hour down the
cold here. path. Suddenly. a place rose around us. covered by
I am alone. but not alone. creeping vines and twisted trees unlike anything
I see them, coming througb the trees. I have else in the land A glade of mosses covered thick
invaded the land of the spirits. and they stand stone arches. construction the likes of which I
before me now. watching as I write this. Their have never seen before. fm not sure how we
bodies - serpents - are monstrous. and their could have missed this place when .....e chose our
hands grip spears of pure pearl. campsite the night before. but it was obvious that
I ""ill sleep, they say. for a thousand years... we had stepped into something alien: something
previously unknown. Our maps indicated that a
TH£ IOORNAl 0. SHINJO FUII"'AkA barren knoll should exist where we stood. but the
LAST £NTRY ring of trees. the stone altars (I can call lhem
My Lord Yokatsu·sama. nothing else). and foreign markings all indicated
olherwise. I was determined 10 know more. but
It is with great sadness that I inform you of my before I could step into lhe labyrinlh of foliage
wrongdoings. I have betrayed my House. my and stone, Goheshu said one word
name. and my responsibility as a son of Shinjo. "No~
I must explain what I have found before I can I stopped "We must explore. We must study
explain what I have done; for fear that my words lhis.~ I could feel the excitement overcoming me.
may sting with dishonor and shame rather than My lord. please understand the lure of the place -
the true glory of the sights that I have seen. By !.he the mystery of it all. I must regret that I embraced
Emperor's command, Ikoma Goheshu and I the change, the frontier set before me. knowing
tra\'eled through a section of the Shinomen forest, ror the first time what our Ki·Rin ancestors must
virgin and unexplored. 11 was our duty to map the have felt when they crossed the great mountain
territory. as no man has ever done. To !.he Norlh and climbed into a new world. Here I was, before
- I am sure it was North. my lord - we found a a great stone tomb - a castle, a sanctuary. what
series of tracks in the mud. Tiny markings lay else ... ?
scattered through the ground. as if a rat or I refused to allow a scribe to dictate a bushi's
squirrel had been pushed !.hrough the earlh. actions. It was not his place to stop me. Quickly. I
Upon closer inspection. I was sure it was not began to sketch out the ruins. drawing the strange
mud at all. It was not soft or wet as if newly markings. the connected writing and the odd
formed from rain or dew. but rather. was like a forms.
day - still drying and hardening but never Seeing me step forward beneath the great
growing solid. Compact and firm, but not brittle. stone arch, he said again. "No." His voice was ice
I noticed the trees nearby were hanging and and sleel
drooping. their limbs pulled to the ground as if Angered, I looked up from my work. "What do
weary from the weight of years. What would have you fear?"
been tall powerful oaks anywhere else were little He looked at me with angry eyes; tired and
more than broken wooden toys. It appeared as if fearful eyes, as if I were a child 'ihese markings.
they could not even support their own weight these places. They are nol on the Imperial Map:"
He paused as if I should know what that meant
But he must have seen the look of desire in my I do not know what that place was. but 1cannot
eyes. 1'hese ruins do not exist," he said. 'ilIey are find it again. ( have walked until my feet bled,
an illusion. I will not allow you to map a trick..~ He and nothing has shown me the way.
spit the last words from his mouth as if ( were And I, proud son of Shinjo. I have slain the
some sycophantic liege asking him for a few koku Imperial Historian, (koma Goheshu, for nothing
to water my horse. My heart filled with fury. How more than his wish to protect me from the
dare he deny this! demons of these woods.
MNo? Like a dog. you say no and bark and spit This is my shame. I ask for your forgiveness
at me:' He could sense my anger rising. I knew he for what 1 do. My seppuku does not make right
could. He must have seen my hand reach for my anything but my own conscience.
sword. but he did not step down. Rather than
being concerned or afraid. this twice-plagued man Shinjo Fujimaktl. the second tioy of the Goat.
was smiling at me. He was mocking me; testing One Hundred Ten years after the Return
me. His eyes were filled with excitement. robbing
me of the precious enthusiasm I held just LETTER FRO... T ORIT.U T SI....RI
moments prior. TO HID' TSVRU. R£G.RDING TH£
i will not be distracted from my labor by a F'LL OF H£8lkJ V,LLAG£.
barbarian's foolishness:' He took the paper, Noble Samurai. son of the Hida line,
covered with its sketches and notes. and descendant of the virtues of heaven, 1plead that
crumpled them in his hands. tearing them to you remember my small clan when you read this
ribbons and leaving them to the wind missive, and that you know that we. the proud
As he did, Goheshu smiled. stared deep at me. Falcon. have forever been brothers to the Crab.
and then turned to leave the ruins behind. He Yet. this past year. strange things have plagued
turned his back on the mystery of this place. our lands. Oni with no Taint have driven the
refused to see the stone arches that stood, proud peasants from our villages and turned our rice
and ancient, and he ignored the challenge they set fields into waste. The river itself has changed its
forth - all in the name of the Emperors foolish course, and the forest of the Shinomen. always
maps. our ally, has turned against our hunters. There is
~Come along. Shinjo," he commanded, looking no game, no rice, and no water.
back at me. His left hand lroced the perfect folds The Falcon flee the village of Hebik~ pleading
of his kimono while his eyes never left mine. And with our samurai to drive off the raiders. destroy
I could see in his eyes that this Ikoma·thing, this the Oni, and purify the land. Yet when we march
barbaric creature - who dared call me uncivilized! to the edge of the foresl, the land is empty. Our
- was laughing. He was laughing at me. shugenja - trained in the schools of your own
I could feel a thousand spirits of serpents lsukai-tsagasu - can find no trace of Taint. no
moving beneath my feet. urging me to leap, to infestation of the Shadowlands. If these Oni have
strike, to destroy those who would dare mock escaped from the far southern lands. then they
them. have found a way to hide from even your most
I acted. cautious scouts.
It was savage. Untamed. I fought as if years of I, myself. have seen their darkened forms as
practice and discipline had faded away, and were they move through the woods - evil creatures.
replaced by a child's tantrum. My blade and my with eyes like burning fire. Your night·time
face were covered in the blood of the spiteful stories of Oni in the darkness of the
useless wretch. My hands trembled at my side. my Shadowlands, old friend. has nol done them
grip never fading. I stood for an hour or more justice. I had expected them to be twenty feet
before 1 stumbled and fell to one knee. It was high with breath of flames, but these creatures
night before I stopped fighting. chopping trees. can spear me with a bow at a hundred paces -
creatures. anything. My anger overwhelmed me they kill before we can even see their movements.
with the force of another mind - but I cannot I cannot imagine how the Hiruma matm their
justify my actions with the holy madness of the silence. their swift vanishing and their
Fortunes. I am sane. viciousness.
My dreams. my nightmares still haunt me. I camped with my men, near empty Heibiki
They draw me in at night with images of his face. Village, and in the night. 1saw the Oni come forth

,-~- -.-
from the forest. They were strange creatures. lit I cannot tell you what the creatures were, or
only by firelight and Onnotangu's cold glow. I why the Dark One has chosen to plague the Clan
swear on the soul of my ancestor. they stood of the Falcon. I know thaI your scouts are brave.
twelve feet high. and their massive tails slid and wise, and that your wall still stands firm - yet
behind them as if they carried the weight of ten how did these Oni escape the Shadowlands? Were
dead men. Their foul stench - of snakes and meat· they always in the valleys of the massive
eaters - corrupted the very air around us. and Shinomen. or are they recently come, called by
their hisses were obviously war·cries. testing the some bloody maho-lSukai who lives in lhe bandit
strength of our souls.. ruins within the forests' walls?
Perhaps your tsukai-tsagasu know more of I cannot say more. for I lie in the ward of
these beasts than we. They were long. as I have Kyuden Toritaka wounded by the arrows of the
said. and they had the faces of men. Yet behind \'idous beasts. I only pray to the $even Fortunes
them. the tails of serpents moved, and their skin that I ha\'e not fallen to the infestation of the Taint
was covered in scales of green and sickly yellow. itself.
Their eyes. my men say. were cold and golden. I call to you. our cousins and lhe defenders of
sliued like an animal's. and their teeth were lhe land against invaders such as these, to rise up
CO\"ered in poison. They moved without sound - with us and lend us your swords. Aid us to purge
their massi\"e bulk twisting and churning the these Oni [rom the Shinomen. and restore the
ground beneath them. pushing aside the forests' villagers to their homes.
loant In their hands they held bows. bows such as If you do not come, I fear lhe beasts will
I have never seen before. They were curved and destroy us all
long. their arrows tipped with bloody resin. I
swear thai many of them were naked, but some R££P'TJCHIVk'S STICk
few wore a strange armor made of golden plates The Nezumi 01 Rokugan - Ratlings -
and rings. strapped together with the dead flesh communicate by chewing and carving stories
of men - or perhaps animals. such as the Unicorn onto sticks, and then sending them to one
use. 1cannot say. another via stream, pigeon, or traveling tribe. This
They moved with a serpenl's slide. hefting 'message' was transcribed by Hida Sukune, and is
their misshapen bodies through thai haunted included here more lor curiosity than as an
wood wilh ease. I swear. the fortunes followed us inclusion to historic lact.
that we were not crushed in their massive coils.
The Dark God must have foreseen that their Snakes come from the north, big·big snakes
bestial appearance would strike fear into our with large tails, like rrom the Terrible Day. I see
hearts. and I could hear his bubbling laughter as them, they come·come.
I drew my grandmother's sword. You who say there no more ShUc'tckv snake-
When they came toward us, our horses began snake, you all wrong. Tell the children. snakes
to scream in fear. The beasts broke their ropes. come back. like so promise-promise Great
and fled through the trees. It was to be our K'nackikchuk when the Fire Fell From the Sky.
salvation, for the creatures turned to the horses We know they come, and now-now. they are. Wc
and began to pierce them with arrows. We, the run·run fast, but not know if olhers safe-safe. I tell
brave men of the Falcon. charged the terrible Oni. you before they gel me. Good·better that way.
driving our spears into their coils. beneath their
scales, and cutling at their foul armor with our Walk quiet walk slow-soft, keep your tail
katana. Even the ashigaru, terrified beyond hidden. Snakes sleep long·long. and the Terrible
through, fought with bravery in the face of Fu Day they remember. Fire and Heavens fall on us
Leng's abominations. again, the Snakes now-now close. Food for snake.
The battle was short. but Berce, and twenty we will be, if lhey see us walk·walk in their
men of the Hebiki village died to protect their places.
land Three of the great beasts. as welL fell before
our onslaught. Yet seven more escaped. their Hide·hide now. let them no more find us.
nemuramzi bows striking with magical accuracy.
slaughtering the peasants as they stood to proted
their homes.
tla. Hj,ItJt'J tJf
lla. ~4fJ4
,. -- ~~ -~ -----
swift as the day, beaming her bright joy upon the
\ \ "Yes, but what has this child's tale to do with
the Naga people who are about to invade
Rokugan?" Ujiaki interrupted, muttering sourly

RlstOl)! al1d ;.-
from his post behind Ihem, 'This talk wastes lime,
Lady Matsu, and the Ronin still marches to the
plains of Osarir' He scowled blackly, and Shizue
quickly continued

The limeline of the Naga
people is indistincl, worn 'The stone which was in the body of the God,
away over a thousand years you see, Itad been under the mud of the earth, and
(or more) of sleep, Although inside that piece of obsidian lay a small
the Naga say they have
slept for :A thousand years: Greensnake, sleeping ill the hardened rock.
no scholar has been able to Within the body of the God. the greensnake grew.
prove the exact length of T1te power of the God changed the snake, and it
their quiescence. It may began 10 think beyond the chaos of animals.
have been a thousand years. "One day, the Goddess took a stone from the When the stone was /reed /rom the God's belly, il
or a hundred thousand.
ground, and hid it in her obi She invited the God fell upon lite earth and shallered into a thousand
The Naga in your
campaign may have been into her great palace in the clouds and made a pieces; each piece became a Naga, each part of
awake. and aware, when the feast in his honor. During the splendid repast, she the other, each broken /rom the same block. The
Kami fell from lite sky. gave the God great quantities of wine and bread snake trapped inside the stone became their first
Certainly, Naga legends to lull him into sleep and drunkenness. As he lay Champion, and he named himself 'Qamar: It is
refer to this evenL and unaware, she fed to him the stone she had said Ihat he taught his people to build cities and
many scholars claim thai
the coming of the Kami was plucked from the earth, and it settled into his libraries, and thai he taught them the way of the
the lrigger for the Thousand thick belly, shugenja, And because they came /rom one slone,
Years of Sleep. 'The next moming, the two Great Ones began they remained one people."
However, the Naga to cross the sky as they had many times before. - The Ston'es of Doji Shizue
cannot seem to align the But the stone iI/ lhe belly of the God weighed him
stars with their logical down and made him slow. He cried out to the
places. During their sleep.
the Celestial Heavens Goddess, 'Help me, for I am falling behind you!' erbq er\?l1l~h?s Of tbl?
changed so radically that
their advanced astronomy is
But the Goddess only laughed, and sailed across
the sky away from him. 5001/, the night came, and Naga ~
all but useless. he was alone with the stars.
"From far away he heard the voice of the Deep in the heart of the Shinomen forest, long
In your campaign, the Goddess, promising to return to him if he would before the lime of humans and the Children of
Naga may be much, much grant her wish So he took from the sky many the Sun. the race of Naga thrived, Their homes
older than they seem.
bright stars, and he strung them together into a were built within the sheltering boughs of the
chain of jewels. Then he called to the Goddess to forests, and they raised great magics to protect
retum to him. \Wren she saw thai he had granted their cities and villages.
her wish, she did come, and he said, 'I still cannot For over seven hundred years. they ruled a
follow you out of the night, for I am weighted as blissful land covered in swinging vines and
if my shoulders bore a load of lead and stoner" tropical flowers. The palaces of the Naga shone
''711e Goddess, caring only for her jewels, told with gems and jewels, and great observatories
him that she could cure him of lhe strange tracked the course of stars and planets, revolving
weight. As he offered the jewels to her, she pulled through the Celestial Heavens, The Naga were a
out hil> own wakizashL slit him across the gullet, peaceful people. living in harmony with the
and the stone fell free. In his pain, the God let go Ratlings and the Trolls. two less intelligent races
the necklace of jewels and they scattered across inhabiting the fair southern lands. The stars hung
the sky, fomling the great Sky Road which hangs in their ordered sky, and twin globes - the Eyes
above RokugafL T11e God never recovered from of the Akasha - revolved in their paths above the
hil> wicked wound, and to this day he chases her woodland. The Naga named them the Bright Eye
across the sky, he slowly and at night and she and the Pale Eye, the Sun and Moon, While they
did not consider the Bright Eye and the Pale to be
'gods: they thought of them as portals to the do not have a humanoid aspect to their heads and
Akasha, necessary in order to understand the chests. These Naga instead have scaled torsos and
balance of all things. slitted eyes. strange, snake-like faces. scaled
Time passed, and the Naga grew in their hoods at the back of their necks and shoulders.
understanding of natural magic, such as the and other aberrations.
power of pearls. The Naga were foes to the To the Naga, such features cause the Cobra to
Darkness: a powerful evil that hunted the land be somewhat repulsive and distinClh'e. but the
unchecked, destroying e\!erything it could find. Cobra bear their mutations with honor and pride.
Terrible Oni·like creatures and shadows with no Once in a generation. a true Abomination is born
faces were their enemies. but the Naga fought - a aga whose appearance is so abhorrent to the
back, conquering the Evil and sending it away. It Naga that they are forced to shun the child. Most
is a time of Naga history known as lhe First of these Abominations die out rapidly, and all are
Burning of the Land" born sterile. In many cases. severely mutated
After the war, prophets and astrologers spoke children are left in the forest after birth. shunned
of a time of Great Sleep, a period of Ages in by the race. The Naga will not raise a hand
which the Naga would rest, undisturbed. waiting against their own kind. and so instead of killing
to fight the Dark again. in a far-distant time the child. they give them a slim chance to live on
called only '111e Second Burning of the Land.- It their own. The dangers of the forest slay many of
was accepted by their people as the duty to which these children. but the few who survil'e to
their race had been born. and the Naga faced adulthood can earn their place and rejoin the
their Sleep with the peace and serenity of Naga
wisdom. When it came, the race of Naga vanished
from the face of the land. their cities
hidden with great spells prepared by
their magicians, deep within the forest
of Shinomen.
For a thousand years and more, the
Naga have slept Their lands remain
undiscovered, only the ruins of
outlying cities exposed to mortal eye.
They slept, and they waited. confident
that when the Evil returned to the
lands of the mortal world. they would
be awakened to fight it again, as their
dUly demanded. To the humans who
conquered Rokugan. the Naga were
little more than a child's tale, an
ancient and mythical race of unknown
origin whose occasional ruins dotted
the western lands.

Most Naga have a strange
appearance, a human torso, head and
arms on a long. serpentine tail Some
Naga. however, look more serpentine.
having mutated from the usual form.
These mutations are more common in
Naga shugenja. particularly the Cobra
bloodline. whose eggs are placed near
magical pearls until they hatch. In
fact. some members of !.he Cobra
whose changes are particularly severe
Atypical Naga's tail is usually from 10-20 feet is usually recognizable by small gills on their
long, depending on their bloodline. Constrictors, neck or upper torso.
for example. are larger and more weighty than The race has an equivalent to the Rokugani
most other bloodlines, while Greensnakes tend to gempukku ceremonies, a ritual shedding of skin
be smaller and more agile. The approximate performed when the young Naga is prepared to
weight of a Naga is 40 pounds per foot of length, enter the adult world and take their first name. At
including the torso. Thus. a 15 rool long Naga (a this ceremony, Naga are inducted into society and
WHAT AM I typical size) would weigh approximately 600 are exposed to an elaborate spell woven with
SIIPPosEo To Do pounds. If a Naga is 10 feet long, this means the pearl and jade. This ritual makes them forever
WITH THIS SHAkE? body/torso of the Naga stands 4 feet high. with a immune to the Shadowlands Taint, known to the
6 foot ~taiJ" along the ground (a rather small Naga as the 'Dark Gift:
Not all Gamemasters specimen). while a 20 foot Naga would stand 6
will want to integrate the The civilization of the Naga is unchanging, a
Naga - serpenl-creatures feet high, with a 14 foot "tail" along the ground. static environment which has evolved only
'flth a distinctly non-Asian Naga can rear to a greater height (up to two· minimally, even in the hundreds of years before
culture - into their thirds of their total length) with preparation the Greal Sleep. Their civilization is caste·based,
Rokugani campaign. (coiling), but cannot walk or travel while coiled defined by bloodline but not limiting the social
At the same lime, the and rearing. advances a Naga can achieve (a simple Scout can
t'r!atga provide a wonderful A Naga's movement, consists of sliding, both become the Dashmar, for example, but a
counterpoint to the Asian
drama which is the heart of coiling and flexing their tail muscles. at the same Greensnake will never evolve into a Cobra)
Rokugan. In many ways, pace and endurance as a typical human can walk, Because of this. the Rokugani culture is
legend of the Five Rings is but difficult terrain
t a game of exploration - means less to the
the dans know one another
well, and political and
tremendous tail of a
physical boundaries arc Nags, as does water.
clearly defined. Naga can travel at
The Naga lake that normal human pace
neally plotted Empire and over any terrain.
throw it on its ear. They do, however,
YJrtue and honor are not leave an obvious
tested in a vacuum. Only
when a samurai's oath and
trail unless trained
understanding of the world to cover their path.
is presented with something Some Naga are
truly foreign can it be said amphibious. An
~al he was 'honorable' or amphibious Naga
'virtuous: has the mutation
An untested virtue is no
which allows them
virtue at all.
to breathe water -
The Naga test Rokugani
society and culture by some cannot leave
presenting a new way of the water, others
Inking - one so alien it is can leave it for short
almost incomprehensible. times, while still
The clash of these two others are creatures
cuJtures. if properly and
carefully handled by the of the land, with
GM, can more fully define minimal ability to
Rokugan. rather than tear it breathe water for
apart short periods of
time. This is one of
the most common
abominations, and
is rarely
against. A Naga
with this mutation -
inscrutable to the Naga. Naga are not used to LANGOAG£
adapting their beliefs. particularly when the "Words are to thoughts as arrows to spells -
beliefs of others seem to be nonsensical they often fly wild, and rarely reach the point."
All aga make horses nervous - the smell of - ShasJulkar
serpents causes them to panic. forgetting their
training and skittering sideways, or even charging One difficulty that all awakening Naga face is
away from the Naga. Because of this. controlling learning the language of the humans. Humans
horses in the presence of a Naga - whether in chitter. where Naga hiss. Humans chirp, where the AM I
'human' form or not - requires constant altentioIL more civilized tongue uses long syllables and SoPPosrn To Do
The only exception to this rule are trained war- open vowel sounds. Naga do not begin with the WITH THIS SNAkE?
horses. Such horses have been trained to obey skill to speak the Rokugani language, and must
learn the language of humans. All Naga can (Continued)
their rider"s command. no matter whal surrounds
11 is recommended that a
them. so they are able 10 ignore the setnt of speak the Naga language, a combination of GM limil the number of
serpent that lingers around the Naga armies. sibilant sounds and long, meaningful pauses N.g. in the party, und"
The Naga themselves make little use of horses. coupled with soft motions of the face. It Is !he GM imends to make-
though some all·female units display remarkable extremely difficult for humans to leam The Naga entire campaign based on a
murage and dedication. shedding their tails in language is also coupled with emotional impact full party of Naga Pes.
order to mount and ride the tremendous furred from the shared Akashlc link, making it
beasts. These horses have undergone extensive impossible for humans to replicate the sounds - Nag. have many
generations of culture and
training in order to make them useful to the be<:ause there are none, Anyone who is not in the history ingrained into tbeil
Naga. and have come to learn that their Akasha cannot even tell that such an exchange minds - lileraUy. Their
serpentine masters mean them no harm. has occurred. and ~ill hear only half,spoken history isn't something IhtTo
phrases. a word or two, and a great silence. le.rned about serond·hand;
So do the Naga communicate, and this is why it is something they lived.
they cannot understand the constant chittering of Theil soul still remembers
parts of past lives. and
the humans, or the frequent misunderstandings lhrough the Akasha. they
among humankind. The Naga never misinterpret can experience those
another Naga's words. for they are carried mind· memories as if they were
to-mind by the Akashic link. A human. on the the present They are,
literally, a living memory.
other hand, speaks for hours - and his men may
Thus, a Naga will not
still misunderstand his words. For the Naga. the simply 'adopt' the culture of
human tongue Is inefficient, and nearly useless Rokugan. Even if an eggling
F£MAL£ NAGA for accurate dialogue. is laken to Kyuden Bayusbi
Playing a female Naga can be an interesting and never sees another
experience and a unique role·playing opportunity. COLTORAL OV£RVI£W Naga in its life, the A)<asha
will still be there to guide it
Only female Naga have the ability to alter their The Naga culture is vastly different from the It will not be capable of
physical form, exchanging their tails for Empire of Rokugan. There is no bushido, no simply 'learning' Rokugani
humanoid legs. This abillty occurs at the onset of
puberty, and females can begin using their legs
almost immediately. However, constant use of
legs means that they are not as good as other
concept of honor as the samurai understand it
The Naga do not revere their ancestors as
separate individuals, but rather. revere the
concept of all souls as one. Allhough both cultures
culture by virtue of being
raised by Rokugani J)CQple,
nor will Rokugani concepts
ever come easily to iL
Thus. no Naga, no
Naga with the use of their tail - which becomes believe in reincarnation, the Naga Jakla speak of matter how well traveled, is
somewhat stunted through disuse, and may be their own souls as the merged souls of numerous going 10 'pick up' • full
shorter than a typical Naga of their size. If this is Naga of the past, while the shugenja of Rokugan complement of Rokugani
the case, the female often has trouble with speak of each soul as an individual. inalienable ways in just a few sessiDnl
leverage, movemenL or other things requiring use entity. The differences between the two cultures of game-play.
of her tail. Also, female Naga must study their are vast indeed, and difficult to bridge, You just can', take the
skills twice, learning how to use their bodies with One of the most important things to slither out of !he snake
and without the leverage provided by their tail. In understand in the Naga culture is their reverence
order to exchange her tail for legs or reverse the and worship of the Great Akasha. the Eternal See Appendix Vfor
more information on this
process, a Naga must spend five hours in Mind which alternately guides and learns from topic.
meditation. learning from the Akasha and them The worship of the Akasha is referred to in
reuniting their soul with its cause. the Naga longue as Sanatana Dharma. the
eternal faith. It is not strictly a religion. but rather another manner, and so the vedangas were
is based on !.he practice of the Great Mind, the created.
code of life. The Naga do nol directly worship Lhe There are six vedangas of major import to Lhe
Bright Eye and the Pale. but the IwO form an Naga people, and they have each been carved into
eternal cycle which Lhe Naga revere. Lhe wall of one of the six great cities within the
The Naga word 'dhamUl'means '10 hold: The Shinomen. Each city is named after its vedanga,
Great Mind. Lhe Akasha. is Lhe inner law, Lhe code so that the lesson of the fable can be conveyed to
TAO OF TH£ NAGA of being which leads from ignorance to TruLh. all who live within its walls. These six cities, and
Like the Rokuganllhe Scriptures. known as shastras. lead to unexplored the names of the \'edangas. are Siksa, Iyotisha,
aga faUow I code of tlhics parts of the Great Mind. and for a Naga, to Kalpa, irukli, Candas. and Vyakarana (See
wttidt dictates their become one \\iLh the Akasha is to understand Appendix L for more on the six Naga cities).
beha\'ior and morality. They selr.realizalioll
also behC\'c in reincarnation
and the cyclic Wheel of The grand texts (or memories) wiLhin lite TH£ WORSHIP OF TH£ BRIGHT
£xistenct all brings ~ Akasha's recollection are collectively referred to AND TH£ PAL£
But the Naga are guided by as the Smriti (meaning 'remembered). The Smriti The basis of the Naga religioll if it can be
a superior force lhe of the Naga are not physical things: Lhey are not called such. surrounds Lhe Great Mind of the
Rokugani cannot perceive. scrolls or carvings. nor books or lellers. Instead. Akasha. and its connection to Lhe Bright Eye and
let alone understand - the
Eternal Mind of the Akasha there is a place within the Naga Akasha where the Pale Eye - the twin avatars of Naga myth and
Through the collective the wisdom of Lhe souls is gathered. and that lore. Much of the information in Lhe Akasha
mind of me Akasha. all 'library' is Lhe source of the knowledge and asserts that Alman. the 'impersonal' God and lite
rolaga are held accountable wisdom of Lhe great Constrictor priests. These universal souL is the Absolute Truth. and that the
for their actions and memories are broadly classified into shruti Bright and the Pale are the Alman's twin eyes.
thoughts. II is impossible for (meaning 'heard), and nyaya (meaning 'logic) looking down on creation Lhrough first one. and
a Naga to circumvent.
reinterpret, or ignore the based on its origin - whether Lhe information was then the other. The Naga believe that the Bright
tenets of his race ....ilhout known or discerned. Shruti is considered more Eye sees all that is good in the world - all the joy
repercussions 50 long as he auLhoritative than nyaya because the former is and good deeds, while the Pale sees only the bad
is linked with the rest obtained directly [rom the Akasha by
Those that have somehow the spiritual experiences of Lhe Vedic
become scparated from lhe
Akasha are both pitied and (Naga seers).
shunned. and arc rapidly There are many different types of
removed from the equation. memories in the Akasha. These
The Naga believe in individual memories, or vedas.
kanna, just as the Rokugani constitute the Smriti. Vedas can
do. They understand that rurther be broken down into
their roles in lhis life arc a
direct result of actions they itihaasas (epics), puraana·s (moral
have performed in lives stories), and agamas (parables or
past. just as thoughts and scriptures).
deeds today will change There are texts written about the
their futufe incarnations, for Akasha, primarily by an ancient Naga
betler or worse. Even the

Imost obscene abominations Vedic known as the Burashana (a

are aeccpted as part of the position which has not been occupied
Great Whccl of We; those since the Great Sleep, as the former
souts born into ddormed Burashana. a Constrictor, did not
bodies as a result of close awaken from the dream. Her body
praximity to pearl·beds have
obviously committed serious was found in dust and ashes amid the
errors In a previous life to ruins of a forest temple). These texts.
demand such bitter known as vedangas. are created to
attention. augment the knowledge of those who
cannot directly access Lhe Akasha.
(Continued) Those 'aga, such as the Greensnakes.
who have no deep understanding of
the Great Mind must be taught the
passages of their former lives in
- ----
~ ~

side of life, the hatred, the wars and the of using flowers. leaves, and other living plants is
destruction. The Atman sees all things and can to allow the beauly and peace of the woodlands
understand the world as it is. to inhabit the Naga soul. Vaasaana, the reverence
The Naga Atman has multiple roles to play: of all living things, is also representative of the
the creator, the maintainer, and the destroyer all mortal soul in separation from the Akasha. Living
in one. The Constrictor's understanding of the Naga are said to be in 'vaasaanfi These flowers
Akasha tells them that at the individual Naga soul (or other appropriate materials) are picked up
(the jiva-atman) originates and merges with the with the righl hand and the fingers are pointed TAO OF THE NAGA
pool of the Akasha, and that the Akasha is part of downward so that the flowers fall at the feet of (CONTINUED)
the Alman. The Naga who have attempted to the idol, or in the direction of the Black Stone. During their first
explain this in the human tongue are a bit When offering the flowers to the Bright Eye or the Shedding. all Naga adopt a
confusing on this issue, as parts of the Akasha Pale, the Naga chants: ';1 am offering to you my set of \'0W$, based upon
seem to verify lhat the Atman and the Akasha are senses, attributes, character - but none of them their role (Great Lesson)
one and the same, while other memories seem to are really mine. Everything is yours beneath the within the socicty. Thc5e.t
vows are subjective, and
imply that the two are individual, but connected. Bright Eye and the Pale.~ Thus, even a simple puja based upon the particular
This distinction has been a great source of has a great spiritual meaning which may escape Naga's birth. early history,
argument among Ihe Naga jakla, as well as the a casual observer. and Bloodline, hut generally
priests and vedic of the Constrictor bloodline. follow this pattern:
GODS OF THE NAGA The Naga's extraordinary history is intimately custodian of their spiritual
culture, and a friend,
Are the Naga monotheistic or polytheistic? tied to the geography of the land - once a philosopher, and guide to all
This is a difficult distinction, and one the Naga paradise, but now alien and changed. One of the Naga; to maintain serenity
themselves rarely make. The Atman is a single most disturbing things about the Awakening is and self·control; severity in
entity, and there are those Naga who believe that the vast change of landscape. Where the forest of their beliefs and the.
the Atman and the Akasha are one mind. If so, the Shinomen (a corruption of the Naga word presentation of mose beliefs
to others; purity of mind
and if the Bright Eye and the Pale are two 'Shishomen: meaning 'homeland) still stands, it and spirit dedication to
extensions of the Atman, then the Naga are a covers less than one·third the amount of territory knowledge, ritual. and the
monotheistic people. However, other symbolism that it once held. The mountains to the north, as fundamental faith in
and lessons of the Akasha speak of Ihe Atman, well, seem cold and empty, and the fields beyond Akasha: intuition and
the Pale, the Bright and the Akasha as being are bare, forethought at all times
when administering to the
completely separate from each other, using the Long ago, the Shinomen Forests were a favored children of the
Bright and the Pale as two 'children' or meeting ground between the tribes of primitive Bright and the Pale (ie., The
'extensions' of the Atman, with identities and humans to the East (those similar to lsawa's tribe) Naga); utter faith in the
goals of their own, If this is the case, then the and the people of the wastelands to the West (now religion of the Naga; and 10
Naga are. very definitely, polytheistic. known as the Burning Sands). The Shinomen has set the example for all
always been a paradise, while at the same time its
Warlords and Scouts. To
PUlA natural isolation and magnetic religions allowed he the guardians. protectors.

Puja is the term used to refer to worship, itself. it to adapt to and absorb each of the bloodlines and prescrvers of their race;
Typically, it is conducted to an idol made of gold, that lived within its shaded groves. to prevent internal dissent
silver, bronze or even clay, representing the Long ago, the Scorpion clan discovered the and domination from
Alman. or one of his two eyes. Naga heroes, such ruins of the city Nirukti near the edge of the outside agencies; to promote
heroism. Vigor; to practice
as the Qatol and the Shashakar, are also Shinomen foresL Although the Naga had been fortitude in times of war;
venerated, although less frequently. Those who do asleep for over two hundred years, the city and generosity and majestY
not have the materials available to worship the remained beautiful and pristine, covered only in in times of peace.
Gods simply turn to the west and humbly bow light grasses and moss. The Scorpion, and other Jak/a: To be the kccRCrs
before the All·Father, the Black Slone of crealion. members of the Empire, came to study the ruins of dangerous knowledge for
Before the puja, particularly on high holidays, a with a cautious eye. At first, they were afraid of the Naga; to research what
others cannot, so that all
Naga bathes to signify outer purification, and the tremendous serpent-carvings. but soon may know; to be ever-
recites mantras and uses other meditational declared them to be no more than superstitious inquisitive into me proper
techniques for inner purification. Even a very relics of the tribal era of Rokugan's clans, before nature of things; to master
simple puja. one which is performed in the the Kami came. At the command of the Eleventh the magic of me pearls.
morning upon rising. or at night before lying Hantei, they tore down the walls of the dly.
down to sleep employs flowers. The significance reducing much of it to bricks and rubble. (Continued)
However, many of the stones found their way into The great invasion ended when the mighty
Phoenix hands. and the Asako discovered that lhe Qatol drew the forces of the Cobra and the
civilization that had laid the bricks was far older Constrictor to his side, overthrowing the reign of
than the wandering tribes of the Empire. They the Asp and freeing the Naga who had been
had a written language and were highly dominated by Shahismael. The tireless,
sophisticated. Smaller 'villages' were discovered charismatic Qatol sought only to see his people
on the edge of the woodland, much more decayed freed and living in harmony, and together with
lID OF THE NAGA than the original city. Some of lhese towns were the great constrictor vedic Galishavi. opened the
CCOHTIMl£I>) almost lhree miles in diameter and contained as gates of the Akasha to all the people of the Blood.
In addition to these many as 10.000 residents - a vast amounl, to have Once the connection between the races of Naga
caste-speciIic guidelines. been so suddenly and absolutely abandoned. The had been established and Shahismael had been
there are several edicts river which had once flowed through the city was captured for his crimes, the Naga civilization
whim apply to all Naga, contained in a mile·long canal, far beyond the began to flourish. When the Qatol could have
egardless of their Bloodline engineering skills of the Empire at the time. become Lord of all the Naga, he refused, and
or career:
Rather than investigate this further (and allowed the Naga to find their own path and unite
Purity: Cleanliness of
word. thought and deed.
because the woods were considered haunted), the the Five Kingdoms (See the story of the Qatol and
is includes forthrightness, Scorpion withdrew most of their scouling teams. the Oseuth, page 30-31). United by the memories
frankness. innocence. self· Those who were allowed to remain in the woods of countless souls - born and yet unbOrn - the
reliance, courage, failh, overnight were never found again - victims of the Akasha led the people to a new age of glory and
honesty, freedom from great spell of protection laid by the Naga jakla, peace.
anger, and service to the
though the humans did not know the cause. The
Self-Con/rol.· Patience.
forest became hcursed", and even the bravest HOLlI>AYS ANI> FESTIVALS
Control over the flesh and samurai would not dare to enter its secret vales. The Naga consider the New Year to occur in
the mind. The senses must And so it has remained, for seven hundred the Rokugani month of the Horse. during the
be restrained. lest the Naga years thereafter, alone and abandoned - until the hottest time of the year. To them, the heal
e a slave 10 wayward Great Sleep ended. symbolizes the searing of the land, when the first
desire, and susceptible 10 nation of Naga destroyed the Foul that had
anger or delusion. This
implies moderation and self- THE FIRST WAR inhabited the countryside. The Darkness thus
maslery, not self·torture. The first war of the Naga was brought about destroyed (or so the legend speaks), the Bright
Sacrifices (see the sidebar by the Asp. who came out of the east in great Eye wept tears of burning rain for those who had
on the opposite page) are waves. The Asp, always the strongest and most been killed in battle, searing the land with heat
of~n used for this purpose.
violent of the bloodlines, used their poisons to and light so that the Foul would have no place to
Truth: Correctness of destroy the lesser bloodlines - the Greensnake hide. The New Year is celebrated with great
thought. word, and deed.
S adfastness in knowledge and the Chameleon (who escaped to the sea in bonfires, and the streets of all the Naga cities are
and devotion: study of the terror of their fierce cousins). The Asp brought lit from dusk to dawn with tremendous amounts
linked "scriptures~ of the with them strong cultural traditions from their of light and torches, remembering the day when
Akasha; compassion to city - traditions that were absorbed by the Naga the land was burned and purified by the Atman's
deserving beings. Akasha and still remain in force today. They Bright Eye.
spoke and wrote in a highly developed language In addition to this, there are many festivals

These edicts are called Nagask (the language still in use today by throughout the year, celebrating each of the Twin
prcSj!Tved and adjudicated
by the Akasha through the the Naga race). Nagash was originally used only Eyes. the arrival of spring, and other historic
Bright and the Pale, which by the Constrictors. in the first documented events. Among the most important of these
Teward the moral and translation of the Akashic records. Those records include Vasant Panchami, at the end of the
ethical. and punish the were taken rrom the lost souls of those who died Rokugani month of the Rat This is a Naga
Wicked, respectively. It is in the war to stop the conquest of the Asp festival ~calling spring," at which people wear
well·known that every
actlons.has a double effect - kingdom. Though warriors and conquerors, the yellow clothing to symbolize the mustard flower,
uPQI.I the future of the Naga Asp lived alongside the Greensnake and the which announces spring's arrival. The intention of
karma) and his present Constrictor (whom they never fully conquered), the festival is to banish winter and bring back the
character, and that such establishing a firm caste system and using warm days - to be rid of the dark, coldness of the
actions reinforce further Greensnake ingenuity and scientific knowledge to Foul and approach the New Year's searing heal.
behavior of the same type
(for good or ill). developed iron tools and weapons. They Holi. in the Rokugani month of the Hare. occurs
eventually settled the Shinomen valley and soon after. Holi is a lively spring festival at which
(Continued) covered the walls of Siksa in gold. the Naga celebrate life - children and adults alike
smear red and yellow powder on each other and disastrous, and unbalance the soul of the Naga
spray one another with colored water. All Naga race. It would be armageddon.
who are past their Adult Ceremony shed lheir
skin on lhis day, symbolizing the return to a new
life, and leaving the old ways behind, and the \ \
skins are saved, to be burned during the Festival
of the New Year.
Ba;sakh~ a restival in the month of the
Rooster. is celebrated with temple worship, ritual
bathing, and fairs featuring music, dancing, and The Akasha is though
fireworks. Still, the most revered holiday in the to promote kindly and
Naga religion is the Naag Panchami.. in lhe forthright behavior as
Rokugani month of the Goal, just after the Naga's presented here. It is a
celebration of the New Year. This festival is guiding force. the colle
treated with extreme reverence - so much SO that souls of all Naga - past:
present, and futUIe - suM
the few Rokugani visitors who have been aiding those who are unsure
accepted in the Naga cities are asked to leave the of lheir intentions. None
Shinomen until the three days of celebration are lake advantage or this
over. The Naag Panchami festival honors the 'They say his blood canies the souls of a support, instead relying
upon their natural instin
Black Stone, to which offerings of milk or flowers thousand ancestors... .. to derive everyday decisions..
are made. The festivities center around large - Morito Toke; After all freedom is lhe
stones - symbols of the Black Slone, far to the The Akasha is the grealer 'mind' of the Naga, foremost doctrine of the
west - and lamps, fireworks and bonfires light up a sort of 'conscious subconscious' that unifies their Akashic ethic; actions taken
the sky. Gifts are exchanged at this time and the actions and their lives. It is the combined wisdom by someone else's hand wi
never help your cause, and
Naga prepare feasts. and knowledge of all the souls that have ever may possible hinder it You
been Naga, poured back into the pool of the must be free 10 make')'OUl
SPIRITUALITY Akasha al the end of each life. All Naga have an own mistakes if you are
The Naga 'religion' (if it can rightly be called instinctive connection to lhis consciousness, also to be free to reap your
such) centers around the great Akasha, the soul of influencing their every thought and action. own rewards.
the race. Their definition is nol a spiritual one, but Though some Naga are deeply aware of the Few Naga are afraid of
rather a literal understanding of the reincarnation failure. The palh to Alman
Akasha, others are influenced it only through is most casily found by
process which all Naga undergo upon death. subliminal impulse and emotion. imperfect souls. those who
The two 'Eyes' or the Akasha, the Bright and The connection each Naga has to the Akasha havc struggled with their
the Pale, are seen as lwin balances, one positive is very personal, cultivated through years of faith. They can best
and one negative. Between both, the Naga teach, reflection and meditation. Some Naga can access appreciate the insight of
failure, and apply the
life can prosper. Without one or the other, life will the memories of the pooled souls, 'remembering' experience of learning to
wither away, and the pool of the Akasha will events of the past or strong emotions. This their spiritual journey. The
become forever dry. Therefore, the study or the information is not always perfectly clear, or purification of one's soul is
slars, and of the Twin Eyes, is very important to
the Naga, though not as lhe Rokugani people
would understand iI. The Naga consider
perfectly accurate - the Akasha only contains lhe
memories and viewpoints of the souls who have
a destructive qrcle, a
~cosmic process of
elimination intended to
touched il But with the connection 10 the Akasha. create finite boundaries
themselves 10 be the protectors of the Eyes as well Naga can often remember some forgotten piece of within which only perfedion
as the servants of Atman. To them, lhe Naga are knowledge or losl memory which guides them may cxist
the inheritors of universal wisdom and insight. through their lives. Only by experiencing
through the Akashic link. When a Naga is born, their soul is taken from lifc, by enduring its
The Eyes are Ihe windows to the Akasha, the the Akasha - a collection of thoughts, memories mistakes for oneseU, rna a
ancient legends whisper. As the Akasha is the Naga progress between
and attitudes which are chosen seemingly at breaths. Sheddings, and
Great Mind, the Eternal Soul, so too are the random, a bucket of waler from the collective beyond. This is onc rease
Bright Eye and the Pale Eye in elernal pool. The egg, laid in a nest, matures for up to two why many Naga venture
communion with the Akasha itself. They are holy years as the child-soul purifies itself and readies into Rokugan and the Ivory
beacons, sacred windows to the very soul of the itself for a new life. When it is finished, the egg Kingdoms. regardless o[ th
Naga themselves. To lose eilher one would be inherent dangers.
hardens and splits, and the hatchling is born.
Young Naga have no memory of their past life people. Never has any Naga rejected the teachings
(or lives), no ability to recognize faces or events and path of the Akasha. Their very souls forbid it
which may have been part of a previous The contact which the Akasha brings is not
existence. They must be taught language, truly telepathic. It is more an empathic
movement and other skills - a blank slate upon communion, a blending of souls for the instant it
which the society of Naga writes their history. takes to pass a message, and then nothing more.
As a Naga grows. they experience several It is difficult and few Naga have mastered the
cycles. each punctuated by a ritual shedding of ability well enough 10 pass entire thoughts rather
In the Gamemaster's the skin. These ceremonies often take several than faint surges of emotion.
Pack. pages 3-4. we days of meditation and struggle, clearing the Some Naga dedicate their entire lives to the
presented the Kharma Rule. mind and the body so that a new creature can study of the Akasha, accessing the knowledge and
Intended to aid players and emerge. During these periods, the young Naga is memories of souls still within the pool. As they
Gamemasters who found learn more and more, they become more deeply
the mortality rate of L5R a encouraged to slrengthen their connection to the
Iitl1e too high, Using this great Akasha, and often begins to remember affected by shifts and changes in the Akasha, and
AIle. you could ~carry over" portions of other days, other lives which were also in the world around them. Some Naga claim that
experience from one their own. every living thing is part of the Akasha: others
character to another when It is possible for two living Naga to have a laugh at that, calling it superstilious nonsense.
the first has died in a single shared past existence - the souls of the Nevertheless, the Naga are often the firsl to know
glorious, honorable. or
distinguished manner. Akasha are fluid. merging and spreading, one into when a darkness is coming. or an evil is being
This rule can be adapted the other, like waler in a pond. When you pour a loosed upon the land. The 'sensitives' say that the
to simulate the bucket or water into a pond. and then take Akasha instinctively feels the balance of all
reincarnation effect of the another bucket out, the water in the bucket is not things, and such a disturbance is recognized and
Akasha quite easily. To exactly the same water with which you began - passed through all the chords of the Akasha,
Qesign a Naga PC who is but those fragmented memories may be the core setting the soul of every Naga (living or part of
linked to one who has
perished, compare the of a new Naga soul. the Akashic whole) on edge.
following formula and the All Naga have a deep, intimate connection Such a lhing is occurring now. with the rise of
statistics of the deceased with each other. through their shared souls and dark powers in the and to the soulh. It has only
character. This will through the Akasha. In a very real and spiritual happened once before, during the burning of the
determine their new Naga's way. all Naga are one with all other Naga. and Lands, when the Naga race had 10 set fire to th
starting Character Points:
with the Akasha itself. Their souls reach out to entire southern half of the lands which are now
• Each Rank of Akasha share wisdom and knowledge; they drink from known as the Empire. Their greatest magic,
above 2 is worth 3 CP. the same well. powerful pearl sorcery. stripped the Akasha from
• Each Rank in the PC's The Akasha binds and unifies the race, and the lands to the south. Ancient legends of the
Great Lesson above 1 is gives them a unique sense of purpose and Naga say that Nature's balance was torn away
worth 4 CPo understanding which no other creature can lruly from that place. stripping the goodness from its
comprehend. Humans may learn the language of sickening shell before it could be corrupted and
These poinls should be the Naga; they may even spend years in destroyed.
modified as the contemplation of Naga histories. meditation and A Naga's ability to contact the Akasha reflects
Gamemaster wishes. study of the Naga race; but they will never be as his or her dedication to duty and the tenets of the
according to the needs of
his particular campaign. one with the Naga because their soul is a race. Naga who spend their lives in meditation on
They may be spent to separate piece. not a thread in the tapestry that the collective consciousness are extremely loyal to
design a fresh character makes the Naga whole. the Naga race, and pursue their life knowing that
from scratch, albeit one With study and practice. a Naga can even they are a small part of a greater whole, dedicated
more lalented than his last accept thoughts and emotions from other. living to playing their part in the Akasha. Note that
Only Akasha (spiritual members of the race. They can sense hatred, pain. Naga do not adhere to the Code of Bushido. and
progression) and Discipline
(physical progression. as commitment and in some cases, even pass a sub· therefore have no concept of honor. They do have
represented by the old PC's vocal message along the ties that bind them. a very dedicated ideal of duty - duty to their race.
reat Lesson when he died) using the Akasha's pool as an amplifier for their their home, and their people. It is that connection
may affect a new Naga thoughts. When this occurs, the result is never which gives them strength,
character. To the Akasha. hidden; but what Naga would wish to hide
Iy these attributes matter
in one's journey toward anything from another member of their race? The OUR AWAkENING
Aunan. idea would be anathema. All Naga trust Naga: In Rokugan, just before the start of the
never in their race has a Naga betrayed his Scorpion Clan Coup, there were few Naga awake
in the lands. Those who had awakened knew only the Great Sleep spread across the Naga cities,
that they were alone in a strange new world. a centuries after their culture first nourished.
world whose terrain remained familiar, but whose The Naga, of course. do not care what the
people were hostile and strange. Naga humans think of their myth. They believe in he
interactions with humans were difficult because Great Stone, and turn their faces toward the west
of language and culture barriers, and Naga were three times per day in worship of the 'Place of
often mistaken for kami. or even Oni. Reactions Falling'. or the Holy City. It is said that a great
vary. from abject terror to devoted worship. and black stone still resls there. in a city built by the THE FRACTURED
everything in between. Even after the Clan Wars. Naga around the crater of ils landing. Although NAGA
Naga are isolated from society. and only through the Naga have not been there for a thousand The caste system of tbe
the aid of Mirumoto Daini have the Naga begun years, they are certain it still exists. They could Naga was not originally
to understand the bizarre behavior of their feel the loss of ils presence in the Akasha, they derived from the Akasha,
human comrades. say. if it had vanished or been destroyed. but was a purely utilitarian
scheme to divide labor in a
practical manner. Each caste
(or Great Lesson) among the
Naga performs a specific
role in the society, a
Long ago, our Father fell from the sky, necessary function needed
a tel1T fallen from the eye of the Bright and by the whole civilization.
Vedics administer ritual and
the Po/e... aid spiritual growth. Jakla
- Stories of the Akshakir maintain the magical pearl-
beds and delve into the
The ancient Naga creation myth has mysteries of abominating
been discovered on thousands of ruins magic. Naga Scouts and
Warlords each provide a
throughout Rokugall, and indeed. is the necessary element in the
only Naga legend which is at all familiar defense of the culture, and
to Rokugani scholars. stand together in the ranks
Pictograms show a great pale eye in the of the Naga war machine.
heavens, and a single tear. falling from the BUI this division has led
heavens and shattering on the earth. The to at least one significant
problem among the Naga -
stone, which still stands (or SO the Naga one which Done of the
say) was the embodiment of the Akasha. founders envisioned, and
When it broke, it created the Naga people which threatens thc
- all cut from one stone. from one soul The continued prosperity of the
Pale Eye looked down on its brother's tear. entire race. As the Naga age
the divisions between the
and whispered a prayer which was taken castcs widen. accentuating
up by the People. That prayer became the gaps between them.
words and language. which set the Naga
apart from all the other races of the world.
The Rokugani scholars who have
im'estigated this myth have puzzled over it
Already, observant Naga
have noted that certain
functions are no longer
being attended to, and that
the castes are slowly
for long centuries. Some believed that it growing apart
was the tale of the stone which was eaten The Vedics are aware of
by Onnotangu. smuggled to him by his this slow disease within
wife in exchange for the body of her their social structure, but
youngest son. Although there is nothing in remain confident that ritual
and regiment will preclude
the Naga myths to support such a theory, any serious problems. 1bey
the Ikoma and Asako historians point out hope to prevent a social
that it does explain why the Naga are coUapse using tbe old ways,
sentient. as is humanity itself. Others ignoring the serious reform
argue that the slone would have fallen their people so desperately
need ...
from Lord Moon's belly when the Kami
fell to the earth - supposedly on the day
But his words were ignored, and more Cobra
Bloooland Wal'S were crushed to dUSI beneath the coils of the Asp.
At last, the Shahadel could stand no more. His
The earliest Naga records do not Iisl the leader had gone mad. and the madness was part
people of the Akasha as a single, united culture. of the mind of the Asp nation, corrupting
but rather as five distinct city-states, or everything that had once been glorious and
independent kingdoms. brave. He chose the most crucial moment to
T H£ CONN£CTION Each of the Five Kingdoms was ruled by a strike - a time when the General's mind was
single people, and their knowledge of the Akasha consumed with rage. The Shahadet taunted him
There 8fC five bloodlines was still growing. The bloodlines of the people - 10 the fullness of insanity. drove his mind to rage
of Naga, yet they are all one Asp, Constrictor, Cobra, Greensnake and with descriptions of the bloody battle, and led the
true race. As all humans 8rc Chameleon, dwelt apart and did not gather for Shahismael onto the battlefield. and opened his
one, so too are the Naga a festival or for peaceful trade. In those days, the soul 10 the the howls of pain and despair which
single people. However,
their connection to the Akasha was young and new-formed, and the came from their enemy. When Shahismael was
asha makes their link all souls within it were pure and unlearned. The one with the Akasha of combat, he turned the
the more real and concrete bloodlines fought great wars and destroyed many souls of other Naga to pulp beneath his savagery.
for them. Without it, the lives, killing the People for land or for power. As the armies howled in madness, the Shahadet
aga people would not be These bloody times in Naga history are rarely plunged his spear inlo Shahismael's back, trusting
able 10 communicate, nor in the rage-filled Akasha to keep his Lord's
would they be able to mentioned, but their savagery is well·
thrive. remembered by the Akasha. Those Naga who attention long enough for the strike to hit home.
have been able to plumb the depths of the He was successful. Wilh his betrayal, the war
An andent Naga legend Akashic pool speak of a great city of blood, ended. and the Asp nalion was subdued by the
that the Akasha may
8ll.)'S formed by the unreleased souls of that time. magic of the Cobra people. Shahismael's soul was
one day run dry, and that Some of them, too brutal to be rejoined with their captured by the Conslrictor, forever to suffer his
no new souls will be created brothers, are contained within the Akasha for madness alone. No more would the Akasha be
from the great pool. When safekeeping until their anger and hatred is tainted by his bloody presence.
this happens, the Naga will
Rmply die out, joining their dissolved. Centuries in the still waters of His soul, the Constrictors say, is al the deepest
brothers in the Akasha, contemplation have not yet tamed these rabid reach of the Akasha, chained with the souls of
never 10 return. souls, and some Naga Vedic dedicate their lives to those he enslaved and held until he has seen
speaking with the 'Lost Ones: teaching them every crime he committed against the people. No
The constrictors look at patience and forgiveness so that they can be Vedic will travel that deep into the Akashic pool
tbeir empty egg·beds and released into the Akasha once more. of Blood. Though Mirumoto Daini has told the
pray that the legend is not The kingdoms of the Naga are largely Rokugani scholars that the fable of the
forgotten, but some of the oldest Vedic can Shahismael exists only 10 explain the dark
contact that ancient time, and have told legends thoughts and feelings experienced by every Naga,
of those ancient days. It is said that each of the the People do not accept il as myth. To them, the
Five Kingdoms had a Lord, similar 10 the daimyo Shahismael still haunts the waters of the Great
of the many provinces of Rokugan, and that these Akasha, screaming for revenge and blood.
Lords fought to delermine which Bloodline would
rule them all. The Asps, leaders of warfare,
quickly subjugated the peaceful Greensnake and
built a great kingdom from their resources and
cities. The Lord of the Asps, a most terrible
warleader, was known as the Shahismael. The
Shahismael is recorded in legend as a master of
battle and the most brutal general of the People.
The Shahismael's first lieutenant was an Asp
known as the Shahadet Though still fond of
battle and glory, the Shahadet regretted lhe
ferocity and brutality of his Lord. and said to him,
~Great One, I hear the screams of the People in
my sleep; how can we not be one with them?"
often woodsmen and hunters). Cobra (mutated
users of the Naga pearl magic), Constrictor (the
\ \ duelists and masters of sheer strength). and
Greensnake (diplomalS. intelligence gatherers
and scouts). The children of a Naga have their
heritage dictated by the bloodline of their parents.
and these distinctions do not mix in any way -
the child of an Asp and a Greensnake is always SHAHlSM4£L
either an Asp or a Greensnake. never a
half-Chameleon. The general of the
It is important to note that not all members of Bloodland Wars has not
a Naga bloodline can choose the character classes been forgotten by his
outlined later in this book. This specifically people. and his name IS stilI
a whispered curse. Wh~n
represents the ·talents' and natures of the the samurai of Rokugan
individual Naga breeds. and your Gamemaster nrst heard lhe Naga speak
may choose to alter these rules as he or she sees or him. they were mnviJK'til
"Your blood is your soul - it sings within your fil In our Rokugan. however, an Asp character thai it was another name
veins. the music of a thousand lifetimes." cannot be a jakla. and a Cobra cannot be a vedic. for the Dark Lord or the
South - Fu Leng.
- An Ashamana on his Name-day The Naga warrior is open to all bloodlines - it is
They are wrong.
easy to lrain in the ways of war, but far more
The Sbahismael is. real
There arc five different lypes' of Naga. or difficult to become one with the Akasha creature. singular and
bloodlines of the race. Naga aTC born from eggs. For hundreds of years before the Kami fell unique 10 the Naga race
hardened in sacred eggcoves, from the nest of from the Heavens. the great Naga Empire still exists as a geparale
lheir mother and father's bloodline. Naga flourished, tending the land and the people of the soul contained 0IItsidr of
eggCO\'es are tended by an members of the world. Though it was not a large Empire. nor was lbe Akasha by Vedtc magic.
He has been refused aca'''S
bloodline. and orten. the duty to protect these its army exceptionally powerful the Naga 10 the pool of souls. and IS
awes is given 10 Naga warriors just past lheir flourished and grew in peace. forever forbidden 10
ascension to aduhhood. The dUly is never a Now, that has all changed. Although the reincarnale. He is mad, and
tedious one. nor one without respect. for while a bloodlines of the Naga remain consistent. their has been alone for more
group of young Naga are defending the eggcove outlook on their world is irrevocably changed lhan a thomand yel(S. He
may be Ihe most pitiable
(however ritualized it may be), the fest of the nest The Greensnakes. once scouts and peaceful creature under the telesUa1
brings them food and weapons, making sure they diplomats. now must turn their resources to heavens - and the most
are rested and able 10 carry out their duties. supporting a great war. lest the humans desLroy dangerous.
Because all eggs from a given bloodline (or all the Naga race forever. The Asp, once dusty His one quest is to find
eggs in general, in smaller Naga habitations) are generals. relics of a bygone age, are now at the a way to escape inlO the
kepi in one cove, a Naga might never know who forefront of the Naga awakening, defending their Akasha. spreading his
madness through the souls
their parents are. This is a respected practice for homeland with ferocity and courage. of lhe entire Naga race. If
the Naga. who consider all children to be a public The Constrictors once served as religious this were to Ott1lJ. he would
responsibility. as they are a part of the soul of all leaders.. meditating on the depths of the Akasha - lose his identity - but the
Naga. In certain cases. a Naga might be aware of but now. they struggle to survive, desperate 10 entire Nap race would be
his biological parentage, but the Naga consider it unlock the sleeping mind of the Brahmin before filled with such a bJoodJust
lbat it would slaughler I jf
highly undvilized to claim any such 'possession' the Emerald Empire sweeps the Naga from the wilhin a ~'eJ)' short time.
of a child Despite this. a few Naga keep careful face of the world. forever. They are few. for only a There are Vedic ....'be
tabs on their sons and daughters. avoiding bare handful survi\·ed. from what once had been have dedicaled themsrh'
mention of heritage bUI feeling a silent pride in among the greatest of Naga dties. filled with 10 oothing other than
their children's accomplishments. wisdom and understanding. restraining its powufuJ
The Naga bloodlines are similar to the families The dark Cobra must come forth from their - ror as long as possible
in traditional Rokugani Clans.. They dictate the web of mystery and share their secrets. trusting in
size and basic physical abilities of a aga. and in the words of the Dashmar to keep their sleeping
some cases. they provide innate sLrengths and dty safe. And the Chameleon. once ignored and
weaknesses. Some of these types include: Asp (the useless. have at last found a purpose. after
bruiser tacticians. warlords of the race). hundreds of years as outcasts and scapegoats. As
Chameleon (able 10 adapl to their surrounding, the Naga Age has fallen. their time has come.
Burning of the Lands, and it is once more the Asp
who have come to the front in the right against Fu
\ Leng and his dark minions.
One of the rirst Asp generals was known as
the Shahismael, the most powerful warrior of the
race. He brought about the first - and bloodiest -
war of Naga history. Whcn he was defeated, his
THE NAGA 1.IF£CYCLE soul was captured by the Constrictors, and
forbidden the peace of the Akasha.
When a Naga is first born, The Shahismael was defeated by the Qatol,
he is no more than an egg, whose bloodline has never been known. The
born from the clutch of his stories of the Qatol are told beneath the harsh
mollier. A Naga lays eggs only glare of the Bright Eye, for he was the soul most
three to four times in her favored by its celestial gaze. Qatol was a warrior
"fetime, and of those, fewer
than one of the six or so eggs in a lime of peace, a strong soul whose life was
whrch she will create actually destined to cause change and controversy.
become a child. "If you seek wisdom, ape, you will not find it It is said Ihat during those past times, the
Thereafter, the Naga is here. This is not a place of rest, or a time of Naga believed themselves to be rive separate
laken to the House of learning. It is a season of war. races, rather than one greal Akasha. Qatol saw
Children, where he is cared "I am not your guide. I am your destroyer:' the Asp destroying the city of the Greensnake,
for by nurses, other villagers,
and taught his lessons by the - Balash and wished to unite the distant people. He
Vedic of the lown. His gathered the warriors who would not slaughter
childhood is spent in The Asp are the second largest bloodline their peaceful brothers, and he drove an army
mastering the bow, the lessons within the Naga rage, only outnumbered among combined of all Naga across the jungles of the
of the Vedic. and in their people by the Greensnakes. They are the land, bringing peaceful rulership where the
understanding the first Smiti
qf his people. Few young Naga workhorses of the Naga, both strong and sturdy. Shahismael sought to conquer and subjugate.
have any ability with the Though they are not gifted with magic or the When the Qatol defeated the Shahismael. the
Akasha, although particularly ability to coerce thoughts from the Akasha, they Five Bloodlines paused to see what their new
powerful Vedic sometimes serve as warleaders, the strength of the Naga race. conqueror would tell them. He was more
have visions. or flashes of In all their time, the Asp have always risen to powerful than the greatest Naga, and had
uncontrolled memory. as
youlhs. defend the Naga against their enemies. The defeated the Shahismael - whom none of them
When the Naga child has Darkness from the south was stopped by the Asp could master. If he had wished it. he could have
his first molting - which legions when it attempted to destroy their condemned the Five Bloodlines to slavery
typically occurs at around age peaceful villages and temples during the First beneath a tyranfs fisL
4- they arc taken away from
the House of Children and
given to a Master. to continue
in the ways of their Great
ANaga is expected to
have mastered the first Rank
of their Great Lesson before
p.lhe molting. Those children
who are unprepared for the
testing when they begin to
Plolt are looked down upon
as inferior. They will be given
to a poor Master, and rarely
learn more than the first skill
in their chosen Lesson.

~ ... ~,-

.. .

In a grove, the Five met in council for the first Certainly, of all the Naga bloodlines, the Asp
time. the armies of the Asp standing ready are the most likely to go to war. Although the
nearby. They stood behind the Qatol. loyal to his Naga no longer take up arms against themselves,
strength after he had destroyed their finest they have always known enemies. In lhe ancient
warrior. Their spears had been blooded, and now, times, their lands bordered a great desert across a
with the fall of the Shahismael, they were mountain range, and they waged war against a
prepared 10 begin the war anew. dark race of black-skinned creatures whose multi·
With their power behind him. the Qatol easily colored wings lore the heavens. THE HAllA
had enough might to crush the others. enough The Naga fought with creatures from the L'FECYCLE
strength among his people to force the race of farthest south long before humans recorded the The first molting is
Naga to fall under his command. The Five stood fall of Fu Leng. The ancient trolls, once an considered the lransition
in the wilderness, prepared to bring this conflict intelligent and civilized race, struggled for from child to adulL and is
10 a bloody end, until the gaze of the Pale Eye fell dominance with the Naga before a great accompanied by much
upon a single young boy named Oseuth, his pale cataclysm (the coming of OsanoWo) drove the ceremony, ritual, and tests
of the child's skills and
green skin shining beneath the pale light of the refugees of their race under the sea. Though the personal spirit
heavens. He was a Constrictor. the peaceful Naga are a peaceful people, the Asp have always At the final stage of
champions of just causes, and he stepped forward been Ihe defenders, the warriors and the armies their first molting, the mild
to challenge the Asp general to a single strike. a of their people. is opened to the Akasha.
lest of ballle·reflexes for the future of their race. If not for the Asp, the Naga would surely have and the wellspring of the
AI first the Qatol laughed, thinking that the been destroyed during the years of their sleep, for Naga race is given form
within their mind, In many
boy's challenge was a mockery of his might it was they who defended the forests and temple ways, the First Molting of a
Indeed, the child was tiny beside his massive grounds beneath the Cobra's spell. Their eternal Naga is the cultural
bulk. and no strength in the land could deny him. vigilance. even through their thousand years of equivalent of a gempukku 10
Qatol looked again at the young Naga and sleep. caused them to be among the first to the Rokugani.
saw the light of the Pale shining through his dark awaken when the danger from the south began to Once a Naga has had
eyes. even as the light of the Bright glistened in rise. They have been on the front lines. bearing their first molt, they wjU
continue to shed their ski
his own. Without thought Qatol extended his spears and scimitar, and they will fight until the approximately once every
hand. "Brother," he nodded, "you are wise in the land is purged of the evil that infests it. four years. Until a Naga has
ways of Ihe Pale. Together, and only beside one The Asp have sworn it shed their skin twice
another, can we rule," Twelve Asp, the strongest warriors among (approximately age18), they
~No, Qatol," the boy said, ~only together can their race, accepted the curse of Eternal Vigilance. are nol allowed 10 take. a
we guide the people. Ours is not the place of Their duty was to remain awake through lime, male.
sleeping only lightly, and aware of the cities Taking a mate requires
rulers. not the purpose of war. For the Naga, there agreement on both sides.
can be only peace:' He reached out his child's around them. One by one, if the cities were in and a special ceremony
hand 10 touch Qatol's calloused one, and when the danger, they would awaken and defend their blessed by a Vedic. Once it
Warrior of the Pale Eye met the Warrior of the sleeping comrades who lay deep beneath the is finished. the two Naga
BrighL all Naga across the land were gifted with earth. create their own home
within the community, and

a singular knowledge. The voices spun and When the dUes were awakened, only four of give any eggs produced to
wavered, and visions which were beauHrul these warriors had survived. The others, the House of Children to
beyond belief filled their minds. awakened at some time past had one by one begin the cycle again Naga
The Akasha was revealed. rulfilled the duties of their cause. Once they had over the age of 70 typically
awakened and defended their cities. they were cannot produce eggs.
WAR trapped in waking watchfulness, unable to return Naga live to be
approximately 120 years of
The Naga believe that war is a natural to their sleep. The years passed, and they died of age, continuing their
occurrence, similar to the rise and fall of the tides. age and lonely sorrow. Their armor and shields shedding cycle throughout
This does not imply that the Naga do nol abhor were found, rusted and forlorn, by the skeletons their lives. Their elderly
bloodshed; they do. Instead, they simply accept at the stairs of the Great temple. appear much like human
that there must be conflict in order for the world The Akasha records speak of these losl souls elders, gaining wrinkles,
while hair, and other signs
to survive, and Ihat no being can live eternally at as having been loyal, unto death .. , and beyond. of age.
peace. An ancient Asp once claimed that to
surrender justice for peace was not the act of a THE SHAHADET
scholar, but of a coward. Long ago, the Shahadet was the right hand of
the mighty Asp general, the dark Serpent,
Shahismael, in the lime of the Bloodland wars. up the Foul's taint bringing a new darkness to the
Those times were the first (and only) lessons of land.
Naga fighting Naga. Even today, the Akasha Either way, the Naga know. it must be
recoils from any who would dare to harm their destroyed.
fellows. The One Soul of the Eternal Mind holds The Foul is nol the only Enemy that the Naga
that all Naga are one, and when you harm a have known - but il is the greatest Here are a
brother you are harming your own soul. few of the epic battles of Naga myth and lore, and
The Shahadet's purpose changed radically lhe stories of the heroes of their race.
once the Qatol had come to unite the bloodlines
The Naga have awakened of the Naga, and only the Asp bloodline THE FIRST BURNING OF THE
Into a \and of bizarre ritual remembers that once it was a position of hallle- l.ANDS
and custom Where the glory. Once, the Shahadet stood at the forefront of The first war with the Foul still taints lhe
Rokugani have honed their the Shahismael's armies, destroying those who Akasha, and its hideous nothingness hugs lhe
every action and each
ridition over a thousand would dare stand against the bloodline of the Asp bones of the Eternal Mind as if seeking a way to
the- Naga have had only Since lhe limes of peace between lhe peoples of corrupt and taint it forever.
a'ihort time to make sense of the Naga have come, the Shahadet has become It is the Foul, the Nameless Darkness. the
it all It is foreign. and lhe governor of the Asp dty and the leader of his Lying Splendor of Night. It is the creature which
oonfuses them greatly. people. No longer is it his duty to lead the most dragged the Bright Eye into the Dark Well, trying
Mara's notes are widely terrible serpent army ever raised - for the time of to forever banish her light and bring darkness to
riad by the Lords of the Naga
cities. as: the Naga try to glean
lhe Asp has passed, and lhe armies are destroyed. lhe world. It is the creature of hideous nothing. of
......, on<! W>d=dmg The Shahadet was appointed master of all the emptiness, the absence of lhe Akasha, and the
from the strange dictates of armies of the Naga, but that title is empty of Naga are pledged to destroy it It is antithesis to
Rokugani society. In the honor, devoid of use. There are no armies for the them. and their first battle with its true face
sidebars of the next few Naga to fight; no battles to claim glory over the shows lhe great danger which it posed.
pages, you will see several
&mall aa:ounts of Mara's time
enemy. Legends say that the Shadow stole the fire of
~ the human known as Only once, since the time of the Shahismae~ the Bright Eye and carried it to a great Well, a
lhe OahU, as: weD as her has the Shahadet fulfilled his position as General place where darkness could encompass its light
thoughts on the purpose of of lhe combined armies of lhe Naga. That time is and make the world a place of night. The Naga
his actions. known to all the people of he Blood as the fought bravely to destroy the Darkness. bUI
Mara's insights into the Burning of the Lands, and it is said that the without the Light of the Bright Eye. they could
nature of Rokugani society Shahaders purpose will return one more, when not defeat it
may prove useful reading,
partia1larly to a player who lhe Star of Fire returns 10 destroy the Pale Eye in The Naga had among them a woman of such
wishes to bring a Naga into battle. rare beauty and spirit lhat the Bright Eye shone
the Emerald Empire. lhe brighter in her presence. This woman was
But remember, no Naga
called the Ashgara, and she was the chosen of
can 'pidI; up' on Rokugani
culture as if snapping their
Naga Qatol.

fingers. The concepts are Ashgara's one pleasure was to sit by the river
foreign, and at times and sing while she wove fans from lhe green
repulsive. It is up to the GM rushes thaI grew on its banks. She would often sit
and the player to determine The Naga have always had two true enemies for hours, weaving and watching the Sun
what each Naga thinks of - the Foul or the "Darkness Between Stars~ and Goddess dance across the sky. One day. while
If human companions. and
Jiow they read to some of the Taint of the Shadowlands. Unknown to the seeking plants for her craft she traveled farther
their... more distinctive mortals of Rokugan, the Shadowlands existed down the river's bed than she had ever been
cultural habits. long before the Kami fell from the heavens - but before. There she found a secluded pool away
it was not nearly as powerful or as directed as it from the swift-flowing current Strange rushes
became on the Terrible Day. After the Great Day grew there, red as blood and soft \0 touch but
when the sleep came upon lhe Naga, a greater stronger lhan any she had ever seen before. With
power came upon the Shadowlands and made it her sharp knife she cut many of them. and the
a far greater threat lhan it had ever been in the fans she made that day were the most
Time of Peace. Some say that this power was an magnificent thai had ever been seen.
extension of the Foul, a lhing of lhe Pale Eye. The next day, Ashgara returned to the pool to
Others claimed that the Shadowlands has taken see if she could find more of the rushes. To her
amazement, the stalks she had cui the day before
had returned as thick and strong as before! She Many weeks later a great blight struck the
praised the strange plants and cut them again to land. The midday suddenly turned to a cold
make more fine fans. Returning to the spot the ominous night. Darkness reigned, no Bright
next day as well, Ashgara found they had again Flame appeared in the sky, and the land fell into
grown overnight. She dedded that the stalks must blackness. With the Sun's absence the denizens of
be magical and resolved to bring them nearer to the Shadowlands spread out from the south,
the village. It was as she dislodged the plant that bringing death and disease with them to all
she found among its rools a strange pearl, as large creatures. The Naga cast many spells. and 10
as a boy's fist. She gazed at the wondrous pearl, their astonishment they discovered the Bright ·..Today I spoke with
marveling at her good fortune, and took the red Eye's fire had been captured by the Foul and the Daini on the curious
rushes back to the village to plant by the river thrown into the darkness of the Underworld. meeting·rituals of his kind
near the town. At first many brave Asp went to rescue the There are many such r1tu~
but the Rokugani people
The next day she went out to the magic rushes gentle Sun, but all the warriors that went to the think them of exceeding
and to her surprise, they were brown and dead. Shadowlands died there. As time passed, the importance. If they are n
Ashgara looked at the dead planls and lands fell into devastation and ruin. crops followed. men are often
remembered an old tale that spoke of strange withered, and the Naga people began to starve. killed for their
pearls that dragons used for their magic. Too late Ashgara grieved for her dying people. She incompetence. Although the
Daini assures me that this
Ashgara realized what she had found, and turned knew there was no future for them unless the would not be the case for
to go back to her father's house. Before she could Bright Eye's flame was returned to the sky and our kind. I am not
flee, however, a great shadow loomed over her the Atman would never again see the good in his convinced.
from the riverbank Fearfully, she looked over her people's hearts without his Bright Eye. So. she To say hello to a hurna
shoulder and saw the dragon towering up from begged the Qatolto let her go to the South. to the that you have never met,
the river's waves. Well of Souls, and seek her fate there, Qatol at you must lower the torso
your body toward the
Yu Lung, for that was the dragon's name, £irst refused to allow her, but she begged him, ground, tilting your head so
grinned at her, showing teeth as long as saying that if she should find her death, at least that you look them in tbe
swordblades. He said that he would grant her one she would die as a Naga, notlhe twisted freak she eyes. Under no
wish in exchange for the return of the pearl. had become. With a heavy hearl Qatol was forced circumstances are you 10
Ashgara thought for a frightened momenl 10 accede to her requesl But, as a final gift, he touch them for even a
simple hand grasp is
remembering the times she had watched the Sun gave her a choice of the few weapons left among abhorrent 10 these people.
Goddess dance in the heavens and how much joy Iheir people. Realizing that the Naga needed all Speak quietly, and al,,!ays
the dance brought to her people. Trembling, she their strength to defeat the Oni which wandered use the second-name Sarna.
asked the dragon to give her the ability to dance the land, she chose only a great obsidian shield It is a title properly given to
like the Sun Goddess. The dragon's eyes which had been carved by Qatol from the very humans whom you have
ne\'er mel
narrowed wickedly, and then his mouth opened stone that spawned the Naga.
Once you are on terms
wide. Mists. thick and heavy, surrounded her. And so, the Ashgara traveled inio the with the human. you can
When Ashgara awoke much later, it was nighl Shadowlands. The way was dark and treacherous, use the second name San,
and the dragon and his pearl had vanished. She and she met many creatures of the Foul who which is the familiar fonn.
tried to pull herself upright but found that the taunted her and tried to lead her into the deadly If you are wishing to
heavy balance of her tail was gone, and fell again
to the soft bank beside the river. Looking down at
hersel( Ashgara gasped in shock. Her beautiful
quicksands. But she outran them on her sturdy
legs or hid among the dark waters of the swamp
until the twisted, faceless things had passed.
warn a human or make
threatening advances, turn
your sword upside-down in
your bell I belie\"C the
tail had been stolen, and in ils place she had two Finally, deep in the South, she found the Well of humans feel this 10 be an
hideous legs! When the Naga found her. she was the Underworld. insult, as if you are saying ,
weeping by the river, and they carried her to her The lip of the cave was thin, slippery, and do nol fear you. I can defeat
father, Qatol. covered in Ihick vines. Ashgara walked slowly you, even with the back of
across the treacherous ground. her feet holding my sword:
Unsure what to do with her, Qatol placed her
firmly to rock that would have been as slick as ice Do not touch a human -
in her room under a guard of Naga soldiers. They or their weapon. They are
saw that she was now an abomination, her 10 a Naga's tail. When she reached the opening very superstitious. and
Akasha stolen by the Dragon's curse. They tried to she peered inside and saw there a darkness so believe that the touch of a
convince Qalol to throw her into the far southern absolute that it hurl her eyes to look upon it She hand makes you 'unclear(;.
swamps, but always he refused. Many tried called into the cave but there was no answer. Only
to reverse the evil spell laid on her, but 10 no a faint gleam in the darkness reassured her that
avaiL and Ashgara grieved at her misfortune. she had found the prison of the Bright Eye. But,
- ~ .~---
~~~ ~~~------~ -

now, how was she to help her escape? If Ashgara T H£ WAR AGAINST TH£ ASH ALAN
ventured into that darkness. she too would
become lost. There was not even wood for a Excerpts Prom Alone of Days. a Tale of the
signal fire. Nagah Exiles:
Ashgara was so deep in thought that she did
not notice when a powerful Oni arrived to guard After losing their second home in the Ivory
the cave. Its huge claws dripped with poison and Kingdoms (see Sanctuary of the Outcasts, page
its gaping mouth drooled vomit and slime. Tiny 118, for more), a number of Naga abominations
If you do not like rice. red eyes deep within its skull pierced her soul to entered the great waste or the Burning Sands.
'YOu will not like humans. It its core. Ashgara was trapped, with only the They hoped to find a new home there - new allies
is best that you do not sit darkness of the cave behind her. The faceless Foul and a new reason to face the coming days. The
with them when ihey eal itself! first culture they encountered was the Ra'Shari, a
tThey are horribly primitive.
pearing their food with two Ashgara pleaded for her tife and begged to nomadic gypsy culture whose interest in story·
all sticks. Worse yet, they dance for the Foul before he destroyed her. The telling and similar origins (the Ra'Shari are also
do..not cook their food, but Ashgara pulled the mirrored shield from her arm outcasts from their home in the distant City of
allow ii to lie, dead and and began to dance at the mouth of the cave. Her One Thousand Stories) prompted them to share
cold. upon their plates. movements were slow, rhythmic, and precise, the their plight This would prove to be their first
Worst of all - Atman
preserve us - they eat eggs. mirror in her hands dull and dark.. Posing great mistake in the sands - one which they
delicately for the Foul, she thought of her people would not recover from easily.
Despite this disgusting who had died in the Darkness to the north. She The Ra'Shari are well known to the Ashalan, a
behavior. they have an danced a dance of sorrow, remembering the few race of immortals rumored to be the creators of
incredible fear of all things remaining Naga dying in the palaces 10 the north. the Burning Sands natives. This is a lie; the
dead. They will nol touch Delicately turning the faintly glimmering mirror Ra'Shari and Ashalan were created together at
dead nesh of any kind, save in her graceful hands, she kept the Oni's eyes on the beginning of time, the first human and non·
fish and bird, and they her movements, and danced until she thought she
shudder when they see human races of the area. Their progenitors and
leather or tanned hides. would die from fright and fatigue. The Oni's claws the true children of the gods - the Jinn - forged
Perhaps they think the soul opened and closed reflexively, awaiting his meal. them of the wind and sun and stars as servant
of the dead creature will As his eyes flickered over her. she shuddered races. but !.hey later revolted when the Jinn lashed
climb into their bodies? behind the softly glowing mirror, extending a out at Kaleel (the Moon), ShHah (the Sun). and
slim arm in a delicate gesture of supplication. their distant brethren. the Stars. They taunted
Another odd human Drooling in pleasure, it reached out to grasp her Shilah - by then hopelessly insane - into
activity is their desire to as she passed near. Swirtly she passed behind the destroying her creations, but overextended their
drink the juice of spoiled
rice. Although this is an shining piece of obsidian. evading his grasp in a hand and found their idyllic world shattered,
obviously rancid substance decorative twirl. nothing but endless dunes as far as the distant
(the Naga who have tried it Trembling in fear, she came to the end of the mountains and sea on all sides. Magic had been
claim ii churns their dance, the brightly gleaming mirror still in her swept from the world in an instant" and the Jinn
stomachs). the humans hands, and the Oni lunged toward her eagerly... (whose bodies are composed of elemental energy)
drink this 'sake' until they
are so poisoned that they ...only to be stopped by a burst of light from were all destroyed or imprisoned.
become delirious. the Bright Eye, who had seen the glow at the The Ra'Shari and Ashalan named this globe·
Nevertheless. they are mouth of the cave, and followed it to freedom. scarring event the Day of Wrath, and the actual
obsessed with eating. Their And as the Bright Eye rejoined with the Atman, it details of what occurred to the first inhabitants of
greeting translates to 'Have seared the darkness out of the lands, burning the Burning Sands has been carefully revised or
you eaten my rice today?' them to black pitch. rolling and boiling until the suppressed, so !.hat it may never happen again.
and their 'koku' (8 strange
thing they trade when they Far South was a sea of darkness. As the Foul fled The Ashalan and the Ra'Shari are the only races
have nothing else to give), I the land and gathered to the south, a great wail old enough to know the truth, and both have
am told, is based on how went up from the far lands. a curse upon the resolved never to reveal it But with the arrival of
much food you hoard. Like Naga. That was the First Burning of the Lands. the Naga abominations, that pact was threatened;
the railings, hiding and Further, as a gift to remember the brave the Naga told stories of an Age before that of the
keeping food. and using it
as leverage, seems to matter Ashgara, the Atman gave all Naga women the gods and the Day of Wrath. They spoke of things
a greal deal to the humans. ability to change their tails for legs and dance for that predated all the careful myths both races had
him, bringing joy to the Bright Eye. So, to this put in place to protect the fledgling Empires
day, the women of the Naga change from tail to surrounding the City of One Thousand Stories.
legs as easily as they shed their skins. They had to be destroyed.
The Ra'Shari diverted from !.heir usual course Something in Lhe sands - perhaps left over
through the sands, toward !.he capital of Medinaal from the Day of Wrath itself - had sparked a
aI·Salaam - called the City of One Thousand startling metamorphosis in the snakemen. They
Stories - where Ashalan Blood-Sworn legions laid were now larger, faster, and more agile. Their
in wail prepared to eliminate the Naga before necks had grown out and gained frightening
their stories could spread beyond the gypsy mobility, and those who once had tails stumbled
caravan. For two months, the caravan traveled the about upon newly-formed legs. A single Naga of
dunes, the Naga seemingly unaware of !.he this sort (to be called "Fire Salamanders" by the THE BLOODLANl>
deception and quite happy wilh their new ~allies," natives of the Burning Sands) could engage four WARS
But then something unexpected happened. The or more opponents at once, coordinaling their The Bloodland WarS; or
Naga became slow and lethargic, unable to keep strikes between all of them with uncanny the time of Great Strife
pace with the Ra'Shari wagons. Their scales accuracy. And when overwhelmed, they exhibited among the Naga, occurred
began 10 peel away in clumps. Ihe skin beneath a new and even more terrifying ability - they over two thousand years
unprepared for the harsh touch of Shilah's gaze. spewed forth a consuming nre which fed from the ago, according 10 the most
reliable Naga historians. The
Their eyes glazed over and began to seal with flesh of its victims. Those struck with this coming of the Shahismael
mucus. Their bodies began 10 wi!.her from the appalling fluid were unable to stop it from and the Qatol is a tale
inside out, !.hinning and becoming like hard wire. spreading across their entire forms, even when which is revered by the
Assuming !.he Naga were reacting badly to the they dove into the frigid night sands; the fire Naga, and which tells a
unusual magical properties of the sands, !.he dissolved their skin to the bone, leaving only a great deal about their
culture's values and beliefs;
Ra'Shari sent word ahead 10 !.he Ashalan that the charred skeleton behind, frozen in place as the
The Bloodland WarS;,
threat was to take care of itself. This was !.he last joints melted together. according to the scholars.
word the sub-dwellers heard from the gypsies for was named ror the great
several weeks. A few Ashalan braved the hateful None survived the Nagas' vicious counter- quantity of blood which was
sands, traveling by night to avoid Shilah's touch attack. The Ashalan back in Medinaal ai-Salaam spilled by the Asp armies all
(which is normally poison to them), but failed to eventually sent an even larger force out into the they marched against the
Five Kingdoms.
return. Eventually, the Ashalan ga!.hered a group sands, but found only scattered remains of the
The blood of the Naga, it
of their human allies from wi!.hin Medinaat aJ- caravan, spread over several miles and partially is said, was so thick upon
Salaam and headed oul en masse to see what had buried beneath the dunes by the desert winds. the ground thai the fjcl~
happened to their friends and the dying Naga. Among the wreckage, they found one of the shed and paths seemed made of
When they arrived, the Ashalan found the Naga skins. Stories spread amongst the Ashalan it The bodies of the dead
remains of an epic battle, one which seemingly and the remaining Ra'Shari of the terrible littered the fields in rows
like grain, and the bones of
erupted from within the Ra'Shari caravan itself. demons that had come from the far east, hidden those who had died were as
Wagons lay on their sides. burned to husks, and within the bodies of previous victims. Younger trees in a forest
bodies were strewn about and wi!.hin !.he dunes races, including the less·enlightened humans of The land had indeed
like carelessly discarded toys. Among !.hem were the desert dUes, the Senpet, Moto, and others, turned to blood.
the first Ashalan scouts, the life-shadows drained were warned to beware the Naar Teban (Fire
out of their skin and their torsos shredded by Snakes), whose lies about the Day of Wrath and
immense talons. Wi!.hin the center of the carnage, before were part of a complicated philosophical
were several sets of reptile·skin, ruptured from war with the Ashalan.
within as if !.hey were cocoons. The Naga outcasts quickJy found themselves
Before any could surmise what had befallen once again ostracized from the local populace.
the caravan. the Ashalan and humans were feared and reviled because they were different
assaulted from beneath the dunes. Several were Worse, they were hunted for their Maggression"
dragged out of sight before the enemy was even against the gypsies. They attempted to leave the
spotted, their wails lost between the endless desert some months later, but found the lands
waves of sand. Slithering atrocities clawed their beyond the western mountains caused them pain
way up from the dep!.hs of the desert, rising in their new forms. Eventually, several of them
within a shower of dust. The moonlight glistened died, unable 10 contend with the higher levels of
upon their golden scales, forming a halo of magic in the Senpet Empire. Many years later,
ambient light all around the fighting. Within when they tried to return to the Ivory Kingdoms,
moments. more than half the hundred souls who similar problems arose. Trapped within the desert,
had come from the city were slaughtered, their the Naar Teban have learned to adapt, hiding
bodies ravaged by the enraged Naga.
from their enemies and living off of various Some say that their unusual ability 10 blend
subterranean creatures and water supplies. with their surroundings was granted by a long·
Eventually, they know. they will have to return ago union with the mysterious Ningyo. magical
to the civilized parts of the deserl, and face their creatures born from the foam of the ocean's
ancient enemies. the Ashalan. Until then. they waves. Legends and half·understood memories
collect those few Naga abominations who wander from the Akasha speak of a time when the
into the sands. guiding them inlo their new forms bloodline of the Chameleon lived entirely
TH£ CHAMELEON with care. In this new extended family, the Naar beneath the water, sharing their homes with the
CITY Teban provide the next generation a solace they Ningyo. Their close lies with the Ningyo resulted
The city of the were never allowed. in Naga children that had inherited the Ningyo's
Chameleon is buill far ability 10 alter their shape. This gift eventually
beneath the waves, near the faded until it became the Chameleon's ability to
southern roast of the \ \ alter the color and texture of their skin, in order
Rokugani Empire. to merge with their surroundings and become
Specifically, it is less than a
day's swim (aided by practically undetectable.
currents) from the coast, and Whether the legend is true or not (and the
the Chameleon can Naga insist that it is), the Chameleon have always
command an army of over maintained friendly relations with the Ningyo,
.wOO Naga, supplemented and they still conduct trade with their underwater
by dolphins and lrained
sharks (similar to war-dogs). companions. Although the passing of a thousand
On the hexed Rokugan years has caused the Ningyo to all but vanish, the
map Cocated in the City 01 few who remain still remember the Chameleon,
Lies). the city is located and celebrate their awakening with joy.
three hexes due south of
Yarna ue DO ho oj Unl Mum. BENEATH THE OCEAN
a city in the Crane lands.
The Chameleon have a very specific niche in
Characters will of "They move without speech, in perfect
course, have great difficulty the Naga culture. Theirs is the way of the waves.
traveling to the city without harmony. I could believe that creatures such as the soft flowing of the ocean, and the beckoning
magical assistance. Both the these were cut from a single stolle... " lure of pearl. Although many Naga have at least
pressure and the physical - Hida Tsurn a small potential to create pearl·magic, only the
oj breathing beneath the Chameleon have the skill necessary to encourage
waves will cause difficulty,
and the normal samurai The Chameleon occupy a curious position those pearls to form. They know the secrets of the
simply isn't equipped to with in the Naga. Though the Naga have no need hidden pearl beds. and they have the wisdom of
handle the challenge. for duplicity or stealth among their own kind, in the greatest pearls ever formed; the Black Pearls.
But, then again, lhat's times of war, Chameleon are born in more and only one created in a generation.
what heroes do. more nests. Commonly scouts, their ability to hide Further, the Chameleon have the ability to
and remain unseen is well known throughout the shape the ocean itself, drawing upon the lide and
Naga civilization, and has been a great strength in the creatures of the sea to assist them. While the
times of strife. Chameleon Naga are slightly Cobra jakla insist that this is some magic which
longer than their cousins, the Greensnakes, the Chameleon refuse to share, the Chameleon
ranging from 13-17 feet in total length. Their say it is simple friendship with the sea itself, and
bodies are bulkier in proportion, and their tails with the spirits of the sea who are their cousins.
are thicker and more muscular. Their greatest The Chameleons have numerous small
strength, however, is their ability to alter their 'villages' beneath the waves, including their great
body's coloration, allowing them to blend in with city, Candas. The Chameleon city remained in
their surroundings. pristine condition during the years of the Great
Chameleon are one of the more often mutated Sleep. maintained by the powers of the Ningyo.
species of Naga, though the mutations are rarely Of all the Naga cities. it is the most functional;
severe. Chameleon often are born with the ability unfortunately, because not all Naga have the
to breathe water, either indefinitely or simply for capacity to travel beneath the sea, it is not as
short periods of time. For this reason (among useful as it might otherwise become.
others), the Chameleon are often the keepers of Yel, the Ningyo speak of many changes
the egg-nests. beneath the sea since the ancient time of their
cousins. Most importantly, the ruins of a meditate and funnel the strength of the Bright
Chameleon outpost - destroyed, the Ningyo Eye into their rest
whisper, by a terrible Sea Spider. The Cobra have always been extremely
secretive about their practices, and even the rest
of the Naga bloodlines are not entirely sure whal
\ \ rituals and spells are cast upon the beautiful
pearls which they draw from the oceans. The
Chameleons whisper that the Ningyo bring the
Cobra pearls (rom the sea·beds in the deepest
ocean, while the Asp claim that the pearls are the
tears of the weeping water·maiden, an antient
white·scaled Cobra who remains hidden at the
hollom of the deepest sea·bed.
For the first (ew years of their lives. all Cobra
are able to breathe water. although most of lhem
lose this ability within the early years of their

"In the Eye. there is wisdom. In Ihe mind, there

is strength. "~will need both to restore the loss
of a Thousand Yean... "
- Shashakar

The Cobra. hooded masters of Naga pearl

magic, are the most unusual of all aga
bloodlines. Only the Cobra have the ability to
coax magic from pearls, and no other bloodline
can match their ability to bring forth spells and
sorcery. However, their prowess has a price. The
Cobra are most susceptible to mutations: their
egg nests are surrounded by powerful pearls,
filled with the magic of the Akasha. Few Cobra
live through their hatching: fewer stilt are able to
survive the harsh lives which follow. Though the
Cobra are rare, they are very outspoken, guiding
the others through force of will and the power of
their magic.
The Cobra are said to be among the closest to
the Akasha. gaining wisdom from Us teachings
and drawing power from its memories. Although
they do not match the Constrictors for clarity in
their meditations, the Cobra are often able to
draw forth arcane secrets and lost wisdom from
the Akasha's deepest core, fueling the spells they
carry with the Bright Eye's wisdom.
The Cobra are intimately connected to the
Bright Eye and the Pale. and they work closely
with the Chameleon, maintaining secret beds of
pearls surrounded by meditating Cobra Jakla
(shugenja). In these beds. both Cobra eggs and
Cobra pearls are laid to rest while the Jakla
existence. Their other mutations. however, are not it nor speak of it to outsiders. but within the coral
so easily shed. The most distinguishable feature is walls of the Cobra temples. it is said that a this
their hood, a wide flap of skin which can extend generation's Black Pearl has recently been
as much as fifteen inches to either side and above discovered by the Chameleon, and that it
their head. While all Cobra have this hood. some whispers of the end of a soul. ..
few also have the ability to retract its wide span,
bringing it close 10 their heads. and making it PURL kYUJUTSV
virtually indistinguishable to all but the mosl Some Naga eggs are gestated in the Cobra
careful viewers. pearl bed egg-pits. but do not have the strength
Wben the Asp Kingdom Others., however, are nOI so lucky. The most and talenl to become jakJa Many of these relain
began ils assault on the powerful jakJa of aiL the current Shashakar. bears a slight bit of magical prowess, enough 10
other bloodlines. the Cobra signs of heavy mutation - his hood stretches perform rudimentary attacks with the power of a
tamed to magic, but they \\idely, and is ribbed to both Sides. while his face pearl A Naga with this skJll can destroy a pearl
were DO( strong enough.
The Asp conquered the appears almost buglike. rather than human and 10 do a ranged attack at up to 50 feet It is
Gnensn.akes. and lhen the serpentine. His power, however, is unconteSIed. primitive, however. and nOI well directed. but
ConstrictOft,. For the Naga some Naga use it as a weapon of last resort.
to survive, the Cobra would PURL MAGIC crushing the children of the Bright Eye in order to
have to mange. The magic of pearls is unique to the Naga launch a final blow against their enemy. The
The first eggs given cUlture, and no human has ever been able to wounds from such an injury are severe, as burns
magical pearls in their masler its intricacies. The Naga say that their
dutmes ~-ere a disaster, the erupt from the blinding white light which springs
children grossly magic is learned through communion with the from the sanctified Naga pearL
abominated. They died. Akasha If this is true, then it is doubtful that any
....ithin a few days. From human will ever learn its secrets.
their deaths. the Cobra The Cobra are the unrivaled masters of their
learned a seaet they have \ \
never shared ....ith any of magic. and rare is the Naga of another bloodlines
lhe other Bloodlines. and who is capable of using their magic. The Cobra
which even the Akasha does alone know where the massive pearl·beds rest
not rerord. from which they harvest the pearls they use.
And the ones who came Each pearl is imbued with a 'gift' of the
after - Cobra mildren who Akasha - in the Naga language, the word for
~ere given the radiance of
'pearl' is very similar to the word for 'soul: These
beneficial pearls to grow by
- they were the masters of
the Nags magic. Despite
jewels are treated with courtesy and humility, as
if they were little children. Every pearl is referred
f f
mild abominations. they to as a 'little brother of the Bright Eye' and the
could wield powers Naga claim that the wisdom of the Bright Eye is
unknown to all the other part of each spell they cast In their teachings,
Bloodlines; and they drove
back the Asp. they insist that without the blessing of the Bright
And thcir blood was Eye, any spell is bound to fail. Some, much rarer
shed. on the moment of spells, are the 'children of the Pale Eye: Such "Bushido means nothing to them, and it will

lhcir birth. dripped into the spells are always placed in rare black pearls, and mean nothing to you when you are amght in the
pools of the Cobra city. are almost unknown to the body of the Naga coils of the Constrictor... ..
When they die. the Cobra populace.
souls are drawn by their - Mirumoto Daini's Journal
blood, to rejoin those pools Once in a generation, the pearl beds of the
before going to the Akasha. Naga produce a single, massive black pearl. This Naga Constrictors are widely feared for their
Each new Cobra egg is creation. known as the 'Favored Child of the Pale' massive strength and crushing entanglement Any
\\-ashed In those pools with is a treasure beyond price for the aga lIS samurai caught in the tralling coils of a
s special rilual and the abilities are only hinted at in their andent scrolls Constrictor are doomed, their souls crushed from
souls of the Cobra are - and no Cobra seems willing to discuss it - but their bodies with only an ounce of effort from the
reborn - but always in
Cobra bOOies. it seems capable of everything from tremendous Naga. However, the Constrictors have been
Thus do the Cobra keep violence and destruction to the complete rebirth misunderstood by the samurai of Rokugan.
their seaelS safe. of life - the instant reincarnation of a soul. though they would not think to correct the
Certainly, its power must be great to sleal samurai's misjudgment
from the Akasha itsel[ The aga do not mention
The Constrictors are few among the Naga race. Constrictors are lost, the closest connection with
and many believe them destined for extinction. the Akasha will be lost with them. The thought of
They are the wise ones. the priests of the Akasha. such an outcome saddens and frightens the Naga,
Their strength comes from their massive bulk. and fosters much concern among their councils.
and from their powerful wills, trained through Even the Dashmar himself has set the task before
centuries of meditation and communion with the his greatest Cobra shugenja: discover the cause of
Eternal Akasha. They are strong, but genlle. the Constrictor's plague, and heal the wound
The Constrictors are the backbone of the Naga before it destroys the bloodline.
armies. standing behind their brothers and The Malekish is the astrologer of the Naga, Be warned that humans
guiding the hands of the Asp generals with and has a deep connection with the passage of make rragile things. Their
compassion and wisdom. When a Naga dies. it is stars and the turning of seasons. His history houses are so weak thaI
the Constrictor who chants the ancient prayer to begins as a young Constrictor, when he developed they cannot bear the weight
of a Naga, and their armor
send their soul safely back to the pool, and it is the full knowledge of his past life as the last shatters under a single blow"
the Constrictor who reads the fortunes in the Malekish. He is the youngest of his bloodline, They grow most distressed
skies. studying the eternal cycle of the heavens as born only shortly before the Thousand Years of when you break something
they revolve around the Bright Eye and the Pale. Sleep. Perhaps more than any other Naga, he petty (such as a fan, or
The Constrictors have raised the art of knows thai something is wrong in the heavens - someone else's token), but
seem to care not at aU when
astronomy to a science, creating strange devices the Moon has had a shadow upon it for the last they find a destroyed house
to see far-away things as though they were much month. or wall.
closer. They claim that their understanding is not The title of Malekish is nOI often found among
magic, though they use a thin slice of pearl as a the Naga. It is not a title of importance, and it is Human towns are filthy.
lens for their fadooking glasses. Charts of mobile not a necessary position. Instead, il is only found Their roads are mud, and
bodies in the sky, and great metal pincers to during the years of great change. when the slars their houses are made or
measure lheir progress are lhe prized possessions and the heavens dance and the celestial thin wood - or plaited
of a great Constrictor scholar. sometimes valued alignments shudder.
more than their own life.
They have a caste
The powerful body of the Constrictors is system. much like our own,
matched only by their great mental prowess, and but there is no room for
although they move slowly, they are feared upon advancement. Once you are
the battlefield as much as they are revered in the born into the caste. you
temples of their home. Due to their close contact remain there forever.
Humans are very proud of
with the Akasha, many Constrictors have their parenlS, and can recite
powerful abilities to sense ripples in the Naga CHILDR£N OF TH£ BRIGHT E1£ their bloodlines back
consciousness. While they are not as attuned to The majority of Constrictors have elaborate through a hundred years.
communications between living Naga as their patterns of scales. similar 10 the pythons and And, strangely, all of the
brethren, the Cobra, some of the most ancient diamondbacks of desert and jungle lands. The humans in one man's
lineage lend to have the
Constrictors have an amazing ability to draw Naga. too, pride themselves on their scales, and

same first name.
images of the future and the past from the ripples many Constrictors voluntarily remove their scales
of the pool of souls. However. there is always a and replace them with small jeweled patterns, Human afterlife beliefs
danger to such depths: some Constrictors have which last until their next molting. are strange, as well. They
sunk their souls so deeply into the pond of the Such Vedic priests are the chosen of the Bright believe that the souls of
Akasha that they have never returned, remaining Eye, who speak the wisdom of the Atman and their dead continue to exist
in a comatose. somnambulant state until their give advice to people and ruler alike. Many of the in this world - in their
Vedic Priests of the Bright Eye give their life to weapons and their houses
bodies wilhered and died from starvation. and gardens. Where our
Because there are so few Constrictors among become teachers. advisors as well as philosophers past souls rejoin our Akasha
the Naga race, the wisdom which they have and guides to the Akasha. They seek to bring and become one in flesh
gained may be lost in but a few generations. peace to their land. and to aid their brothers - of with us again, the human
Constrictor eggs die and wither in the nests, and all Bloodlines - to understand the voice of the souls seem too weak to be
reborn. and must be content
few of those born live to see their third Shedding Akasha. with inhabiting material
of the Skin. The Naga are unable to determine if They are the healers, the guardians of life and goods. "This sword has the
this is a natural occurrence, or if some mysterious peace. This is not to say that the Vedic of the soul of my grandfather:
tragedy has struck the bloodline of the Bright Eye are pacifistic, only that their duties are
Constrictor. What they do know is that if the to help the Naga race live in harmony, and to
record the passage of time and souls through the
Great Akasha. The Children of the Bright Eye are
often seers, gifted with the blessing of prophecy \ \
through the Akasha - for both good, and ill. They
can recognize past souls which inhabit Naga alive
today, and they have the duty to officiate at all
religious ceremonies and rituals.
The leader of the Children of the Bright Eye is
the Lord Vedic Abalasha. High Priest of the
jf a human offers you a Alman and Voice of the Akasha.
gUt, tell them how horrible
it is. This seems to please CHILDREN OF THE PALE EYE
em. If they continue, think Justice and judgment - the system of
or the worst thing you can
say about it, and say no punishment and law - these are the province of
again. At this point, they the Vedic of the Pale Eye. A few times in a clutch
6erome overjoyed. and will of Constrictors, a child would be born with no
practically thrust it upon pattern on its scales at all. Covered in darkness. The Greensnakes are the smallest and most
you. It is best to accept it if the young Constrictor's hide was unmarred by prolific of the Naga bloodlines. A member of the
ey go this far, for they will
most probably attack you if any mark other than the blackness or the night Greensnake bloodline typically ranges from
you say no too many times. sky. Their scales will always be so, black and 10-15 feet in total length, and has a slender
unmarked. and they do not wear jewelry or physique rather than the thickened muscles of
Humans are ashamed of bright tokens. such as the Vedic of the Bright Eye their cousins, the Asp. They tend to be diplomatic
their feet. and will hide often do. and soft·spoken, their minds easily adapting to
them from anyone they feel Such younglings are known as the Children of knowledge and modern thoughts. Possibly
is superior. This is done the Pale Eye, and they spend their days learning because of their connection to the present the
either by sitting on them, or the Law of the Naga, the earthly restrictions, Greensnakes have very little ability to interact
by turning the boltom of
the feet away punishments and justice of the Naga. Similar to with the Akasha itself, often incapable of sending
Emerald Magistrates in Rokugan, it is the duty of more than the most primitive emotions to the
Be careful how you the Children of the Pale Eye to be judge, jury and collective Naga consciousness.
compliment a human, executioner for crimes against the Qatol's Law. Greensnakes are often chosen to be scouts
particularly a female. If you Rather than learning the ways of the Akasha's because of their ability to learn languages rapidly,
say !heir bodies are ripe wisdom, they turn their thoughts to the lessons of as well as their mental acuity and ability to
and £ruitful, they often the Akasha's past and are more fluent in the negotiate and understand new concepts. A
become very annoyed. If
u ask to see their legs or history of their race, the past judgments and member of their bloodline is often chosen as the
any other part. they grow records of their race. Dashmar. the great leader of the Naga race,
angry - even though it is The Children of the Pale Eye are not feared in because of their prowess and intelligence.
certain that they have no the Naga race, but they are given a wide berth. II The Greensnakes, unfortunately, are rarely
shAme. as the people of a is their duty to fulfill the visions of the Atman's scholars. Their vast capacity for learning is
single house share one great
wb of water for deansing. Pale Eye - the eye which passes judgment and matched only by their great curiosity, funneling
sees only fault Their duties, though unpleasant knowledge and information through their minds
l~ a human
Do not ever assume that
telling the truth.
are needed to keep the peace, and they often
travel from city to cily, and through villages,
in a never-ending stream. Perhaps if their link to
the Akasha were stronger, the Cobra shugenja
They lie often, about helping keep the Qatol's Law throughout the Five murmur, the Akasha would benefit more from
everything from their own Kingdoms. their constant chattering input Ustening to their
'mponance to their actions They are the only Naga known to kill their brethren argue, the Constrictors smile and silence
at war. The ones with the
masks. I am told, actually brothers - and even then, only in the cause of the Cobra. "Be glad they do not have the strength
make fun of the others for justice. The Akasha guides their hands and their of soul thaI we do,~ they chuckJe, "Or the Akasha
lying. Perhaps they will be judgments. and they are rarely questioned. would be filled with the Slatic and questions of a
more wiUing to tell us the If a Vedic of the Pale Eye is said to have judged thousand thousand Greensnake souls, all arguing
truth. in error, the case is brought before the Dethasha, and none listening."
the Pale Eye's Lord Vedic, ror judgment Such Only the smallest of the Naga brood has been
rulings are always finaL able to master the language of the humans of
Rokugan. and the Greensnakes consider it their
duty 10 bring understanding belWeen the two is performed by pressing the palms together
races. Mosl recenlly, they have 'adopled' a human (fingers up) below Ihe chin, and saying
male named the DainL a strange·looking fellow "'Namaste," while sending a message of greeting
wi!h pale skin and a thin-featured face.. His role in \ia the Akasha To greet superiors or show
!he upcoming conflict is unknown. bUI the respect, a slight bow is added. Since the Naga
Greensnakes continue to argue !hal his words awakened and the scouts were dispatched, both
should be heard and sludied. Beside them. the "konnichi·wa" and "!<anger are also acceptable
Chameleons agree. lending their support 10 the greetings. Out of respect for a females privacy,
eloquent arguments of their smaller bro!hers. Naga males do not usually shake hands with or
One among them. a proud Greensnake named touch women in formal or informal gatherings. It
Mara. argues with great passion on the Oainrs is polite to use titJes such as "shri" for a male. or
behalf. encouraging her race to see him as a "shreemati" for a female, in place of lite Naga's
scholar and student of their ways. She asks for official name·litle. These are often used to show
him to be allowed into the sacred temples of Ihe respect or deference. or when !.he Naga meeting
Chameleon and the vast pearl·beds of the Cobra. one another do not yet know each other's rank
One day soon, the Greensnake arguments may and position within the People. Between
overwhelm the xenophobic tendencies of the affectionate Naga the appellation "kumari" is
other bloodlines. enticing them to open their strict used for a female, typically a young love or a
borders to a single traveler. For now, the Asp wail child, The Asp still prefer the andent salaam
for this 'Oaini' to betray the Naga's or prove gesture of greeting. performed by raising the right
worthy of this great honor. Only then will they hand toward Ute forehead. with lite index finger
know if their trust in this man has been rewarded pointing 10 the forehead and the rest of the hand
with loyalty. pointing upwards. It is similar to a salute, but is
not as rigid or formal. being much more fluid and
The namaSle is lite traditional greeting used Naga rarely speak loudly. With the aid of the
by the Naga and perfected by the Greensnake. II Akasha, they have no need to shout to one
another, but rather can send their messages on Naga culture from the point of view of a
empathically through the Great Mind. The Rokugani samurai. It was written by Mirumoto
Rokugani often do not understand Ihis, and Daini, a young Dragon samurai who has recently
consider the Naga's ability to communicate long had the honor of traveling with the Dashmar's
distances with whispers to be a product of guard. We think his 'insights' may prove useful to
exceptional hearing or eyesight players who wish to affect Naga habits and
cultural idiosyncrasies...


My Lord Yokuni.
The Greensnakes best understand Naga You have asked me to discover how to interact
etiquene and protocol. and go to great lengths to with the Naga serpents, and so I have. The Naga
teach it to their Rokugani friends. Their are strange, but I have uncovered some few facts
fasdnation with the samurai culture of the of their odd culture which may benefit our clan.
Emerald Empire has led them to leach their own As always, my sword is yours to command...
culture in exchange for the wonderful glimpses ...If invited to an Naga's home for dinner,
into human lives and actions. Below. is a treatise bring fruit or sweet candies as a token of
appreciation. Those who do not return a host's
hospitality are sorely lacking in manners, and will
certainly not be invited 10 relurn. \ \
Naga do not ordinarily have children in the
house, other than apprentices or traveling
students. There are eggbeds, and magnificent
~children's houses," in each city. These are capable
of supporting earn generation of children - and
the larger cities may have several such houses. All
7t60m111atlons Today the Daini told me
the Naga in a city are responsible for taking care a horrible thing. Although
of the city's children. and it is common courtesy to his people are fond of
arrive with many small items thai can be passed telling half·truths and Iyin
lor their masters, their
along to the children. jUstice relics more on a
It is best to be cautious when standing close to single man's testimony than
a Naga. They can sense one another instinctively, all the evidence that can be
when they are near. and often do not bother to gathered. Once, a human
look beSide them as they travel. Some few Abominations. In our language, the word Vedic declared that a man
was to be killed for the
humans have been mistakenly crushed by implies something to be feared and shunned. To dealh of his daughter -
walking too close to a Naga's tremendous tail, for the Naga, it is worse - a soul which has been born although her body had been
the Naga in question did not 'sense' their improperly. Naga spiritualism dictates that an found in their lord's hOllsc.
presence, and assumed that the area was empty. Abomination is a soul which has 'not completed The peasants' lord, a
When talking 10 a Naga, an arm's length away is its tasks: and rushed from the Akasha before 'samurai: spoke againsi him,
conSidered the proper distance. If your being fully purified. It is infected with visions and and told all concerned that
the man had come to his
conversation partner steps back even further, just memories of a life which has been left behind. it house and kiUed the
give them some room. edging backward a little should not be allowed to consider itself a 'part' of daughter. J could see the lie
more. that life anymore, and must be purified upon the in his eyes, aDd I knew the
Naga oflen greet visitors with garlands of earth, turned out from the Naga race until its soul man who was to be kiUcd
flowers, fronds of ferns. or other jewelry made has lost the haunted memories of its previous was innocent, but the
humans did not care. J¥
from the plants in the forest If a samurai is given existence. man was put to death.
a garland to hang around their neck, it is The Naga also believe that physical mutations And that is the strangest
important not to leave it on for more than a upon the scales, body or organs of a Naga are thing about these 'humans~
couple of seconds, and to not show the Naga your caused by a past life which refused to leave one They killlheir own kind.
virtue by refusing the gifl. The Naga prefer to be another and join the Akasha - memories which Not for punishment, as
insulted when they give tokens, and the best cling to exislence and taint the newborn soul. For the Pale Eye's Vedic
thing to do is to accept immediately. However. this reason, Abominations are more prone to occasionally must do -
'remembering' their past incarnations and lives, although that occurs - but
once you have been given the gift, the polite thing because of the other
to do is to immediately take it off and carry it the and are taught to suppress such thoughts with human's words. Sometimes,
rest of the evening. My best supposition, noble
daimyo. is that thiS shows a guest's humility and
tolerance for their strangeness.
If you want to express remorse or honesty,
meditation, purging them back inlo the Akasha.
Some Naga are born with minimal mutations
in their bloodstream, possibly caused by their
parent's exposure to pearl magics, or the Cobra
when a man has said
something, he is asked to
die. Other tales lhis Daini
tells me speak of lOW men
fighting to decide who is
simply grasp your ear and howl. The Naga have pearls used in many of the egg-pits. These telling the truth - even
an affection for lheir ears, I believe, and when one aberrations range from mild facial or torso when the lruth is obvious;
is offended. the best apology you can give them is elongation, scales on their faces or hands, and Other times, a man's
to grasp at your ears and raise a great noise. The human-colored, or albino skin; to more severe lord commands him to die,
Naga seem to believe that you are scaring off evil forms such as serpentine eyes, fins, useless gills, and he cuts open bis bcllY
without lhoughl
kat/Self. who have inhabited you and caused you or webbed hands.
I fear. my lord, that we
to perform such a terrible action. Whatever their If a Naga has a severe mutation, they are most will never understand these
superstition, the method does seem to work. often born sterile. The Naga believe that this is a barbarians or their cllstoms.
deliberate act of the Akasha. preventing such
I stand with the mountain, creatures from further tainting the race. Naga
Mirumoto Daini with massive abominations are always born
sterile, and often, die at birth from their genetic
disfunctions. The Naga are not kindly disposed to
abomination children, and tend to treat them
poorly. This means the more heavily a Naga is \ \
mutated, the more his own people will tend to
shun or ignore him. Because, to the Naga. unity of
race is more important than an individual's own
self, being shunned by a Naga's people is one of
the worst things a Naga can endure.

Naga go through many ALONE IN THE SH'NOMEN

names in their lifetimes: Naga do not kill their brothers, even those
flrsi their childhood name, who are obviously deformed and ilI·prepared to
then their adult name, and live. Instead, they put them in the woods. and
astly a list of names of allow them to prove their worth, or return to the
their profession. After
choosing a profession, a Akasha, 10 be reborn.
Naga is rarely known by Some of these abominations have traveled far
y name other than their from the peaceful woodlands of the Shinomen, Friends, as I write this for posterity, I do so
~ob. Atypical Naga might and others have remained. struggling against the
M because it behooves me to tell you of the many
~e known as "ShaIlish as a
child. then pass their dangers of forest and the human world, awaiting things I have learned from these fine and
Naming ceremony and the day when they can be re·accepted into the honorable creatures that I have learned to
become an adult, choosing Akasha, back into the consciousness of the Naga. consider not only my most valuable friends, but
e I1llme "Marisa': and then also as teachers about the past of our world
into the scout profession. FIRE SALAMANDERS Before man there was the Naga, silent and potent
The name for a minor Naga There are those Abominations who have
scout assigned to the in their empire that ranged from the sea to the
southern Shinomen forest traveled west. over the mountains and through farthest reaches of the known world, in which
might be ~Ashaphra,M and the desert to the Burning Sands. These Naga (or they had dealings with numerous lost peoples.
then they might be Nagah, in the local colloquialism) experience a the oldest races of the world
promoted from the strange transformation when they first shed their Much can be learned from the Naga, and
Asbaphra, through Shazaar,
to Isha. skins across the mountains. Their scales change perhaps much can we teach them about mankind
ANaga is always hue, becoming brighter and more jewel-toned, for they are factionalized at this point; neither
referred to by his or her and any mutations become more severe, These tmsting nor unwilling - more curious than else.
current name, This means 'Fire Salamanders; as lIley are called by lIle nle stronger our bonds with them, the stronger
that a Naga might be called wandering tribes of Moto, are still part of the our civilization becomes - and do not the
~ Ashaphra. even by their Akasha, but receive strange visions the farther Prophecies of Uikku speak of the "Strangers of old
thtldhood friends who knew they travel from their Shinomen home,
them as Shallish, but as in time of need.'7 It is quite possible that these
soon as they are promoted Naga are a necessary component in the liberation
to tsha, they are referred to ASETH of the world from the corruption of Fu Leng; tmly
by !hat name. In the event Only one Abomination has been accepted in they know much about the Shadowlands and its
of two Ashaphra (two the recent years since the Awakening. His name inhabitants.
characters with the same

profession), they would be is Aseth. He has purged himself of the memories
differentiated by using their of his past lives, and begin a life of his own, free May you be enlightened by this text, as I was
professional name and their of their taint The Vedic have proclaimed that he when I learned directly from the source.
adult name: Ashaphra is worthy of a place among their people. and the - Asako Ishikawa, Histon'an
Marisa and Ashaphra Naga have welcomed him home. Aseth has
worked long to receive such a welcome, and THE STRlICTURE OF NAMES
would fight beyond his soul's limit for his people, It is important here to begin with the Name of
if they were threatened. particular Naga, for it is willl the name that one
Aseth stands on lIle battlefield beside the learns the most about them. They are born and
Qamar and looks for lIle worthiest opponent on are given a personal, secret, name - its a cultural
the battlefield among the humans. trait to be so reclusive - this secret name is not
That one, their finest he chooses to fight alone. uttered by any other than lIle bearer and perhaps
He has never lost even his immediate family, From birth it becomes
clear lIle nature of the young. whether or not he
or she will become a Shugenja or Warrior, and perhaps there are many who claim, or are
whal rank they shall hold, The name is their tille, claimed, to be great
not just a form of address. but also who they have
become. I begin with my close friend Isha, whose SYLLABLE STRUCTURE
secret name even I do nol know. There are certain syllables that are orientation
Isha is a hunter and a vanguard - it is in that specific; that is to say, their placement in the
capacity I first encountered him. And indeed his name or word is fixed and cannot be moved.
name (or litle, it sometimes becomes difficult 10 Among them is the first syllable of both names PROF£SSlOHS
distinguish) means just lhal. .. with some we have learned so far: Qamar and Isha
modirication. Understand that the Naga's These syllables, "Qa-" and "1-", respectively, The Naga Scout iii led b
language is indeed an alien tongue and is are specific, rare, and fixed. (perhaps it is the Isha. the recognized
composed of many things that we Rokugani are fortuitous that I met Isha first of allQ These authority among the Scou
simply unable to deal with effectively. syllables must remain in the front of the word as Other scouts may attain this
The language is syllable·based. Each syllable title through hard wor
the first syllable and are therefore are referred to devotion and faithfulness t
has a specific meaning. With Isha, one must break by me as "prefixes," although not specifically the duty of their profession.
it down into its two simple parts: ~I-," pronounced designated as such by the Naga themselves. There Some of the other titles In
as the elongated double "E" sound. refers directly are others whose placement must be at the end of Scout oaft include the
to hunting or something or someone who hunts. a word, and are referred to as "suffixes," again Shazaar and the Sha.lasha,:
or is hunted, or refers to hunting. Although both titles of respect.
although not specifically named so by the Naga. associated with leadership.
confUSing. it becomes second nature later to one In the dictionary portion of this treatise I have AShalasha might be the
who understands: specifically, for us, it means marked those syllables thaI are locked in position, leader of a small troop of
"Hunter." The second syllable is ~Sha," which is a so as to not cause confusion. Naga Scouls, while the
measurement of power, distance, or the like. Such a language/word structure might (for us Shazaar would lead a
troupe of diplomatic scouls,
Anything that is "massive" or referred to as non·Naga) be difficult to understand, SO much SO trained to interact with
"greaC or "far·reaching," and perhaps ~incredible~ that it could hardly be hoped to begin to dissect other races and cities.
Anything "big or large; distant" their tongue. But there is hope, for there are other
Thus we can determine thatlsha is. in fact, the markers used to impart meaning - and this our
pre·eminent Hunter amongst the Naga - as his language shares with theirs - body posture and
title/name indicates; and, in fact, he is.. .if you gesture. Since they are undoubtedly ~human·like"
have the chance my friends. watch his mastery (if I may use that term), it naturally follows that
with a bow and you will know what I am talking their posturing would be similar when dealing
about with, sarcasm, for instance. Luckily for us
We now have one name "Isha" as "[The] Great humans, this is indeed the case.
Hunter." Notice specifics here, the use of the
definitive article ("the; is used only as a honorific,
and then specifically for their Champion, or
leader, of whom all I know is that he is called
~Qamar: and I have never mel him. (Qamar, I am
told, means "The Onel. From Isha I learned that
the prefix·syllable "Qa-" is the honorific in
question; therefore, and I must make this
assumption, "mar" is an ordinal of the first
magnitude (one). Whether or not there is a non· NUMERICAL STRUCTURE
specific use form of the definite article, I cannot, The Naga numbering system is (naturally)
at this time. say for certain. different from ours. Whereas we Rokugani count
An admonition: With this simple introduction, upwards from zero (0), the Naga count from one
it would be impossible to give all the potential (1) - for them the value of zero has no meaning,
definitions for these simple syllables that we have and no place. '1bere is never a vacuum," it was
now uncovered; but understand that with jusl once said to me.
Ihese four syllables many words of the Naga can Also, whereas we utilize a numbering system
be nol only constructed but also based upon powers of len - that is to say. 0
understood-should you listen closely you will through 9, and then a continuation of the
notice the syllable "sha" is in many titles/names- previous-the Naga count thus:
... one, two, three, three and one (4), three and the borders of their civilization, and they thought
two (5), three and three (6), three and three and it had been destroyed, They were wrong. The
one (7), three and three and two (8), three and Lying Darkness is nol so easily defeated, and it
three and three (9), ten .. simply turned its taint elsewhere.
The development of large numbers is quite The Darkness has always known the path to
laborious; after the count of ten the formation of the land of the dead, and in the early years of the
the words manges dramatically. A word to the Five Naga Kingdoms. it began to populate the
wise: do not get into a discussion with a Naga that other side with dreams and delusions, mists and
When the Naga decided uses any number above ten. Even I have yet to memories. Some of these memories were stolen
that they would sleep become familiar enough with the Naga to count from the Akasha, taken from each Naga who died
through an age and awaken so high. My suggestion for such a situation should to the servants of Darkness. Gradually, the
when the Foul was at its it arise: use the word "many:' Shadow learned how 10 inBhrale the Akasha
strongest, it was the task of itself - but only through dreams.
the Cobra Shashakar to
weave the spell. Those dreams have poisoned the Akasha, and
In the Naga city of have choked the soul of the Naga race. Because of
Vyakarana. a great pearl \ \ the thread of darkness which permeates the
was brought it was called Akasha, the Naga are dying, unable to create
the Pearl of Mist and
Bround it, a thousand Cobra
shugenja slept, protecting
the spell with their lives -
1t ert1ouSanO children, doomed to become only the memories
and ruins of a once·epic nation.
The Constrictors studied the problem, but
and more. The spell of the
Shashakar had an
unexpected price. The
tyga1 S Of 1 there was no solution. Although the slars told
them that the great battle against the evils to the
south would be fought in a thousand years, the

pearl's power fed hungrily
on the souls and the magic Naga would be dead long before that came to
of the Jakla. As each year pass. They would not have revenge on their
passed, one Cobra died, andent enemy, nor would they have the chance to
~crmcing themselves to the purify the Akasha of its taint
hunger of the Pearl. Worse, the gate to the far side would stand
When the Cobra awoke, open, and all creatures who passed into the lands
their screams were still Over a thousand years ago - and some would
fresh. Bodies lay, scattered of death would be prey to the Fours torments.
in dust, around the Pearl of say more - the Naga entered into a deep sleep. There would be no guardian, nO guide, and no
Mists. Worse. the entire race The Cobra jakla wove the skein, and the succor for the land.
seemed to have been Constrictors whispered to the Akasha until the In desperation, the Qatol drew together the
affected by the spell. ripples in the Great Lake were still as glass. greatest Naga of each bloodline, asking them
Nthough the race had been But why did they do this? What caused the
dying slowly, the Great what could be done. They journeyed to the south.
Sleep bas accelerated the Naga to lay aside a civilization of grandeur and to give their lives if need be, in order to fight the
process a hundredfold. Their glory and pass into the realm of myth? Foul where it hid beneath the darkness of the
their eggbeds empty, the The answer is simple: death. Southlands.
Naga are unable to create For the last generations of their civilization, Then, an unexpected catastrophe occurred: the
more than a handful of
children. The most affected the Naga have been quietly dying. The decrease is sky tore open, and the Heavens began raining

t are the Constrictors, who

have seen no eggs at all.
slow, in degrees rather than in drastic waves, but
it is still occurring. Fewer Naga children were
born. and the Akasha's wisdom seemed sluggish
stars, burning the mountains and causing the
world to break apart.
Eight stars fell 10 the north, and the sky turned
The Cobra have told no and weary. The Naga, once a proud race that as red as blood. "Go back." said the Qatol to the
on thai the rapid decline is spanned the continen~ now fell prey to the end of Shahade~ "and guard our people, for this is the
the consequence of the their era, Within generations, they would be sign of our death:' With a salute, the Asp obeyed.
Great Sleep. and allow the entirely gone, no more than dust and bones, and One star fell deep into the south, tearing the
others to believe that the
lack of chfldren is brought their precious Akasha would become still and land and burying itself deep within the ground.
about by the natural silent forever. Black coils of smoke and muck spewed from the
oonUn,uation of the decline. Their greatest enemy - the Foul - would have hole, and the earth to the south was covered in a
Their words arc lies. won. fine ash that smelled of the grave. The Qatol
When the Naga first fought the darkness spoke then to the Constrictor, and said to him.
which threatened the land, they beat it beyond "Return. Qarash, and hide the treasures of the
Naga. Your place is to protect them, for one day them turned grey and the thunder's voice died to
they will be needed again." And so. the a whisper.
Chameleon left his side. When the QatoJ saw il he laughed, and the
In the deep lands of the south, beasts roamed laugh tore at the fabric of the land of the dead. At
in panic. The High One touched the Lord last he turned and dismissed the Cobra back to
Vedic.:"'Our people will soon know fear. and your his people. "Sleep will be our ally - not dead, but
place is to guide them to peace. Go to them. not fully alive will we be, until the day comes
Abalasha, and tell them of this place. They will when we can again fight the Foul:' The Cobra COBRA'S CHILDREN
fight against it one day."' Thus, the Constrictor lifted her hands, and a great wind blew across the The other bloodlines are
turned away. and traveled home again. darkened lands. With the sound of her voice and slowly dying as well, and
The Qatol journeyed on. 10 the gate of the a shallered pearl. she vanished, to take the people where the eggbeds had
Dead. and stood before the arch into the land of into the Great Sleep, as the One had bidden her. been shallow, now they are
all but empty The Cobra
death - a place where no Naga had ever gone. No Then, the Qatol turned to his final retainer, pray they can find a way to
hint of the Akasha burned beyond that gate, for and sent this word 10 us. 'Iell them to wail" he reverse the spell, but they
the souls of the Naga were taken before the land said with a knowing smile, ~And I will come for fear the worst
of the dead had claim to them, reborn as new them when I have conquered the land of the dead Perhaps the Alman
members of their race. itself. Then, the Foul will face our wrath, and the would have decreed that the
The Qatol stood before that arch, and saw the Akasha will be purified with its death." The Isha race of Naga die, even
without the Spell of Mists,
future of his people, as a tenth star fell from the bowed. and the Warrior of the Sun vanished into but certainly. the spell has
night sky. It was smaller than its brothers. paler the darkness, reaching his hand toward the Tenth sealed the fate of the Naga
than they, but it landed upon the arch of the Star as if to guide his path. people.
world with a thundering roar. And the sky above The Naga still await his return. SOOrt there will be no
more Naga, at all.

\ \
There are several distinct differences between

Cl1a~f~11 making a samurai character for the Legend of the

Five Rings RPG and making a Naga character for

the same campaign.
Naga cannot learn any of the Schools of

A lot of players are
probably asking themselves Rokugan - samurai. shugenja, or otherwise. Most
'ow their samurai can learn samurai Techniques are derived from a
the Great Lessons character'S connection with the mystic, making
(feclmiques) of the Naga him something more than human (represented by
Schools. The answer is nol
an easy one. his Insight and current School Rank). Naga have
The Naga Schools are
In this chapter, you will find new creation a similar connection with the Akasha, but there is
ancienl, and very different rules for Naga characters, including new little comparison available between the two;
from the training of a Advantages, Disadvantages. Skills. and Great samurai embark on a personal quest toward
Rokugani dojo. They aTC Lessons, the Naga Equivalent of samurai enlightenmenl while Naga proceed through life
based upon a different Techniques. At the end of the chapter are a set of as a community.
philosophy, a different
language. and an entirely
Herilage and Fortune Tables, designed to be used
different culture. Yel the in conjunction with the material here. ROkUGANI MAGIC VS. PEARL
bridges between the two arc Abomination characters are asked to roll on them MAGIC
nol uncrossable - with lime. as part of their standard character creation, while Shugenja have little more in common with
But when the Naga first others may purchase the right to roll on the Jakla (pearl-casters). Where the former are
awaken in the Emerald Heritage Table or Fortune Table before play. religious in nature, and draw their power from
Empire, they have no love
for the "invading~ humans. In Rokugan, just before the start of the the Elements swirling all around them, Naga
They don't see them as Scorpion Clan Coup, there were few Naga awake Jakla have little time for ceremony or faith.
allies, much less trusted in the lands. Those who had awakened knew only deriving their power from the inherent magic
friends. Ask yourself, that they were alone in a Slrange new world - a contained within their precious pearl beds. As
"Would any self·respecting world whose mountains remained familiar, but such, Naga characters are incapable of
sensei teach their great·
grandfather's secret
whose people were hostile and strange. Naga understanding the spells of Rokugan. Even after
techniques to a big snake?" interactions with humans were difficult due to character creation, Naga cannot learn or cast any
Probably not. cultural and language barriers. and Naga were Rokugani spells, though they can operate simple
And that's just how the oflen mistaken for kami, or even Oni. Reactions magical items which are merely activated (such as
Naga think of humans. varied - from abject terror to devoted worship, triggered fle11lUralla~ or Agasha Mitsugusuri).
If a Bushi character and everything in between. Even after the Clan Still, magical development tends to follow
wishes to purchase the Wars, Naga will be isolated from society. and only certain patterns. The Pearl Effects available to
"Multiple Schools" through the aid of Mirumoto Daini will they Naga ]akla are Similar in theme and function to
Advantage, and attempt to

begin to understand the bizarre behavior of their Rokugani Spells (using the same mechanical
convince the Qamar to
accept him into the Naga human comrades. template), but are very different in application
Warrior or Scout school, A beginning Naga character might have many and practice. Please see pages 37-38 and 62·64 for
that's up to the reasons for joining a human party. Naga Scouts. more on Naga Jakla and their pearls.
Gamemaster. If a player for instance, would be interested in discovering
wants his samurai to begin all they could about Ihis new race in order to pass HONOR AND CASTE RANK
play with a Naga School, we
~CC()mrnend that the GM
the information along to the rest of their people. Naga do not adhere to the Code of Bushido,
say MNor But if you've got a Warriors might study the mannerisms and and therefore have no concept of Honor. They do
player with a really good fighting styles of their human neighbors, hoping have a very dedicated ideal of duty - duty to their
story. here's how we to devise ways to counter them. And the religious race. their home, and their people. A Naga
recommend you do it: beliefs and rituals of Rokugan's shugenja would character begins with a starting Honor of 0, with
1) Buy the Allies (Naga)
Advanlage. Make it a BIG
draw the Vedic from their shrouded groves, where oboxes, which never changes for the duration of
Ally (4 Poinls). the kami and the Fortunes are not well known. their lifespan. No action or event may affect this
(Continued) value throughout the campaign.
Naga do not have a Glory Rank. being AKASHA. THE VOID R.NG
unconcerned with reputation or fame. Instead. Naga characters do not have a Void Ring. This
they have a Caste Rank, which denotes their place Ring, and all its properties, is replaced by the
within Naga society. (Note that it is possible for a 'I\.kasha." representing the Naga's link to the
Naga of seemingly lower status - such as a Scout Great Consciousness of the Naga people. Akasha
- to have a higher Caste Rank than another of Points may be spent as if they were Void Points,
presumably higher status; this is the nature of and may be regained through rest, the Pearl
Naga sodety. which is based on independent Carving Skill (see the description later in this CAN J LEARN A
merit, not the perception of such. as in Rokugani chapter), or the Meditation Skill. Tea Ceremony NAGA SCHOOL?
culture). A Naga's Caste Rank begins at a value of has no effect on Akasha, as it is exclusively
oto 4.5, derived by adding the values gained from devoted 10 Shintao and Rokugani worshiping (COHT.HlJEP)
their Bloodline and Great Lesson (discussed later practices. 2) The character must
in this chapter). and represents the following roles purchase the Different
or titles in Naga sodety: Striving for Atman School Advantage. Further.
they must renounce all
Tn addition to their earthly pursuits, all Naga other allegiances, becoming
live according to a set of ethics (described in the (effectively) a Clan Ronin.
NAGA RANKS: sidebars on pages 22 to 25). These differ markedly They also earn the Black
Rank J 0: The Qatol (currently vacant). from the Rokugani Tao, and represent the proper Sheep Disadvantage
Rank 8-9: The Dashmar and Qamar. lifestyle a Naga must assume if they wish to (earning them no extra
points). to reflect Ihat Ihe
Rank 7-8: Bloodline Champions (Shahadel become fully one with the Atman, merging with samurai has turned his back
Shashakar, and the Lord Vedics of the Bright the Akasha forever. This stage of development is on his house and his
and Pale Eyes). fervently sought by all Naga even though none culture.
Rank 6-7: The Isha the Taquar, and the have been confirmed to ascend in this manner 3) Lastly, the Insight
Malekish. Military generals, provincial since well before the First Burning of the Lands. requirements for each
governors, focal religious figures and great To a player character. this universal goal is School Rank are increased
by 10. Ot's harder for a
minds. represented by the Akasha Ring. The higher the samurai to understand and
Rank 5-6: The Sysh, the Shazaar, and the Ring, the closer to Atman the Naga character is. adopt the strange ways of
Shalasha. Minor lords and vassals. Should the PC ever reach a Rank of lOin his the Nags, and thus, to
Rank 4~5: The Ramash. the Qarash, and the Akasha Ring, and achieve Rank 5 in their Great master their Great Lessons..)
Eshru. Mid·level military lords and political Lesson, they will transcend the physical plane of
administrators. existence at the end of their life, and join the Thats pretty expensive.
Rank 2·4: The Balash and the Shagara. Atman, becoming a legend among the Naga and pretty debilitating. Still.
it is possible - with a lot of
Those without special recognition (yet). Most community. (Note that actions taken by the PC work from your player. and
starting player characiers. from the point at which they acquire these Traits a really, really good write-
Rank 1-2: Mundane workers and favored to their death can reduce either attribute. thus up for the character.
servants. condemning the character to another lifetime; PCS However, the GM has the
Rank 0-1: Untouchables and lower·caste interested in achieving this lofty goal should be final say. If he doesn't want
Rank 0: Abominations and Outcasts.
ever-conscious of their behavior and actions, lest
they fall from enlightened grace).

any cross·pollination
between samurai and Nags.
sorry. you're out of luck.
Whenever a samurai
wants 10 cross the boundary
A PC may begin the game at a higher Caste Naga do not have Insight Instead, they have and earn Naga Skills or
Rank than their Bloodline and Great Lesson allot, Discipline, which represents their physical Lessons, there should be an
al the following costs: entertaining and noltoo
devotion to the ethics of Atman. Qn this way. implausible story to go
Raising your Caste Rank by 1 Rank costs 4 CP Discipline is the physical counterpart to Akasha.) along with it You can't have
(or 2 CP for 5 boxes). Discipline is acquired and totaled in the same information and Skills from
Lowering your Caste Rank by 1 Rank grants 2 manner, and with the same restrictions. as Insight the Naga just because you
additional CP for character design (or 1 for 5 When a Naga character achieves enough want them.
boxes). Discipline to advance in his Great Lesson, he You've got to get Naga
A PC may not increase or lower their starting must return home and spend a great deal of time Skills the old·fashioned way,
Caste Rank by more than one full Rank in either with his Vedic. meditating on the Akasha until it You have to shed your
direction. chooses to give him the knowledge (read: sldn.
Lessons) of the next Rank, Sometimes. the
Akasha is not satisfied that the Naga has learned
what is necessary to advance, and may demand
that the character perform quests or rituals. or
seek some great knowledge in order to prove
their worth. tn this way. the Akasha can be as
demanding a master as a samurai's Daimyo. Naga characters.. no matter what Bloodline.
have certain restrictions in place at character
MlsaLLAN£OOS creation. The following options may not be
RilLES FOR NAGA purchased when a Naga character is designed.
They may be chosen during play. assuming the
Naga are different from
samurai in many ways. Many of the common Skills learned by Naga is able to find a teacher willing to instruct
Several of the differences samurai have an equivalent in Naga society. them. and they are able to dedicate the requisite
are illustrated mechanically These Skills operate as printed in previous RPG time to practice and study. Even so, the cost
here. books. with the exception that - when purchased during play for these options is double that for
by a Naga - they refer to Naga culture. not the Rokugani characters, representing the difficulty
Animals (Horses): Naga feudal samurai structure of Rokugan. These Skills Naga have learning these foreign concepts.
and animals (particularly include, but are not limited to:
horses) do not get along.
Most animals see the Naga
as natural predators. and Archery (Naga bowmanship is very different Animal Husbandry (horses and most other
boil at the first opportunity. from that taught to most samurai. and is based on non-reptiles react violently to the Naga - see the
Even well-trained mounts, Agility rather than Reflexes), Armorer, sidebar to the left for more information), Artisan,
hunting dogs, and carrier Calligraphy and Cipher (with the Naga language, Courtier, Craft (Mitsugusuri and Tattooing),
birds are unsettled near the
snake-men. an Arabesque script rather than the kanji of Falconry, Horse Archery. Horsemanship (males
When animals and Naga
Rokugan). Dance, Etiquette, History, Law, only; female Naga may [earn this Skill normally,
are near one another, they Painting, Poetry (Naga verse is fluid and long, having legs and training with a single mount to
ust make Contested Earth rather than the complex·but-brief haiku and overcome the beast's innate fear of the Naga),
rolls. If the Naga wins, the waka of the samurai), Theology, and Yarijutsu Manipulation, Mimic, Ninjutsu, and Tea
animal runs in fear. If the (referring to the Naga Yari. rather than the Ceremony.
animal wins, it stands its
ground. If neither win, the
samurai techniques).
animal is at -2 dice for all ADVANTAGES
Actions until lite conditions There are also four parallel Skills available to Balance. Bland. Blood of Osano·Wo. Chosen by
mange (e.g. additional Naga Naga characters which have the same mechanics the Oracles. Death Trance, Different School, Ear
arrive, or the Naga does as their Rokugani counterparts, but have been of the Emperor, Elemental Altunement. Gentry.
something that might startle renamed for clarity of theme. These are:
the beast). Imperial Spouse. and Innate Ability.
Animals and horses with
training may add their Skill Multiple Schools
dice to the Contest (rolled One special case for Naga Warlords (bushi)
but not kept). Rokugani Skin Naga Skill occurs when they leave their Great Lesson behind
laijutsu Single Strike in favor of the path of the samurai. Such a Naga
Female Naga: No roll is Kenjutsu Swordsmanship must purchase the Advantage: Multiple Schools
required to swap their tail
t for legs, but the ritual
process does take 5 hours.
All Skills involving balance
Tea Ceremony
Moksha ..
Pearl Carving·
.. These Skills are further defined later in
during play (at a cost of 10 Experience Points).
and forsake all benefits of future training with his
own Great Lesson. From lhat point on. they learn
or movement must be this chapter. the Techniques of their chosen samurai School
earned twice - once with only, and will never have the option of returning
~ tail and once with legs. to their Naga training (the Akasha is a harsh
Only the appropriate Skill mistress who dislikes infidelity).
may be used at any lime
f'Legs" while standing. and The player of such a Naga character must also
'"Tail when slithering.)
provide the Gamemaster will ample reasoning for
the shirt in his character's career. Few Naga have
(Ccntinueti) ever been bold enough to leave their own society
behind for such an endeavor, and even fewer have
convinced a Rokugani sensei to take them on.
Finally. this option may only be taken once in divine plane far above. They are also thought to
a Naga's career. Once they have found a sensei be part of the Akasha, observing each Naga's
and satisfied the initial requirements for entry spiritual progress toward Atman.
into their new School, they gain its first Rank ThUs. watching the skies has become as much
Technique and starting Trait bonus. Like the a pleasurable pasttime as a source of religious
Multiple Schools Advantage, a character may only verification to the Naga. Entire branches of
gain this Trait bonus twice (once for their Naga scholarly thought are devoted to interpreting the
Lesson, and again for the new Rokugani School). myriad things seen in the heavens, and the most !\tJSC[Ll.AN£OIIS
advanced methods available are applied to the RULES FOR NAGA
D,SADVANTAGES effort These include such devices as rudimentary (CONTINUED)
Curse of the Kami. Deathseeker, Dishonored. lenses (mainly imported from the wastes beyond
Enlightened Madness. Forgotten. Forsaken, Gaijin the Ivory Kingdoms). near-prease maps, and High Strike: First
presented in Clan War
Name, Idealistic, Momoku. Moto Curse. Never Sat pincer·like measuring devices. (Naga Army Expansi0l\
on a Horse, Shadowlands Taint, and the Yogo Note that this Skill differs from Astrology in page 22), this is lhe Naga
Curse. that it is a direct source and application of ability to coil their massive
information first.. and an interpretation of such tail beneath them, heaving
second Astrology deals primarily with discerning their bulk above an obstacle
so that they can attack (or
omens and divining the fUlure, while Astronomy sec) beyond it
is principally concerned with documenting the The maximum height a
At the end of each Skill description is a caste paths and patterns of the stars and planets visible Naga may attack over is
designation (High. Bugei. Merchant, or Low). This by the Naga Astronomy is by far the more literal equal to V3 of ils total
is to be used if a Rokugani learns the Skill. The and fact·based of the two Skills. and less prone to length. For instancc,
Naga. of course. have no concept of such things; subjective opinion. This reduces its appeal to most Greensnakes (who averaa-e
10·1S feet) could see over
their culture is based on breed and bloodline. not ~classically-minded" Rokugani.
obstacles 6-10 feet high;
on birthright or glory. This is a High Skill for Rokugani. while some Constrictors
(averaging 2S-30 feet) could
This Skill is derived from the Naga's aUentive This Skill can only be used in a natural ground
love of the Celestial Heavens. All Naga are raised environment, such as forest, mountains. or Glancing over such
obstacles reqUires one
to respect the stars in the night sky as distant underwater. It allows the Naga to hide objects or Action, but no roll.
cousins, who are always watching from their other people within natural surroundings, using Attacking. however, requires
two Raises if attempted on
the first Tum the Naga has
risen. Each Turn thereaftcl,
the Naga may attack from
their lofty position without
penalty, but musl also make
a Strength check 'IS. a TN of
S (+S per Turn he remains

Working Together: Due J

to the Akasha. Naga work ~
far more efficiently togethe
than humans do: their
linked minds ravor unison
over disharmony. Instead of
choosing a primary
character. all Naga make the
Action roll; the highest total
roll is used. This roll is
unmodified by lhe number
of Naga present.
the terrain as cover to obscure their location. sounds and long, meaningful pauses. coupled
Tracks may also be hidden using thiS Skill, with soft motions of the face.
though time and effort are required if the With a skill of 1 in Nagash, a character may
character with the Skill is also concealing his own converse with other Naga in simple words and
trail. phrases. With a 3, the Naga is considered nuent in
Use of thiS Skill is always Contested. The total their own language, and can converse freely. At
rolled by the character using the Conceal Skill Rank 5, a Naga has mastered its language, and is
becomes the TN for others to discover what he capable of showing off his study and huge
Abominations are Naga has hidden, or successfully follow the tracks he vocabulary with ease.
OUlCaSts, separated from has obscured. This TN is reduced by 5 for those Naga begin the game with Rank 3 in this Skill,
Naga civilization due to with Way of the Land in the area. which does not add to their Discipline. They may
deformities and mutations This is a Bugei Skill For Rokugani. purchase Ranks 4 and 5 during character creation
suffered in the egg. These
mutations vary widely, and or later in the game at the normal costs.
may become beneficial to MOKSHA CAKASHA) It is extremely difficult for humans to learn
the abomination at times. This Skill is the Naga equivalent of Shintao, this Skill. They must pay twice the normal cost
bul they arc always a and reflects a Naga's dedication to duty and the (in CP at the slart of the game or EP later on) to
burden. tenets of their race. It represents a Naga's acquire il
Most abominations are understanding of the fundamental beliefs and This is a High Skill ror Rokugani.
taken into the Shinomen ethics of their Bloodline, and the Akasha as a
Forest, where they are left
to fend for themselves. whole. Naga who take this Skill are extremely N£w LOR£S CINT£LLlG£NC£)
Many with severe or loyal to the Naga race, and pursue their life There are several fields of knowledge nol
hindering mutations do not knOWing that they are a small part of a greater commonly available to Rokugani that Naga may
survive; many more grow whole. Unlike Shintao, Naga Traits may progress be familiar with at the start of the game. These
inlO haggard and angry
adults, resentful of their beyond Rank 5 without this Skill. include Naga Civilization. Naga Myth, Naga
brethren for leaving them This Skill may not be purchased by non·Naga Ruins, Naga Religion, and Pearl Magic. All rules
aJone. Atreasured few have characters. for standard Lore Skills apply to these
proven themselves worthy specializations.
of reintegration into the NAGA LANGUAG£ CINT£LlIG£NC£) Rokugani may learn these Skills, but are
Naga culture, and arc
welcomed back. Though Naga do not begin with the Skill to speak required to pay twice the normal cost (in CP at
they are never treated with Rokugani, and must purchase the appropriate the start of the game or EP later on).
the same respect as pure· Skill to learn the language or humans (see These are High Skills for Rokugani.
born Naga. they rejoin the Rokugani Language, later in this chapter). But all A final new lore, Rokugani Civilization, is
Akasha. where they might Naga can speak Nagash, a combination of sibilant reqUired for Naga to understand humans and
find their next life more
Players should always
choose whether their
character is an abomination.
The mechanics in this
dlapter have been designed
to allow a player to create
whatever character he
desires, with as few
limitations as possible.
Should a player wish 10
pay the CP to become an
abomination, he is accepting
the social realities of their
plighl He is on his own,
without the guidance of his
cousins. But he has
strengths to draw lrom:
those choosing to gain CP
to play less fortunate
abominations have a harsh
road ahead of them
indeed ...
their ways. It is used whenever a Naga seeks 10 difficult for Naga to learn this Skill: they must pay
puzzle out some aspect of Rokugani culture. The twice the normal cost (in CP at the start of the
Rokugani need not purchase this skilL for them. it game or EP laler on) to acquire it
is considered defaulL This is a High Skill for Rokugani.


The Naga know how to turn a simple pearl
into a work of tremendous beauty. More than
simply working the pearl with tools and carving The following Advantages may only be
knives. the Naga use a series of prayers and purchased by Naga characters. Except where
meditations to help the pearl allain the form they noted, these are not Abominations.
desire.. This Skill works as the Tea Ceremony does
for humans. taking one half hour (and requiring ABOMINATION CS POINTS)
a non-enchanted pearl). When performing the There are two ways to design a Naga
ceremony. the Naga may invite any other Naga he abomination, one which results in advantageous
(or she) wishes to participate. Each participant mutations - such as natural weaponry, keen
then enters a ritual trance. touching the mists of eyesight, and thermal vision - and another which
the Akasha and speaking with the spirit of the hinders lhe character (see Disadvantages. later in
pearl The artist carving the pearl may then make this chapter). Purchasing this Advantage grants
a Simple Akasha + Pearl Carving roll; if he is the character one roll on the Positive
successful. all Naga involved (up to the Abomination Table (see page 13).
performer"s Skill Rank) regain a single spent Note that some of the benefidal abomination
Akasha Point (not to increase their Akasha Points abilities are particularly effective, and cost
beyond their Akasha Ring). additional CPo These are noted on the Positive
This is a High Skill for Rokugani. Humans Abomination Table. Characters may forfeit these
gain no benefits from its use. however. abilities to save the requisite CP, and roll again on
the table until they come up with something they
One difficulty that all awakening Naga face is ACUTE SMELL C3 POINTS)
learning the language of humans. Humans chitter. The character a sharper sense of smell than is
where Naga hiss. Humans chirp. where the more natural, even for a Naga. They gain 2 dice (rolled,
civilized tongue uses long syllables and open but not kept) for all their Perception·based Skill
vowel sounds. checks involving their sense of smell, including
With a skill of 1 in the Rokugani tongue, a hunting, tracking, fishing, etc. The target of their
Naga may converse with humans in simple words check must be within 50 yards per Rank of the
and phrases ('Where are the horses?j. With a 3, character's Perception. or have traveled over the
the Naga is fluent in the language of humans, and ground that they are surveying within the last
may converse freely ("Excuse me, honorable twenty'four hours. Rains. excessive fool·traffic
Kakita·sama, but where are the stables located?'). through the area, and other factors may raise the
At Rank 5, a Naga has mastered the human TN for such Skill checks, at the GM's discretion.
language, and is capable of showing off his study
and huge vocabulary with ease ("Excuse my AMPHIBIOIIS ( ] POINTS. 1 FOR
interruption. oh exquisite maiden of the lineage of CHAMELEONS)
the Kakita daimyo, but I am in turmoil over the The Amphibious Advantage allows a character
distressing loss of my equine. Could you. with all to remain submerged within a body of water. The
eloquence. assist me in locating the magistrate?'). character derives the oxygen he needs from the
Rokugani start the game with Rank 3 in this water. and does not need to breathe air while he
Skill which does not add to lheir Insighl They is submerged.
may purchase Ranks 4 and 5 during character For this purpose. gills line the neck and upper
creation or later in the game at the normal costs. torso of a character who takes this Advantage.
Naga do not begin with this Skill and must Generally. gills are considered an abomination
purchase it to speak with humans. It is extremely ability by the Naga (except for Chameleons), who
. , ' - - ~.- . --
look unfavorably on those who have been born the Allack is based on the Rank of the pearl used
with them. Hiding such a mutation from other (which may not exceed the character's School
Naga is difficult, but not impossible. If a character Rank with the Advantage). If a character uses a
is found to have them, he loses 1 Caste Rank. pearl of higher Rank. the effect is reduced to the
value he is capable of.
FERTILE (4 POINTS) Thus, a character with this Advantage at Rank
Since the days of the Great Sleep, fewer and 2, destroying a Rank 3 pearl, would only have a
HE NAAR TE8AN fewer eggs are seen among the Naga. and their Damage value of 2k2.
Abomination characters population is diminishing rapidly. Some believe Only one pearl may be used for such an Attack
are assumed to be of one of that this is a temporary side-effect of the Great per Action.
the standard Bloodlines. left Sleep, but others say that the Naga have outlived Characters purchasing this Advantage gain
alone among the vales of their time, and are slowly being "weeded out" of one Rank 1 pearl at the start of the game. They
the Shinomen, when they
choose the Abomination the natural order. If the laller is true, then the lack must find any other pearls they wish to use as
Advantage or Disadvantage. of children may be the first sign of the Naga's "ammunition" during play. Note that pearls of
This option is for players final decline. Rank 3, 4, and 5 are near-impossible to find in the
who wish 10 explore more Naga who can lay eggs are treated with far wild. and difficult to procure from the Cobra JakJa
i:Iangerous territory, or raise more respect than most Similar to Social Position protecting them. No pearl above Rank 5 has ever
the power scale of their LSR for Rokugani, a Naga with this Advantage gains 1 been found. For more on the properties and uses
game. Gamemasters be
warned - the Naar Teban fuJI Caste Rank if their condition is known among of pearls, please see pages 38 and 62-64.
are powerful moreso than the other Naga. Also, fellow Naga will strive to
nearly any other character keep the character out of harm's way; Naga PREHENSILE TAIL (2 POINTS)
in the game, and they Warriors will seek to protect them and Vedics will Though tails are a frequent source of mutation,
lJresent serious and lethal bless them frequently. some grow to be strong and efficient limbs as
threats to the rest of the
party, regardless of the Naga of the Constrictor Bloodline may not well. Characters with this Advantage may use
setting and story. purchase this Advantage. their tail as a fifth limb, picking objects of
reasonable weight (no more than five times the
A fcw Naga I ....UNE TO FUR Cl POINTS) character's Strength in pounds) or manipulating
abominations have ventured Naga are raised within striking distance of the simple tools, levers, pulleys, etc.
beyt:lnd the northern Shadowlands, and come in contact with the Gamemasters are within their rights asking
mountains or the Ivory horrible menace of the blighted realms for Dexterity, Strength, or Reflexes rolls if the
Kingdoms to the wesl
Beyond. there is an endless frequently, and from a young age. As such, many character allempts something complicated or
sea of dunes, blistered sand of them have developed a ~thick skin" against strenuous with his tail. TNs should be applied as
left over from a brutal such monstrosities. With this advantage, the Naga necessary (pushing a poorly-balanced item from
agjeal apocalypse nearly a may resist the fearful presence of Shadowlands the edge of a table might be simple enough for a
thousand years ago. creatures, and is no longer subject to Fear Effects.. Strength + Hand·to·Hand check of 5 to succeed,
There is still some magic Note that this is the Naga equivalent of the while pilfering a fan from the Emerald
left in the sands, great
power hidden in silent Death Trance Advantage. Since Naga have no Magistrate's obi might result in a Dexterity +
pockets and lost tombs, concept of honor or ch~ they cannot purchase the Sleight of Hand check of 30 or more).
waiting to be discovered. Death Trance Advantage. This option replaces it
This magic affects Naga in VENa" POINTS PER RANk)
strange and terrible ways, PURL IIVA CS POINTS PER RANk No character may purchase mote than 3 Ranks
perverting their bodies and WITH ABILITY)
asting nightmarish wions in this Advantage, nor may they purchase more
rough them and into the Some Naga are raised in the Cobra pearl bed. than one type of Venom.
Akasha. egg-pits, but do nol become Jakla. Many of these Some Naga are able to spit, inject, or spread
Naga who remain near relain a slighl bit of magical prowess, enough to venom upon their opponents, causing a variety of
tbe Burning Sands for too perform rudimentary attacks with the power of a powerful effects. The precise result of such an
long faU into a deep pearl. A Naga with this Advantage may destroy a Attack is determined by the type of Venom
slumber, their bodies
pearl 10 perform a Ranged Attack at up to 50 chosen. the Ranks purchased in this Advantage,
$lipping beneath the dunes
for several days. During this yards. and the character's Ranks in an associated Ring
time. their screams can be Resolve this like an Archery Attack (using (see the table on the next page for more).
heard for hundreds of miles Agility instead of Reflexes), except that Strength
through the Akasha. does not affect the potency of the auack. The
number of dice rolled and kept for the Damage of
for a number of Turns equal to the Damage dice
Venom Ring Used rolled. If he takes more than six times his Earth
Add Water
in Wounds, the victim suffers a stroke, and he
Blinding Mist Air
loses 2 Ranks in a random Trait
Blood Thickener Earth
Consuming Flame: This is a special Venom,
Consuming Flame Fire
available only to the Naar Tehan of the Burning
Conlact Poison Earth
Sands. It is emitted from a special lung-like organ,
Nerve Toxin Air
and blown upon the target. When it touches
organic tissue (including human skin), it begins
Attacking Using Venom dissolving it, using the matter as a fuel source. When they burst fGM
Making an Attack with Venom requires an The victim must roll his Earth in dice to overcome again from the dunes. the*
Agility + Hand-to-Hand check against the the Damage Value. Success reduces the Damage Naga are changed. Their
opponent's TN to be Hit with 2 Raises. Attacking Value by the difference between the rolled total skin takes on a golden hue
wilhin close quarters (inches) eliminates the need and the Damage Value. Additionally, a success and their scales glislen like
jewels. They are stronger,
for the Raises, so that the TN to be Hit is results in no applied Damage for the Turn. Failure faster, and more agile than
unmodified. they were, and gain new
Additional Raises beyond those required to and frightening abilities,
hit v.~th a Venom Attack may be used to slrike induding the Consuming
a certain location, but do not affect damage in Flame attack (see page 51).
Their tails (if they had tal
any way. are replaced by long ami
powerful legs, which can
Venom Damage Values propel them high into the
The Damage Value for each type of Venom air over short distances. or
is determined by rolling the Venom's Rank (as upon their enemies.
purchased) + its associate Ring, and keeping a But there is a price for
such power. The original
number equal to the Venom's Rank. For Naga soulttapped within
instance, a character attacking with Rank 3 the Naar Teban's body Is
Contact Poison and has an Earth Ring of 4 tortured in madness and
would roll 7k3 Damage when his Venom pain, unable to reconcile lis
Attack is successful. new form and its link to the
Akasha. Many of these ~Fire
Salamanders~ come to sec
Special Effects the Akasha as the source of
Each type of venom has a specific effect, their pain, and return 10
described in the following paragraphs: Rokugan 10 hunl down t.hetr
Acid: The Naga regurgitates acidic bile, invisible "adversary:'
which he spits upon his enemies. The Damage The pure-born Naga of
Rokugan sense the
Value is applied directly to the location hit, and blooming madness and pain
affects the target's Wound Levels normally. of these pitiable creatures
Blinding Mist: The Naga exhales a cloud of through the Akasha. It Is
vapor toward the target, which burns all bodily like an open sore within the
orifices. The victim must overcome the communal mind. bleeding
upon everything that senses
Damage Value, rolling and keeping his Earth it With the Naar Thban so
in dice, or be blinded for a number of Turns far away, the pain is rarelY
equal to the amount by which he missed the more than a dull ache. but
Damage Value. If the target is blinded for more those thai return magnify
than ten Turns, the effect is permanent. the sensation. As they enter
the Empire. their howling
Blood Thickener: The Naga injects his madness ratlles through. the
Venom into the target's bloodstream through minds of all Naga within
his incisors. The venom thickens the blood, miles until they are
causing clots and possible paralysis. The silenced.
Damage Value of this Venom is applied
directly. If the victim takes more than three (Continued)
times his Earth in Wounds, he suffers paralysis
adds an equal amount 10 the Damage Value. and character is mistrustful of non·Naga. and will go
applies Damage rOt the Turn. The cycle conLinues to great lengths to avoid them. He may even
until the Damage Value is reduced below 0 (at become irrational when around lhem for too
which time the fire burns itself oUI). or the victim long. lashing out or going into deep depression if
dies, his bones fused in place by the inlensity of he cannot escape lheir presence.
the heat. Skeletons of such victims are \Vhen the Naga character enters combat with
occasionally discovered among the ruins of old beings of another race (humans, Nezuml goblins,
THE N.uR TEllAH Naga cities at lhe base of lhe Spine of the World etc.), he gains one die (rolled. bul not kept) for all
(COHT/MlED) Mountains, where early Scouts roamed. They allacks against them. This benefit does not apply
Characters who moose remain standing as they died. reminders of the to Damage Values. or any olher aspect of combat
to play Naar Teban gain the power of lhe sands. Also, Naga who take litis Advantage lose one
foUowing benefits. Contact Poison: The Naga either emits a mist rolled die during all social interactions with other
or exudes a gel (player's choice) which seeps Naga.
They rettive an lhrough the pores of the victim upon contact
IiIditional 16 CP for Skills. Each day thereafter, the victim must roll his Earth
N;h'aI\lages, Disadvantages, in dice against the Damage Value generated by
and Past Lives. The normal the Naga Sua::ess reduces the Damage Value of
character creation
restrictions still apply. the poison by the difference between the TN and ABOMINATION (S POIHTS)
They may leap up or the rolled lotal and results in no applied Damage Where some abominations are born with
fOTVian! a number of feet for that day. Failure adds lhe same amount to the mutations thai can benefit them under certain
equal to 4 times their Damage Value (and applies the Damage to the circumstances, others are not SO fortunate. Most
Strength Trait This is victim). The cycle continues until lhe poison's abominations suffer from horrible distortions of
considered an Action; lhey
Damage Value is reduced below 0 or the victim the natural Naga form, possibly caused by their
must Raise t\\'o times to
Attack while leaping, but dies a slow, agonizing deaLh. parent's exposure to pearl magics, or the pearls
roll an addiuonal two dice Note that the target's Void may not be affected used in the egg-pits. These mutations range from
for Damage if they are by this Venom. mild facial or torso elongation, scales on their
sua:cssfuL GMs should Nerve Toxin: This venom is not inherently faces or hands, and human-eolored or albino
devise TNs for difficult or
deadly. It must be injected into the victim's skin. to more severe rorms of mutation, including
c:omplicated uses of this
abilit)' (sudl as launching system or sprayed upon their eyes, mouth. or ears serpentine eyes, fins, useless gills. or webbed
onto a high balcony). Also. (requiring three Raises instead of lhe standard hands.
remember the falling rules two). No (standard) physical damage is applied This Disadvantage represents lile negative
if they faiL .. using this Venom. Instead, for every ten points in aspects seen among abominations. Taking this
Naar Tehan have claws Damage the Venom applies to the targel a Disadvantage grants the character 5 additional
which they can use to random Trait is reduced by one. A single Trail CP to spend at creation, at the cost of one roll on
Attack with. These arc
nalural weapons. and use may be affected by the Venom multiple times the Negative Abomination Table (see page 72).
the Hand·to·~land Skill during a single Attack, if the Damage Value is The cost of the Disadvantage Is static. and does
when rolling to hit Their high enough and the Trait is rolled again (e.g. a not increase or decrease regardless of the Point
Damage Value is 1k2. Damage Value of 20 could result in the victim gain listed on the table ror the abomination trait
The Fire Salamanders losing 2 Ranks of Willpower). Should any Trait be acquired.
automatically have the reduced to 0 by way of this Allack. the victim falls
Consumlng Flame Venom
for free (see page 57). unconscious and permanently loses two Ranks in SAD S,GHT (2 POINTS)
the that fell below O. Should this A common ailment among Naga is poor
(Continued) permanently reduce the Trait to 0 or less. the eyesight, from a mild cataract condition to full
character dies. and permanent blindness. With this
Should the character survive. Traits that were Disadvantage, the player characters sight is
not lost permanently return to the victim at the impaired, and he rolls two fewer dice for all sight·
rate of one Rank per day. based Perception checks during play.
Akasha and Void may not be affected by this
This Naga is less able to survive above water
XENOPHOBIC ( l POIHTS) than most of his kin. He must return to the water
This is a specialized version of the Phobia C\'ery 24 hours. or be completely immersed in
Disadvantage from the L5R rulebook. The water (such as a cool bath) for at least an hour per
day. Otherwise, all his TNs are increased by 5 Asp are slightly stronger and more bulky than
until he fulfills this requiremenL Note that the the Cobra, being some 15-20 feet in length and
character must be fully immersed for the full 600 to 800 pounds in weight They are one of the
hour once per day to ignore this penalty. two medium-sized Naga bloodlines (together with
the Cobra).
Starting Caste Rank: I, plus 5 boxes
\ \ Benefit: Wounds for the Asp are figured as if
their Earth Ring is one higher. THE HAAR T£lWl
Bloodline Ability: Choose any Venom (except

Consuming Flame) at Rank 1.
There are drawbacks (0
being a Fire Salamander as

Bloodbn~s The Chameleon are one of two Naga

No Fire Salamander may
have or use Naga Bloodline
bloodlines which are commonly scouts, as their Benefits or Abilities, nor
ability to hide and remain unseen is well known Great Lesson Benefits or
throughout the Naga civilization. Chameleon Techniques.
Naga are slightly longer than Greensnakes, As long as the Naar
ranging from 13-17 feet in total length, and their Teban remains in Rokugan,
he will be attacked by Naga
The Naga bloodlines each have certain bodies are bulkier in proportion (they weigh daily. They seek not to drive
benefits and drawbacks, which are responsible for between 520 and 680 pounds). Chameleon can him out, but to eradicate
their roles within Naga culture. Where the Asp are alter their body's coloring to an extent, allowing him. The GM should
warlike, the gentle Greensnake are diplomats and them to blend in with their surroundings (see frequenUy throw large
scouts. The cunning Cobra, the mighty their Bloodline Ability, below). numbers of combat-ready
Asp, Scouts, and Jalda at the
Constrictor, and even the stealthy Chameleon Starting Caste Rank: 1.0 Naar Teban (and allthosc
each have their own distinct abilities and Benefit: Add their School Rank in dice (rolled, who travel with him).
strengths. Is your Naga character an Asp? A but not kept) to Stealth rolls. A Chameleon Should this prove
Cobra? A Constrictor? Choose your Bloodline character loses this benefit if they lake a mutation consistently ineffective,
well, for it will certainly affect your character that affects their skin color. expect the Naga to enlist the
aid of the Constrictors...
concept - and it is an immutable as the blood in Bloodline Ability: Choose either the Creature
These Naga hunters will
your serpent veins. Awareness Inner Gift (see the sidebar on page 66), always know where the
or the Animal Speech Inner Gift (see The Way of Naar Tehan is. simply by the
the Crane, page 52). In either case, this ability is pain. These will act as a
limited only to aquatic animals, such as sharks. homing beacon, leading
dolphins, and other deep-sea fish. wave after wave of Naga to
the Fire Salamander. Even
The warlike Asp are the soldiers and Note: Though most Chameleon are naturally typically non·combatant
guardians of the Naga people. Long ago, during aquatic in nature, only those characters who Naga may lash oul at the
the Bloodland Wars, the Asp nearly conquered the choose the Amphibious or Watersnake options pc, unsure how else to
other Naga bloodlines, raising a military (see New Advantages and Disadvantages, earlier handle the throbbing
dictatorship above all the cities of the Naga. They in the chapter) and payor gain the appropriate emotions he is giving oIL
were stopped only by the direct intervention of CP for them, have the associated abilities or Lastly. the Naar Thban Is
magically bound to the
the Qatol. the Naga's greatest hero, and by the drawbacks. sands which recreated him.
defensive Pearl Effects of the Cobra. Every month he is away
The Asp still believe that - had the Cobra's from them (i.e. anywhere in
magic had not interfered - their coup would have the Empire), he must roll
been successful. In many ways. they are still his Earth in dice vs. a TN of
10 (+5 for every month he
arrogant and aggressive, bul their loyalty to the The Cobra are the most mysterious bloodline has succeeded) or lose 1
Naga people is unquestioned. The Asp make up of the Naga. Their magic, strange and Earth Rank. This cycle
the body or the Naga armies, and they are most unattainable, fascinates the shugenja of the continues until he dies or
commonly Naga Warriors - the generals and Empire. They are only recently awakened from returns home.
lieutenants in charge of leadership of the armies the Great Sleep, and - as such - are the least
of the Naga. familiar with the customs of Rokugan's samurai.
It has been very difficult for the Cobra to
awaken, as the Pearl Effect they cast upon the
Naga over a thousand years ago still lingers with
them. Perhaps this is because it was centered on The Constrictor bloodline is said to be the
their own dty, Vyakarana; nevertheless. there are oldest, although thai claim is often disputed by
very few Cobra awake in Rokugan. the Asp, whose naturally superior sensibilities are
The Cobra work very closely with the offended by such claims.
Chameleon, who guard the precious pearl·beds, What is certain is thai the Constrictors have a
the source of most Cobras' magic. They are closer connection to the Akasha than any of the
willful and tend to be domineering over their other Bloodlines. They are typically the priests
smaller brethren, possibly to compensate for their and religious leaders of the Naga people. and they
oscIIacizing mutations. are the ones who interpret and call forth the
Cobras are dose in size to Asps. though their memories locked in the deepest recesses of the
frames are generally less thick. and more agile. collective subconscious of the Akasha
They measure 15-20 feet in length and 600 to 850 The Constrictors are also the largest and most
pounds in weighl physically massive of the Naga people. their
Starting Caste Rank: O. plus 5 boxes strength belied only by their typically gentle
Benefit: + 1 Awareness demeanor. If they had the Asps' battle-prowess
Bloodline Ability: As a result of their close and violent temperament, they mighl be the
connection with the Akasha, Cobra may choose rulers of all six of the Great Cities. bUI as they are
one Inner Gift for free at the Slart of the game the speakers for the Akasha. it has never been
(see the Sidebar on page 66-67 and page 52 of The their way to destroy what could be studied
Way of the Cran~. instead The emptiness of the Constrictor egg·
Note: A Cobra maracter may choose no more beds is thus one of the greatest tragedies in Naga
than three Rokugani Skills al maracter creation. hislory. If the problem is nOI solved, the
and none of those can be Ranked above 1. This Constrictors may cease 10 exist altogether.
includes the Rokugani Language Skill. Members of this Bloodline are astronomers,
Vedic priests, and law·givers. Their purpose in the
Naga Kingdoms is an essential one, as they Wound Level inslead of 2. However, Constrictors
interpret the stars and swirling pools of the roll iwo less dice when using Stealth or trying to
Akasha for the rest. and have guided them evade an enemy. Also, their TN 10 be hit is
!hrough the most tragic decisions their race has reduced by 5 as they present an oversized targeL
ever faced. It was their recommendation to bury Note: Due to the lack of newborn Constrictors.
the race within the sleepless Akasha for the last no character of this Bloodline may be a youth
!housand years. a decision they are still critidzed (Ashamana), nor can they be of a very young age.
for today. Simply put. there are no young Constrictors
Naga Constrictors are easily the largest anymore.
examples of their kind. measuring 25-30 feet in
length and w~ighing in at bet"''ttn tOOO and 1200
pounds. In desperate times of war, when the odds
are stacked against the 'ap. Constrictors can be
called into service as living siege engines. though The Greensnakes are the smallest, most
this radically conOicts with their moral stance, diplomatic Bloodline within the Naga dvilizatioIt
and is avoided if at all possible. They are often chosen to be Scouts because of
Starting Caste Rank: l. plus 5 boxes their ability to negotiate and understand
Benefit: + 1 Strength strangers. and frequently have abilities which
Bloodline Ability: Constrictors may attempt reOed. this. The Dashmar is almost always a
to grapple an enemy by coiling their huge tail Greensnake.
around them. This requires an Agility + Hand-to- Of all the Bloodlines. Greensnakes most often
Hand Attack with 2 Raises. Success indicates that venture outside the Shinomen Forest and
the target is wrapped within the coils and must encounter non-Naga races. They have the most
Contest the Constrictor (Strength + Hand·to-Hand experience with those outside the Akasha They
YS. the victim's Sirength) 10 break free. The results alone have been charged with collecting and
of this Contesl are as follows: distributing knowledge and tactical information
Constrictor Wins: The Constrictor rolls a about humans, zokujin. and other foreign races.
number of dice equal 10 his Earth Ring, adding Greensnakes are the smallest of the Naga,
one die (rolled, but not kepi) for every Turn the ranging from only 10-15 feet in total length. and
victim has been held (not including the first). The weighing between 400 and 600 pounds. Their
result is applied as Damage 10 the victim. physiques are slender, and they can move quickly.
Both (or Neither) Win: No Damage is applied. Starting Casle Rank: 2, plus 5 boxes
but the victim fails to break free. Benefit:+ 1 Intelligence or + 1 Awareness
Victim Wins: The victim breaks free, and may (player's choice)
nee with his next Action. Bloodline Ability: From hatching,
During this Contest, either combatant may Greensnakes are introduced to the ways of olhers
ignore the Conlest to Attack his opponent - especially the Rokugani, whom they interact
(resulting in an automatic Contesl success for the with regularly on behalf of the Naga nation. As a
other if they roll for it as their Action). Declaration result. each Greensnake character gains an
of each combatant's Action should follow the additional 10 CP at creation, which they may
standard Initiative rules (see page 105 of the L5R spend exclusively on foreign Skills. Lores, and
Rulebook). The Attack rolls are modified as non·restricted Advantages and Disadvantages (as
follows: presented on the Banned list earlier in this
Constrictor: While he is grappling a victim. the chapter).
TN to hit the victim is 10, and cannot be modiHed Further, for each adventure they complete in
by other Skills, Advantages. or Disadvantages. which they had prolonged contact with a foreign
Victim: While grappled. the victim's Attack race, studied a foreign race, or were in a foreign
dice are reduced by half (rounded down) 10 Altack locale, Greensnakes gain 1-3 bonus Experience
the Constrictor. Poinls. which they can use exclusively to purchase
Note that the Constrictor's Attack may only be Skills and non·restricted options learned from
perfonned on creatures horse-sized or smaller. that race (ie~ the character must ha\'e observed
Size Modifiers: As a result of their bulk. the skill in use sometime during the adventure).
Constrictors multiply their Earth by J for each
Rokugani spells. Naga magic is similar in
function, but very different in theme, as the
\ \ following descriptions of their spell-casling
process shows.


All Naga Pearl Effects derive their power from
NAGA ScOlfT the Akasha. As the Akashic link is a seemingly
OvTFIT limitless source of power which acts and reacts al
the speed of I.houghl it must be contained to be
Naga Scouts receive the
following as their opening
controllable and effective. First the Jakla must
9utnt (aU of Average quality, limit the image he wishes to making reality
save the bow, which is of within his own mind. containing Ihe idea as one
Fine quality): simple thought. This thought becomes the heart
of the Pearl Effect through the remainder of its
Bow (Yumi), 40 arrows Caste Rank Modifier: +1 Rank casting, refined as the Jakla hones his vision.
of any type. Clothing (silk Benefit: 1 Free Raise per School Rank using This can be a difficult procedure, even for the
robes or gilded leather),
Spear, (use Naginata SlalS). all Pearl Magic (see below) most trained Jakla. The mind is a naturally
Hunting Knife (use Tanio curious thing, and is wonl to explore beyond lhe
Slats), Traveling Pack. 4 SKILLS boundaries one places upon the imagination.
(non..enchanted) pearls Calligraphy (Naga), Lore (Pearl Magic), Jakla practice for years to focus their minds,
Meditation, Moksha. Pearl Carving, any 2 other clearing away all other thoughts but that of their
Skills desired effect Outside stimuli are espedally
threatening to such concentration. and a simple
BEGINNING PURLS act (such as tapping a meditating Jakla on the
3 pearls in each of the·s two highest shoulder) can ruin hours of careful preparation.
Rings (not counting Akasha), 2 pearls in his third Roleplay-intensive campaigns may demand
highest Ring, and 1 in his lowest Ring. In the case thai the player of a jakla describe his Pearl Effect
of equal Rings (for instance, all of his starting to the Gamemaster and/or olher players at this
Rings are Rank 2), the player assigns his pearls stage of pearl casting. Though this is not
according to the model above. All starting necessary (and has no effect on the mechanics for
begin the game with 9 pearls. spread between the releasing the spell effect), it can certainly add
four Rings as shown above (3-3·2-1). flavor to the game.


This is the most dangerous stage of pearl·
casting, where the Naga Jakla is most in danger
just as shugenja of Rokugan have three steps of losing themselves to the Pearl Effect, or losing
to their spell·casting process. Naga endure three control of the vision they have plucked from the
stages of pearl·casting 10 make the mental image Akasha
of their spell effect a reality. The Naga do not The Jakla must inject it with a kernel of
Sense, Commune, or Summon Elements while sentience, one small hint of soul to guide it once
casting spells, however. instead drawing the it is released into the physical world. This requires
power to fuel the effect from lhe Akasha itself. In that the Jakla sacrifice a small part of themselves
this way. the Akasha replaces the kami and other (an idea. a random thought, or even a dream).
spirits of the Rokugani pantheon. which he mixes into the spell effect, making it
Pearl-casting remains an equally difficult real and whole.
procedure for the Naga, who are drained This blending of the Jakla's soul with a part of
(physically and spiritually) by the experience, just the Akasha to create Pearl Effects is the cause for
as their shugenja counterparts are by the release much of their introspection, their soul-searching.
of elemental energies through their bodies. This Jakia are always encouraged to seek out new
Side-effect of pearl-casting grows with the parts of themselves, continually refreshing their
strength of the spell effect as well, just as with predous soul for future effects (and so that they
will be whole once they return to the Akashic religion, faith, or connection with the elements. It
link). is based upon the streng!.h of their communal
mind, and Ihe power that may be drawn from it
STEP T HRH: GUIDING when a Naga is trained to hone his imagination.
The final step of pearl·casting has little to do Pearls act as a focus for this process. like a lens
with the Jakla himselr. He releases the Effect magnifying light and heal If the pearl is nawless
through Ihe pearl, and it is guided to its and used in just the right way, the power of lhe
destination and [inal form by the piece of Naga Akasha will expand and explode into the real NAGA WARRIOR
soul fused within it When the Pearl Effect is world with !.he fury and force of a thousand Naga OuTFIT
complete, the piece of the Naga's soul, along with minds acting in unison. Weak, fractured, or
Naga Warriors receive
the component parts of the Akasha used to power imperfect pearls can result in nawed effects, or the follOWing as their
the effect, slips away; in time, they will rejoin the none at all. Jakla elders tell of dangerous rituals opening outfit (all of
Akashic link. that threaten the Akasha when cast through Average quality, save the
Pearl effects are imperfect When describing imperfect pearls, or when attempted by those of bow, which .is of Fine-
the result of a pearl·casting, the GM should use lillIe training, but no Naga outside their number quality):
the model Ihe player has provided him during has felt such a rift within the Akashic link.
Step One, modifying the physical resull in !.he Perhaps the elders have concocted these tales as a Any primary weapon of
their choice, Clothing (sUk
game setting by the conditions, surroundings. means of improving their students' attention. robes or gilded leather),
target (and his actions), how well the Jakla rolled Spear (use Naginala stats),
against his TN, and other factors of his choice. CASTING PURL MAGIC Hunting Knife (use Tanto
Pearl Effects should rarely manifest in precisely Effects (Spells) are cast lhrough pearls using Slats), Traveling Pack, 3
the way the player expects unless he succeeds by !.he same mechanics as for Rokugani Spells (L5R (non-enchanted) pearls
a wide margin, though GMs should always apply Rulebook, page 142-144), but lhere are no scrolls
the intended mechanical result if he is successful to read. The same lime period is spent
against his modified TN. Embellishments and envisioning and focusing !.he effect instead.
fantastic descriptions by bo!.h !.he player and GM All other rules for spell-casting in L5R are
add navor to the game and enhance the used for Pearl Magic. including dice conventions,
storytelling potential for the scene. TNs, the limit of Spells that may be attempted in
each Element each day, manipulation of Spells
IAKLA VS. SHUG£NJA and Casting Time, Damage, Rituals, and
As shown above, Naga Jakla are not like the Concentration Levels.
shugenja of Rokugan. Their magic is not based on
Note that Naga Pearl Effects are not CHOOSING PURLS AT CHARACTER
"mastered." There is no such thing as an ~Innate" CRUTION
Pearl Ability. Within the Akashic link, all pearl Characters automatically have one pearl for
Effects are innate - they merely need to be each Element they have an Effect in, up to Rank
focused. On the other hand. all Naga Pearl Effects 3 (determined by the highest Rank required to
require pearls to cast; there are no abilities which cast their initial complement of Spells in each
can be drawn upon without pearls. Element). For instance. if a starting Jakla had
NAGA JAI<lA three Earth Effects, with Pearl Ranks of 1, 2. and
Ol1rFIT SPElLS AND DESCRIPTIONS 3. respectively, they would start the game with
Spell descriptions for Pearl Effects are similar one Rank 3 pearl.
Naga Jakla (the shugenja
of their race) receive as their
to those for Rokugani scroll magic. with one If the character desires additional pearls at the
opening outfit (all of exception - they have no Mastery Level. Instead, start of the game (because one or more of their
Average Quality, save the they have a requisite Pearl Rank (which. in the Spell Effects destroys the pearl used to focus it for
bow, which is of Fine case of Rokugani Spell descriptions used by Naga, example), they may purchase them at a cost of the
quality): is equal to half of the Mastery Level. rounded up). pearl's Rank in CPo No Naga may start the game
The pearl used to focus this effect must be of this with Rank 4 or 5 pearls; these must be earned
Bow (yumi), 40 arrows Rank or higher for the spell to succeed. through roleplaying.
of any type, Qothing (silk
robes or gilded leather),
Otherwise. the Spell casting fails and the pearl is
Spear. (use Naginala slats), destroyed. Other side·effects are possible as well, ACQUIRING PURL EFFECTS
Hunting Knife (use Tanto depending on the circumstances. power of the DURING PLAY
stats), Thlveling Pack, 4 spell effect and how well the Jakla rolled. GMs When a Jakla gains a new School Rank, it is
(non-enchanled) pearls should apply non-lethal, negative side·effects to common practice for the elders to gift him with
such faulty spell-casting at their discretion. one Pearl Effect (Spell) of the new Rank. along
STARTING JAI<1A There are three Rokugani Spells which have with a pearl capable of casting it (if they do not
PEARl EFFECTS no Naga equivalent - Sense, Commune, and already have one). Occasionally, heroic or selfless
(SPElLS) Summon. Naga are scarcely aware of the acts for the good of the community that the
Elements. and cannot see or communicate with character has performed earn him another Spell
Naga Jakla begin with a
number of Pearl Effects
kamL from the new Rank, but such cases are rare;
cquallO the number of generally. PCS will have to go out into the world
pearls they begin with (see PURLS AND THEIR ABILITIES and experience life to gain magic.
&ginning Pearls, page 62). Pearls. being part of the natural world. have an Between adventures. a player may petition the
Jakla may choose any Spell Element which they are attuned to. This is used to Gamemaster for his character to acquire a new
Erred. available to standard
ugaol shugenja, with the
determine which Pearl Effects may be cast Pearl Effect This requires that he have a plausible
same restrictions (i.e. they through them. (When casting the Naga equivalent source for the Effect and ample time to study its
cann,ot begin the game with of Wind·Borne Slumbers, for instance. an Air· structure in order to mimic it. This process
Spells from Walking the alluned pearl must be used to focus the Akasha; requires a number of days equal to the Pearl
Way, or any that are listed Earthquake would require an Earth pearl, etc.) Rank of the Spell; also, the character must spend
as "restricted}. Also, iliey
may not choose from the
A pearl used to focus a Pearl Effect is reusable. a number of Experience Points equal to twice the
Named Pearls presented in just like a scroll. unless the spell description Spell's Pearl Rank
this book: such pearls are states that the scroll (pearl) is destroyed in the Jakla elders can overrule a character'S petition
legendary, and should only process. for new training (if they are aware of it, which is
acquired through careful Pearls are limited in number. and guarded likely. as they monitor the progress of their
adventuring and play, not
chosen at lhe slart of a
closely by the Chameleon and Cobra. Though students through the Akasha). Gamemasters who
Jakla's career. every aspiring Jakla is provided with a small do not wiSh certain Spells in the game can
number of low-Ranking pearls at the start of their intervene at this level.
career, it is far more difficult to acquire those of Also, obtaining a new Pearl Effect does not
Ranks 3. 4, and 5. ensure that a character can cast it A suitable
Please see Appendix IV for more on pearls. the pearl must still be found or acquired, which
format for Naga Spells, and a list of special Pearl requires additional requests or adventuring.
Effects available only to Naga Jakla. Generally, acquiring pearls of Ranks 3-5 should
be the focus of an adventure. or cost the player
character at least three to four times the Pearl's
Rank in Experience Points.
the other: the attack is handled just as a bushi
making two Kenjutsu Attacks per round.
\ \ Rank 4: Wisdom the Wind Brings
At this Rank. the Scout's perception is so
heightened that they are aware of all life nearby.

Naga The Scout is fully conscious of all living things

that have an Awareness of 2 or higher, within ten
times his School Rank + Perception in yards.

Beaut This ability supercedes barriers. natural or

otherwise. The Naga Seout can sense all such
beings at all times, even if there are trees, stone
Naga Vedic (the- priests
of lheir race) rrceive as lheft
opening outfit (aD of
Menge quality):
walls, or other barriers in the way. The Seout need
not concentrate. and may perform other
(complicated) actions while using this ability. Qothmg {.uk rob<s ..
gilded leather~ Hunting
The Seout may follow the movements of these Knife (use Tanto s&ats~
Note: This version of the Naga Soout Lesson beings. aim arrows at them. or allempt to discover Traveling Pad. 4 (non-
differs from previous \'ersions. It has been their identities (in general terms. such as to em:hanled) pearls
modified to maintain play-balance within the determine their general race).
Naga castes. Should the Scout wish to attack one of these
Caste Rank Modifier: + 5 Boxes beings, he may choose the location the attack is
Benefit: +1 Perception directed at. without Raising for the Called Shot
Note that the Scout must still have a logical
SkILLS chance of actually hitting the being and chosen
Archery (Naga) 2. Conceal. Hunting, Moksha. location from his position (i.e. he cannot fire
any two High or Bugei Skills through stone. trees, or other barriers. but can fire
through light foliage or rice paper walls).
GREAT LESSONS Further, the Naga can concentrate to gain
Rank J: The Isha's Gift additional information about and target specific
At this Rank., the Naga Scout has honed his non·sentient animals and plants (such as birds,
vision 10 a level where he can see well in the dark.. vines, fjsh, insects, and other living things with 1
even making oul the faint presence of individuals or less Awareness). This requires an Action and
in near-darkness. The Naga Scout has trained his the use of an Akasha Point While concentrating,
sensitive eyes 10 see a broader spectrum of light the character may still move and speak. or allack
than humans are able 10, and he can register an the animals or plants, applying the same
individual's presence even in the fainlest of restrictions as above.
starlighL Assuming any degree of ambient light, Rank 5: The Outer Mind
lhe Naga can see as clearly as if in full daylight The Scout may now control animals with less
Rank 2: Know Your Enemy than Awareness 2. or "piggy-back" their senses
At this Rank. the Naga can sense the impurity with those of more sentient creatures (having an
of lhe Shadowlands Taint within a creature or Awareness of 2 or higher). This requires the use of
item The Scoul makes a blind roll Perception + one Akasha Point. and a Contested Willpower roll
Shadowlands Lore vs. a TN of 30 minus 5 times against the creature targeted. If a creature the
the creature or item's Taint Rank. Success will Scout is linked to is harmed. he loses 1 Akasha
determine if the creature or item has the Taint. Point or suffers one die of Wounds. If the creature
and whether the Taint is innate or gathered is killed, he loses 2 Akasha Points. or suffers 2
through use of moho or other dark means. The dice of Wounds.
range of this effect equals the Naga's School Rank While "piggy·bac:king~ their senses onio those
limes his body length, but the individual or item of another, the Scout sees, smells, tastes, hears,
in question must be in line-of-sight and feels everything lite target aeature does. but
Rank 3: Blackened Sky has no mntrol over where it goes or what it does.
The Scout may make two Attacks per round
with their bow. The arrows are launched one after
Advanced Medicine. Astronomy, Calligraphy
\ \ (Naga), Law (Naga), Meditation, Theology (Naga),
and any 1 Lore (usually Naga·based)


Rank One: Willful Harmony
Naga Vedics are trained to be as adaptable as
possible, learning from and improving upon the
ways of others. This Lesson stresses the
S FOR NAGA) importance of willful harmony - choosing your
own path in the world instead of being given one.
Due to their connection
~lh the Akasha. Naga have All Naga Vedic are considered to have Rank 1 in
an unnaturally high all High Skills if they do not already have them.
occurrence of Inner Gifts These "free" Ranks have no effect on the
within their Bloodlines. The The Vedic is a combination of spiritual guide character's Discipline.
communal mind of the and enforcer of law unique to Naga culture. There Rank 1\vo: The Inner Mind
Naga has unlocked many
previously undiscovered are two divisions. both of which use the Benefits All Naga Vedic are trained to be one with the
talents now available to and Lessons listed here. The first are the Children Akasha, able to derive power from within
characters in L5R of the Bright Eye. the religious leaders of the themselves. This is the first step in this long path,
The following Inner Naga people. This monk-like caste is responsible one which culminates somewhere beyond their
Gifts may be chosen by any for all ritual within the culture. maintaining Rank Five Lesson (see below). Characters of this
character of any Bloodline harmony and offering sagely advice to the rulers, Rank receive one free Inner Gift. which they may
or Clan. at the costs listed
above. military leaders, and greater minds they serve. begin using immediately.
Note that Naga may also Well·versed in reading the heavens, they are most Rank Three: The Mantle Within
choose Inoer Gifts from often teachers, advisors, and philosophers among Now, Vedics become spiritual icons within the
other LSR hooks. wilh the the Naga. Naga culture, able to physically support other
exception of those thai The Children of the Pale Eye are the martial Naga around them. At the start of each adventure,
violate their mindset or and social judges of the Naga. They patrol the the Vedic gains an additional number of "Vedic
which are countered by
other conditions (such as Shinomen Forest, ascertaining the guilt of Points" equal to their Akasha Ring. These are
Animal Speech). criminals and punishing them on the spot They spedal Akasha Points, which may be spent at any
have authority to administer justice within Naga lime to enhance the rolls of friendly Naga. Any
Calm Mind; This effect lands as they see fit Only those of higher Caste number of these Vedic Points may be spent on a
requires no roll simply a Rank may challenge their dedsions, at which single Action, but they do not refresh until the
mental command and a time another Child (of equal or higher Rank to start of the next adventure. The Vedic may not use
single Action. Only one both involved parties) becomes the arbiter. these Points for his own Actions. Non·Naga may
target may be affected.
Otherwise, it produces the There are three stages that a Vedic must not benefit from this Lesson, as the Vedic is
same e[fect as the Spell of undertake during his training. The first is thaI of literally manipulating the linked mind of the
the same name (L5R RPG, inner enlightenment The Naga becomes aware of Naga to perform it
~ page 150). his own strengths and weaknesses. and how to Rank Four: Earthly Concerns
exploit or protect them. He progresses from This is the turning point in a Naga Vedic's
~ Creature Awareness; student to teacher during this period. The second career, when he is at the cusp of self-discovery.
Using this Gift, the character phase of their development is that of law - From this point on, Vedics must face life as a
Is aware of aJlliving things
with an Awareness of 2 or identifying criminals and misfits and meeting out pilgrimage. without the benefit of close
more within (his own justice. The final stage for Vedics is infinite, as it supervision. They are free to walk the earth as
Awareness dO) in feel is his journey deeper into the Akasha and they please, only returning to discuss their
Obstacles. organic or not. receives the greatest gift of all - the ability to tap journey with their master and receive his blessing
are ignored for the purposes directly into its murky recesses. (when he is ready for Ranks 4 and 5). Characters
of this ability. Caste Rank Modifier: +1 Rank of this Rank are able to sacrifice their own
Benefit: +1 Intelligence or + 1 Awareness atlributes to "heal" those of others. They may
(player's call) spend one Akasha Point to return one Wound
Level to another, or suffer one Wound Level
themselves to return one Akasha Point to another.
This ability requires one Action to complete, Warriors recite. Characters at Ihis Rank may add
during which time only one exchange may occur the value of their Akasha Ring to all Attack and
(1 for 1 maximum, of either lransaction, but not Damage rolls. For instance, a character with an
both). The character must be within line·or-sight Akasha of 2 who rolled a 13 to attack would have
to affect other Naga in this manner, or able to a modified total of 15. The same character wilh a
touch the target if he is not Naga Damage Value of 19 would apply 21 Wounds.
Rank Five: This Body is a Shell Rank 2: The Tides of War
Finally, the Vedic begins his endless journey Early in his career, a Naga Warrior is N£w 'NN£R GJl'TS
toward Aunan, delving into the most remote introduced 10 the open battlefield, where the (CONTI"";O)
regions of the Akasha. Once per day, the character Fortunes are reckless and the Akasha reminds Danger Sense: The
may choose 3 Rank 1 4 Lesson from any of the one of his failings. Characters graduating into this willI Ulis lunel
other Naga Schools to use as his own. The School Rank may add or subtract their School Gift cannot be ambushed.
character must spend one Akasha Point and Rank to any total generated in mass combat or on regardless of the
succeed with an Awareness + Akasha check vs. a the Battle Table (page 115 of the L5R Rulebook). circumstances or the SkiUs
of his opponents. He will
TN of the (chosen Lesson's School Rank x5) to It does not matter where the character is located always be aware of the
acquire the Lesson. Failure means that the in the battle. nor what part of the fighting he is in coming attack, and - at the
character does not acquire any additional ability (Engaged, Reserves. etc.). Note that this ability is very least - be able to roll
for the current day; he will have another chance in addition to the Tactician Skill, if the Naga also for Initiative.
after he has slept for at least eight hours. The has it.
effects of this Lesson last one full day (24 hours) Rank 3: This Blood Shall Guide Me Shared Senses: The
from the time they are acquired. You may not Naga of this Rank are able to draw from the character is able to link his
five senses with those of
activate this Lesson while you are currently spiritual strength of the Akasha to aid them on one other person or Naga
benefitting from it the field of battle. They may perform 2 Altacks (humans may only use this
each Turn. ability with humans, and
Rank 4: The Pillar of Blood Naga only with other Naga).
\ \ The Akasha supports the Naga just as they This effect lasts for one
hour, and may only be used
support and nurture their connection with it. once between cycles of
Often, warriors of the Naga are able to derive sleep.
near·superhuman strength from the collective
soul of all who have come before. all who live Spatial Awareness: The
today, and all those yet to come. At this Rank, the character is always familiar
character is able to ignore a number of Wound with the surrounding terrain
Levels equal to his Akasha, for a number of Turns (oul to his Perception ,,150
feel). even when blinded.
equal to his Akasha.
Rank 5: The Bonds Between Us
Finally. a Naga Warrior of thiS caliber has
become one with the Akasha, and proved himself
to his living kindred and those who have already
fallen. He is the living embodiment of physical
Caste Rank Modifier: +5 boxes perfection. and must now embark upon his
Benefit: + 1 Stamina. Agility, or Reflexes spiritual journey toward Alman. At the start of a
(player's call) battle. the character gains one Akasha Point for
each other Naga within sight of him. The
SKILLS character may spend a number of these bonus
Archery (Naga). Athletics, Battle. Defense. Akasha Points equal to their Akasha Ring on a
Hand·to-Hand, Swordsmanship, Yarijutsu (Naga) single Action. without limit Additionally, each
other Naga present gains one Akasha point as
GREAT LESSONS long as they stand beside the character
Rank 1: Drawing From the Deep (maximum 1). However, the character also takes
The first thing taught to all Naga Warriors is one Wound Point each time one of his fellow
how to balance their fighting style. "Nothing is Naga is injured. This effect lasts until the Naga
more important than being able to adapt to your disperse or until the next dawn, whichever comes
situation, and respond in kind,~ the Greater first.
Cft1~ Patt1 to 1ttman
Every Naga's journey toward Atman is different During character creation, each Naga player may roll upon these tables once
without cosl Up 10 two additional rolls can be made, at a cost of three Character Points each. Be warned, however! For while the
Ancient Naga are perhaps the most powerful new players on the fields of Rokugan, they are also the mosllhreatened ...
Begin at Heritage Table 1.



1-2: Ethical Ancestor. Roll on Heritage Table 2. 4: Purity. One of your Past Lives pledged himself to
3-4: Undistinguished History. No benefils or penalties. return a precious and unique pearl thai was stolen from the
5-6: Unethical Ancestor. Roll on Heritage Table 3. Outcasts living in the Ivory Kingdoms. Only after it was
7-9: What Must Be Done. Roll on Heritage Table 4. replaced beside the scales of three abominations did he release
0: Akashic Memory. Roll on Heritage Table 5. his final breath. Gain the Irreproachable Advantage and 5
boxes of Caste.
5: Self-Control. The discipline of one of your Past lives
H£RITAG£ TABU 2: ETHICAL ANC£STOR echoes through you. Gain the Acute Senses Advantage or two
Ranks in the Pearl Carving Skill (pC's choice).
ROLL R£SULT 6: Truth. The secrets of the Akasha were your passion in
a Past Life. Legend states that several of its most guarded
1: Discovery. After your birth, you were drawn to a secrets were yours before your unfortunate death. Gain one
hidden grove within the Shinomen Forest. where you found the Inner Gift of your choice.
remains of a Naga Asp who had accepted the Curse of Eternal 7: Observant You were a highly-regarded Scout in a
Vigilance. Knowing the corpse 10 be your own in a past life, you former life. Gain one Scout Past Life Duty for free or gain two
felt no compunction claiming its weapon - a Fine Quality Ranks in one Scout starting Skill (pC's choice).
Scimitar (3k3 Damage Rating). 8: Custodian. You were a highly-regarded Vedic in a
2: Resourceful. You were a Scoul in a former life who former life. Gain one Vedic Past Life Duty for free or gain two
helped to direct friendly forces during the First Burning of the Ranks in one Vedic starting Skill (pC's choice).
Lands. Gain 5 Caste Points or one Rank in the Leadership Skill 9: Guardian. You were a highly-regarded Warrior in a
(pC's choice). former life. Gain one Warrior Past Life Duty for free or gain
3: Honored Ally. One of your former lives was an expert two Ranks in one Warrior starting Skill (pes choice).
in the Single Strike. and attracted the interest of several Kakita 0: Inquisitor. You were a highly·regarded Jakla in a
masters. Before they departed the Naga lands. they gifted him former life. Gain one Jakla Past Life Duty for free or gain two
with one of their famed swords. Gain the Kakila Blade Ranks in one Jakla starting Skill (pC's choice).
Advantage (The Way 0/ the Crane, page 52). The weapon is
ancient (forged at the dawn of the Empire), and priceless.
1: RedcmplJoo! The memories of a Past life haunt you lOday. I: Explorer. One or mOfe of your Past U\·es spent significant
From the eyes of your Past We, you wiwssed the murder of a Vedic time in Rokugan. learning of their culture. Gain 5 CP worth of
sui\ing for peace bwAun )'Our rare and the humans. 'That Vedic was Rokugani Skills. but reduce )'OUr starting Caste Rank by :; Points.
your father. and you can still feellhe snap of his neck between your 2: Duelist One or more of your Past Liv~ were aa:omplished
fingers. Though lhe killer is gone, you can still cany on )'0'.:1" father's swordsmen. Gain two Ranks in the Single Strike Skill. along with the
\llllrk ... Gain the Higher Purpose (Peace Wim Rokugan) Advanlage. Brash Disadvantage. You gain no CP for this Advantage.
2; Pearl Rage! One of your Past Uves was a lakla who dabbled 3: Blasphemer. You found andent Naga scriptures
wilh merging pearls with one"s Akasha. hopefully improving bolh. You documenting the skies. Gain 2 Ranks in the Astronomy Skill.
gain the Pearl Jiva Advantage at Rank 3. but it is uncontrollable. When Unfortunately, they are heretical. Lose one full Rank of Caste.
you are within 20 yards of a pearl (Rank 3 or less), the pearl is 4: Protected. You were born fertile. Gain the Fertile Advantage.
immediately dissolved 10 produce an Attack vs. a random larget in But while this provides you with great benefits, you are sheltered by
your line of sight If morc than onc pearl is within the radius. they others in your Bloodline, who seck to protect you from potential harm
dissolve one per Turn, beginning with those of the highest Rank. in the world.
3: Traitor! One of your Past Lives betrayed the Naga against 5: Night Terrors. One or more of your Past Lives traveled with
their enemies. Begin the game with the Black Sheep Disadvantage. the Rokugani to the north of the Shadowlands for several months.
You gain no CP for this Disadvantage. While your experiences there have hardened you to Fu I..cng's
4: Recluse! One of your Past Lives failed to prove himself corruption (gain the Immune to Fear Advantage), the Past Ufe and all
during me Bloodland Wars. and was remanded to me Vedics for a life his companions were slaughtered without remorse by a band of
of demanding absolution. Gain the Ascetic Disadvantage, but also gain Nezumi brigands (gain a 2·Point Phobia vs. Nezumi).
one MinOf Ally among the Vedia.. Warriors and Scouts lose 1 Caste 6: Adopted. As a hatchling. you were found by a curious Kuni
Rank. Vedics and lalda are unaffected. Witch Hunter. But when he found you were intelligent and responsive
5: Prejudice! You ha,·e been hatched from a long line of bias instead of violent and dangerous. he secretly raised you as his own
agamst all but your 0\\11 kind. Gain the Antisocial Disadvantage or 1M Today, you are grudgingly accepted among the Kuni along the
Xenophobk Advantage (pes choice~ You gain no CP fOf this Carpenter Wall. Gain the Adopted Blood Disadvantage. You may also
Disadvantage.. spend as many of your starting CP on Rokugani Skills as you like. You
6: Temper! One of more of your Past IJ\'~ had a reputation gain no additional CP to spend, hO\\·ever.
for being easy to anger, failing in their duty to the Akasha. Gain me 7: RcckJess Love. One of your PllSI Lives was a famed suitor
Contrary Disadvantage. You gain no CP for this Disadvantage. who eventually fell in love with the Isha of their time. only to break
7: Murderer! A Past Life engaged in blood feuds against the his heart when a war with the Nezumi lured her away. Gain the
Rokugani, the Nezumi, and others. and you are sicked by his actions. Dangerous Beauty Advantage and the Benten's Curse Disadvantage,
Gain the Soft·Hearted Disadvantage. You gain no CP for this both of which are only applicable with other Naga. You gain no CP for
Disadvantage. this Disadvantage.
8: Broken! The mind of one of your Past Lives was shattered 8: Parental Link. You are one of the few Naga born fertile, and
in a terrible encounter with an Onl that fed from Intellect Gain the have already laid an egg for the culture which has hatched. The infant
Frail Mind Disadvantage. You gain no CP for this Disadvantage. Naga is cared for by the community, but you share a spedal bond with
9: Outcast! One of your Past Lives committed a grievous crime it - more like a close first cousin or twin brother than a responsibility.
against the Naga nation, and now you must atone for his mistakes. AI Gain the Fertile Advantage and the Dependent Disadvantage (pC and
the star! of the game, you are an Outcast Oike an abomination, striving GM determine its age). You gain no CP for this Disadvantage.
to prove yourself worthy of returning to me Naga). You will have a 9: Martyr. One of your Past Lives held the pass at the
Caste Rank or 0, and may not progress past the first Lesson in your Crossroads. giving his life but inspiring [he Naga armies to form a
School until you fulfill a great quest of the GM·s devising. veritable wall against the Outcasts. Gain a full Caste Rank.. along with
0: Ancient Horror! Something was left "ithin the Shinomen the Overconfident Disadvantage. You gain no CP from this
Forest in the moments before the Great Sleep, buried beneath a tree Disadvantage..
root. It is a shone shard, a piece of the great creation slab that all Nap 0: Greatness Lost. In one of )'OUr Past Uves. you were the
were born from - one iliat ne\'CT shifted to nesh. Hidden in its heart. Qamar. Gain 2 Ranks in any martial or military Skills (weapons.
however, there is some life, beating slowly until it wakes. You Defense. Battle. etc.~ Unfortunately, you have fallen short of this lofty
remember where the Slone is buried; will you bra\·e seeing it again? position in this life. You strh-e to uphold )'OUr former Caste Rank. but
Gain the Dark Secret Disadvantage. You gain no CP for this art hard·pressed by the meddling voices of others. Gain the
Disadvantage. (h-erconfidem Disadvantage, but no CP for it Also, a number of
military commanders deride you for your Mfall from greatness· ("'Why
can't you be more like you were... '?'").

1: Incredible visions of Alman visited
you just before your last life ended. Gain 1
Rank in the Moksha Skill.
2: It is said thai you have an uncertain
future. The Vedics have seen into your future
through the Akasha. but arc unwilling to
discuss what they have seen. The player may
pick an emotion that the Vedics reveal to the
PC as his only ~insight" from the encounter.
Eventually, the character will fulfill this
emotion - whether he feels it himself or is
responsible for it in someone else.
J: Memories of the capture and
torture of countless Naga by shadowy
assailants haunt your dreams. Gain the
Xenophobic Advantage.
4: Your current social status within
the Naga culture pales when compared 10 the
marvelous heights you rose to in former lives.
Gain two PoinlS in the Greed Disadvantage.
You gain no CP for this Disadvantage.
5: One of your Past Lives was among
the most prolific philosophers of the ancient
Naga, but he was also known as a incessant
interloper. Gain 2 Ranks in Lore (Akasha) and
the Meddler Disadvantage. You gain no CP for
this Disadvantage.
6: The weight of your Past Lives'
commitments is heavy upon your brow. Gain
two 2·Point Obligations. You gain no CP for
these Disadvantages.
7: You are closely connected with a
Past Life. remembering much of his exploits
and emotions. You may purchase any single
Past Life at half normal cost
8: You remember your spectacular
victories as a Warrior or a Scout in a previous
life. Gain 2 Ranks in anyone Warrior or Scout
starting Skill.
9; The grand discoveries you made as
a Vedic in a previous life are still discussed by
the Masters today. Gain 2 Ranks in anyone
Vedic starting Skill.
0: In a previous life, you gathered
over thirty Jakla together in a mass ritual that
awakened new layers of the Akasha formerly
undreamed of. Gain 2 Ranks in anyone Jakla
starting Skill.



I: The character was abominaLed at birth or mutated during 1; The character ~'aS abominated at birth or mutated during
his First Shedding. Roll on the Positive Abomination Table. his First Shedding.. Roll on the Negative Abomination Table.
2: You have recently awakened, along with one of the 2: Your parenlS were of different Bloodlines. One was angered
Scorpion scouts who ~"a!l stud)'lng you when he fell asleep - severnl when you were born of the Bloodline of the other, murdered its malt,
hundred years ago. Gam a Minor Ally. which you can design a servant and now hunts you. Gain a 4-Point Sworn Enemy.
character (20 Cp). 3: During the Naag Panchami, you experienced a wash or
3: One of the redia watching the skies at your birth claims emotion through the Akasha, seemingly emitled from a sliver or the
thai the -he.!\,ens opened to reveal Atman~ when you look your flfst Black Stone in the Plate of Falling.. Ever since, }"OU have been hyper-
bream. He gifted you 'A'ith the item he used to \\imess the event - a sensitive to the Naar Teban. reeling their agony two nations away.
telescope. Should you ever ent'Ounter one.}ow will suffer physical pain - a lkl
4: Your mother was a Greensnake well·knO\\1l 10 the outlying Damage Value - each day that it remains in Rokugan. Good hunting!
lords of Rokugan. You may purchase the MultIple Schools Advantage 4: You were the subject of a auel and careless experiment by
at any time in )1)ur cafeeT for hair rosl a moho-wielding shugenja. who purposdully delayed your hatching
5: You are enormous. Gain the Large Advantage and I die ~ithin a powerful pearl·bed. Roll three times on the Negative
(exploding) of length (in (eet). Abomination Table, but gain the Heart of Vengeance Advantage
6: Your birth was celebrated by the other Naga Bloodlines. against moho-users.
Gain one item of Fine Quality appropriate for a Bloodline other than 5: You are diminutive. Gain the Small Disadvantage and lose
your own (Cobras might gh'e a pearl. Conslrictors a weapon or one of I die of length (in feet). You gain no CP for this Disadvantage.
their shcddings to be forged into armor, etc.) 6: Your birth was largely ignored by the other Naga
7: The pearl·carvers witnessed your birth through a special Bloodlines. Your Starting Oudit is reduced by 2 items (pes choice).
pearl found within the beds of Candas. When you survived your First 7: You have always been easy to fool. Gain the Gullible
Shedding, the pearl was given to you. The pearl is valuable, and may Disadvantage. You gain no CP for this Disadvantage,
be used to channel Effects of one Rank higher than its natural level 8: The egg·bed where you hatched betame the nest for a
(3), effectively making it a Rank 4 pearl. parasitic scavenger-eel which fed from your egg's shell and fluid. You
8: You have found your perfect mate. Within the Akasha, you were born stunted as a result, and have never fully recovered. Gain the
share a love than no Rokugani can understand. Design the mate as Bad Health Disadvantage,
another character (20 CP) which the GM has access to as an NPC. 9: The Akasha frowns upon you, Gain I Rank in Unluck. You
When protecting your mate, roll and keep 2 extra dice. But don·t forget gain no CP for this Disadvantage.
- they are as much a liability as a benefit: you never know when they 0: No bad fortune ... yet! Don't worry. though - an equitable
will be threatened, or by whom.,. GM would never take advantage of such an 0Pporlunity,
9: The Akasha favors you, Gain I Rank in Luck.
0: No good fortune.,. yet! Pester your Gamemaster regularly
to bestow it upon }"Ou in play,
fl50IDl11aflon era51~s
You've arrived here in one of two ways. Either you took the Abomination Advantage or Disadvantage (which cost or gained you
Cp)o or were directed here from one o( the Heritage or Fortune Tables. Wherever you arrived from listed the number of rolls you gel
Each roll reduces your starting Caste Rank by 1 full Rank (10 Points).

N£GATJV£ ABOMINATION TABLE Constantly shedding; sensitive skin in spots

RoD Result (pick a location; when hit in thai location. take I
01·05: Roll again on this table or GM chooses additional die of Damage)
abomination aspect. Less Ongers than normal
Minor abomination: No mechanical effects. '0 thumbs on one or both hands - Roll Again:
1: Mild fadal elongation. 1·2, both hands
2: Scales on face or hands. Extreme Serpentine Feature:
3: Human-mloTed skin. 1: Snout
4: Unusual skin-lone (blue-black or grey~ 2·3: Forked or extra-long tongue
5: Fins. 4·5: Serpentine eyes
6: Useless gills. 6-7: Ridged brow
7: Webbed hands. 8·9: Pointed ears (commonly flattened
8: Ridged or spiked back. against skull)
9: Extra joints in fingers or toes. 0: '0 hair (head or body)
0: Odd odor that follows the character. Massive Physical Abnormality:
51-52, No arms - just a tail (serpentine) 1: Reduced Agilily (-Ito Trait)
53-56, Bright or fractured scale pattern (easy to see) 2: Reduced Reflexes (-1 to Trait)
57-60, Odd or discolored (unacceptable or taboo) 3: Reduced Stamina (-1 to Trait)
scale patterns - Outcast 4: Reduced Strength (-1 to Trait)
61-63, Non-retractable hood 5: Reduced Endurance (Wound Levels are
64-66, No Leeth or failed digestive tract; sensitive diet always one worse than currenl Damage
67-69, Weak or stumpy lail laken)
70-72, Extra limb (useless) 6: Albino (take 1 die of Damage every ten
73-75, Non-Naga characteristic (NezumL Ningyo. etc.). minutes in open sunlighl)
such as paws or fur 7: Atrophied limb
Reduced Senses: 8: fuo heads (only one can communicate)
1: No Sense of Taste (taste·based Perception 9: Deformed - horribly mangled, like Shashakar
checks disallowed) (Social Disadvantage) - Roll Again: 1·2: add
2: No Sense of Smell - Roll Again; one Rank 10 Disadvantage and worsen
1-2: PC is missing nose deformity (GM's discretion), then roll again,
(odor·based Perception checks disallowed) repealing the cycle
3·4: Cataract; Weak Eyes (-2 dice to all Perception 0: Cannot shed (Earth reduced by one during each
checks based on vision) Shedding after the game begins; see sidebar
5-6: Colorblind (as the Disadvantage) on page 31 for details.)
7: Blind (vision Perception checks disallowed) 99-00, Roll once more on this table + Fertile (redeemed,
8: Inner Ear Problem (-2 dice 10 all checks but feared. in Naga society). No Caste Rank loss.
involving balance)
9: Deaf - Roll Again; 1·2: PC is missing ears
(sound-based Perception checks disallowed)
0: Mule - Roll Again; 1-2: PC is missing tongue
(cannot speak)
Walersnake (as the Disadvantage)
86·87, Different Bloodline Ability (pC chooses
POSITIVE ABOMINATION TABLE one or the other Naga Bloodline Abilities.
Each entry has a CP Cost to the right This is the additional cost trading it with their own) 4
you must pay to lake this abomination and its benefits. If you 88·89, ExIra Limb (the character has another arm
cannot afford this cost, roll again until you generate one that or leg, which he can use like the first two) 4
you can. 90·94, Physical "Enhancement:"
1: Preternatural Endurance (as Strength
RoU Result CP Cost of the Earth 2) 2
01-05, Roll again on this table or GM choice. 0 2: Swift (+2 to Initiative total) 3
06·50, Minor abomination: No mechanical effects. 3: Leaping Ability (as the Naar Teban's
1: Mild facial elongation. 0 leaping ability - see page 58) 4
2: Scales on face or hands. 0 4: "Webbed" Torso (may "glide" 1 feet in any
3: Human·colored skin. 0 direction for every 10 feet fallen. and takes
4: Unusual skin·tone (blue·black or grey). 0 no damage when touching down) 4
5: Fins. 0 5: Preternatural Agility (+1 to Trait) 5
6: Useless gills. 0 6: Preternatural Reflexes (+1 to Trait) 5
7: Webbed hands. 0 7: Preternatural Stamina (+1 to Trait) 5
8: Ridged or spiked back.. 0 8: Preternatural Strength (+1 to Trait) 5
9: Extra joints in fingers or toes. 0 9: Natural Armor (+5 to TN to be Hit.
0: Odd odor thaI follows the character. 0 all locations) 5
51-54, Retractable Hood 0 0: Severed limbs (except head) regenerate
55-59, More fingers than normal 0 over (8-Earth) days 5
60-63, Warm·Blooded 0 95-98, Natural Weaponry: Use Agility + Hand·to·Hand
64-69, Prehensile Tail (as the Advantage) 1 for all Allacks using Natural Weaponry unless
70-74, Scale pattern is one that Naga respect otherwise stated.
or worship (+2 rolled dice 10 all Social 1·2: Fangs (Ikl Damage, success with
checks with other Naga) 2 2 Raises indicates a grapple) 3
75·77, Suction cup fingers and/or toes (can climb 3·4: Claws (lk2 Damage) 3
sheer surfaces; STR in feel per Turn) 2 5: Horns (lkl, +1 rolled die per 10 yards
78-80, Film covering eyes (prevents blindness of straight·line charging berore Attack) 3
from lightning or bright flashes) 2 6: Scythe·like bones through elbow skin
81·83, Enhanced Senses: (1 k2 rear Attack) 3
l: Keen Sense of Taste (+2 rolled dice to 7: Razor·sharp scales (anyone who grapples
all Perception checks involving Taste) 2 the Naga takes his own Strength in Damage) 4
2: Keen Hearing (+2 rolled dice to all 8: Rattler tail (3k3 Damage Value; Strength
Perception checks involving Sound) 3 is not added) 4
3-4: Keen Sense of Smell (as the 9: Pearl Kyujutsu (Rank 1) 4
"Acute Smell" Advantage) 3 0: Venom (Rank I):
5·6: Keen Eyesight (+2 rolled dice to all 1: Add 5
Perception checks involving Vision) 3 2·3: Blinding Mist 5
7: Night Vision (can see in dim light, dusk, 4·5: Blood Thickener 5
or night without impediment) 3 6·7: Contact Poison 5
8: Thermal Vision (can perceive heat 8·9: Nerve Toxin 5
signatures within PER x50 in yards) 3 0: Roll again, adding one Rank to Venom
9: Spatial Awareness (equilibrium: like the (maximum 2) +5
Inner Gift) 3 99, Roll once more on this table + Fertile
0: Precise Eye·Hand Coordination (+1 rolled (redeemed, but feared, in Naga society) 6
die for all Attacks, Defense, or other Actions 00, The character was an Outcast who traveled
involving eye·hand coordination) 4 to the Burning Sands. Now a fire salamander,
84-85, Amphibious (as the Advantage) 3 he has returned to Rokugan for a reason
determined by the GM and player 7

WlatJ', WlatJ
AHttJH9 ,Ia. ~494
~ These are the stories of the Naga people.
Through them, their ancestors speak - more so,
\ \ '
even, than those of the samurai of Rokugan.

l1a~t~~· Fou~' Where the bushi speak of guidance, only the Naga
can say that the hand of their ancestor is the hand
of his son.
They are those who have come before. Each
PAST L",£s
Technically, all Naga
have the connection to the
110'5 Wbo ~mong heartbeat is the sound of the entire race of Naga,
and each one slands as a thousand others have
stood before. They are, indeed, carved from one
Akasha necessary to
tb~ Na~la
'remember' many aspects of
their past lives. but those
who spend the points have
a deep memory of their
particular incarnation. and
may draw upon its lessons TH£ BALASH
10 guide their actions in this
life. No death does the Vedic see, Earth: 3
Nor illness, nor sorrow, Water: 3
Duties a/the Blood The Vedic sees the All, Strength 4
All along the sidebars of Attains the Akasha entirely. Fire: 3
Uiis chapler, you will find - Ancient Naga Riddle-Poem Agility 4
esaiptions of andenl Naga Air: 2
Duties. These Duties cover All Naga have a deep, intimate connection Reflexes 4
many aspects of Naga life. with one another, through their shared souls and Akasha: 2
from the position of revered
Vedic to that of a soldier in through the Akasha. In a very real and spiritual School/Great Lesson: Asp Warrior 2
the Naga armies - a Warrior way, all Naga are one with all other Naga, and Caste Rank: 3.6
for the Blood. with the Akasha itself. Their souls reach out to Advantages: Acute Smell. Heart of Vengeance
Naga characters (at the share wisdom and knowledge; they drink from (Humans), Immune to Fear, Strength of the Earth
time of character creation) the same well. 1, Venom (Blood Coagulant) 2, Way of the Land
may purchase these Duties The Akasha binds and unifies the race, and (Naga Ruins. Shinomen Forest), Xenophobic
as Past Lives by spending
the listed number of
gives the Naga a unique sense of purpose and Disadvantages: Brash. Cruel, Driven ("Kill all
Character Points. Past Lives understanding which no other creature can truly the humans!"), Heartless
may not be purdtased comprehend. Though the humans may learn the Skills: Archery (Naga) 3, Athletics 3. Battle 2,
during play, or with language of the Naga, they my even spend years Conceal 2, Defense 2, Hand·to·Hand 2, Hunting 3,
Experience Points. in contemplation of Naga histories, meditation Lore (Naga Ruins) 2, Lore (Rokugani Culture) 1,
When purchasing a Duty and study of the Naga race; they will never be as Moksha 3, Rokugani Language I, Stealth 2,
as a Past Life. the player one with the Naga, because their soul is separate.
should devise the name and Swordsmanship 3, Wrestling 1. Yarijutsu (Naga) 1
basic background for the not a a part of the pool that makes the Naga
spedfic Naga he is linked whole. The Balash.
tho For instance. he might Deep in the heart of the Shinomen fores~ long If any among the Naga race wish to see the
take the Warrior Duty and
t say thaI part of his Akasha
'was once carried within the
before the time of humans and the Children of
the Sun. the race of Naga thrived. Their cities
were built within the sheltering boughs of the
world destroyed in fire and ash, it is he. The
hatred he bears for the humans is deep, burning
like cinders in his orange eyes. They have
body of Berash, a field
soldier responsible for forests, and the Naga raised great magics in order destroyed the world.
leading piercing charges to protect their cities and villages. The stars hung They have let the Shadowlands fester, and
Into enemy lines. This in their ordered sky, and twin globes, the Eyes of even now, when it threatens to destroy them all
would be enough to the Akasha, revolved in their paths above the they will not cease their petty bickering 10 fight it
influence his own character
design. who might in turn woodland. The Naga named them the Bright Eye If the Balash had his way, the Shadowlands
have an uncanny level of and the Pale Eye, the Sun and Moon. While they would swallow them all, and then be purged with
ability during limes of war. did not consider the Bright Eye and the Pale to be flame.
gods, they thought of them as portals to the Born in the forests of the deepest wood,
(Continued) Akasha, necessary in order 10 understand the Balash's egg-mates feared him from the day he
balance of all things. tore the shell of his egg. I-Ie is not silent in his

views, but lashes out with his bow and his anger, spawned from the dark edge of the southlands.
ready to slaughter those who have so changed his There was 10 be a great war, and those who slept
green and growing world. a thousand years would arise to fight it
The Balash was once a simple Ashamana. The new Balash was among the first to step
angry inside and separated from the Akasha forward to embrace the Great Sleep. His angry
because of the imbalance in his emotions. Though soul called to him. and the prospect of war
the Constrictors tried to help him, they could not fascinated the child. It was, after alLthe destiny he
pierce the veil of uncaring thaI the child had was created by the Akasha to fulfill. PAST LIVES
sealed around himself. He served with the other However. the Balash did not expect the CCONT'IlI£Dl
Asp children, learning the ways of war, drawing enemies he was to face upon his awakening. Named Personalities
on the Akasha just enough to receive his These ape-men, these small creatures, had so Like standard Rokugani
commands and hear the intent of his leaders. changed the world that it was hardly worth Ancestors, Naga characters
When the Balash was still very young. the fighting ror. The Balash had spent a thousand may also purchase named
Constrictors in the Asp city of Siska took a special years awaiting his destiny - to lead the Warlords. heroes as one of their ~
notice of the child. This Asp Ashamana did 1I0t and 10 bring his people a chance at peace and Lives. These Personalities do
not have to be of the same
come to the rituals; he did not celebrate the feasts prosperity once more. And now. with no land to Bloodline as the character
and holidays. He would not speak with others, call their own. and a race of screeching apes since all Naga share
save on the topic of warcraft and he spent his festering all around them, even if the Balash was thoughts. memories, tale~
every day in labor and study to perfect his successful. his battle would be for nothing. and emotions through the
fighting skills. He has not come to terms with the fact that the Akasha.
The Vedic did all that they could to understand Naga race is dying, and in some deep part of his The cost of named Nag
the child's anger. and to staunch or stem it, but soul, he believes that the troubles which plague Personalities, as well as th
abilities they impart to P
there was nothing they could are of substantially highe
do. No ritual seemed to aid caliber than the Duties
the child, and only in the heat mentioned to the left Player
of battle did he seem at peace. characters linked 10 such
heroes have a notable
Then, at last the High lineage within the
Vedic of the Pale Eye came to communal Naga ancestry.
see the child on the day and are, on the whole,
before the Ashamana was to treated with much more
finish his first molt, and gain respect than their lesser
his adult position and name. known cousins.
'The problem is clear." the
Vedic said after a brief Rokugani charaders
may never purchase Nap
discussion with the child. Duties or Personalities as
~Each of us has a soul formed Past Lives.
of past memories, past lives
and past glories. This poor
youngling has been given a
soul filled with only the
memories of battle and glory
- a time when the Naga were
a more warlike race. He has
no thought of happier times,
for his soul is not filled with
them. To give him peace. you
must find him a war."
The Vedic's words were
true. and the Asp of Siska
despaired ever finding the
boy a place in their society.
Then. one of the Cobra Jakla
had a vision. a dream
the Naga egg-beds have been created by the Language 2, Single Strike 2. Sincerity 3, Stealth 2.
humans. He is filled with rage - rage against the Swordsmanship 4, Wrestling 1, Yarijutsu (Naga) 1
Shadowlands, rage against the bickering
Greensnake and Cobra who deny him the right to The Naga title "Qamar~ is reserved for the
slaughter the humans who stand between the strongest military leader among the Five
southlands and the Naga, and rage at the future. Bloodlines. the greatest hero among the Naga
For even if he is successful, he snarls, he has only people. The current Qamar is of the Asp
NAGA ScOOT been successful in saving the world for these bloodline. a soldier and a scholar. He serves the
"creatures." Better, perhaps. to let the land die, if Naga people with ferocity and with intelligence.
these apelike humans are sure to die with iL keeping their efforts unified on the field of war.
Naga trained 10 perceive Only his obedience to the Akasha holds him The current Qamar has earned his position
everything around them - back. and it is a tenuous thread. One day, he will through prowess and through guile. He is as
well beyond the limits of
hufuanilY, and even beyond call upon it to hold back his arrow. and it will not much a poliLician as he is a warrior. and his
most others of their own stay his hand. numerous victories in batlle against the trolls
Blood - Scouts are the firSI He is a tall Asp, thin for his age and deadly proved that his sword and tactical ability matches
line of defense against poison to his enemies. He has "mistaken~ more that of any of his predecessors.
threats from the outside than one human unit for Shadowlands undead. Long ago, there was a single leader of the
world. They are also the first
line of offense when Naga and his arrows mercilessly ravage the human Naga race: the Qatol. Beneath him, there was a
armies march upon foreign lines. "They are a plague upon our lands,~ he Lord of War, and a Lord of Peace: the Qamar and
territories. where their hisses. "And sometimes. you must cut away the the Dashmar.
knowledge of the enemy living flesh ... to amputate the disease.~ In past generations. before the days of the
and their terrain may be Great Sleep, the Qamar's duty was to lead the
THE OAMAR combined armies of the Nags. and to follow in the
For each Naga Scout
taken as a Past Ufe. the Earth: 5 path of his predecessors by destroying the
player enaracter may roll Water: 4
(but not keep) one Fire: 4

---- ~
additional die when using a Agility 5
Scout L..esson or making a Air: 4
Perception dleek. Though
multiple Scouts may be Reflexes 6
taken as Past Lives, only Akasha: 5
three may apply this School/Great Lesson: Asp
cumulative effect to the Warrior 5
character (i.e. the character Caste Rank: 8.3
may never derive morc than
3 ckkIitional rolled dice from Advantages: Great
Ihis Duty). Destiny (Return the Naga to
Former Glory). Higher
Purpose (Destroy
Shadowlands), Immune to
Fear, Large, Leadership,
Strength of the Earth 1,
Venom (Acid) 3
Disadvantages: Proud,
Spoiled, Vanity
Skills: Archery (Naga) 2,
Athletics 2, Battle 3, Conceal 2,
Defense 2, Etiquette 3, Hand·
to·Hand 3, Hunting 1.
Intimidation 2, Lore (Naga
Civilization) 4, Lore (Naga
Myth) 2, Lore (Naga Religion)
2. Lore (Rokugani Culture) 3,
Meditation 3. Moksha 4. Naga
Language 4, Rokugani
All Naga begin their lives within an egg, warmed and cultured by the temple priests. Although
the birth of eggs are rare in these new Limes. the cycle of a Naga's life has Dol changed. First. they
are an Ashamana. distinguished only by their 'egg-name: Then, once they have shed their first
skin, lItey choose the path of their lives. led by visions and meditation. From the Ashamana come
the Balash. the Isha. and even the mighty Qamar. Only Bloodline defines the Naga 'caste' system:
the rest is organized by skill and temperament A common Ashamana is described below, DIm! WAR1llOR
prepared to shed his skin and join his brothers in service to the Akasha:
He is still young. only freshly hatched rrom !.he egg, but already trained and strong. Your skills
are beginning to be useful to the Naga race. One day, he will be given his first position and his The Warriors of the
first true name. Untillhen, he must prove his strength. his cunning and his skill to the rest or his Naga are the powerful
backbone of the serpent
people. When they believe you are ready, you will be raised to the level of the others, and given fighting forces, able to
a position of honor. He watches carefully as the other Naga deal with the Human Empire. understand and pass their
Any contact with the humans makes him shy and frightened. general's commands with
Once, there were thousands of Ashamana. learning the ways of the Akasha and carrying on swift ripple of the Akasha.
the duties of the Bloodlines. Now, since the Awakening. the Naga have had few children - and the Thcjr swift strikes with
spear and scimilar tear
Constrictors seem to be unable to produce more of their race. It is a sad time, and many say that through samurai armies
it is the End of all Times. with force and dedicalion,
Some even say the aga should have siepi forever. and you have only to look
The Ashamana is desperate to prove his place in the world: a young aga, striving to regain into their green eyes to
past glories and learn about a world which existed a thousand years ago. before the time of the know thai they would
readily die for their people.
Great Sleep.
Most Warriors are of the
Asp Bloodline. but it is not
unknown to see Constrictoo:
enemies of the Naga: the trolls. who lived in the and he knows thai the Naga are dying. The greal and Chameleons in this
south. over the range of mountains which the forest they fill he has seen destroyed and in position as v.-ell. They are
Naga called the "Pillar of the Sky", and the Ratling flames. Every decision he has made has been the soldiers among their
people. prepared and
tribes - then united and strong. very different forced on him by drcumstance, and he has been trained for a singular dUI)
from the scattered nomads they are today. made bitter. When the Great Sleep was cast upon since birth.
But then. the Qatolleft the people - and some the Naga people, it was the Qamar who soothed For each Naga Warrior
believed he had been destroyed by the FouL their fears wilh speeches of glory and visions of taken as a Past Ufe, the
despite the fact that the Akasha did not record his triumph. player character may roll
death. The Qamar had to lay aside the weapons of But he did not believe his own words. (but nOI keep) one
additional die when using a
battle, and lake up the instruments of leadership. He had inlended to die as a guardian 10 his Great Lesson to AUack. This
And so, with the passage of generations, the people, over the years of his great sleep, but even bonus does nol apply to
Qamar has become as much a statesman as a in that he was thwarted. The spell of the Cobra standard Attack options or
general. crept through his dreams, and his sleep was long. other combat Actions that
The current Qamar wears his weapon to the He awakened from time to time and roamed do not involve a Great
Lesson. Though multiple
palace of the Naga. and refuses to brook any the empty forests of his people. seeing them in Warriors may be taken as
interference in his chosen path. He deliberates flames and torn apart by the strange ape·men Past Uves. only three may
before each decision. but once committed. he is who came after they had gone. apply this cumulative efCecl
unswervable. He inherited his position from the He listened 10 their language, and learned (i.e. the character may ne,'
only Constrictor ever 10 hold the title of Qamar. their ways. He came to understand that they were derh--e more than 3
additional rolled dice from
and the change was drastic - from introspection nol the abhorrent creatures he had thought. bUI this Duty).
to acth't leadership. the currenl Qamar has given he never forgave them Iheir future: the
his people new means of engineering building destruction of his people. He would awaken, fifty
aqueducts. and other wonders. He is seen as a years later, and see the old men that the children
visionary, and there are those who would offer had become, and when he woke again he looked
him the Litle of QatoL if they believed thai he upon their graves.
would accept il Later, when the rest of the Naga awakened, the
But deep within the Qamar, there is a secret lands of the Emerald Empire were a mystery to
fear. He has seen he future in an Akashic vision. them. The Qamar refused to have any dealings
with the strange, furred
creatures known as huu·mans,
but did not tell his people what
he had learned. Yet as he has
grown more comfortable with
his solitude, the Qamar's
altitude has begun toward
tolerance. Praying to the
Atman, the Qamar has not
declared war upon the humans
There are Iwo types of - only a constant vigilance.
Vedic that may be chosen as He looks into the eyes of the
a Pasl We, When buying a
Vedic Duty as a Past Life, human generals, and he
e PC must decide which remembers their grandparents,
type his character was who walked hand in hand
linked 10 as the Past Life. within his forest
we qoly gains the benefit for In many ways. the Qamar
that type, not both.
has a traditional mind. his
Gri/d of the Bright
thoughts ruled with memories
of the glories of the Naga
As the priesls, guides,
and scholars of the Naga. civilization so long ago. Though
they julfill a wide number the strangeness of the land
at: ((lIes within their society. unsettles him and the foul odor
They guide the populace of the Shadowlands permeates
along the path to Alman, the world around him, he has
and teach and administer
the rituals of old. every intention of seeing the
Characters choosing a Shadowlands destroyed.
Chilli or the Bright as one of The humans may be the
lheir Past Lives gain one inheritors of the lands the Naga
additional die (rolled, nol once owned, but they are not
kept) when using a Vedic ready for il The bitterness which rises in his soul Skills: Archery (Naga) 3. Athletics 2, Battle 4,
Lesaon or making a roll
involving the Akasha Trail is tempered by his drive to make the humans Conceal 3, Defense 3, Hand-to-Hand 3, Hunting 2,
ready - ready to inherit the vast history which Intimidation 2, Lore (Naga Civilization) 3, Lore
Child of the Pale dies with the Naga Empire. (Rokugani Culture) 1, Meditation 2, Moksha 2,
The magistrates of the Rokugani Language 1. Single Strike 2, Sincerity 3,
1hey have developed a THE SHAHAl>ET Stealth 3. Swordsmanship 3, Yarijutsu (Naga) 3
great many resources to Earth: 4
draw upon in their work. Water: 3 Prior the the Great Sleep of the Naga, the
acters choosing a Child Strength 5 Shahadet was seen as an 'honorary' title, the
of the Pale as one of their Fire: 3 accolade given to the strongest single warrior in
Pasl Lives gain one
~ditiOnal die (rolled. not Agility 5 the Asp Bloodline. His duties were to rule the city
pt) when using a Vedic Air: 3 of Siska and its Asp inhabitants. He was to keep
Lesson or using the Reflexes 5 the land safe, to insure that no foreign enemy -
Research or Investigation Akasha:3 the Trolls or the Ratlings - invaded the lands
SchooVGreat Lesson: Asp Warrior 4 wb.ich were sacred to the Naga. Further, the
Though multiple Vedics Caste Rank: 7.1
may be bought, only three Shahadet was to maintain a standing army, and
may apply a cumulative Advantages: Acute Smell, Combat Reflexes, be prepared to defend the Naga homeland against
effect to the character (I.e. Immune to Fear, Large, Leadership, Precise all enemies.
the character may never Memory, Quick. Quick Healer, Slrength of the Unlike the Qamar, whose authority extended
derive mOrc than 3 Earth 2, Venom (Contact Poison) 2. Xenophobic over all the Bloodlines. the Shahadel's purpose (to
dditional rolled dice from Disadvantages: Sworn Enemy (fausha),
either Vedic Duty). defend the Naga Empire and destroy its enemies)
Insensitive seemed rather archaic. Shortly before the Great
Sleep, that venerated old Naga died a peaceful
death - the kind which !.he Asps find incredibly match. Still, his dedication and courage inspires
distasteful. He was found. cold and empty, on his those who follow him a tremendous loyalty; they
bed in the dawning sun. would as soon belray their Lord as destroy
The battles for the right to his sua:ession were themselves.
glorious. Asps came from miles deep in the forest, All save one woman. and the elite legion that
bringing their courage and their weapons of war. obeys her every command
The festival lasted for nearly two months. as each
Asp declared his right to contest. and was IlIrrn JAI<J.A
accepted in challenge after challenge by his
felJo'W'S. At ead! test. Shahadet was asked if he
wished to kill his opponent. in the andent Asp THE OAR ASH Naga pearkar\'eI'S are
tradition. and always. he refused. Earth,3 the foremost speJlcasters 0(
the Cobra Bloodline,
BUl at last. only two remained. They fought, Water: 3 dedicated to defending their
and one won. He held his sword at the throat of Fire: 3 homeland ODd oadioOiin...
his opponent, and she cursed him "Kill me," she Air: 2 the Shadowlands threat
hissed before the others gathered around. '"for I Akasha:3 oner and for all Their
cannot follow a coward
M po'A'erfui connedion to the
School/Great Lesson: Chameleon Scout 2
Akasha is supplemenied.
One look the title of Shahadet. the other Caste Rank: 42 their tremendous ability 10
became the Tausha - and a great halred came Advantages: Amphibious. Higher Purpose focus and infuse it v.ith •
between them that even the Akasha could not (Unite Naga and Rokugani Cultures), Luck (6 small piece of themselves
overcome. Points), Way of the Land (Scorpion Territories) before hurling it at their
The current Shahadet is a stern leader, Disadvantages: Bad Reputation
When they have need.
unwilling to compromise, who sees the world in Qndependent), Fascination (Rokugani Culture~
they can summon the force
shades of black and white. For an Asp, his Gullible of their spirits. sending
connection to the Akasha is remarkable, allowing Skills: Archery (Naga) 3, Ardlery (Rokugani) 1, desperate W8\"C through the
him to perform tremendous feats of strategy Athletics 2, Conceal 2, Defense 1. Heraldry 1, Akasha pleading for its
through his intimate connection wilh his legions. Hunting 3, Investigation 1, Lore (Bushido) 2. Lore blessing upon their troops.
They understand his will as if it were their own. (Rokugani Civilization) 2, Moksha 1, Naga With this gifl they offer 10
their unit a po'olo'erful
and they listen to his commands with pride and Language 3, Rokugani Language 2, Shintao 1, advantage, making them of
honor. Stealth 2, Swordsmanship 1 one mind one soul.
The Tausha, who should be his right hand and The Qarash is a lower title within the slructure One will.
lieutenant. is his greatest foe. She lries at every of the Isha's command, a lieutenant of Scouts and For each Naga Jakla
attempt to undermine his conlrol, to destroy his protector of the armies. taken as a Past We, the
authority, and to platt him in the grealest danger. He was one of the Scouts to first awaken, and player character may cast
Now that the Naga have gone lo war - however the stories of the strange things he has seen have one additional Pearl Effect
in an Element of their
undeclared - against the humans, the Shahadet been a linchpin for the Naga's tentative choice. For instance, a
fears she will betray him. in order to usurp his understanding of their Rokugani neighbors. character with a Fire Ring of
place among the armies. Although the Qarash has been more cautious in 3 would be able to cast four
All of this, he could understand - but for the his investigations than the Shazaar, his Fire·based Spells if he chose
fact that she is his mate and his beloved. observations have been no less importanl this Past We once. Taking
the duty again could
He marches east, on Rokugan. and sees the For nearly a year, the Qarash has been awake, increase this number to fiv
masked humans scalter before his armies. but the and he is fascinated by the strange culture and or raise the number of
victories give him no joy. Most recently, the wonderful inventions of the humans known as Spells available in another
Tausha has gone north to Kyuden Bayushi. to "samurai:' He has taken one of their bows in an Elemenl
make deals with the humans called 'Scorpion: He attempt to understand their ways. and although Though multiple Jakia
wishes her well and in his deepest heart, hopes his skill with it does not matdl his accuracy with may be taken as Past lli"es.
only fh'e may have this
that the honor he has seen in the human Empire 'aga weapons, he is eager to learn. cumulative effed [Lt.1ht
will teach her the way to rorgive him He serves on the eastern edge of the character may never deriv
He is solemn, much concerned with the Shinomen. near the Nirukti ruins (where he found more than 5 additional Pearl
trappings of connict and the reality of war. He is the bow after a fleeing. screaming group of ronin Effects per day from this
not in any way a coward. and more than once. his bandits mistook his friendly advances to be the Past We~
willingness to accept a personal battle has caused first attack of some horrible Oni from the forest;
him to fight against opponents who were his they were kind enough to leave behind all their
creature known as the
"Oracle" is critical. and that
his mission may be
extremely dangerous.
Certainly, the Qarash's
knowledge has brought the
Naga a large step closer to an
Du'nl HERO OF alliance with the humans; an
THE SLOODLAHD alliance which the Qarash
WARS desperately hopes to see
accomplished. Even if the
(5 POINTS EACH) Oracle will not help him. he
When the Naga race was is certain that it will have
torn apart by violence, every some advice as to how the
Bloodline was affected. Qarash can learn more about
From the peaceful the samurai.
Chameleon to the savage
Asp, every race had
If only they would stop
opportunity for heroism - or screaming and fleeing. then
for villainy. perhaps they would
This Duty is onc of the understand lhat the Qarash
former. filled with glory and only wishes to be
knowledge of the rightful companions in a world
struggle. Regardless of
whether history tells that
where allies are a greater
the Asp wefe wrong to treasure than gold.
subjugate their brothers, the Perhaps one day, they will
Greensnake. there wefe understand.
many on both sides who
fought the battle with virtue.
A character who chooses equipment). Each morning, he practices with it,
10 have been a hero of these
wars as a Past Life has a and works on duplicating the strange arrows
solid sense of virtue, which he found in the humans' quivers. THE SHASHAkAR
instiUed by the unification Each new day near the samurai border gives Earth, 5
of the entire Naga racc. the eager Chameleon more opportunities to learn Water: 4
They have an easier lime and more incredible sights to see. He has Fire: 4
understanding the path of journeyed (under cover of darkness) north toward Intelligence 5
duty and faith in the Alman
than others do, and they the Scorpion lands, and has seen the high walls of Air: 5
seem more al peace with Shiro no Shosuro. Akasha: 9
their past actions. This From sparkling palaces on wide plains to SchooVGreat Lesson: Cobra Jakla 5
filters through the memory waving banners and bold laughter, everything Caste Rank: 7.6
o( their Akashic souL into

about the human creatures fascinates him. Advantages: Abomination (see below)
their present reincarnation.
In his deepest heart the Qarash believes that Disadvantages: Dark Secret nnsanily). Dark
Player dlaracters with
this Duty gain J extra Point he is a visionary, on the edge of coming to an Secret (The Great Sleep's outcome)
of Caste every time they understanding of the samurai and their Skills: Calligraphy (Naga) 3, Conceal 5, Lore
earn Caste. Also, all Caste "Bushido:' (Naga Civilization) 4, Lore (Naga Myth) 4, Lore
losses are reduced by 1 Perhaps he is. Already, he has heard of a (pearl Magic) 5, Meditation 5, Moksha 5, Pearl
(minimum 0). mystic creature known as the "Oracle of Earth", Carving 5, Traps 4
Though multiple Heroes and he is planning a trip to this strange creature's Pearls: Hundreds (including several dozen of
may be bought, only three
may apply a cumulative domain. If the creature is as powerful as it is each Rank at any given time)
effect to the character (Le. thought 10 be by the samurai, perhaps it will have Pearl Effects: All known Spell Effects,
the dlaracter may never some way for lhe Qarash to hide his identity and including those in Walking the Way, as well as
apply a modifier of more walk among the samurai as a brother. any of the Named Pearls listed in Appendix IV
than 3 to Caste gains or Qarash hasn't told his superiors of this wish - that the GM requires him to have.
losses from this Duty).
only that he believes lhe investigation of this
Enigmatic and reclusive, the Shashakar speaks discover the thousands of Cobra who died so that
for all the Cobra Jakla. and serves as the leader of the Great Sleep could be continued, and they will
the mysterious Cobra city, Vyakarana. His powers discover the greatest secret of all: it was the Great
of spellcraft amaze even the oldest Constrictors. Sleep which has brought about the sterilization of
and the accuracy of his intuition is unmatched, the Naga race, stolen their eggs, and killed their
The Shashakar is the keeper of the greatest future.
secrets of the silent Cobra, the master of In casting a spell to keep them alive for a
Vyakarana's twisting streets and illusions. The t.housand years, the Cobra destroyed their own VILLAIN OF THE
Akasha is slIong in his soul, and the memories of future. The weight of that burden has broken the BLOODLAND WARS
past Shashakar roll in his mind. He has forever mind of the Shashakar, irrevocably condemning
been the Shashakar, reborn. to serve in the him to madness and confusion. (-] POINTS EACH)
position. However, from the
The Shashakar has lhree treasures which Still, the Shashakar is the greatest Jakla alive struggles of war, also come
make him powerful; an ancient black pearl, a today. perhaps the greatest Jakla ever known. the souls of \oillains.
spear formed from the tears of the Bright Eye, Though his mind is broken, his servants bring This Duty is one of
villainy, Filled with hatred.
and the key to an ancien! cave deep within the him the lools and guide him through the rituals, bigotry, and anger, the Naga
chambers of Vyakarana where a massive creature praying Ihat his sanity will return. The other races who shares the memories 9f
lives enlIapped by lhe magic of the Cobra. long believe that he is slow to awaken, and that the this soul is forever plagued
ago. strange and abhorent magics which come from by his pasl
Between these, and his magic. he could easily his spells are simply anomalies. It is the duty of There were many - on
deslIoy the human Empire that has overcome his all the Cobra who serve the Shashakar directly to both sides - who chose to
abandon their brotherhood
lands. But for one thing: the Shashakar is quite keep this belief alive. and struggle against
insane. In all the generations his soul has been For now, his silence is mistaken by the other unification.
reborn through the Well of the Cobra (see sidebar races as a sign of stoic lack of passion; they do not A character who chooses
page 38) and not the eternal 10 have been a villain of the
mind of the Akasha. the wars has
Shashakar has become inbred, nightmarish memories of
the atrocities which were
isolated, and unable to see the performed during times of
whole of the world. war ~ made all the more
The Shashakar's aides. painful by the awakening of
smaller and younger Cobra the Akasha and the
who guide their master through knowledge that the Naga
people are one.
the streets of Vyakarana,
A character with this
whisper warningly of the past life has a difficult time
fractures that lace the mind of subjugating the aoger and
the ancient soul. They know pain of his former life. and
that the soul of the Shashakar trusting in the Alman. They
is in need of the wellspring of will never be at peace with
their past.
the Akasha, to wash away the
Player characters with
taint of ancient wrongs. and to this Duty gain 1 less Point
replenish the will of the soul, of Caste every time they
the sanity which has been earn Caste (minimum 0).
stolen by his continual cycle of Also, all Caste losses are
rebirth. from one body to the increased by 1.
next. controlled by the magic of Though multiple Villains
may be bought, only three
the Cobra may apply a cumulative
But they also know that if effect to the character (i.e.
the soul were to be released " \" \ the character may never
apply a modifier of more
into the Akasha. all the Naga
would know of the blasphemies
and atrocities which the Cobra
--'- than 3 to Casle gains or
losses from this Duty).
have performed in the name of \
their race. The Naga would
understand that his is struggling to resolve the When he speaks, he uses the power of the
ancient memories of the past. It is all they can do. telepathic Akasha for his mouth is nearly unable
He is capable of magic both great and small, to create words and form speech. His city lies in
but his mind is clouded. He speaks to Naga long the deep forest, surrounded by traps and
dead and cannot keep the present separate from enchantments as well as the thick mists of the
the past Worse, he has begun to speak of even Three Waterfalls.
stranger things, and those around him believe One day, perhaps he will be sane enough to
that his memory of past and present is gaining attempt to undo the effects of the Great Sleep.
something new: knowledge of the future. Until then, the Cobra jakla keep careful watch on
At times, he is lucid, and when those moments their eggs. fearing that one day the pits of
come, he is the strongest Jakla on the continent Vyakarana will suffer the same fate as the others.
tHe oceans boil at his command, and the peals of And as the eggs of the Naga race begin to
the Naga gleam with clarity and strength. dwindle, their fears are realized. Only their
But then, the moment is lost and he shouts for foresight will ensure that some Naga are born
the children killed by the Great Sleep, knowing long after the race has ended.
that he will never rest with their blood on his The Cobra will live forever.
The current Shashakar is one of the most THE TAOIIAR
obviously abominated members of the Cobra Earth: 3
race. Where the Ashlim and others are simply Water: 4
affected by minor, cosmetic changes. the currenl Fire: 3
Shashakar has a lremendous. unretractable hood, Intelligence 4
faceted eyes, and great catHsh·like mandibles. Air: 3
Awareness 4
Akasha: 4
SchooUGreat Lesson: Cobra Jakla 3
Caste Rank: 53
Advantages: None
Disadvantages: Bad Fortune (Nightmares),
Skills: Advanced Medicine 3, Calligraphy
(Naga) 2. Lore (Naga Civilization) 4, Lore (Naga
Religion) 3, Lore (pearl Magic) 3, Meditation 4,
Moksha 3, Pearl Carving 2
Pearls: 6 Water. 4 Earth. 3 Air. 3 Fire
Pearl Effects: Blessings of Purity, Calm Mind
Path to Inner Peace, Renective Pool, Know the
Shadows, Echoes on the Wind, Essence of Air.
Tempest of Air. Wind·Borne Slumbers, Sharing
the Strength of Many, Evil Ward

The Taquar is expected 10 be many things -

the defender of the Cobra egg-clutches. and the
stalwart protector of the young. His magic should
be tuned to being a guardian of Ihe ancient
places, not to destruction and war. In all the
battles of their ancient Empire, the Taquar has
never been called away from the great cities.
Never been forced inlo war.
But now, with their resources so perilously low
and few eggs being clutched within their sacred
halls, each Cobra jakla has a greater duty: to
defend the Five Bloodlines. With a heavy heart,
the Taquar has come rrom the safety of Naga die, and he has known that his magic could
Vyakarana's immortal halls. have saved them. But still, he hid behind trees
The Taquar is one of the Naga of Vyakarana. and bushes. hidden in shadows and too
keeper of Cobra secrets. Though his position is frightened to act.
not a prestigious one, he is a proud serpenL Their deaths are his fault, but he hides his
willing to do his duty and prove his worth. He has shame behind arrogance and disdain. But one
never struggled ror advancement, nor sought a day, he will nOI be able to hide any more. and the
different task than the one given to him upon his truth of his cowardice will be discovered. He is
moiling. He knows only the ways of the Cobra. lauded for heroism. as he has repeatedly been the
and has never left his city's walls. They are his life: sole survivor of numerous samurai attacks on the
his soul and duty. Until the Great Sleep and the Shahadefs armies, and he has been given a
Awakening, there was nothing else for the Taquar. respected place within the legions of the Naga This Past Ufc may onl
But now, with the death of so many Cobra Warlords as a personal aide and Jakla. be taken by Cobra
during the years of the Great Sleep, he is called to With the Shadowlands armies approaching, he Bloodline characters..
a different service. It could not have been foreseen stands beside the Warlords and prays to the The Cobra know the
secrets of maintaining theil:
how long the Sleep would lasL or its grave Bright Eye that they will never discover his true bloodline away from the
consequences. nature. body of the Akasha while
He remembers the dreams which came with Until then. the Taquar will continue to seek a still partidpating in the
the Sleep; seeing his friends turn to dusL one by place where he can withdraw from the fighting, Naga communal mind.
one, as the years passed them by. He saw the hiding himself until the danger is over. He has While the methods practiced
at the Well of Souls in
great pearl, luminescent with all the colors of the never been discovered doing so; he does not Vyakarana are not flawle
universe, feeding hungrily on the bodies and the know what he would do, if he were. there arc those Cobra soulS
magic of the Jakla in order to maintain the who have been reborn as
Shashakar'S spell. And each time the Cobra broke Cobra through a number oI
before the bonds of the spell, sacrificing consecutive lives.
themselves fully, he feared that he would be the These special Naga,
called 'soulbinders: receive
next jakla to fall to the hunger of the Pearl. Yet, the finest eggs 10
each time another was called awake by the Pearl. Earth,5 reincarnate within, and
broughl before its shining globe to face another Water: 4 therefore have better conlrol
span of years. Perception 5 over their physical forms..
When he awoke, their screams were still fresh Fire: 4 But the constant separation
of their souls from the body
upon his mind. Agility 5 of the Akasha impaired
But now there is no need for him to stay by the Air: 3 their use of its powers - an
egg-pits. There are few children, and the Reflexes 4 affected their sanity as well
Shashakar is denying all requests for new Cobra Akasha:6 PCS with this Duty as
to be born. 'They will be needed in the future," SchooVGreat Lesson: Naga Vedic 5 one of their Past Uves
the Shashakar and his servants say. "We must not Caste Rank: 11 choose one physical1rait
(Strength. Stamina, Agility.

waste them, or the Cobra will die with the other Advantages: Immune 10 Fear, Great Destiny or Reflexes). which is raised
bloodlines. That must never happen. So the (Become the Voice of the Akasha), Large by 1. But all Spell TNs
Taquar, eggkeeper, is no longer needed. Disadvantages: Driven (Destroy the using the Ring of that TraIt
The Naga who fulfills the position has been Shadowlands), Haunted (by the Yasseth) are increased by 5.
sent to use his healing magics alongside warrior Skills: Advanced Medicine 2, Archery (Naga) 5. Though multiple
Asps and treacherous Greensnakes. He is terrified Astronomy 3, Calligraphy (Naga) 1. Hunting 5, Soulbinders may be bong
only four may apply a
of Ihis new life, and he is frightened to leave the Law (Naga) 4, Lore (Shadowlands) 3, Meditation 3, cumulative effect to the
sheltering walls and enchantments of Vyakarana. Swordsmanship 5, Theology (Naga) 3 character (Le. the dlarader
In short, he is a coward. The Radakast is a young Constrictor, possibly is limited to 4 Trait Ranks
Yet, he must go or be denied rebirth as a Cobra the last one born in an age. The beds of the and +20 to Spell TNg-
in his next life. If he rails, or does not do his duty, Constrictor people were the first to empty. and lotal - from this DUly).
the Cobra will not call back his soul, and he will their people have had no children since a de<:ade The starting Trait limit
before the Great Sleep. Their line is dying, and of 4 is ignored for the
be 1051 into the swirling pools of the Akasha. purposes of this ability.
fractured and forgotten. with it, all the history and record of the Akasha.
He has been in three battles, and each time, he The Constrictors are the greatest source of
has hidden himselr with his magic. He's seen wisdom and forethought in the Naga race, giving
their resources and their knowledge freely to all their aid. Instead of hunting for food or for trade-
the people of the QatoL goods. he became a hunter of bandits. of Naga
Yet with the decline of their people to the who had turned against their people. or who had
Foul. there are fewer and fewer Constrictors. They fled the justice of Atman.
serve in the temples. but many of the hallways It was in the pursuit of one such Naga that the
are empty, and even the great lights of the Naga earned his tille of Radakast and his new
observatories of lyotisha are pale and few, position as a member of the Pale Eye's Vedic,
PAST LlJ'£: OttI1TH During his youth, the current Radakast served despite his birth as a Conslrictor of the Bright
in the temples of his people, learning the ways of Eye,
the Akasha and gaining strength of will and of As the judgment-keepers of the Pale Eye
Few Naga know what it muscle, It was often his duty to guard the walls of levied their case against a powerful Cobra Jalda
is 10 be alone. but the
Oscuth does. He is the
lyotisha. and he stood there for days and nights in known as the Yasseth. the Radakast was called 10
Warrior of lhe Pale Eye, a a row, watching the stars dance. bringing the light the tity of Vyakar.rna to aid in their pursuit The
lhfng of legend. inumately of the Aunan [0 the world, lands around Vyakarana are covered in
connetted "ith lhe being He became the Radakast (literally, MStar enchantments and webs of illusion that not even
kao'4'tl as the Pale Eye of Slayer') many years after his molting. Originally, the Cobra can pierce. and the young conslrietor's
Alman - and distinct from the young Ashamana chose to be a hunter. to skills were sorely tested Nevertheless. this Cobra
the Akasha
keep his people's larders filled with meat He was "'as accused of the murder of the ten children of
The Oseuth is destined
to be fully reborn - and. the one of the finest hunters of the age. able to track an egg-pit and he who would become Radakast
legends say, soon. In a way, deer and Ralling alike, despite tunnels. rivers. or was determined to see him brought to justice.
this means all chanlClen other obstacles. He could find them no maller The Cobra led them on a bitter chase. and
who dloose lIle past life of where they hid. and his gathering of meat for the when they finally Lracked him down, it was
the Osculh also gain lhe day was always the greatest portion of the within a great abyss made of illusion and
knowledge of their dark fate
- 10 die so that the Osculh hunter's kills. darkness. The Vedic of the Pale Eye fought
can be united and reborn. His skills were discovered by the Pale Eye's bravely. their blackened ghirka-/wkhrie (swords)
However, lhis terrible Vedic. the keepers of Law, and they called him to gleaming dully beneath the light of a distant
omen is balanced by the moon. Yet one by one. they
power and intuition of the were overcome by the jalda's
legendary Oscuth. Although insane magic, their weapons
he is 'distinct' from the
Akasha. he is a part of it, torn away. their bodies
but has the knowledge caplured or crushed by webs of
gained by seeing it from a starlight
different perspective. The At last, they saw him.
Osculh is also particularly standing atop a hill of shadow,
blessed when under the
gaze of the Pale Eye, his his abominated face spilling
benefactor and guide. venom and fanged horror. He
PCS choosing this gleamed with the gathered light
Personality as onc of their of the Pale Eye. and his magic
Past L.ives gain one Rank of lore at the breath of the Atman
Magic Resistance (useful himself.

lagainst Rokugani Elemental

Magic only, not Pearl Magic
OJ Ishiken Void Magic) ror
each Rank they have in
The Radakast leapt forward
10 assail the Jakla in single
combat and through strength
lheir Akasha Ring. of arms and absolute
fearlessness. he was successful
The Jakla fell from his
mountain top with a flaming
gleam like that of a star, ousted
from the web of the Celestial
Hea\'Cn5, and the Lord Vedic of
the Pale Eye declared the
Radakast's new name. in
It has become a position of honor, the Skills: Advanced Medicine 3. Astronomy 1,
guardian and warrior of the Bright Eye, who Calligraphy (Naga) 2. Etiquette 5, Law (Naga) 4,
serves alongside his brothers in the Pale. He still Lore (Naga Ruins) 4, Lore (Rokugani Culture) 3,
Iracks down those who escape judgment hut now Meditation 2, Oratory 4, Rokugani Language 3.
his skills have been of more use to the Qamar's Swordsmanship 2, Theology (Naga) 3
armies, finding the creatures of the Foul where
they live and breed. The Radakast has had to put Aged and weary. the Dashmar is a Naga of
aside his personal prejudices and feelings as his long years and many burdens. He is the Lord of PAST LIFE: T H£
job has grown, becoming used 10 the heavy Nirukli, the city long ago destroyed by humans, 04T01'S L£GION
burden of responsibility. even in the face of his during the Greal Sleep. He is the Master of its
declining Bloodline. ruin, the inheritor of its pillaged temples and (1-5 POIHTS)
He serves as lhe Qamar's voice of reason, an devastated palace. His word is law - law over The serpents of Qalol's
advisor to the armies of Ihe Naga, speaking the tangling vines and torporous sleep. Legion took an oath when
words of the Akasha itself. He has no city to pass on 10 his successor. they gathered, that they
would forever serve Ihe
It is said that to anger a Constrictor is to invite Though the Greensnakes have begun to Qatol, no matter what life
the wrath of the stars, and perhaps the current rebuild the crumbling ruins. their efforts are in they lead. All those linked
Radakast knows morc of the truth of that proverb vain. No single wall of the city remains, but has through the Akasha with
than the other members of his bloodline. Each been desecrated and covered in the filth of years. one of the Qators original
night, he hears the bloody Jakla's voice screaming Where the humans invaded, stealing away the five servants instinctively
remember this oath, and If
for his blood. The Cobra, he knows, hear it as well, city's glory and magic, the Great Sleep did not the Qatol calls. they will
and curse him for his tenaciousness.The Radakast cover his city. And, as a result, where the serve without question.
knows that if he should ever fall to the Taint of enchantment failed, the Greensnake suffered. Members of this elite
the Foul. the Jakla he defeated so long ago will be Thousands of their people, sleeping beneath force know that Qatol may
there. Yasseth will take his soul to eternal Nirukti, died in the course of the silent centuries. return at any time, arising
torment, far beyond the blessed voice of the Their bodies are lost, crumbled into dust. from centuries of silence to
issue a command. As when
Akasha. It is a nightmare he has learned 10 Rebuilding will lake decades. Qatol ordered the Great
endure. As a Lord without a home, the Dashmar has Sleep, they obey - even if
In this time of war, he has been forced to fight been given the task of using his people's unique the command is suicidal.
and destroy many of those he might have once abilities and insight to contact - and hopefully for They have no choice: their
sought as allies - the descendants of the Nezumi, a treaty with - the humans and their 'Emperor'. It souls demand it
among others. He spends a great deal of time is a nearly impossible task. It is a duty which the Characters purchasing
this Duty as a Past Life gain
looking down on the combat, letting the Akasha Asps watch with eager condescension, hoping that a long·term quest They can
guide him. In his mind rings the voices of a the Greensnake Lord will fail, and war with the make suggestions 10 the
thousand souls, and the Radakast knows that the humans will begin on an epic scale. GM as to what the quest is,
only way to silence them is to understand their In this way, the Dashmar's duties are the and what the conditions are
requests. linchpin of the Naga war: if he fails, the Asp's for completing it, but the
GM has final say. Examples
eagerness for battle will waste their armies

of such quests include:
against a human foe, instead of the darkness of 'Rebuilding Nirukti
the Foul that waits in the far south. If the
'Finding a lost Naga
Dashmar cannot stop the war between his people artifact or relic
TH£ D4SHM4R and the samurai of Rokugan, he has all but -Destroying the Railings
Earth,3 condemned both peoples to doom at the hands of of the Chewed Fish tribe.
Water: 4 the Pale Eye's Shadow. Such quests should be
Fire: 4 The Dashmar is forced to accept and cajole the difficult, but nol impossible.
Intelligence 5 humans. the very race which destroyed the to attain, and should take
several full adventures to
Air: 4 ancient and beloved city of his people. He has
Awareness 5 been asked to put aside his anger and his sorrow
When the PC
Akasha: 5 at the death of the many Greensnakes beneath successfully finishes the
SchooVGreat Lesson: Greensnake Vedic 5 Nirukti's soil. They tore apart his home, shattered quest, he gains a number of
Caste Rank: 8.9 his city, and by their actions, slaughtered XP equal to twice his
Advantages: Higher Purpose (Stop the War thousands of his people. investment in this Duty.
With the Humans), Voice Yet he must travel to the court of this great This Duty may only be
purchased once.
Disadvantages: None Emperor, and beg him to listen to reason.
Age shows on every pore of
the Dashmar's face, and his
weariness is evident in the
Akasha for many yards
around him. He is a strong ,,
serpent, Once filled with joy
and wisdom, but now he is a
PAST LifE: shell of what he once was. He
BHAJ<ARASIf is dedicated to bringing peace
between the two people - and
(7POfNTS) there are those who whisper
The First Cobra was that if he fails, the sorrow will
known as the Bhakarash, a cause his heart to break and
emalc who was strong with send him to his final reSl
tbe spirit of lhe Bright Eye.
Some legends say that she The Dashmar moves
was the wife of the Qatol, slowly. deliberately, always as
but others call her "sister" to if he carries some great
tbe legendary peacemaker. spectral burden upon his
The Naga do not ask. and stooped shoulders. When he
the Akasha does not choose
10 reveal their true speaks, his voice is resonant,
relationship. Lnstead, the yet sorrowful, dispensing
Bhakarash's tale is lold wisdom and intelligence with
simply, and her final wish - a weary tone.
for secrecy - has been
respected through the ages.
The Bhakarash was a
ong ruler. and she laught Earth: 4
the Cobra lheir magic, Willpower 5
$toleo [rom the pearls in the Water: 4
sea She is revered for Perception 5 and seek information about the armies of the
tricking the Alman's Bright Fire: 4 Shadowlands (and the Empire), and any who
ye inlo crying. Those tears.
it is said, fell across the Agility 6 would seek to harm the Dashmar or his retinue.
ocean and became pearls. Air: 3 The current Isha made his way through the
But even the Bhakarash Reflexes 5 Naga castes with a lighthearted laugh. He doesn't
could not cause the Pale Eye Akasha: 3 concentrate on politics, war, or other "frivolous~
10 weep. and so lhe dark SchooVGreat Lesson: Greensnake Scoul 4 things. For the Isha. the object of life is to do your
tears which scatter the
ocean are far more rare, Caste Rank: 6.7 duty - and have as good a time as possible.
stolen from the Pale Eye Advantages: Acute Smell. Combat Reflexes, He's a bright, cheerful Naga whose demeanor
while it slept during the Fertile, Great Destiny (fo be the next Qamar), only turns serious when his dUly is questioned. It
heat of the Alman's day. Large, Quick, Way of the Land (Naga Ruins. is whispered that a tenth of the eggs in the

Without her clever tricks, Shinomen Forest, Unicorn Territories) Greensnake clutches are of his line, and that there
the Naga would have no Disadvantages: Bad Reputation (Young). is not a female in the Akasha who would not
magic - and there would be
no pearls in the ocean. Fascination (Rokugani), Soft·Hearted follow his smile.
Pearls handled by PCS Skills: Archery (Naga) S, Athletics 3, Battle 3. But he isn't the sorl to enjoy his conquests of
wh.o have chosen Bhakarash Conceal 4, Defense 3, Hand·ta-Hand 3, Hunting 4, love. One moment, the Isha is smiling at a female,
as t)Ile of their Past Uves Investigation 3, Meditation 2, Moksha 2, Single and the next, he's off on the track of some
are considered 10 be one Strike 2, Stealth 3, Swordsmanship 4, Yarijutsu huntsman, a human lost in the Shinomen or an
Rank higher when used for (Naga) 3 Imperial seout come to meet with the Dashmar.
effects generated by the Pc.
Such effects include pearl The Greensnake people have gone through
magic. Pearl Jiva, and other The position of Isha confers great many trials; since the death of their great city
erfects listed in this book. responsibility, and the current Isha is far too they have become paupers, homeless and
Rank 5 pearls are young (in the eyes of the Constrictors) for his hopeless. The Isha gives his people back some of
unaffected by this ability. duties. The lead SeoUl in the land, this bold the joy they have lost, showing them ways to
Greensnake has been chosen to defend the forests
continue their lives despite the lJoubles that ready at his side. He is a jester. a voice in the
surround them. Shinomen Forest that issues a wry warning
He has become a hero to his people, a dashing before vanishing away altogether.
figure of derring-do lIlat hearkens back to the
days when Nirukti was the jewel of the Akasha THE MARA
Though others have a1lo.....ed the world to bring Earth: 3
them 10 despair, the Isha has forbidden tears. and Water: 3
when he sees the ruins of the dty. he speaks only Perception 4
of the things which will be built on the ruins of Fire: 3
the old - homes thal to hear him speak. will Air: 2
make the old ones appear as hovels. Akasba:3
Unlike the serious Qamar and stalwart ScbooVGreat Lesson: Greensnake Scout 3
Shahadel the Isha seems almost capridous. filled Caste Rank: 4.6
with humor and wry amusement at the state of Advantages: Fertile, Immune to Fear, Venom
the world since their awakening. Though many of (Blood Coagulant) 1. Xenophobic
the older Naga criticize his ways. the Isha has Disadvantages: Insensitive
lime and again proved his worth; once single· Skills: Archery (Naga, Legs) 1, Archery (Naga,
handedly destroying an ambush of skeletal Tail) 2, Athletics (Legs) 2, Athletics (fail) 1.
warriors in order to protect the Dashmar. Conceal (fail) 2, Defense (Legs) 1, Defense (fail) 2.
Yel beneath the Ilashing grin and swirt arrows. Etiquette (Rokugani) 3. Hand-ta-Hand (U'gs) I.
the Isha never forgets his duty. He remains a Hand·to-Hand (fail) I. Horsemanship I. Hunting
stalwart companion to the Dashmar, a brave (Legs) 1, Hunting (fail) 2. Investigation 2, Lore
soldier at the forefront of the Naga armies. and a (Bushido) 1. Lore (Naga Civilization) 3, Lore (Naga
dedicated leader of his troop of archers. Myth) 2. Lore (Naga Religion) 2. Lore (Naga
The other bloodlines struggle to cope with the Ruins) I. Lore (Pearl Magic) 1. Lore (Rokugani
new world; they fight against it, they argue for its
destruction. or they seek to capitulate to its
encompassing strangeness.. or the Isha His is
the palh of self·protection and growth: he ignores
the new land so that he can help the Naga grow.
Once Nirukti has been restored. perhaps then
there will be time for. the Naga to learn of
humans and their ways.
Others say he would ignore the threat that the
humans bring in his dreams of rebuilding
Nirukti. The criticisms of his people cut Isha
more deeply than he will ever admit. He
maintains his bright smile. knowing thaI it is
only the bitter times which cause the words to be
said, but with each cut, he loses a little of his
heroism. He wishes only to see his people
survive. Although the Greensnake eggclutc:hes
are not suffering as much as others from the
slow decline of the other bloodlines. he fears that
this is the time of endings.
MPain doesn't mean that your last days must
be spent in wishing and mourning." he argues.
"Spend them. instead, by living'
The Isha is large for a Greensnake. his green
scales darkened by twilight hours on watch. He
is a good·looking serpenl his hair afflxed in the
way of the Rokugani people (which gives him an
'exotic' look. he smiles), and his bow always
Civilization) 2, Meditation 3, Moksha 2, Pearl even to the secretive Ashlim, when she was sent
Carving 2, Rokugani Language 2, Stealth (fail) 2, by the Dashmar to gain the Cobra's assistance.
Swordsmanship (Legs) 2, Swordsmanship (fail) 1, She was in the city of Byakarana when the
Yarijutsu (Naga Tail) 1 Great Sleep was cast, and that is why she did not
die with the rest of her young clutch of
Most Naga do nOI know their true parentage, Ashamana; those who slept within the walls of
but Mara does. Though she was born within a doomed Nirukti were destroyed by time and the
clutch of eggs deep beneath their greatest city, she incursions of humans and other, more foul
remembers the day of her first breath, and the creatures. All of the other children of Nirukti have
defiantly proud echo in the Dashmar's eyes when been lost, her fellows and her friends. While her
he saw her crawl from the shards of shell. heart is filled with the suspicion that the Cobra
Mara knows that the Dashmar is her father, called her to their city's walls knowing that the
but does not speak of it. It is a secret between the Sleep would find her there, she does not know if
two of them, guarded and hidden. In the their forethought was an act of kindness, or a sign
meantime. she has learned the skills of a warrior that they knew of the horrible future for those
from her time among the Asp, but always retains who remained in Nirukti. Either way, she does
her dedication to her Greensnake heritage. nOI trust the Cobra, or the spells that they cast
Through her Ashamana years, she learned the ~ror the good of the Akasha:'
ways of a diplomat. As a courtier to the Asp and Other Naga females are content to live their
the Constrictor, she learned much of their ways, lives within the city, covering their faces with the
as well as those of her native Greensnake veil of marriage and giving themselves to the
Bloodline. She has served as emissary and pursuit of monetary wealth and prestige. Mara
advisor to the Shahadet, the Vedic of Iyotisha, and has seen lhe samurai-ko of the "Unicorn" Clan of
Rokugan, how their horses run and their katana
catch the sunlight. Those women, Mara believes,
are the future of her people, as well.
Mara knows that she can perform tasks
impossible for the ordinary Naga male. Her legs
- when she chooses to have them - are strong.
and made for running and riding. She hears the
tales of the Ashmara daughter of Qatol, and she
sees her own place in the Akasha. II was for this
reason that she chose her Iille rMara" is the
name of a simple ambassador) and has made it
her duty to devote her life to her people.
Yet to do that, she cannot remain hidden
within the cities of the other bloodlines. Mara has
been told to remain with the Constrictors, to stay
where she will be safe. The Dashmar himself has
assigned her duties which will keep her in the
Shinomen - keep her "busy" - for the duration of
the impending war.
She's already assigned them to her
handmaidens. Let them do the routine work of
trade and feeding the children in the Children's
House. They are proud to serve her, knowing that
the Mara has other things to do.
She has spent much time with the Shazaar
and her Scouts, learning the tongue of the
samurai, and now Mara can speak to them with
Her father's greatest mistake was to make her
the Naga in charge of the ambassador known as
--' ",",'

the Daini. Though he intended the human to be a which the Shashakar gave her long ago in
challenge which would give Mara very little time Vyakarana ...
for other pursuits, the Oashmar has unwittingly
given her tlle one thing she needs to complete her T H£ SHA8lIRA
quest: access to the knowledge and resources of Earth: 4
Rokugan. Water: 3
Where her father seeks treaties and signatures, Strength 6
Mara is considering an alliance of a different - Fire: 3
and more permanent - sort She spends all of her Agility 4 It is a great boon toj)e
days with the Oaini. showing him the ways of her Air: 4 able to rel;all the pasl but i
people, teaching him the rudimentary words in Akasha:3 is also a burden. All Naga
the Naga longue (although he cannot speak it SchooVGreat Lesson: Greensnake Warrior 3 who purchase Past Lives
must be prepared 10 aa:ept
with the ease of the Akasha, he can communicate Caste Rank: 5.5 the force of memories
basic ideas). In exchange. the Oaini has drawn her Advantages: Combat Renexes, Hearl of which are not their own,
a map of Ihe Empire. telling her tales of its people Vengeance (Shadowlands), Immune to Fear, pressing down on them and
and culture. He has even begun to teach her how Large, Leadership, QuiCk. Strength of the Earth 2 controlling their actions, as
to ride the strange "horses" thaI the Battle· Disadvantages: Driven (to Destroy the Foul), their past incarnation
struggles to control the new
Maidens rode. Although hers is a small, plump Insensitive existcnce.
Rokugani pony, she sees the usefulness of such Skills: Archery (Naga) 4, Athletics 2, Battle 3, Whcn a player suggests
beasts. and vows to learn more. Conceal 2, Defense 4, Hand·to·Hand 2, Hunting 3, a past life not covered in
She smiles at the Oaini, and knows the way he Moksha 3, Single Strike 3, Stealth 3, thiS book, the Gamemaster
looks into her eyes. The man, strange as he is, is Swordsmanship 4, Yarijutsu (Naga) 3 should recommend a non·
falling in love with her. At first, she had planned specific character type
(Duty), rather than an
to use him, to learn from him and then turn his Cold and callous, Shabura stands alone, an individual soul (personal!
learning toward rebuilding her own people, but enigma to the other Greensnakes of her Duties are far more
now she stops to return his gaze. Bloodline. Although she was once filled with common, and Naga souls
She is not falling in love with him. or that she laughter and childish joy, her life was changed who have remained for any
is sure. Her heart would tell her, and the Akasha forever by the arrival of the Foul. time in the Akasha quickly
lose thcir individuality.
would surely forbid it Wouldn't it? The union of When she was still new from the Egg, her
two such distant spirits would surely be as entire clutch was destroyed by a strange creature
forbidden as the meeting of the Atman's eyes. But that smelled of Taint and Shadow. Only Shabura
when he smiles at her laughter as the pony escaped, and it is said that as a youngling she
canters through the forest, she is not SO sure of used the dead tails of her own clutchmates to
her own feelings. The distance between them is strangle the creature. She was found. long after
great, but the Akasha is greater. the bodies of the protectors of the clutch had
Where it goes, she will follow. fallen, still beneath the body of the twisted beasl
Mara knows that her skills will be adopted Her hands were tightly clutched about its crushed
into the Akasha one day, and so she learns throat, as if afraid 10 let go.
diligently, absorbing every word the Daini speaks As a young Naga, Shabura continued to
and asking him numerous times to tell her the perform strange feats of strength, far beyond
tales and ways of his people. She sees the pride tllOse which should have been possible for a child
on his face as he talks, understands his own her age. Although many of these stories have
interest in her stories, and spends many hours been put off as nothing more than fanciful
exchanging tales, conversing of culture and of exaggeration, the Shabura's gift, called her
lore. These are the fondest memories of her short 'heritage', has always seemed more of the
life - and when she thinks of the wasted and Celestial Heavens than of the Shinomen.
empty egg·beds of her people, she wonders how She was raised as the only child in a small
many of them will benefit from her learning Greensnake village outside Nirukti. As she grew,
when her own soul joins the Akashic pool. her strength grew as well, and her name began to
But, of them all, her fond memories of the spread into legend. When a great storm crushed
Daini's face and laughing voice are her own, the house of her tutors, the Ashamana who would
protected by her heart and a single bright pearl be Shabura is said to have lifted the foundation·
rock of the dwelling, freeing them from the stones
or the house before they
could be crushed by their
As a youth. she defeated a
titanic mountain bear.
holding it aloft above !.he
ground as her companions
PAST 1.ll'£: SYBA fled to safety. She ignored
!.he great rents which !.he
bear gouged in her face and
During the anticol days. shoulders. and crushed !.he
wt.en the FIVe Cities still life from !.he beast wi!.h a
warted upon each other.
~ arrived thai one of
hug of her own. Its skin still
the Foul was heading hangs in !.he bedchamber of
towards lhe lands of the her dwelling, and she says it
The Greensnake senl is a reminder of !.he days of
out a scouting pany to her childhood. before IUe
JD\'estigale. Long ....1IS their
journey until they reached grew ""serious."
the borders of lIle And once more, after !.he
Shadowlands. and saw in awakening came and !.he
the dislanc:e a mountain Naga people rose from !.heir
movmg towards them. Great Sleep, !.he Shabura's
",~ hlSSCd one Scout
-go ....C1m OUT brethren. I
great streng!.h saved !.he life
shall hoki off this beast as of the Shahadet, her
long as I have breath!" commander, An army of
AJlhough the beast was Shadowlands beasts came
....ilhin eyesight. it was so [rom !.he soulh, invading !.he
huge that two days passed forest The Shahadet and his
before it was within slIiking
distance of lilt' Seoul's bow. legion were summoned to fight lhe creatures. and Vel, when her companions reached the bollom
Risking death - or worse - lheir arrows and spears proved of little use of the large rockfall, the Ogre's bulk lay crushed
she waited in the highest against !.he might of one powerful Ogre which led upon Ihe rocks. but the Shabura was still alive.
hough of a bUghled tree for Ihe smaller goblins and mujina The battle raged She recovered from her wounds and returned
the mountainous beast 10 on in the cliffs and valleys which surround 10 duty with the legion, receiving many glories for
approach. When it finally
thundered into range, she lyotisha and the terrain served the huge Ogre far her bravery and her slrength of body and will.
w thai it was covered with better than the less·agile Naga who pursued it. AI She is not a loud individual, preferring
thousands upon thousands last the Shadowlands creatures were trapped at solitude to the glory of revels. and her quiet eyes
of man-sized creatures, lhus the edge of a high cliff, with no place to go save speak of her dedication 10 defeat the
provtding It with armor. through !.he advancing Naga legion. Shadowlands foe. If the Naga are 10 be successful
For every one she slew, As !.he others fought bravely against the lesser in driving back the FouL she must have strength
another would take its
place ... creatures. lhe Yushalh, lieutenant of her squad. of mind and purpose. as well as strength of arm.
rushed toward the Ogre. With a shout to the
Bright Eye, he plunged his spear into its chest -
but the point of the weapon shattered and the
Ogre was unharmed. As the creature lifted its
crha Rt60ml1mbon
sword to drive the point into the Yusash's bone AS£TH
and flesh, the Shabura charged. Earth'4
Her attack was unexpected. and the strength Stamina 5
was such that bo!.h the Shabura and the huge Water: 4
ogre both plunged from the edge of the cliff, Fire: 4
hurtling toward their death far below. The Agility 6
Shabura displayed not only heroism but the Air: 3
titanic strength needed to push a thousand·pound Reflexes 5
Ogre back ten feet and over a steep cliff. Absh., 2
School/Great Lesson: Cobra Warrior 4 spoken with the Cobra who have given him a
Caste Rank: 2.5 talisman of great power: if he can awaken this
Advantages: Abomination (5), Combat soul, his form will at last be at peace, and will
Reflexes. Immune to Fear. Large. Quick, Strength change into the shape of his people, with tail
of the Earth 1, Xenophobic instead of legs. BUI to do so, he must face down,
Disadvantages: Bad Sight Compulsion (fo and kill, a mighty warrior in single combat.
'prove himself'), Driven (to face Hida Kisada) In order to become a legend, he must first
Skills: Archery (Naga) 2. Athletics 4. Battle 2, defeat one.
Conceal 3. Defense 3, Hand-to-Hand 3, Hunting 3, The beasts of the Shadowlands hold little Without hesitation. she
challenge: their deaths are not enough to awaken propelled herself from the
Investigation 2, Moksha 1. Single Strike 4. tree. into the multitudes of..;
Swordsmanship 5. SurvivalS, Wrestling 2, his soul. He must challenge one of the humans - creatures which clung to
Yarijutsu (Naga) 5 a Champion. the strongest among them - and he their monstrous sibling.
The life of a true abomination in Naga society must win. Aseth stands on the battlefield beside Quickly, she ascended
is a difficult one. Although the race has accepted the Qamar and looks for the worthiest opponent towards its head, unafraid 0
the creatures aU around hen
them back into the fold, they are treated with on the battlefield among the humans. That one, Her swiftness was
disdain and sometimes outright dislike. their finest, he chooses to fight alone. unparalleled She skillfUlly
Aseth's life has never been easy. Born without He has never lost, but the challenges have not dodged the clinging
a tail. he stands on two sturdy legs - a mockery brought about the change within him that the creatures that tried to thwart
of the Naga Even worse, he has the head of a tales and sorcery of the Cobra suggest her. and soon reached its
cavernous mouth. the chasm
great serpent, unlike the expressive human·like But lately, Aseth has heard another name: one leading to its heart. Scarcely
features of the others. Perhaps if he had been that makes his soul eager for battle and may be pausing. she plunged into
female. he would have been more readily exactly what he needs to awaken the talisman it's horrible depths. drawing
accepted. but as it is, Aseth was cast out of the and free his tortured form. her bow as she descended
Naga and forced 10 survive on his own for the firsl That name is Hida Kisada. down the Foul beast's
throat. ..
mteen years of his life.
Aday later. the earth
The Naga believe that an shook as if a mountain had
Abomination is plagued by the fallen from the sky, and the
taint of past lives. unable to Naga mourned the loss of a
move on and become someone noble Warrior. Since then.
new - and that this struggle tales have been told of the
against the Naga known as Syba .... the
M new form~ ~Mountain Killer.~
accounts for their severe PCS choosing Syba as
mutations. After fifteen years of one of their Past Lives gain
isolation, hunting with his the Combat Renexes
hands and surviving on \vitsed Advantage. Also. they
alone, the Vedic have receive 2 Free Raises when
proclaimed that Aseth is to be performing risky or
seemingly impossible feats.
welcomed home. They also start the game
But Aseth still feels that he with the Disadvantage:
must prove himself to his Weakness (Intelligence).
people, to force them to accept
him. He is an outcast, even
within the walls of the Naga
cities. He has studied the
ancient tales of the Naga, and
he has found a secret The slory
of an ancient abomination,
welcomed as a hero by his
Aseth is convinced that this
soul exists within him, and he
is determined to awaken it
from its Akashic sleep. He has


S~..."lf# ~~9~
understanding with the man. He would not harm you. That he
could lead you into his land, and leach you his ways.
\ \ When he drove his sword into his belly. you could do
nothing but stare in shock and fear.
The image has haunted you ever since.

You have taken his sword, and sworn to return it to his

brethren, whoever they are. Wherever they are. Perhaps they
can tell you what has occurred.


Since the moment you Awakened, you have heard the name
in your dreams. It is a place of mystery and strangeness, and
everything you see that comes from the Emerald Empire only
makes you long for it more.
The people are pale and strange, their thin legs jolting along
the ground. Other archers laugh at the little apes. They call
them 'bags of arrows; in reference to the many who have died
fighting against your people. You do not laugh.
Once, when the battle was finished. you found a samurai
still alive. Your arrow had not struck true, and the man's chest
heaved with the efIort of breath. When the olhers were gone,
you lifted the samurai from the ground and carried him to your
home in the foresl
For three weeks. you tended his wounds and cared for his
sickness. You had 10 cut away his slrange armor - the ties and
joints were confusing, and you spent many nights in ceaseless
labor, trying to repair lite damage you had done. He watched
you from the hammock slung cautiously from lite thatched
roof. Although you could not communicate, you felt he
understood. You regretted harming him, but your people
refused to listen 10 the words of the scouts, and the Asp
demanded baltle.
After a week, the man was strong enough to speak. and you
lried to communicate your fascination, your regret He chittered
aimlessly, his mind unable to communicate through the
Akasha. You listened, studied, did everything you could for him.
You even learned a few words in his language - honor,
Kakita. war - and another word. Daimyo. The man was
obsessed with his 'Daimyo: and spoke of the man's death often
- but you could not understand the meaning.
Two more weeks passed, and the man could stand.
You aided him from his hammock. and he thanked you
without words. You could sense his regret as you handed him
his weapons, but you naltered yourself lItat you had forged an

calling... calling. Each pearl you carry whispers of it and when
you cast your spells, their shells shatter with the force of slars.
\ \ falling from the heaven. This is the work of the Foul. the work

Co6~1a of the old one who has cursed you. They are one and the same.

You will do anything 10 destroy them.


"Come closer, child.

"You can hear it speaking, can't you?" The old one's voice
was thick and her breath smelled of Foul. The other children
had left you behind, returning through the Great Forest back
to the children's house. They left you, crying, unable to follow
them. You were small, weak and weary from the day's play.
Now !.hey were gone, and you wandered aimlessly, calling their
names in the Akasha
Until, lost and alone, you stumbled into this forgotten cave.
"Sometimes, eggs break..." she whispered, coming closer.
"And the darkness gets in through the cracks." She held up a
large pearl. and the crack in its bright shell began 10 bleed.
She kept you there for three days, without food or water, her
voice breaking through the bonds of the Akasha, trying to steal
your soul. Somehow, you resisted, and when the Constrictors
came for you, she was burned, her tail thrashing back and forth,
screaming beneath black flames.

The vedic took you to the Ashlim, and he pronounced you

clean of Taint The Foul was not one with your soul. and you
were free to commune with the Akasha. But the experience had
forever changed you. You could still hear the old one's voice as
it whispered, though others could nol. In the corner of your eye,
you can see the black flames moving around you. The soul of
the nameless Cobra haunts you, and you cannot be free of her.
You have dedicated your life to magic, prying the secrets
from pearls with a firm hand. Others call you ruthless. but you
know that there is a secret deep beneath the shell of the lillie
brothers of the Atman. There is a way to defeat the Foul, if only
they would speak ...
... and if you fail. the old one whispers, then the darkness
will seep in through your shell, and it will have you.
Since your first molting, you have been a student of magic.
You aided with the Great Sleep, and you remember the face of
the Qatol. when he left his people. Every moment since you
have awakened, you can feel the darkness in the south,

itcflfufu: 2
AwoteMe,,: 3 Pti_nj At_t

tAl '0 k Jm
{NI"''"'" 5 + A,....,j

SIO,..JMO: 2 2 SIteM,I": 2
WJUp(lwet: 2 j).t~.plJ(lM: 3 Calligraphy (Naga) 2
Lore (pearl Magic) 3
Alc4fla4 Lore (Shadow) _1_
Alcof"o j)(lJMh SpeMI: Lore (Shadowlands) _1_
Meditation 2
Spllltl Moksha 2
Evil Ward, Immortal Steel, J",ad:::-e_ Pearl Carving 2
Strike, The Path to Inner Peace, Theology (Naga) 1...-
Tomb of Jade, Wings of Fire Tantojutsu 2

Rank 1 Water Pearl, Rank 2 Fire

Pearl, Rank 3 Earth Pearl

Sc,/toot: Naga jakla


2)iIQiJIIQM'Q9~1 0000000000
Haunted (4 Points)
Immune to Fear flOMOt: 0
Inner Gift
(Danger Sense)
Find out the secrets of the humans. Become their friend.
\ \ learn their tongue and their customs. Then bring them to the
Lord High Vedic. and have them condemned for their crimes.
Then the Asp can war upon them all
Constl1cf01 1

LS~ll1t \\1'11 \101

1 1

You were born with no pattern on your scales - only the

blackness of night. the sign of the Children of the Pale Eye. You
were the only one in your eggclutch so marked. and so your life
began as it will most likely end - alone.

The Pale Eye has guided your destiny. and you grew to
adulthood beneath the auspices o( Law and Judgment The
Akasha did not speak to you as it spoke to others. To you, it was
less a guide, and more a jury. When you were faced with
someone who had broken the Qatol's Law, you turned to it (or
judgment Beyond that. you have never truly felt at home with
the Great Mind of your race.
You have visited each of the Naga dties, in turn, when your
people were at their prime. You remember the great council
chambers where the people would speak. the evidence and
banter o( the legal council. You remember the joy you felt.
when a criminal was given justice, and the solemn honor when
you could declare an innocent soul free.
It was your life.

Now, with the Great Sleep and the Awakening, the Naga
race faces its greatest challenges. The cities stand in ruins, the
chambers of Law have fallen to dust
The 'samurai: primitive ape men who have usurped miles of
land, destroyed lhe foresl and burned the relics of the ancient
days. must be punished. But first. according to Naga law and
tradition, enough evidence must be compiled A soul must be
named as the culpril and then that soul must be brought
before the Pale Eye's Lord High Vedic for punishment
And that is a task worthy of your great skill and dedication.
You have learned lessons from the Asp: how to hide your true
purpose beneath the spirit of the Akasha; how to become a
warrior in the fight against the dark southern lands. These
things will cover your true purpose: to destroy the humans who
have ruined all that your society once held up to the Atman's
Twin Eyes.

~endoftht: Ftve
.N.,....&:: 8too;Hi.. &:: Ptof&:uio..:
Constrictor Spirit-Warrior Constrictor Vedic
Pti_1tJ Wc:APO"
A'.'.'II: 2
1.. ,ctltg,u4U: 2 2 2
il.ft.".f: 2
AW41Jf.... U: 3 Pti_1tJ A_t

t:.N '0 k Jm
!il.1"''"''' 5 + A_I

2 Advanced Medicine 2
SIAfM'M4a: 2 S"'.9'~' 3
W,UPOWCt: 2 P.,(,.p"o,,: 2 Archery 2
Astronomy 2
Alu;ufaa Calligraphy (Naga) 2
AlfAfltG 'Po,.." S"C",: Knife 2
Law (Naga) 3
Lore (Naga Myth) 2
Lore 2
123 WiJllul Hannony (Rokugani Culture)
Meditation 2
Rokugani Language 2
Theology (Naga) 2

S.,J.oot: Naga Vedic

AiJIIA,,'Qt}&:J/ ilA"": 2
3iJAiJIIA"'Qt}&:J 0000000000
Immune to Fear
Prehensile rail
understand why you had to lie. The political games these
humans play are beyond you, but you must learn 10 smile as if
\ \ you understand. It is the only way for the world to survive the
Second Burning.

Cl1amalgon The Emperor, this man they call the 39lh Hanlei. must be
made to believe. Hjs armies must turn soulh, and his people
must unite. The soul of the human Akasha must be found and
it must be convinced that the Naga mean no harm to lheir

CmlSSal)!,.. people. Only then can the Foul be stopped, and in time perhaps,
But if you FaiL the Shinomen will be besieged, and your
people will be slaughtered by these smaIL monkey-like people
with their strange 'honor' and lheir twisted virtues..
If you cannot sunrj\'e among them. your people will die.

II is a foreign world into which you have awakened: a

strange world of marvels and horrors. and you have been told
to go and speak to its High Lord
The humans have told you that Iheir Empire is ruled by a
great lord known as the Hanlel and thai his magnificent palace
lies to Ihe far north over the mountains, by the seashore. The
elders of Candas, the dty beneath lite sea, have sent you on a
mission to speak 10 this 'Emperor' and convince him that the
threat to the south - the Foul and its Tainted minions - must
be destroyed at any cost You have been given a treaty of peace
and alliance. and you must return home with the signature of
this human Emperor.
If you do not Ihe Naga will be forced to turn its back on the
enemy in the south in order to fight an enemy in the north. The
war will be lost either way.
That must not happen; you can feel it in lhe bottom of your
soul. This Emperor must be made to see reason, to listen to the
needs of the Akasha, and to turn his armies to fight against the
Foul in the south. You know that there are already madmen in
the lands - humans who have given their souls to this bloody
magic known as moho. They must be avoided, or better yel,
defeated and brought to the feel of the Emperor.
Perhaps if he sees the darkness in their eyes, he will realize
the danger that is coming. The Second Burning of the Land, the
time of strife against the Darkness. is coming. These peuy wars
against the south are only the beginning. One day, the Foul will
raise its head. and the Shadowlands will obey.
The humans call the Foul by many names: The Dark One.
The Lying Darkness. Fu Leng. The Ninth Kami
It is all of lhis, and more.

Tell the humans whatever they wish to hear. Promise them

supplies, armies. weapons and spells of destruction and warfare
- but force them to take you to their Emperor. No matter what
you have agreed before, when he is told the truth. he will

You never saw him again. but when you woke and found the
humans who had stolen the world from your people. you
\ \ understood the purpose of his lessons.
Leading a group of female Asp on a mission to the north.
you returned wilh the first horses ever captured by the Naga

7ts~,., They were tall and willfu~ and deathly afraid. Wilh your casual
stubbornness. you have vowed to tame them. The word 'Otaku'
means nothing to you. and you do not know why the Daini

7t50mlnaflOn regards the captive beasts with such fear.

You will tra,-el to the human lands. to gain the items you
need to make these horses obey - and you will learn to ride
them. No maner what the samurai say.
In fact. you have heard of a bloodline 10 the far north. called
the 'Unicorn: Perhaps they can help you command your new
Three seasons old. you captured a mountain lynx and
crushed it to death in your coils. The taste of the meat was
sweet and fulfilling. and your warrior nature claimed ilS life
Although you were an Asp, born in the eggbeds of Siska's
most prestigious district, you were an abomination to your
people. Your hair dung to your face with the heads of snakes.
and your skin was pale and white. Your fingers curled into
sharp claws instead of soft points. and your voice sounds like
the roar of an ocean wave.
You lived in the Shinomen, alone. from the lime you could
rear your body from the ground. The Akasha was your guide
and your friend showing you the ways of your people and
helping you to live, day by day. You learned how to use your
'legs' from the time of your first molt. and you have scampered
among lhe rocks of the mountains 10 the north of the
Shinomen. using your small size and quickness to shield you
from mountain predators.
Just before the Great Sleep, you returned to Siska, guided by
the friendly voices of the Akasha iliat urged you home. You
expected hatred and fear, but you were greeted by an aged Asp
Warlord, who took you into his care with a smile.
You had come home.

The Balourash taught you weapons and military strategy.

everything you would need to fight a great battle against
overwhelming odds. He showed you the lore of your people,
and opened your mind to the memories of battles long ago
fought by the Asp. He taught you of the Alman, and the Pale
Eye which guides your spear. and he showed you the sacred
places of your bloodline.
When the Great SI~p came. he remained awake, to guard
the great city against those who would disturb your sleep. "I am
old, child and weary. 1am better here, to guard you."

Iyotisha (the name for the Naga reverence of
\ \ astrology) is the city of Astronomers, once home
to the Constrictors and their massive children.
The city of lyotisha did nOI survive the thousand

~~ndIX !-4 !-4
I: years of sleep well. but unlike Nirukti. it
remained hidden deep within the western valleys
of the Shinomen. Its walls. while broken, still
HIERARCHY whisper the lessons of the Akasha, and the temple
With the Akasha flowing
around and \lithin
everything that Wsts. one
~11~ ~l1lnom~n of the Vedic priests remains whole. There. the few
remaining Constrictors struggle to reawaken the
Akasha, so thai their purpose can be known. They
would think that every seek 10 understand the strange world around
Naji would know his place them Ihrough communion and meditation.
at all times. All of them
would inherently hoping that their path will become clear as the
understand ....'hich Naga There are six vedangas.. or ideals. of major Great Mind unfolds into awareness.
,",'We of htgber Caste Rank, import (0 the Naga people. These \'edangas are:
and follow their lead joy (Nirukti). astronomy (lyotisha). magic KALPA
'ithout question. But the (Vyakarana). courage (Siksa). freedom (Candas) The greatest cily of all is DOl currently within
Absha Is imperfed for the the boundaries of the laga homeland. Long ago,
purposes of communication, and rebirth (Kalpa). Each of the great vedangas
often relying upon shared are carved into the wall of one of the six Naga the Shinomen forest covered far more land than
emotions Of even abstract cities. Four of those dties lie within the it does today, and its borders encompassed the
Imagery to transfer an idea Shinomen, one rests deep beneath the ocean mountains to the north and south. Somewhere 10
from one Naga to another. waves, and the sixth is buried in the northern the far north, the dly of rebirth lies buried
Also. the Naga are, first and
foremost. a practical race - mountains, somewhere to the west of Shiro Ide. beneath the rubble of earthquakes and the
ORe more concerned with Each of their ancient cities afC named after one of passage of time. Kalpa has been called 'the
functionality than the social the vedanga, so thallhe virtue can be conveyed to wonder of the land: and supposedly contains the
ladder. all who live within its walls. Five of lhese cities Temple of the Bright Eye, (the Mahal) burial place
Consequently, a system are home to the five Naga bloodlines. while the of the ancient Qatol. The spirit of the Qato~ leader
for determining who Is in sixth, Kalpa, was built by the hand of the Qatol on of his people and the first Naga within the
charge among a group of the day when the Five IGngdoms ceased the
Naga has been developed, Akasha remains within his city, protecting it and
simplifying the issue. The Bloodland war and declared peace. Kalpa. now offering his wisdom to all that come before him.
foremost Naga is always lost to the mountains and the ravages of lime, The city of Kalpa was once the homeland of all
De who is most capable of remains aloof from lhe divisions of birth and the Naga bloodlines. and was a place of peace and
handling the current blood. and was once conSidered the homeland of understanding even before the terrible Bloodland
situation (in war, for
example, a Warrior is the entire Naga race. Wars. It is said that no Naga has ever shed blood
always in charge: when there, and that no spirit could be troubled within
dealing with magic. it is CANDAS the walls of the Great Mahal. Yet after the Naga
always a Jakla; and matlers City of freedom, the homeland of the have awakened from the great sleep, no word has
of the spitl! raU to a Vedic).

! Scouts. who usually work

alone or with other ScoUIS,
rarely consider this
Chameleon bloodline, Candas has maintained the
glory and beauty of its former age more readily
than other Naga cities. Yet as it lies deep beneath
the waves of Rokugan's warm southern ocean, the
come from the Naga within the northernmost
city, and the race considers them dead. Many of
their souls have been found in the Akasha,
speaking disjointedly of earthquakes. fire and
Emerald Empire may never see its wonders. war, but no lesson has been brought forth by the
The city's structure and buildings are Constrictor Vedic to explain the loss of Kalpa's
unblemished. maintained by the ningyo while the lore.
Naga were asleep. It is their city. now. as well. and
the gold and jewels which lie in its vaults are for S,kSA
the appreciation of both races. The wall surrounding the city of the Asps tells
Candas is a wealthy city. without doubt both a tale of fire and courage, and is located within
in gold and in art There are those who would pay the lower portions of the Naga forests. near the
greal sums for a method of traveling to this city - lake known as Sumda Mizu Mura It still stan~
and escaping with its rich treasures. in golden splendor, though its walls are encased
in moss and lIle mighty plain has turned into a
valley within the foresfs deplhs. The Shahadet
makes his home here, governing lIle land of lIle
Asp wilh firmness and rulltless justice.
Willtin Siska's walls lies lIle source of the River
of lite Sky, and lIle place where the great general
of lIle Bloodland Wars was at last captured by the
spell of lite Cobra JakJa and lite betrayal of the THE NAGA
Shahadet Once per year, lite Shahadet and his HIERARCHY
personal legion travel beneath Siska. to bather in
lite waters at the source of lite Holy River. There. CCOHTIMI£D'
lItey commune with the warriors of the pasl and Wilhin a number of
face their fears in combat on a vision quest Naga whose function is
Whenever a new Asp is inducted into needed most Akasha
determines the chain of
Shahaders legion. he is bathed in the rivcr by his command. Mechankally;
comrades. who tell him of his faults. and how to this means that a Naga of
overcome them. Once he has been bathcd. he is the appropriate School with
left alone in the waters to meditate upon his place enchanting them to receive the weallll of souls the highest Akasha Ring
in the Akasha which await them there - and ensuring lIlat lIle would lead. while others
would follow or lead
It is said that while lIlere, the Warlord will see Cobra remain within Iheir own kind. This subordinates attOrdll18 to
a vision of lIle place and manner of his own enchantment. and lIle 'inbreeding' of Cobra souls. their own Akasba Ring. 1i
death, lItat he may reconcile his soul to its undoubtedly causes the Cobra to have a greater at lhis level are always
passing. and thus. never again know fear. likelihood of abominations. as they are not freed broken by a character's
of their past lives through the body of lIle Akasha.
VYAkARAHA but only through a stream of the Akashic flow.
Vyakarana. called by some the 'City of Magic: But this much the other bloodlines do not
lies deep in the mists of lite Shinomen. in a valley know: the legends are at least partially true. The
that is enshrouded on three sides by magnificent wells exist. hidden behind vines and the
waterfalls. There is no wall to lite city. and lite shrouding mists of the lIlree towering waterfalls.
Cobra who live lItere say lItere are no bridges Each Cobra bleeds seven drops of their blood into
across lIle three mighty rivers. Even other Naga lIle wells during their first molting, before the
consider it to be a place filled willl ghosts and Cobra allow them to leave the city of Vyakarana.
memories. and some Constrictors whisper that These drops are enchanted with a powerful spell.
the mists do not come from the waterfalls. but and then released into the wellspring proper. The
from the Akasha's nearness. souls of those who return are reborn within the
The city is covered in webs of magic Ihat even Akasha - but safe from expanding within the
the Cobra cannot unwrap. hidden by their arts eternal souls of the Naga race.
amid a warm, jungle environment Few have Of course. thiS method is not entirely accurate,
been lIlere, and lIlose who have say that the city and the souls of the Cobra occasionally grace the
of Vyakarana still sleeps. Certainly, the oldest of eggs of other bloodlines. Yet it is a holy ritual to
lhe Cobra have not yet awakened leaving lIleir the Cobra, who believe thaI it has allowed them
eggbeds cold and their fires low. Those who have. to maintain the deepest secrets of their bloodline
including the great Shahakar. protect the sleepers for centuries. apart from the other races of Naga
with lIleir spells - and lIteir lives.
There is a hidden legend among the children N'RIIJ<TJ
of Cobra. lItat each Cobra soul will eternally be The youngest of the six cities (by Naga
reborn only within its bloodline. Here. in this dty. standards) is the "ale of Nirukti. It lies ,'ery near
are lite wellsprings of that myth. Great wells of the Asp homeland, within sight of Siksa's golden
water, deep and fathomless. are said to hold drops walls. The Greensnake once lived within its
of blood from all Cobras born. so that when their passages and winding roads. and a great river
body dies. their soul will return 10 those wells. to twisted through lIle trees, crafted to spill through
the drops of blood which they left behind. The the homes and gardens of the Naga, and bring
Cobra bathe each birthed egg in these wells. cool water in all seasons of the year. However.
gentle Nirukti, City of joy, did not survive the The tower at the center of this building once
ravages of time. It lies now. ruined and destroyed. loomed up through the treetops to afford an
the favorite expedition place of brave samurai unobstructed view of the sky. At the top of the
who dare the forest Because Nirukti lies near the gently sloping tower was a small flat platform on
Shinomen's edge, the city has been picked dean. which vedic rituals to the Bright and Pale Eyes
All the beautiful sculptures have been destroyed. were performed. Further. the many windows and
defaced, or removed. and the once·proud spiraling balconies of the lower once contained
NAG.< ARMY buildings are fallen to ruin and decay. Spots devices for charting the movements of the orbs in
COMPOSITION where fires have burned mar the stone streets of the Celestial Heavens, to better plan the planting
Under most
the Greensnake city, and corpses of bandits litter and harvest
circumstances - and the ancient temple. Even the Akasha stays away Only two lhirds of the tower stands now, and
especiaJly when moving - from the city, warning of angry souls who refuse the thin ramp that spirals up the outside is
aga forces are divided into to abandon its fallen walls. The Greensnake marred by dangerous gaps. Within the tower are
Us of 5-10 Warriors, Vedic, prefer to live among their cousins rather than many small chambers where the Constrictor
and lakIa. These cells form journey to Nirukti, and their fear seems justified. astronomer and vedic lived, and the building that
loose ranks, marching SOffie
200 feet apart from one The Great Temple of Nirukti is corrupted, surrounds the tower once housed a small school
another, with additional smelling of Taint and Foul. and guarded by the for devotees of the Bright Eye who had chosen to
ranks some 500 feet behind. blackened statue of the Qalol. The statue. once follow lhe path of the astronomer rather than
Naga cells always form a gold and silver in reverence. is now broken at the focusing on lhe more traditional religious studies
"V" shape, pointed toward
the diredion of their march.
waist - as if he had fallen in battle - and has of Naga vedic.
GeJlerals are usually placed become permanently stained as black as night
towax.d the center of a rank, 2. PALAC£
while their subordinate A grand building. most likely a palace to their
mmanders are among the Emperor, or a shrine to the Seven Fortunes - or
cells farthest to either side.
whatever gods these creatures worshiped. TIle
Naga command
structures are formed in
Because Nirukti has been the most prominent walls were oflce fonned ofgold, Ita doubt, before
ements of 5. A cell is led source of information about the Naga for the some bandit stole the wealth, and may have been
by a dukhva ("Corporal"). thousand years of the Great Sleep. many humans enchanted at some time. My Kitsu companion
Five cells - and their have visited the site. Its broken walls and ravaged senses no spirits here; the place is not haunted by
dukhva - aTe led by a buildings have been thoroughly mapped, and the dead. I am more willing to believe that this
spm'Sa ("Sergeantj. The
forces of these five sparsa
every inch of its territory has been charted. The place was an audience-hall for some great
are in turn commanded by city itself is still evocative of Naga architecture daimyo, rather than a place of worship, as there
a prayatllQ ("Captain) and provincial development, although the olher are ItO statues of primitive gods in evidence.
whose sum force equals four major cities held by the awakening Naga are - [kama Mudokimi
between 155 and 310 Naga in far beller repair than the city of the
(depending on the size of Greensnake bloodline. Below, we present the The ramps which mark either side of the
e cells involved). Prayatoa
are commanded by the observations (correct and otherwise) of Rokugan's entrance are in obvious deference to the curoe of
Warrior with the highest greatest archaeologists and explorers - along with the Elements - it takes a well-grown samurai five
Akasha, according to the actual purpose of the buildings they are paces to march up either of the ramps, five being
standard set in "Naga investigating. Imagine their surprise when their tlte number of elements in the Celestial Heavens.
Hlexarch(, pages IOB-I09.
This" Naga could be an Isha, carefully cultivated research was refuted - by the 11,ese Naga were certainly aware of the paths to
or a Balash. or of another maker of the ancient city, himself! See page 124 Enlightenment; whether or not Sltinsei ever
named position. for the ffUlp of the Nirukti Ruins. visited their culture has yet to be determined
- Agasha Raigede
This building seems cut off at the top; perhaps Mostly hollowed out its interior fallen to ruin
it contained a shrine, or other sacred place, and its nanking domes crumbled, the palace is
consecrated to the sky. Or, as it is almost certain now a haven for bandit hordes. Every once in
that the Naga were creatures of the forest, perhaps awhile, troops from the Scorpion or Crab lands
this building contained the structures needed to come in and roust lhe bandits out of lhe ruins,
travel from treetop to treetop, as the snakes of the capturing or forcing them to flee. Because of all
forest do... the battles, the walls of the palace are scarred and
- Asako Baku;i chipped away, leading to the popular myth that
the entire palace was once made of gold: that No less than twenty tall spi!?£s stand within
something valuable once adorned the walls as this building. each capable of holding three men
well and was roughly torn away. aloft upon their bulk Chains hang /rom several
The central dome of the palace (the only place sections of the tall steel poles. holding remains of
which was once co\'ered by thin sheets of gold) is what can only be manacles or other torture
still intact though tiles have fallen here and there devices.
and the gold that once encased it has long been There is an upper balcofly, as well. where the
pillaged. The roof is made of thiIl shaped stone judge 110 doubt would read the sentence of
tiles which were tightly fined together, and colldem"atiOl1 to his vietims. A cache ofshredded
adorned with gold and softly colored inks. metal lies in one corner of the room; whether
Two large ramps lead from the flanking implernellts of the cruelties of this place, or
entrances, the winding paths S\\'ooping dO\~m to otherwise. I cannot say.
form lWin bridges o\'er the reflecting pool in front - Kakita Hajime
of the palace. These paths. and the twining snake
figure over the main archway, symbolize the A place of hideous sacnfices to primitive gods.
peace and harmony that the Greensnakes valued A foul and tainted chamber. I will say no more."
so highly. The Naga bUilt them. of course, because - Hiruma Ujaken
they are unable to climb stairs: the Naga culture
never invented stairs. Each is approximately large This building once housed a wealth of ancient
enough for one Naga to enter, the length allowing scrolls that recorded Naga culture. knowledge and
a typical Greensnake to lift his entire bulk off the daily life. Although the Naga trusted the Akashic
ground before his body entered the palace, record to maintain the important facts of their
Today. the left bridge has partially sunk and history and memory. the library (unique in Naga
the crystal obelisks that once stood before the lands) sen'ed as a substitute for the Greensnakes.
main entrance have toppled. Firepits mar the whose souls are not as close to the Akashas lore.
outer grounds. as well as much of the fronl and Of course. these treasures have long since
inner hallways, and many of the rooms have been been lost to time. fire. the elements and robbery.
thoroughly destroyed by siege and battle. All that remain within are spiraling steel spikes,
which once held stone shelves on thick chains.
3. L,BRARY The rows of empty scroll racks would be placed
An abominable place; olle of torture alld upon the stone shelves. both near to the ground
punishment. It seems the Naga were not as and high above it - a Naga could simply lift his
civilized a culture as we, and left their criminals height upon the bulk of his tail, reaching for a
to die /rom hunger and disease. shelf far above a human's normal grasp. Only the
chains and twisting steel poles remain, skeletons than wood, which is abundLJllt? Their homes
within the large chambers of the library. must have been wantl, indeed, Irom the heat
The upper balcony that once served as a stifled within their huts and houses. Or periulps
reading room has now been broken open 10 the the weather 01 the land was not the same at tlte
air above the main chamber of the library. An time, tending toward colder climates such as are
attached wing at the back once housed scribes lound in the Phoenix and Dragon lands.
and scholars. - lkoma Mudokimi
Some say a secret chamber lies within the
aga rely heavily upon library, where the Naga stored their most A few simple rings of stone are all that is left
their Scouts and the power treasured texts, but no one has yet discovered of the small, round houses that served as family
of the Akasha during limes such a place. homes. Once large enough to hold as many as
r war. Their lactics revolve three Naga (typically, a male and female mated
around the exploitation of
these two resources, 4. TEMPLE couple, and one apprentice from the Children's
focusing upon advance The huge doors 01 this building show an House). Now, the circular walls and leaning stone
warning of an enemy's obvious reverence to the Iulmi. They were made rooftops which remain serve as shelter for passing
pproach and near-instant so large in proportion to the other buildings 01 travelers. Cold fire pits and other refuse can be
Unes of communication the city because the Naga were a deeply spiritual found within most of them, and parts of their wall
between their troops. Naga
Scouts ale always sent out race. have been carried away by peasants who wished
in all compass directions - Asako Bakuji to place a 'Naga stone' within their own house for
from a Naga force. so that good luck. Of course. that meant that a large
enemy units cannot sneak Now mostly ruined, this was once a temple to amount of the loose or small stones have been
up on lhem from an the Akasha. where the Naga went to meditate, carried away. This tradition flourished during the
unexpected direction, and to
warn of approaching celebrate and perrorm religious rituals. time of the seventeenth Hantei. and was a
enemies in lime for the Because this temple was the home of the considerable reason for the degradation of the
Naga 10 swivel and meet visiting Constrictor, and the lone High Vedic of buildings in the city of Nirukti.
them facing the proper the city. the doors to the building were The remains of a wide cobbled plaza are here
direction. Significantly larger than in the other (more as well. the buckled tiles betraying a pattern of
Al the outset of an Greensnake-oriented) buildings of the city. The sinuous shapes and spirals. Once. the stones were
engagement, the outermost
rells of a Naga force split aperture is over twice as wide as in other parts of colored with paint or other dye, but now they are
away from the main body the city. second only to the doors of the muted and scratched, and most of their colors are
and attempt to [lank the observatory (also a place where the ConSlrictors indistinct and worn away.
enemy. while the center in the city chose to stay).
unit(s) - generally Although there were some few Greensnakes 6. OBELISKS
~mmanded by the highest·
Akasha Warrior on the field who became vedic, the primary religious leaders /1 only we could read the strangely connected
pproach defensively. This of the city (as in all cities of the Naga Kingdoms) Iuluji on these stolle monoliths. we might be able
center unit is used as a were of the Constrictor bloodline. to leam more 01 their odd culture...
decoy to lure the enemy - lkoma Mudokimi
forward toward lite rest of S. HOlISES
the Naga forces. When the
enemy is close to touching ... a number 01 small, round huts not unlike Long ago, four stone obelisks marked the
the command cell il slowly the peasant villages olour own culture. The Naga entrance to the city of Nirukti. and four more
withdraws. drawing the seem to have been a very stratified race. T1leir marked the beginning of the path that leads to
enemy between widening peasants lived to the south 01 the body 01 the city, the palace. Only two remain by the road (one of
ranks of Naga and their nobles and samurai lived within the which is toppled); and the fractured lengths of
larger buildings - the arched 'palace' and the two more stand at the gate to the palace.
thicker stone pagodLJs. Yet, there is no sign 01 eta Peasant superstition says that one of the
habitations - or, as my companion rightly points monoliths was taken by Togashi long ago and
out, these were 01 poor construction, and have now stands in a place of honor in the Dragon
been worn away completely by the passage 01 Clan Mountains as a lribute to the lost race. What
time. became of the other missing stones is a mystery.
- Kakita Hajime The stones that remain bear intricate carvings
and Naga script that welcomes visitors. and also
The only question, theil, is why did the Naga warns them that breaking the code of the Qatol's
choose to build their houses from stone, rather Law will not be tolerated.
7. BATHING POOL Once a place where public announcements
A pool for fresh water, circulated by and speeches were made. this open structure of a
handmaidens and peasants within the city. The dome atop ten pillars is remarkably intact The
source 01 the water is certainly the nearby river, dome is decorated with complex patterns of
from which water was carried in buckets or (if the colorful mosaic and acts as an echo chamber,
race was cruder~ skins." amplifying any sounds made within. Most
- Hirnma Ujaken humans find this unsettling, and report that
ghostly hissing sounds often answer echoed NAGA TACTICS
This pool, lined with decorated stones, once voices. Legend has it that a blessed pearl is buried
served as a bathing place for the Naga. Large, nat beneath it, preserving it from the ravages of time,
rocks on the banks and within the pool provided but the eerie aura of the place has prevented Hopefully, by lhe time
places 10 relax in the sun and meditate. anyone from attempting an excavation. the enemy force closes on
the command cell they
The pool once had its own waler source, now have unknowingly passed
dried up and blocked by the shifting of the land. 10. CENTRAL PLAZA the first rank, which
While the pool is obviously shallow and the water Their use 01 jade in construction shows that pounces on them fronLlhe
which remains is clear. human swimmers have the threat 01 the Shadowlantis was known even sides (possibly
reported feeling 'scaly shapes' twining around to this culture,' they could not have been lost so supplemented by the
outlying cells, which may
their legs. No one has ever been harmed, but the very long ago. These must have been built no have completed their
unsettling sensations have kepi mosl people from more than the lew years between the loll 01 the nanking moves). At ihis
bathing in lhe small pool. Kami, and the rise 01 the Empire. point, the enemy forces
- Hiruma UjakEn must fight a three-sided
8. HATCHING HAll battle, and most will either
rout or be overrun.
Once a gloriolls estate, the building has The large Wed disc here bears worn carvings
The Naga standards of
become little more than a pit for refuse and filtk that depict the Greensnakes' dedication to peace spreading their cells over
Eta must be brought to clean it; it cannot be and diplomacy. Precious gems once adorned the great distances and fighting
studied as it is. carving, but have since been pried up and stolen. defensively work
- Kakita Hajime Four arches and four obelisks surround the plaza. exceptionally well over
The south arch has toppled, but the other three rough terrain, and allow
them to successfully engage
Now mostly fallen, this building was once the remain mostly intact armies much larger than
place where eggs were placed in eggclutclles, All of the obelisks bear signs of ruin and their own. The most
tended by Greensnake auendants until they southwestern one has cracked in half. Within the discernible flaw in their
hatched. The hatching pit is now lined with mulch obelisk is a core of pure jade. When it was whole. stratagem lies in their
and has been sullied by humans who have seen the plaza served as a place of judgment and reliance on Scouts. Should a
force lose its Scouts, its
Ht to use it as a refuse piL To either side of the punishmenL The four jade-cored towers formed a tactical superiority would
central bowl. wide troughs line the walls, where powerful magic circle which revealed evil. Now, shattered.
fires once burned at all hours of the day, keeping trespassers eager to renew their supply of jade
the pit warm with their glowing coals. have chipped much of the broken obelisk away.


It is a wide, ceremonial ground upon which "...perhaps they were not so different from us
rituals for the haroes~ and announcements 01 alter all. I wonder what they would say, these
public law were made. It is possible that once-great creatures 01 myth, if their dead voices
judgments were proclaimed on this mound belore could reach out to us, and speak 01 their last days.
the prisoners were takEn to the Torture Chambers. Perhaps one day, through years 01 research
The Naga people were certainly ruled by a single and study, we shall know."
leader, who used this as his per50tu11 pavilion or - Mako Bakuji
dais. Possibly, as with some 01 the peoples
recorded in the Burning Sands, the Naga believed These remains are what are left of the trading
that their leader was an immortal; a God himselt district, which extends beyond the edge of the
rather than the child 01 a god made mOrlal. map to the wesL These buildings were where
- Asako Bakuii craftsmen made and sold their goods. POllery,
tools, jewelry and other sturdy items are still
found in these ruins on occasion.
the first Jakla's Eternal Spell. There Is no way to
\ \ . know which of these myths and legends (if any)

are true, and which are the slories of fools.

Nevertheless, Lhese are the tales told about the
deep foresl These aTe the place even the Naga do
),J),J nol go.


In a remote forest lies a still, empty cave
Devoid of Q souL

In a remote cave, Pickers the endless lights
Of suffering.
In Q single. lonely pool by the riverside
Bum the Fires 01 Purity.
- MiTUmoto Kojuri
There are places within the depths of the
Shinomen Forest thai are unknown - some even Deep within the boundaries of the Forest of
10 the laga who have now relurned 10 live there. Shinomen, a strange phenomenon awaits. It is
Some of these isolated spots have been created called the 'Fire Pool of Purity' by those who daim
over the last thousand years. while others have to have visited its shores, and it is thought to lie
existed for as long as the forest has stood; a in the rocky shoals of the river which bisects the
mystery 10 the Naga. as well as to the Emerald great foresl
Empire. It is a place. they say. of purity and
Many of these places a,z:e enchanted. eilher of enlightenment. where Shinsei once rested and
their own means, or affected by strange ripples of drank. Since that day. the pool has shone with an
unnatural light - a name. some say, that docs not rocks echo the sunlight, and for a few hours each
burn. day. the dell is a place of rainbows and mists.
However. those souls who have attempted to Although no magical phenomenon has ever
go to the healing pool and draw out ils magic are been recorded al the falls, many say that it is a
often unable to complete their journeys. Skeletons place of mystery and wonder. Many samurai·ko,
litter the marsh, and the river itself twists through in particular, make the journey to this
caverns and areas impossible 10 follow: it is not a magnificent spoL to dedicate their soul to the
trustworthy guide to the Pool of Purity. bonds of fealty, and 10 purify themselves in the £IGHT WORlDS
But those who have successfully foraged gently falling water. SoRROW PATH
through the Shinomen, conquered its deep magic Behind the bare,
and fought their way through the beasts and Gun OF P£RSIST£NC£ northern edge of the
dangers of the marsh say that to bathe in the pool Just within the forest, near the southern Shinomen forest lie two
will destroy all trace of Shadowlands Taint from hillocks of the Crab lands, a magnificent torii small villages on the edge
Ihose who are pure of heari. shrine was built The legend of the gate centers of Falcon territory -
Kuguro·Mushari and Tsuyoi
Ils healing capacities. too. are recorded in the around a poor man and his only son. Kokoro Mura (Strong Spirit
High Histories of the Lion. Agroup of Lion scouts, During the third century of the Empire's Village). A small path within
led by Ikoma Bakenin. once traveled through the founding. a poor samurai named Kaiu Sudaro the forest connects the two
forest to the pool, and only Bakenin returned. He lived in the lands of the Kaiu. He was no true villages. covered in low·
came back wounded. weary and near-death, samurai, and had been reduced to the life of a hanging limbs and twisted.
stoneculler in order 10 feed his family. Sudaro dangling vines.
carrying a single container of the precious water.
Although the path is
With it he was able to heal his Lord from the only had one son 10 lighten the burden of his only wide enough for one
poison of a (sol/uri. the snake whose deadly bite days. but that child was his greatest joy. A great person to walk along. it digs
has no cure. His lord. it is said. sprang from his Scorpion Lord came to Sudaro, and demanded a deep furrow into the
sickbed with the strength of a hundred men, and that the man carve a torii arch to place at the gate earth, like a shallow canaL
carried his own steed through the gates of Ikoma to Scorpion lands, that travelers might recognize For centuries, peasants have
used the "road- to walk
palace, as his men cheered his recovery. that they were passing into the territory of Ihe from one village 10 the
This story may be apocryphal. but there are Bayushi, and know fear. Sudaro did so. but when other. In winter, it fills with
those who say that the lkoma still have a small the Lord came to collect his monument he noted snow and in the fall, rain.
amount of the water from the Fire Pool, and that a single naw in the stone. So enraged was he that For two hundred years.
the sacred magic whidl gives the water its the Bayushi destroyed the arch. shattering it into samurai have never come 10
visit the villages because the
properties cannot be denied. a hundred pieces. He took Sudaro's six·year·old paths are so difficult to
son as well, claiming that the boy's life was just travel. and none of the
TH£ WATrRFAlLS OF SHINS£I payment for the parent's failure. They rode to the peasant have cause to leave.
The River of the Sky weaves through the forest norlh, and Sudaro followed them. No one knows how Ion
of the Shinomen in great wide trails. often When the Scorpions entered the forest of these villages have stood or
becoming lost in its own coils. In some places. it Shinomen. the boy cried out in fear. As a jest the how long they shall remalJ.1
before they are discovered.
vanishes below the ground. only to reappear Bayushi tied the child to a Iree during the night, annexed, and exploited.
several miles later in another desolate section of daring the forest to take the boy. Although they technically
the great forest Long ago. a venerable Lord Vedic
of the Bright Eye blessed it with a powerful
enchantment that would forever keep its holy
The next morning, Sudaro arrived. and found
the remains of the encampment. The Bayushi
were dead. Fearing for his son's life, Sudaro called
lie within the Falcon's
territory. the villages remain
alone. forgotten and ignored
by the world around them.
waters pure. Even today, the silvery river shines to the boy, and was answered.
with a gleam unlike any other in the Emerald The child told a strange tale of serpenl·men
Empire. and how they had rescued him from the Scorpion.
In one place, to the far north of the forest the They had vanished into the wood, the boy said, as
river's glory is truly evideni. Cascading over a soon as he recognized his father's voice.
series of rocks and down into a clear, majestic Knowing the stories of the Naga. Kaiu Sudaro
pond, it is called by the Unicorn wanderers who vowed to thank them for his son's life. Over the
first discovered il 'the Road to the Sky: There, the next four years, he carried a single block of stone
beautiful. lush river falls nearly 100 feet from the from the mountains of the Kaiu all the way to the
cliffside into a small, forested dell, its spray Shinomen. The boulder was so heavy that it
turning the area into a curtain of shimmering would have taken three horses to drag it but Kaiu
glass. The clear quartz crystal in the surrounding Sudaro dedicated his life to moving it alone.
When Sudaro's journey was complete, the T H£ S,GH,NG MOON Ml/RD£RS
stone stood approximately a half·mile within the Almost two hundred and thirty years ago a
forest's edge. Kaiu Sudaro and his son caused ilio noblewoman named Miya Ebekko and her two
be raised upon its edge, and they shaped it into a assistants were murdered in the depths of the
great torii arch. The arch slood, flawless and Shinomen forest The bodies were found weeks
magnificent built to bless all those that passed later, defiled and half-buried.
through its gate. The stories of their murderer are conflicting
TH£ CROW'S It still stands today, barely visible on the edge and no testimony has ever been brought forward
TONGIJ£ of the forest closest to the Kaiu lands. Etched inlo to identify the culpril The women were traveling
At the edge of a short.
the stone are the kanji, ~Nothing. Tomorrow, from the Falcon Lands 10 !.he Crane Provinces,
falstream (possibly a lost Forever, Today." Monks come during the year 10 and had decided to take a shortcut through the
branch of the River of the mediate upon the Torii and pray to Sudaro, whom Shinomen's many paths and glades.
Sky~ there Is a marshy Hantei the 21s1 raised to the status of Mikokami, The most likely tale of their death involves a
d known as the Crow's the Lesser Fortune of Persistence. ronin named Gugaku, who is said to have
Tongue. Nearby lies a The great arch appears as perfect loday as they murdered them for the six golden koku they
lrangely beautiful swamp,
ea wHh salt-marshes and did 600 years ago, and some say that a traveler carried in their shawls. Maddened he hacked and
swamp trees. Uprooted who spends the night beneath its massive arch bulchered them to cover his trail, leaving a bloody
vegetation. firefiies, lilies. will dream of Naga and of Sudaro. legacy behind.
snakes, and every form or Others say a maddened beast attacked the
me breathe together in Fl/Rl/£Rl/ CHINOMIGO, TH£ TR££
that place. and Ihe world
women, or some ancient Naga trap was sprung by
OF WISDOM SnOND T1M£ their unwitting footsteps. Those tales are far
seems 10 teem with
harmony. To the south of the ruins of the Naga city of kinder.
The Crow's Tongue Nirukti lies a single mahogany tree. It rests amid This much was confirmed: when the bodies
"""",mp Is oval-shaped. and a ring of maple and oak trees and seems foreign were found two weeks later. the earth was stained
many believe that the spirit to its surroundings. A fable tells that a man red and it took the eta several days to collect the
or Shinsei's dark crow has
Jesse<! the creatures of the
walked into the wood and wished for wisdom. many fragments of bone and flesh.
swamp, causing them to Wisdom beyond lime. He begged the air spirits to The three ladies were burned in a ceremony
remain peaceful. Stories tell show him the meaning of everything. The air told that befit their position in life. The funeral was
hqw Shinsei's crow dipped him to ask the fire; the fire told him to ask the held in the gardens of Olosan Uchi. There are
its beak into the river on water; the water told him to ask the earth. those who say that the fire did not burn until a
the day when Shinsei lert
Rokugan, and thai the tears
Finally, he prayed to the earth. spring of wood from the Shinomen was placed
of the crow sailed the water The spirits of the earth ignored him at first atop the pyre. The tragedy was so great, it is
forever. Ever since, lhe Again he prayed. ~Please, great earth. Show me rumored, that even the Emperor wept
~p has been a calm. your wisdom. Show me all of your secrets." He The locals, primarily the peasants of the
. resque escape from the asked the earth to show him wisdom. Each day Falcon and the Scorpion Clall say that the place
travails of Rokugan. for a month, he would pray to the earth and each where Miya Ebekko and her handmaidens were
Of course, there are day the earth would lie slill and ignore him.
peasants who believe thai murdered is haunted. The trees refuse to grow,
Shinsei's crow still lives in Finally, tired of his words and angry that the air, the muddy stain remains. and even during the
the marsh. and that the fire, and water had been asked first, the earth day the place looks dark and foreboding. No
tears it sheds for its lost turned his flesh to wood and cursed his skin slick samurai travel there, and those who must pass
master will cause the salty and black. His feet became roots and his hair through the area do so during the day's brightest
wafer (0 remain bitler until branch. light, taking care not to step on the stains in the
Ihe day Shinsei returns.
~Now you will know the wisdom beyond time. grass and upon the muddy ground.
Meditate upon your insincerity. Think upon your To do so, it is said, will bring great misfortune.
arrogance. The earth is not yours to command. It
was born before you, and it will exist long after FOOR SRIDG£S GUD£
you have turned to dust and become one with the Along a broken cobblestone road in the center
stones beneath your feet" of the forest slands a cliffside dell. Almost
Today, children are told this story so that they certainly a product of Naga architecture (and,
wtlliearn to care for the earth, to respect the soil recently, the appearance of Naga in the dell has
and the gifts that it offers. confirmed this), four tremendous bridges cross
over the sheer cliffs, giving access to the lush
forest of the otherwise secluded vale. The glade
stands nearly fifty feet above the waters of the appropriate bridge and cross into the glade. Once
River of the sky. above sheer crevasses. where the there. they meditate for a full day and walk back
waters swirl far below. The bridges were carved across the same bridge. This act has become an
from intricately worked quartz crystal of many important ritual to the monks of Reihado Shinsei
colors. creating a unique faceted. nearly- (Shinsei's principal shrine), within the Shinomen
translucent stone. For many hundreds of years. Forest For five centuries. it has signified to the
the building of the bridges and the beauty of the world that the monk is a Masler of his discipline.
empty glade was attribuled 10 lsawa or his
children. but the craftsmanship of the crystal is LOST HEAV[N SHRIN[
beyond anything crealed by human hands. StilL There is a children's tale about the death-place
the glade they gh'e aa:ess 10 Is empty. devoid of of Shinsei It is rumored. particularly by the
any monument or other creation. The glade on practical and rough·spoken Crab. that Shinsei did
the broken patch of stone has no real significance nOI simply walk orr inlO the mountains: but
or meaning. rather entered the depths of the Shinomen fOTest
Yel despite this. the Four Bridges are an to find a place to die. When Shinsei rould no
important and timeless monument The aga say longer walk. he fell upon the mossy ground in the
that they were built by a single \'edic of the Pale deepest part of the forest, died. and disappeared..
Eye so long ago thai even the Akasha has It is legend that a magical shrine appeared on the
forgonen; the four bridges represent the four place where Shinsei fell and some samurai
elements. each as a path through which the (particularly Hida and Hiruma) have journeyed 10
Akasha can be found. The empty glade signifies fmd it
the emptiness of the soul once it has entered the Other tales say that the small shrine exists. bUI
Akasha - a symbol thai the result of a journey is that it is not Shinsei who is buried there. Rather,
not as sacred as the passage 10 each discovery. it is the burial sHe of a a great nameless Ronin -
In the time of man. the bridges have come to possibly Shinsefs first son - who is buried there.
symbolize something else. yet similar to the There are many versions of the myth; it is a
message which the ancienl Naga architect children's story, after all
attempted 10 convey. Each bridge is denoted by a In every version. however. the story ends with
pure white stone marker. portraying a kanji of the a traveler asking the way to the Lost Heaven
four elements (Earth. Water. Fire. Air). To his Shrine, and a monk by the side of the forest
credit. each bridge points perfectly in its answering only, ''When the path ends. thai is
respective direction (East, North. West. South). and where you will find it"
it is not surprising that ancient monks thought No one knows if the Lost Heaven Shrine has
the bridges designed to celebrate thaI purpose. ever truly been found. or if those who claim to
In a ritual designed to achieve further have seen it are merely exaggerating their own
enlightenment. monks Ihal master an element are prowess. But many of the tales are similar: it is a
invited by their temple 10 walk over the single white stone in the forest. larger than man.
which stares alone into the trees; where an empty
bowl lies on the ground. and where moss and
small grasses surround the stone. In the stone, it
is said. lies the indentation of a katana. as if it
were there when Ihe stone formed from the
depths of the earth.


Deep in the forest., where only explorers and
mOllks have traveled. lies a small series of creeks
and brooks that cut into the moist soil. Splitting
in every direction. the waterways dig a beautiful
random pattern inlO the earth
The streams have become known as the
Estuaries of the Snake because of their coiling
and labyrinthine nature. There are over 100 forks
and branches that make up the Estuaries. and no often borders on Iribal fanaticism. resulting in
one could ever name (or travel) them all. frequent and bloody conflicts.
The local peasants and woodsmen draw water One such group has established its home
from the fresh streams, and some have been territory within a ruined citadeL The original
known 10 get lost trying to track their way back inhabitants of the area have long since passed on
out of the "maze~ It is rumored that one estuary or migrated away. leaving its cavernous halls to
leads to a lost temple and another is filled with whomever would assume their role as the deific
T H£ (vLT OF THE water thai keeps the drinker young forever. vessels of their ancient goddess. Shiva
I>£STRO'f£R It is certain. however. that anyone who travels She is known as the Destroyer among the
down the Estuaries will become losL and may die tribes who remember her flock. Having three
Abominations are stiU
periodically drawn into the trying to find his way out of the maze of water. faces (one for each cycle - life, death. and rebirth~
Ivory Kingdoms. to the three eyes. and four arms. her visage is both
Sanctuary of the Outcasts. terrifying and strangely reassuring. Her followers
wbtre they commune with - easily discernible by the self·inflicted wounds
ShiVll the Destroyer (q.v.) \ \ upon their fares, necks. and limbs - are met with

and are forever lost to their
much the same reaction.

rousins. They remain a part
of the Akasha. their distant Though her original cult is no more, Shiva
.sil"eD call forming the tether lives on today in a new breed. Abominations
lhIl many follow, bul !heir seeking new resources to exploit in their quest for
return 10 the Akasha is
rarely \Irelcome.
Shivas ways. regardless
of her intent, are anathema
tSancttlal)! Of redemption have descended upon the Ivory
Kingdoms. In Shiva they have found what they
think may be the ideal TOute back into the good
to the Naga. She endo~
lreedom without Until in
physical experience. where
tb~ fJutcasts graces of the Akasha and their dislant cousins.
For she is the goddess of rebirth, a physical
manifestation of their own Eternal Mind ...
the Naga phUosophies cite The Sanctuary of Outcasts was formed by a
caution and moderation.
And worse. her mission of lone visionary named Kashal. whose rage al his
rejuvenating the world deformities led him 10 undertake a vision·quesl
through mass upheaval Through addled senses, he released himself 10 the
ignores or undermines There are many civilizations beyond the strange sensations that flooded through the
many of their rounding borders of the isolationist Emerald Empire. One Akasha around him. He let them guide his path
such place exists to the west of the Shinomen and as he vanished inlo the wesL never to be seen
Like the Naar Teban, the
Naga are unwilling to lhe Shadowlands, where few Rokugani outside among his race again.
~lIow their cousins into the lhe barbaric Unicorn have dared to travel. A The other Naga could still sense his presence
foreign lands to save them. collection of independent provinces ruled by often if they focused. He was far away. within a vast
Instead, they are content to warring tribes. the area has come to be known by cloud that obscured his face and features. TIley
warn new abominations of outsiders as the Ivory Kingdoms. knew he lived, but lillie more. Only the
the hazards of following the
atlractive visions lhrough This area is mainly dense jungles with abominations could see beyond this cloud: they
the AklIsha. hoping that the scattered centers of dense population, splintered could feel the change in him sense him growing
Cull of the Desuoyer will by savage rivers and extreme terrain features stronger by the day.
someday fester away. (cliff faces and majestic waterfalls measuring Over the nexl generation Naga abominations
hundreds of feet in heighl alongside impossibly were drawn 10 this myslerious figure. lost
(Continued) old ruins formed of immense stone slabs. buried somewhere beyond the Shadowlands. Alone or in
beneath centuries of peat moss and sediment). small groups, many followed him picking at his
The Ivory Kingdoms has few established wounded trail through the Akasha like a long line
borders (excepling the obvious natural of breadcrumbs. Until they found the ruins...
boundaries at its far edges - the Spine of the As stated above. the place that Kashal had
World mountains along its northern edge, the discovered was a long·abandoned temple 10 the
ocean 10 the soulh, desert to the west. and the Ivory Kingdoms Goddess of Rebirth. Shiva. JUSI as
Shadowlands and Shinomen to lhe east). The KashaJ before them, lhe goddess appeared to the
groups who live here are devoted to a wide new arrivaJs. promising them rebirth in exchange
pantheon of often conflicting deities. Their faith for service. Recognizing a common bond between
the the Destroyer and their own Akasha. most
happily agreed. The rest were quickly dispatched are trained to differentiate them. sensing a slight
by her new disciples. Shiva assured them that this glow from within their smooth surface.
action was for the best. and that the primitive Pearls of this type are Ranked 1-5. and act as
souls of the fallen Naga would return 10 the vessels for Elemental Spell Effects up to their
Akasha for another cycle. Rank. To determine which effects can be
Today. the Cult of the Destroyer remains a channeled through a particular pearl. double the
powerful predatory force within the Ivory Rank. Any Spell in the game (of the correct
Kingdoms. They indulge in self·mulilation and Element) whose Mastery Level is equal to or THE CulT OF THE
wage Shiva's wars, hoping she will bless them lower than this value may be channeled through DrSTROYER
"..ith a normal life once their service to her is the pearl. (COHTIMlED)
For e:uzmple. a laMa acquires a Rank 2 Earth Mean\\tLUe. the cull
thrh'CS within its secluded
pearl. He may cast "Calling Ihe Elements" locale. OJief among their
\ [Mastery Level 41 through it. bul may not use it practices art ritual scan1n&
for "Benevolent Protection of Shinsei" [Mastery (on the face. IOISO, and

arms. '1.1 Im sah'CS can
IV: Level 7).

Casling Spells through such pearls acts just as

easily be applied 10 "sculpt"
their rmaJ appearance) and.
fulfilling the wishes of their

P~a~11s Of tb~ casting speUs using scrolls. So long as the Jakla

has had a chance to study an effect. he may
savior. Shh'a
They percrive the
goddess to be one with the
attempl iL 'ote thai attempting 10 cast a Spell he

dak~1 has never witnessed in action increases its TN by Akasha. a walking

manifestation of Aunan. aD
10. avatar of perfection. SJw! IS
As would be expected. pearls may not be used what they Slrive 10 be. and
for Spells outside their ElemenL Earth pearls. for must therefore be perfed. in
instance. cannol be used for Air Spells. word as much as in spirit
There are no Void or Akasha pearls. The The abominations [ollow
Elemental allunement of a pearl is designated by her command to the letter,
engagmg in one scarcely
As introduced in Chapter Three. Naga Jakla the component Element which it is most understood campaign after
derive their magical power from pearls they comprised from. Only one pearl has ever been another, deansing the world
harvest from the sea·beds guarded by the discovered which can channel Spells of more than for a fresh start.
Chameleon. These pearls are often also harvested one Element (see The "",ite PearL page 120). Since the formation of
by Rokugani divers seeking them for their beauty. Channeling Pearls may be used as many limes the Cult of the Destro)'Cr,
but until recently. few humans would have as the Jakla wishes. but lose a Rank of dtanneling two neighboring tribes have
been judged unfit by the
realized the awesome power they contain ... power each month, or when an Akasha Point is goddess. The dties or both
used to cast a Spell Effect Ihrough them. This lie in ruins today. Their
TYPES OF PEARLS effect is cumulalive; when the pearl is reduced to peoples have been returned
There are four general types of pearls in Rank O. it is destroyed. to the ashes from which
Rokugan. The first are mundane baubles - pretty. they were bom Perhaps ont
day they will reemerge.
but powerless. These are often left behind by the Spell-Specific Pearls stronger and more prepared
Cobra and Chameleon 10 provide humans with a Pearls are sometimes alluned to a spedfic to handle the rigors or the
satisfying boon when they are found. They range Spell Effect instead of an ElemenL Such pearls world ...
in size from the smallest pebble to roughly an can be the result of natural selection. though this
inch in diameter. and are prized accordingly. is very rare. More frequently. powerful Jakla have
Pearls of more than one koku in worth are rarely modified a Channeling Pearl to casl a Spell in a
priced; they are acquired, stolen. or given as gifts particular way (increasing its duration. range,
to treasured lovers. damage, etc.).
These pearls are also Ranked 1-5, and gain
Channeling Pearls one Free Raise per Rank for the Spell Effect they
The serond type is the ~standard~ pearl used are alluned 10. These Raises can be used to
by Naga Jakla They rarely look any different modify any partS of the Spelliisled In the "Raises"
from standard pearls Oike those above). but Jakla line of its entry.
No Spells olher lhan lhe one lhe pearl is The Pearl of Water
attuned to may be cast using lhis kind of pearl. Base TN: 5 [Use Water Ring to roll]
These pearls are never found randomly or Casting tl.llle: 1 Action
given frivolously. They are created by the highest Duration: 1/2 Hour
level Jakla during extremely rare magical Mastery: N/A
conjunctions. Gamemasters should include these Concentration: None
pearls at lheir discretion. Raises: Duration
Effect: Allows the target to breathe
There are several unique Named Pearls underwater as if he had gills. Each Raise increases
ads that have cropped up These pearls are legendary. fabled, or the Duration by 1/2 Hour.
over the centuries which otherwise obscure. and have specific,
have been snatched up by predetermined effects lhat may be cast by Jakla of The Pearl of Wisdom
competent Cobra or greedy
~ugani. Two examples of
suffident ability. Several examples of named Base TN: 10 [Use Fire Ring to roll]
these treasures and their pearls follow. Casting TIme: 3 Actions
abilities are given here. Duration: 10 Turns
The Pearl of Movement Mastery: N/A
The White Pearl Base TN: 25 [Use Air Ring to rollJ Concentration: Full
Only one White Pearl Casting Time: 4 Actions Raises: Duration, Effect
has ever been found. lis Duration: 1 Turn Effect: Adds 2 Ranks to anyone Lore Skill.
albino surface and shadowy Mastery: N/A Research. or Investigation (or grants lhe Skill at
center arc enchanting, often
eliciting extreme emotions. Concentration: None Rank 2). Each Raise can increase this effect by 1
The While Pearl acts as Raises: Duration Rank or increase the Duration by 5 Turns.
a receptacle for spells of all Effect: Doubles the target's Reflexes for
erements. It can contain one purposes of Initiative. The Duration may be The Pearl of Combat
spell within it indefinitely, increased by one Action per successful Raise. Base TN: 15 [Use Fire Ring to rolll
until a Jakla wishes to use Casting TIme: 3 Actions
e effect To infuse the spell The Pearl of Strength Duration: 1 Turn
into the pearL the Jakla
must roll his School Rank + Base TN: 15 [Use Earth Ring to rollJ Mastery: N/A
Element with the chosen Casting TIme: 3 Actions Concentration: Casual
spell \IS. (the Mastery Level Duration: 10 Turns Raises: Duration
of the chosen Spell xS). This Mastery: N/A Effect: Adds 2 dice (rolled. not kept) when the
process requires one full Concentration: Focused target is Attacking. When conducting a Full
hour. To release the spell
effect later, the Jakla must Raises: Duration, Concentration Attack, lhe effect becomes 1 die (rolled and kept).
roll against the Spell's Effect: The target's Earth Ring is considered The Duration is increased by 1Turn for every two
normal TN. one higher for the purposes of figuring Wounds. Raises.
The target suffers the full erreds of any Wounds
l1,e Pearls of Earth taken when lhe Spell wears orr. Each Raise can The Pearl of Defense
Only five of these blue· reduce lhe Duration by 1 Turn or Concentration Base TN: 15 [Use Air Ring to roll]
gray pearls have ever been by one level (minimum Casual). Casting Tl.Ille: 3 Actions
found. Eadl is Ranked from Duration: 1 Turn
1 to 5, respectively. When a
defender in combat is The Pearl of Air Mastery: N/A
carrying one of these. and Base TN: 10 [Use Air Ring to roll] Concentration: Casual
he Is not under the effects Casting tl.llle: 5 Actions Raises: Duration
of any other pearls or spells, Duration: 1 Hour Effect Adds 5 to lhe target's TN to be Hit
he may roll a number of Mastery: N/A When conducting a Full Defense. the effect
dice equal to the Rank of
the pearl against the total Concentration: Focused becomes 1 die (rolled and kepi) added to the total
Ollinber of Wounds taken. Raises: Casting Time. Duration. Effect target's defensive value. The Duration is increased
Success results in the Effect: Adds 5 to the TN of all Spells cast upon by 1 Turn for every two Raises.
fender ignoring all of the the target (plus 5 for every Raise devoted to
Wounds. Otherwise. he Effect). Each additional Raise can reduce lhe
takes all of the Wounds
immediately. Casting Time by 1 (minimum 1 Action) or
increase the Duration by 10 minutes.
that rival the Naga's in scale. They have
sophisticated interrelations and a complex
\ l understanding of the universe around them. How
can beings with no souls possibly achieve so

~~ndIX V: much?
Against these pressing questions. the Naga
must weigh the impending threat of the Second
Gam~ast~11ng Burning. They would love to take the time to
study the humans before emerging from their

tt1~ Naga
lairs. With years or even decades 10 spare, they
could quietly observe them. learning how their
interactions work and why they behave so
erratically. Then when the time was right, they
could establish a rapport with them and try to
reach some sort of mutual understanding.
Unfortunately. they don't have that luxury. The
Playing a Naga in the Emerald Empire is Foul is rising, and they must prepare themselves
essentially playing a stranger in a strange land. or be immediately destroyed. In the midst of that
When the Great Sleep came. humans didn't exist the ape-men are a nuisance at best, a threat at
nOI a single one walked the earth. Now, they're worst They cannot understand them, or convey
everywhere. swarming over the entire the nature of the threat in a way they can
countryside. They have built a civilization as vast perceive. The Rokugani would make invaluable
as it is alien and regard the Naga as freakish allies. but don't seem capable of learning what the
invaders in their territory. With lhe haze of the Naga know. They cannot fight both the Foul and
Great Sleep still fresh, a Naga PC must make the humans. and they cannot concentrate on their
sense of lhis upheaval while trying to forge a
bond between her civilization and theirs.
As slated earlier. the Naga have a
tremendously difficuh time understanding
Rokugani. Besides the physical and cultural
differences, Ihe two species have a fundamentally
different outlook on life. The Naga share a
collective soul, forming bonds of empal.hy and
trusl between them that can never be broken. . ..........

Human beings ha\'e nothing like that a fact

which eternally confounds their scaly
counterparts. Imagine meeting a group of people
born without hearing, who have no idea that
sound even exists and don't understand that other
people have a sense that they lack. Now imagine
trying to explain the music of birdsong or a
babbling mountain spring to them. That's what
the Naga are attempting with humanity.
In some ways, it's even worse than that
Humans are separate from the great collective
soul of Atman: from a Naga's point of view, they
have no souls. ANaga sees no difference between
a Rokugani, a Ratling, and the woodland
creatures that roam the Shinomen: all of them are
cut off from the Akasha and therefore lesser
beings. Yel humanity has clearly risen higher than
any other ~animal:' They have a complicated
society with art culture and engineering triumphs
task while relations with the Rokugani remain so Emperor's Courl, and they don't know why
unknown. Therefore the humans must be made humans can't simply feel each other's emotions
to understand - right now - or else all may be the way Naga can. While they can learn a great
10Sl In this environment bridging the enormous deal by observing and asking questions, they can't
gap between them is almost futile, grasp the fundamental underpinnings of
Aprospective Naga player must bear all of this Rokugani life. They're literally incapable of il
in mind before entering a campaign. His or her Naga players need to remember this during
the game. The player know why a Lion samurai
won't speak to the peasants or why a Scorpion
courtier lies to the Crane, but the Naga she's
playing won'l Everything is new, everything is
differenl And no matter how many times the
humans explain it nothing they do has any kind
of logic at all, The Naga PC's actions should renect
that. If she inadvertently offends a Crab samurai,
for example, she wouldn't accept his duel: not out
of cowardice or the desire to offend, but out of
simple ethics. To her, it's unnecessary bloodshed
that can be prevented through other means. She
might apologize, or attempt to make it up to him
in some way, but a duel? He's clearly mad.
Such incidents follow the Naga throughout the
campaign, confronting him or her wherever a
cultural clash occurs. Ii doesn't mean thai he or
she is constantly misunderstanding things (Naga
are quite intelligent, after all, and learn from their
•• mistakes). But their values are different, and they

will react accordingly. Naga can follow Rokugan's
rules: they just won't understand them.

character is has immediate concerns balanced out A LONE NAGA IN A HUMAN PARTY
by an intense curiosity (or some cases revulsion) Usually no more than one or two players will
for this new race of beings. The urge 10 be interested in running a Naga. This is fairly
understand humanity must be countered by the easy to accommodate; the Naga race simply
need to preserve the Naga, and to prepare for the becomes a de facto Mclan" to which the PC
return of the Foul. AI the same time, he's belongs. He takes orders from a superior, obeys
establishing relations with a new group of the edicts of his people, and has a set loyalty to a
individuals - creatures unlike anything he's ever group besides the adventuring party. In this case,
seen before. As strange and different as they may the "group" isn't a clan of samurai, but an entire
be, he may begin seeing admirable Qualities in race of beings.
them, and even if he doesn't he's still gal to play The key difference, of course, is that the Naga
it cool. In short, playing a Naga is nothing at all are strangers. They have only recently awakened
like playing a samurai - or any other human from their thousand·year sleep, and have yet to
being, for that matter. venture into the world ell masse. Lone Naga PCS
It is vital for every Naga player to divorce have ventured forth from their homes in order to
himself from Rokugan's culture. After playing achieve some goal - either to warn the Empire of
LSR for awhile, most players have the nuances of Fu Leng's rising power, or to learn about human
life in the Emerald Empire down pat. They'll have culture for the rest of Naga society. Some are even
to throw all that out if they want to playa snake hostile to the Empire, securing information thai
man. Naga don't understand Rokugan and ihey may help Ihe Naga in a coming conflict. Whatever
never will. They don't know why someone would Ihe reason, the character has been sent out into
kill himself at another man's orders. they can't Rokugan with a specific purpose in mind. He
understand the complex social patterns of the cannot depend on fellow ~c1an members" to help
him. and Lhe Empire doesn't recognize any come to harm. Add to that the fact Lhat they're
authority he may have (aiLhough things may be now in a foreign oountry. surrounded by creatures
differenl within Lhe confines of Lhe Shinomen). they barely comprehend. If Lhey cannot depend
Instead. he has his fellow PCs. A group of on each other, they will surely perish.
hiendly humans to help him through any Such unity lends to follow Lhe pattern of other
misunderstandings and speak on his behalf role·playing games. where Lhe characters are loyal
would be just the thing he needs to fulfill his to each other first and Lhe rest of the world later.
mission. The other characters become his support While they can return to Lhe Shinomen if they
group. helpmg him through the new Empire he musL, there are few other Naga aboul and most
finds himself in. In exchange. Lhey gain an ally in humans have no idea how to deal with them.
this mysterious race - and perhaps even more. Therefore, they're going to tend to watch each
The GM should probably set up an ad\'enture other's backs more, and depend more upon fellow
based around the Naga's nrst meeting with the PCS lhan a given clan or daimyo. While this
rest of the party. and the circumstances that removes some of the political elements or L5R, it
would allow some trust to form between them. can make the players feel more comfortable, and
Once that has been established, the campaign can also give them a chance to approach Rokugan's
quickly settle into a typical L5R scenario. The Byzantine society from a whole new perspective.
Naga PC may have different philosophies than Don't feel as if you have to ban standard
the others (as well as different goals and different Rokugani PCS from this scenario. A Naga party
masters). but can still serve as a valued addilion may ha\'e one or two humans sprinkled into Lhe
to Lhe party. As long as Lhe Naga player keeps his mix if some players are still interested in samurai.
character's unique background in mind. things If Lhis is the case, Lhe human(s) probably serve as
should progress normally. guides or diplomats. helping these new creatures
understand the world around Lhem. They might
AN ENTIR£ PARTY OF NAGA also \'enture into Lhe Shinomen to learn more
The challenge of playing a group composed about them.. much like Mirumoto Daini has. In
solely of Naga can be enticing to L5R players some ways, it's a reversed \'Crsion of Lhe -lone
looking for someLhing difrerenl In this case, Lhe Naga" scenario.
characters are a1l outsiders in Rokugan - an Naga-based campaigns should probably
advance party sent 10 learn what they can about involve larger issues than human-based ones. The
Lhe hairless apes Lhat now walk the world. They Naga are concerned with the return of Lhe Foul
now have the chance to look at Rokugan from a and with understanding the new human culture
true outsider's eyes. around them. Adventures should be based around
All players must be thoroughly familiar wiLh those themes. They would not interested in more
the Naga philosophy before beginning such a subtle Rokugan interactions, such as hunting
campaign. Naga culture is as complex and down bandits or mediating a dispute over a
different from ours as Rokugan's is - in some border province. Such scenarios are of no concern
ways more. Every player should know it by hearl to the Naga: they have more important things to
for Naga culture will playa much larger role in worry about. (Of course. they can still become
the campaign. Once Lhat has been established. entangled in a human matter through the
gi\'e Lhe party certain long-term goals, similar to machinations of some scheme. But even then the
the ones outlined in Lhe ~Ione Xaga~ scenario Naga ha\'e options.) On the other hand. an
abo\'t. \\1th their mission(s) in mind. Lhey can expedition into the Shadowlands to reawer a lost
proceed with some sort of focus to guide Lhem artifact. or a journey into the Dragon lands to
Party unity amid such a group should be consult Togashi Yokuni would be right up a Naga
unbreakable: like playing a party full of Lion or party's alley. By looking at Lheir purpose in Lhe
Scorpion. only moreso. They may bicker among long lerm - Lhe prophecy of the Second Burning,
each other - the Asp fightmg with the a permanent relationship with Lhe humans - the
Greensnake. the Constrictor arguing wiLh the GM can craft an epiC story while staying true to
Cobra - but they are all bound by a common Lhe Naga philosophy. A campaign such as this
consciousness that transcends their individuality. puts Rokugan in a new perspective, and might be
Naga don't kill Naga Ever. And at the end of the just the thing a jaded group needs 10 rejuvenate
day. they will die rather than sec one another their excitement for the Emerald Empire.
Tactical Deck (30 Cards)
3 x Another Time
\ \ 3 x Burst of Speed
3 x Charge
3 x Defensive Position
3 x Frenzy
3 x Grim Determination
3 x Know lhe Terrain CLAN WAR: NAGA
3 x ATime for Heroes STRAT£GY
3 x Tall Grass
3 x Advantage of Cover Naga armies function
differently than any of
the other armies in a,,,,
ARMY TACTICS "m: Culturally, the N
This army negales the Ranged AlLack are very interdependent...
advantage of opposing armies by pushing which holds true of their
A Clan "l:zr Naga Army by Ken Carpenter forward with combat unilS using Essence of Earth. units during military
Tall Grass. and Advantage of Cover to make them actions.
Koku PersonaiitylUn.itJltcmlSpeU difficult 10 hit (the enemy should be looking at If you ignore the
120 Naga Shugenja very high TNs al all limes). Use Know the Terrain interdependence of the
40 Pearl of Combat to approach behind as much cover as possible for Naga, your army win
30 Pearl of Movement as many units as possible (combat or ranged). lack cohesin~Dess and
30 Pearl of Earth Once engaged. the Pearl of Defense and the fall prey to more straight
18 Essence of Earth Pearl of Earth "ill make a Naga unit hard to hurt forward armies.
15 Counterspell in Close Combat The Naga Warlord's special By taking that
253 Unit Cost order "ill increase the offensive ability. and A interdependence into
Time for Heroes "ill allow the Warlord to use his account as you build, the
120 Naga Shugenja special order more than once per battle, Naga bemme an
40 Pearl of Defense Combat units should engage with a frontage of exuemely versatile army,
25 Pearl of Air 6 and a depth of 3. using high strike at all limes The Naga Shugenja
18 Gust of Wind unless the enemy has a narrow frontage and the enable the Naga to
15 Wind Borne Speed overlap/rank advantage bonus would be greater project power to any
20 Stagnant Air than the high strike. conflict on the table,
238 Unit Cost The Naga Bowmen units should approach while the Warlords
enemy units, firing when opportunity permits. decide when their unit
112 Naga Warlord until in good cover or until within close range. and army will most
325 Temple Guardians x 13 The units can then make use of the Pearl of benefit from their ability,
437 Unit Cosl Combat and Blessing of the Akasha to gain With careful
combat bonuses (the combination gives the construction of your
112 Naga Warlord Bowmen a total of +2 ATT and +2 DAM. Tactical Dedc, the
240 Naga Bushi x 16 including their normal + 1 DAM). Usc strong Warlords can use lhelr
352 Unit Cost firepower to protect your combat units' flanks. abilities nwnerous limes
Once an enemy unit is engaged. use Wind during the battle,
112 Naga Warlord Borne Speed and the Pearl of Movement to get providing crudal
240 Naga Bushi x 16 another Naga unit into the enemy's flank.. causing modifiers when an
352 Unit Cost the enemy problems. Break the unit as quickly as advantage is needed.
possible and then move to the nexL Use the Pearl
180 Naga Bowmen x 9 of Movement and Wind Borne Speed to prevent
an enemy flanking attack.
]80 Naga Bo\\men x 9

1992 Total Cost

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