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Task 4

1- Pevent adding & in SEO

We have an issue is that any product that contain & in seo will not open this is an example

if you go to admin you can see the seo url is


if you changed to new_test_for__seo_2852_1

just remove the & it will work

but seller don’t have option to add SEO

for seller SEO is generated automatically from the product name

so we need to Prevent using & when generating SEO url

task 2 - Add to history for main orders + tracking code

In admin seller order we need to add Aramex tracking code , before it was showing libanpost tracking but now
we are not using it so we need Aramex tracking code here


If you enter the details of the order from here we can’t modify order status

This example of order 1062

from here can’t modify admin status

we must go to sales orders as here

what we need is to add change order history from directly the seller order page

task 3 – we have cron job that changes seller order status *automatically* according to tracking code status of

We need when seller order status is changed to Completed/delivered ( this will happen automatically and it is

Task is: when seller order status is completed then admin will change automatically to complete

If multiple orders so all the orders must be completed so that admin is also completed

Ex: order 1 and order 2

When they both delivered then admin status is completed if only one it will stay as it is not changes
Task 4-

In seller orders page we need to add

Here but in a good shape

Total shipping

Total admin coupon used ( N/A )

Total seller coupon ( any copoun other than N/A )

Task 5- Fix view of special price from seller page

Task 6 – easy just add seller name of payment

If you go to stores
Then enter any seller example

If you scroll you will find

Store Bank Detail

This is the seller payment details we need to add this field in >>>
Commission invoice page

Inside the invoice

Add it here under E-mail we need to add the field before so when making payment we can know directly the
same of the seller without going back to his details.

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