Rough Draft

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Process note:

My target audience is public people, they can easily understand my description

and argumentation in my research essay. I will explain terminology into plain words

to make them easier to follow my statement. My essay subject in psychology aspect

of Chinese parenting style that influence children’s relationship with parents. From

my perspective, parenting style is an attracting topic that makes many students and

parents interested. Because this is what happening in our life.

I’m planning to find essays from pervious scholars that best match my thesis. I’m

going to rewrite my annotated bibliography and maybe the first draft. To gather data

as primary sources, I will create an online questionnaire about parenting style.

Changes I have made so far to my project is the research proposal, I rewrite the

elements that too complicated. For instance, my thesis is too complicated with

multiple questions, so I deleted some of those questions that are less relevant to the

main thesis I want. Furthermore, I added some details of primary sources like

collecting data by using the questionnaire. I also changed the form into the MLA

standard. My current draft analyzes the second sources that conform to my thesis and

main statement. Even though it’s my first time to write such long and complicated

essay, I believe I can successfully write my own research essay.

Rough draft

In the process of rearing children, there are many aspects that contribute to

cultivate a healthy and well-developed child. The parenting style is one of the most
important aspects that help children to grow. For most families, in order to raise their

children in “correct” ways, parents tend to follow some kinds of structure that makes

their children achieve their expectations. There are several types of parenting styles.

The “authoritarian” and “authoritative” parenting style seems like the most popular

style that used by many families between America and Chinese (Chao1111).

Among the Chinese parenting style, the most popular one is called “authoritarian”

style because Chinese parents are often called “strict” and “authoritarian”. What

“authoritarian” mean is that this is an obsessive, intolerant style. This is the definition

of western, and not all the same as Chinese parenting style. The most Chinese

parenting style is called “authoritarian”, but it is not the same implication as Western

standard. Rather than the common meaning of “authoritarian “, the “authoritarian”

style used by Chinese is different. The statement that most Chinese family use

“authoritarian” style, this may be a stereotype. For the reason that there is actually

little relationship between Chinese parents and “authoritarian”. Chinese parents are

more involved in parental concern, caring, and company. While the Western definition

of “authoritarian” is equal to domination, aggress, and not believe in their children

(Chao1112). For the difference of culture diversity, there have many different

implications of parenting styles. Chinese parenting styles mainly focus on keeping the

family organized, achieving social expectations and performing well in school. The

standard of “authoritarian” style is not always accord with Chinese parenting style. In

Chinese tradition, they followed the role made by Confucious --- chiao shun and

guan. This is a concept that follows this reasoning: people are defined by how they
get along with others; relationship is in the stepped form; and by attaching importance

to relationship, each party maintain the social order (Chao1113). By using examples

from Confucious’ norms of parenting style, we can differentiate “authoritarian” style

and traditional Chinese parenting style.

After developing the process of argument, my secondary sources conclude that

“authoritarian” style is significantly more used in Chinese parents than America

parents. This finding supports the society expectation of Chinese parenting style.

To compare with this secondary source, another discusses more about children

development under certain kind of parenting styles. Although the first secondary

source states that the “authoritarian” style results high score in school, it does not

discuss the other aspects including influences on children. While for the second essay,

it not only states the “authoritarian” Chinese parenting style, but also make further

explanation about children development and different parenting style impacts. On the

opposite, Yiyuan Xu, Jo Ann M. Farverb, Zengxiu Zhangc, Qiang Zengc, Lidong Yud,

and Beiying Caie found the “Authoritarian” style results in the highest “perceived

parenting distress” and “mother – child dysfunctional interaction ratings” (529).

The method of the first secondary source through using questionnaire and 5-point

Likert scale among America mothers and Chinese mothers to test the rate of

“authoritarian/authoritative” style. Both America and Chinese mother have the

equivalent average age, they all received the same level of education and upper-

middle class. It also used ANOVA and MANCOVA to measure and analyze the

research data. The second secondary source uses Parenting Stress Index-Short Form
yields three 12-item subscales (PSI-SF; Abidin, 1995). It also uses Child Rearing

Practices Report (CRPR, Block, 1981) to collect the data from mainland Chinese


Works Cited

Chan, Siu Mui, Jennifer Bowes, and Shirley Wyver. "Chinese parenting in Hong
Kong: Links among goals, beliefs and styles." Early Child Development and
Care 179.7 (2009): 849-862.

Xu, Yiyuan, et al. "Mainland Chinese parenting styles and parent-child

interaction." International Journal of Behavioral Development 29.6 (2005): 524-531.

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